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View Full Version : when do transexual porn stars retire ?

05-27-2014, 03:18 AM
How long does the average TS model last in porn before she finally
decides to call it quits ?
What do you think is the average career span of a transsexual porn star?
Maybe 3 years ?.. Five ?

i see a lot of the newer hot models (Sienna Grace,Jessie Dubai,Jacqueline Braxton,Audrey Kate, Sabrina Suzuk, Bruna Castro, etc.) continue to make
their climb to fame, but i also tend to remember some like Bailey Jay, Kimber James who were hot and new before they seem to disappear out of sight. it didn't seem like they were in for very long.

05-27-2014, 03:26 AM
i don't think being a porn star of any kind is something that should last too long only because newer, hotter, and younger models are always popping up on the scene.

if they stay too long they kinda get boring because new models are always much more interesting than the same ole same ole...because lets face it, the one girl i like now probably won't be the same girl i liked 6 months ago....

05-27-2014, 08:28 AM
Bailey is always putting out new material.
I lasted about 5 years and 20 shoots then called it quits in 2007 and stay under the radar since.

05-27-2014, 10:17 AM
Last as long as they want and still have a fan base and enjoy producing .

Loyalty of fans is a powerful thing .

05-27-2014, 10:51 AM
Last as long as they want and still have a fan base and enjoy producing .

Loyalty of fans is a powerful thing .

I agree with this. Joanna Jet for instance is still going strong and she is by now a mature girl. Still looks great.

05-27-2014, 10:53 AM
i don't think being a porn star of any kind is something that should last too long only because newer, hotter, and younger models are always popping up on the scene.

if they stay too long they kinda get boring because new models are always much more interesting than the same ole same ole...because lets face it, the one girl i like now probably won't be the same girl i liked 6 months ago....

Pretty much what Freddie says (and Liberty later on). Most performers stick around a little why, enjoy the exposure get a little extra money and then find they're unable to get more work as newer models come through, pretty much how the adult magazine or video industry has always worked. However, if a model can engage her fans and keep delivering what they're wanting, then their "shelf-life" can be a lot longer. Even in mainstream porn, it's very much to do with how a model can identify and engage with her fans.

05-27-2014, 10:55 AM
The cleverer girls like Joanna seem to "own the means of production" so can carry on...

05-27-2014, 10:55 AM
When their bank account hits $500,000.00

05-27-2014, 11:34 AM
They retire when they WANT to retire. Some girls last longer, while others disappear without a trace. One things for sure though: there'll ALWAYS be fresh talent to step in when someone leaves.

05-27-2014, 11:58 AM
never.......... only death will retire us

05-27-2014, 01:13 PM
When their bank account hits $500,000.00

that seems a bit low for a comfortable retirement...

Wendy Summers
05-27-2014, 01:32 PM
The cleverer girls like Joanna seem to "own the means of production" so can carry on...

Not that I have longevity yet, but I'm hitting the three year mark and my sales keep climbing, so I'm guessing I'm doing something right. Looking around at the folks who've lasted longer than me, here's what seems to be the keys to longevity:

1) Producing your own work - As Prospero indicated, having the ability to produce content and distribute it without being beholden to the whims (or budgets) of producers. On the whole producers tend to focus on "new" and eventually even the most popular performers fall out of favor with them.

2) Engaging your fanbase - Echoing Steven & Liberty, loyal fans buy Chicago style - early and often. The more engaged they are and the more respect you treat them with, the better they are to you.

3) Other ways of "new" - everyone discussing "new" in porn tends to focus on the idea of a new model, but I'd argue that having diverse content in terms of look and theme is equally important. The more the work of a performer evolves and diversifies the easier it is to continue to engage fans.

4) Uniqueness - Every performer who has had longevity has a personality which sets them apart from other models of their generation. Being a pretty face isn't enough... each year 10 - 15 new "pretty faces" show up. You have to be different to stand out.

I'm sure there are other elements that I've missed, but these are things I've noticed.

05-27-2014, 01:52 PM
Just as interesting is - what do they do once they've retired? Other than meet some very rich sugar daddy.

05-27-2014, 02:09 PM
Just as interesting is - what do they do once they've retired? Other than meet some very rich sugar daddy.

I was thinking about buying a Greek Island and having a tgirl retirement community.

05-27-2014, 02:12 PM
I was thinking about buying a Greek Island and having a tgirl retirement community.
Purfect. Or something in the Mediterranean like Crete. Swoon.

Ben in LA
05-27-2014, 03:36 PM
Some girls just want to get in, make that money, and get out...without any regrets. Even if they become quite popular (Jane Marie comes to mind) I'll respect their choices. Then again, other girls are in it for the long run.

Reading this thread reminded me of all of the girls I've seen come and go.

05-27-2014, 04:39 PM
never.......... only death will retire us

Nikki, I know that's true for you!! As Neil Young famously said in a different (but maybe not all that unrelated) context, "Rust never sleeps." Keep on keeping on!

05-27-2014, 04:56 PM
Wendy you are missing #5

you have to enjoy getting fucked and fucking on camera and the life that goes along with having a career fucking & getting fucked on camera.

many girls tire of the lifestyle and the physical act of doing the job of a porn star.

Wendy Summers
05-27-2014, 05:32 PM
Wendy you are missing #5

you have to enjoy getting fucked and fucking on camera

Wait? There's people who AREN'T exhibitionists in the world?

#shennanigans #wellmaybeiftheyaren'tbreathing #andnotintonecrophilia

05-27-2014, 06:07 PM
or they become lesbians....

05-27-2014, 06:09 PM
dont be knocking the lesbians :)

05-27-2014, 06:10 PM
how about once they stop being able to get a hard on?

05-27-2014, 06:11 PM
What if they cant get hard to start with ? and are a bottom only performer :)

05-27-2014, 06:26 PM
Everyone has their place! In the grand scheme of things.

What if they cant get hard to start with ? and are a bottom only performer :)

05-28-2014, 06:00 AM
I agree with this. Joanna Jet for instance is still going strong and she is by now a mature girl. Still looks great.

Agree.. she's still going strong, i would think those like Joanna and
Yasmin Lee possess such a special star appeal for such a time that
it makes them unique, legends,.. and keeps their popularity going so
strong that they can compete with the attention of the newer models,
still draw large fan base, and producers still wanting to shoot them,
they are still in great demand. it seems completely up to them if they
decide finally to cash it in and shut it down, even if their fame and
demand is still flying high and at the top of their game. But what about
those who are not quite on that kind of star level?

Speaking of retirement, i thought i read here awhile back where
Yasmin actually did retire and left the business to settle down, but recently
return back to the camera spotlight?

01-25-2021, 11:12 PM
Just found this thread which hasn't been active for a few years but thought I'd post a few of my questions and comments here.

First, my thoughts on maturing transgender stars and retirement. Mature porn is obviously quite a niche market so TG mature porn is even more so, meaning there must be much less call for it. I for one am a fan of good looking older TG girls. Although she may not be the most attractive girl out there I there I think it's great that Joanna Jett is still performing, in many ways better than ever, well into her 50s. Vanity & Delia De Lyons still look good as they approach 50 as well. There are obviously far fewer TG girls working in porn than genetic girls so therefore there must be less who retain there looks and figures as they get older, presumably it is also a little more difficult for TG girls to do this as nature takes its course. I am very interested in how some of my modern day porn star favourites will stand the test of time. I truly hope that Aubrey Kate carries on for many years to come and I really hope and think she will continue to look good as she gets older. Would have been nice to see how Chanel Santini faired as well if she hadn't taken the decision to de-transition (and thereby waste what I believe were the best pair of tits in the TG porn scene!).

Secondly, do most transgender stars end up having reassignment surgery? Obviously a few have fully transitioned and continued their porn careers such as Kimber James, Danielle Foxx & Eva Lin, but I wonder if those who retire from the industry go on to complete their transformation or are most happy to continue their life part transitioned. Many years ago I remember reading articles suggesting that most TG performers got into the business to try to raise the money to complete their transition but this doesn't seem to ring true for most nowadays. I read an article attributed to Ana Mancini a while ago where she explained how happy she was with her body being outwardly female but would not consider losing her penis, although she has obviously been castrated and can't get hard or cum.

Lastly, along the same lines - can anyone say what happened to Hazel Tucker after her retirement from porn in 2014? She was one of my favourites and it was such a shame she left the scene at her peak and not long after getting her boobs enlarged to look great. She left a great but unfortunately not bountiful collection of work. Loved the little bend at the end of her cock.

01-26-2021, 10:51 AM
like in allother professions, it depends.

a lot of stars retire due to abuse in straight, gay, or ts porn. Sunshyne Monroe retired a few years ago coz she said she didn't like how she was treated. Honey Foxx retired because she said it was only ever temporary for her. Mia Isabella retired and then came back. I don't think there ever is one sole reason why people retire.