View Full Version : Perfect guy for a TS

07-26-2006, 03:11 AM
I know this is a wide-open thread, but i was just curious...I am almost 30 ,have been fulltime since i was 16,but i still dont know
i consider myself pretty smart and i def have my shit together....is there any actual hope of a real relationship with a guy who wants to be with a ts girl--and i dont mean 'tranny chasers' or anything like that (not that there's anything wrong with that) i guess what i mean is, i dont want a guy who is looking for me... i want the fairy tale, i want the dream... i dont want to have to always use the computer

07-26-2006, 03:13 AM
I hope so!

07-26-2006, 03:24 AM
thanks phat...
but im curious about all the guys out there...would they ever date a girl who told them she was ts? i have a great b/f, but i am aware that he doesnt understand fully my situation....so again, im not looking to hook-up, but i do want to know...how/what do you guys do in your relationships...i never lie, but i sometimes dont tell the whole truth

07-26-2006, 03:33 AM
thanks phat...
but im curious about all the guys out there...would they ever date a girl who told them she was ts? i have a great b/f, but i am aware that he doesnt understand fully my situation....so again, im not looking to hook-up, but i do want to know...how/what do you guys do in your relationships...i never lie, but i sometimes dont tell the whole truth

Oh for fucks sake, no guys understand girls. We can understand your mechanics, but the reasoning behind your motivations is never understood. And I'm not even really that much of a "guy".

Girls want to be treated like princesses, adored for their beauty, loved as comfidants and life partners, and not have to have any responsibility in a relationship other then looking cute and manipulating their man "to make him better".

It's bullshit. Two people want to be together, they talk and work things out. They don't talk, things don't work out. Chasing a fantasy is just that.

And chasing a fantasy is bullshit.

07-26-2006, 04:54 AM
I always wondered what a "tranny chaser" was. If a guy is into GG's and TS's, what's the problem. I hear lots of TS's say they prefer straight men, who aren't into transsexuals. I guess it's some sort of ego thing or reaffirmation of their feminity, when a man who supposedly only likes GG's will be so enthralled with them, that he would date her in spite of what is in between her legs. Funny thing, if that relationship ever ends, he will probably add trannies into the romantic/sexual mix from that point on, ironically making him a "tranny chaser".

This reminds me of big breasted women, who are turned of by men attracted to big breasts. There is a girl at my job, who is busty and wears tight, revealing tops, but gives you this "you fuckin pervert" look if your eyes so much as glimpse at her chest. GG and TS females frustrate themselves with these bogus "surface level" litmus tests of what a sincere man is, without listening to what comes out their mouth. I like GG's and TS's, don't have any attraction for men and don't see females as my personal sperm receptacle, but if I happen to go to one of Allanah's parties (which I attend maybe 3 tiems a year), some of the girls would write me off as a "tranny chaser", who's sole purpose is to act as a human ATM machine. That's why I've become very indifferent to females, as I don't have time for the armchair psychology B.S. When I go to a club, which is rare, I have a couple of drinks, enjoy the music and leave. If something jumps off fine, if not "oh well". I guess being a African-American male, I completely understand the notion of how a few bad apples can ruin everyone's perception, especially since they seem to advertise their buffoonery at the top of their lungs.

To make a long story short, I think females shoot themselves in the foot, by labeling guys before they get to understand where they are coming from.

07-26-2006, 05:00 AM
I always wondered what a "tranny chaser" was. If a guy is into GG's and TS's, what's the problem. I hear lots of TS's say they prefer straight men, who aren't into transsexuals. I guess it's some sort of ego thing or reaffirmation of their feminity, when a man who supposedly only likes GG's will be so enthralled with them, that he would date her in spite of what is in between her legs. Funny thing, if that relationship ever ends, he will probably add trannies into the romantic/sexual mix from that point on, ironically making him a "tranny chaser".

This reminds me of big breasted women, who are turned of by men attracted to big breasts. There is a girl at my job, who is busty and wears tight, revealing tops, but gives you this "you fuckin pervert" look if your eyes so much as glimpse at her chest. GG and TS females frustrate themselves with these bogus "surface level" litmus tests of what a sincere man is, without listening to what comes out their mouth. I like GG's and TS's, don't have any attraction for men and don't see females as my personal sperm receptacle, but if I happen to go to one of Allanah's parties (which I attend maybe 3 tiems a year), some of the girls would write me off as a "tranny chaser", who's sole purpose is to act as a human ATM machine. That's why I've become very indifferent to females, as I don't have time for the armchair psychology B.S. When I go to a club, which is rare, I have a couple of drinks, enjoy the music and leave. If something jumps off fine, if not "oh well". I guess being a African-American male, I completely understand the notion of how a few bad apples can ruin everyone's perception, especially since they seem to advertise their buffoonery at the top of their lungs.

To make a long story short, I think females shoot themselves in the foot, by labeling guys before they get to understand where they are coming from.

this sounds about right

07-26-2006, 05:21 AM
Like I've said here and elsewhere, girls want to have fun. Can't blame a girl for that (especially the really pretty ones).

TS girls should be respected very highly, because on many levels they have gone through and dealt with more shit then most people can imagine.

Personally, I just can't understand what the TS process is like. There's no way most people could. I try to understand it, but I can't. I'm just a nice guy and do what I can.

That's really all a decent guy can hope to do.

07-26-2006, 06:54 AM
I'm not going to beat this dead horse more than a little kick.

Awww, fuck it yes I am.

You can find what you want to find. There's 277 million people in this country. That means there's a lot of people into a lot of different things. There are plenty of guys that would willingly have a real time relationship with a T-girl.

I found a t-girl that wanted a relationship, just like I did. No secrets, no lies. It's all good. But I already knew she was a t-girl. So there was no big shocking secret to come at a later date, because I knew. I'm definitely not a fan of not telling, just because not telling breeds more not telling. Some would call that a lie.

What's the relationship like? We go out, we go to dinner, we go to the movies, we stay in and watch movies. The usual, normal stuff. She gets nervous sometimes when we walk down the street and there's a bunch of people standing around. I chalk that up to bad experiences in the past. I don't get nervous around people. Because I know people are going to think what they're going to think anyway. It's really not a big deal to me. You can't please everybody, as long as I'm happy.

07-26-2006, 07:30 AM
There is nothing to say on this topic! Either it happens or it doesn't!

07-26-2006, 07:48 AM
Tom Selis - that avatar is the cutest thing I've seen in a month. What a great iPod ad that would be. Who is she?
And WHAT IS IT about two bags of fat or silicone covered with skin that drives us so crazy? AH! :crazy

07-26-2006, 08:22 AM
it takes 2 to tango.....like tom said....there is someone for everyone....just cause the guy doesnt know , he gets the heads up instead of me....i dont think so....usually the guy is just a better liar than me....i rather be upfront than dishonest....cause the ts community is actually very small....

07-26-2006, 05:17 PM
I worry too much about disease... That is the only thing that stops me from going after t-girls... I know they are much more sexually active than most girls I date... Just an odds thing...

07-26-2006, 06:08 PM
I worry too much about disease... That is the only thing that stops me from going after t-girls... I know they are much more sexually active than most girls I date... Just an odds thing...

The only disease that concerns me is mental illness, both that of the many train-wrecks of relationships I've been in and that in myself in which the former was the primary cause.

After decades of "I love you just the way you are and I'll love you even more when I change you into who I want you to be" and "If you don't know why I'm mad at you, I'm not going to tell you", I finally threw in the towel, bought a therapy house, became the 'crazy cat guy' of the neighborhood, and voluntarily became the 'human ATM' because I just got too damned tired of all the pointless BS.

There's a saying I use now and then (Which, if I haven't already explained it elsewhere around here, I'll go into later - Though it's pretty self-explanatory): You only have to piss on a cat =once=. It goes to the idea that a cat learns quickly which people to avoid so that it can lead a happy, healthy life. Unfortunately, especially as it relates to relationships, people haven't really grasped this concept. The end result is that by the time some of us figure it out we are so irreparably damaged that we're permanently out of the race.

Like a Rolls Royce with a blown engine, great to hang out with, but not going anywhere.

Best advice: Go to the local college hangouts and find a nice computer or engineering 'geek', they're the ones most likely to have not been ruined by a first relationship yet. They're smart, usually enjoy good conversation (So you can learn about each other fairly well in a short time), and are typically pretty open-minded (Especially the engineers who will be fascinated as to how you managed to get two bodies onto a single chassis).

Best of luck.

07-26-2006, 06:23 PM
See, my thing has always been self-sabotage. A lot of people sabotage themselves, then wonder why. People want all of these things, yet the things they do to get them don't add up to what they want. Sometimes people say they want love, but the situation they're setting up doesn't lend itself towards love or even a decent relationship. This is what I mean by self-sabotage.

I always read (especially on forums like this), he doesn't take me out, I never met his family, he's embarrassed by me. Blah, blah, blah, ad naseum. Things like this aren't a basis of a good relationship to begin with, GG or TG. It's just not going to work out in the end.

This leads to the thinking "Guys only want my dick, guys are tranny chasers. I'm suspicious." I've never once heard of a guy that goes after GGs "pussy chasers." Because every guy isn't like that, every guy that goes after GGs don't cheat on them.

I mean, come on. If a guy isn't living up to your standards of a relationship, why be in a relationship with him? He's only going to dog you out in the end. If he only visits on the late nights, doesn't take you any where, doesn't do anything with you but blow your back out (or you blow out his). It's a booty call and nothing else. Doesn't matter what he looks like, whatever your standard of good looking is or ugly. It's still a booty call, calling it a relationship isn't quite true and it's you lying to yourself.

Relationships start with you holding your head high, rolling with the punches and taking whatever may come. It also starts when you start saying, "I'm not taking this shit." How do you find what you're looking for when you're in a relationship with a dud?

I give a lot of respect to girls that say: "You do know I'm a transexual?" or even better "I'm a transexual." It's a statement that demands respect.

07-26-2006, 07:09 PM
I give a lot of respect to girls that say: "You do know I'm a transexual?" or even better "I'm a transexual." It's a statement that demands respect.

Bra-fucking-vo! :claps

Though it is certainly situational. This isn't necessarily the first thing you say to a guy if you met him at a prayer meeting or the local gun show (Don't laugh, I know rather attractive GGs that shop at gun shows). But you can't build a decent relationship without basic communication about important facts.

"I'm Catholic"

"I'm Jewish"

"I'm a Democrat"

"I'm a Republican"

"I was born a boy"

"So was I. Wanna get something to eat?"

If I were to get into a conversation with a T-gurl I would be totally honest and say "Yah, it =is= about your dick", but if she has trouble spelling c-a-t, can't find Australia on a map of the world, and has to take her panties off to count to one, then I'm not all that interested.

And if she sez she wants me for =my= body, then I =KNOW= she has issues. :shock:

07-26-2006, 08:40 PM
I always wondered what a "tranny chaser" was. If a guy is into GG's and TS's, what's the problem. I hear lots of TS's say they prefer straight men, who aren't into transsexuals. I guess it's some sort of ego thing or reaffirmation of their feminity, when a man who supposedly only likes GG's will be so enthralled with them, that he would date her in spite of what is in between her legs. Funny thing, if that relationship ever ends, he will probably add trannies into the romantic/sexual mix from that point on, ironically making him a "tranny chaser".

This reminds me of big breasted women, who are turned of by men attracted to big breasts. There is a girl at my job, who is busty and wears tight, revealing tops, but gives you this "you fuckin pervert" look if your eyes so much as glimpse at her chest. GG and TS females frustrate themselves with these bogus "surface level" litmus tests of what a sincere man is, without listening to what comes out their mouth. I like GG's and TS's, don't have any attraction for men and don't see females as my personal sperm receptacle, but if I happen to go to one of Allanah's parties (which I attend maybe 3 tiems a year), some of the girls would write me off as a "tranny chaser", who's sole purpose is to act as a human ATM machine. That's why I've become very indifferent to females, as I don't have time for the armchair psychology B.S. When I go to a club, which is rare, I have a couple of drinks, enjoy the music and leave. If something jumps off fine, if not "oh well". I guess being a African-American male, I completely understand the notion of how a few bad apples can ruin everyone's perception, especially since they seem to advertise their buffoonery at the top of their lungs.

To make a long story short, I think females shoot themselves in the foot, by labeling guys before they get to understand where they are coming from.

you hit the nail on the head this is so true