View Full Version : PS4 or Xbox One?

Tiffany Starr
04-19-2014, 04:06 PM
As a gamer I find it important to have every console available especially since I start doing my youtube video reviews, but I am curious as to how much of the HA crowd are getting one (or both) of the new systems.

Out of the new consoles I decided to go with the sony's PS4 for many reasons including a love for their first party games, the technically better hardware, and keeping their focus on gamers. I also enjoy the sleek look of the PS4.

Which console do you prefer and why?


04-19-2014, 04:07 PM
Neither yet, waiting for some games to come out that are must haves. I'll probably grab the PS4 if I get one.

04-19-2014, 04:17 PM
PS4. Thus far i have no complaints.

04-19-2014, 04:44 PM
We got X-Boned 4 times. Every one was a lemon. In the end we gave up. Had a friend who got 3 dud ps's so both are iffy in this first gen of the machines and tech support is close to useless.

To be honest PC is the way to go at the moment. You are better waiting a year or so for the bugs to be cleaned out and more games to be out before committing to a console even then with PC tech getting better and better neither of the consoles look all that good a value at their current price and their games are ridiculously overpriced. PC on the other hand has STEAM and it's endless saleswhich keep the prices way down.

Tiffany Starr
04-19-2014, 04:58 PM
I understand completely but I am not talking about PC. I play on my PC as well but I would have missed out on so many console exclusive games if I played on nothing but my PC. Also I don't like upgrading my PC unless I have to. I prefer to have everything if possible (except a Wii U, I can't justify that purchase yet)

04-19-2014, 05:22 PM
Xbox One here, just no games I want to play on the PS4, and I don't trust Sony

04-19-2014, 05:29 PM
Xbox One here, just no games I want to play on the PS4, and I don't trust Sony

And you trust Microsoft more?

04-19-2014, 05:36 PM
Neither yet. All my friends have updated to Xbox one So it's likely I will get that so we can still play online together. Though I like the ps4. But as said before other than titanfall I see no good games out yet for either of them. I will wait till later in summer as sales of both units are slowing down and they have both done one price drop so i think they will do a summer sale too. ,,

I just built a new pc system from scratch for gaming and work so going to play some steam stuff.

Also I have lots of Xbox 360 games I never played thst I want to so have lots of games to amuse me for a good year yet.

Don't really see much between the two consoles tbh. It will all come down to games ultimately and online gaming. Of which Xbox live seems better in some ways with titles and updates of games for.

I just got titanfall for my 360 so happy with that lol. Black flag soon as well ,

04-19-2014, 06:00 PM
And you trust Microsoft more?

When MS install a rootkit on my pc, I'll change that allegiance.

Tiffany Starr
04-19-2014, 06:12 PM
The "which online service is better" battle has actually been narrowed as far as I can tel now that PS+ has arrived. I have benefitted from that service more than i ever have from Xbox live. You can easily get Titanfall on PC (which I own) So that's not really a reason for me to hop on the Xboxone yet. I would love another banjo kazooie, or Conkers bad fur day. I wish they would release the XBO without that Kinect.

04-19-2014, 06:47 PM
i planned on getting an xbox one, but after microsoft tried to screw over the gamers when they announced the kinect on online stuff, all of my friends switched to the ps4 because they trust sony more.

04-19-2014, 07:00 PM
its basically the same stuff ,except for the price

at this point its all depend on the exclusives games.

i will buy my ps4 when uncharted 4 drop, right now there's are no games who look great
i dont care about microsoft since they over with gear of wars.:yayo:

who still care about halo?:yayo: Dead rising a exclusive too but its boring
Tintanfall is overrated ,graphics nice but its boring

cant wait for watch dogs

Tiffany Starr
04-19-2014, 08:24 PM
i planned on getting an xbox one, but after microsoft tried to screw over the gamers when they announced the kinect on online stuff, all of my friends switched to the ps4 because they trust sony more.

It's hard to fault your friends for the switch. I actually hated it when MS told everyone if they couldn't connect to the internet to stick with the XB360. Then when they saw PS4 pre-orders were outpacing the XBO they did a complete 180 not for their fans, but for money. Still I will get one eventually when I feel the need to arise but thus far most multi-platform games have been superior on PS4 with the resolution issue the XBO is having right now, though i'm positive that will be fixed in the future.

04-19-2014, 08:59 PM
ya, it sucks because i have always been a gears/halo player, but none of my friends i usually play with will have an xbox one. I also hate how the force you to have kinect which hikes the price up 100 dollars more.

04-19-2014, 11:07 PM
Both continue to colleft dust but the WiiU version of mariokart comes out soon so I guess I am getting that too to collect dust

04-19-2014, 11:23 PM
Got both, because I love Forza, and ps4 for the cross platform games

Tiffany Starr
04-19-2014, 11:48 PM
ya, it sucks because i have always been a gears/halo player, but none of my friends i usually play with will have an xbox one. I also hate how the force you to have kinect which hikes the price up 100 dollars more.

Well I hear Destiny is supposed to be amazing and that is by the team that did Halo (Bungie) it's also on PS4. I like Gears of war as well, but I hven't enjoyed it as much since 2, the same with Halo 2. I really want MS to utilize Rare since they have been using Rare to make crap for a while now.

04-22-2014, 12:48 AM
Neither....Nintendo 64 4 Life brotherrrrrr!!!!!!!

04-22-2014, 12:59 AM
I went PS4 I like the online service a lot more.
I cam over from a 360

04-22-2014, 01:50 AM
I currently own both: I only wanted a PS4 originally, but I worked at a videogame studio when the consoles were released and MS made a good offer to some studio employees (probably because they didn't sell enough consoles) so I got an Xbox One too eventually.

I won't go too much into details, but to me, in its current state the Xbox One is a big pile of useless shit. I don't see any reason to choose one over a PS4, which is better in every way (ok, two exceptions: Kinect has a better image quality than the PlayStation camera, and the scanning QR codes to redeem stuff is cool... those are the only things better on Xbox imho).

Currently, to me the best combo is: PS4 + PS Vita + PC and your best gaming needs will be satisfied :)

Tiffany Starr
04-22-2014, 02:51 AM
i planned on getting an xbox one, but after microsoft tried to screw over the gamers when they announced the kinect on online stuff, all of my friends switched to the ps4 because they trust sony more.

I have many friends who are the same way. plus MS doesn't have as many game studios as sony. Sony has about 12 dedicated to making exclusive games, MS has like what? 3?

04-22-2014, 04:36 AM
I need some more coins in my coffers to afford either. I guess I gotta suck more dick in dark alleys to get some more money

Tori Mayes
04-22-2014, 05:05 AM
The last Playstation I had was a PS2, so I feel like I am lacking in my skills and their gameplay style. That said, I have my Xbox 360 which took time to adjust to but to which I have grown accustomed. Aside from Saints Row I dont know of any content which is platform exclusive to Xbox, however there are PS games I want to play. Bottom line, I'd play either or both, whichever the worlds coolest person would get me! Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

04-22-2014, 06:15 AM
I only have my laptop right now. I'd probably get another PS3 before anything though...I still want GTA 5 and a few others.
Though I do have Saints Row 4, Fallout:New Vegas,GTA:San Andreas,Torchlight 2,Dead Space,SWTOR,Warframe, Warhammer 40k: Space Marine,and my many emulators for older systems....so it's not TOO bad.

04-22-2014, 10:47 AM
I have many friends who are the same way. plus MS doesn't have as many game studios as sony. Sony has about 12 dedicated to making exclusive games, MS has like what? 3?

In fact, the only real exclusive studio that MS has and that's worth something is Turn10, the studio that makes the Forza games.

All the guys that made Rare a great studio have left to other studios.Of the studio, MS only has the name and the game franchises left, and they use those guys to make... avatar stuff :-/

They also have 343 Industries, the guys that make Halo after Bungie left them... and well, after so may games, it's hard for me to get excited for any more Halo stuff.

It's unlikely there'll be any more Gears of War games, since the head of the project left the studio, and even if there were more it's no guarantee they'd be exclusive to MS.

Tiffany Starr
04-22-2014, 04:26 PM
In fact, the only real exclusive studio that MS has and that's worth something is Turn10, the studio that makes the Forza games.

All the guys that made Rare a great studio have left to other studios.Of the studio, MS only has the name and the game franchises left, and they use those guys to make... avatar stuff :-/

They also have 343 Industries, the guys that make Halo after Bungie left them... and well, after so may games, it's hard for me to get excited for any more Halo stuff.

It's unlikely there'll be any more Gears of War games, since the head of the project left the studio, and even if there were more it's no guarantee they'd be exclusive to MS.

I just wish that they would utilize Rare and make a new Conker or Banjo Kazooie game. Rare isn't the same company I knew and love and I think MS is killing them. The most recent game they made was Kinect sports rivals which is a shame.

04-22-2014, 04:48 PM
I just wish that they would utilize Rare and make a new Conker or Banjo Kazooie game. Rare isn't the same company I knew and love and I think MS is killing them. The most recent game they made was Kinect sports rivals which is a shame.

Yeah, it's a shame... Microsoft killed a few studios like this..

Tiffany Starr
04-24-2014, 02:01 AM
Yeah, it's a shame... Microsoft killed a few studios like this..

They should have never bought Rare. They were better off when they were working with Nintendo.

04-24-2014, 06:14 AM
I have a ps4 and a xbox one. So far I play the hell out of my ps4 with cod, thief, tomb raider, final fantasy 14 a realm reborn, and for xbox one I picked up titanfall pretty bored of it, and dead rising 3 and beat that. so just waiting on new killer instinct stuff for that. but I love the ps4 cause of the cross play with the ps vita. so I will say 100 bucks cheaper I will go would go with ps4 plus they make games 1080p and 60 frtame per sec ie tomb raider, cod and ff14. xbox doesn't do full 1080 p and its not a strict gmaming system anyways ;) and it costs 500 where ps4 is 400

04-24-2014, 07:24 PM
i also have both and currently playing titanfall on xbox1. Waiting for watch dogs and probably will get that to play on ps4 as like akashia said ps4 will def be 1080p as for xbox1 they don't know yet.

my my my!
04-24-2014, 07:59 PM
Currently: PS3 , love it

Mostly PC, about 95% of my gaming time goes to pc games, BF4, Insurgency, CS:GO, total war games, ghost recon games, Hitman games, and hundreds (dont play every single one) of STEAM $1 titles lol

will get: PS4 eventually

will game: with Tiffany :)

04-25-2014, 02:59 PM
I am still sporting the PS3. I always wait a year or two before getting the new consoles. Usually the price drops down or newer versions of the console will arrive. Plus the quantity and quality of games on the PS4 are not a driving force right now for me to buy a PS4.

Tiffany Starr
04-27-2014, 09:28 AM
I had both as well. I bought a PS4, and my girlfriend bought an XBO. She ended up trading it in for a PS4 after being pissed off about about all the multi plats being 1080p on ps4 and a lower resolution on XBO. She is very happy with her PS4. I do plan on getting another XBO eventually but for now we have titanfall on PC. By the way if you guys are interested come check out my twitch profile. You can see me and the games I play while we chat. It's free and I love being social with fans.

04-27-2014, 06:05 PM
I have a PS4 and wii u for now along with all the last gen consoles, may get a XBone in a few years if it gets some other games I want other then Dead Rising 3. Plan to upgrade from my gaming laptop to a gaming pc once 4k gaming gets cheaper.

I hope MS brings back Conker, Blinx, Amped and Banjo but I doubt it, also Sony need to get off their ass and put out the Last Guardian and Ape Escape 4.

04-27-2014, 09:37 PM
Get both, as someone who kind of works in the game field it's research for me!

Personally I like my Xbox One better right now just because I love Titanfall, I don't care what anyone else says IMO it's the best first person shooter in years. They definitely did skim on content though, but what is there is exciting hell.

Th real answer though, get NEITHER right now. I really don't think EITHER systems have too many great games out. Other than Titanfall some people like Ryse, it looks good but too short. Forza is good if your into racing, and that's pretty much it.

PS4 side only Sons was really good, but talk about a short game play experience.

bw, I didn't think this would be all that useful, but if you run your cable thru the HDMI in, it's pretty sweet saying, Xbox Watch ESPN!

Tiffany Starr
04-28-2014, 01:53 AM
[QUOTE=mikeinbrazil;1484918]Get both, as someone who kind of works in the game field it's research for me!

Personally I like my Xbox One better right now just because I love Titanfall, I don't care what anyone else says IMO it's the best first person shooter in years. They definitely did skim on content though, but what is there is exciting hell.

Th real answer though, get NEITHER right now. I really don't think EITHER systems have too many great games out. Other than Titanfall some people like Ryse, it looks good but too short. Forza is good if your into racing, and that's pretty much it.

PS4 side only Sons was really good, but talk about a short game play experience.

bw, I didn't think this would be all that useful, but if you run your cable thru the HDMI in, it's pretty sweet saying, Xbox Watch ESPN![/QUOTE

Titanfall is fun but the problem is you don't need the XBO to play it where as you Need a ps4 to play infamous second son. You can get Titanfall on xbox 360 for much cheaper and if your a graphics whore you can get Titanfall on PC like I did. It's less of a reason to buy an XBO if it loses it's exclusivity

05-03-2014, 06:27 PM
Neither but should i choose to upgrade i'd get a PS4.

05-04-2014, 07:37 AM

05-04-2014, 01:30 PM
I understand completely but I am not talking about PC. I play on my PC as well but I would have missed out on so many console exclusive games if I played on nothing but my PC. Also I don't like upgrading my PC unless I have to. I prefer to have everything if possible (except a Wii U, I can't justify that purchase yet)

I understand in regards to wanting a console for the games that are exclusive. At the moment though neither is particularly great value and the games are overpriced. If people were to ask me I'd recommend holding off till after X-Mas to allow for a real idea which system has the better prospects game wise.

TS AmberRose
05-04-2014, 02:58 PM
Was an xbox360user 40k gamer score last gen but im a full on PS4 fangirl now i love it just 100%ed Infamous Second Son great game cant wait for more to come..

Ts RedVeX
08-21-2014, 03:11 AM
Hey old school playaz. Can you recommend a gg gaming mouse, please? I seem to have wrecked my good ol' Logitech g500:p and gotta get a new one... And a mat too

08-21-2014, 08:28 AM
PS4 will be my next console. Xbone isn't even on my radar.

Infamous Second Son, Uncharted 4, NEW Oddworld, that's not even mentioning all the third party cross platform releases, Mortal Kombat X, Batman Arkham Knight, Assassin's Creed Unity, that's just the tip of the iceberg. Tomb Raider 2 releases just a few months after it's timed exclusive deal with Xbox.

I don't even like first person shooter games, but loved Far Cry 3... so Far Cry 4 has my ass hyped... and since I'm not big on FPS games, I have no interest in anything Xbox One has for exclusives, since they are all shooters pretty much.

08-21-2014, 09:26 AM
I have xbox 1 and ps4 as well as 14 other consoles and about 600 games.

In a hardcore gamer and collector. I love all consoles as well as pc gaming. I love and enjoy them all.

08-21-2014, 09:38 AM
I have xbox 1 and ps4 as well as 14 other consoles and about 600 games.

In a hardcore gamer and collector. I love all consoles as well as pc gaming. I love and enjoy them all.
SRPG, RPGS, stealth based, as well as all ATLUS and NIS games

Ts RedVeX
08-21-2014, 09:55 AM
Consoles are nooby >.<

08-21-2014, 03:22 PM
Maybe, but at least I don't have to upgrade their hard ware every few months lol.

Ts RedVeX
08-21-2014, 04:43 PM
Yea, I know, all you need is a new console;> which will litter the room, standing next to the PC by the way..

PC king! Hehehe

08-21-2014, 10:10 PM
Maybe, but at least I don't have to upgrade their hard ware every few months lol.
Geez! Who fucking cares just enjoy the games and what ever system or pc you decide to play them... you guys sound like bitches arguing over who has the better purse

08-21-2014, 10:11 PM
Yea, I know, all you need is a new console;> which will litter the room, standing next to the PC by the way..

PC king! Hehehe
Geez! Who fucking cares just enjoy the games and what ever system or pc you decide to play

you guys sound like bitches arguing over who has the better purse

Ts RedVeX
08-22-2014, 12:06 AM
/ || \
..| |
Both crap

Nooblet ;>

08-22-2014, 12:12 AM
I usually play Forza 4 or any car games in my Xbox.

08-22-2014, 08:59 AM
anyone geek enough to play World of Warcraft?

08-22-2014, 10:48 AM
anyone geek enough to play World of Warcraft?
I love World of Warcraft. I took a break to play Final Fantasy 14 A Realm Reborn. I'm a huge fan of both

08-22-2014, 12:37 PM
If was to get a the now Current Gen consoles, it would have to be the PS4. As Sony seem more pro to the idea of cross platform play etc.

+ Since Last of Us won't come to PC it does look fantastic on the redux version on the PS4.

Although my main choice is PC. But do own a 360 etc and see why consoles are good etc. Also for me to involved in testing area for some games. In which one of them lucky enough to be in the credits for.

08-22-2014, 02:07 PM
I love World of Warcraft. I took a break to play Final Fantasy 14 A Realm Reborn. I'm a huge fan of both

im currently on a break too as it was taking over all of my free time, nearly ready to go back though

Ts RedVeX
08-22-2014, 06:51 PM
That's the downside of RPGs and facebook. On the other hand, Quake can sometimes be alike.

08-22-2014, 07:02 PM


08-22-2014, 07:32 PM
Geez! Who fucking cares just enjoy the games and what ever system or pc you decide to play them... you guys sound like bitches arguing over who has the better purse

Seemed like a pretty peaceful conversation to me. That was until your remark lol. If you don't care yourself, why bother making a stink over it? lol

08-22-2014, 07:35 PM
Yea, I know, all you need is a new console;> which will litter the room, standing next to the PC by the way..

PC king! Hehehe

I keep all my consoles anyways. Still have my SNES, Sega Genesis, N64, Ps2, Gamecube, 360 and Ps3.. I just plan on upgrading to Ps4. :banana::banana:

08-22-2014, 08:36 PM
im currently on a break too as it was taking over all of my free time, nearly ready to go back though
Same here after I finish unpacking and getting my new place set up

Ts RedVeX
08-22-2014, 08:56 PM
You must have loads of time for playing games, or a very big attic, Deimos! :D I don't really play any more. I do it more because of a sentiment and the only game I really enjoy is Quake 3 Arena - ingenious in it's simplicity. It reminds me of the times we'd do stuff together with friends on-line. (Real friends who I'd known in reality). New games have nothing interesting to offer to me any more. It doesn't matter if its PSX or PC or whatever. I think I'd rather buy a fancy chesset carved out of gem-incrusted ivory and play... And the consoles' system that is said to recognise movement is still too primitive for me. I played bowling and some other simple games and it's just silly. I prefer to actually go somewhere and exercise there, without being locked indoors all the time and loosing contact with reality.

08-23-2014, 07:26 AM
I'm just nostalgic. Quake is awesome by the way.

08-23-2014, 11:28 AM
I'm just nostalgic. Quake is awesome by the way.

Agree with that. Although if MP. Preferred Unreal more.

Ts RedVeX
08-23-2014, 11:33 AM
UT is much less dynamic than Q, which promotes camping.

08-23-2014, 05:57 PM
I was always a fan of CS/ halflife personally, very simple and games i used to play with my real life mates too. as for consoles, i still have all mine, although they are all set up, they havent been touched in a while, my first being a Amiga 500 and a commodore 64. then i have all the segas and nintendos up till the Wii U, which i havent got yet but ill always have a biased opinion for PS, its just soo much better than the rest.

Ts RedVeX
08-26-2014, 10:31 PM
Hey, try to do this on yer consoles: I am watching a movie on the monitor, while running a bot in d2 on the laptop screen so that I have new items when the movie finishes.^^

08-26-2014, 10:37 PM
Read up on your consoles...

XBox One split screens with ease. I watch movies while leveling up in D3 all the time.

Ts RedVeX
08-26-2014, 10:56 PM
Ye but i watch the movie while the bot levels up for me so I can chill out and actually enjoy the movie :jerkoff

08-26-2014, 11:05 PM
Ye but i watch the movie while the bot levels up for me so I can chill out and actually enjoy the movie :jerkoff

What is the point then of playing the game? I mean, not to throw stones... but some would probably call that ummm... cheating? I'm a pure player... no cheats, codes, etc. etc.

Meh... sometimes I'll let a friend play my non-used characters while I watch a movie, blog, and eat Cheetos in dirty panties in my basement... so my friends beat your bot any day of the week. And, my friends get me drinks and cook me dinner.

The point is, what KiraHarden already said... who cares what you play on as long as you enjoy it and the games. One isn't better or worse... just different experiences. Personally, I own and play all (PC, XboxOne, PS4, Wii... etc.) Heck... I even have the nVidia Shield (sucks... don't buy it).

Anyway, I'm not supposed to be here so I'm out... was just stopping in to clear the dick pics.

Ts RedVeX
08-26-2014, 11:40 PM
The point is: consoles are nooby hehehe.

But seriously, I don't cheat in quake. It's the only game I really enjoy playing. As it goes to boting, yes it spoiled the game indeed... I never did it when we'd play hardcore though;)

08-27-2014, 12:09 AM
The point is: consoles are nooby hehehe.

But seriously, I don't cheat in quake. It's the only game I really enjoy playing. As it goes to boting, yes it spoiled the game indeed... I never did it when we'd play hardcore though;)

You know what is really nooby...? Your monitor. hehehe. and your printer. hehehe. and just judging from that... probably your computer. hehehe.

I completely agree with you on one front... the motion capture for both XBox One and PS4 leave a lot to be desired, especially if you're actually trying to play a game with it. That being said... what does the PC crowd have... LEAP? Completely and utterly useless... and yes, I own it and have spent an extensive amount of time trying it out. It has potential but as of right now, the consumer PC market is MILES behind the console market for motion capture. So, at least the console makers are trying to move things forward instead of hanging onto their 1366x768 (or *gasp* 1200x800???) monitors and 8+ year old printers and calling that great technology.

I've had this discussion with another girl on here before and I just will state... it is pretty difficult to take a "PC gamer" seriously if you don't have the tech to back up your talk. Just sayin.

Ts RedVeX
08-27-2014, 01:22 AM
The monitor is not nooby, it's old school. I will get better stuff when I can afford it. I'd still kick yer ass on this oneanyway in quake ;> oh yea.. and im not gonna pay for 'the tech' for this:

08-27-2014, 01:47 AM
The monitor is not nooby, it's old school. I will get better stuff when I can afford it. I'd still kick yer ass on this oneanyway in quake ;> oh yea.. and im not gonna pay for 'the tech' for this:

...and hipsters really are cool... and Tercels (I used to own one) are "classics"...

The video is clever... although the point the person is making is not about the ease of the game, but more about the build and the "instructional" time, which I agree, are overdone these days. He/She has taken the worst of a combination of games and tied them into one title... not all of his examples exist in one single game (I'm talking about franchise games here), as far as I know. Even the best FPS games of today have their weaknesses... Crysis had terrible camera control every once in a while, FarCry "leveled" your character too quickly, Metro had spotty AI, and on and on. No one game has all the things he/she listed.

As for Quake... of course I don't doubt your prowess. I rarely play FPS anyway to any degree besides boredom. I tend to stick with RPG, sports, and action/adventure genres. So you'd probably destroy me... which is like an MMA brawler bragging about beating down a Tai Chi practitioner. No contest.

Anyway, nice talking with you. I really do have to go before people start berating me for being here since I self-exiled for a year. Ciao!

PS... GREAT sets of you on SMY and SMPS btw. Really enjoyed those long legs of yours. ;)

Anyway, nice chatting with you.

Ts RedVeX
08-27-2014, 11:19 AM
Thanx. I have to molest Steven about eternalizing me wrapping those legs around someone in bed:)

Coming back to the off-topic, who wants to get their ass pummeled by a tranny in the good old vq3?? :D

Ts RedVeX
08-27-2014, 02:27 PM
Hey by the way, can anyone of you recommend any decent 4:3 gaming monitors with a 20+ inch matt display?