View Full Version : Question are the words "shemale" & " tranny "...slurs?

12-16-2014, 05:03 AM
My question.

What makes the words "shemale" and "tranny" a slur? Is it because we're "taught" or "told"?

If they are slurs educate people on why, don't just say because it is and that it bothers you.

I see girls saying they're "slurs" and other girls embracing them as to take away the words power.

Growing up I was taught not to say or use certain words in a derogatory description of another person, weather directly or indirectly towards them.
Ni**er, Spic, wop, chink, wetback, coon, kyke, fag, dyke etc....
(please understand I only used those words as examples. I DO NOT say or use them). Now, I do hear people use those words towards each other:
1. A gay man calling another gay man a fag
2. A black man calling another back man a nigger
3. A girl calling her girl friend a slut or whore

Does this make it right to use these words? In my mind no it doesn't. I think only uneducated people use those terms towards people in a hurtful manor. Is there a proper time and place for those words, well YES there is. I just used them and I did so in a non-offensive way. Marketing is another useful place ie. Cum hungry whores, Anal addicted sluts....etc IT'S PORN!

If your offended by the words shemale and tranny then educate the uneducated.

Do I like being called a "White Cis-male"... No I don't. I actually find it offensive. Am I going to start a petition to get it removed from people or companies that pay me for my services? No! Why because if that's how people search for their product then so be it. That's how they get paid. If they aren't paid, well then neither am I.

So again "what makes the words "shemale" & "tranny" a slur?

12-16-2014, 05:33 AM
Yes. No. Whatever the answer was the last time. Or the time before that. Or ....

PS It's whether, not weather.

Merry Xmas.

12-16-2014, 06:14 AM
Do I like being called a "White Cis-male"... No I don't. I actually find it offensive.

Can you elaborate on this? I don't understand where your offense is being taken? Is it the white v. caucasian thing?

If it's not...isn't what people tripping over being about "made-up" terms? Rather than being P.C. about what kind of person they embody?

12-16-2014, 06:21 AM
words have no power on their own - its how they are used that deliver the meaning.

12-16-2014, 06:37 AM
dumb question....what does the word cis mean...i know the definition, but what is the root of the word? is it an acronym?

12-16-2014, 06:39 AM
btw, you can call me white, cis-male, caucasian, honkey, shemale, tranny, gay, tranny lover, late for dinner, garbage collector, baby, or a billionaire in a scene - I don't give a shit as long as you are paying me. this is a business. i got bills to pay.

12-16-2014, 07:03 AM
dumb question....what does the word cis mean...i know the definition, but what is the root of the word? is it an acronym?

I believe it is Greek, of the ancient kind. Ancient Greek has its uses, though it would be nice if we dumped some ancient Greek and ancient Roman for modern English.

Where are we on the OP? Oh shit, going round that one yet again.

12-16-2014, 07:05 AM
dumb question....what does the word cis mean...i know the definition, but what is the root of the word? is it an acronym?

From latin, meaning "on this side of", opposite of trans, which means "on the other side of".

12-16-2014, 07:21 AM
Where are we on the OP? Oh shit, going round that one yet again.

What do you mean by that?

And since you like correcting people. At least do some homework first before you blurt out a "S.W.A.G" ( aka Scientific Wild Ass Guess) CIS is Latin for "On the side of" as Trans is also Latin for "on the other side of".

As for the weather/whether reference. I posted from my phone and it auto corrected it that way for some reason.

The reason for the post in queation is in regards to Chelsea Poe wanting porn companies to remove the words "shemale" & "tranny" from their websites and how they market their product. Because she feels the words are offensive. I simply asked are those words "slurs" like the examples I gave. And if they are indeed slurs, what makes them slurs. OR are they slurs just because she finds them offensive?

12-16-2014, 07:48 AM
i think he is saying that because Steven & Eva Cassini already posted threads about this exact same topic.

12-16-2014, 07:51 AM

Does your phone auto-correct from hurtful manner to hurtful manor. As well as changing the weather?

Give me a break.

Please read Christian's reply. Summary. He's got bills to pay.

How about you?

12-16-2014, 07:54 AM
i think he is saying that because steven & eva cassini already posted threads about this exact same topic.


12-16-2014, 08:21 AM
I've read both of their post. Neither one answers the question. "What makes the words "Shemale" & "Tranny" SLURS?

I agree with Christian as far when I'm on shoots. As he and I are both "Tranny Chasers" in accordance to our respective DVDs. As you know Tranny Chaser is considered a rude or hatefull term by some people. Do we care, No.

As for the "Give me a break" comment. If your going to correct someone's spelling. (If you even own a smart phone. The auto correct screw ups do happen). Be sure you don't look like an ass doing it. So don't get all butt hurt when I correct you.

12-16-2014, 10:57 AM
Do I like being called a "White Cis-male"... No I don't. I actually find it offensive.

Can you elaborate on this? I don't understand where your offense is being taken? Is it the white v. caucasian thing?

If it's not...isn't what people tripping over being about "made-up" terms? Rather than being P.C. about what kind of person they embody?

Jamie French
12-16-2014, 12:00 PM
Why can't we just let idiots whistle in the dark?

Everyone stop acknowledging other people's pet peeves for the love of Pete. Ain't we got shit to do...?

12-16-2014, 05:13 PM
I actually deleted about 15 people off my Twitter feed yesterday including Chelsea Poe ... and today, my world is a better place. As Jamie states, let them whistle in the dark. They're trolling for reactions.

Everything I have to say on the matter is here : http://grooby.com/groobysteven/

As far to whether the word is a slur or not, if enough people in the group it was aimed at, decided that it was a slur, or if it was given in the manner of being derogatory by enough people, then I'd say that would be enough.

Jamie French
12-16-2014, 05:39 PM
To all the correct people: The absolute most degrading thing you can do to someone is flat out ignore them. If you don't respond to idiots they seethe with anger so hard that they develop headaches, might even develop aneurysms. Isn't that the kind of world you'd rather live in? One where you don't have to argue with wrong people... they're just super frustrated and hurt and maybe potentially die? You waste fewer moments of your life and someone awful goes away. It's a win/win.

Ts RedVeX
12-16-2014, 07:50 PM
I usually don't care if someone uses words like: shit, fuck, knobhead, nigger, whore, etc but in some circumstances, they are higly inappropriate. - Don't you think, Smith? I doubt it is necessary to explain why people may get offended when others use those words. Same story with tranny and shemale. I always say that there should be at least a blury border between people's professional and private spheres. Otherwise things get confused with other things. That confusion, along with other issues like: e.g. the need for feeling important, implies intolerance and extreme attitudes towards others, who have also lost their balance but swinged in the opposite direction - in these case, people who will hurt you for calling them shemale or tranny.