View Full Version : Why are most Tgirls money hungry and superficial?

08-28-2014, 11:37 AM
Through experience I think generally most tgirls are very superficial and only care about money and nothing else. The question is why?

Now don't get me wrong there are few really genuine girls I have met, but they are few and far between.

Ts RedVeX
08-28-2014, 12:16 PM
That sounds tight and superficial.

08-28-2014, 12:44 PM
well I assume you are talking about escorts smooth007 ?

I have met quite a few and, it is true, some are very focused on the money without the requisite accompanying charms. Get you in. Do the business. Get you out asap.

But in my experience most are actually nice girls - trying to make a living - in a world that is very difficult for them. And in the end it is work. If you spend some decent time talking to them about their lives and work you will hear loads of horror stories about just how truly awful many of their customers are - rude, disrespectful, dirty, arrogant etc. Many treat the girls as if they are simply pieces of meat to fuck and leave. Would you enjoy having sex with total strangers every day smooth007 not knowing who is going to walk through the door after you get a phonecall?

As for superficial? It is my experience that, with some exceptions, the more pleasant you are with these girls the more you will find their respond well.

08-28-2014, 02:20 PM
there is work mode and real life mode for most Girls …

most clients will only ever see work mode, simply as that is what they are part of yes ? meet a ts girl in a social environment with no hint of fetishism/sex/pervy junk and you will most likely see a different side ..

Myself catch me at a comic con, games workshop store etc you will see a very normal side to me .

Also add in the loneliness factor for some people .. alot of lonely people will often embrace material/wealth as a means of counter acting there situation ..many TS i have met are very introvert as well and like to surround themselves with nice things or objects etc .

I think there is more genetic girls money hungry than TS girls though due simply to numbers .

08-28-2014, 02:47 PM
Sometimes I wonder if what is or comes across as being superficial or money hungry is just the effects of the world we live while being as true to our gender as we can...
I'm sure we have all seen many genetic women who are unattractive yet given certain freedoms that are denied many trans women, or the trans women are subject to discrimination or the knowledge of the past where time and time again we have been victims of hate.
IMO this leaves many of us with a desire for various amounts of surgery so we can live in the world around us safety. In many cases that leads to sex work, to afford these surgeries, which can sometimes, but not always, change a young girl in the formative years of her transition.
I'd love to see a world where we are accepted and safe no matter our body frame or bone structure. I believe when that day comes many things will change, including the attitudes you may be familiar with.

08-28-2014, 02:48 PM
there is work mode and real life mode for most Girls …

most clients will only ever see work mode, simply as that is what they are part of yes ? meet a ts girl in a social environment with no hint of fetishism/sex/pervy junk and you will most likely see a different side ..

Myself catch me at a comic con, games workshop store etc you will see a very normal side to me .

Also add in the loneliness factor for some people .. alot of lonely people will often embrace material/wealth as a means of counter acting there situation ..many TS i have met are very introvert as well and like to surround themselves with nice things or objects etc .

I think there is more genetic girls money hungry than TS girls though due simply to numbers .

Personally I would love to catch you inside a GW store! How sweet would a 40k game be against you?!

08-28-2014, 02:51 PM
Well I've met Liberty a couple of times in a "professional" context and she was simply great company - funny, smart, sexy, a great conversationalist and more. (As well as being great at her job) And plenty more have similar qualities. So the stereotype being pedalled by the opening poster simply doesn't fly.

08-28-2014, 03:16 PM
DEAR "smooth007"Sometimes the attitude you expect is the one you yourself portray ...we are all of different ages and have different life experience ..It is quite a generalisation to say we are mostly superficial ..Is it not that many people living in the money obsessed world in which we were all born in ,tend to put more value on what we have .rather than who we are ..I guess its only when you strip away our possessions and money that the real US will hopefully emerge ..Its hard to be a deep truthful caring person .in a customer orientated profession which in all honesty is what the adult profession is all about ..I have met some really great deep thinking clients and also some very superficial customers who do view me as just a Cock on a body ..but i guess those who take the time to get to know us ..will always come away with a much more enjoyable deeper experience ..My advice is to see more t girl escorts .As i believe all the things we have been through and experienced by living full time in a gender we were not born into enable us in time to be deeper and fuller beings .And please do not forget dear poster that some newly transitioned girls, are going through really tough times adjusting and maybe being shallow is the only way to cope for them just now .I transitioned a long time ago and remember how lost i felt and that money was my new emotional crutch ..In time that changed as i just decided to be well me ..:kiss:

08-28-2014, 03:20 PM
What the hell does this have to do with transexuals? Everybody seems money hungry & superficial today. That's what sets true friends and genuine people apart.

08-28-2014, 05:20 PM
I think one has to accept that the relationship with a T.girl, escorting, is primarily commercial.

Then take the time to behave like a gentleman and check your attitude at the door.

My experience, which whilst not as extensive as some/many is however reasonable and I have found that it is my own attitude that governs the experience.

In addition, and no pun intended, these beauties have balls. Most of us exercise this passion secretly. It takes real courage to live a life outside the lines of convention...if we're honest with ourselves this is perhaps a part of the frisson.

In any event. I have had some magically erotic afternoons and evenings. Thanks girls.

'and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make'

Ever thus.

08-28-2014, 05:23 PM
I raise a glass indeed to the girls with balls enough to be themselves - I like Liberty and TS Celine's posts in that regard. (memo to self: must get myself along to meet Celine.)

08-28-2014, 06:18 PM
Through experience I think generally most tgirls are very superficial and only care about money and nothing else. The question is why?

Now don't get me wrong there are few really genuine girls I have met, but they are few and far between.

read a thread like this (http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/showpost.php?p=1524684&postcount=1). there was another tranny that had similar views but i forget the name.

i find it's better to read the subtext than ask for direct answers with such a question because it can masked to simply make you believe something that isn't true

08-28-2014, 06:23 PM
And, just how a Tgirls (as you refer to them) any different than GGs? Stop whininh and deal with it....that's life!!!

08-28-2014, 06:55 PM
I raise a glass indeed to the girls with balls enough to be themselves - I like Liberty and TS Celine's posts in that regard. (memo to self: must get myself along to meet Celine.)

Your welcome Prospero ..bring your glass along and i might be tempted to fill it with a nice aged Rioja :banana:

08-28-2014, 06:56 PM
Wimmen...Snakes with tits, the lot of them!
Once you accept that, they're lovely! :hide-1:

08-28-2014, 07:12 PM
I think everyone in this economy is pretty money hungry. As far as superficial, I do not have any answer to that one. If we are just talking about escorts, its kind of their job to be superficial, no? My two cents...

08-29-2014, 02:20 AM
I would say their desire to be feminine and their lack of ability to get a real job. Most Men only want them for sex and they can't find a regular job so they develop and attitude and do what they have to do.

I personally know a very nice girl who've I seen change almost into this. She has a sweet soul but circumstances dictate otherwise.

08-29-2014, 08:49 AM
Maybe its because they get tired of chasers lowballing and trying to get freebies.

08-29-2014, 09:13 AM
lol...all are?

Or could it be because of discrimination, most have to work in the sex industry?

Some TSs may be so passable that a cute woman in your workplace is actually a TS....just you can't see her cock to know for sure...;)

08-29-2014, 09:45 AM
lol...all are?

Or could it be because of discrimination, most have to work in the sex industry?

Some TSs may be so passable that a cute woman in your workplace is actually a TS....just you can't see her cock to know for sure...;)

Agreed, I have known totally passable T-girls who were bartenders, hairstylists, nurses and other health care proffessionals.

08-29-2014, 07:32 PM
I've been saying this for years. They only care about money. Only date or marry GG.

08-29-2014, 07:33 PM
Agreed, I have known totally passable T-girls who were bartenders, hairstylists, nurses and other health care proffessionals.

Very rare. Most are sex workers

08-29-2014, 09:52 PM
I've been saying this for years. They only care about money. Only date or marry GG.

I get it it's a forum full of porn but a lot of the girls in the scenes you watch frequent this site and interact with y'all here ... if you care at all about them you may want to take a little time before you type and compose something less offensive.
there's always a person behind the porn the porn star.

08-30-2014, 01:32 AM
I get it it's a forum full of porn but a lot of the girls in the scenes you watch frequent this site and interact with y'all here ... if you care at all about them you may want to take a little time before you type and compose something less offensive.
there's always a person behind the porn the porn star.

Sadly we live in a superficial era. When weather girls on local TV stations earn more than nurses then its surely time to change channels. Good and bad in all things - personally I've had more fun than I deserve with trans escorts and T girls generally...occasionally been burned, but nobody said life was fair. I genuinely admire your courage. Braver than me and I run North when everyone else runs South: for a living. xx

08-30-2014, 02:33 AM
I think the OP may just be a little confused. The only trans women he has been exposed to are probably escorts. And every time he asks them to date him or marry him, they probably turn him down and offer him sexual pleasure for money instead. Since he knows no other transsexual women, he just assumes all other transsexual women must be the same.

08-31-2014, 06:58 PM
I get it it's a forum full of porn but a lot of the girls in the scenes you watch frequent this site and interact with y'all here ... if you care at all about them you may want to take a little time before you type and compose something less offensive.
there's always a person behind the porn the porn star.

Do you think the girls that come here care about men at all? All they care about is "roses".

08-31-2014, 07:09 PM
Do you think the girls that come here care about men at all? All they care about is "roses".

If you come to a porn site to find a girlfriend or even a wife, your chances are pretty slim. Most of the girls here get paid to make it possible for you to have your sexual fantasies. But most transsexual women are not in the porn industry. If you can't find any, then you are just spending way too much time on Internet porn. There is a whole world of Transsexual women just waiting for the right guy out there.

Ts RedVeX
08-31-2014, 07:41 PM
If you are looking for real people in a virtual world then you should realize these two dimmensions do not overlap.

08-31-2014, 08:01 PM
Through experience I think generally most tgirls are very superficial and only care about money and nothing else. The question is why?

Now don't get me wrong there are few really genuine girls I have met, but they are few and far between.

Most of your post are about escorts and sucking thier cock, it's their job they are not dollars stores where you get discounted specials.

08-31-2014, 08:19 PM
Well, most girls are money hungry and superficial.

08-31-2014, 08:46 PM
Through experience I think generally most tgirls are very superficial and only care about money and nothing else. The question is why?

Now don't get me wrong there are few really genuine girls I have met, but they are few and far between.
Are you poor & ugly by any chance?

08-31-2014, 09:58 PM
I'm offering this one more time..then I'm out.

You get what you give. Check your depression at the door. Don't try and renegotiate the rate. Take a shower from time to time.

Engage with the person.

Stop whining...and, ironically, even if you're there to be fucked...man up :-)

08-31-2014, 10:13 PM
Do you think the girls that come here care about men at all? All they care about is "roses".

how can I say what any one person cares about... that being said, how can you say what any one person cares about...
we can assume, but surely someone taught you about assuming.
so let's not...
how about we just listen, read, interact, and be the best people we can be.

09-01-2014, 06:54 AM
how can I say what any one person cares about... that being said, how can you say what any one person cares about...
we can assume, but surely someone taught you about assuming.
so let's not...
how about we just listen, read, interact, and be the best people we can be.

You're just wasting your time arguing with one of the bigger trolls on the forum Athena.

09-01-2014, 09:59 AM
For that I ask, wouldn't you be if your hot and cute and everyone wants to fuck your cute hiney all day long?

The ego does get a super boost but its deserved, they do look good and should get nice compliments for working on themselves to make your gawking a fun and delicious experience. I love when my Heart beats out of my chest seeing a real hottie.

09-05-2014, 02:37 AM
This 007 sounds like just as much of a douche as tspornfan.

10-30-2016, 01:04 AM
Because they don't like most of their clients.

10-30-2016, 01:49 AM
It's not a TS thing, it's a hot girl thing. That's what happens when you gas up girls with constant compliments and call them over the top names like goddesses and come off as submissive. Most girls don't want to hear "you're a goddess, I would marry you!"

melody mayheim
10-30-2016, 05:08 AM
In the beginning of my transition...I was naive and believed every guy. I had tons of guys wanting to date me but actuality they just wanted to call when it was convenient for them. I caught on quick that most men only wanted me behind closed doors, being kept a secret. One my my close friends who also happens to be ts but transitioned yrs prior then warned me and told me she charges men. I thought it was disgusting at first but then I used it more as a idk fee to get to know me n prove that I wasnt just a piece of ass. And if I was well then at least I got some gifts out of it lol. I dont escort for a living. I have a career and a bf but now just do it on the side for extra cash, plus my bfs a piece of shit so y not fuck someone on the side, get paid n have a bf too lol

10-30-2016, 05:27 AM
In the beginning of my transition...I was naive and believed every guy. I had tons of guys wanting to date me but actuality they just wanted to call when it was convenient for them. I caught on quick that most men only wanted me behind closed doors, being kept a secret. One my my close friends who also happens to be ts but transitioned yrs prior then warned me and told me she charges men. I thought it was disgusting at first but then I used it more as a idk fee to get to know me n prove that I wasnt just a piece of ass. And if I was well then at least I got some gifts out of it lol. I dont escort for a living. I have a career and a bf but now just do it on the side for extra cash, plus my bfs a piece of shit so y not fuck someone on the side, get paid n have a bf too lol

Then why is he still your boyfriend? You deserve a boyfriend who's not a piece of shit.

10-30-2016, 05:47 AM
Then why is he still your boyfriend? You deserve a boyfriend who's not a piece of shit.

Probably money. Do what you gotta do.

10-30-2016, 09:19 AM
In the beginning of my transition...I was naive and believed every guy. I had tons of guys wanting to date me but actuality they just wanted to call when it was convenient for them. I caught on quick that most men only wanted me behind closed doors, being kept a secret. One my my close friends who also happens to be ts but transitioned yrs prior then warned me and told me she charges men. I thought it was disgusting at first but then I used it more as a idk fee to get to know me n prove that I wasnt just a piece of ass. And if I was well then at least I got some gifts out of it lol. I dont escort for a living. I have a career and a bf but now just do it on the side for extra cash, plus my bfs a piece of shit so y not fuck someone on the side, get paid n have a bf too lol

WTF? Why be with a POS? I can see why self-esteem is a huge issue for transwomen, but still, everyone deserves decent treatment as a human being. There's no reason to be with someone who is unworthy.

10-30-2016, 01:45 PM
It's just business bro

melody mayheim
10-30-2016, 02:16 PM
Probably money. Do what you gotta do.

Wrong. He's broke. I stay cuz I love him. We been together for over a year...guess it's not my time to leave him. Plus maybe ur right..self esteem..I can have tons of guys but very few guys are open to dating a ts girl. I cant live like that so I just settled for a guy who was open about it. Im getting older so guess I want more stability than just sex.

10-30-2016, 04:34 PM
Well now you have your dog, so kick his ass out!!!

10-30-2016, 05:02 PM
Wrong. He's broke. I stay cuz I love him. We been together for over a year...guess it's not my time to leave him. Plus maybe ur right..self esteem..I can have tons of guys but very few guys are open to dating a ts girl. I cant live like that so I just settled for a guy who was open about it. Im getting older so guess I want more stability than just sex.

Interesting viewpoint. Do your thing.

Also interesting to know being a piece of shit keeps women around.

10-30-2016, 05:18 PM
Wrong. He's broke. I stay cuz I love him. We been together for over a year...guess it's not my time to leave him. Plus maybe ur right..self esteem..I can have tons of guys but very few guys are open to dating a ts girl. I cant live like that so I just settled for a guy who was open about it. Im getting older so guess I want more stability than just sex.

The problem isn't him - it's you. He's being himself, that is, a piece of shit. You're enabling him and at the same time abusing yourself. That you're also willing to admit you have low self-esteem and willing to tolerate emotional abuse means you are unhappy. You're saying that you are ok with being unhappy? If you can't see yourself being anything other than unhappy, that's truly sad. There's a big, exciting world outside your house and away from the piece of shit..........try it. You might like it.

sukumvit boy
10-30-2016, 11:27 PM
The problem isn't him - it's you. He's being himself, that is, a piece of shit. You're enabling him and at the same time abusing yourself. That you're also willing to admit you have low self-esteem and willing to tolerate emotional abuse means you are unhappy. You're saying that you are ok with being unhappy? If you can't see yourself being anything other than unhappy, that's truly sad. There's a big, exciting world outside your house and away from the piece of shit..........try it. You might like it.
:clapsWell said. She's got some work to do but getting a complete understanding of the problem is half the battle. Life is work.

melody mayheim
10-31-2016, 02:53 PM
Im not unhappy or completely happy...I guess I'm just comfortable, content. He's really not a piece of shit...I just think we're better off like roommates/friends. We have nothing in common and not sexually compatible.

10-31-2016, 03:37 PM
Im not unhappy or completely happy...I guess I'm just comfortable, content. He's really not a piece of shit...I just think we're better off like roommates/friends. We have nothing in common and not sexually compatible.

Hopefully one day you'll find the right man and you won't want or need to escort.

11-01-2016, 02:41 AM
Too many variations. Some have been knowing the P2P game and try to dodge it. Some guys truly just wanna meet a girl and hang, Blurred lines, and most of them come across as getting over. Sucks for the guys that are willing, but their loss.

11-02-2016, 05:31 AM
Im not unhappy or completely happy...I guess I'm just comfortable, content. He's really not a piece of shit...I just think we're better off like roommates/friends. We have nothing in common and not sexually compatible.

Still sounds sad to me. Life is short and by the time some people realize that, it's almost over. Then comes the attempt to make up for what you missed out on and that's not a good situation either. Taking another perspective, how's he going to feel if this goes on for another year and then ends? He'll likely be bitter and who'd blame him!? Go get what you want - happiness is attainable.

Ts RedVeX
11-02-2016, 11:42 PM
'Meet a girl and hang...' Now that sounds sad. I would not wanna meet a someone and hang... Do you folks really think the poor transgendered are all desperately looking for boyfriends of any sort? Come on. Where have you lost your lives? The image that is being created here makes me sick... and then you wonder why the 1 in 100, genuine guy gets turned down when he would actually not mind to have a serious relationship, even before he gets the chance to ask...

11-03-2016, 12:53 AM
'Meet a girl and hang...' Now that sounds sad. I would not wanna meet a someone and hang... Do you folks really think the poor transgendered are all desperately looking for boyfriends of any sort? Come on. Where have you lost your lives? The image that is being created here makes me sick... and then you wonder why the 1 in 100, genuine guy gets turned down when he would actually not mind to have a serious relationship, even before he gets the chance to ask...

Not sure what saying wanting to hang out has to do with the rest of your post. It is just another way of saying "let's go out on a date" because nobody says "let's go out on a date". Or am I missing something?

11-03-2016, 09:30 PM
This topic can have multiple types of responses to it.

Many of the girls "I"( I'm not generalizing at all just my perception. ) Have encountered come from unstable backgrounds or there family background isn't the best broken homes discrimination against them. Then add these reality shows that depicts this superficial unrealistic look that every girl should be. Eventually they become that girl. If you take a person that has never had cash in hand on regular. And now they do then that's all they care about and want. Then that is when the silly games between the girls start. They surround themself in this fantasy world with a bunch of other girls that don't even like each. Dallas has so many superficial girls. It is what it is society has written the rule book if you wanna compete follow the rules. Me on the other hand I drum to beat to my own music...

As far as relationship wise yet to find one to challenge me mentally. When I find one then I'll be passive. I have that i believe I am the smartest person in the room syndrome.

This is my perception of what I have observed and notice. So please keep that in mind with your response. No generalizing.

11-03-2016, 10:04 PM
because a boob job costs north of $7k
because hormones can cost north of $1k
because like every woman out there they are running on a short fuze......
they only have x amount of time on hand while they are cute to land the guy who looks ok and has money on hand to be a good life partner.

you are a guy.
you can play the long game....you are ugly now and you will be this ugly for a very very long time...not like you are going to get any uglier.
so play the long game.

Ts RedVeX
11-04-2016, 12:41 AM
Well, why would you want to go on a date with someone you do not know? What would you two be talking about? what would you be doing together? No, maybe she does not wanna chat about whatever the noodles is you wanna wrap around her ears, maybe she is smarter than you and actually has better things to do than hanging out with strangers who 99%of the time just either want her to fuck their sad asses, or to fuck that of her's.

11-04-2016, 04:12 AM
As far as relationship wise yet to find one to challenge me mentally.

Agreed 100%!!!
All the great sex in the world can't make up for stimulating intellectual, philosophical, and cultural conversation.

The perfect partners would motivate each other towards greater self improvement (which equals greater income since self improvement usually involves higher education) along with enjoying all the mentally stimulating things that society has to offer.

The greatest sex in the world only goes so far if your partner is the intellectual equivalent of a rock....

11-04-2016, 04:28 AM
Well, why would you want to go on a date with someone you do not know? What would you two be talking about? what would you be doing together? No, maybe she does not wanna chat about whatever the noodles is you wanna wrap around her ears, maybe she is smarter than you and actually has better things to do than hanging out with strangers who 99%of the time just either want her to fuck their sad asses, or to fuck that of her's.

Because we're all strangers to one another at some point in time. Dates are for getting to know someone. What would they talk about? Anything they want. If you aren't able to hold a conversation or keep someone interested that's not the problem of the people who can actually enjoy a date, conversation and the company of someone. Also, some people are just into sex, regardless of who they are. Doesn't make them sad.

11-05-2016, 12:13 AM
add these reality shows that depicts this superficial unrealistic look that every girl should be. Eventually they become that girl.

spot on.

11-06-2016, 06:06 PM
Because Tgirls are just like Ggirls.

11-06-2016, 07:37 PM
Because Tgirls are just like Ggirls.

but thank God they have a cock, oh wait, they curse God for that...

05-05-2020, 05:33 PM
this is a very old thread, granted, but then it made me genuinely chuckle.
trans people are human.
like us cis people.
a shock, i know...

so they will come in all shapes and sizes like us cis people.

there are some trans rapists like that person in jail in UK. there are cis rapists too.

there are trans celebrities who are whiny and self-righteous, like Bergdoff. Piers Morgan is cis and he's the same.

i've seen ts escorts since the early 2000s, so a long time. and i must say that the vast majority of meetings have been good. most, nay all, i've seen have been professional and well it's the same with cis women i've seen too. it's just how it rolls. the only cases where i haven't hit it off are my fault, really.

to suggest most ts women are money hungry....well it's kind of funny.

05-05-2020, 08:01 PM
Sometimes I wonder if what is or comes across as being superficial or money hungry is just the effects of the world we live while being as true to our gender as we can...
I'm sure we have all seen many genetic women who are unattractive yet given certain freedoms that are denied many trans women, or the trans women are subject to discrimination or the knowledge of the past where time and time again we have been victims of hate.
IMO this leaves many of us with a desire for various amounts of surgery so we can live in the world around us safety. In many cases that leads to sex work, to afford these surgeries, which can sometimes, but not always, change a young girl in the formative years of her transition.
I'd love to see a world where we are accepted and safe no matter our body frame or bone structure. I believe when that day comes many things will change, including the attitudes you may be familiar with.

Old post but it really hits the nail on the head. Regardless of gender identity or sexuality, it's common for a person living in desperate circumstances to develop a mercenary mentality in order to survive. It's also common for anyone who deals with the negative aspects of human nature for a long time to become jaded and cynical. And regardless of gender identity or sexuality, a natural psychological reaction to bullying, abuse, rejection, and discrimination is to create an emotional barrier from others.

Considering those common phenomenons, is it really surprising that a trans woman dealing with a man who she doesn't know or trust -- whether that's while working as an escort or interacting with potential romantic suitors -- might come off as superficial or transnational?

05-06-2020, 12:30 AM
there is work mode and real life mode for most Girls …

most clients will only ever see work mode, simply as that is what they are part of yes ? meet a ts girl in a social environment with no hint of fetishism/sex/pervy junk and you will most likely see a different side ..

Myself catch me at a comic con, games workshop store etc you will see a very normal side to me .

Also add in the loneliness factor for some people .. alot of lonely people will often embrace material/wealth as a means of counter acting there situation ..many TS i have met are very introvert as well and like to surround themselves with nice things or objects etc .

I think there is more genetic girls money hungry than TS girls though due simply to numbers .

this is from years ago ms. libby and you may not read this any time soon but then i dn't know what the f the OP was on about. if he hates trans women so much, but then thinks they're good enough to bone, that's his issue.

05-06-2020, 05:31 AM
Is it just me or has everyone lost their mind during this pandemic?

05-06-2020, 01:27 PM
Is it just me or has everyone lost their mind during this pandemic?

Kinda off topic.

05-07-2020, 08:11 AM
Kinda off topic.

I guess that happens when you lose your mind.

I can't help noting that its ironic that people complain about tgirls being money hungry and superficial when so many HA members are sex hungry and superficial.

05-07-2020, 09:11 AM
99% of people i have come across in life are superficial. money hungry? there aren't many buddhists or monks or minimalists in life who enjoy simple free pleasures. most people want to buy stuff or services and that costs money. this is just human nature. nothing to do with transgirls or any other category of person.

i myself and a minimalist and don't want headaches in my life so i avoid chasing wealth or trying to portray an image to others/chasing a desire to please other people. but this is my personal side. if i was escorting and providing personal services such as giving company, entertaining (not just sex), etc. i would demand compensation. sex work or personal services of any kind is work. it is real labor and doesn't fall from the sky (in the words of now dead ultimate warrior). you can't expect things for free in life in the adult world. someone has to produce something that you enjoy. it is unfair to expect anyone - tgirls or not - to just do things for free or in "whatever" mode and not care. that friendly free fun stuff ends after high school when teens enter the adult world and face the realities of capitalism or any other economic system where labor throughput is a required component of surviving in society.

Billy Blueballs
05-07-2020, 09:52 AM
For reals, how come all these adult entertainers I like watching seem to be all about the money?

05-07-2020, 03:25 PM
For reals, how come all these adult entertainers I like watching seem to be all about the money?

Maybe they need to pay the rent and eat food?

05-07-2020, 04:14 PM
Is it just me or has everyone lost their mind during this pandemic?seems like it with the idiots storming state capitols in Rambo costumes all because of conspiracy theories.

05-07-2020, 04:21 PM
Through experience I think generally most tgirls are very superficial and only care about money and nothing else. The question is why?

Now don't get me wrong there are few really genuine girls I have met, but they are few and far between.maybe because they have to deal with guys who only want them to fulfill a fantasy and dump them off since they are too chickenshit to be openly involved in a real relationship with a transwoman.

05-27-2020, 11:00 PM
Well, a lot of escort types are "money-hungry," but they are in business. The thing is, do they give you good value for your money? There are some that do, and some that don't. The last two escorts I went to were totally different. One was rush-rush. She topped me, but when it came to getting me off, she just wanted me to JO while I sucked her tits. And she just tried to hurry me up the whole time and had zero personality.

The other was very sweet -- no rush. She topped me too, but she seemed to enjoy it and after she came, she still stayed hard, which was amazing to me, and we 69'd and I came in her mouth, and then she pushed my head down on her cock, and I sucked her and she came again. She seemed to enjoy what she was doing, and we had a nice conversation afterwards.

I went to one gurl a few years ago a few years ago, and paid her for a one-hour session. We kissed and cuddled and sucked each other off, and then we laid in bed and cuddled for another two hours, just talking. Turned out she had just broken up with her boyfriend, and we had some things in common, and it was a pleasant, fun time, the memory of which I will always cherish.

I always treat the gurls I'm with well, even if it's largely a business transaction. I find that the better I treat them, the better they'll treat me. It's not always true, but it usually works out that way.

I have also found that the less-money-hungry gurls are often the most flawlessly beautiful ones. Everyone is after them, and they know it. I sometimes prefer the ones that are pretty, but maybe they're not tens. I generally have a much better experience with them.

I will say that you can sometimes spot the money-grubbers, because that seems to be the entire focus of their interaction with you. One gurl, who I didn't see, insisted over the phone that I send her the payment, in advance, over Paypal or Apple Pay. I refused to do it. She advertised that she only required advance payment when someone was booking her 24 hours in advance, but I was booking her for that day, so there was no reason for her to ask me for an advance payment. That's almost a sure sign of a scam. There may be a few legit gurls who ask for payment in advance, but it's generally a sign of a scam. They know that if they rip you off, you're not likely to go to the police. I would never pay a gurl through Paypal or Bitcoin or ApplePay, etc. I pay them upfront with cash when I see them, and don't try to lowball them.

05-28-2020, 11:20 AM
It’s business. And hearing so much bullshit from so many men will have that effect.

05-28-2020, 12:05 PM
OP's blanket thiking is the issue.
There are trans women who are criminals, rapists, frausters, and those who only look do good. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8303753/Transgender-inmates-carried-seven-sex-attacks-women-jail.html
You know what? There are cis people who are the same.

05-28-2020, 11:21 PM
OP's blanket thiking is the issue.
There are trans women who are criminals, rapists, frausters, and those who only look do good. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8303753/Transgender-inmates-carried-seven-sex-attacks-women-jail.html
You know what? There are cis people who are the same.

Off topic ...

... but that Daily Mail article is so disingenuous that I can't resist commenting. It cites 7 alleged cases of trans women inmates sexually assaulting cis women inmates while held in custody at female facilities. However, what it fails to mention speaks volumes about its transphobic bias. First, the article glosses over the alarming prevalence of sexual assault in jails and prisons regardless of whether trans people are housed according to their gender identity. It is a sad fact that all inmates face the risk sexual assault at the hands of other inmates and staff. Next, it completely fails to mention the tragically high rate at which trans women in particular are sexually assaulted or coerced into sexual slavery by other inmates and staff when held at male facilities. Finally, by cherry picking those 7 of 124 reported cases without providing additional statistical context, the article makes it seem like trans women held at female facilities, per capita, represent an extremely dangerous segment of the inmate population. However, a deep dive into those numbers would absolutely show that all women held at female facilities are way more likely to be sexually assaulted by male guards...

... end of rant.