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06-18-2004, 05:16 AM
Its called freedom of speech. I can say anything I want to. Its what the founding fathers founded this great nation on. I love this country for that reason. I love T- girls they are awesome. Ive been wtih many. I was just commenting on a comment that was posted. What is so wrong about that. I dont think that there is anything wrong about that. Regarding Wendy Williams I dont have anything against her but please, I dont find her attractive and I was just questioning why the post made that comment. Well If have hurt any feelings I am deeply sorry. Lets just get over this and love our HUNGANGELS.

06-18-2004, 05:39 AM
No you can't say anything you want to because there is no freedom of speech online. This is a website, run and operated by a cool bunch of guys for other cool guys to talk about shemales, and we don't ask for much. For the most part everyone on here has acted in a polite manner and we've build a nice little community on here. Name another board where tgirls post actual comments and not just escorting visit dates.

We don't want to have to impose a harsh abu gharib-like set of rules and regulations, but posts like yours don't help matters. Don't like a girl? Don't respond in a post about her. It's that simple. We don't tolerate personal attacks on other posters here. And you've demonstrated that your dislike for Wendy goes way beyond a regular non-attraction. If you have a legit beef with Wendy, speak on it. If not shut the fuck up.

peaches already chased 3 girls off of these boards, we don't need more leaving, especially when we're trying to get more to interact with us.

Play nice and we all get along.

06-18-2004, 06:17 AM
If you had handled your post as you just did then there would be no problem HOWEVER you NEVER handle it as you just did you always are rude and viscious when my name is brought up and this isnt the first time, its fine if you dont find me attractive but you always add insult on top of it and thats why you were asked to stop. You have all the freedom you wish but you DONT moderate or own this board therefore there are rules and personal ATTACKS arent allowed on this board especially with members like myself, allanah, vicki, tara, joanna ETC the board was brought for chatting about our community, posting pics, comparing memories or meetings BUT not to constantly slam and or put us down. I told you last time you went out of your way to make rude comments about me that I DONT care and you arent HURTING my feelings that is for sure. However all the guys respect the girls on here and you are NO exception.


06-18-2004, 06:39 AM
I'm not going to defend Litslover (I can't, I disagree with his post, and manner of posting), but the Admins here are incredibly biased: "We don't want to have to impose a harsh abu gharib-like set of rules and regulations, but posts like yours don't help matters. Don't like a girl? Don't respond in a post about her. It's that simple. We don't tolerate personal attacks on other posters here. And you've demonstrated that your dislike for Wendy goes way beyond a regular non-attraction. If you have a legit beef with Wendy, speak on it. If not shut the fuck up."
That's fine, admirable even, but they allow Megabody to continue with his threatening and belligerent posting, for instance in the current Sylvia thread. Anyone who dares to voice a contrary opinion is immediately labelled peaches. How's about asking him to moderate his behaviour somewhat? Will never happen, will it?
Didn't think so.

06-18-2004, 06:42 AM
Thats fine you can take up for him all you like I just will choose as my fellow sisters have not to post or visit the site and chat with the guys, guys you have my email and are welcome to email me at anytime. To those who truly love shemales I thankyou for your insight and love for those who are here to degrade and put us down I hope you learn to admire all beauty not just physical attributes that fade away.

Wendy Williams

06-18-2004, 01:09 PM
I have no problem with freedom of speech litslover, Hell until recently I have defended your right to shoot off your mouth. However My parents taught me..... you had better check your mouth at the door and think before you speak because if you don't then you had better be ready for the outcome. the way you posted in the Wendy compared to Lohan thread was not objective you could have said something to the effect " i don't see it." "Lohan is prettier" or something to that effect..... but the way you typed it made it sound like Wendy was the ugliest person around and HOW DARE someone even hint at beauty in her. That type of comment will cause people like me go charging into battle because in my eyes it is a personal attack.

This goes out to Wendy and the other hothungangels.........Don't leave I love reading your posts.

This is all I have to say

06-18-2004, 01:38 PM
so sid what do u suggest we do about mega?

06-18-2004, 03:14 PM
Listlover has been taking shots at Wendy for months now. I like the fact that Wendy visits the site, are we going to lose her now because of listlover constantly insulting her?
There alot of people who have been here along time and have contributed to the site in many different ways but when you get some new jack that comes in here and just starts insulting people thats when someone should step up and put that person in check.
Mega has kept the house in order many times!
You'll also notice that the trouble makers are rookie posters who have posted less that 10 times.

06-18-2004, 05:07 PM
wendy, it would mean a great deal to all of us (im sure i dont need clarification from everyone) if u change ur mind and come and visit us. just beacuse of one guy, u shouldnt let all ur other fans suffer. think about it girl. i plead u to come and change ur mind. we all love u and let me say u r one of the most beautiful girls (this include real girls too) i have ever seen. so pls come back for we all luv and adore u.

it would not be the same without u girl. we miss u already :cry:

06-19-2004, 05:33 AM
When guys post girls who I find unattractive I say, hmm,... to each his own. I'm sure I've posted pics of my favorite girls that people say: 'what a pig'. On the other hand, Listlover has no respect for other people's views. Worse, he personally disrespects a girl who is part of our community. Wendy participates in our forum and shouldn't have to read some lowlife posting about her not looking feminine enough. To post on HungAngels is a privledge, not a right. Listfuck should be terminated for good.

06-19-2004, 06:17 AM
Ok well this forum is realy cool but I cant believe some one cant voice there opinion. I love shemales. I wish I could go out with Allanh. There is a woman, she could proably win the Miss America contest. I would kust like to apologize to Wendy for my comments earlier. I hope she accepts. I was rude for them.

06-19-2004, 08:51 AM
so sid what do u suggest we do about mega?
Look, I'm not suggesting that you ban him or anything, but some of his posts are outright threatening. Others are just outright nonsense. Personally, I think he's just a bit of a bully, who knows that the net is a great place to hide - he knows full well that he's never going to have to back himself. Most people grow out of that, he doesn't appear to have. I think that perhaps you need to ask him to retract some of his wilder assertions when circumstances demand this. Whilst I don't give a toss what he says, there must be others who feel unable/unwilling to post for fear of starting one of his tantrums. In fact, I know this is the case - a couple of people approached me about this at another board I used to frequent. I suggest that you politely ask him to show a little consideration for the opinions of others - at the very least, whenever he completely loses it, perhaps you could post an admonishment?
BTW - I don't want this to turn into another word of words Megabody, as those tend to degenerate into childeshness on all sides. I suspect that some of the offence you cause is merely culturally based - I'm just asking that respect other posters.

06-19-2004, 09:50 PM
SidChromeAU = peaches

06-19-2004, 10:33 PM
this is some punk shit, you're scared to post because of megabody?
and i don't know what the big deal over what LITSLOVER posted. It's just words people, let them roll off your back like water on a duck. Some of you guys (and girls) need to get thicker skin.

06-19-2004, 11:44 PM
i don't know what the big deal over what LITSLOVER posted. It's just words people, let them roll off your back like water on a duck. Some of you guys (and girls) need to get thicker skin.

Like i hinted at earlier i believe in the right of free speech. If the words were directed at me hell no problem i can take it and dish it out no problem. :evil: If the comment was based upon just an honest opinion I.E.(no i don't think she is, or i think that the other girl is prettier) again no problem opinions vary fact of life :x But how he wrote it and how i was perceived it was very insulting towards Wendy and towards the orginial poster of the topic thread, so it was bound to elicit a response from Wendy and her friends and admiriers. From what i have heard here in this thread it wasn't the first time this has happened so it stands to reason that tempers are bound to flair. As for the Mega issue i have read a few of his posts and they are a bit brash and if you are going to admonish you should admonish across the board and not just a few select people while letting the others off.

All and All litslover apoligized and that personally is good enough for me if it happens again then we will deal with that bridge when we come to it.

06-20-2004, 07:38 AM
SidChromeAU = peaches
Jerry, I'm sure that the Admin staff have the ability to trace my IP, and to therefore determine that I am not, in fact, Peaches. Frankly, I didn't think much of Peaches either. Some of you guys are just so precious, aren't you? Since when has a request for decorum, and the imposition of a uniform code of behaviour amongst all of us, been considered so threatening? All I asked was that we all try to use decent manners.

06-20-2004, 07:43 AM
this is some punk shit, you're scared to post because of megabody?
and i don't know what the big deal over what LITSLOVER posted. It's just words people, let them roll off your back like water on a duck. Some of you guys (and girls) need to get thicker skin.
d - re-read my post. I'm not at all concerned by Mega - almost all bullies are poseurs, not worthy of fear. I stated that others are put off by his behaviour. Ponder this: whilst this is a good board, it lacks substance on some levels. Partly, I suspect, because whenever a real discussion is attempted any contrary opinions are immediately shot down by one or two self-appointed leaders of this community. It tends to kill debate.

06-20-2004, 08:25 AM
I'm up for what Sid is saying. If everyone just had a little more respect for other peoples postings (as well as their feelings) and only posted if they had something to contribute to the thread instead of just shooting people down for the hell of it, it would make the forum better.
The bad commentary on Wendy was just uncalled for - I don't think she looks like Lindsay either but there was no need to use slurs about the individual.

06-20-2004, 11:56 AM
I'm up for what Sid is saying. If everyone just had a little more respect for other peoples postings (as well as their feelings) and only posted if they had something to contribute to the thread instead of just shooting people down for the hell of it, it would make the forum better.
The bad commentary on Wendy was just uncalled for - I don't think she looks like Lindsay either but there was no need to use slurs about the individual.

Whats your problem sean, How dare you use rationality in this forum?! The potshots at Wendy are retarded, if you see some of the more amature girls who are trying to pass as women, you'd consider Wendy a god. Even putting her against other established stars, she's good looking.

I also think megabody needs to relax abit, I realize you take the internet seriously mega, but c'mon dude threatening peoples lives over it might be a bit excessive.

06-20-2004, 07:27 PM
True this is a country of free speech by law but we are all adults (hopefully), & if so you know that statement is just not true all of the time. Sometimes you are restricted by the terms of the situation.
There are some folks posting that have only paid a girl for 30 minutes in the back of a car & feel they are TS Experts. The fact is (& I am no Expert) that some dudes wish they could live like Mega. Mega is in it to win it & won't run & hide. He isn't playing Hide & Seek A Tranny like some. Sure he can be bold at times but that's just a person's nature. There's a big difference in being bold & being down right nasty towards someone. Its obvious Lits has a problem with Wendy & has threw personal shots at her numerous times. Mega has said things like jailhouse & dog to describe some photos but it wasn't personally directed at one individual numerous times. & to think Mega is some scared boy is silly. His arm is the size of my body & I'm sure he wouldn't back down to a physical challenge if anything I'm sure most are thankful he doesn't know where they live. :lol: Anyway I've rambled long enough but just don't think cause your on the web that you can bad mouth someone & expect it to roll off. Be nice about it. Don't compare Mega to Lits because they are totally different folks. Mega has been around, & has earned a little respect, just as all of the brave & honest TS girls that are HA members & post with us. HA is for TS lovers not HATERS. Check that SHIT at the door...

06-21-2004, 01:01 AM
Mega's last post in this string is exactly the sort of thing I am being critical of - I call for him to be asked to moderate his behaviour, and he continues with more of the same. Incidentally, Mega, don't you think that it's possible that you might be accused of cowardice too? After all, we live in different hemispheres, so the chances of you ever having to back yourself are pretty slim. To longman: I have never said I don't respect the man's experience (I actually do), I just don't think much of him - and the size of one's arms doesn't necessarily mean much in a fight, believe me. Regarding your hope that we are all adults, in my experience most adults have grown out of this sort of name-calling nonsense at about the same time that they entered senior school.

06-21-2004, 08:39 AM
Mega, I think you're missing the point somewhat. I have said previously that I respect your experience, I'm just asking that you not be so belligerent. It's uncalled for, and unnecessary. You really do seem to take every opinion that is contrary to your own as a personal insult - at least, your reponses to these seem to indicate this.

06-21-2004, 09:27 AM
Mega you ain't really looking for a good tranny seriously. You haven't been to T-land yet. Once back from there THEN you can state how hard it is.

Two coming soons from last trip.

06-21-2004, 10:57 AM
I enjoy the honesty and passion in Megabody's posts...and I like the belligerence. So maybe he's not a floofy kinda guy who'd sit prim and proper with pinky extended whilst enjoying tea time under some dainty umbrella.

06-21-2004, 12:50 PM
Consider this, Chet: would you tolerate that sort of antipathy directed towards yourself in the 'real' world. I think not - I know that I would not. Mega can be forceful in defence of his opinions without being outright hostile - and he frequently is disproprtionately hostile. Remember, too, that this community (here) isn't just composed of New Yorkers, or even solely Americans, but of people from all over the world - many of whom approach the world in a more subtle fashion (perhaps). Mega's brashness would be considered the height of bad manners in many places. If you really want to be inclusive, perhaps he needs to moderate this behaviour somewhat. I'm not suggesting he 'kiss arse' or anything like that, merely try to accept the point of view of others.

06-21-2004, 01:41 PM
If I deserved it I would.

06-21-2004, 03:32 PM
If I deserved it I would.
So, are you suggesting that merely by disagreeing with someone you are deserving of abuse? Surely there is room enough here for varying opinions. If Mega - or anyone else, this isn't really specific to him - disagrees, can't they just post to that effect?

06-22-2004, 12:00 AM
Whilst I respect your view Sid, we should call a truce and admire Seanchai's amazing picture. Banana's are my favorite fruit and I've never seen one look better. Mega, you like Thai food cause I'm ready to go.

06-22-2004, 03:05 AM
Actually, Mega, I don't think you would be as abrasive in person as you are in print. I, too, am a renowned shit-stirrer in my real life - but I've found that it frequently fails to 'translate' online. I think that possibly you don't realise quite what a poor impression you leave at times. And mate - I don't feel threatened by you, but I think that your manner is threatening. There is a difference. All I have asked is that you employ better manners - it may encourage more free-flowing discussion here.

Also, I don't understand why you referred to your relationship(s), as I have not brought them up - except, perhaps by inference when I stated that I respected your experience, which I honestly do. I hope you haven't misinterpreted that?
Finally, this seems to have become a very circular discussion: how's about we call a truce (for this string at least!) as Flabby has suggested? And perhaps remember that this string really kicked of when a lot of us ripped into Lits over his piss-poor manners. Something on which we'd all agree, surely?

06-22-2004, 06:20 AM
Incidentally, a friend has just emailed me a couple of shots of First (one of the girls Seanchai posted) from a set that appeared earlier this month on Asian TS. Looks like the girl is coming out! I look forward to Seanchai's shots, as his group of sites do it better than anyone (although some of the sites run by the girls themselves are pretty impressive).
Thailand is pretty much on my doorstep (well, a short flight away), and I have to say that a lot of these girls look much better in the flesh. Despite a cameraman's best efforts, sometimes film just doesn't do them justice. Even on film though, First and her mate look good enough to eat!

06-22-2004, 02:34 PM
Mega! dont change !
Thats my opinion now lets move on.

06-22-2004, 02:59 PM
There are many things is life you really need to change......often

1. your clothes, they get dirty :lol:

2. your underwear, in case your involved in an accident. :D

3. the oil in your car, about every 3000 miles. :wink:

4. the passwords on all your accounts, so you have more items to forget :roll:

5. cat's litter boxes, for cats demand that sort of thing :evil:

no here is the one thing you don't change unless you, yourself wants or feels they need to.......

1. your opinions, while the masses may never fully agree or understand what your opinion is, and sometimes you may have to temper your words with common sense. these opinions are yours and should stay yours until you decide to get rid of them. 8)

so keep it up hell i am Scotish and we all know a Scot loves to pick a fight now and then for no reason at all. :evil:

06-23-2004, 05:02 AM
Mugai_hentaisha, at what point did I ask that Mega - or anyone here - change their opinion. My point is - in part - that Mega tends to overwhelm any opinion contrary to his, and that good manners dictate that everyone here be allowed to express their diverse opinions. All of the sycophants jumping to Mega's defence should note that I am merely asking him - and anyone else here - to respect others. A major criticism I have of this board is the amount of people that get labelled 'Peaches' whenever they fail to toe the party line.
As far as I'm concerned, that's it for me. I'm tired of restating the obvious. I don't visit this board to fight.

06-23-2004, 06:49 AM
Works for me Mega. I'm starting to develop the sneaking suspicion that - if we didn't kill one another first! - we'd probably end up mates if we ever actually met. As far as I'm concerned, my point has been made - if people don't get it, fine - I've said my piece. Like I said, I don't come here to fight, I'd rather concentarte on the girls (wouldn't we all?).
Aside from anything else, i have to give you credit for your taste - Alexa is damn tasty. Have to ask one of the eternal questions, though: why are the hottest always either retarded, homicidal or just plain bad?
I know you like the trainee types, and I reckon this girls looks close, so enjoy.

06-23-2004, 11:24 AM
This girl is a complete bitch. Was in Brazil and having a party and I specifically asked for her to come, complete primadonna and acted all up herself. I had 12 guys and 16 T-girls on a boat outside Rio, fuck that, moved to the next one who was awesome with a great attitude.

06-24-2004, 07:15 AM
Damn Seanchai - when can we look forward to seeing this honey?

06-24-2004, 11:05 AM
Rafaelly - first saw her in one of Joey's videos and thought she looked great - then Luiz shot her for Brazilian-Transsexuals. Complete prima...the one in the pic was awesome and taken on the boat we were on. You'll next see her on brazilian-transsexuals.com