View Full Version : Hypothetical Situation…Or Not

04-04-2014, 05:13 AM
You meet someone famous (could be an actress, pornstar,singer, model etc) and you finally get the courage to walk up say hi and offer to buy her a drink. she obliges to the gentleman you are and proceed to chat and flirt. now my question is this….Do you tell her that you know who she is or act as if you don't know her and converse normally as you would with any other woman??
and what if she asks you upfront…Do you know who I am? in that situation would HONESTY work best or LIE and say no?

04-04-2014, 05:38 AM
Respectfully and simply say you are a fan of said persons work. You'll get a thank you and that's really as far as the "gentleman" should go unless the tgirl ( for instance ) then talks about her work. Other than that, just be friendly and respectful. Things will go smoothly. Continue to chat so long as the person ( tgirl pornstar, movie star, blah blah, etc etc) is a good conversationalist and you like their company.

Biggest thing NOT to do, is go gaga bat shit lusty and creeper crazy with the girl. Do NOT say, *BuffaloBillVoice* "I jack off to all your videos"...etc. etc.

Again, be respectful and of course, be yourself. ;)

04-04-2014, 07:59 AM
Just be cool is what I say talk to any person porn star, celeb, athlete who ever like any other person because believe it or not they are just like every other person I have quite a few celebs that come to my shop and I treat them just like any other customer a few are taken off guard because I am not star struck and end up telling me who they "are" and I just reply cool i thought so

04-05-2014, 09:01 AM
thanks guys both replies were spot on! lmao @ buffalo bill voice eva

04-05-2014, 12:53 PM
this situation is really not an impossible one at all.

my actions would depend on how famous the girl is. if i met beyonce or katy perry in a social situation, i believe that they would expect that i know who they are so i would make no mention of it directly (i.e. "oh my god, you're beyonce") but i'd probably reference their work just to get it out of the way (i.e. "i thought you looked really hot at the grammys but in person, you are breathtaking"). if the girl is not a mega main stream media star, i see no point in mentioning their work...be in porn, movies, music, etc.

my point is that i really don't care if a girl is famous or not...that is irrelevant to me but i know huge stars expect some degree of recognition.

04-05-2014, 04:05 PM
this situation is really not an impossible one at all.

my actions would depend on how famous the girl is... if the girl is not a mega main stream media star, i see no point in mentioning their work...be in porn, movies, music, etc.

my point is that i really don't care if a girl is famous or not...that is irrelevant to me but i know huge stars expect some degree of recognition.

But if you treat extremely famous people differently than not-as-famous people, you obviously DO care how famous they are

Unless it's just some perverse caste system you're following.

I think the important things are confidence and honesty. If you recognize her, tell her. If you like her work (more difficult with porn than other celebrity) tell her why. If all you are there for is to appreciate them, just do it already. You're a fan. She understands. She's met fans before.

But if you want something more, it's like meeting anyone else. Every hot chick gets hit on constantly. They know the lines. They've seen every approach. They've heard every lie, every plea.

But they haven't met me. I'm going to show them who I am.

It works, sometimes. If a star can see you as relatable, if you can charm your way past the external celebrity and into their internal lives, you've got something. Then, you just figure out what that something is. And like with any hot chick, you thank whatever power or serendipity that allowed it to be.

You can't fake it, though. There aren't any secrets.