View Full Version : Are More Women Swearing Off Men?

10-04-2014, 01:29 AM
Sure seems like it. Neither of my two are in a relationship already past their mid 30's. Non of their friends are either. They're royally pissed at men in general and no guy could possibly measure up. I wish I had a nickle for every time I've heard them dump on me about men and what bastards they all are. Hell they don't even seem to know what they want. This seems to be the trend especially in career focused women. They're either chosing to go it alone or shacking up together. My SIL and ex wife both are cohabiting with another woman. Both have shared a roof longer then any previous marriage. Neither sexual, just seems like a thing of mutual support and convenience. I hear the same is going on in Japan. Women are opting out big time. Living in communal arrangements and have no interest in a relationship with a man. Nordic countries are following a similar pattern. I can't think of a single niece or nephew on either side of my family or wife's that's married or in a relationship. My stepson is a year older then my two, poor kid couldn't catch a break and has outright given up. Seems to be the same story with all the boys in our families. Have men lost their balls or something? What's going on here?

10-04-2014, 01:33 AM
There's real evidence out there to support the opposite, men are swearing off marriage/women all together. Especially in the western world.

10-04-2014, 02:24 AM
The Men Going Their Own Way is more bluster then real life. Read through some of these websites and it's the same nonsensical babble. If you read between the lines, they're a bunch of soured, frustrated, socially inept, involutarly celibates parroting the same crap and blaming their problems on feminists. The whining and rants about predatory women looking at marriage as a finacial opportunity with the divorce industrial complex and legal system stacked against them is absolutely farcial . The real reason seems to be women want to have nothing to do with them. I would counter that women nowadays seem to have increasingly higher standards and self over valuation and are pricing themselves out of the market refusing to settle for something less then their ideal.

10-04-2014, 02:39 AM
If you think they're blaming "their problems" on feminists then you've been reading it wrong. There is no whiny rants, just statistical facts. And quite the contrary, the market value for pussy is in serious decline.

10-04-2014, 03:33 AM
There seems to be a lot of this from men and women-

I think we're just getting a bit more selfish, and no longer face the same societal pressure to wed and have families.

When was the last time you heard someone call an unmarried woman a spinster, or the last time you heard someone hint that bachelor means gay?

The world is wide open and people recognize that. I think women especially have opportunities that we didn't allow them a few generations ago.

It's no longer "go forth and multiply" so much as "go get yours."

10-04-2014, 03:34 AM
That MaximumTrent guy provides anecdotal support for sunairco's view though. If all those guys are like MT...