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View Full Version : looking for honest answers -no nudie pics here sorry boys

07-12-2006, 04:09 AM
recently i split w/ my only "real" boyfriend since transitioning we were together for a lil over a year... hes younger then me, barely 20 to my almost 25, and before i was with him, as anyone who may have watched the discovery show know, i was w/ brian for a lil over 5yrs... i met and dated brian in my previous body and even tho brian looked and acted like anyother red blooded american hedero male he obviously wasnt... brian and i split due to the fact that i transitioned and thus looking and being more fem turned him off... but the connection was still there we still "loved" each other and still had sex together but it wasnt the same it was def. more about just fufilling the need w/ someone you could trust... during my relationship w/ scott my recent ex we ended up breaking up and during that time brian and i went back to fufilling each others needs and while scott and i bonded and worked out the kinks of why we originally broke up he was sleeping w/ a girl he knew from school... that made me jealous and i begged for him to take me back b/c i didnt like that i was loosing out to some ugly girl, and she really was :she didnt wear makeup, she was overweight, and heavy into drugs/ alcohol, so after 4 months of bs we were kinda back together things werent perfect but they were "improving" ....
blah blah blah this has nothing to do w/ the point moving on....
he went to do more training for the marines he ended up being gone for 4 months, he literally left after we had started reconciling... i had let go of the things w/ him and the girl bc i didnt want to tell him i had still been seeing my ex so i had to let it go... he got a leave and came home for about 10 days 1 month into the training, during that time my ex, who is a good looking 29yr old multi millionaire made us a proposition... have a 3some and hed make it worth while so we did... first time it was just me and scott and brian watched... then the next time scott and i messed around and brian joined in w/ me a lil.. next time brian gave oral to scott for a couple mins and then scott and i finished together while i gave oral to brian, then scott and brian took turns w/ me but not together... scott had always made it clear that he was NOT gay and that sex w/ a man disgusted him and etc. etc etc... same bs i read on this site all the time.. he told me on the phone after he went back to training that he had fun and in the end it was enjoyable for all ... we got new cars out of it in case your wondering...he would tell me also that brian would send him msgs of what he wanted to do to scott and me when he came home for good and scott told me that some of it sounded really hot and that he thought it would be fun... i was enjoying it so i figured y not if its all fine and dandy w/ everyone why not?... the last letter he wrote to me was a week before he came home and it was saying how he wanted the 3 somes to stop once he came home b/c anything brian could do to him or me we could do for each other and it would be more special.. i was ALL for that... bc i realised that if it were to keep going it would only weaken and destory our relationship and if we were to end i didnt want it to be b/c of that so i was excited for the new start and to erase all the bad that happened previously and give us a real chance ... the first week home all we do is fight... we were both getting a ton of msgs from , guess who... brian, and it would only piss the other off even more ... we fought about this and about that and none of it was a big deal so i told him to go to his moms for awhile so we could cool off, i didnt mean forever just like the weekend or something hoping we would cool off kiss and makeup like ppl who care for each other should... regardless of our previous actions we did care alot for one another... anyone thats seen "the breakup" knows exactly what im talking about ... petty shit that spiraled and snowballed outta control into a big disgusting hideous mess ... so its been a week and a half since he left and i find out that not only is he living w/ brian but they are now "together" and in a catty way brian used the word "love" to describe to me how he felt about scott so i can only assume for now that scott and him had been planning this and that i was most likely a transition piece for scott until he could better understand his sexuality and accept himself for the person he is and then leave me to be w/ whatever guy he wanted... so needless to say im shocked and venting b/c i really dont know who else to say what i want to say and the ppl that give the most honest answers are ppl who arent involved and maybe some of yall have been in simular situations so my biggest question is...

men: do you think that youre using transexual women to explore your homosexual side?

women: do you think most guys youre w/ sexually "love/ dating/ or client" are just using you to see if they want to go full blown gay?

oh i see a poll button.. ok put it in there i guess...

as for the "relationship" i dont think its real after only really a week of being together in person theres NO WAY they could actually love each other... scott says he doesnt love brian for sure as of yet... and another thing i dont get... brian is a TOTAL "straight" guy type top... scott was 98% "straight" guy type top and i know that he may have wanted to be more bottom but not 98% more...so where can that go anyway...

just looking for some kinda answers... anybody

07-12-2006, 04:30 AM
Jenn, that post kinda ran together into a long paragraph. Stop. Take a breath. Hehe.

As far as the thread subject, I know I'm personally not pursuing any "homosexual" side, I've actually had sex with guys and it sucked, not doing that again.

But even if someone was pursuing "whatever", who fuckin cares? It's a fear of how other people view an individual, and other peoples opinions are very rarely important.

These labels and other bullshit drive people crazy.

Live life, people who come down on others and try to fit themselves or others into idiotic catagories are scared, confused, and just trying to desperately "fit it" themselves.

Be yourself. Be happy. Labels and catagories are retarded. If it feels good, do it.


07-12-2006, 04:47 AM
thnx i appreciate that

07-12-2006, 04:53 AM
Jen, I think your poll question is really tuff to answer, since it would be just guess work to try and pick a %.

After reading your story here, I'm getting a feeling your wondering what chance your going to have finding a "straight" guy to be with, using the % method. All any of us can offer is their own personal experience, and then you do the math to get a % answer, for what ever that's worth. Hope you understand my drift here.

07-12-2006, 04:55 AM
Hey, I do what I can babe. A year from now I'll probably be living in the desert getting yelled at on a regular basis.

You better come visit.


07-12-2006, 05:19 AM
Jen, I think your poll question is really tuff to answer, since it would be just guess work to try and pick a %.

After reading your story here, I'm getting a feeling your wondering what chance your going to have finding a "straight" guy to be with, using the % method. All any of us can offer is their own personal experience, and then you do the math to get a % answer, for what ever that's worth. Hope you understand my drift here.

well what i basically wanted was for each person to give me there personal answer *subj title* but the poll was merely for faceless ppl to give "honest" answers as we are all more likely to be more "honest" when anything that can be pointed back at us isnt attached... thats all not looking for the end all of all questions to be the exact right answer b/c like you said it is personal and ppl are different -j

07-12-2006, 05:22 AM
Hey, I do what I can babe. A year from now I'll probably be living in the desert getting yelled at on a regular basis.

You better come visit.


i will ive always wanted to meet vicki ;)

07-12-2006, 06:34 AM
what % of people who are sexual w/ transexuals are doing it to explore their homosexual side?

I'm not exploring any psychological questions. It's in the face and eyes and appearance which initiates the contact. Then the verbal interchange. Then if there is a spark, it doesn't matter whether tg or gg, you engage. It's the person not the gender or the tools.

As far as beyond that, it's to be or it isn't. There are so many factors beyond gender which will determine that. Anything and everything. Go with the flow, if it happens, it happens if doesn't it doesn't.

07-12-2006, 06:56 AM
I've always been into ts girls that are completely passable. I want a girl that looks 100% like a girl, except she's got a cock. I like to suck cock and I like to receive anal, but only if it's from a hot chick.

I did at one time question if I was gay or bi, but I'm turned off by the ts girls who aren't passable and I couldn't imagine being with a man.

I'm with girls most of the time and only occassionally do I feel the need for a ts girl.

Having said that, I do think it's possible for some men to use ts girls as a transition to being with a man. And in your instance I think that was clearly the case.

Not sure if this post helped you in any way.

07-12-2006, 07:16 AM
I can't tell you what percentage of people are interested in TSs to explore their homosexual side, but I can tell you why I'm into TSs. The reason I'm attracted to TSs is because I'm sick of dealing with GGs. I'm currently in a relationship with the same girl since Highschool, and the relationship has been through a lot of tough times. Basically my girlfriend has a lot of problems, I don't know how to deal with them, so I look for an escape. The escape that I found is TSs. TSs just seem to be a lot more stable. Though each person is different, TSs seem to have a good understanding of what they want and they'll do something about it to get there.

To me TSs seem represent everything that my relationship is not.

most TSs seem to be: Independent, assertive, strong, and more dominant than the GGs in my life.

I guess that gives some insight into a different perspective.

tsntx, I understand how shitty it is to have your fealings stomped all over, and there is really nothing that can make it better except for lots of time and finding someone new.

Good luck.

07-12-2006, 07:51 AM
Jen...sorry for the timing on my "Are you getting married" thread. I don't know you, it's news to me that you've been on the Discovery Channel (anyone care to enlighten me?) I just thought you were cute, looked at your Myspace page, and saw all the references. This gay thing....oy. All I know is, gay stuff is a turnoff for me. Women fascinate me. Transexuals fascinate me. I've had sex with one transexual. She was gorgeous and sweet. I fucked her. It felt great. I let her fuck me. It hurt. So far, it's Penis 10,000, Ass 0. I don't know you, as I said. But if I met you, I'd be into you initially because you're attractive. Whether you made me fall in love with you would be a matter of getting to know you. It sounds to me like you've gotten involved with a couple of guys that are gay. It's pretty simple. The more you become a woman, the greater the chance of attracting a straight man. You look great to me. Is your voice feminine? In a nutshell, are you clockable? If you can operate in 'stealth mode', a straight man is far more likely to be attracted and get to know and possibly fall for you. Then you can tell him. Personally, I'd love to have a relationship that began in this way. And another thing. Get to know someone slowly. A good man will be interested in more than jumping your bones. I've got a gorgeous female friend that has more 'asshole magnet' stories than I can listen to. A man will say anything to get you into bed. You know.
I've been reading here for two years. I think that for some guys that hook up with many transexuals, it's less a gay/straight thing, than a 'will fuck anyone hot' attitude. You're pretty, so you've got to be careful. If you live fast, you'll lose fast too.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
07-12-2006, 08:59 AM
Hi Jen. Sorry to hear this bad news. You dont surely deserved being short changed in the "process" of being nice and kind helping out these guys figure out their own sexuality. But..I can tell you from what you wrote, It does sound like Scott is only with Brian out of convinience. No.1 you mentioned Brian as being rich. So that is self explanatory. And as far as being gay..I would think maybe Brian is in denial about it and Scott might be just "curious" rightnow just like most guys his age who hasnt yet by definition defined his sexuality. Its also possible that without you knowing it Brian schemed this all off because he was curious to get (be with) Scott. It would be true especially if they known eachother previously before the 3some ever happened. You just didnt vibe it off at that time.

I dont and wont believe that there's a "love connection" going on between them but maybe more like "lust" and the curiousity and "convinience" of having a guy buddy/lover at the same time to do stuffs with and yet just appear in public as nothing more but just friends i.e. two guys hanging out and or rooming together.

A ts being used as a tool for a guy to transition to get to being homosexual isnt farfetched. Afterall as much as there are late bloomer, late transitioners (TS'es)..there are also latent bi-sexuals or homosexuals. Im pretty sure this sort of thing and occurence has happened to other transexuals. So you are not alone in this. Take for example that army guy friend in that movie soldiers girl. The one who egged on this other guy to kill the guy who dated whats her face? I forgot now. I think he's got some vested interest in that guy who dated the TS and seemed hurt that his "buddy" spends more time outside the barracks than hanging out with him. I dunno but thats how I saw the whole situation. Even the TS has vibed it and mentioned that to the guy she was eing in the movie. She said your friend looks at you differently or something to that effect while having an argument in her house. Sorry just blahberring here too much..but going back..

I know a guy friend of mine awhile back who is straight and wouldnt even be caught dead being seen hanging out muchless dating a transexual. Nevertheless, it gotten to a point where we seen eachother casually and after awhile he started talking about blowing some guy or getting topped by one while I give directions (commands as a Mistress). His words not mines..LOL. I think as much as he talks about it and never had the guts to do it in real time..It turned me off quite a great deal to hear this hunky young doctor turn too pussy on me. LOL I mean I like 'em submissive but not that submissive to a point that he now craves for another man's cock. "Yes Mistress, let me suck all these guys for you!"..just doesnt ring nice to my ears. LOL :lol: :wink:



07-12-2006, 09:00 AM
ok first off no if I read it right you had sex with an ex (Brian) and brought Scott in to it because Brian was going to be paying you well ? And to think your always on here saying you don't do the whole sex for money thing well darling you just contradicted your self big time now I'm not busting your balls but that was so stupid and you kinda brought this on your self how and why would you ever bring the person you really care about in to something like that even for money that's just fucked up and now that he wants to be with Brian which of course going to happen I suppose you are going to rant on the evils of prostitution/escorting now Go ahead your good for it but I mean that isnt that pot calling the kettle black I mean come on how did you meet Brian if I remember it was off gay .com and you to were once just trade but more happened so if you think about it all you did was hook them up you had to know this was going to happen you opened the whole can of worms by taking the money and looking at them fuck now had someone offer me money to sleep with my husband I would kick there fucking teeth in because that's just sick and as for the same for Dan Dan would never want to see me have sex with any one other then him hence why we only do porn together.... so you have to see what happened. besides you know Brian had been seeing other boys for yrs so lets not play dumb or think we didn't know what was going on just cut your loses and move on your still young you what 25 26 you'll be fine so best of luck ........ and keep your head up it happens to the best of that and I do mean that ....take care

Funny when I pull the string the SEE N SAY says HOooMOooo......

p.s. Keep your pimp hand strong :)

Holly Sweet


07-12-2006, 09:47 AM
I had to read that a couple of times to make sure I read it right. But I definitely told myself I would jump in before a troll said something stupid like, "I'd let you fuck me in the ass anytime."


I know you're pretty hurt and upset about what happend in your relationship. I really feel for you about that. So I'm going to answer your question and give a little advice.

I think most guys that say they're straight are straight. Even guys like us that deal with and have relationships with Transexuals. Most guys that are gay or bisexual know it already and admit to it. From my experience and what I've seen, gay guys don't like transexuals sexually.

So now, I'm going to put my two cents in. From what you wrote, this is your second serious relationship. By the time you're thirty you're going to have at -least- ten more serious relationships. You were with a younger guy that didn't know what he was sexually. You'll have more relationships, but don't go down the path of the "bitter tranny" and start thinking that every guy that likes transexuals is 1) gay 2) a tranny chaser.

I was in a relationship with a transexual when I was 22 and she was 28. Me finding out that she was a transexual did make me wonder about my sexuality, but the only thing I learned was that I wasn't gay. How did I know? I wouldn't let my then girlfriend top me or I wasn't interested in guys.

Your boyfriend letting another guy suck him off should've been a clue. I'm thinking your ex boyfriend offering gifts and/or money to be in a threesome with him should've tipped you off too. He was up to no good to begin with. I guarantee you in a couple of months or even weeks, that rich guy is going to dump him on his ass. The rich guy is trying to get in your head and he played your boyfriend.

Just walk away from the drama and put the rich guy on ignore.

07-12-2006, 10:13 AM
from what i kind of made from it, it could have been a money issue. he loved his money more than the person. did he come from a poor background, or is he not very good with his money? as this may be the reason behind it

it is a bit of a shitty way to lose someone but is he really worth all that? back outta love for a few weeks and have fun then try to make something work again

Jamie Michelle
07-12-2006, 11:12 AM
recently i split w/ my only "real" boyfriend since transitioning we were together for a lil over a year... hes younger then me, barely 20 to my almost 25, and before i was with him, as anyone who may have watched the discovery show know, i was w/ brian for a lil over 5yrs... i met and dated brian in my previous body and even tho brian looked and acted like anyother red blooded american hedero male he obviously wasnt... brian and i split due to the fact that i transitioned and thus looking and being more fem turned him off... but the connection was still there we still "loved" each other and still had sex together but it wasnt the same it was def. more about just fufilling the need w/ someone you could trust... during my relationship w/ scott my recent ex we ended up breaking up and during that time brian and i went back to fufilling each others needs and while scott and i bonded and worked out the kinks of why we originally broke up he was sleeping w/ a girl he knew from school... that made me jealous and i begged for him to take me back b/c i didnt like that i was loosing out to some ugly girl, and she really was :she didnt wear makeup, she was overweight, and heavy into drugs/ alcohol, so after 4 months of bs we were kinda back together things werent perfect but they were "improving" ....
blah blah blah this has nothing to do w/ the point moving on....
he went to do more training for the marines he ended up being gone for 4 months, he literally left after we had started reconciling... i had let go of the things w/ him and the girl bc i didnt want to tell him i had still been seeing my ex so i had to let it go... he got a leave and came home for about 10 days 1 month into the training, during that time my ex, who is a good looking 29yr old multi millionaire made us a proposition... have a 3some and hed make it worth while so we did... first time it was just me and scott and brian watched... then the next time scott and i messed around and brian joined in w/ me a lil.. next time brian gave oral to scott for a couple mins and then scott and i finished together while i gave oral to brian, then scott and brian took turns w/ me but not together... scott had always made it clear that he was NOT gay and that sex w/ a man disgusted him and etc. etc etc... same bs i read on this site all the time.. he told me on the phone after he went back to training that he had fun and in the end it was enjoyable for all ... we got new cars out of it in case your wondering...he would tell me also that brian would send him msgs of what he wanted to do to scott and me when he came home for good and scott told me that some of it sounded really hot and that he thought it would be fun... i was enjoying it so i figured y not if its all fine and dandy w/ everyone why not?... the last letter he wrote to me was a week before he came home and it was saying how he wanted the 3 somes to stop once he came home b/c anything brian could do to him or me we could do for each other and it would be more special.. i was ALL for that... bc i realised that if it were to keep going it would only weaken and destory our relationship and if we were to end i didnt want it to be b/c of that so i was excited for the new start and to erase all the bad that happened previously and give us a real chance ... the first week home all we do is fight... we were both getting a ton of msgs from , guess who... brian, and it would only piss the other off even more ... we fought about this and about that and none of it was a big deal so i told him to go to his moms for awhile so we could cool off, i didnt mean forever just like the weekend or something hoping we would cool off kiss and makeup like ppl who care for each other should... regardless of our previous actions we did care alot for one another... anyone thats seen "the breakup" knows exactly what im talking about ... petty shit that spiraled and snowballed outta control into a big disgusting hideous mess ... so its been a week and a half since he left and i find out that not only is he living w/ brian but they are now "together" and in a catty way brian used the word "love" to describe to me how he felt about scott so i can only assume for now that scott and him had been planning this and that i was most likely a transition piece for scott until he could better understand his sexuality and accept himself for the person he is and then leave me to be w/ whatever guy he wanted... so needless to say im shocked and venting b/c i really dont know who else to say what i want to say and the ppl that give the most honest answers are ppl who arent involved and maybe some of yall have been in simular situations so my biggest question is...

men: do you think that youre using transexual women to explore your homosexual side?

women: do you think most guys youre w/ sexually "love/ dating/ or client" are just using you to see if they want to go full blown gay?

oh i see a poll button.. ok put it in there i guess...

as for the "relationship" i dont think its real after only really a week of being together in person theres NO WAY they could actually love each other... scott says he doesnt love brian for sure as of yet... and another thing i dont get... brian is a TOTAL "straight" guy type top... scott was 98% "straight" guy type top and i know that he may have wanted to be more bottom but not 98% more...so where can that go anyway...

just looking for some kinda answers... anybody

No. Guys that want to fuck guys will fuck guys. Guys that want to fuck trannies will fuck trannies. And then there are guys that want to fuck both.

A guy that is truly into only hunky men won't be satisfied with a tranny.

This idea of men getting with trannies because they really want to be with hunky men doesn't make a lot of sense. It might happen sometimes, due to a tranny's cock and balls, but I doubt that it is that common.

After all, a guy getting with a tranny is itself gay activity, so a guy who was really into hunky men would have to be pretty deep in denial to fool himself that he was really straight by getting with trannies.

Trannies have their own sex-appeal. We should't act like it's a mystery why guys would want to have sex with trannies, as if what they really want is a hunky guy.

07-12-2006, 04:22 PM
Earlier this year I was dating a guy who I met on campus where I go to school.

When I came out to him, he got pretty confused and one of the things he said was "I don't know if you're just a homosexual male trying to seduce a heterosexual male." (or something along those lines). Luckily he decided he still wanted to hang out with me.

When things happened, I was pretty self-conscious about my status because I didn't want to weird him out when we were making out on his bed and I was getting a hard-on. The first sexual stuff we did was that he dry humped me. He had told me that he didn't want to see my dick because it would ruin the image in his mind of me as female.

Well... after he came, he felt a lot more relaxed and got really curious to touch and see my dick. Within a couple weeks, he was all over it.

Right before we broke up, after the last time we had sex, he had downloaded a tranny porno I was sharing on the school network (Gia Darling's Transsexual Heartbreakers #27, for the record). This gave him a couple more ideas. He said one part where a girl was getting fucked in the ass and had her dick flopping around (was doing what was termed in a recent thread "the helicoper") was actually rather sexy. He also said he wanted to try going down on me (although he said he probably wouldn't let me cum in his mouth). Unfortunately, the GG he liked became interested in him and that was that.

One of the things he did admit to me was that he was curious about dicks. He had never really seen other guys' dicks up close and had never even met (to his knowledge, of course) a t-girl.

I was joking around with someone online and they said I was turning him gay. I told him that story (not that I wanted to water any doubts planted in his head already from being with me) and asked him if he was going to turn gay and start hitting on his dorm mates next :-D. He said it wasn't guys he had any interest in, he was just curious about dicks and mainly because it was attached to me.

I was talking to him about my parents once while we were laying in bed. I think I said something about when I came out to my parents at 16, my mom had already figured I was gay since I was 10 because of the way I acted but my dad was totally oblivious. I asked him if he could see me as a straight man and he laughed. I asked him if he could see me as a gay boy and he thought a second and said "yeah" but added that he just saw me as a girl.

I think in all honesty, a lot of straight guys are bi-curious but deny it strongly because of the way our society is. Perhaps experimenting with transsexuals is one way of experimenting with homosexuality with a bit of cover because no one would know (those are, after all, girl moans coming from his dorm... :-). This doesn't mean he wanted to get with some big burly guy who looked like him, after all, I think one thing that helped is that he was 6'3", 250lb, with a full beard and body hair and I was 5'6", 140lb and hairless. However, if I was a boy, there are gay guys who would love to be in his position, topping a little twink.

The first time we had sex, he asked me if this made him gay or what and I just told him not to worry about sticking labels on it.

So.... was he gay and just using you because you were the closest thing he could get to a guy with immunity? Was he a cock-obsessed "chaser"? Did you turn him gay? "Shh.... don't worry about it, just go with the flow."

Vicki Richter
07-12-2006, 05:19 PM
I would like for you to introduce me to Brian. I will take care of all of his threesome fantasies and not care about any silly implications of how it would affect my relationship(s). This is a service that I would do for you out of love and respect. 8)

But honestly - you have a great gig going on. Find Brian some other gay guy and keep it going. Someday you will be less idealistic and you will realize what a good gig that was.

Significant others pass through our lives so quickly that it really isn't worth worrying about. It's fun to be in love, but the divorce rate in Cali is about 66% and it's now more than 50% nationwide. The chances for a relationship to fail in our commuinity is even higher. There are not things like kids and marriage to allow us to bond with our partners on another level. If I had $1 for every unhappy marriage that was just held together for the "sake of the children"...

It is really too bad. However, I have wondered if TS are a entry level drug into the world of gay sex for some guys. When I read about guys being into some manly CD just to suck his/her dick, it really makes you wonder. Sleeping with cross dressers is gay sex any way you slice it. When I read "OMG she's hot and I don't care if that's a wig and falsies and she doesn't take hormones I'd still do her" on here and other message boards it makes you kind of wonder.

Vicki Richter
07-12-2006, 05:25 PM
Hey, I do what I can babe. A year from now I'll probably be living in the desert getting yelled at on a regular basis.

You better come visit.


Honda stop saying silly shit like this. This is absolutely crazy nonsense.

07-12-2006, 05:25 PM
Whew, it's not even noon yet and it's hot as hell where I am right now. Unseasonably warm. It kinda reminds me of the weather when I was on vacation last summer, but I suppose heat is something I'm going to have to use to. . .

Excuse me, I'm guess I'm a bit off topic here.

But man oh man, is it hot.

07-12-2006, 05:40 PM
Funny when I pull the string the SEE N SAY says HOooMOooo......


Ok, now to the topic at hand. Jen, I'm sorry to hear that you had such a bad experience. So far as determining the percentage of men exploring their “homosexual” side through dating transsexuals is concerned, I don't think there's a simple, categorical answer that I could give you. Still, if I had to guess, I would say it’s a definite minority, not a majority.


07-12-2006, 06:26 PM
Hey, I do what I can babe. A year from now I'll probably be living in the desert getting yelled at on a regular basis.

You better come visit.


Honda stop saying silly shit like this. This is absolutely crazy nonsense.

OK then, I won't move down to the desert. Done and done, and that settles that issue once and for all.

07-12-2006, 07:40 PM
I'd really only be guessing at your poll, Jen, as I can only speak for myself. My "thing" for T-gurls has a lot to be with their being a 'third gender' in a two-gender world. I'm not so much exploring as I am enjoying their company and the exotic ability to bridge the genders, as it were.

On 'love': It's public knowledge that I've learned that 'love' is little more than a cheap, four-letter word invented primarily to peddle greeting cards and Chevrolets. Most people I've been with have either lied about it or just don't have a clue. If these guys are waving the 'love' banner, ask if they're working the local dealership or writing for Hallmark, because those are the most likely possibilities at this early stage.

Buck up, kiddo, and be good to you.

07-12-2006, 07:52 PM

07-12-2006, 10:03 PM
I’m a 27yr old guy, who is good looking and has never had a problem finding GG’s to date. Still I have always found that there was something lacking in my relationships. I have never been with a guy, transsexual or anything in between and I don’t know when I started taking an interest in TS’s, but what I do know is that when I have talked to some, I get the butterfly feeling in my stomach that I got before my first kiss. So I decided that I would start to read about the community online and get to know more about the “community.” Thats how I ended up at HungAngels.

My conclusion about myself:

At this point I’m at best bi-curious, but I have absolutely NO desire to be with a man.

I will not pay to find out just how attracted to TS’s I am. But if someone does more power to them, I have no moral problem with it.

I will just wait and see if the stars a line and I meet the right girl at the right time.

The real problem with being a guy who likes TS’s in America: (the link is my reference)

1) Europe has 4 times as many TS’s as America
2) It is estimated that somewhere between 1:20,000 to 1:80,000
males are transsexual or about 1:40,000 to 160,000 people are MTF AT BEST.

America has 296,000,000 people which works out to 7,400 to 1,850 TS’s in America, 90% of which live in major cities, “thank god I live in Denver, I guess”

What that means then if only a third of the men in America try to date TS’s girls there is only 1 girl for ever 24,000 to 6,000 men.

3) I have noticed that many of the guys out there in cyber space are only are interested in having sex or collecting porn of these rare girls which makes it really hard for a guy to establish a friendship with a girl on any level.

Here is the link to the place I got some information

----------- This is from their Website------------------------------------

1.15) How many transgenderists are out there?

There are no actual statistics on the numbers of transvestites, transsexuals, or intersexuals in the world at large. Due to the nature of transgenderism, a accurate count cannot be made. The estimated ratio of MTF transsexuals to genetic males is between 1:2000 and 1:80,000. The estimated ratio of FTM transsexuals to genetic females is between 1:2000 and 1:125,000.

Researchers estimate that the percentage of men who have crossdressed is quite high, perhaps as high as 50 percent. Female crossdressers are comparatively uncommon (crossdressing meaning someone who dresses in male clothes and attempts to look male.)

There are numerous other unverified statistics floating around in the world, such as:

* less than 1% of all people saying they are transsexual ever have SRS
* 7-12,000 sex changes have been performed in the US, half of them MTF
* there are 4 times as many MTF transsexuals in Europe as there are in America
* 90 percent of all transvestites and transsexuals live in large cities

1.16) Are all transvestites gay? Are all transsexuals gay?

Most transvestites are heterosexual. Tapestry Magazine did a survey on the sexual orientation of its transvestite readers, and found that 75 percent of them were heterosexual.

There are several groups exclusively for heterosexual transvestites that have very large memberships (tri-ess, etc.).

Many psychologists say that transvestites are in the same proportion of gay to straight individuals as the non-transvestite segment of the male population.

The MTF transsexual population is roughly 50 percent oriented towards males. The FTM transsexual population is more oriented towards females, but many FTM's have relationships with gay men.

07-12-2006, 10:15 PM
Jen, I think a better poll would be to ask us guys whether we're into being with TS to explore our homosexuality, not for us to guess how many do that. As others have said, I can't guess other guys' motivation. For me, it was never an issue: I'm bi and had sex with men decades before I was ever with a TS woman. There's no need to explore that side of myself, been there, done that (and definitely prefer women or TS women, fwiw).

For me the attraction (prior to getting to know a person, where other factors come into play) is to a beautiful, feminine woman who also has a cock and enjoys some level of intimacy with her cock (that is, she could be a top--love tops--or she could be a bottom but enjoy receiving oral or other combinations).

Vicki Richter
07-12-2006, 10:29 PM
Jesus H. Some people, despite their "co-mmu-ni-ty" (whatever that means), are still holding out and are hopeful for real, fulfilling relationships. I would tell you, tsntx, to hold out for the best relationship you can have. There's nothing wrong with 3 adults doing whatever they want, sexually, but were you're guy crossed the line is in moving in with that other guy. You should move on, find another guy and take it from there. In spite of what happened, there are plenty of other decent men out there who are also sexual deviants. :lol:

Change your phone number and move on. You're a beautiful woman and you don't have to give up on love because of your "community" or because some asshole kid is too confused to be your man.

Hey shoosh! When you can type 80 words a minute at a 99% accuracy by touch typing come talk to me about typos.

I know exactly 0 TS in a LTR that has lasted over 5 years. Why is that do you think? By and large the TS thing is a community despite what you want to believe. Even stealth TS hang out together often.

So many girls are out there holding out for the white picket fence and it just isn't overly realistic for 99% of TS. Sex work is never a white picket fence.

Also porno is a community in and of itself. Almost all the dating in the adult industry (at least in L.A.) is done from within the industry. The performers hang out together, the directors hang out with porn girls and others... I was at the Evil Angel July 4th thing... Besides the kids, there was exactly 2 people there who weren't in the industry. Why do you think that is? I will tell you... because most guys can't stomach their girlfriend fucking 5 or more other guys a week and taking their cum up their asses. Most girls don't want a guy who directs slutty porno girls for a living because of jealousy issues. It takes a porn person to understand a porn person and accept them most of the time. It might be even worse for escorts where they go on tour and fuck (although safely) pretty much indiscriminately.

If you can't face up to the reality then I am sorry, but this is real life. I read recently about a post-op TS who was denied her ex-husbands estate because she was classified as a genetically born male and the marriage was termed illegal by his children/heirs. This was a post-op TS... Seanchai - out of the thousands of TS you've shot, how many were in happy long term relationships percentage-wise?

Now... I may sound it, but I am not jaded or bitter at all. I was in a 5ish year relationship that some of the girls in here are aware of and it was really good. I met his kids (and took them to school sometimes), his family (sisters, nephews, etc), his ex-wife... I broke up with him over totally non-inflamatory circumstances so I have no anger there at all. However, the number of relationships like that are really small.

I am just telling Jen who the last I heard had no job and got kicked out of school, that she should reconsider her values if some guy is giving her cars and such. Girls first need to take care of themselves and be comfortable financially... Someone financially independent is more able to date on their own terms.

Vicki Richter
07-12-2006, 10:33 PM
I want to also state for the record that I know Jen is not a sex worker / adult worker by career per se... but she is well on her way as per this thread. I give her 2 years tops.

07-12-2006, 11:07 PM
Hey, I do what I can babe. A year from now I'll probably be living in the desert getting yelled at on a regular basis.

You better come visit.


Honda stop saying silly shit like this. This is absolutely crazy nonsense.

OK then, I won't move down to the desert. Done and done, and that settles that issue once and for all.

#1, I think that issue was settled quite a while ago.
#2, Constantly referring to the visit after it occurred probably wasn't the best way to go about things. Keep your private life private.
#3, Informing Vicki that you'll be kicking her boyfriend's asses in a year is
an amazingly hamhanded way to go about things. I've read your stuff for a couple of years and am aware that you usually deflect criticism with an "I am what I am" approach, but c'mon. You're smarter than that. You do yourself a disservice. And did you ever consider that stalker behaviour and talking about it publicly might encourage other stalkers? How would you feel if someone hurt her? Real love considers the other person's feelings. I've backed off from a GG I've been crazy about since I met seven years ago because she made it clear she thinks of me as a friend. I sure as hell don't want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with me. That's kind of an important factor, don't you think?

07-13-2006, 12:02 AM
Hey shoosh! When you can type 80 words a minute at a 99% accuracy by touch typing come talk to me about typos.

I know exactly 0 TS in a LTR that has lasted over 5 years. Why is that do you think? By and large the TS thing is a community despite what you want to believe. Even stealth TS hang out together often.

So many girls are out there holding out for the white picket fence and it just isn't overly realistic for 99% of TS. Sex work is never a white picket fence.

Also porno is a community in and of itself. Almost all the dating in the adult industry (at least in L.A.) is done from within the industry. The performers hang out together, the directors hang out with porn girls and others... I was at the Evil Angel July 4th thing... Besides the kids, there was exactly 2 people there who weren't in the industry. Why do you think that is? I will tell you... because most guys can't stomach their girlfriend fucking 5 or more other guys a week and taking their cum up their asses. Most girls don't want a guy who directs slutty porno girls for a living because of jealousy issues. It takes a porn person to understand a porn person and accept them most of the time. It might be even worse for escorts where they go on tour and fuck (although safely) pretty much indiscriminately.

If you can't face up to the reality then I am sorry, but this is real life. I read recently about a post-op TS who was denied her ex-husbands estate because she was classified as a genetically born male and the marriage was termed illegal by his children/heirs. This was a post-op TS... Seanchai - out of the thousands of TS you've shot, how many were in happy long term relationships percentage-wise?

Now... I may sound it, but I am not jaded or bitter at all. I was in a 5ish year relationship that some of the girls in here are aware of and it was really good. I met his kids (and took them to school sometimes), his family (sisters, nephews, etc), his ex-wife... I broke up with him over totally non-inflamatory circumstances so I have no anger there at all. However, the number of relationships like that are really small.

I am just telling Jen who the last I heard had no job and got kicked out of school, that she should reconsider her values if some guy is giving her cars and such. Girls first need to take care of themselves and be comfortable financially... Someone financially independent is more able to date on their own terms.

Nah I didn't type "co-mmun-i-ty" to point out spelling errors, I'm not an asshole. But I did want to take issue with this "community" mentality. Whatever this community may be, this type of thinking is doing them a disservice in my opinion.

If a girl wants to find love or close to it, let her find it. It's much better than burying your head in the sand and acting impervious to loves existence.... all because you're afraid you might fail at it.

Like Loving
07-13-2006, 12:37 AM
Where is the 100% option? Penis or not, the fact that TS are biological males is the attraction for every TS lover, whether he admits it or not.
There are no straight men who are into TS, because that's a contradiction in itself. As soon as you are interested in TS you're interested in the homosexual site, no matter which aspect of it.

07-13-2006, 12:58 AM
Where is the 100% option? Penis or not, the fact that TS are biological males is the attraction for every TS lover, whether he admits it or not.

Speak for yourself.
If that were true, TS lovers would be hooking up with guys in addition to, or instead of TS. In the privacy of my own room, I could look at all the gay porn I want. It does nothing for me. Hundreds of people here have said the same thing. But you would paint us all as a bunch of in-the-closet types.

- - - - - - - - - - - - GG's - - - - - - - - - - - - TS - - - - - - - - - - - GUYS
Pretty...................YES...................... .........YES.........................NO
Feminine . . . . . . . YES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YES . . . . . . . . . . . . NO
Soft . . . . . . . . . . .YES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YES . . . . . . . . . . . . NO
Breasts . . . . . . . . YES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .YES . . . . . . . . . . . .NO
Cock . . . . . . . . . . .NO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YES . . . . . . . . . . . .YES
Visible orgasm . .SOMETIMES . . . . . . . . . . . YES . . . . . . . . . . . YES
Can Fake it . . . . . .YES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NO . . . . . . . . WHO CARES
Gross . . . . . . . . . . NO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NO . . . . . . . . . . . . YES
Hairy . . . . . . . . . . .NO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NO . . . . . . . . . . . . YES
Smelly . . . . . . . . . .NO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NO . . . . . . . . . . . . YES
Faggy . . . . . . . . . . NO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NO. . . . . . . . .. . PROBABLY
Visually appealing . YES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .YES . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NO!
To Straight Men
Easy to Pleasure . .Sometimes . . . . . . . . . .YES . . . . . . . . .WHO CARES

This chart was compiled by The Institute For Figuring Out What Makes TS So Freaking Sexy, which operates out of Yale by the way.

Like Loving
07-13-2006, 01:20 AM
It is really too bad. However, I have wondered if TS are a entry level drug into the world of gay sex for some guys. When I read about guys being into some manly CD just to suck his/her dick, it really makes you wonder. Sleeping with cross dressers is gay sex any way you slice it. When I read "OMG she's hot and I don't care if that's a wig and falsies and she doesn't take hormones I'd still do her" on here and other message boards it makes you kind of wonder.

It doesn't have to be an entry level drug, because TS sex already is gay sex. The differences of the mindset between a TS and a CD make no difference to the biological facts.
It may sound harsh, but guys don't like you for what you want to be but for what you are. The fascination always has to start with the thought "Okay, but she's really a boy" and from there the interest makes it path to whatever destiny.

"But I only like to suck cocks!" Uh, guess what, that's gay.

"But I don't wanna suck cocks or be topped!" Uh, guess what, these are not the only forms of homosexuality.

Like Loving
07-13-2006, 01:27 AM
Speak for yourself.
If that were true, TS lovers would be hooking up with guys in addition to, or instead of TS. In the privacy of my own room, I could look at all the gay porn I want. It does nothing for me. Hundreds of people here have said the same thing. But you would paint us all as a bunch of in-the-closet types.

Then what's the point of TS sex? Why not stay with GoodGirls? The fascination HAS to stem from the fact that they are biological males, everything else would be pointless.

Gays doesn't equal hunky, hairy, ugly guys. Gay doesn't equal wanting to suck dicks or being topped. There are a lot of feminine gays out there, which if you put into a dress and put on a wig would look better (more like a girl) than many TGirls. There are many forms of homosexuality and TS are a variation of it. Maybe a nice bisexual mix, but that always includes the homosexual part.

07-13-2006, 02:46 AM
I've always been into ts girls that are completely passable. I want a girl that looks 100% like a girl, except she's got a cock. I like to suck cock and I like to receive anal, but only if it's from a hot chick.

I did at one time question if I was gay or bi, but I'm turned off by the ts girls who aren't passable and I couldn't imagine being with a man.

I'm with girls most of the time and only occassionally do I feel the need for a ts girl.

Having said that, I do think it's possible for some men to use ts girls as a transition to being with a man. And in your instance I think that was clearly the case.

Not sure if this post helped you in any way.

no it does every answer is honest i think from everyone and every answer helps give me a better idea of the picture as a whole..
i dont beleive there is a such thing as 100% passable but i think some def get a lot closer to flying below radar more then others... i wonder if guys that want that impossible to detect girl only want her to have their "cake" and eat it too w/o their friends or family knowing what is going on b/c they dont want to be judged... i think that scott is w/ brian b/c together they can both pass under the radar of the ppl they know as "just friends/ roomies" when they get home tho its a diff story and he was becoming more nervous about being w/ me now that he was active duty vs. reservist

07-13-2006, 02:51 AM
Jen...sorry for the timing on my "Are you getting married" thread. I don't know you, it's news to me that you've been on the Discovery Channel (anyone care to enlighten me?) I just thought you were cute, looked at your Myspace page, and saw all the references. This gay thing....oy. All I know is, gay stuff is a turnoff for me. Women fascinate me. Transexuals fascinate me. I've had sex with one transexual. She was gorgeous and sweet. I fucked her. It felt great. I let her fuck me. It hurt. So far, it's Penis 10,000, Ass 0. I don't know you, as I said. But if I met you, I'd be into you initially because you're attractive. Whether you made me fall in love with you would be a matter of getting to know you. It sounds to me like you've gotten involved with a couple of guys that are gay. It's pretty simple. The more you become a woman, the greater the chance of attracting a straight man. You look great to me. Is your voice feminine? In a nutshell, are you clockable? If you can operate in 'stealth mode', a straight man is far more likely to be attracted and get to know and possibly fall for you. Then you can tell him. Personally, I'd love to have a relationship that began in this way. And another thing. Get to know someone slowly. A good man will be interested in more than jumping your bones. I've got a gorgeous female friend that has more 'asshole magnet' stories than I can listen to. A man will say anything to get you into bed. You know.
I've been reading here for two years. I think that for some guys that hook up with many transexuals, it's less a gay/straight thing, than a 'will fuck anyone hot' attitude. You're pretty, so you've got to be careful. If you live fast, you'll lose fast too.

well we did take it pretty slow i mean weve been together for a year and only recently has he started questioning his sexuality... to me or anyone for that matter... he says hes still very much attracted to me but he needs to be somewhere that will be "easier" ... im sure that means w/ noone guessing the other is gay but w/e so be it...nothing about my story was "easy" tho so... anywho... ive always been upfront w/ my status as a transexual woman from the start i dont hide it from anyone esp. men and thats simply b/c i dont want to be in the news for a statistic murder

07-13-2006, 02:51 AM
Hi Jen. Sorry to hear this bad news. You dont surely deserved being short changed in the "process" of being nice and kind helping out these guys figure out their own sexuality. But..I can tell you from what you wrote, It does sound like Scott is only with Brian out of convinience. No.1 you mentioned Brian as being rich. So that is self explanatory. And as far as being gay..I would think maybe Brian is in denial about it and Scott might be just "curious" rightnow just like most guys his age who hasnt yet by definition defined his sexuality. Its also possible that without you knowing it Brian schemed this all off because he was curious to get (be with) Scott. It would be true especially if they known eachother previously before the 3some ever happened. You just didnt vibe it off at that time.

I dont and wont believe that there's a "love connection" going on between them but maybe more like "lust" and the curiousity and "convinience" of having a guy buddy/lover at the same time to do stuffs with and yet just appear in public as nothing more but just friends i.e. two guys hanging out and or rooming together.

A ts being used as a tool for a guy to transition to get to being homosexual isnt farfetched. Afterall as much as there are late bloomer, late transitioners (TS'es)..there are also latent bi-sexuals or homosexuals. Im pretty sure this sort of thing and occurence has happened to other transexuals. So you are not alone in this. Take for example that army guy friend in that movie soldiers girl. The one who egged on this other guy to kill the guy who dated whats her face? I forgot now. I think he's got some vested interest in that guy who dated the TS and seemed hurt that his "buddy" spends more time outside the barracks than hanging out with him. I dunno but thats how I saw the whole situation. Even the TS has vibed it and mentioned that to the guy she was eing in the movie. She said your friend looks at you differently or something to that effect while having an argument in her house. Sorry just blahberring here too much..but going back..

I know a guy friend of mine awhile back who is straight and wouldnt even be caught dead being seen hanging out muchless dating a transexual. Nevertheless, it gotten to a point where we seen eachother casually and after awhile he started talking about blowing some guy or getting topped by one while I give directions (commands as a Mistress). His words not mines..LOL. I think as much as he talks about it and never had the guts to do it in real time..It turned me off quite a great deal to hear this hunky young doctor turn too pussy on me. LOL I mean I like 'em submissive but not that submissive to a point that he now craves for another man's cock. "Yes Mistress, let me suck all these guys for you!"..just doesnt ring nice to my ears. LOL :lol: :wink:



ty hara this means a lot ill reply back to ur email tho ;)

07-13-2006, 02:52 AM
Hi Jen. Sorry to hear this bad news. You dont surely deserved being short changed in the "process" of being nice and kind helping out these guys figure out their own sexuality. But..I can tell you from what you wrote, It does sound like Scott is only with Brian out of convinience. No.1 you mentioned Brian as being rich. So that is self explanatory. And as far as being gay..I would think maybe Brian is in denial about it and Scott might be just "curious" rightnow just like most guys his age who hasnt yet by definition defined his sexuality. Its also possible that without you knowing it Brian schemed this all off because he was curious to get (be with) Scott. It would be true especially if they known eachother previously before the 3some ever happened. You just didnt vibe it off at that time.

I dont and wont believe that there's a "love connection" going on between them but maybe more like "lust" and the curiousity and "convinience" of having a guy buddy/lover at the same time to do stuffs with and yet just appear in public as nothing more but just friends i.e. two guys hanging out and or rooming together.

A ts being used as a tool for a guy to transition to get to being homosexual isnt farfetched. Afterall as much as there are late bloomer, late transitioners (TS'es)..there are also latent bi-sexuals or homosexuals. Im pretty sure this sort of thing and occurence has happened to other transexuals. So you are not alone in this. Take for example that army guy friend in that movie soldiers girl. The one who egged on this other guy to kill the guy who dated whats her face? I forgot now. I think he's got some vested interest in that guy who dated the TS and seemed hurt that his "buddy" spends more time outside the barracks than hanging out with him. I dunno but thats how I saw the whole situation. Even the TS has vibed it and mentioned that to the guy she was eing in the movie. She said your friend looks at you differently or something to that effect while having an argument in her house. Sorry just blahberring here too much..but going back..

I know a guy friend of mine awhile back who is straight and wouldnt even be caught dead being seen hanging out muchless dating a transexual. Nevertheless, it gotten to a point where we seen eachother casually and after awhile he started talking about blowing some guy or getting topped by one while I give directions (commands as a Mistress). His words not mines..LOL. I think as much as he talks about it and never had the guts to do it in real time..It turned me off quite a great deal to hear this hunky young doctor turn too pussy on me. LOL I mean I like 'em submissive but not that submissive to a point that he now craves for another man's cock. "Yes Mistress, let me suck all these guys for you!"..just doesnt ring nice to my ears. LOL :lol: :wink:



ty hara this means a lot ill reply back to ur email tho ;) but yes basically i feel that everything you said is accurate... tho i know for sure nothing started b4 the 3some :/ my fault i know

07-13-2006, 03:05 AM
ok first off no if I read it right you had sex with an ex (Brian) and brought Scott in to it because Brian was going to be paying you well ? And to think your always on here saying you don't do the whole sex for money thing well darling you just contradicted your self big time now I'm not busting your balls but that was so stupid and you kinda brought this on your self how and why would you ever bring the person you really care about in to something like that even for money that's just fucked up and now that he wants to be with Brian which of course going to happen I suppose you are going to rant on the evils of prostitution/escorting now Go ahead your good for it but I mean that isnt that pot calling the kettle black I mean come on how did you meet Brian if I remember it was off gay .com and you to were once just trade but more happened so if you think about it all you did was hook them up you had to know this was going to happen you opened the whole can of worms by taking the money and looking at them fuck now had someone offer me money to sleep with my husband I would kick there fucking teeth in because that's just sick and as for the same for Dan Dan would never want to see me have sex with any one other then him hence why we only do porn together.... so you have to see what happened. besides you know Brian had been seeing other boys for yrs so lets not play dumb or think we didn't know what was going on just cut your loses and move on your still young you what 25 26 you'll be fine so best of luck ........ and keep your head up it happens to the best of that and I do mean that ....take care

Funny when I pull the string the SEE N SAY says HOooMOooo......

p.s. Keep your pimp hand strong :)

Holly Sweet


i knew posting on here id get some comments from you ... 1rst... i knock escorts for lots of things thats nothing new... is this situation simular? sure but lets face it all relationships theres some form of gift and usually those gifts are given back in sex does that make a woman a whore b/c she has sex w/ her bf b/c he just bought her a new pair of diamond studs of course not and thats more closely how this situation is ... i loved brian *5yrs* and i loved scott *1yr* i knew them both these werent ppl i met off eros... 2nd unfortunately i KNOW that i had this coming and that its my fault for allowing it to happen ... but... if scott is trying to explore another aspect of his sexuality w/o me then he would have done so w/ or w/o brian so that doesnt matter... 3rd yes we met off gay.com but that doesnt cheapen our relationship ... we were together for 5yrs we had something real *ly fucked up* and so where we met shouldnt be used as a way of foreshadowing esp since we were exclusive during that time... 4th.. "had someone offered me money to sleep w/ dan i woulda said no" tiff thats bs im not here to sling shit this isnt what this thread is about but dont try and say you two were perfect b/c he was off in russia and even ended up leaving you *even if yall got back together* it doesnt change the fact that he was having sex w/ women and ended up leaving u due to feelings that stemmed from that sex... youre not ashamed of escorting *more power to you* but other ppl pay you money to have sex, that money goes to yours AND dans bills, thus ppl pay your husband to have sex w/ you.. so what pots calling what kettle black... 5th so what if brians been sleeping w/ other boys? hes never and i never said he WASNT gay, i said if you met you youd never know, so him wanting to be w/ a guy like scott who is also unclockably gay isnt a shock ... the shock was that as my closest friend he fucked my bf and there should be a law in the friend handbook that doesnt allow that... 6th... lol im younger then you im 24 :D
as for the last part lol thnx -j

07-13-2006, 03:09 AM
I had to read that a couple of times to make sure I read it right. But I definitely told myself I would jump in before a troll said something stupid like, "I'd let you fuck me in the ass anytime."


I know you're pretty hurt and upset about what happend in your relationship. I really feel for you about that. So I'm going to answer your question and give a little advice.

I think most guys that say they're straight are straight. Even guys like us that deal with and have relationships with Transexuals. Most guys that are gay or bisexual know it already and admit to it. From my experience and what I've seen, gay guys don't like transexuals sexually.

So now, I'm going to put my two cents in. From what you wrote, this is your second serious relationship. By the time you're thirty you're going to have at -least- ten more serious relationships. You were with a younger guy that didn't know what he was sexually. You'll have more relationships, but don't go down the path of the "bitter tranny" and start thinking that every guy that likes transexuals is 1) gay 2) a tranny chaser.

I was in a relationship with a transexual when I was 22 and she was 28. Me finding out that she was a transexual did make me wonder about my sexuality, but the only thing I learned was that I wasn't gay. How did I know? I wouldn't let my then girlfriend top me or I wasn't interested in guys.

Your boyfriend letting another guy suck him off should've been a clue. I'm thinking your ex boyfriend offering gifts and/or money to be in a threesome with him should've tipped you off too. He was up to no good to begin with. I guarantee you in a couple of months or even weeks, that rich guy is going to dump him on his ass. The rich guy is trying to get in your head and he played your boyfriend.

Just walk away from the drama and put the rich guy on ignore.

i totally agree w/ you i think the rich one is playing the confused one for a fool only to hurt me hes made several remarks like "im not doing this to hurt you but when you took clint *my boy name* away from me you ripped my heart out and made me want to die... isnt that what you feel now" so yes i think its only to get at me... i think soon enough they will see the other for who they really are and both will be sorry but it doesnt change the fact that the rich one is dead to me and the confused one i can only offer some shred of friendship down the road but not at this time... -j

07-13-2006, 03:13 AM
No. Guys that want to fuck guys will fuck guys. Guys that want to fuck trannies will fuck trannies. And then there are guys that want to fuck both.

A guy that is truly into only hunky men won't be satisfied with a tranny.

This idea of men getting with trannies because they really want to be with hunky men doesn't make a lot of sense. Trannies have their own sex-appeal. We should't act like it's a mystery why guys would want to have sex with trannies, as if what they really want is a hunky guy.

i agree w/ that like i said scott is still attracted to me and says he loves me but he wants to explore this new thing for now so he can better understand himself... which w/o brian he would still have it in the back of his mind im glad on some level its out now and not another year into it

07-13-2006, 03:19 AM
Significant others pass through our lives so quickly that it really isn't worth worrying about. It's fun to be in love, but the divorce rate in Cali is about 66% and it's now more than 50% nationwide. The chances for a relationship to fail in our commuinity is even higher. There are not things like kids and marriage to allow us to bond with our partners on another level. If I had $1 for every unhappy marriage that was just held together for the "sake of the children"...

It is really too bad. However, I have wondered if TS are a entry level drug into the world of gay sex for some guys. When I read about guys being into some manly CD just to suck his/her dick, it really makes you wonder. Sleeping with cross dressers is gay sex any way you slice it. When I read "OMG she's hot and I don't care if that's a wig and falsies and she doesn't take hormones I'd still do her" on here and other message boards it makes you kind of wonder.

i know that and i agree w/ that ... and do i think scott and i had what it takes to make it... no i dont if i did i dont think i could have been so easily lured in by brian and his bs... im just really hurt at the moment and thats about it...

07-13-2006, 03:24 AM
... the shock was that as my closest friend he fucked my bf and there should be a law in the friend handbook that doesnt allow that...


Hunh! :?

That answers a lot of questions about =my= last 'relationship' anyway. :roll:

Does it make a difference if she ditched me/us first? :smh

I don't get any of this. So, I'll just grab some popcorn and sit it out.


07-13-2006, 03:25 AM
1) Europe has 4 times as many TS’s as America
2) It is estimated that somewhere between 1:20,000 to 1:80,000
males are transsexual or about 1:40,000 to 160,000 people are MTF AT BEST.

America has 296,000,000 people which works out to 7,400 to 1,850 TS’s in America, 90% of which live in major cities, What that means then if only a third of the men in America try to date TS’s girls there is only 1 girl for ever 24,000 to 6,000 men.

thnx for the link :D and i think as im sure alot of other ppl on here... that those numbers are wrong.. as far as good/ great looking girls go ok sure ill believe that number... but older less passable and whatnot im sure make those numbers go higher....

07-13-2006, 03:34 AM
he wants to explore this new thing for now so he can better understand himself

Rule number one: Within the context of a relationship, any time a man says anything about trying something new in order to "find himself" or "understand himself" – it's always bullshit. By the time a guy says that to a woman, he already knows perfectly well what he wants and in what direction he is headed; he just doesn’t want to say it to her.


07-13-2006, 03:34 AM
I am just telling Jen who the last I heard had no job and got kicked out of school, that she should reconsider her values if some guy is giving her cars and such. Girls first need to take care of themselves and be comfortable financially... Someone financially independent is more able to date on their own terms.

brians been my "income" pretty much since i met him hell he even paid for my school and the last 4 cars ive owned... im not stupid i know that i had it "good" as far as materilistic shit is concerned... but missing out on relationships and not giving guys like scott, who came out to everyone *minus the military* of who i was and who we were together, i even lived at his familys house for about 4 months his mom is a close friend, a real chance to be w/ me b/c i get sucked into the "sweet" life that brian keeps throwing at me to stay single and stay available for when HE wants to hang out b/c he cant find a guy for the night... i have been trying to get away from being dependant on brian *obviously not soon enough* and got a $18.00 /hr job as a makeup artist and am now paying for my own bills.. but i needed a car to get to school b4 i was to be dropped *got it 2 days 2 late and was put on 6month suspension* so i was desperate and didnt know what else to do i took the "easy" route and am now paying for that mistake

07-13-2006, 03:36 AM
I want to also state for the record that I know Jen is not a sex worker / adult worker by career per se... but she is well on her way as per this thread. I give her 2 years tops. :shock:

i know that wont happen b/c all this has made me realize to NEVER be dependant on another person ever and that to be happy w/ someone i need to move on w/ my life... the way things went down... its going to be a LOT easier to walk away from brian and now scott

07-13-2006, 03:38 AM
Where is the 100% option? Penis or not, the fact that TS are biological males is the attraction for every TS lover, whether he admits it or not.
There are no straight men who are into TS, because that's a contradiction in itself. As soon as you are interested in TS you're interested in the homosexual site, no matter which aspect of it. i actually put a "more then 75%" option but apparently someone didnt agree w/ that and changed it.. my guess anyway... i dont think 100% are gay as i was asking... but i think 100% are experimenting w/ homosexuality even if the girl is a post op... but thats my opion and we all have one

07-13-2006, 03:40 AM
- - - - - - - - - - - - GG's - - - - - - - - - - - - TS - - - - - - - - - - - GUYS
Pretty...................YES...................... .........YES.........................NO
Feminine . . . . . . . YES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YES . . . . . . . . . . . . NO
Soft . . . . . . . . . . .YES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YES . . . . . . . . . . . . NO
Breasts . . . . . . . . YES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .YES . . . . . . . . . . . .NO
Cock . . . . . . . . . . .NO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YES . . . . . . . . . . . .YES
Visible orgasm . .SOMETIMES . . . . . . . . . . . YES . . . . . . . . . . . YES
Can Fake it . . . . . .YES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NO . . . . . . . . WHO CARES
Gross . . . . . . . . . . NO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NO . . . . . . . . . . . . YES
Hairy . . . . . . . . . . .NO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NO . . . . . . . . . . . . YES
Smelly . . . . . . . . . .NO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NO . . . . . . . . . . . . YES
Faggy . . . . . . . . . . NO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NO. . . . . . . . .. . PROBABLY
Visually appealing . YES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .YES . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NO!
To Straight Men
Easy to Pleasure . .Sometimes . . . . . . . . . .YES . . . . . . . . .WHO CARES

This chart was compiled by The Institute For Figuring Out What Makes TS So Freaking Sexy, which operates out of Yale by the way.

lol :D

07-13-2006, 03:45 AM
... the shock was that as my closest friend he fucked my bf and there should be a law in the friend handbook that doesnt allow that...


Hunh! :?

That answers a lot of questions about =my= last 'relationship' anyway. :roll:

Does it make a difference if she ditched me/us first? :smh

I don't get any of this. So, I'll just grab some popcorn and sit it out.


meaning that FRIENDS should NEVER fuck AND ESP. DATE!! the person you are either w/ or seperated from... ever... even the fucking guy law council in that beer ad w/ burt reynolds say its never ok to do that to a REAL friend... this kinda catty high-schooley BS only makes brian look more gay so haha to that :P

07-13-2006, 03:48 AM
he wants to explore this new thing for now so he can better understand himself

Rule number one: Within the context of a relationship, any time a man says anything about trying something new in order to "find himself" or "understand himself" – it's always bullshit. By the time a guy says that to a woman, he already knows perfectly well what he wants and in what direction he is headed; he just doesn’t want to say it to her.


well hes only 20 so i do think hes exploring and i dont think this is his end all of relationships i think hell go back to women and men and if he ever meets another pretty ts i think hed be just as interested in that ... but i do think hes too scared to be 100% honest w/ me and thats fine too like i said i just wanted to start over as friends and move slowly from there... ive got way to much going on to be running back to a guy that would date my ex bf after only 5 days of being seperated by a petty fight

Hara_Juku Tgirl
07-13-2006, 05:11 AM
ty hara this means a lot ill reply back to ur email tho ;) but yes basically i feel that everything you said is accurate... tho i know for sure nothing started b4 the 3some :/ my fault i know

Youre welcome Jen. I think this Brian guy pulled a Michelle Gellar i.e. "cruel intention" (like the movie) on you and ruined your relationship with Scott. Whatever it is its not good to play with other people's emotions especially when relationships are concerned. :evil:



07-13-2006, 06:31 AM

Just walk away a little wiser about human nature. You can see, just from this forum alone, the state of confusion, denial, and fear that some of these guys must live in. Relationships are always a potential learning experience. But I think that being TS requires accepting that your relationships will be a little trickier than most girls'. Just love and respect yourself, and know who you are.

thnx babe... thats what my mom said... get away from brian hes been a disease for me and my life and ive let him b/c i wanted the crutch... now that im becoming more self sufficent and secure in my own skin i dont need him now... esp after this...

thnx to everyone that has responded 6 pages in 1 day im amazed at the input and the help and honest heart felt answers and replies ive received .. so ty - j

07-13-2006, 06:34 AM
ty hara this means a lot ill reply back to ur email tho ;) but yes basically i feel that everything you said is accurate... tho i know for sure nothing started b4 the 3some :/ my fault i know

Youre welcome Jen. I think this Brian guy pulled a Michelle Gellar i.e. "cruel intention" (like the movie) on you and ruined your relationship with Scott. Whatever it is its not good to play with other people's emotions especially when relationships are concerned. :evil:



oh i wanted to say that in interviews w/ the actual ppl involved in the killing of barry wenchel i always felt there was some kinda lust for barry from the guy that instigated everything...

07-13-2006, 06:39 AM

I'll tell you my thoughts. I don't think guys start out liking TS to explore their homosexual side, but I think the attraction to TS leads to homosexual behavior and even attraction.

I was (and still am) attracted to shemales. I fantasized about it for years, but never met one. I started going to adult clubs and eventually had the opportunity to suck a guys cock through a glory hole. I was so horny for cock I just went for it and really enjoyed it. This lead me down the path of many homosexual experiences and I really got into it- and have done just about all there is as far as gay sex.

Would I prefer to be with a hot girl like you? Yeah I would. But if I wasn't wiht a girl like you would I pass up the opportunity to suck a guy off or let him fuck me now? No I wouldn't- I have been having gay sex now for long enough that I am comfortable with it and who I am.

Based on your stats before I would have to think that there are plenty of guys out there that really wanted to be with a shemale, but because there are so few the desire for cock lead them down the same path as me. THey never expected or wanted gay sex but now find themselves hooked because of their fascination with cock.

Like Loving
07-13-2006, 09:27 AM
Do you believe that GG/TS sex is straight sex?

Was thinking about that, too. Or what about a guy and a girl who wants to be a guy (you know, one of these flannel shirt wearing types)?

From a neutral/technical point it is. For the TS it may be lesbian sex, while for the GG it's a kind of bisexual experience.

07-13-2006, 07:57 PM
i don't think sexuality can be labeled or described thoroughly.

the fact is that we all have a little bit of the other gender in us, how much of that, i don't know.

cheer up jen!
you're intelligent and beautiful.

and arianna, i like the new av.

Like Loving
07-13-2006, 07:59 PM
That makes no sense. Two people having sex with each other; one's having "gay" sex, but the other's having "straight" sex?

Because of the different mindset of the TS. I suppose she really feels like a woman so to her it's not gay sex.

07-13-2006, 08:56 PM
Me, personally, i've thought about my attrations for years now, and can say other than maybe a VERY few exception, a guy doesnt attract me sexually, and gay porn doesnt attract me either. I like TSs, and both top and bottom Ts. the few times ive been with a TS, we both took turns topping. I stopped seeng TS within the last year, because my girlfriend and i have become very serious and she ask me not to. She know my attaction to TS, and while it doesnt thrill her, she loves me for being up front and honest about my experiences.

Like Loving
07-13-2006, 09:49 PM
[quote=Like Loving]You're losing me. If she felt like a woman, and she was with a woman, that would make it lesbian (gay) sex.

Anyway, do you suppose the "mindset" of a TS is just as valid as the "minset" of a non-TS? In other words whose version, of whether or not it was gay, might be the correct one?

Well, as it's always said, a TGirl is a girls mind trapped in a boys body. As a guy I can't fuck your mind, but the body, at least there's no way around it. And that's also the main attraction, or maybe the kind of contradiction between the two.
The TGirl on the other hand feels like a GoodGirl so that overwrites her body.
So there's a difference of what each sites experiences.

Like Loving
07-14-2006, 12:55 AM
Hmmmm. I think my question confused you, because it dosen't sound like you're so sure of exactly who or what you're fucking. ;) You said it's all gay sex.

So you would label yourself as gay? Even though we feel like a "GoodGirl" to you? ;)

Well, not really. If someone put my brain in the body of a monkey, I'd still consider me being myself. But if somebody came up and would fuck me, he'd still first and foremost fuck a monkey. Weird analogy I guess.

I was bisexual before discovering TGirls. Wide taste in girls, narrow in boys, Twinks with a very nice face. It didn't happen often that I was attracted to guys, but now and then I came across an irresistable boy.
Then when I discovered TGirls it took a heavy shift towards them, although I must admit I have the same high standards with them as with boys.
So to me it wasn't discovering my gay side, but rather a type of person who kinda unifies both genders. I'm still not really sure what attracts me to them.

07-14-2006, 02:30 AM
So to me it wasn't discovering my gay side, but rather a type of person who kinda unifies both genders. I'm still not really sure what attracts me to them.

"Unifies". Yah, I can work with that.

I'm bi, though the NY Times thinks I'm lying about it, and can drift down either stream, driven by looks, personality, 'aura', or just a huge cock.

T-gurls/Intersexed individuals, bring a 'third gender' into the mix. They have the femininity of the GG with the outward sexual appeal (Equipment) of the male to bridge the gender gap.

Fuck this "I'm exploring my 'gay' side" horsehockey. Are you attractive? Do you enjoy sex? Are you nice to me? Do you have a dick with 'Louisville Slugger' tatooed on the shaft?

Then stop analyzing and =FUCK= me, ferchrissakes. :x

Jee-ZUSS in a muddahfuggin' sidecar! Stop trying to figure it out and enjoy it for a change.

:soapbox :frustrated

07-14-2006, 11:28 AM
Transsexuals are more feminine than most genetic women… and I love beautiful women, and regard transsexuals as such. I’d never consider getting with a guy, sexually and definitely not for a relationship. A transsexual, however, I’d more than consider both, as I consider them women. Very feminine women.

A lot of cynics would automatically say otherwise, because - let's face it - a lot of guys are in it for the cock... but it's more than that, to me. The fact that they have a penis is secondary, just as I consider the fact that genetic women having a vagina is secondary. I don't fall in love with the genitals, only the woman.

Hope that answers your question.

07-14-2006, 03:03 PM
Jen, you are a very nice girl, and especially the fact that you never did escorting & porn makes you grow in my eyes a lot. BUT, that freaking guy, that Brian.. is he really so bad person, as you claim it? OK, he's a fagot, a dirty gay and as such he's disgusting in my eyes, but if i understood your totaly out-of-gramma sentencies correctly, he did pay your education, your cars etc.. That means he loved you at least a little bit..You know, that's a big thing, that's a favour you do only to persons you truly love. I think i'll never understand TG's. What do you actually want from your partners? A miracle, or something? I would love to hear his version of this story, i can bet it's slightly different from your.

07-14-2006, 06:56 PM
As for myself, there's no homosexual exploration about it on my part. TG's are an alternate feminine gender that is inherently attractive to heterosexual males. TG's usually reveal that they are largely approached by heterosexual males.

07-14-2006, 09:31 PM
OK, he's a fagot, a dirty gay and as such he's disgusting in my eyes, Why do gay guys make you so uncomfortable?

Well, i don't know. They are people too, i mean they have legs, arms, eyes... If you bring them home to me, I'll be polite and courteous, but i'll really be forced to clean everything they touched in the house when they leave. And wash my hands twice. I just can not explain it. TG's however are something MUCH more different to me.

07-14-2006, 09:38 PM
This is scary, isn't it?

07-15-2006, 12:46 PM
I was just thinking would your situation be any different if your bo left you for a woman?

07-16-2006, 01:51 AM

I'll tell you my thoughts. I don't think guys start out liking TS to explore their homosexual side, but I think the attraction to TS leads to homosexual behavior and even attraction.

I was (and still am) attracted to shemales. I fantasized about it for years, but never met one. I started going to adult clubs and eventually had the opportunity to suck a guys cock through a glory hole. I was so horny for cock I just went for it and really enjoyed it. This lead me down the path of many homosexual experiences and I really got into it- and have done just about all there is as far as gay sex.

Would I prefer to be with a hot girl like you? Yeah I would. But if I wasn't wiht a girl like you would I pass up the opportunity to suck a guy off or let him fuck me now? No I wouldn't- I have been having gay sex now for long enough that I am comfortable with it and who I am.

Based on your stats before I would have to think that there are plenty of guys out there that really wanted to be with a shemale, but because there are so few the desire for cock lead them down the same path as me. THey never expected or wanted gay sex but now find themselves hooked because of their fascination with cock.

i think if scott could open up to me that THIS is exactly what he would say... ty i think that was the answer i needed to feel better -j

07-16-2006, 02:05 AM
Transsexuals are more feminine than most genetic women… and I love beautiful women, and regard transsexuals as such. I’d never consider getting with a guy, sexually and definitely not for a relationship. A transsexual, however, I’d more than consider both, as I consider them women. Very feminine women.

A lot of cynics would automatically say otherwise, because - let's face it - a lot of guys are in it for the cock... but it's more than that, to me. The fact that they have a penis is secondary, just as I consider the fact that genetic women having a vagina is secondary. I don't fall in love with the genitals, only the woman.

Hope that answers your question.

yes thats helpful as well thnx ... thats how i always described scotts n my relationship when ppl asked ... he got to know me first and then when he was ready got to know my genitals... i think thats kinda how this thing w/ brian worked out... but the material items and TEMPORARY cloak of invisibilty brian can offer him i think are what are keeping him there... -j

i say temporary b/c NOBODY is going to think a barely 20yr old boy is living w/ a 30yr old man in his 12 bedroom house and spends ALL his time w/ the man... if they continue to live together they will get caught and that cloak will be gone and ppl will see him for the "fag" he is and he will loose his role in the marines... not to mention that worse could happen to him if ppl found out :cry:

07-16-2006, 02:06 AM
Transsexuals are more feminine than most genetic women… and I love beautiful women, and regard transsexuals as such. I’d never consider getting with a guy, sexually and definitely not for a relationship. A transsexual, however, I’d more than consider both, as I consider them women. Very feminine women.

A lot of cynics would automatically say otherwise, because - let's face it - a lot of guys are in it for the cock... but it's more than that, to me. The fact that they have a penis is secondary, just as I consider the fact that genetic women having a vagina is secondary. I don't fall in love with the genitals, only the woman.

Hope that answers your question.

yes thats helpful as well thnx ... thats how i always described scotts n my relationship when ppl asked ... he got to know me first and then when he was ready got to know my genitals... i think thats kinda how this thing w/ brian worked out... but the material items and TEMPORARY cloak of invisibilty brian can offer him i think are what are keeping him there... -j

i say temporary b/c NOBODY is going to think a barely 20yr old boy is living w/ a 30yr old man in his 12 bedroom house and spends ALL his time w/ the man... if they continue to live together they will get caught and that cloak will be gone and ppl will see him for the "fag" he is and he will loose his role in the marines... not to mention that worse could happen to him if ppl found out :cry:

07-16-2006, 02:19 AM
I was just thinking would your situation be any different if your bo left you for a woman?

yes b/c then id know he was trying to move on for right reasons and not trying to force something to work just so id be hurt... the fact is that the two of them did the ultimate betrayal... i messed up yes im guilty.. but friends dont "steal" friends bf's ... they dont sleep w/ their friends ex ever!

07-16-2006, 03:03 AM
Maybe too late to the party, but here's my $.11 worth...[inflation being what it is...]

I've hammered myself over and over with this same question. Do i sometimes [not always] fantasize about TS wimmen because i'm borderline or 'in denial' homosexual?

The answer, after some years and a few experiences here and there, is this: No.

No, i don't want 'Masculinity' or 'Man' or any variation in my bed. Hell, I don't want it in my house, most of the time.

Yeah, I have a lot of friends, many of which are men. The very image of them nude or passionate, or lustful makes me gag. Yep - vomit is the result of any idea of a man showing physical interest in me.



Three times i've gotten involved with women who have a radically different sexual organ in their knicks. I populate this site, I fantasize about some of the girls I've seen here and there...

But it's not about being 'closet' gay.

What I find MOST attractive about SOME TS girls is their Feminine Desire.

Yep, I've known some very, very feminine TGrls and they beat the doors off of most GGrls in that dept.

In fact, I know quite a few 'butch' straight women that ALSO turn me the hell off. No make-up, no jewelry, loose t-shirt and jeans and sneakers - gawddamn! they look more like bull dykes - only they're not!

Then, in the middle of all this, comes a girl exuding everything I could day-dream about like it was 'just the way things were' - and all my butch hetero female friends look daggers at her. I, on the other hand, can't look away to save my life.

Same thing happens with those TS's that just want to be totally feminine. I go goofy for it.

What's a dick? A clit a guy can find in the dark.

TSNTX - i'd never leave you alone - you'd have to get a tazer just so you could have a night to yourself.

So, to all you Tgirls - it's a calculated risk - you will occasionally encounter closet-gays who are 'transitioning' - I'm sorry about that.


Hell, it happens to Ggirls all the time. And Vice-Versa. I've been with one woman who was on her way to full-on Bull Dykery [which is why I don't date female body builders, either].

TSNTX - you're the goods, babe. None of us are worthy, but maybe somebody else is. Good luck.


07-16-2006, 04:51 AM
Jennifer, I think that, with eight pages of heartfelt advice about this, you do in fact owe us a nudie picture. or at least a new one.
Hope yer feelin' better, kid. I bet you're back in the saddle before the end of the summer...if you aren't it won't be for lack of offers.

09-26-2006, 05:46 AM
Call me old fashioned..but I still believe in "boy meets girl". Boy meets girl, mutual attraction, boy falls in love with girl (and vice-versa), boy and girl want to make love, girl reveals "secret", boy lets love lead him, boy and girl make love, boy and girl live happily ever after.