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04-22-2014, 10:27 AM
Need a steer from the general community here.

Certain folk (you know who you are) have taken to posting pictures of people vomiting or shitting or ultra violent images in threads otherwise dedicated to enjoyable pictures of girls or similar topics.

I find these rrepulsive and offensive and was tempted, as a moderator, to delete them. But I wonder what other people think?

Should we just roll with it or do they turn your stomachs so much they should e removed.

Over to y'all.

04-22-2014, 10:39 AM
if it is no way linked to the thread.... delete

04-22-2014, 10:55 AM
let them be posted in threads titled vile, offensive and vulgar. some people enjoy seeing that. if we don't like it, we don't have to click on it.

04-22-2014, 11:09 AM
I personally don't care...but going through a few of the threads since I registered some DO.

04-22-2014, 11:45 AM
I'd rather they had a subforum to be grotesque in. I'd say delete or move them if they hold no relevance to the topic or forum

04-22-2014, 11:56 AM
If relevant to the topic then they should stay. I can do without seeing a close up of someone taking a shit though (especially when it's not even funny) so I'd use your judgement.

04-22-2014, 12:05 PM
Thanks steven. I've taken down two such posts this morning. All kinds of stuff on here could be judged offensive to someone and should surely be left well alone in my view - but shitting pictures in a thread about a gorgeous tgirl seem , erm, sorta out of place... etc.

Dino Velvet
04-22-2014, 12:34 PM
Thanks stephen. I've taken down two such posts this morning. All kinds of stuff on here could be judged offensive to someone and should surely be left well alone in my view - but shitting pictures in a thread about a gorgeous tgirl seem , erm, sorta out of place... etc.

Justice prevails.

"... but shitting pictures in a thread about a gorgeous tgirl seem , erm, sorta out of place... etc."

04-22-2014, 01:32 PM
I think context is what defines some of it -if there is or was a thread on 'pissing' I would avoid it but this does seem to be a sub-genre of porn, and there was a pissing scene in Frank Riploh's film Taxi zum Klo some years ago (and not very nice to see even if it was an honest aspect of sexual behaviour for some people); the other stuff taken from real life seems to me designed to be offensive and is probably put in a thread for that reason. We all know what bodily functions are, just as we know that people get mashed up in road accidents, get blown up by terrorists, or jump to their death from skyscrapers -why would anyone want to see such things?

04-22-2014, 06:52 PM
I think if they have nothing to do with the thread they're posted in, they should be removed. The same goes if a moderator feels that said photos violate the spirit of the board and/or its TOS.

I say create a thread for these photos to be posted so the person or persons can continue to do so and so other members of the board don't have to accidentally see them.

04-22-2014, 08:26 PM
I recently took a "CHEAP SHOT" at Stavros over on the CLASSICAL MUSIC thread.....

Does Classical music and poetry belong on a forum about transsexuals?

Is this entire forum offensive to transsexuals that don't dress like whores, or post pictures of themselves fucking?

I've had a few KID pics deleted, I was intentionally walking the line. I'd say my motive was loftier than chicks selling their shit here, but let's face it, 95% of the people here go to the picture threads.

Escorting in Europe is legal, in the US it is not. Prospero is a Gentleman in London, a criminal in New York.

Is my ART to be judged by faceless apparitions? Or a JUDGE named "GROOBY?"

ha ha, Steven decides.


04-22-2014, 08:37 PM
Buttslinger... kid pictures endanger the life of this forum as you well know (and I am personally am distressed that anyone thinks it okay to post them for many reasons.) Kid porn is beyond the bounds of anything I find acceptable.

Does classica music belong here? or film reviews? Or jokes? Or photographs of bridges or non transgendered women for that matter. Why not, though its not what the site is centrally about.

That isn't the point. Nor your playfulness with Stavros or at me - or anybody having an argument or whatever.

It is posting unexpected and repulsve images which are nauseating to the average person in a thread otherwise devoted to the discussion of or photographs of attractive women. It's a sort of mildly terroristic act - though i suspect intended as a joke.

As regards the images that prompted by original post - and my subsequent action - I accept that some people might find them amusing or even, dare i say it, titillating. The two postings which prompted this were a gif of a bottom with shit pouring out of it and a selection of images of a man vomiting. They've been removed. I think Stavros said it well (despite your animosity towards him). They were in the wrong place. It is about context. If people feel they want to see these pics then the guy who posts them (otherwise a venerable stalwart of this site) should start a thread and label it VERY clearly so that those of us who are enjoying looking at pretty pictures of girls, or sexy pictures of girls, are not suddenly confronted with hideous images (and yes he occasionally posts that sort of thing too). I believe he has a hugely black sense of humour. I think it is misplaced. by exposing all to this type of image without us having the chance to make a choice.

04-22-2014, 09:26 PM
To the Forum, I just posted a pic of a topless girl giving the finger to the camera with a no bullshit smile so fantastic I honestly thought it was great, but Prospero is right, I was playing with dynamite.
In print, things can be taken the wrong way, spellcheck is mine enemy, I write like I draw. I like Steven, Stavros, and you. More than you like me, I think, he he he

I know exactly the pictures you deleted, Dino should be fined posting numbers for re-posting the same pics over and over. I'm pretty sure he reposts the same Metal songs, he could be sneaking kiddy porn or snuff porn in there, who knows...

The most favorite forum ever for me, the moderator kicked me off every week, I would changes IPs and come back as a new person, and after about a week he would figure out it's me and ban me again. Eventually I infuriated him so much he turned off the NEW MEMBER button, which infuriated me. good times, good times.

First and foremost, this is a porn site. It is here to sell porn, porn is repulsive and nauseating to most of my family. How about yours?

If I started listening to Dino's music all day ....I would probably get into it. If people here took a big hit of CRACK, they would probably get into it.
Crack is illegal everywhere. Not because it's great, ten times better than cumming, but because it's destructive.

Steven gets to decide this, he may be more twisted than Prospero or Stavros, but he's pretty pragmatic. That's what this boils down to. And that's the way it should be.

04-22-2014, 09:31 PM
It's a little late in the game to censor longtime members who are partially defined by their tilt towards the grotesque.

If I've learned to live with the scat attacks, etc, why can't we all??

If this was such an issue why wasn't it addressed earlier???

Dino Velvet
04-22-2014, 09:36 PM
Leave the children alone. No kiddie porn for me and really not much porn talk from me at all even though I, as an individual, might be considered pornographic. I've always had a thing for mischief as it still delights me into my middle years. I admit getting a thrill up my leg with my ambushings.

Buttslinger is right. I do have a rotation of filth that I enjoy posting.

04-22-2014, 09:42 PM
let them be posted in threads titled vile, offensive and vulgar. some people enjoy seeing that. if we don't like it, we don't have to click on it.
Agree. 2 Tgirls 1 Cup fans should stick to a thread for that kind of thing. There is far too much off topic nonsense in forums!!!

Oh & if anyone posts kid pics. AUTOMATIC BAN!

04-22-2014, 09:59 PM
If I said internet porn was corrupting our youth, would I be lying?

Is a picture of little kids playing on a nudist beach filth?

It's all in the eye of the beholder.

This isn't a court of law, it's a damn business.

I personally think the Dino butt poo pic is funny, but nobody wants everybody posting shit pics, most of them aren't funny.

I'm guessing only a small percentage of porno chicks or escorts prosper from their sex trade in the long run. Are we lookin' out for 'em, or USING them?

Slippery slope here.

04-22-2014, 11:48 PM
re the girls. Never said we were looking out for them. They make a living. This site is - as much as anything - a shop window for pay sites and for escorts and a place for folk to have fun. I guess some of the girls here make more money as a result of the traffic here - but maybe not. If the BULK of people enjoyed pics of vomit or poo alongside their porn then maybe they'd like to say so. But I suspect not.

Dino Velvet
04-23-2014, 12:00 AM
Oh... The Horror. The melodrama ain't bad either.

Apocalypse Now: Marlon Brando "Horror" - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD0rU6-7sKs)

04-23-2014, 12:08 AM
I know exactly the pictures you deleted, Dino should be fined posting numbers for re-posting the same pics over and over. I'm pretty sure he reposts the same Metal songs, he could be sneaking kiddy porn or snuff porn in there, who knows...

That is a rash and unfounded allegation dude...

Dino Velvet
04-23-2014, 12:15 AM
That is a rash and unfounded allegation dude...

Buttslinger is just kidding around. He wasn't accusing me of anything. I got a good laugh out of his post. I considered the source.

04-23-2014, 01:40 AM
Sorry, Chaingunner, If I ever wanted to "GET" Dino, I'd zero in on his West Texas Bigotry, not his sexual perversions. I'm left wide open when it comes to sexual perversion. Guilty as charged.

One thing I know everyone will agree on....the strangeness of what people respond to, and what they ignore.

Dino Velvet
04-23-2014, 01:45 AM
Sorry, Chaingunner, If I ever wanted to "GET" Dino, I'd zero in on his West Texas Bigotry

If you ever throw a sissy race card at me make sure it's two-ply so I can wipe myself with it and return it to your forehead like a Post-it Note.

Dino Velvet
04-23-2014, 01:53 AM
I also admit to owning more guns than books. More bullets than pages fer damn sure.

Dino Velvet
04-23-2014, 02:11 AM
Y'all ever see a Hillbilly Intergender Barefoot Thumbtack match? After the pinfall these 2 make sweet love to each other all night long until the house falls off the wheels.

Ian Rotten moonlights at Taco Bell (http://cct300-f07.wikispaces.com/file/view/ianrotten.jpg/31537551/ianrotten.jpg). Free Staph Infection with your Chalupa with some Hep C smeared into the beans. Brown Recluse Spider (http://www.strangecosmos.com/images/content/101606.jpg).

Mickie Knuckles vs Ian Rotten Barefoot thumbtacks - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5T8koVnZ80)

04-23-2014, 02:48 AM
If you ever throw a sissy race card at me make sure it's two-ply so I can wipe myself with it and return it to your forehead like a Post-it Note.

offensive mages removed

Dino Velvet
04-23-2014, 02:51 AM
HEY! Who "LIKED" that post!!!!!!

Start your search by looking into this.


04-23-2014, 03:50 AM
there's not too many things folks here can agree on, but when something seems inappropriate, it's inappropriate.
moderating a forum with massive daily eyeballs is not about exercising censorship. It just takes common sense.... and ownership trusting your judgement.
Keep doing what you're doing Prosp

04-23-2014, 04:04 AM
Keep doing what you're doing Prosp

You should get Pimp Pay, Prospero.

04-23-2014, 04:24 AM
I have a question on the matter. I've bee posting gifs and pictures to an MMA thread over in the sports section. Some of those have been pretty gruesome (no poop but plenty of blood). I like the violent part of the sport and that's what I like sharing. Is that okay?

04-23-2014, 04:33 AM
Need a steer from the general community here.

Certain folk (you know who you are) have taken to posting pictures of people vomiting or shitting or ultra violent images in threads otherwise dedicated to enjoyable pictures of girls or similar topics.

I find these rrepulsive and offensive and was tempted, as a moderator, to delete them. But I wonder what other people think?

Should we just roll with it or do they turn your stomachs so much they should e removed.

Over to y'all.

Ya know, I'm ambivalent. I, too, find them gross. But there are a lot of gross things on the Net. I mean, one could/should merely censor oneself. Give a warning, as it were: Gross Images -- :)
But I find these images gross too -- ha ha! ;) :)

sukumvit boy
04-23-2014, 04:41 AM
IMHO it's the wild , edgy stuff from folks like Dino and buttslinger that makes this such a fun place.
At the same time ,I think that the moderators are doing an outstanding job in keeping this beast in check while at the same time exhibiting a truly astounding degree of tolerance.

04-23-2014, 05:05 AM
As for moderation....I have no complaints. I suppose you might decide whether you think the pictures are a humorous digression or repetitive and distracting. It probably depends on the context. If it's done every once in a while to get a laugh, or to create levity, it's different from when it's done to seek attention or be disruptive.

I haven't noticed so I don't know...it doesn't bother me but that's not really the point i guess.

04-23-2014, 06:16 AM
Glad to hear that. Mods are like baseball umps. If you don't notice us then we're doing good

04-23-2014, 09:08 AM
Quite right, too many offensive pictures here

04-23-2014, 04:40 PM
OP should be ashamed.

04-23-2014, 04:42 PM
Life is a riot of blooms, not a cultivated garden.

Stop pruning so much.

Rusty Eldora
04-23-2014, 06:29 PM
Thanks stephen.

I think it is SteVen.

I think pictures that descend into Trolldom should be deleted at the moderator's discretion. As posters we need to be aware that yes a picture might be appropriate for the regulars, it may be considered to be rude or crude to tgirls wondering if this is a 'safe' board to be on. I for one would like to see more of their participation (and pictures) rather than less.

Also, a lot of us here love pics of shecock and the girls attached to them, but would prefer to NEVER see some guys stick, in particular in an avatar. There are plenty of sites where those can be posted and admired - but this site is for Hung Angels not Hung Dogs.

04-23-2014, 08:22 PM
I have noticed that the posts that get 10 thumbs up are usually the airbrushed, assembly line pics crafted eXXXspecially for the fap fap crowd.
There is kind of a natural selection type of censorship here, nobody really buys Playboy for the articles or opinions, they want to see chicks that won the genetic lottery.

Oh, I'm not saying the picture threads are for morons. In fact, if people here aren't satisfied customers,......check the yellow pages under "Psychiatrist"

04-23-2014, 08:48 PM
Ashamed of what, Tapatio? if you want pictures of shit go search for them. Or create a thread for folk to post those pix.

Dino Velvet
04-23-2014, 08:52 PM
I found a happy medium for the more fastidious and persnickety in here who are also fans of the poop. A poop post with purpose. Eat it and weep.


The Poop on Pooping: 5 Misconceptions Explained

http://l.yimg.com/a/i/us/nws/p/livesci_logo_73.jpg (http://www.livescience.com/) By By Christopher Wanjek, Columnist 1 hour ago

Everyone does it. And many have developed a set of rituals and beliefs, some false, about the act of clearing one's bowels.

You might think that you know your stuff about poop, but misconceptions are common. Here is the truth behind five common misconceptions about defecating.
Misconception No. 1: Daily pooping is normal, and optimal.
The U.S. Army once encouraged its soldiers to perform three daily S's, two of which are shower and shave. This might imply that the first S, which stands for, uh, defecating, is a healthy daily routine (http://www.livescience.com/37992-healthy-habits-one-minute-fast.html) one should strive for. But it is latrine efficiency, not long-term health, that's the Army's top priority.
Gastroenterologists quip that anything in the range of three times daily to three times weekly is normal, assuming the feces isn't too loose or hard. That is, regularity doesn't mean defecation should happen daily, but rather, that it should happen consistently. Frequency only becomes a concern when it changes suddenly, in either direction.
Constipation is caused by many factors, such as poor diet, dehydration, lack of exercise, jet lag or diet change while traveling, pregnancy and certain medications. Getting a good rest, drinking more water, exercising and eating a high-fiber diet of grains, fruits and vegetables should remedy constipation (http://www.livescience.com/5825-constipation-symptoms-solutions.html). If not, a paucity of bowel movements could point to (or lead to) a serious medical condition.
Diarrhea, or loose bowel movements, also is caused by many factors, most commonly by viruses, bacteria or an allergic reaction. Consistently loose bowel movements could be a sign of a chronic disease, such as irritable bowel syndrome. [5 Things Your Poop Says About Your Health (http://www.livescience.com/43870-poop-health-signs-disease-infection.html)]
Misconception No. 2: It's supposed to smell bad.
Poo may not smell like roses, but it shouldn't smell like a rotting swamp of roses, either. A truly awful-smelling bowel movement — something admittedly hard to quantify in writing — can be either a sign of an infection, or something more serious, such as Crohn's disease, celiac disease or ulcerative colitis.
Giardiasis, an infection of Giardia parasites, is one well-known cause of horrible-smelling poop. If you experience bad odor over a prolonged period when defecating, you should see a doctor.
Perhaps surprising, passing gas from morning through the night is normal and healthy, the natural byproduct of your gut bacteria (http://www.livescience.com/39444-gut-bacteria-health.html) digesting your food. But as with poop, consistently foul gas could be a sign of something serious.
Misconception No. 3: The colon needs a good flushing.
Colon cleansing (http://www.livescience.com/947-colon-cleansing-money-toilet.html) is one of the worst things you can do for your colon and long-term health — despite its enduring popularity. At its most benign, colon cleansing is a waste of time and money. Recent studies, however, have revealed how truly detrimental the practice is.
In short, you cannot wash away the bad things without washing away the good things; but worse, there are no bad things to wash away. Those toxins and pounds of festering, impacted fecal matter? They don't exist.
With each "cleansing," you are flushing away beneficial bacteria and electrolytes. Nearly 1,000 species of bacteria reside in the colon and aid in the final stages of digestion, including water absorption, and the fermentation of fibers and vitamin absorption, particularly vitamins K, B1, B2, B7, and B12.
Emergency rooms regularly see patients who have hurt themselves by cleansing (http://www.livescience.com/34845-detox-cleansing-facts-fallacies.html). Common side effects are dehydration, rectal perforations, air emboli, blood infections and a loss of the ability to control the muscles of the bowels.
There are no toxins in the colon that get absorbed in the blood to cause disease. This theory of autointoxication was proven incorrect more than 100 years ago. These toxins now reside in a virtual form on the Internet on hydrotherapy websites promoting, well, nothing but crap.
Misconception No. 4: Taking your time is healthy.
The myth that it's healthy to sit on the toilet for a prolonged time pervades popular culture. The author Henry Miller dedicated a chapter in his 1952 tome "The Books in My Life" to reading on the toilet. Even an episode of the sitcom "Seinfeld" featured the character George being forced to buy an expensive picture book that he took into the bookstore's restroom to read.
And magazines are found so often in people's personal bathrooms that one might think it is natural, or even beneficial, to relax on the toilet. Not so, for two reasons.
Studies have shown a connection between toilet reading and hemorrhoids. The theory, dating back to a 1974 study, is that prolonged toilet sitting during which the anus is relaxed, followed by repeated straining, irritates the tissues surrounding the rectum that help control bowel movements, called anal cushions. This can lead to hemorrhoids, or inflamed veins in this area.
A study published in The Lancet in 1989 reported that patients with hemorrhoids were more than twice likely to read on the toilet. A study from 1995 in the journal Colon & Rectum found that 40 percent of patients with benign anorectal disease read on the toilet. And a 2009 study published in Neurogastroenterology & Motility also found hemorrhoids sufferers more likely to be toilet readers.
What's not clear, however, is whether prolonged toilet sitting causes hemorrhoids, or is the result of this. Nevertheless, doctors recommend more dietary fiber, not more sitting, to facilitate bulkier and faster bowel movements.
The second reason toilet reading is a problem is filth. Myriad studies reveal how reading material and smart phones get contaminated with fecal matter (http://www.livescience.com/22822-cell-phones-germs.html) when used on the toilet. It's hard to wash an iPhone.
Misconception No. 5: More pooping leads to more weight loss
Seems like this one is aligned with the laws of physics: The more that comes out means the less you are carrying around. Alas, it isn't (quite) so.
Many people take laxatives or drink "dieter's tea" with the hope of pooping out more of those calories. The problem with this approach, though, is that calorie absorption takes place largely in the small intestine. Laxatives do their thing in the large intestine, or colon.
There is anecdotal evidence the Asians unload more feces on average per day than Westerners; and considering that most Asian countries have far lower obesity rates compared to most Western countries, you might start to think there's something to the pooping-away-fat idea.
But what we are witnessing is the effect of a high-fiber diet (http://www.livescience.com/15302-high-fiber-diet-supplements.html), in which insoluble fiber provides a feeling of satiety without contributing many calories. That fiber comes in whole grains, beans, vegetable and vegetable skins, seeds and nuts — features of an Asian diet. High-fiber foods pack fewer calories per pound compared to low-fiber foods, such as meat and processed foods — hallmarks of a Western diet.
Fiber promotes stool regularity and vacates the body with impressive efficiency.
Follow Christopher Wanjek @wanjek (https://twitter.com/wanjek)for daily tweets on health and science with a humorous edge. Wanjek is the author of "Food at Work" and "Bad Medicine." His column, Bad Medicine (http://www.livescience.com/topic/bad-medicine), appears regularly on Live Science.

Poop Sausage to Pee Drinks: 7 Gross 'Human Foods' (http://www.livescience.com/41448-7-gross-human-foods.html)
Through the Years: A Gallery of the World's Toilets (http://www.livescience.com/16710-years-gallery-world-toilets.html)
Pee a Rainbow: Scientist Snaps Shot of Colorful Urine (http://www.livescience.com/37664-human-urine-colors-rainbow.html)

Copyright 2014 LiveScience (http://www.livescience.com/), a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

04-23-2014, 08:56 PM
Ashamed of what, Tapatio? if you want pictures of shit go search for them. Or create a thread for folk to post those pix.

You complain a lot, dude.

If you want a forum that conforms to your expectations, go start one.

04-23-2014, 09:44 PM
No dude.... I do not "complain a lot". I am a moderator and try to ensure that this place runs smoothly, that fakes are exposed, that people get help when needed, spam is deleted, that material which people find offensive - i.e. insults to the girls, pictures like the ones that i was talking about when i started this thread are considered for suitability, that material banned here by the site owner is excluded and generally that the place runs okay. Like you i enjoy the wildness - the randomness, the unexpected etc etc... but I asked for the views of people here after getting some complains in PMs and acted accordingly.

And i don't need to apologise to you ... so if YOU don't like the way that the site owner Steven runs this site or his moderators execute their tasks then YOU butt out of here and go start your own site. Dude!

04-23-2014, 10:00 PM
No dude.... I do not "complain a lot". I am a moderator and try to ensure that this place runs smoothly, that fakes are exposed, that people get help when needed, spam is deleted, that material which people find offensive - i.e. insults to the girls, pictures like the ones that i was talking about when i started this thread are considered for suitability, that material banned here by the site owner is excluded and generally that the place runs okay. Like you i enjoy the wildness - the randomness, the unexpected etc etc... but I asked for the views of people here after getting some complains in PMs and acted accordingly.

And i don't need to apologise to you ... so if YOU don't like the way that the site owner Steven runs this site or his moderators execute their tasks then YOU butt out of here and go start your own site. Dude!

Who the fuck asked for an apology?

Hit a sore spot though, huh?


04-23-2014, 10:04 PM
allowing assholes to continue posting might be the most difficult part of being a mod

Dino Velvet
04-23-2014, 10:16 PM
Enjoy yer lunch, peeples...

Sling Blade (3/12) Movie CLIP - French Fried Potaters (1996) HD - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pz2kXoDo_s)

04-23-2014, 10:31 PM
allowing assholes to continue posting might be the most difficult part of being a mod

I thought he was a mod...

04-23-2014, 10:46 PM
allowing assholes to continue posting might be the most difficult part of being a mod

Yeah I agree with that. However, Tapatio has been given a one month time out for his assholeness.

04-23-2014, 11:26 PM
My thoughts on the whole thing is that the term 'offensive' is subjective. However if someone starts up a shitting thread well it's up to people if they want to see that or not, but if you venture into it then you have no right to be offended by what you see. Posting potentially offensive or upsetting material in an unrelated thread is just being a troll.

Yeah I agree with that. However, Tapatio has been given a one month time out for his assholeness.

Can it be a month that lasts forever?

I have a question on the matter. I've bee posting gifs and pictures to an MMA thread over in the sports section. Some of those have been pretty gruesome (no poop but plenty of blood). I like the violent part of the sport and that's what I like sharing. Is that okay?

I'm not a mod or anything but part of MMA, boxing and other physical sports is that there will be gruesome aspects to it. I can't imagine anyone squeamish ever watching something like that so your pictures/gifs are on topic and relevant. I think the issue here is more to do with things being posted outside their threads.

Does Classical music and poetry belong on a forum about transsexuals?

Is this entire forum offensive to transsexuals that don't dress like whores, or post pictures of themselves fucking?

It's a General Discussion part of the forum and that means exactly that. Why should it be limited to transexuals? Most forums are specialised in a subject but have general areas. Is the forum offensive to non sex worker transexuals? To some probably, but again, offense is subjective. However, no one ever claimed that the purpose of this site was to spread understanding and fight the good fight of the transexual cause; it's here to make money as are the girls who post here.

I've had a few KID pics deleted, I was intentionally walking the line. I'd say my motive was loftier than chicks selling their shit here, but let's face it, 95% of the people here go to the picture threads.

I don't know what pictures you posted, but if you posted images of a sexual nature of minors then that's not "lofty" or noble, it's illegal and has no place anywhere.

Escorting in Europe is legal, in the US it is not. Prospero is a Gentleman in London, a criminal in New York.

Is my ART to be judged by faceless apparitions? Or a JUDGE named "GROOBY?"

I think you'll find that in most countries in the world sexual images of children are illegal and you'd be judged as a criminal by everyone. You really expect sympathy or think that you are some higher reason? I understand your point about legality being different in different countries, but are sexual images of kids legal in your country? Even if they are, it's irrelevant because the forum is governed by the law of the country that it is hosted in, which I believe is the US. Therefore by distributing (yes distributing) illegal material on this forum, you are breaking the law in the US and if there's an extradition agreement in place, you could potentially stand trial in the US for international distribution of child pornography. The internet is no different from travelling to the country you are posting to: you are bound by their laws.

Legally speaking, your images should have been saved along with the timestamps and the IP addresses you have posted from and those details passed onto the FBI (again if in the UK) or the IWF in the UK so you could be prosecuted.

I know exactly the pictures you deleted, Dino should be fined posting numbers for re-posting the same pics over and over. I'm pretty sure he reposts the same Metal songs, he could be sneaking kiddy porn or snuff porn in there, who knows...

Unlikely because his videos are from YouTube and as far as I'm aware, it's not possible to encode images or porn into a video without it being visible.

The most favorite forum ever for me, the moderator kicked me off every week, I would changes IPs and come back as a new person, and after about a week he would figure out it's me and ban me again. Eventually I infuriated him so much he turned off the NEW MEMBER button, which infuriated me. good times, good times.

Changing IPs isn't enough to stop a good moderator.

First and foremost, this is a porn site. It is here to sell porn, porn is repulsive and nauseating to most of my family. How about yours?

If I started listening to Dino's music all day ....I would probably get into it. If people here took a big hit of CRACK, they would probably get into it.
Crack is illegal everywhere. Not because it's great, ten times better than cumming, but because it's destructive.

So your point is that you should be allowed to post kiddie porn here until it becomes acceptable?

When you sign up to a forum like this one, in the terms and conditions it states that you are certifying that adult material is suitable to view in your region and that if it is not then you cannot use the site. It doesn't matter if someone finds porn nauseating or not; if they do then they are stupid for seeking out and registering with a site that they know will disgust them.

However, as a registered member, you are bound by the terms and conditions you agreed to and also by international laws. You can claim lofty ideals all you want but if it's legal to post something on a forum that allows that material and it is in the appropriate place then fine, but if it's not legal or allowed on that forum then it doesn't get posted. Under UK law, pornography is acceptable, but it isn't acceptable to post it on Disney's Club Penguin site; not legally, not morally; no ifs, ands or buts. Your entire argument is invalid. I'm actually surprised you haven't been banned.

04-23-2014, 11:31 PM
Not my thing....your call!!

Dino Velvet
04-24-2014, 12:30 AM
I just came back from the Ralph's and had to wait forever for the bathroom. Might be rude but I was getting impatient and heckling the fella through the door letting him know he better have pinched off more logs than read chapters in there. He scurried outta there like nobody's business with toilet paper still stuck to the bottom of his shoes. Before he was completely gone I stuck my head in the door then let him know how disappointed I was in his feeble effort. I'm the type of person that when inconvenienced enough on the road I'll holler, "Somebody better be dead up there!" As long as he was in there something shoulda smelled like it died in there. Couldn't curl a toe or even raise an eyebrow with his poo-poo.

04-24-2014, 06:33 AM
So....even if I start my own thread I can't post kiddy porn here????

Man, the FUN POLICE are all over this place!!!

TWIMC: I'm Kidding!!

04-24-2014, 07:24 AM
ho ho ho buttslinger... are you 14 or what?

04-24-2014, 08:02 AM
ho ho ho buttslinger... are you 14 or what?


04-24-2014, 01:12 PM

I believe you're being called childish! :shrug

04-24-2014, 01:51 PM
The personal jibes in this thread are a distraction from the main issue. Genetic has made the valid point that if a thread is clearly about a subject that offends someone it is likely to contain material that some people will find offensive -so don't go there. I am not interested in MMA so I have no idea what images are displayed there; if there was a 'Fetish' section I would not visit it as I am not interested in most of the activities that are usually classified as being a 'fetish', and I would assume that BDSM or 'Golden Showers' would come under that.

One of the curious facts about people is that they/we rarely tell the whole of the truth about our sexual desires and behaviour -husbands and wives often can't bring themselves to admit they enjoy most things about their marriage, but not the sex. Many of the men who visit escorts do so because they cannot get the sexual satisfaction they want with their wives. In some cases, it goes beyond the fact that the wife won't do fellatio (and plenty of men won't go down on a woman), and reaches into areas where satisfaction for a person means being humilated, maybe even physically chastised by an amazon in thigh high boots and a whip or a chain. In some cases, such as the middle aged men who want to be wrapped in nappies and laid down in an adult-sized cot, I wonder if the experience is emotional rather than sexual.

Do you want to see photos or videos of this kind of behaviour? Other than the legal limits, a broad range of sexual behaviour is now available to see in photos or video, whether it is staged or taken from real life. I did once meet someone who had a rape fantasy, even though it emerged this person didnt really know what happens when someone is raped; I just wonder who would want to see such an act, and why? The same goes for non-sexual reportage of events such as bombings, assassinations, executions, or two transexuals beating each other up on the street. For me, sexual behaviour is about pleasure, the last thing I want to see is people being treated badly, I don't want to see violence, or cruelty as I don't relate it to sexual satisfafction. I know bad things happen in real life, but as I have said before, why would I want to see what someone looks like after a car bombing? And why would you?

If there is a demand for fetish material it is up to the owner/moderator(s) of the site to allow it, and maybe point out it has 'hurt core' material that might offend -but to slip in material in non-related threads which some people will find offensive is rather like shouting 'fuck' in church or throwing chalk at teacher.

04-24-2014, 02:22 PM
Use the ignore function. It works pretty well.

04-24-2014, 02:57 PM
Dderek - the ignore features does work well, but since Dino (and we know it was his images that prompted me to open this thread) posts vast amounts of other stuff much of which is funny plus other stuff I wouldn't want to "ignore." Yes - it does work for some people (I put Kim on ignore for ages simply because her images were, for me, very very unnappealing. But in the context of this place they were in tune with the interests of many pthers). But not for all. I think that if the sort of images i deleted are of interest here then a thread devoted to that could be created. That of course would go against the whole rather anarchic thing Dino is engaged in - posting quite repulsive images unexpectedly to upset or whatever his motive.

04-24-2014, 04:35 PM
Dderek - the ignore features does work well, but since Dino (and we know it was his images that prompted me to open this thread) posts vast amounts of other stuff much of which is funny plus other stuff I wouldn't want to "ignore." Yes - it does work for some people (I put Kim on ignore for ages simply because her images were, for me, very very unnappealing. But in the context of this place they were in tune with the interests of many pthers). But not for all. I think that if the sort of images i deleted are of interest here then a thread devoted to that could be created. That of course would go against the whole rather anarchic thing Dino is engaged in - posting quite repulsive images unexpectedly to upset or whatever his motive.

Yeah well sometimes I put someone on ignore for a while and then switch it back later. I'll switch back if I notice that the poster got out of the habit of posting crap.

I've put others on the ignore list for being too verbose, posting images of Madonna and Derek Barry wayyy too often, constant whiteknighting, complaining often, posting jokes that just aren't amusing, posting stuff about pro wrestling, being a bigoted racist, and constant "am i gay" or "i'm not gay" threads. I come here for entertainment mostly, if it's not entertaining it goes on ignore for a while.

04-24-2014, 04:45 PM
Tht all sounds eminently sane dderek

04-24-2014, 11:48 PM
I don't really understand the point of the ignore button. You can ignore just about anything you choose to, but why would you rather not know something is there so you don't even have the benefit of knowing what you're ignoring? That's like getting a pimple on your face and not looking in the mirror because of it. I like to at least be aware of all the posts, warts and all.

Edit: actually I'm not obtuse. I get why people use it in some cases, but I guess I have a morbid interest in even the less valuable posts:).

Dino Velvet
04-25-2014, 12:16 AM
Isn't it better to blatantly ignore them anyway? What fun is button? More disrespectful and enjoyable to treat them like they are less than insect.

Edit: I changed my mind since I remembered I was initial target of hostility.

04-25-2014, 12:23 AM
Dino. Not hostility...

Dino Velvet
04-25-2014, 12:52 AM
Dino. Not hostility...

Agreed. But you did wave an umbrella at me.

I've enjoyed this thread as much as anyone.

Preparation H Raymond - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBS7BdSEYHY)

04-25-2014, 02:51 AM
I don't really understand the point of the ignore button. You can ignore just about anything you choose to, but why would you rather not know something is there so you don't even have the benefit of knowing what you're ignoring? That's like getting a pimple on your face and not looking in the mirror because of it. I like to at least be aware of all the posts, warts and all.

Edit: actually I'm not obtuse. I get why people use it in some cases, but I guess I have a morbid interest in even the less valuable posts:).

Well it works for me. Some members tend to post the same stuff over and over. It just gets boring. I think the only one that I ignored indefinitely was natina. Her posts were 99% copy pasta about racial issues.

Where the ignore button really shines is when peoples crappy posts spill over into threads that I enjoy. I don't see them and I'm not even aware that they are there. Ignore button is gooood.

04-25-2014, 02:57 AM
Well it works for me. Some members tend to post the same stuff over and over. It just gets boring. I think the only one that I ignored indefinitely was natina. Her posts were 99% copy pasta about racial issues.
That was a test to see if you had me on ignore ;). I understand...the truth is I don't mean it as a criticism because everybody is different. If I didn't like something it would drive me crazy knowing deep down it was there for everyone else but I couldn't see it. But if you're absolutely sure someone's gonna repeat themselves then I understand.

Dino Velvet
04-25-2014, 03:04 AM
I think the only one that I ignored indefinitely was natina. Her posts were 99% copy pasta about racial issues.

Never heard of her.

04-25-2014, 04:06 AM
Wow. Seven pages of people talking shit.

No changes there then..... :whistle: :dancing:

Dino Velvet
04-25-2014, 04:19 AM
Wow. Seven pages of people talking about shit.

No changes there then..... :whistle: :dancing:


04-25-2014, 04:22 AM
Attaboy, Dino.

04-25-2014, 04:58 AM
I pay like 90 bucks a month for cable TV, most of it is crap, ....to me, anyway.
This place has no cover fee, so no expectations, I like that.

As I said before, to a huge segment of the population, pornography is offensive. Maybe not here, but I don't see many names, photos, and addresses listed. It seems to be unanimous that dicks attached to big hairy men are taboo.

I would like a ruling on "hurting people's feelings"

04-25-2014, 06:15 AM
I would like a ruling on "hurting people's feelings"

I don't have a weak stomach - hell, I can throw up just as far as the next guy....:dancing:

However, I am genuinely nauseated by gifs of scat and vomiting, so for me at least, I'd prefer not to get the unpleasant surprise of them simply appearing at random in threads.

04-25-2014, 11:07 PM
I'm not so much offended by some of the pictures as much as I am annoyed by the types who seem to reply mostly with just images, animated or otherwise. You got something to say? Say it you fuck!