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View Full Version : The Life Of Sara - Chapter 3: Sophia's Visit!

06-29-2006, 05:19 AM
All right! For those of you who have read the two previous chapters of The Life Of Sara, here's the third one.

But, if you have not read Chapter 1 and 2, here are the links:

Chapter 1 (http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=9349)
Chapter 2 (http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=9372)

And now, here's the next chapter:

The life of Sara!

Chapter 3: Sophia’s Visit!

Two months have passed since that fateful cold January night and spring has just begun. Sara had never been so happy. She had thought that no man could ever love a woman like her, but Jonathan had proven her wrong. He loved her as deeply as anyone ever could and the best part is that he is such a kind and warm and gentle man. Not to mention he loved sex with her. Since that day they spent every moment they could together. They ate lunch together, went to concerts together, saw movies together, and spent plenty of nights in together. Life was great!

It was Monday afternoon and Sara comfortably rested her head in her soft, inviting pillow. The last month had been filled with disasters, shootings, suicides, and celebrity visits. The constant stream of news she had to provide had run her ragged and it was time to take a break. She was overjoyed when her boss granted her an entire week off. She had strongly hoped that Jonathan could take the week with her, but there was just too much work for him to do. He was only given Thursday and Friday off but that was better than nothing!

The doldrums lurked. There was nothing to do. The house was nearly spotless and needed no cleaning. She had been spending a good deal of time at Jonathan’s place and when they were here, he always cleaned up after for her. There were no good books or movies she had that she had not already read or seen several times. And today was just not a day she felt like going out to do anything. She was restless and bored and simply lay there, thinking about what she would do on Thursday with Jonathan.

She started to sink back into sleep when she heard the doorbell ring out. She pulled herself out of bed as hurriedly as she could and threw her pajamas on. As she walked to the door she wondered to herself, “Who would be coming to see me at this time of morning? I hope it’s not Jehovah’s Witnesses.” She glanced through the peephole and saw a young girl standing there. She could not make out the girl’s face clearly but something about her seemed familiar. She opened the door and stared for a moment in silence, the two gazing intently at each other.

She stood nearly as tall as Sara herself and just as thin. Long blonde haired flowed from the back of her head and her jade eyes made an immediate impression. A small ring wrapping around her right nostril drew attention to her nose, which was small, round, and very cute. She looked to be a few years older than Sara while also looking incredibly young and wild at the same time. Her full lips curled into a bright smile. A large suitcase lay on the ground at her feet. Sara thought hard. She knew this person from somewhere, but where? Finally, it dawned on her.

“Sophia? Sophia is that really you?” she said, jumping with excitement.

“Long time no see!” Sophia beamed with a wry grin.

They hugged like old friends separated for years, which is exactly what they were. They had been the best of friends in college. They shared everything and did everything together. Sophia was the sister Sara never had. They were completely inseparable. But it all ended when Sophia had to move to Florida. As much as she wanted to stay, she just couldn’t afford her own living and had to stay with her parents. So when her father’s job relocated her parents to Florida, she went with them. Sara could vividly remember that day at the airport, waving goodbye her eyes filled with tears. They promised to keep in touch but the distance had driven a wedge between them and eventually they went their separate ways. This was the first time they had spoken in years.

“I can’t believe it! All this time…where have you been? How did you find me?”

“I may not be around anymore but I still like to keep up with the old neighbourhood. I have papers sent to my home in Florida. I was surprised when I started seeing your name on some of the articles, but not that surprised,” she added with a wink. “Anyway, I had a vacation coming up and I called up their office and told them I was an old friend trying to look you up and voila! Here I am. How many years has it been now?”

“Way too long. Come in, come in. It’s cold out! I don’t want to leave you standing there all day.”

“’Bout time you let me in! I’d forgotten how much colder it is up here than it is down south.” She stepped through the door while removing her coat. Underneath she wore tight black jeans that really showed off her ass well and a short black t-shirt. So short, in fact, that Sara could see her smooth, bare, toned abs and the piercing in her belly button, still there after all these years. Sara was mostly all about the boys, but she had to admit, her friend looked sexy. Once her coat was put away, they walked off towards the kitchen, Sophia following behind Sara.

Sophia plopped down in the nearest chair and leaned back, flipping her shoes off with her toes and propping her feet up in one of the other nearby chairs. “Want anything to drink?” Sara asked.

“7up if ya’ got any.”

“You’re in luck! Last can.” Sara thought back to how most of the rest of the eleven cans had been expended. That was a fun night. Who knew you could do that with 7up? She poured the contents into a cup she removed from the cupboard.

“Can I get some ice in it too, please?”

“No problem.”

She dropped a couple cubes from the freezer into the glass and set it down in front of Sophia then took her own seat beside her.

“Sorry I never called or anything,” Sophia said, “I meant to, but I just never seemed to find the time. I missed you.”

“It’s perfectly okay. I’m just as much at fault here as you are. Why don’t we just forget about it? You’re here now and that’s what counts. So what have you been up to all these years?”

“Well to be honest with you, I really hated it there at first. It was so hot and sticky and people in Florida are nothing like the people here. But it grew on me after a while. It sorta became my home. I finished up school and used the money I’d been saving to start my own practice. I told you I’d be a dentist someday. And you never thought I’d do it.”

“Of course I did! I had complete faith in you to be a dentist. It was just hard to imagine you as one, it still is. You were always so wild, and it doesn’t look like that’s changed much. Is your practice going well?”

“Of course! I bought a lovely house down by the beach. The view is just wonderful. Keeps me close to my work to. It’s five minutes down the road.”

“Did you ever get married?”

“No, I, uh…haven’t had a boyfriend in years. You know how I am with guys.”

“Yeah, hopeless! It didn’t matter how many dates I set you up on, you could send them all packing before the first date was over! Except that one guy…what was his name? The one who wouldn’t give up?”

“You mean Jerry? Snorkel-mouth? Yeah, thanks but no thanks.”

“Really, you should lighten up with guys.”

“I know, I know! Can we please change the subject now?”

“Sure. How are your parents?”

“They’re doing fine. Dad retired last year and mom did the same just last month. We talk all the time.”

Anything else? Anything…exciting?

“Nearly got hit by a tornado once back when I was still living with my folks.”

“That’s it?”

“That’s it. It’s been pretty boring and normal. But enough with the twenty questions, I’m starting to feel like a suspect under interrogation. What about you?”

Sara told her everything that had happened since then. Getting a job after college only to get laid off later. Bumping into Jonathan, finding out he was her supervisor at her new job. All the nervous details leading up to their relationship and how happy she has been ever since. That is, all the details except one. There had never been any secrets between them and she really wanted to tell her, but she just was not ready yet. She felt bad but it could not be helped. They talked for hours about old times, their chit chat being broken by the occasional outburst of laughter. After a while Sophia glanced down at her watch.

“I think I should get going. It’s getting pretty late.”

“Go? But you just got here!”

“I need to get to the hotel and check in before it gets too late. But I’ll come back later tonight. Promise!”

“Hotel? Why go to a hotel and spend all your money when I have a free bedroom for just such occasions? I insist that you stay here.”

“Really? It doesn’t bother you at all?”

“Not at all. You’re here to visit me and I just happen to have taken the week off too.”

“Well, in that case, show me to my room!”

“Of course. After you, madam,” Sara said in imitation of a house servant. This sent them both into a fit of giggles.

Sophia followed her into the spare room and unpacked her things. They talked a while longer until dinnertime and since they were both hungry but neither wanted to cook, they agreed on Chinese. Chinese had always been their favourite. Once the food arrived, they devoured it voraciously and started to watch a movie on television. They continued to watch television and talk about the good old times when Sophia suddenly stood up and declared that she needed a shower. They took showers one after the other then dressed for bed. Sara wore her pyjamas decorated with cute little froggies while Sophia barely covered herself with a tight shirt through which her soft, pink nipples could lightly be seen and a pair of panties that really did her firm, round rear mounds justice. Sara got a little hard when she glimpsed her friend in the mild covering but quickly shifted her position to make sure that no bulge could be seen. Sophia went to her room and Sara went to hers, where she read for about half an hour before drifting off to sleep.

In the middle of the night Sara awoke feeling a strong pressure. Her bladder pressed hard against her abdomen and she groaned, not wanting to get out of bed. She walked down the hall to the bathroom and quietly shut the door making sure not to disturb her sleeping friend just down the hall. Lowering her pyjama pants just a little, she lifted the toilet seat and released a long, golden arc. She breathed a sigh of relief letting it all out. As she shook loose the last drops, the door opened without warning. Her head ratcheted around to see Sophia stumbling into the bathroom, dreary eyed and half-asleep. With a cadent half-step, she turned herself away from Sophia and quickly shoved her hanging secret back into a mouth of quiet lips. She prayed that Sophia had seen nothing.

“Oh, sorry, Sara! Didn’t know you were in here. I’ll just wait outside.”

“It’s fine. I was just about done anyway.” Her shoulders visibly relaxed. Sophia had not seen a thing. She flushed the toilet and strolled out of the bathroom as nonchalantly as she could manage. Sophia rushed right in the moment the way was clear. Finally, she began to breathe easy. She had gotten lucky, this time…

In the morning, Sophia apologized once again for the previous night’s incident. She did not seem to show any signs of having discovered anything. She certainly did not say anything.

They spent the next two days enjoying themselves thoroughly. They went shopping, ate at fancy restaurants, saw movies, and did whatever else came to their minds.

Then Thursday came…

Jonathan was finally free from work and Sara had wanted to introduce him to Sophia. Unfortunately for her, his friend had talked him into to helping out with moving and there were a few things he wanted to get done at home to make sure all his work stayed caught up. He would not be there until around seven that evening. It was just fine for Sara though because that meant she could spend more time shopping with Sophia. After acquiring more shoes that day than a homeless collection bin, the pair returned to Sara’s apartment about half an hour before Jonathan was due. Sara burst through the door announcing unequivocally that she needed a shower to wash out that leathery new shoe smell and proceeded to do just that while Sophia leaned back on the couch catching the new episode of Spy McNinja: The Super Detective.

In the bathroom, Sara ran the hot water and slid her dress down, catching her nipples momentarily before unhooking, leaving her bosom free to bounce back into place. She threw her dress over a free space on the towel rack and stepped into the shower under the crisp, clean water. With a loofa in hand and body wash in the other, she massaged the corrugated cloth over her smooth skin. The feeling was very refreshing. Then she proceeded to massage the shampoo into her long, silky hair. It was a shame that she did not have any Herbal Essences.

Once she was done with her shower, she wrapped a towel around her exposed breasts and crotch and walked down the hall to her bedroom. She lightly pushed the door most of the way closed behind her and rummaged through her room trying to decide what to wear. She opened one of her drawers and removed one of her many pairs of panties, then opened another drawer to find a matching bra. She tossed them onto the bed behind her, the force of the motion throwing the towel loose, causing it to drop to the floor.


She started to bend to pick it up when the door swung wide open and Sophia casually walked in.

“Hey, Sara! I think you’re out of…milk…” her voice trailed off as she stared at her naked friend in stunned silence.

Sara quickly pulled the towel over her crotch but she knew that it was already too late. She had seen it and the secret could no longer be kept. But to her surprise, Sophia began laughing brusquely…

“I really…must be tired from all that shopping. I coulda’ swore I saw a-a...a thing!...hanging between your legs.”

She considered playing along and trying to cover it up, but by now she figured, she might as well tell her. They had never kept secrets before and it had been wearing her down holding this one in the whole week.

“Actually, uh…I’ve been meaning to tell you…I, uh…I have a dick.”

Sophia’s laughter ceased at once. Mirth was replaced by shock. Her jaw dropped, stumbling to get words out.

“But, um, Sara, you, err, what, that’s, I, um…why!?”

She sighed and took a deep breath in preparation for this long talk, “It was about two years after you left. I…I was feeling restless and unhappy. I wanted a change. A big and unique change. I-I don’t know why but this seemed like the right thing for me. I had an operation performed and it’s really made me very happy with myself. It’s…really hard to explain.”


“He knows, of course. It would have been pretty hard to keep that a secret every time we had sex. He’s okay with it. He even enjoys it.”

“Well…that’s good, um…is it real?”

“Every inch of it.”

“I wonder how many of those there are…” and before Sara could say another word Sophia’s hand had found its way down to her lower regions and was feeling it all over.

“It is real! It feels just like it’s supposed to! Except the skin feels softer. Even the balls are real. Do you feel anything when I rub them?”

Sara did not say a word. The sensation sent shockwaves through her. She just nodded slowly.

“What about this?”

Sophia wrapped her hand around Sara’s manhood that was now beginning to throb with life. She worked her hand back and forth gently as it grew in her palm. Within moments it had burgeoned into a full, hard erection. Sara was speechless. “Why am I letting her do this?” she thought to herself, “Why am I not saying anything?” Though she hated to admit it, she was greatly enjoying it.

“Oh my god! It’s already hard. It’s…huge!” She continued working her hand down the length of it. “Hmm, I wonder…” she mused.

“What did she wonder?” Sara wanted to know. “What exactly does she have in my mind?” Her questions were soon answered as Sophia lowered her head encircling her mouth around the head and working up and down at a steady pace. “What…what are you doing?” she said, moaning breathlessly, “I-I don’t understand!”

Sophia released her grasp on Sara’s pulsing member.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. I dunno what came over me. Sara, I have a secret to reveal to you too.”

“What secret?”

“Well, you know how it never really worked out with me and any of those guys?” Sara nodded her head. “That’s ‘cause I’m…a lesbian.”

“What?” Sara was shocked by what she just heard.

“The truth is…back in college…I wasn’t really interested in those guys. I was always thinking…of you. I really wanted to be more than friends back then but I never admitted it to myself. Of course, when I finally did realize it I went into complete denial. I did finally get past the stage of denial but I’ve been scared to experiment with that sort of thing. I’ve thought about you a lot over the years. It’s been nice visiting you. I was really surprised just now when I saw what I saw, but, I don’t know why, I feel even more attracted to you.”

Sara had expected Sophia to hate her once she found out but this was a total surprise for her. She was completely shocked and she stood frozen staring off into space. Tears welled in Sophia’s eyes and she buried her face into her hands.

“What’s wrong, Sophia?”

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done this. I’m so confused…you’re my best friend. I don’t know. I just don’t know.”

Sara understood that this must be very hard for her. All those years repressing her sexuality, her feelings, and on top of that discovering this whole new thing that turns her on even more.

Sara reached out, letting the towel fall back to the floor, and pulled Sophia in close, stroking her hair. Sophia’s eyes widened with surprise and confusion. Sara gave her a tender kiss on the lips, followed by another, then another. She thrust her tongue out of her mouth and forced it between Sophia’s lips. Sophia brought forth her own tongue and passionately kissed Sara back. After a moment, Sara slid her lips across Sophia’s cheek down to her neck, suckling lightly on the sweet skin. Sophia didn’t say a word. Her delicate moans did all of the talking. She clasped the band of her t-shirt and pulled it over her head as Sara stepped out of the way, revealing her red satin bra underneath. Then she unhooked the clasp bringing her full, pert breasts into proud display.

Sara kissed at Sophia’s nipple, drawing circles across the areola with her tongue. She rubbed the other breast with her hand and Sophia clasped tightly to Sara, obviously enjoying what she felt.

Sara brought her other hand up and pushed Sophia back onto the bed. Then she leaned forward, unbuttoning Sophia’s jeans and pulling them off of her. She had red satin panties that matched her bra perfectly and Sara wondered if she had been wearing such sexy underwear all week hoping for something like this. She climbed forward onto the bed with Sophia and straddled her stomach.

“You’ve had a chance to feel me up. Now it’s my turn,” Sara said.

Sara moved her arm around behind her and began rubbing daintily at the smooth cloth covering Sophia’s sweet mound. Sophia gasped with each stroke of Sara’s nimble fingers. Sara felt a growing dampness underneath her fingers. “Sophia must really be getting turned on by this,” she thought. She slid back coming to rest at Sophia’s feet and slipped Sophia’s panties down. She gave Sophia another quick rub and swallowed her fingers.

“Mmmm, you taste delicious.”

Sara moved her tongue in closer and flicked it across Sophia’s clitoris. Then she worked her tongue over Sophia’s fragile lips licking at her wetness, gliding in and out of her. Sophia trembled under her touch. Her legs writhed in pleasure and she pulled Sara’s head in tighter while thrusting herself forward wanting more.

“Sara, i-it’s incredible. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop,” Sophia whispered, panting. Sara continued working her tongue back and forth, Sophia’s legs clinging tautly to the sides of her head. Sophia raised her voice octave by octave until finally she screamed in climax, the sound echoing off the walls. Her legs shook violently and Sara smiled as she watched the quivering waves flow over Sophia’s body.

As the storm subsided, Sophia rose up simultaneously pushing Sara down onto her stomach. Sophia started at the base of her neck, following the trail of Sara’s spine with her tongue. Sara shuddered at the sensation, her erection growing firmer. As Sophia neared the end of the path, she lifted Sara’s hips into the air licking at the velvety brown flesh and working her hand over the eager cock. This was amazing. Sophia was so skilled with her tongue. Sara moaned at every lick loving the feel of it. “What would Jonathan think if he saw me here like this?” she wondered.

It was then that she noticed the clock read seven-thirty. He was already half an hour overdue. “Where could he be?” she thought. She might have complained to Sophia, made her stop before it was too late, but she was far too gone. And soon she forgot all about Jonathan, moaning as Sophia worked over her body.

Jonathan rushed to Sara’s apartment. He had run a bit late and hated to keep her waiting. Driving as fast as possible, only breaking a few speeding laws and stopping only briefly at his house for a quick shower and change, he arrived a few minutes after seven-thirty. He rapped lightly on the door. After a moment when there was no answer, he was about to knock again when he decided to use the spare key she had given him instead. He figured that she was probably in one of the back rooms and wanted to see if he could surprise. At least as much as expected can surprise a person. Maybe enough to make her forget that he was late. Quietly he opened the door and crept into the house. He heard sounds coming from her bedroom. “She must be watching television back there,” he thought, “Is that moaning? Ooh I wonder if she got a sexy video for us. Or maybe, she couldn’t wait for me. And what about her friend Sophia that she had told me about? Where is she?” Silently, he stalked down the hall to the bedroom and peered through the small opening in the door.

Two shadows caught his eye. He traced them back to their sources of origin and found two women on the bed, one of them bobbing her head up and down over a long, erect dick. He could recognize that cock anywhere. There lay his girlfriend with another woman. He could only assume that this other beautiful woman was Sophia.

He stood there motionless, staring at the fluid bodies. Though he feared being caught, the scene before him was sexy. Very sexy. He had imagined seeing Sara with another woman from time to time, but he had never thought he would see this. He felt his pants tightening and soon he could not stand to be held in any longer. He unzipped his jeans with as little noise as possible and started working his hand over his hard member, watching the two of them intently.

Not seeing Jonathan hiding in the doorway, Sophia continued to work her mouth over the pulsing dick. This was incredible. She could not explain it, but the warm, full feeling in her mouth made her body feel very hot. She wanted more. She let the cock slide out of her mouth and stared at it for a moment. A small bead up pre-cum leaked from the tip and she teasingly licked it up with her tongue.

“Why did you stop?” Sara asked.

“I’m not ready for it to end yet. I want to do more than just suck on it.”

Sophia wanted to try out something different. She had seen this once in a special kind of movie. She gathered up her full chest in her hands and wrapped them around Sara’s erection, gliding up and down on it, licking at the tip. Soft noises that aroused Sophia came from Sara’s lips and Sara soon fell into the rhythm of it, thrusting herself between Sophia’s large breasts. Sophia could see that Sara was really enjoying this but she wanted to be fucked for real. She moved back and into a position fully exposing her ass to Sara and with each hand, she pulled open her small, rear hole. Sara seemed to get the idea and within moments she had penetrated her deeply.

Sophia screamed at the intensity of it. Sara pumped into her again and again, slowly at first but rapidly building. She whimpered with every impact, the heat building. She could not restrain herself and rubbed hard at her trembling clit. She shouted words she forgot the moment they escaped her lips. “Yes, Sara! Fuck me! Just like that! I need, I need it! More, oh god, please, more!” A torrent of ecstasy rushed through her body and she bucked hard against Sara as her second orgasm overtook her, crying out at the top of her lungs.

She lay there for what seemed to be ages before Sara gently removed herself from her ass. “You’ve already cum twice now. Are you still up for one more?” Sara asked her, “Or are you too tired?”

“I want more. Here,” she said pleadingly, pointing to her dripping wet virgin opening. Sara nodded her acknowledgement and climbing on top of her, slowly pushed her manhood into the eagerly awaiting Sophia.

The pain was almost unbearable. But the sensation was unbelievable. Sara began to rock back and forth and soon pleasure overrode pain. Sara pushed deep inside of her, penetrating not only her desperate body, but every dream and fantasy of a moment like this with a glorious reality that far exceeded anything her imagination had conceived. With every push Sara gave, Sophia responded with her own sounds of pleasure and soon the two formed a harmonizing duet of moans. By now Sara was slamming into her mercilessly with a Herculean effort and she could not stand it any longer.

The sound of it could have been heard for miles as Sophia screamed, “Yes! Fuck! I’m cumming! Yes!”

“Oh, god, me too! Me too!” Sara called back.

Sophia felt the cock inside of her twinge as it filled her with a warm glow. She loved it. Every minute of it. This was the most wonderful night of her life.

Jonathan watched this breathtaking climax between these two astoundingly beautiful women while jerking himself in a frenzy and reaching his own end, coating the door before him in a bath of white, sticky fluids. He left to grab a towel and clean himself up before returning to deal with the mess he had left on the door. He heard Sara call out from inside the room.

“You can come in now, Jonathan.”

He was filled with shock and horror. His girlfriend had seen him spying! Flustered, he made his way into the room wearing an embarrassed expression on his face.

“I saw you peeking through the door. She’s asleep now. Dozed off right after we were done,” she said, gesturing to the serenely snoozing form of Sophia, “I guess you’re not mad since you sure seemed to enjoy yourself.”


“You still have a white spot on your jeans, by the way.”

He looked even more embarrassed than before as she pointed to a small spot on his jeans. “Okay! So you got me by the seat of my pants! But why…”

“Why did I do what I did with Sophia? I don’t know. She’s harboured a lot of feelings about me for years. I guess I wanted her to feel happy so I went along with it. I hope you’re not jealous.”

A wide grin spread across his lips as he planted them on Sara’s, giving her a passionate kiss. “I liked it. You are one unique woman,” he said, “and I love you as much now as I always have.”

Sara looked relieved and then they both glanced at Sophia. “She won’t be forgetting this visit any time soon,” Jonathan said, grinning even more.

“That’s for sure!”

“So tell me, after all that, do you still have some energy left in you?”

“The question is, after all that fun you had with yourself, do you?” Sara replied coolly.

“Why don’t we head to the spare room and find out?”

“Lead the way!”

The pair snuck off leaving Sophia laying there alone, dreaming peacefully of the visit she would never forget.

End of Chapter 3!

This story was written by David Drysdale and Lilyana

All rights reserved!

12-17-2007, 06:42 AM
Just posted a rewrite of Chapter 3
