View Full Version : Quality drop off on this board?

08-06-2014, 12:14 AM
From time to time we see members fade away and new blood arrive. i'm ok with that but as there has been an increasing sentiment over the past year or so, as only a handful of girls post with any regularity and only a handful of guys really post anything worthwhile, the board has definitely changed, but in the past few weeks, i've seen a dramatic shift in this board. i just wanted to know if i am alone or not because when i log in, i look at the unread threads and wonder just WTF is going on here. there are times where i just don't feel like reading the BS let alone posting.

from a porn perspective, beyond Grooby's threads of what is new on their sites, its getting a bit stale too...which is ironic because i think right now there are more amazing girls out there than ever to be talking about.

if it is just me...tell me to fuck off as usual...but i really do feel that something is drastically different about the quality, not only the quantity, of the board lately.

my my my!
08-06-2014, 12:29 AM
from my viewpoint,

most of the bumped and active threads are of the pic/porn , best cock best ass, best this , best that variety.

there's very few threads about trans issues, or other interesting discussions.

so , yes, the current people on HA are more into the porn side of it and the threads show it.

Charly Spoons
08-06-2014, 12:31 AM
I am new here, out of interest, what would you say was the previous theme of threads that you liked? And what is it of the current you dislike? Also, what other forums, if any do you recommend? I have looked at Hung Devils, but did not find it very interesting. Another was ladyboyforum.com which seemed interesting enough to register too, which I did earlier today.

08-06-2014, 12:42 AM
No I see what you mean Rally. Very few of the old crowd posts and when the girls come its not like before.

We used to have like 30 peeps on the old chat at one time with a bunch of girls on cam.

The negativity here is palpable.

08-06-2014, 12:45 AM
I agree. Very few girls come here now. I think there were too many negative trolls.

I've gotten rather bored with it too - and don't visit as often as I used to. Some old regulars like Dino, Robert Louis, Danthepoetman and others have also quit.

08-06-2014, 12:52 AM
Post topics people are going to chat about. It has nothing to do with the negativity. Put a good topic and people will post. Right now people are posting more on the porn threads. Well this is a porn forum, so it is to be expected. There is no dynamic change this board is always the same and it has its ebb and flow. If the board goes one way people complain and if the board goes the other way people complain, sigh.

08-06-2014, 01:42 AM
I don't normally have high hopes when logging into a Transexual Porn Forum but that's just me.

08-06-2014, 01:50 AM
Can't disagree with anything said here. It's sad to see so many great posters leave.

08-06-2014, 01:53 AM
I've noticed a drop in quality post and a change in the new members. There has always been a tolerable amount of negatives, but I've noticed a lot of the newer members being very negative and very few being positive and supporting, and that goes for male and trans members alike.

08-06-2014, 02:00 AM
Some old regulars like Dino, Robert Louis, Danthepoetman and others have also quit.
That's a disappointment. They each brought something to the table. I don't have anything more to add except that unless there's a particular reason to leave, you ride out the slow periods.

08-06-2014, 02:04 AM
Some other forums have the ability to rank people based on their posts. Maybe HA can implement a feature like this on the site. Maybe things like this would help.

08-06-2014, 04:21 AM
I remember reading some great conversations in the past on this board. The posters were debating on some things but there was no level of hostility brewing and the posts were articulate and made good points. Really, it was good reading. It wasn't all about shemale porn either, a wide variety of subjects were discussed here.
These days? Not so much.

08-06-2014, 04:58 AM
Been with HA since 2009... Have no desire to leave. I may not be as frequent or interesting as some of the other vets. But I'm here to stay.

08-06-2014, 05:30 AM
well its good to see that it is not just me. its not that i dislike any one particular member or any one particular thread per se...there are just too many posts that just have no interest to me either because of the negativity/hostility in them or, at least to me, the sheer banality.

also, this is not my way of saying i'm leaving...i think there is likely an ebb and flow that hopefully will rebound and the discussions get more interesting but that ebb and flow is directly proportional to the members that want to post. right now, porn is the focus? i am not sure about that because most of the threads that i don't want to click on have little do with porn. i'm not saying we need to start debating the intimate details of impressionist art or man's place in the universe, but the redundancy and also the inflexibility in healthy debate seen in many threads has worn on me.

08-06-2014, 05:35 AM
You raise valid points. I am a huge nerd and often wondered how many others on this board are. Recently went to a comic-con and was excited to discuss it here, but just assumed no one would care, and the thread would be buried within an hour and lost forever.

08-06-2014, 07:45 AM
This thread is a perfect example lmao

08-06-2014, 08:17 AM
Health care.
Unemployment rate going down.

There are many reasons why there are fewer peeps on HA.

08-06-2014, 11:24 AM
It comes and it goes. Those of you have been here only since 2009 haven't really been here long enough to see that. Cliques come and go, girls come and go. Girls aren't being chased off my negative posters and the ones that have left in a storm, were generally idiots who had no place here. The reason the girls don't stay, is most of you guys just aren't that interesting to them - so what are their reasons for participating here?
Traffic is as good as ever by the way.

08-08-2014, 12:42 AM
hmm...5 years on a board is not sufficient to make a judgement over the quality of the board? that's just ridiculous and there is no point in even trying to change your POV.

the negativity is one thing.
the inconsistency of model participation is another.
the banality and repetition of themes in posts is yet a third.
the reduced contribution of many members over time is yet another.
the sheer lunacy of some of newbie lately is another

each in their own way is manageable. taken together, as it appears all the above issues are presently converging, it makes the board less appealing to those that are not just looking for free pics and links to tube sites.

like i said, this has little to do with my participation because whether i post here or not, the board has its own trajectory that i have little to no influence over. i just wanted to know if any one else felt the same and it appears at least some do. the next step is getting those that feel similarly to engage in intelligent, non-hysterical conversation to class up this joint.

08-08-2014, 01:26 AM
hmm...5 years on a board is not sufficient to make a judgement over the quality of the board? that's just ridiculous and there is no point in even trying to change your POV.

the negativity is one thing.
the inconsistency of model participation is another.
the banality and repetition of themes in posts is yet a third.
the reduced contribution of many members over time is yet another.
the sheer lunacy of some of newbie lately is another

each in their own way is manageable. taken together, as it appears all the above issues are presently converging, it makes the board less appealing to those that are not just looking for free pics and links to tube sites.

like i said, this has little to do with my participation because whether i post here or not, the board has its own trajectory that i have little to no influence over. i just wanted to know if any one else felt the same and it appears at least some do. the next step is getting those that feel similarly to engage in intelligent, non-hysterical conversation to class up this joint.

What are some examples threads that represent quality?

08-08-2014, 02:12 AM
Gotta agree---it's ALL about boring. Negativity is not necessarily a bad thing. Hell, most of the time I post because I disagree so vehemently with someone else. No, the fact is most people look at the first page and that's it. And quite honestly there's usually nothing there that grabs my attention. Honestly there's only so much to talk about and if you've been here a while, it's all been done/said before. I think the NY girls pissing off the only guy (apparently) in the city who can take pics was huge. There used to always be party pics and always stories from people who wee actually interacting with live girls on a regular basis. Now it's alotta wannabes and wannados. Next man up. The new generation has to represent!

08-08-2014, 02:21 AM
The new generation has to represent!

Ahh... ST:TNG - Sexing Transwomen: The Next Generation.

'Shut up and put that cock in your mouth, Wesley. And Engage!' ~Capt. Dickhard


08-08-2014, 03:34 AM
What are some examples threads that represent quality?

if we are not counting porn threads (since this is foremost a porn board) when i find a recent example, i'll let you know.

08-08-2014, 03:57 AM
Some other forums have the ability to rank people based on their posts. Maybe HA can implement a feature like this on the site. Maybe things like this would help.

Im on a GG site forum, have been for many years and Ive been ranked almost as high as u can go with out being a MOD> But it all means absolutely nothing except the higher up can see more and are trusted members who have met one another on trips to other countries or Vegas etc/. Here we all have a secret we do not share otherwise. Some of us are just bored and have lot of aggrssions built up. Part of living in NY. I lived in Florida many years and I was different. Its a whole diff ballgame dealing with trannys, especially the hardcore ones here in NY and LI.

08-08-2014, 04:11 AM
RallyCola is a hypocrite and part of the problem. How do you expect new quality members when you tell someone that they are gay for liking transwoman and different types of trans porn than you? You call members gay when they say male performers matter because they can make or break a scene. You even told me to commit suicide which is very untactful at this board full of transwomen. You can't expect the old guard to stay when they read such disgusting comments.

Rusty Eldora
08-08-2014, 05:12 AM
I remember reading some great conversations in the past on this board. The posters were debating on some things but there was no level of hostility brewing and the posts were articulate and made good points. Really, it was good reading. It wasn't all about shemale porn either, a wide variety of subjects were discussed here.
These days? Not so much.

I've noticed a drop in quality post and a change in the new members. There has always been a tolerable amount of negatives, but I've noticed a lot of the newer members being very negative and very few being positive and supporting, and that goes for male and trans members alike.

Yes every board ebbs and flows, however when I started Oct 2012 there was a huge amount about trans issues, general discussion, and a number of ladies like Kellyshore posting often (she hasn't posted since March)

Yes I like TS Porn, personally my love is being up close and personal with tgirls. I was shocked last fall when I brought up that the jump in my Health premiums meant I had to drop 1 session / month to cover it - I was told "Good, you shouldn't be seeing any". On a porn / sex industry board with whole review sections I was not expecting a lecture from a prude.

08-08-2014, 05:51 AM
Weird- duplicate.

08-08-2014, 05:57 AM
I dropped my old user ID a year or so ago because I wanted to spend less time on the board, be less of a presence, and take a break. Was here since 2010 or 2011- not an old timer but I've seen some shit.

Obviously I signed up again, but I'm not here nearly as much. Enough to see a change, though.

This is what I see as the major difference now: the pedantry is nearly insufferable, at times.

Sometimes I feel like I'm at the Welshly Arms Hotel.

08-08-2014, 06:50 AM
from my viewpoint,

most of the bumped and active threads are of the pic/porn , best cock best ass, best this , best that variety.

there's very few threads about trans issues, or other interesting discussions.

so , yes, the current people on HA are more into the porn side of it and the threads show it.

over the years I've forgotten login information more times than I can remember... I break an iPhone can't access my email to regain my pw for HA so I just make a new account...

I can say I know I've posted trans issues throughout the politics and religion portion of this forum and had insightful conversations where I know I'm sharing something worth knowing and learning things from others with various global perspectives on topics... I don't really follow too too much going on in the general discussion... I thought that part was just for who's who, best whatever, and can you identify her type post.

08-08-2014, 07:03 AM
Traffic is as good as ever by the way.

Fucking capitalist. You're ruining their transsexual utopian dream.


08-08-2014, 08:29 AM
...tell me to fuck off as usual...

Okay. Maybe the boards aren't the place for you anymore.

08-08-2014, 08:03 PM
From time to time we see members fade away and new blood arrive. i'm ok with that but as there has been an increasing sentiment over the past year or so, as only a handful of girls post with any regularity and only a handful of guys really post anything worthwhile, the board has definitely changed, but in the past few weeks, i've seen a dramatic shift in this board. i just wanted to know if i am alone or not because when i log in, i look at the unread threads and wonder just WTF is going on here. there are times where i just don't feel like reading the BS let alone posting.

from a porn perspective, beyond Grooby's threads of what is new on their sites, its getting a bit stale too...which is ironic because i think right now there are more amazing girls out there than ever to be talking about.

if it is just me...tell me to fuck off as usual...but i really do feel that something is drastically different about the quality, not only the quantity, of the board lately.

Oh, you noticed!!:cheers:

08-08-2014, 10:10 PM
With my AOL I used to get half price internet for 3 months as a new customer, then I would quit for one month and come back as a new customer again at half price. The months off the internet were fine, in fact they were quite a refreshing vacation.
As far as a Transsexual Board, this one is the best, anybody dispute that?
The girls that have stuck with it here are the best. There are a few sites I have stayed with for years, but none of them are porn. By it's nature, pornography has to be fresh and novel to be provocative and tittlating, let's face it, I ran out of fresh material 2 months after I joined.
I think Dino and DantheMan left because they felt Der Grooby dissed them, so if I could make any suggestion I would say keeping the troublemakers close where you can keep an eye on them is a better method than ejecting them. Running a clean joint is imperative, but people don't come here for a sodie pop, they expect hard likker in a dirty glass and an occasional bar-fight. N'est pas? Are we sissies? Are we not Men? We are DEVO!!!!

08-08-2014, 10:31 PM
I think Dino and DantheMan left because they felt Der Grooby dissed them, so if I could make any suggestion I would say keeping the troublemakers close where you can keep an eye on them is a better method than ejecting them. Running a clean joint is imperative, but people don't come here for a sodie pop, they expect hard likker in a dirty glass and an occasional bar-fight. N'est pas? Are we sissies? Are we not Men? We are DEVO!!!!

Dino didn't have any issue with me other than I lifted the ban on Natina who he has an issue with, it's a little pedantic for him not to continue because of that.

Dan did have an issue with me, he believes we should kowtow to any TS nobody what an idiot or disgusting person they are, simply because they are a TS. I find that very disturbing as well as his somewhat meltdown about it, he's welcome back anytime.

As I've stated before - nothing changes here, just some of the people, Rally can fuck off (there you go) and come back in a year, he'll be forgotten and there will be different characters.

08-09-2014, 12:19 AM
want to hear something funny...of all the threads here right now, this one annoys me the least even if i have people telling me to fuck off because at the very least, we are engaging in civil debate and the end point could be a better board.

again...this has nothing to do with whether i am on this board or not, i'm just 1 member who post-whores during his downtime.... but to echo sucka4chix...i log on many times and just see uninteresting bullshit. wouldn't it be nice if we (the collective members that appear to agree that the quality has dipped) could change that?

08-09-2014, 01:21 AM
Im on a GG site forum, have been for many years and Ive been ranked almost as high as u can go with out being a MOD> But it all means absolutely nothing except the higher up can see more and are trusted members who have met one another on trips to other countries or Vegas etc/. Here we all have a secret we do not share otherwise. Some of us are just bored and have lot of aggrssions built up. Part of living in NY. I lived in Florida many years and I was different. Its a whole diff ballgame dealing with trannys, especially the hardcore ones here in NY and LI.

It can help out by knowing if a poster is a douchebag and will let other users know not to even respond to their posts. I've seen it work on a few other boards...the Non-Naked kind. :)

08-09-2014, 01:27 AM
And just for the record I like this board as is. Pretty good chances that I came to this forum because of a hard-on. Don't know about any of you but reading is not on my list of favorite things to do with a raging boner.

That's the beauty of life...things come and go. Things change.

08-09-2014, 02:46 AM
Dino didn't have any issue with me other than I lifted the ban on Natina who he has an issue with, it's a little pedantic for him not to continue because of that.

Dan did have an issue with me, he believes we should kowtow to any TS nobody what an idiot or disgusting person they are, simply because they are a TS. I find that very disturbing as well as his somewhat meltdown about it, he's welcome back anytime.

As I've stated before - nothing changes here, just some of the people, Rally can fuck off (there you go) and come back in a year, he'll be forgotten and there will be different characters.

DINO! is gone ? -:(
this is what happens when i'm gone for moment. I return to find the only person who over the years in here shares my music taste... Well Cheers to hoping there are others who I can learn from or have common interest with.

08-09-2014, 03:23 AM
There was a music sharing site I really used to be hooked on, if I found a particular poster who liked the same kind of music I liked sometimes they would turn me on to lots of stuff I didn't even know about. Some guys had some really deep libraries. T'was like picking up diamonds off the sidewalk. I had been on it a long time before I found out it was hosted by a porn site, I don't even remember any ads or anything, someone mentioned that the guys who buy porn finance all kinds of stuff on the internet, they're the reason we're able to be here right now! No Ro-mance without Fi-nance.

There are actually a lot of guys from this site I'd enjoy seeing across a crowded room, more than the ladies, even. Just out of morbid curiosity.....Does that make me a homo????

08-09-2014, 03:55 AM
I wont say to much on this thread,but i know for a fact i have caracater an attitude..the reason why im not full time at the moment ,its enough to click the threads and see only people who live in their own fantasy and im sure this site wasnt created for this , but unfortunaley the fantasist people grow each day and the ones who are genuine and able to do someting are decreasing.

08-09-2014, 04:50 PM
Prospero or Steven one of you please dellete my coment ,it came totally wrong what i wanted to say...
Like someone said on here people go people come ,the reason why is so quiet in here ,its because is summer,people go in hollidays the spend more time out then in...You will see from Autumn it will start to get alot busiyer on here ,its like on tv ,the ratings in the summer are low and on the winter they get high.

08-09-2014, 04:57 PM
Ain't it a bitch when the rubes crash the country club

08-09-2014, 05:05 PM
I would like to apologies to those who felt offended by my coment.

08-09-2014, 09:38 PM
I would like to apologies to those who felt offended by my coment.

No need to apologize. People need to grow thicker skin. Society these days seem to complain about everything. I didn't see anything wrong with your comment. The fact that you feel the need to explain should show whoever that they should move on of they feel offended.

08-09-2014, 10:14 PM
No need to apologize. People need to grow thicker skin. Society these days seem to complain about everything. I didn't see anything wrong with your comment. The fact that you feel the need to explain should show whoever that they should move on of they feel offended.
Thank you x

my my my!
08-10-2014, 12:29 AM
DINO! is gone ? -:(
this is what happens when i'm gone for moment. I return to find the only person who over the years in here shares my music taste... Well Cheers to hoping there are others who I can learn from or have common interest with.

hey, I share your music taste.

so does tempest :)

death metal, black metal, speed metal, thrash metal, all metals. rock , the heavier stuff. plus alot of other music

08-10-2014, 12:50 AM
I come for the what are you reading, what movies are you watching, toons, what's new at the safe house, and select political threads. Everything else is gravy. I think there are some really quality individuals who contribute here, and despite the loss of Dino, some who are funny as hell.

By the way, here's a tweet from a very funny and intelligent t-girl who doesn't participate here...

08-10-2014, 12:55 AM
Ok, NOBODY here is funny as hell.

08-10-2014, 04:03 AM
want to hear something funny...of all the threads here right now, this one annoys me the least even if i have people telling me to fuck off because at the very least, we are engaging in civil debate and the end point could be a better board.

again...this has nothing to do with whether i am on this board or not, i'm just 1 member who post-whores during his downtime.... but to echo sucka4chix...i log on many times and just see uninteresting bullshit. wouldn't it be nice if we (the collective members that appear to agree that the quality has dipped) could change that?

Some of the people I enjoy the most, I met through here. A few I don't keep in touch with, sadly. Lisa Paradise, Qwerty, and a few others. I still keep in touch with DanthePoetman, Dino, and very rarely Jennifer, off-line. I have made a lot of good friends on here. Sorry to see them go. I disappeared for a while when it felt like the crazies where taking over, which they were. (I wasn't missed, at least not publicly, by anyone.) And I see the one I had the biggest issues with has at least toned down his psychotic behavior, but he is still here and still a complete and utter tool. But as Steven once told me, it's a board about porn, and as much as I wanted this to be more of a community and supportive, it is what it is, a board about porn. It's less interesting, true, but the scenery is at least appealing.

08-10-2014, 06:20 AM
.. it's a board about porn,...

Buttslinger is a cartoon character to me, World Class Asshole, if I want friends I'll go to Facebook and pretend to be a nice guy. Even if the transsexuals here are in reality dudes on hormones, I do respect the Larger than Life persona that they are projecting onto the silver screen, like following a dream. But I don't see myself as any more than some John or a Trick to them.

Technically this is a porn site, and by technically I mean porn pays the bills, quality is up to the guests. You can't expect Steven or the girls to guarantee quality guests.

And lets not forget the two thousand guys who show up like clockwork and never read a word of what the drama queens here write. They're over on the pic threads, ah, to be young again!!!!!