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03-13-2015, 05:28 AM
Mom Says Bananas Were Infested With Spiders That Can Cause Hours-Long Erections

Is that a banana in your pocket, or have you just been bitten by a Brazilian wandering spider?
A British couple was horrified on Tuesday after they found a bunch of bananas they purchased from a Tesco store (http://www.bristolpost.co.uk/Dad-buys-Tesco-bananas-infested-spiders-bite/story-26159702-detail/story.html) were infested with spiders they believe to be Brazilian wandering spiders, the Bristol Post reports. The bite of that spider can cause a host of unpleasant symptoms, including a hours-long painful erections (http://www.livescience.com/4429-natural-viagra-spider-bite-erection.html) and death.
"I recognized [the spiders] because I remembered seeing a news story about them, so when I saw the cocoon it rang a bell and I thought I should check it, so I Googled it,”Maria Layton, of Bristol (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/earth/wildlife/11466651/Spider-that-can-give-men-four-hour-erections-found-in-Tesco-bananas.html), said, according to the Telegraph. There isn’t any indication her identification was confirmed by an expert.

She told the Telegraph she became even more concerned after the cocoon began to “unfurl,” and she shoved the bananas into a sealed box, which she put in the freezer to kill any spiders.
In response to her Facebook message, a Tesco representative instructed Layton to provide the company with more information about the product, including the barcode and the date and location where she purchased the fruit, but Layton appeared to want some from the company to come to her house to deal with her new spider problem.
“I’m more concerned about this being in my house and the wrapper being in the bin,” she replied.
Tesco did provide Layton with help handling the pest situation, though in a subsequent message a representative did request Layton’s contact information so the company could provide a “gesture of goodwill.”
According to the Telegraph, Layton said neither the Food Standards agency nor the Trading Standards agency provided her any help dealing with the spider. It’s unclear if she ever did get anyone to investigate the situation at her home, or ended up having to trust that her freezer took care of the spiders.
Huffington Post’s request for comment was not immediately returned by Maria Layton.



03-13-2015, 06:26 AM


FDA: 'Male enhancement' products deliver more than you bargained for

Three “male enhancement” products being sold online say they’re all herbal, but they contain hidden prescription drug ingredients and could be dangerous, the Food and Drug Administration said on Thursday.

The three contain compounds similar to the active ingredients in the erectile dysfunction drugs Viagra and Cialis, the FDA said. They can cause serious problems in men being treated for heart disease and should not be taken without a doctor’s supervision.

The names of the three products -- “Rock-It Man”, “Libido Sexual Enhancer” and “Stiff Days” -- leave little doubt what they are supposed to be used for. But while they are marketed as alternatives to the prescription drugs to be used without the guidance of a doctor, they are in fact virtual copies, without any oversight to ensure they are safe.

“FDA laboratory analysis confirmed that ‘Rock-It Man’ contains the undeclared ingredient hydroxythiohomosildenafil. Hydroxythiohomosildenafil is structurally similar to sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra, an FDA-approved prescription drug for Erectile Dysfunction (ED),” the FDA says in a statement.

“This undeclared ingredient may interact with nitrates found in some prescription drugs, such as nitroglycerin, and may lower blood pressure to dangerous levels. Men with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or heart disease often take nitrates.”

Testing confirmed similar findings in “Libido Sexual Enhancer” and “Stiff Days".

Anyone who has bought any of the products should just toss them, the FDA advises.

“Consumers who have experienced any negative side effects should consult a health care professional as soon as possible,” it adds.

“This notification is to inform the public of a growing trend of dietary supplements or conventional foods with hidden drugs and chemicals. These products are typically promoted for sexual enhancement, weight loss, and body building, and are often represented as being ‘all natural.’ FDA is unable to test and identify all products marketed as dietary supplements on the market that have potentially harmful hidden ingredients.”

http://vitals.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/03/21/17401199-fda-male-enhancement-products-deliver-more-than-you-bargained-for?lite= (http://vitals.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/03/21/17401199-fda-male-enhancement-products-deliver-more-than-you-bargained-for?lite=)

Three “male enhancement” products being sold online say they’re all herbal, but they contain hidden prescription drug ingredients and could be dangerous, the Food and Drug Administration said on Thursday.

The names of the three products
-- “Rock-It Man”, “Libido Sexual Enhancer” and “Stiff Days”
-- leave little doubt what they are supposed to be used for. But while they are marketed as alternatives to the prescription drugs to be used without the guidance of a doctor, they are in fact virtual copies, without any oversight to ensure they are safe.

This notification is to inform the public of a growing trend of dietary supplements or conventional foods with hidden drugs and chemicals. These products are typically promoted for sexual enhancement, weight loss, and body building, and are often represented as being ‘all natural.’ FDA is unable to test and identify all products marketed as dietary supplements on the market that have potentially harmful hidden ingredients.”


New sex drug for men in too much of a hurry

Call it the anti-Viagra. It's not a product for the man who can't get the party started. It's for the man who ends the party too soon.

Competition is heating up to treat premature ejaculation, or PE, which may afflict one-in-three men at some point in their lives—and not just when they're teenagers.

Yet while Viagra, Cialis and Levitra are multibillion-dollar impotency drugs for Pfizer, Eli Lilly and GlaxoSmithKline, the PE market is in the start-up phase. "How can these billion-dollar companies in the ED space not come up with a product?" asked Jeff Abraham, CEO of Absorption Pharmaceuticals.

His 4-year-old company makes and markets Promescent, an FDA-approved, over-the-counter spray to treat PE. The spray uses lidocaine to reduce sensitivity and allow for longer performance. It is absorbed quickly so as not to be transferred to sexual partners. "It doesn't diminish the climax," said Abraham.

A rival product called Tempe uses prilocaine and is coming to market in Europe. It was created by Dr. Mike Wyllie, the man who invented Viagra. That drug has even received joking attention from late night host Jimmy Kimmel, who noted: "My parents live in Tempe."

Jokes aside, the real question is, what's taken so long? Way back when, Masters and Johnson determined that the average man reaches climax in about four minutes, while the average woman takes 10 to 20 minutes.

Men who suffer from PE usually don't last more than a minute. Current treatments include off-label use of antidepressants, which can have side effects. New products aim to avoid that.

Abraham said Promescent sales will hit $1.5 million this year and top $4 million in 2014. He credits the product's growth to referrals from a network of urologists.

Most sales are online, though Abraham is negotiating with retailers for more brick-and-mortar space.

The story of how Promescent came to market, though, is complicated by tragedy. The product was created by Dr. Ron Gilbert: "A guy you'd want your sister to marry," said Abraham.


03-15-2015, 04:50 AM
who likes spiders now?

03-15-2015, 11:40 AM
I do niceeeee

03-15-2015, 12:12 PM
Does Spiderman bite himself?...

"The erection of a Spider-Man statue in a children’s playground has not gone down…well."
