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View Full Version : Kelly Divine: 75% of Male Adult Stars Are Bisexual

09-01-2014, 08:19 PM

This video was released last year and Kelly says a lot of interesting things about men in porn. I am not surprised to hear about a lot of men in the straight industry being bisexual. It is widely know that Brian Pumper loves T-Girls behind close doors. There are many crossover stars like Wolf and Christian in the business.

The only two statements that I disagree with her about are wanting to know her partners' sexual history and she implies that trans attracted men are gay. A person's sexual history is no one's business if the person is clean. The only time when a person must reveal their sexual history is if the person cheated on you during a relationship. Most members know that I believe trans attracted men are straight and calling them gay also says that TS women are men.

I really don't care who is bisexual porn. It's not going to change my opinion about the person as a performer. It's also not going to prevent me from watching him fuck one of my favorite GG pornstars. Their sexual life is not my business. If they performer well on camera then that is good enough for anybody. If they want to share their sexual history then good for them. If they are clean and don't want to share their private life on camera, then should be understandable.

09-01-2014, 08:21 PM
Are you bisexual?

09-01-2014, 08:23 PM
Are you bisexual?

Is everyone bisexual???

09-01-2014, 08:25 PM
Obviously, unless there was a scientific poll taken, there is no way to determine what the actual percentage is...but from a money making viewpoint, I guess it could certainly be an advantage.

09-01-2014, 08:29 PM
Are you bisexual?

Do you plans on shooting Honey Fox in a hardcore scene?

09-01-2014, 08:47 PM
Do you plans on shooting Honey Fox in a hardcore scene?

I'm not sure why we haven't - or if she's scheduled already - but yes.
Your turn.

09-01-2014, 08:55 PM
I'm not sure why we haven't - or if she's scheduled already - but yes.
Your turn.

Yay! My Turn! I don't identify with being bisexual. :banana:

09-01-2014, 09:18 PM
I agree with you that saying men attracted to TS women are homosexual is incorrect because you would have to assume that TS women are men. However if you consider TS women to be a part of a 3rd gender based on the fact they do not have a uterus, then you would be bisexual by definition.

Nothing wrong with any of that anyway. But we have to establish what constitutes a gender biologically for any of this to make sense.

09-01-2014, 09:20 PM
Yay! My Turn! I don't identify with being bisexual. :banana:

Neither do I but I recognize also that I must fit somewhere along the scale (even if it's off at a tangent!)

09-01-2014, 09:23 PM
Franklin are you worried about your sexuality? If someone is gay is that a bad thing? If they are bi, is that bad as well? Who cares really. It is what you are comfortable with. I consider myself straight because I am attracted to tg and ggs. Not attracted to men, but would anyone really care, probably not. Take a break from porn get laid, lol you have been a little tense the last few weeks.

09-01-2014, 10:03 PM
Neither do I but I recognize also that I must fit somewhere along the scale (even if it's off at a tangent!)

In my opinion being trans attracted isn't bisexual or gay. I believe it is something different that is currently not defined/labeled by society. I just call it straight because there isn't really a term used for it.

09-01-2014, 11:31 PM
In my opinion being trans attracted isn't bisexual or gay. I believe it is something different that is currently not defined/labeled by society. I just call it straight because there isn't really a term used for it.

Now we're getting somewhere. So, all we have to do now is to think up the right term, and the argument is settled once and for all.

So, how about "Stray" ?

09-01-2014, 11:54 PM
Now we're getting somewhere. So, all we have to do now is to think up the right term, and the argument is settled once and for all.

So, how about "Stray" ?

Just what we need...Another label for people to get bent out of shape about! :rolleyes:

09-01-2014, 11:57 PM
Yay! My Turn! I don't identify with being bisexual. :banana:
so you dont like GG

09-01-2014, 11:58 PM
In my opinion being trans attracted isn't bisexual or gay. I believe it is something different that is currently not defined/labeled by society. I just call it straight because there isn't really a term used for it.
i think the proper term is denial

09-02-2014, 12:27 AM
Speaking of Brian Pumper, I was walking home a few months ago from the bus or store or something and a car follows me home (a cheap 1995 car). It had a black guy in it, he was trying to talk to me. It happens a lot to me so I ignore guys most time and keep walking. This guy insisted to follow me into my complex. I just walked faster, he got out of his car and and started following me up the stairs to my apt. He stopped me on my way up. SO I turn around and hear him out. He said he is in town for a porn convention, and that he is a pornstar and he hires girls and wants to hire me. Then I start to speak and he realizes I am trans, he goes, Oh my bad. Mind u he gave me his card before finding out. I proceed to tell him I am in business. He basically says he doesnt hire trans girls but to give him my number. I said no, he then goes u got mine so call me. Basically wanting to fuck me. Not my thing and hes majorly short! LOL And I am not that tall, so only short guys I like are FTM! LOL

09-02-2014, 12:46 AM
lovin shemale is not a gay thing or a bi thing, or someone in denial , its a brand new world !!!

u gay if u fuck with a gay man a real man..:yayo:

09-02-2014, 01:41 AM
Neither do I but I recognize also that I must fit somewhere along the scale (even if it's off at a tangent!)
Kinsey's scale still seems somewhat relevant after 50-some years. I would guess there aren't many 0's or 6's participating in this forum. Just a bunch of tweeners.

09-02-2014, 01:42 AM
lovin shemale is not a gay thing or a bi thing, or someone in denial , its a brand new world !!!

u gay if u fuck with a gay man a real man..:yayo:bisexuality is the attraction towards gender identities as well as sex

yes you are correct one is gay if one only fucks men, real or blow up

09-02-2014, 01:48 AM
Why is the lable so important, especially to this audience?

09-02-2014, 02:12 AM
Why is the lable so important, especially to this audience?

Sexual labels are never important...unless one desperately craves the "straight" label...:D

09-02-2014, 02:23 AM
Why is the lable so important, especially to this audience?

It's only important for directors to know their targeted audience. We don't need another Bangbros TS site.

09-02-2014, 02:44 AM
Just what we need...Another label for people to get bent out of shape about! :rolleyes:

You don't recognize satire, Jericho?

09-02-2014, 04:50 AM
lovin shemale is not a gay thing or a bi thing, or someone in denial , its a brand new world !!!

u gay if u fuck with a gay man a real man..:yayo:

Sorry but if you lust after a transgender woman's penis your gay.Guys on this forum are delusional, no way in hell you can say your straight after wanting a penis in your mouth or ass even if its attach to a beautiful transgender woman,you are gay.

09-02-2014, 04:54 AM
Sorry but if you lust after a transgender woman's penis your gay.Guys on this forum are delusional, no way in hell you can say your straight after wanting a penis in your mouth or ass even if its attach to a beautiful transgender woman,you are gay.

What about dudes who enjoy pegging with their wife? Are they gay? Or does the fake cock not make it gay?

09-02-2014, 05:45 AM
Sorry but if you lust after a transgender woman's penis your gay.Guys on this forum are delusional, no way in hell you can say your straight after wanting a penis in your mouth or ass even if its attach to a beautiful transgender woman,you are gay.

So why ARE you on this board?

09-02-2014, 07:15 AM
he might not be in a very short while

09-02-2014, 09:33 AM
In my opinion being trans attracted isn't bisexual or gay. I believe it is something different that is currently not defined/labeled by society. I just call it straight because there isn't really a term used for it.

Convenient. How about you call it "bisexual" because there isn't really a term for it?

09-02-2014, 09:35 AM
Sorry but if you lust after a transgender woman's penis your gay.Guys on this forum are delusional, no way in hell you can say your straight after wanting a penis in your mouth or ass even if its attach to a beautiful transgender woman,you are gay.

Erm, no they're not.
You may be - but they're not. You've even proven it yourself "attach (ed) to a beautiful transgender woman". You're can't be gay if attracted to women.
How about a gender woman wearing a strap-on? Is that the same?

09-02-2014, 09:36 AM
he might not be in a very short while

Yeah - 13 posts in? At least he's making it easy.

09-02-2014, 09:40 AM
Why is the lable so important, especially to this audience?

It's not but every so often, someone like Franklin runs around like a headless chicken ... "I'm not gay, I'm not bi ...." yadda yadda yadda - while some asshat asserts if you like to see a woman with a penis you must be gay (but forgets about strap-ons on women, FTM attracted and post-ops as any part of an equation) - so this topic always rears its head.

No matter how I feel myself (attracted to women only) I recognize in any form of scale, I don't fall into one camp or the other - and I don't think most people do, if they were honest with themselves.

I don't need a category, I am me ... and I like it. I'm not going to have other people try and put me in one, and I'm probably going to annoy the headless chickens by letting them know they don't fit in any one either.

09-02-2014, 04:24 PM
You don't recognize satire, Jericho?
Hence 'rolling eyes" :shrug

09-02-2014, 07:44 PM
lovin shemale is not a gay thing or a bi thing, or someone in denial , its a brand new world !!!

u gay if u fuck with a gay man a real man..:yayo:

So why ARE you on this board?

I like transwomen but im not lusting over their penis like they're some fetish.If you like transpenis fine but don't keep trying to define yourself as some super straight im not gay ultra male.

09-02-2014, 07:47 PM
What about dudes who enjoy pegging with their wife? Are they gay? Or does the fake cock not make it gay?

I have no idea probably, probably not.

09-02-2014, 09:57 PM
This video was released last year and Kelly says a lot of interesting things about men in porn.

Your life REALLY does seem to revolve around porn. I'm not saying stop, no not at all. But I really feel that it would be healthy for you to enjoy it in smaller doses.
Too much of anything is a bad thing! The only positive thing I can see coming from your addiction is you becoming some sort of porn blogger or journalist / columnist.

Don't let the porn consume you! Don't let this become your whole life!

Try watching some documentaries on Netflix, such as 'After Porn Ends'. It might give you some new insight on the business.

Perhaps try the NoFap challenge (90 days without porn), just to test your willpower and self control. What have you got to lose?

What have you got to lose?

09-02-2014, 10:14 PM
All this talk about labels. It began as a philosophical thing, when Socrates began to put things into boxes. If something was like this it went into this box, if it was like that it went into that box.
This is how doctors diagnose diseases too. It all stems from there.
If you are religious you can say it began with Adam and Eve when God gave man dominion over the Earth and the freedom to name everything that he saw.

We need labels to identify things. But labels can also get in the way. When you look at a tree you don't really appreciate it for everything that it is made of and how it is interacting with the natural ecology. You must take away the mindset that you are looking at a tree to really begin to meditate and start to understand its significance.

09-03-2014, 12:21 AM
I like transwomen but im not lusting over their penis like they're some fetish.If you like transpenis fine but don't keep trying to define yourself as some super straight im not gay ultra male.

I never said I was lusting over anything except the girls themselves. I'm not fascinated with just one body part; I love the whole package (pun not intended). I also never said I was some ultra hetero dude.

What I do have a problem with is tossers coming on a transsexual forum and trying to belittle others that share the same interests as them by pretending to be almighty...or making the assumption that it's only about the dick.

Of course the dick is one thing, but it's not the only thing.

By the way, in regards to Kelly's statement...it's not like all of the females in porn are 100% straight either, including herself. I like her scenes, but she can cut the bullshit as well.

09-03-2014, 12:38 AM
I like transwomen but im not lusting over their penis like they're some fetish.If you like transpenis fine but don't keep trying to define yourself as some super straight im not gay ultra male.

If it's a fetish though, that could make it even less gay by it's definition alone. That's why you gotta be careful with labels.

We're all in a gray area.

09-04-2014, 08:21 PM
I'm not surprised that most of the guys aren't "strictly straight" either. Not that it's anyone's business what they do irl, but there's no need to act like you don't like to date tgirls or even fucking guys once and a while either.

09-04-2014, 08:48 PM
I'm not surprised that most of the guys aren't "strictly straight" either. Not that it's anyone's business what they do irl, but there's no need to act like you don't like to date tgirls or even fucking guys once and a while either.

I think the confusion that I keep seeing is that guys who are attracted to tgs will sleep with guys. Many people have varying sexual interests and to generalize would be silly. For some like me, tgs are super hot women. Whether or not they had a penis, they are some really hot women. To assume its about the penis for people who like tg is again generalizing what people are into.

I find that some people believe that if a man sleeps with a trans they will easily sleep with men. That my friend is from the truth. There are different reasons for the attraction. For me I never found men attractive nor would I sleep with men. Can I speak for all men of course not, but I will say the main attraction for a tg is that they are women.

09-04-2014, 08:56 PM
Yeah, she's talking about if you're rubbing your cock on another guy's cock inside some woman's pussy. Maintaining you're straight at that point is kind of irrelevant. If they like it, it's nbd.

She's wrong on all guys into tgirls=also fucking men, but the point is, there's a point where it doesn't matter anymore.

Yasmin Lee Fan
09-05-2014, 02:38 AM
I recently saw one of Peter North's gay videos. In it he gets his ass pounded by a twelve inch dick. He says that he needed the money, but this isn't something you do on a whim. He had to have done this many times before.

09-05-2014, 03:59 AM
I recently saw one of Peter North's gay videos. In it he gets his ass pounded by a twelve inch dick. He says that he needed the money, but this isn't something you do on a whim. He had to have done this many times before.

it begs the question for all of you top-only men....how much $$$ would it take for you to let your favorite tgirl screw you in your pooper.

Ben in LA
09-05-2014, 06:54 AM
I don't bottom, but I'd be a liar if I said I've never thought about it.

There are two girls I'd probably let top me...and I've told them so.

09-05-2014, 10:04 AM
90% of the female stars in porn are bisexual.

She needs to shut up.

09-05-2014, 12:19 PM
90% of the female stars in porn are bisexual.

She needs to shut up.

if they were not, porn would be very boring.