View Full Version : LETS GET THIS OUT.......What really is a "TRANNYCHASER&

06-25-2006, 11:32 PM
I've heard several different versions on the personification of what a "trannychaser" is, and yet, very few seem to agree.

I'm certainly confused about its true meaning/intention and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

So, lets get the properties and definitive term "trannychaser" characterized.

Occasional pics ok

Like Loving
06-26-2006, 12:03 AM
The term makes no sense. It's like GoodGirls calling heterosexual guys GoodGirl-Chasers. I guess TGirls want to be fancied by heterosexual guys who see them as real girls. But that doesn't work, because a real straight guy will never be into TGirls. He has to accept some degree of gayness. Which would make him a Tranny Chaser in some TGirls eyes. But you can't have both.

06-26-2006, 12:24 AM
:smh :boring :deadhorse your mom's a tranny chaser... :roll: :rock2

06-26-2006, 12:42 AM
C'mon, now Chef. Althought this topic has probably been brought up near a hundred times in the past, there's never really been a definitive answer.

In response, I tend to think a tranny chaser is someone who's a tad bit obcessed about tgirls and is willing to take control and practically hunt them out.

Personally, I don't think the title applies to most of the people here. Although, I'm sure if you were in her stilettos and had to put up with loads of pathetic men looking for a free hand out, I'm sure guys of any caliber of interest would all start to seem the same unless they had a wad of cash at hand.

So, I think it's both a definition for men that are much too desperate and an insult to any guy that tries to waste a gurl's time.

06-26-2006, 01:03 AM
And let's not forget the "Faceless Cock Bandits". :lol:

06-26-2006, 02:10 AM
trannychaser: a guy who is labeled upon entrance as either a big-spender, a choosy spender, or a broke muhfucka; a guy who will buy snow in the summer for a girl so that she can get her mind fucked up to the point where she thinks she's boning Colin Farrell; a guy that will get rejected by one girl then go to another girl who witnessed the rejection, and then go to another girl that witnessed the earlier 2 rejections until he scores

I highly doubt any of you guys are trannychasers, lol
I've only seen a few of these guys lurking and it's typically during the tax-refund time...............

06-26-2006, 02:18 AM
a guy that will get rejected by one girl then go to another girl who witnessed the rejection, and then go to another girl that witnessed the earlier 2 rejections until he scores

Sounds a lot like my misspent youth with GGs (Most of whom ended up dating each other). :shrug

I highly doubt any of you guys are trannychasers, lol
I've only seen a few of these guys lurking and it's typically during the tax-refund time...............

*Snark!* :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

06-26-2006, 03:01 AM
a trannychaser is like the word "fag got" for some gay guys...it has to do more with a guy interested in a transsexual for sex and nothing else..the ones that jump from one ts cock to another...he's a whore i guess lol

06-26-2006, 05:11 AM
a trannychaser is like the word "fag got" for some gay guys...it has to do more with a guy interested in a transsexual for sex and nothing else..the ones that jump from one ts cock to another...he's a whore i guess lol

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

06-26-2006, 06:52 PM
A Tranny Chaser is where you take some vokda, and add some rum and a bit of lime. ~rimshot~ :mrgreen:

06-28-2006, 05:57 AM
Trannychaser (tran ee chae sir) - a man who fancies t-girls who are on the track team and is frequently seen chasing them around the track in nothing but sneakers but never catching them.

06-28-2006, 12:49 PM
Trannychaser (tran ee chae sir) - a man who fancies t-girls who are on the track team and is frequently seen chasing them around the track in nothing but sneakers but never catching them.

LOL You owe me a keyboard.

07-01-2006, 09:47 AM
The term makes no sense. It's like GoodGirls calling heterosexual guys GoodGirl-Chasers. I guess TGirls want to be fancied by heterosexual guys who see them as real girls. But that doesn't work, because a real straight guy will never be into TGirls. He has to accept some degree of gayness. Which would make him a Tranny Chaser in some TGirls eyes. But you can't have both.

i'd have to disagree with u on that. What most of the girl which I KNOW PERSONALLY are into, are guys who would never be caught DEAD with another ts, but for whatever reason, are atracted to them, both physically and emotionally. A huge turnoff is a guy who LOVES ts's in general.

Certain things are acceptable. Say for ex: i date a guy and find out he's dated other ts's. It could be good, or bad... depending on WHICH tgirls. Now everyone knows tgirls can be pretty competative, so it all depends on which girls I PERSONALLY feel are up to par with ME. So if the guy dated a ts who was very masculine looking, or has a bad rep, or isn't really considered to be in the "in-crowd" odds are i would leave him. But if he dated someone like gisselle xtrava or jennifer paris, i'd hold on to him 4 dear life, for the simple fact that i feel they are a beautiful. And if he considered me in the same league as them i would heel very good about myself. Then i would be aware what girls to watch out for. Cuz odds are if he'll date any ts for the simple fact of WHAT they are and not WHO then i would't feel comfortable with that. Especialy since tgirls can be spiteful and sleep with ur man to feel that they are in the same league as you. So if im with a man who considers himself str8 i feel more secure.


ok now, the only person who can define one's sexuality is the individual themselves. I personally feel that trying to put things in boxes and labels, only tends to complicate things even more. WHAT U FEEL IS WHAT U ARE. str8 men see ts's... not as women... but whatt attracts them is the feminine appeal. A lot of guys question their sexuality because they think in terms of what SOCIETY would consider them to be, which is the wrong thing to do. SEX does not determine SEXUALITY! You see str8 guys who like dildo's harnesses enema's... among other things. Feels good to the body.... but what does that have to do with anything? Whether u like ts cock or not DOES NOT DETERMINE YOUR SEXUALITY! What does.... is feeling. Love.... which doesnt go towards the group, but the individual.

i can say that ive gotten a bj from a gg b4 which rocked and i enjoyed it... but can i love her? NO
I've had a phenomenal sexual encounter with another well known ts one night after a club back at her place just us 2. No money, or clients involved. And i loved it. I would quickly do it again. But do i question MY sexuality? No way. Cuz i know what i feel.

anyway, to say that a "real str8 guy would never be into transsexuals" is totally an opinion. Not a fact. It has happened, and does happen.... more often than u may think.
Now... to define a tranny chaser.
A tranny chaser is a guy who LOVES transsexuals. A guy basically like i said before, who wants to be with a ts. Whether it be just physical or emotional. Its a guy who will move right on to your best ts friend if given the opportunity. Basically your a chaser if us girls are in a club 5 in a grp and t least 3 of us have been with u ;-)

wow i broke it down... now im tired....

07-01-2006, 10:06 AM
Guys take Rubys comment to heart she knows what she is talking about. I myself and st8 but have found an appeal of ts's for awhile now. I've only found a few good looking tho barbie woods, allanah, anna alexandre, jennifer paris and ruby. Those are it i've seen others there were "attractive" but not someone I could like by any means. As far as emotional ties go i'd have to say Ruby would be the only one I could date from among those girls the others are just sexual feelings. Well now that i've embrassed myself night :-)

07-01-2006, 10:31 AM
Ruby...very cool answer, and it makes sense. I want to ask, if it's like that, then why hang around TS clubs...if indeed you do, or around other TS in general, and not just be a woman with a secret? It seems to me that if transexuals (and I'm not talking about Ruby or anybody in particular here) hate the idea of guys into TS's, a TS party would be the last thing they'd want to do. Unless it's just for fun, and you'd never take a guy seriously that you met at one.

07-01-2006, 12:15 PM
Ruby...very cool answer, and it makes sense. I want to ask, if it's like that, then why hang around TS clubs...if indeed you do, or around other TS in general, and not just be a woman with a secret? It seems to me that if transexuals (and I'm not talking about Ruby or anybody in particular here) hate the idea of guys into TS's, a TS party would be the last thing they'd want to do. Unless it's just for fun, and you'd never take a guy seriously that you met at one.

well i cant answer for anyone else but i can offer my opinion and views. I used to do the clubs a lot. I dont anymore. But when i did, it was always for the purpose of financial gain. As for most the girls who attend parties.

I wouldnt seriously date any guy i met at a ts party or club for the simple fact that a lot of ts chasers know what girls like to hear and will try to sell a dream to get in your panties. The times that i have given guys chances i always wound up regretting it.

The weird thing is that being in the "adult" industry, and dealing with a lot of people tend to make it easier for u to weed out real from fake a lot more quickly. So i have become a pretty good judge of character. I now have little tests and tricks for those that get into the iron gate.... So in short, after going through my screening process and gaining entrance.... it really sux to be wrong. I dont like regret. So if i date a guy, it would have to be someone i met in a laundromat or supermarket or something like that. And i avoid getting too close with other ts's as well for the same reason. Everyone has 2 faces. I'd rather just see the prettier one, at arms length. Too many girls i've considered to be like sisters have shocked me. I wont allow that to happen again. Therefore i kinda just stick to myself, avoid guys and do my own thing. One reason i escort.... at least if u dont call me tomorrow i could care less. Also clients treat me a lot better than most guys who wanna date. Am i lonely? No. I have a cool family and close friends. I feel that love will find me when its meant. In the meantime, i work on my transition and love myself 1st, before tryng to find someone to "complete" me :)

07-01-2006, 12:16 PM
Guys take Rubys comment to heart she knows what she is talking about. I myself and st8 but have found an appeal of ts's for awhile now. I've only found a few good looking tho barbie woods, allanah, anna alexandre, jennifer paris and ruby. Those are it i've seen others there were "attractive" but not someone I could like by any means. As far as emotional ties go i'd have to say Ruby would be the only one I could date from among those girls the others are just sexual feelings. Well now that i've embrassed myself night :-)

and thank u darling. ur a total sweetie. mmmmuah xoxoxo

Hara_Juku Tgirl
07-01-2006, 01:44 PM
Especialy since tgirls can be spiteful and sleep with ur man to feel that they are in the same league as you. So if im with a man who considers himself str8 i feel more secure.

A tranny chaser is a guy who LOVES transsexuals. A guy basically like i said before, who wants to be with a ts. Whether it be just physical or emotional. Its a guy who will move right on to your best ts friend if given the opportunity. Basically your a chaser if us girls are in a club 5 in a grp and atleast 3 of us have been with u ;-)

wow i broke it down... now im tired....

Amen! Great insights Ruby. :wink:



Like Loving
07-02-2006, 08:22 PM
i'd have to disagree with u on that. What most of the girl which I KNOW PERSONALLY are into, are guys who would never be caught DEAD with another ts, but for whatever reason, are atracted to them, both physically and emotionally. A huge turnoff is a guy who LOVES ts's in general.

So basically they want a guy who is in denial of accepting this gay side. Just because he doesn't live it in the open, even in front of himself, being curious and attracted by this feminine appeal doesn't keep him straight. There's simply no reason for a straight guy to get involved with a TGirl if he isn't somewhat attracted by what she is. And as soon as he is he isn't straight anymore. All you get is a "Tranny Chaser" who doesn't know he is one.
Not that it matters, though. All you can get is a guy who just doesn't know he's attracted by TGirls yet.

Like Loving
07-02-2006, 11:13 PM
How about genuine curiousity? How about chemistry? Do you really need to see someone's genitals to confirm for yourself that they're attractive and/or interesting?

Sure, but then you still have to accept the fact that there's a penis involved. As soon as you do that you stray way from the straight lane.

07-03-2006, 01:05 AM
i'd have to disagree with u on that. What most of the girl which I KNOW PERSONALLY are into, are guys who would never be caught DEAD with another ts, but for whatever reason, are atracted to them, both physically and emotionally. A huge turnoff is a guy who LOVES ts's in general.

So basically they want a guy who is in denial of accepting this gay side. Just because he doesn't live it in the open, even in front of himself, being curious and attracted by this feminine appeal doesn't keep him straight. There's simply no reason for a straight guy to get involved with a TGirl if he isn't somewhat attracted by what she is. And as soon as he is he isn't straight anymore. All you get is a "Tranny Chaser" who doesn't know he is one.
Not that it matters, though. All you can get is a guy who just doesn't know he's attracted by TGirls yet.

you're ignorant. I see thats you didnt come here to ask a questions. You came here to cause controversy. Your mind is already set in believing what u want to believe. I gave u a lot of my time writing what i wrote for it to go ion one ear and out the other. I wont make that mistake again. You are speaking OPINIONS sweetheart I AM SPITTING FACTS!

07-03-2006, 01:18 AM
What is a transsexual.......

easy for most people to say its a person who lives their life as the opposite sex. Proper vocabulary can make ALL the difference in the world.

a transsexual is in FACT a person born BIOLOGICALLY one sex and PSYCHOLOGICALLY another. A person born biologically into the WRONG gender body.

What was once considered a psychological disorder, now has a definition which makes a lot more sense. With that being said.... a m to f ts IS ACTUALLY FEMALE in mind, just born biologically male. There were studies done recently, where Gisselle X's mind was tested, and found to think exactly like that of a biological female. Sure there are a lot of cross dressers out there, and boys who put on girls clothes for financial reasons. But then there ARE those of us who are ACTUALLY WOMEN. Who date ACTUAL straight men.

Ive been with guys who didnt know i was a ts and fell for my personality, and was willing to deal with the fcat that i was born BIOLOGICALLY male, because at that point ALL they saw me a woman.... AS THEY SHOULD. Of course they were a little disappointed, and scared. Sex was always face in the pillows for me, for fear that reality would strike if they saw my little surprise. I am friends with some of them still today, who have wives and kids and have NEVER been with another ts or THOUGHT of it.

07-03-2006, 01:29 AM
What is a transsexual.......

easy for most people to say its a person who lives their life as the opposite sex. Proper vocabulary can make ALL the difference in the world.

a transsexual is in FACT a person born BIOLOGICALLY one sex and PSYCHOLOGICALLY another. A person born biologically into the WRONG gender body.

What was once considered a psychological disorder, now has a definition which makes a lot more sense. With that being said.... a m to f ts IS ACTUALLY FEMALE in mind, just born biologically male. There were studies done recently, where Gisselle X's mind was tested, and found to think exactly like that of a biological female. Sure there are a lot of cross dressers out there, and boys who put on girls clothes for financial reasons. But then there ARE those of us who are ACTUALLY WOMEN. Who date ACTUAL straight men.

Ive been with guys who didnt know i was a ts and fell for my personality, and was willing to deal with the fcat that i was born BIOLOGICALLY male, because at that point ALL they saw me a woman.... AS THEY SHOULD. Of course they were a little disappointed, and scared. Sex was always face in the pillows for me, for fear that reality would strike if they saw my little surprise. I am friends with some of them still today, who have wives and kids and have NEVER been with another ts or THOUGHT of it.Awesome post. :)

ty :oops:

07-03-2006, 01:42 AM
There's simply no reason for a straight guy to get involved with a TGirl if he isn't somewhat attracted by what she is.

Call me naive but isn't it more about who she is than what she is?

If you like a girl, find out she has a dick and don't run away screaming or bash her head in, does that make you gay or a "chaser"?

07-03-2006, 06:55 AM
When the human race is able to accept or reject the person for the personality alone they will have advanced to the next level. Humans love to put people in a category box. And our language and science is not sufficient enough to do this.

Stop plooping all people in boxs based on their race, gender, sexual preference, or fetish. Each individual is more complex and can't be generalized.

We are what we are, deal with the individual or don't. But don't pre-classifiy with generalizations.

Gay, Bi, TS, TV, CD, Hetro, Black, White, Yellow, Red, etc...etc.. etc... on ad nauseum. Gentlemen in Accounting! We don't have enough boxes! There are too many people who don't convientiently fit in a particular Box!

From here on out, they'll be no more category boxes! Every person in the world will be given two boxes! One says "I like this person" the other says "I don't like this person"!

You can only put a person in one of your boxes after you've met this person face to face, one on one. You can discard people you correspond with on line. But you can't apply your dislike to the old categories based on the correspondance.

We as humans, can't correspond that well yet unless it's in novel length and then everyone falls asleep unless we spice it up. For example, see the following.......

07-03-2006, 07:40 AM
My mom really is a tranny chaser!! Imagine that!

Like Loving
07-03-2006, 10:07 AM
you're ignorant. I see thats you didnt come here to ask a questions. You came here to cause controversy. Your mind is already set in believing what u want to believe. I gave u a lot of my time writing what i wrote for it to go ion one ear and out the other. I wont make that mistake again. You are speaking OPINIONS sweetheart I AM SPITTING FACTS!

But you said they want a guy who wouldn't be caught dead with a TGirl otherwise but still has certain feelings. All I'm saying is that I wouldn't call these guys straight, so TGirls wishing to seduce straight guys and calling everyone else Tranny Chasers are in a kind of denial.

Like Loving
07-03-2006, 10:20 AM
Call me naive but isn't it more about who she is than what she is?

If you like a girl, find out she has a dick and don't run away screaming or bash her head in, does that make you gay or a "chaser"?

No matter who she is, there's always the "what she is".
And I was the one complaining about the term Tranny Chaser, because technically there's nothing else for one who is into/accepts/is curious about TGirls.

07-03-2006, 10:31 AM
I think what Ruby says makes sense.

If you accept her definition of what's it's like for her, wanting a man in the same way most women do, then what choice does she have but to get to know a man slowly, and then if the relationship seems to be progressing, share this part of herself.

Surely we men here who identify ourselves as into women but turned on by certain transexuals can understand how it might be a rapid adjustment, but not really any big deal. It's a penis. You can make this beautiful woman come with it.
Now, to say, "but a guy that went for it can't be all straight," makes a point, but to me the difference between a gay man and someone whose first exposure to someone else's penis is attached to a beautiful woman he's into is huge. Of course they're on opposite ends of the spectrum.
Ruby, that was really cool.

07-05-2006, 07:54 AM
Ok - so straight guys like genetic girls
Gay guys like genetic guys...

I happen to like transsexual girls... I mean I like genetic girls too, but ultimately I don't think I would be fufilled in a long term relationship with one.
Sure, I'm single right now and I mess around and have fun with both girls and TS.. and even some TV I suppose.

My last long term relationship (about 2 1/2 years) was with a TS and I was completely sexually fufilled in that relationship (never cheated on her) though there were certainly other issues, which is why we are never together.

So I feel like I am in an unenviable situation - if I go out to a TS-type club or party, the girls there are looking either just for a quick hookup or else expecting to be paid. If I go anywhere else, who knows if I'll find the type of girl I'm looking for. So unless I get real lucky somewhere else, it seems like I'll just be labeled a "chaser."

07-05-2006, 08:52 AM
you're ignorant. I see thats you didnt come here to ask a questions. You came here to cause controversy. Your mind is already set in believing what u want to believe. I gave u a lot of my time writing what i wrote for it to go ion one ear and out the other. I wont make that mistake again. You are speaking OPINIONS sweetheart I AM SPITTING FACTS!

But you said they want a guy who wouldn't be caught dead with a TGirl otherwise but still has certain feelings. All I'm saying is that I wouldn't call these guys straight, so TGirls wishing to seduce straight guys and calling everyone else Tranny Chasers are in a kind of denial.

I understand you now. Im assuming a girl called u a chaser and u are offended by it, brecause u feel that u r not, so it seems that while u DO have certain questions u want answered, your are adding negative emotion to your poosts which can easily case heated debate. Try to understand me and i will do the same. I am offering my genuine perspective on a question which i HATE being being asked after seeing a 1st timer which is "DOES THIS MAKE ME GAY?" aside from the chaser thing. I should be alseep now, but i will devote a couple of minutes to this...

What happens in the world of ts and lovers is that most guys view us as objects of physical desire. Which i think, is why a lot of girls escort. Sure, there are guys out there who genuinely like a person (man woman ts whatever) and are interested in more than sex, but while some ARE serious, most pretend to be to get in panties free, and move along to the next.

You also should try and take into consideration the vast amount of people we come into contact with on a daily basis, and the percentage of THOSE people being total asses being such a high rate that the girls tend to make judgements on people rather quickly. Like i said before i have my own process of elimination and even AFTER certain individuals make the cut, they turn out to be asses as well, only better at hiding it. Guys complain about ts's being cold and mean and while a lot are, i cant blame them.

Living life as a ts isn't easy and takes a lot of strength and courage to face the world. Society is more accepting of homosexuality in comparison to transgenderism. And our portrayment to the world is mostly on jerry springer or a comedy movie. Most people dont take us seriously, and a lot view us as source of entertainment. We're supposed to be wild, funny, crazy, crowd pleasers. Or we're seen as horny cock hungry boys in a dress. A lot of people dont realize some of us live our lifes like "normal" people. Then family.... some girls dont have it so lucky. Some parents are not so accepting. Then friends.... you would think it is a good cjhoice to make a best friend w a tgirl... but in MY experience, faces can switch from jeckly to hyde the second a cute boy is with u and u step away to use the ladies room. So now whats left is everyone else. The guys who actually DO like tgirls. Now, u think after being burned by society, family and other people like you, that a person really wants to hear OMG you're so HOTT i wanna fuck you so bad!!!! How would you feel? Sure sex can sometimes be use as replacement for acceptance or love, but how much of that before the ts realizes that she wants to be valued as a human being, and find someone whos willing to look beyond the physical and like the brain under the pretty hair and heart under the PERFECT brasts.

I wouldnt consider just ANYONE a ts chaser, but some girls are not as careful with their choice of words and really dont care. I understand what u say about there being no medium, but thats going by what ALL ts's think, and you dont know EVERY ts to call that a fact. I would date someone who's been w ts's b4. it has pro's and cons. One pro being that i would feel less uncomfortable cuz theres not much pressure thinking how they will act after the deed, and i would also assume that they would know a little more about what NOT to do or say that i would take offensive. The con being that i would be fearful that they ARE in fact a chaser hiding behind a mask which they know will get them what they want. But basically its easy to be considered a trannychaser if your intentions are purely physical. Gn 4 now an happy 4th

07-10-2006, 04:54 AM
ALERT! websites that outs tranny chasers like this one





Hara_Juku Tgirl
07-10-2006, 06:29 AM
LOL.. :lol: :wink:

I think theyve moved to a new and better location. Lmao :lol:




07-10-2006, 06:33 AM
It probably exceeded it's bandwidth with the sudden couple hundred hits it got.

They don't call it geoSHITTIES for nothin'.

07-10-2006, 07:38 AM
The person behind "Tranny Chasers Anonymous" was trying to engage in an edit war on the Wikipedia pages "Tranny Chaser" and "Transensual" so I thought I'd have a little talk with her. After all, wouldn't she respect the opinion of a fellow tgirl?

or not. (http://justanormalgirl.livejournal.com/1722.html)

07-10-2006, 07:39 AM
It probably exceeded it's bandwidth with the sudden couple hundred hits it got.

They don't call it geoSHITTIES for nothin'.

TCA has been down for months.

07-10-2006, 08:50 AM
Thanks Zlo.

Hugh Jarrod
07-13-2006, 09:12 AM
Ruby you are so full of shit that..................just kidding, actually I think your posts were great, intelligent and well thought out. I see TSs use the term "Tranny Chaser" as a insult. I was suprised as well to tell how many of the gurls you thought of as sisters turn their backs on you. Sorry to hear that. I know many would easily label me a chaser as enjoy NSA sex, with GGs or TGs to be exact. This however does not mean that all I want from a TG or GG is just sex. I've dated 4 TGs, and had the same results and experiences that I had with GGs. As well I've seen TGs turn on men in a dime becuase some TG has a beef with him and they "stick" together. Yet the very same TGs I've seen turn on their friends for money or worse a man. I find it hard to understand how or why TGs want a man that hasn't been with a TG before her. I to can not stand "AM I GAY POSTS" either, and think sexuality has nothing to do with what others think as much as what one feels about themselves. However if a man has been with more than 5 TGs why is that such a bad thing, I've never heard a genetic gurl tell me she couldn't be with a guy who's been with 5 girls before her. I've heard men say that about women (you know the slut girl, player guy double standard). What if he's been with 5 or more genetic women before he meets you (or a TG) what is the importance of one's past. Many of my friends ask their GFs about their past sex lives, I tell them who cares about their past as I only want to be part of her future. Part of me honestly feels that while a small part of me doesn't want to bring up the fact I've been with countless partners trans and genetic.

07-15-2006, 01:09 AM
Ruby you are so full of shit that..................just kidding, actually I think your posts were great, intelligent and well thought out. I see TSs use the term "Tranny Chaser" as a insult. I was suprised as well to tell how many of the gurls you thought of as sisters turn their backs on you. Sorry to hear that. I know many would easily label me a chaser as enjoy NSA sex, with GGs or TGs to be exact. This however does not mean that all I want from a TG or GG is just sex. I've dated 4 TGs, and had the same results and experiences that I had with GGs. As well I've seen TGs turn on men in a dime becuase some TG has a beef with him and they "stick" together. Yet the very same TGs I've seen turn on their friends for money or worse a man. I find it hard to understand how or why TGs want a man that hasn't been with a TG before her. I to can not stand "AM I GAY POSTS" either, and think sexuality has nothing to do with what others think as much as what one feels about themselves. However if a man has been with more than 5 TGs why is that such a bad thing, I've never heard a genetic gurl tell me she couldn't be with a guy who's been with 5 girls before her. I've heard men say that about women (you know the slut girl, player guy double standard). What if he's been with 5 or more genetic women before he meets you (or a TG) what is the importance of one's past. Many of my friends ask their GFs about their past sex lives, I tell them who cares about their past as I only want to be part of her future. Part of me honestly feels that while a small part of me doesn't want to bring up the fact I've been with countless partners trans and genetic.

you're absolutely right. But it has more to do with the guy having been with people u know 1st hand. NO girl... TS or GG, wants to be w a guy who names x's and u can count on two hands the number of them u know.

08-26-2007, 11:08 AM
Bump because Ruby's word was very insightful.

08-27-2007, 01:22 AM
isnt it dead easy? according to legend, every guy posting on here is a tranny chaser by default, except for him of course....

08-27-2007, 01:41 AM
The term makes no sense. It's like GoodGirls calling heterosexual guys GoodGirl-Chasers. I guess TGirls want to be fancied by heterosexual guys who see them as real girls. But that doesn't work, because a real straight guy will never be into TGirls. He has to accept some degree of gayness. Which would make him a Tranny Chaser in some TGirls eyes. But you can't have both.

Some degree of gayness? WTF? thats bullshit. Thats just your view dude. Reality is perception and I perceive Tgirls to be just as female as females (not feminine but female). I dont like crossdresser's or girls that are ts part time AND i DONT LIKE MEN. I love women and TS are part of that equation. End of story.

08-27-2007, 01:55 AM
you're ignorant. I see thats you didnt come here to ask a questions. You came here to cause controversy. Your mind is already set in believing what u want to believe. I gave u a lot of my time writing what i wrote for it to go ion one ear and out the other. I wont make that mistake again. You are speaking OPINIONS sweetheart I AM SPITTING FACTS!

But you said they want a guy who wouldn't be caught dead with a TGirl otherwise but still has certain feelings. All I'm saying is that I wouldn't call these guys straight, so TGirls wishing to seduce straight guys and calling everyone else Tranny Chasers are in a kind of denial.

I understand you now. Im assuming a girl called u a chaser and u are offended by it, brecause u feel that u r not, so it seems that while u DO have certain questions u want answered, your are adding negative emotion to your poosts which can easily case heated debate. Try to understand me and i will do the same. I am offering my genuine perspective on a question which i HATE being being asked after seeing a 1st timer which is "DOES THIS MAKE ME GAY?" aside from the chaser thing. I should be alseep now, but i will devote a couple of minutes to this...

What happens in the world of ts and lovers is that most guys view us as objects of physical desire. Which i think, is why a lot of girls escort. Sure, there are guys out there who genuinely like a person (man woman ts whatever) and are interested in more than sex, but while some ARE serious, most pretend to be to get in panties free, and move along to the next.

You also should try and take into consideration the vast amount of people we come into contact with on a daily basis, and the percentage of THOSE people being total asses being such a high rate that the girls tend to make judgements on people rather quickly. Like i said before i have my own process of elimination and even AFTER certain individuals make the cut, they turn out to be asses as well, only better at hiding it. Guys complain about ts's being cold and mean and while a lot are, i cant blame them.

Living life as a ts isn't easy and takes a lot of strength and courage to face the world. Society is more accepting of homosexuality in comparison to transgenderism. And our portrayment to the world is mostly on jerry springer or a comedy movie. Most people dont take us seriously, and a lot view us as source of entertainment. We're supposed to be wild, funny, crazy, crowd pleasers. Or we're seen as horny cock hungry boys in a dress. A lot of people dont realize some of us live our lifes like "normal" people. Then family.... some girls dont have it so lucky. Some parents are not so accepting. Then friends.... you would think it is a good cjhoice to make a best friend w a tgirl... but in MY experience, faces can switch from jeckly to hyde the second a cute boy is with u and u step away to use the ladies room. So now whats left is everyone else. The guys who actually DO like tgirls. Now, u think after being burned by society, family and other people like you, that a person really wants to hear OMG you're so HOTT i wanna fuck you so bad!!!! How would you feel? Sure sex can sometimes be use as replacement for acceptance or love, but how much of that before the ts realizes that she wants to be valued as a human being, and find someone whos willing to look beyond the physical and like the brain under the pretty hair and heart under the PERFECT brasts.

I wouldnt consider just ANYONE a ts chaser, but some girls are not as careful with their choice of words and really dont care. I understand what u say about there being no medium, but thats going by what ALL ts's think, and you dont know EVERY ts to call that a fact. I would date someone who's been w ts's b4. it has pro's and cons. One pro being that i would feel less uncomfortable cuz theres not much pressure thinking how they will act after the deed, and i would also assume that they would know a little more about what NOT to do or say that i would take offensive. The con being that i would be fearful that they ARE in fact a chaser hiding behind a mask which they know will get them what they want. But basically its easy to be considered a trannychaser if your intentions are purely physical. Gn 4 now an happy 4th

Fuck it. I chase ass, titties, and whatever other parts come on a female b/c I'm attracted and majority of all men do. It's just that simple. A lot of TS don't realize there are masses of guys that chase women like these so called "tranny chasers" chase TS. Speaking in general, TS are no exception....your just getting the same treatment a lot of women get. Some guys are out for ass while others are genuinely interested in pursuing a relationship but it's so hard to break through that mental brick wall that so many TS have up that it's easier just to get the ass sometimes and chill. I'm not all about ass....I just like to take things one step at a time so I don't end up getting my feelings hurt. Been through that too many times.

08-27-2007, 02:34 AM
Interesting thread.

Men pursue people that we are sexually attracted to. Whether that be women, Tgirls, or other men. That is our nature. I don't understand why some Tgirls expect to be treated differently.

Sure, many guys are clumsy and rude and deserve to be shot down, but again that is not unique to guys who are into tgirls, that is males in general.

08-27-2007, 04:27 AM
Well, interesting thread and definitely worth resurrecting.

It's nice to see what's on others' minds regarding this sensitive topic.
There are many articulate members here who do a good job of getting their points across.

Having seen the term "Tranny Chaser" used from time to time, gives me the impression that a tranny chaser could be defined as a MALE HO.

He's not interested in or capable of having a meaningful relationship with anyone regardless of sexual preference.

Call it what you want, but some people just live to satisfy their impulses with no regard to what they do to others' feelings. These are usually people who don't give a rat's ass about the effect their actions have on others.

There are "Chasers" in all categories of life, sometimes it's not just sex that these types are after. It's up to us to get to know them well enough and stay clear (unless ya like being chased). :moon

Felicia Katt
08-27-2007, 04:54 AM
Some degree of gayness? WTF? thats bullshit. Thats just your view dude. Reality is perception and I perceive Tgirls to be just as female as females (not feminine but female). I dont like crossdresser's or girls that are ts part time AND i DONT LIKE MEN. I love women and TS are part of that equation. End of story.
To paraphrase TrueBeauty:

My reality is that I am a strict vegetarian, and I percieve hamburger to be eggplant.

I love how guys define themselves by how they feel, not what they do, and girls by what they do, not how they may feel. A guy is straight no matter how much dick he may get, because he feels he is so. But a girl is a crossdresser if she does not have implants and is a TS if she does, no matter how she may actually feel.

Its sad that homophobia is so prevalent and so strongly internalized that a guy cannot accept that he is even 5 per cent gay. You may not want to percieve yourself as such, but the reality is that if you are not 100% heterosexual.... well, you can do the math.


08-27-2007, 05:15 AM
. . . it has more to do with the guy having been with people u know 1st hand. NO girl... TS or GG, wants to be w a guy who names x's and u can count on two hands the number of them u know.

This is one of a hundred reasons why any smart man keeps his relationships secret. There is absolutely no benefit to sharing that information, save for the sake of one's own vanity, with anyone. My rule: The more people who know, the more that will go wrong.


08-27-2007, 06:56 AM
ok, I'm going to try to be clear on this subject. I have finished reading all of Ruby's posts. and this is what I would like to say. First I understand, how Ruby feels. She sounds like she has been burned a few times by lets be honest Assholes, who are unfortunatly rather promulgate out there in the big wide world. and as the old saying goes, once bitten twice shy. if you keep getting slapped in the face pretty soon are going to expect to be slapped by everyone, even though everyone you meet does not want to slap you in the face. as for trannychasers, I would have to say that alot of poeple on this board would qualify, as I have read ufortunatly too many "I just want to be with a girl who has something extra for the thrill of it" post. Which to me shows quite a few here would only be with these girls for sex. and not an LTR. hence how many girls provide escort services. And then there are those who say, "well I have no problem dating a T-girl, just as long as my friends or family don't find out". And THAT I sure would make anyone feel disgusted to be just someones "dirty little secret".

there it seems in the comunity of Transsexual Admirers to be a very small segment of us who would date a TS if they didn't have implants or looked "passable" or would take them home to meet mum. even if they were the most feminine creature on earth simply because we don't want to be thought of as "GAY" :roll:

Now Let me tell you about myself. I'm a native male, who would be considered as Bi. I've been with men, women, and Transsexuals. and I'm what euphimistically be called Heavy (read: fat). Now when I've been with men it's always been about sex. but I do find myself attracted to feminin men, I've only really been serious with girls (whom so far I've had the longest relationship lasting two years), and Transsexual girls, the longest lasting about a month. Now I've been intimate with two T-girls. and in the beggining before I met a real TS face to face I will admit it was about the sexual thrill. but after I really came to know my two friends, I became their friends, I would worry about them, laugh with them and on more then one occasion get them out of trouble :) .

their circumstances weren't the greatest. and I helped as best I could. and when I was with a girl I was with a girl, I remember when I was dating one of them, one of her friends came over and stayed the night and she started getting playful with me. now I could have been with the other girl, but I didn't because I was seeing the other girl and I am faithful to whomever I am dating. I look at cheating as actually physically slapping someone in the face. except your just doing it emotionally.

also the girls I knew would only hang out in a few places where they felt safe because they feared the rest of the world. which pissed me off to no end. because they were right to fear it, there are people who wouldn't think twice about hurting one of them because they were "different" One of them I would practically have to drag her to a hospital when she got hurt because the was absolutely certain that the medical staff were laughing at her. and sadly thats because some of them probably have in the past.

the reason I've gone on for so long is to act an addendum to just a few of Ruby's statements. Please I'm not saying she is wrong. she has had her own experiences and they've formed her as surely as mine have. but Ruby what does it matter if a man dated other TS's before you? the only thing you should really ask is how did he treat her? was he kind and loving? did he care who saw them together? or did he treat he as little more than a sex object and then moved onto the next fresh conquest. And if they did break up what was the reason? did she catch him cheating? or lying? or did he catch her?

Remember it always takes two to tango.

Now Ruby does have many valid points. and I argee with her on the "your a trannychaser if there are five of us and four of us have been with you" with my own above mentioned caveat as a supposition to the rest, ie Sexual or a true honest relationship.

Now alot of Transsexual Admirers are only interested in the ultra feminine and ultra passable, if your not those forget it, never mind what kind of person they are. BUT this is true of alot of TS's about the men they seek too. all things are equal.

For example you have said that most girls you know wouldn't be caught dead with a TS Admirer? I know alot of str8t guys and I'm sad to say that the better of them (the tolerant ones) simply think of you as an oddity and the worst of them (co-workers in the trucking industry) think of you as freaks who they wouldn't be caught dead with. keep in mind these individuals are also homophobic and sometimes even racist, so they're not singling you out in that regard. but they simply think of you as a guy whose is crazy. but even the most liberal of them would not want to date you as they would simply have no interest, because they are into women and simply think of you as a guy as well. Now I am NOT defending ANY of them. they are all wrong about you girls. but it's also how you've stated it. You don't want to have anything to do with trannychasers is also intolerant.

all I'm saying is that most of you girls are chasing the most elusive of unicorns out there, the straight male who will accept you for who you are. But the simple truth is they are so vanishingly small out there.

so in the end all I'm saying is everyone, guys girls AND TS's need to be a little more open and tolerant of those around them. and maybe give us poor "trannychasers" a chance. we're not all bad guys y'know. :)

Now to finish. I am not attacking Ruby in any way, as she has done I'm simply stating my opinion. and she has as much right to her's as I do to mine. and I'm also sure alot of this can be taken out of context. or misundertood, I'm a little bit of a "stream of conciousness" writer and type whatever pops into my head to try to get a point across and I'm not the greatest writer so somethings probably came out misunderstood or other than I intended.

so I just want to say that I mean no offence to anyone and if I offended anyone I apologize up front, and if you have any questions ask them I will answer as truthfully as I can, even if the answer is "none of yer beeswax!" :lol:

08-27-2007, 09:47 PM
I had read this topic with great interest and i have to agree with most of what both Ruby and alphanumeric have said (they do have some conflicting opinions as alphanumeric said).

I consider myself straight but am open to the prospect of a relationship with either a TS or a man. Preferably a TS because i find them more attractive.

But before anyone says anything, i don't consider myself a chaser of any particular type of person (although i do love bbw's), personality is top priority for anyone i date, looks come second, gender third.

I have never (knowingly) met a TS and my only experience is porn related. Which is why i joined this site, to correct my slightly sewed view of TS's and to hopefully gain some friends in the process.

08-27-2007, 10:58 PM
I have never (knowingly) met a TS and my only experience is porn related. Which is why i joined this site, to correct my slightly sewed view of TS's and to hopefully gain some friends in the process.

Nicely said sweetie. Welcome to the site.

I'm a little late to this thread - actualy had a life this weekend... but here's my take.

A "tranny chaser" is a low class trailer trash term for men who admire and enjoy the company of transsexuals or other gender variant people. Sort of like "fag hag" for a girl who hangs out with gay guys.

Same thing with the word "tranny" to describe transsexuals (TV's, whatever). Sometimes girls will refer to one another in conversation that way - but I always cringe when someone does and I look around for a single wide.

And it's used in sex industry marketing - and it that context call me anything you want, just be sure to include your visa card # or money order when you do. -giggle-

Personally I virtually never use either term and to me it's unacceptable in polite company.

TS Jamie :-)

08-28-2007, 03:59 PM
Some degree of gayness? WTF? thats bullshit. Thats just your view dude. Reality is perception and I perceive Tgirls to be just as female as females (not feminine but female). I dont like crossdresser's or girls that are ts part time AND i DONT LIKE MEN. I love women and TS are part of that equation. End of story.
To paraphrase TrueBeauty:

My reality is that I am a strict vegetarian, and I percieve hamburger to be eggplant.

I love how guys define themselves by how they feel, not what they do, and girls by what they do, not how they may feel. A guy is straight no matter how much dick he may get, because he feels he is so. But a girl is a crossdresser if she does not have implants and is a TS if she does, no matter how she may actually feel.

Its sad that homophobia is so prevalent and so strongly internalized that a guy cannot accept that he is even 5 per cent gay. You may not want to percieve yourself as such, but the reality is that if you are not 100% heterosexual.... well, you can do the math.


I'm not defining myself by how I feel and whoever said I didnt take womens emotions into account? I've never called out anyone saying that's a man in a wig, or thats a man b/c he didnt get implants. But my point is he's trying to drop a label on me b/c thats how he feels. I'm defining myself by my views not b/c I'm this macho, or because I'm a top. Reality is perception and a hamburger obviously cant be perceived as an eggplant. If I say I like big tits does that mean I like tits the size of the moon? No....your just taking my statement to extremes.

I perceive TS to be women and apparently you seem to be implying that you do not. If your saying I'm at least 5% gay then are you saying you mean your at least 5% man? If you wanna define yourself as a man then fine, I'll look at you as such, but a TS is a woman in my views pre or post. There's plenty of guys and TS that would agree with me b/c they know where I'm coming from. If they perceive themselves as men why would so many want a str8 man? That statement wouldn't make sense if they shared the same view as you. And if I was a homophobic I wouldn't have posted my pic on this forum for any and all to see would I?

08-28-2007, 04:05 PM
I consider myself straight but am open to the prospect of a relationship with either a TS or a man. Preferably a TS because i find them more attractive.

I have never (knowingly) met a TS and my only experience is porn related. Which is why i joined this site, to correct my slightly sewed view of TS's and to hopefully gain some friends in the process.

If your open to the prospect of being with a man (not TS but a man) that makes you gay or at least bi dude. No if, ands, or buts about the situation. It cant be defined any clearer. I'm not trying to call you out but I'd rather you hear it here than get blasted somewhere else for it.

08-28-2007, 05:01 PM
isnt it dead easy? according to legend, every guy posting on here is a tranny chaser by default, except for him of course....

Well I don't know about you but I'm no "chaser". Sure I have a special love for the ladies but I'm not going out of my way to "chase" any, but that's more or less cause I don't do escorting and I don't go to the clubs around here anymore (way too many drags). Maybe when I move to ATL I'll have more opportunity to meet real ts women.

08-28-2007, 11:03 PM


08-28-2007, 11:08 PM
a guy that will get rejected by one girl then go to another girl who witnessed the rejection, and then go to another girl that witnessed the earlier 2 rejections until he scores

exactly... and this shit happens online just as much as it does in the clubs... if youre talking to one girl online... you can bet she knows every girl thats comparable to her that you will ever talk to on her buddy list... just bc they havent met or live out of state doesnt mean shit... chloe from LA. and i often compare notes and have almost identical convos w/ the same dead beat losers in the same night... yalls games are so weak and overplayed that if you came up w/ a new routine we might sleep w/ you by pure accident of being caught off guard.

Felicia Katt
08-29-2007, 01:22 AM
I'm not defining myself by how I feel and whoever said I didnt take womens emotions into account? I've never called out anyone saying that's a man in a wig, or thats a man b/c he didnt get implants. But my point is he's trying to drop a label on me b/c thats how he feels. I'm defining myself by my views not b/c I'm this macho, or because I'm a top. Reality is perception and a hamburger obviously cant be perceived as an eggplant. If I say I like big tits does that mean I like tits the size of the moon? No....your just taking my statement to extremes.

I perceive TS to be women and apparently you seem to be implying that you do not. If your saying I'm at least 5% gay then are you saying you mean your at least 5% man? If you wanna define yourself as a man then fine, I'll look at you as such, but a TS is a woman in my views pre or post. There's plenty of guys and TS that would agree with me b/c they know where I'm coming from. If they perceive themselves as men why would so many want a str8 man? That statement wouldn't make sense if they shared the same view as you. And if I was a homophobic I wouldn't have posted my pic on this forum for any and all to see would I?
I'm at least 5%. Some more gifted yet petite girls than me here might be more like 6 or 7% unless you account for cold water shrinkage LOL

Reality is not perception. Reality is reality, and how you perceive it really doesn't change it. The reality is that if you eat meat, you aren't a 100 per cent vegetarian, no matter how much you contribute to PETA. I'm not taking anything to any extreme, Liking big tits is a statement of preference, not an absolute self definition. I'm sure there would be some large breasts that you would not find appealing. Dom Deluise had big jugs, but I doubt your prediliection would overcome his overall lack of appeal to you (or to anyone other than Mrs Deluise)

When girls say they want a straight man, they want one who won't have his feet behind his ears on the first date. Straight doesn't mean straight to the cock. I think its great that you equate women and t-women and welcome and urge that kind of equal consideration and treatment, but at its core, there is a difference, and if you are attracted to that difference and focused on it sexually, then you can't really claim to be 100 per cent straight. Would it really be so horrible to be just 5 per cent gay or bi? 95% is an A plus under any grading system :)


08-29-2007, 01:31 AM
I've spent the last couple of days catching up on this thread and have recently spoken in person to one of the gurls that has posted on the subject wherein I said that, by most definitions (Including hers) I might be considered a 'chaser' though I try not to be.

I confessed that I have a "...people-to-do list...", but this has always been the case for me as I am both bisexual and polyamorous and either one, let alone both, tends to broaden the defintion of 'relationship' quite a bit. As a result, by variations of definition, there are those that would call me any number of lables including, but not limited to, 'loose', 'promiscuous', 'womanizer', or 'chaser'.

I was most happy when this woman said that she did not consider me to be a 'chaser', but she may not yet have a handle on what I am or might be. She was especially puzzled/intrigued/amused by the fact that many of my reletionships knew of each other or were, in some ways, interconnected. Hell, I'm not sure that I understand how all that works myself. :shrug

Mayhaps I am more of a 'follower' than a 'chaser'. :?

More research is needed. :)

08-29-2007, 04:59 AM
I've spent the last couple of days catching up on this thread and have recently spoken in person to one of the gurls that has posted on the subject wherein I said that, by most definitions (Including hers) I might be considered a 'chaser' though I try not to be.

I confessed that I have a "...people-to-do list...", but this has always been the case for me as I am both bisexual and polyamorous and either one, let alone both, tends to broaden the defintion of 'relationship' quite a bit. As a result, by variations of definition, there are those that would call me any number of lables including, but not limited to, 'loose', 'promiscuous', 'womanizer', or 'chaser'.

I was most happy when this woman said that she did not consider me to be a 'chaser', but she may not yet have a handle on what I am or might be. She was especially puzzled/intrigued/amused by the fact that many of my reletionships knew of each other or were, in some ways, interconnected. Hell, I'm not sure that I understand how all that works myself. :shrug

Mayhaps I am more of a 'follower' than a 'chaser'. :?

More research is needed. :)

i wonder who this girl was :P

08-29-2007, 06:07 AM
I'm not defining myself by how I feel and whoever said I didnt take womens emotions into account? I've never called out anyone saying that's a man in a wig, or thats a man b/c he didnt get implants. But my point is he's trying to drop a label on me b/c thats how he feels. I'm defining myself by my views not b/c I'm this macho, or because I'm a top. Reality is perception and a hamburger obviously cant be perceived as an eggplant. If I say I like big tits does that mean I like tits the size of the moon? No....your just taking my statement to extremes.

I perceive TS to be women and apparently you seem to be implying that you do not. If your saying I'm at least 5% gay then are you saying you mean your at least 5% man? If you wanna define yourself as a man then fine, I'll look at you as such, but a TS is a woman in my views pre or post. There's plenty of guys and TS that would agree with me b/c they know where I'm coming from. If they perceive themselves as men why would so many want a str8 man? That statement wouldn't make sense if they shared the same view as you. And if I was a homophobic I wouldn't have posted my pic on this forum for any and all to see would I?
I'm at least 5%. Some more gifted yet petite girls than me here might be more like 6 or 7% unless you account for cold water shrinkage LOL

Reality is not perception. Reality is reality, and how you perceive it really doesn't change it. The reality is that if you eat meat, you aren't a 100 per cent vegetarian, no matter how much you contribute to PETA. I'm not taking anything to any extreme, Liking big tits is a statement of preference, not an absolute self definition. I'm sure there would be some large breasts that you would not find appealing. Dom Deluise had big jugs, but I doubt your prediliection would overcome his overall lack of appeal to you (or to anyone other than Mrs Deluise)

When girls say they want a straight man, they want one who won't have his feet behind his ears on the first date. Straight doesn't mean straight to the cock. I think its great that you equate women and t-women and welcome and urge that kind of equal consideration and treatment, but at its core, there is a difference, and if you are attracted to that difference and focused on it sexually, then you can't really claim to be 100 per cent straight. Would it really be so horrible to be just 5 per cent gay or bi? 95% is an A plus under any grading system :)


LOL you have some good points. But once again Reality is perception. If I grew up within a certain religion who's to say my God isnt the only God and that your praising a false one? Reality of the situation is that absolute doesn't exist here....there's always doubt and there's way too many variables to generalize but my situation is very specific. And your right...there is a difference physically but to me that's minuscule. It means nothing....it's no different than a women having big tits vs a woman having A cup but It doesn't change that I am attracted to certain features nonetheless. How can you have a successful relationship with someone your not attracted to no matter what part it is?

And being 5% gay or 100% gay isn't a problem and I don't have a problem with gay men. It's just not a title that I deem fitting for myself, not b/c I don't want to be labeled, but b/c it's just not me IMO. But I guess it's all in how you define gay and there seems to be no "absolute" definition of gay with all the controversy here over the past couple years. I respect your opinion though. Long time since someone made me really dig deep for an answer here.

08-29-2007, 06:08 AM
Reality is not perception. Reality is reality, and how you perceive it really doesn't change it. The reality is that if you eat meat, you aren't a 100 per cent vegetarian, no matter how much you contribute to PETA. I'm not taking anything to any extreme, Liking big tits is a statement of preference, not an absolute self definition. I'm sure there would be some large breasts that you would not find appealing. Dom Deluise had big jugs, but I doubt your prediliection would overcome his overall lack of appeal to you (or to anyone other than Mrs Deluise)

When girls say they want a straight man, they want one who won't have his feet behind his ears on the first date. Straight doesn't mean straight to the cock. I think its great that you equate women and t-women and welcome and urge that kind of equal consideration and treatment, but at its core, there is a difference, and if you are attracted to that difference and focused on it sexually, then you can't really claim to be 100 per cent straight. Would it really be so horrible to be just 5 per cent gay or bi? 95% is an A plus under any grading system :)


Well thought. Would you agree that it follows that part time CDs are CDs and not "transexuals" just because they say they are transexuals?

08-29-2007, 08:08 PM
i wonder who this girl was


I saw her in the city with some nut in a three-piece suit. They were talking about the Lenape Indian word for 'goose'. :D

Felicia Katt
08-29-2007, 08:55 PM
[Well thought. Would you agree that it follows that part time CDs are CDs and not "transexuals" just because they say they are transexuals?
I don't think it follows because transsexualism isn't necssarily defined by conduct. The definition of "transsexuality" is always in flux and under discussion . One common definition is that a transsexual is a person who believes that his or her body does not reflect his or her true 'inner' gender. Another common definition is that a transsexual is a person who has had or plans to have medical or surgical treatments that alter his or her body to better reflect what the individual believes is his or her true gender

Under either defintion, how the person really feels inside not what she does is what essentially defines her as a transsexual. Lisa Lawer was apparently never a TS, despite her outer appearance, and some part time girls are, despite theirs. If you internally identify as a male, no amount of cosmetic changes will make you a transsexual, and if you internally identify as a female, no lack of changes won't exclude you as one. By that same token, just saying it doesn't make it so. A person can say they are anything, but their conduct, demeanour and behavior can say more about their inner self than their words ever can.

Based on this, I think being T, is different than being gay (or more accurately homosexual, since IMHO gayness is more of a political social statement than a clinical definition). Dick plus dick equals homosexual. Thats a simplistic almost tautological statement. I recognize that, and the complexity of human sexual interaction really can't be reduced that way. But to claim to be 100 per cent anything is too simple. Arthur C Clarke had a vision of the future where the fluidity of sexuality was recognized and people would proudly proclaim that they were 85% hetero, and could explore that 15% without recrimination and where to be 100% was considered to be a form of pyschopathology. I wish we could be more like that now, and hope we are evolving towards that. Sexuality is not binary. Neither is gender. Self expression of either should be liberated, not confined by labels.


08-29-2007, 09:21 PM
...But once again Reality is perception. ...Reality of the situation is that absolute doesn't exist here....there's always doubt and there's way too many variables to generalize but my situation is very specific.

Absolutes do exist, it is just that our perception of them are flawed in ways which lead us to see reality incompletely or, dare I say; unrealistically.

Using an example, history. Our perception of history constantly changes, even noncontroversial events in history are written differently on a daily basis. What really happened will never change, it is an absolute but what is written of it generations later constantly changes as information is lost, confused, replaced... and that is without getting into the lenses of the historians who write history texts whom are not always subjective in their analysis.

That is not to trivialize perception. What really happened is a moot point if there is no way of ever fully knowing it, we have to work with whatever we have to work with regardless what we're talking about.

08-29-2007, 11:41 PM
[Well thought. Would you agree that it follows that part time CDs are CDs and not "transexuals" just because they say they are transexuals?
I don't think it follows because transsexualism isn't necssarily defined by conduct. The definition of "transsexuality" is always in flux and under discussion . One common definition is that a transsexual is a person who believes that his or her body does not reflect his or her true 'inner' gender. Another common definition is that a transsexual is a person who has had or plans to have medical or surgical treatments that alter his or her body to better reflect what the individual believes is his or her true gender

Under either defintion, how the person really feels inside not what she does is what essentially defines her as a transsexual. Lisa Lawer was apparently never a TS, despite her outer appearance, and some part time girls are, despite theirs. If you internally identify as a male, no amount of cosmetic changes will make you a transsexual, and if you internally identify as a female, no lack of changes won't exclude you as one. By that same token, just saying it doesn't make it so. A person can say they are anything, but their conduct, demeanour and behavior can say more about their inner self than their words ever can.

Based on this, I think being T, is different than being gay (or more accurately homosexual, since IMHO gayness is more of a political social statement than a clinical definition). Dick plus dick equals homosexual. Thats a simplistic almost tautological statement. I recognize that, and the complexity of human sexual interaction really can't be reduced that way. But to claim to be 100 per cent anything is too simple. Arthur C Clarke had a vision of the future where the fluidity of sexuality was recognized and people would proudly proclaim that they were 85% hetero, and could explore that 15% without recrimination and where to be 100% was considered to be a form of pyschopathology. I wish we could be more like that now, and hope we are evolving towards that. Sexuality is not binary. Neither is gender. Self expression of either should be liberated, not confined by labels.



08-29-2007, 11:54 PM
...But once again Reality is perception. ...Reality of the situation is that absolute doesn't exist here....there's always doubt and there's way too many variables to generalize but my situation is very specific.

Absolutes do exist, it is just that our perception of them are flawed in ways which lead us to see reality incompletely or, dare I say; unrealistically.

Using an example, history. Our perception of history constantly changes, even noncontroversial events in history are written differently on a daily basis. What really happened will never change, it is an absolute but what is written of it generations later constantly changes as information is lost, confused, replaced... and that is without getting into the lenses of the historians who write history texts whom are not always subjective in their analysis.

That is not to trivialize perception. What really happened is a moot point if there is no way of ever fully knowing it, we have to work with whatever we have to work with regardless what we're talking about.

You make a really good point and I agree. But when I said absolute doesn't exist "here", I was referring to the subject of this conversation because there is no absolute definition of gay anymore. It's in constant flux.

08-30-2007, 01:14 AM
...But once again Reality is perception. ...Reality of the situation is that absolute doesn't exist here....there's always doubt and there's way too many variables to generalize but my situation is very specific.

Absolutes do exist, it is just that our perception of them are flawed in ways which lead us to see reality incompletely or, dare I say; unrealistically.

Using an example, history. Our perception of history constantly changes, even noncontroversial events in history are written differently on a daily basis. What really happened will never change, it is an absolute but what is written of it generations later constantly changes as information is lost, confused, replaced... and that is without getting into the lenses of the historians who write history texts whom are not always subjective in their analysis.

That is not to trivialize perception. What really happened is a moot point if there is no way of ever fully knowing it, we have to work with whatever we have to work with regardless what we're talking about.

Very true Sarah. All the Holocaust deniers are proof of this. Mahalo


08-30-2007, 02:34 AM
But when I said absolute doesn't exist "here", I was referring to the subject of this conversation because there is no absolute definition of gay anymore. It's in constant flux.

Then either our definitions are false or we are using the term incorrectly.

08-30-2007, 10:02 AM
When girls say they want a straight man, they want one who won't have his feet behind his ears on the first date. Straight doesn't mean straight to the cock.

lol! I see what you are saying FK. That's what I call a "working "defintion".

08-31-2007, 01:53 AM
A person can say they are anything, but their conduct, demeanour and behavior can say more about their inner self than their words ever can.

This was my primary point: I think there are an amount of people who claim to be “transsexual” because they’d like to be considered transsexual, but it’s almost a celebutant notion.

I don't think it follows because transsexualism isn't necssarily defined by conduct. The definition of "transsexuality" is always in flux and under discussion . One common definition is that a transsexual is a person who believes that his or her body does not reflect his or her true 'inner' gender. Another common definition is that a transsexual is a person who has had or plans to have medical or surgical treatments that alter his or her body to better reflect what the individual believes is his or her true gender

OK, so given those two, which one explains non-ops or persons who would not do SRS or even live 24/7, or have any sort of feminization done?

I'm not trying to invalidate anyone's sexuality. I just think the term "transsexual" has, at this point, become so blurred that it's fairly useless/meaningless. And I think if better and more meaningful terms were used, a lot of BS would also get cleared up. I think there's lots of people hanging onto some of these terms in the same way that people hung onto some of the racial terms before the end of segregation.

And when anyone comes along and challenges any of the sacred cows, they get crucified for it, even if what they have to say has any merit.

08-31-2007, 02:15 AM
This is one of a hundred reasons why any smart man keeps his relationships secret. There is absolutely no benefit to sharing that information, save for the sake of one's own vanity, with anyone. My rule: The more people who know, the more that will go wrong.


truer words have never been spoken on this matter

Felicia Katt
08-31-2007, 08:19 AM
A person can say they are anything, but their conduct, demeanour and behavior can say more about their inner self than their words ever can.
This was my primary point: I think there are an amount of people who claim to be “transsexual” because they’d like to be considered transsexual, but it’s almost a celebutant notion..
I think we are approaching the same point from different perspectives. Mine is that anyone can claim to be TS but words alone may not be enough, just like surgery alone may not. Its really a very subjective thing, trying to glean how someone else really feels inside.

I don't think it follows because transsexualism isn't necssarily defined by conduct. The definition of "transsexuality" is always in flux and under discussion . One common definition is that a transsexual is a person who believes that his or her body does not reflect his or her true 'inner' gender. Another common definition is that a transsexual is a person who has had or plans to have medical or surgical treatments that alter his or her body to better reflect what the individual believes is his or her true gender

OK, so given those two, which one explains non-ops or persons who would not do SRS or even live 24/7, or have any sort of feminization done?

I'm not trying to invalidate anyone's sexuality. I just think the term "transsexual" has, at this point, become so blurred that it's fairly useless/meaningless. And I think if better and more meaningful terms were used, a lot of BS would also get cleared up. I think there's lots of people hanging onto some of these terms in the same way that people hung onto some of the racial terms before the end of segregation.

And when anyone comes along and challenges any of the sacred cows, they get crucified for it, even if what they have to say has any merit.
I think under any presently recognized defintions, its about how you feel or what you might desire to do, rather than what you say, or even actually do. Its a sliding scale and an imprecise one at best. Some might prefer to iuse the term transgender to differnentiate between those who have transitioned and those who have not, but it has become more of a catch all for all forms of alternative gender expression. But the terms CD and TV despite clear clincal definitions have become pejorative so they are commonly used as insults in this community. Under your example of racial terms, they actually used to have different ones for differing degrees of blackness ie mulatto, quadroon, octaroon etc. Thankfully, those have all fallen into disuse, most likley in recognition that persons of color, no matter the degree, have more in common than in opposition and are better served by being united. Maybe we will get there too within this community as well.

Defining can often just be dividing. Ultimately, i think you need to respect everyone regardless of labels, self applied or otherwise, and judge them on their conduct and their character.


08-31-2007, 09:24 AM
Maybe we need to stick to using clinical terms when describing what someone is psychologically while separately using whatever else for describing stuff not covered by the clinical terminology.

For instance my copy of the DSMIV doesn't say transsexual in it, it does list GID however....

08-31-2007, 12:34 PM
I consider myself straight but am open to the prospect of a relationship with either a TS or a man. Preferably a TS because i find them more attractive.

I have never (knowingly) met a TS and my only experience is porn related. Which is why i joined this site, to correct my slightly sewed view of TS's and to hopefully gain some friends in the process.

If your open to the prospect of being with a man (not TS but a man) that makes you gay or at least bi dude. No if, ands, or buts about the situation. It cant be defined any clearer. I'm not trying to call you out but I'd rather you hear it here than get blasted somewhere else for it.

I should have been clearer. I said i consider myself straight because i've only been with women so far, so until i'm physically or emotionally involved with a man or a TS, i'll consider myself straight.

I don't agree with you labeling me as gay or bi, i thing ruby said it best.

ok now, the only person who can define one's sexuality is the individual themselves. I personally feel that trying to put things in boxes and labels, only tends to complicate things even more. WHAT U FEEL IS WHAT U ARE. str8 men see ts's... not as women... but whatt attracts them is the feminine appeal. A lot of guys question their sexuality because they think in terms of what SOCIETY would consider them to be, which is the wrong thing to do. SEX does not determine SEXUALITY! You see str8 guys who like dildo's harnesses enema's... among other things. Feels good to the body.... but what does that have to do with anything? Whether u like ts cock or not DOES NOT DETERMINE YOUR SEXUALITY! What does.... is feeling. Love.... which doesnt go towards the group, but the individual.

I am currently only attracted to the female form, if she has a cock then fine, i won't consider myself anything other than straight until i find men attractive. Then i'll update it to bi or bi-curious. But i don't think anyone should label other people.

08-31-2007, 02:23 PM
Wow, no lack of self-righteous judgemental fuckwads on this board is there?

Just another slur to disrespect a category of people for whatever reason you choose....

If you are on this board I don't know why you think you have the right to judge someones sexual or relationship lifestyle.

...but I guess Falwell is dead so we need you guys to fill in for him?

Whatever, keep your stinking opinions off of my sexuality.

THis has been a PSA.

08-31-2007, 03:44 PM
I consider myself straight but am open to the prospect of a relationship with either a TS or a man. Preferably a TS because i find them more attractive.

I have never (knowingly) met a TS and my only experience is porn related. Which is why i joined this site, to correct my slightly sewed view of TS's and to hopefully gain some friends in the process.

If your open to the prospect of being with a man (not TS but a man) that makes you gay or at least bi dude. No if, ands, or buts about the situation. It cant be defined any clearer. I'm not trying to call you out but I'd rather you hear it here than get blasted somewhere else for it.

I should have been clearer. I said i consider myself straight because i've only been with women so far, so until i'm physically or emotionally involved with a man or a TS, i'll consider myself straight.

I don't agree with you labeling me as gay or bi, i thing ruby said it best.

ok now, the only person who can define one's sexuality is the individual themselves. I personally feel that trying to put things in boxes and labels, only tends to complicate things even more. WHAT U FEEL IS WHAT U ARE. str8 men see ts's... not as women... but whatt attracts them is the feminine appeal. A lot of guys question their sexuality because they think in terms of what SOCIETY would consider them to be, which is the wrong thing to do. SEX does not determine SEXUALITY! You see str8 guys who like dildo's harnesses enema's... among other things. Feels good to the body.... but what does that have to do with anything? Whether u like ts cock or not DOES NOT DETERMINE YOUR SEXUALITY! What does.... is feeling. Love.... which doesnt go towards the group, but the individual.

I am currently only attracted to the female form, if she has a cock then fine, i won't consider myself anything other than straight until i find men attractive. Then i'll update it to bi or bi-curious. But i don't think anyone should label other people.

Come on man. Honestly....if your open to a relationship with a man that makes you gay (bi considering you talk to females). That's like saying I masturbate to gay porn but since I haven't been with a man yet I'm not gay. I'm not blasting you for it but it sounds like your in denial.
3. Biology. an animal or plant that has the reproductive organs of both sexes.
4. a person sexually responsive or attracted to both sexes; ambisexual.

1. sexually attracted to both sexes [ant: heterosexual, homosexual]
2. having an ambiguous sexual identity

08-31-2007, 04:19 PM
okay, so from your reasoning you regard transsexuals as men then huh??

I also dont label myself bi or curious or whatever because males dont hold any interest for me.

The problem with BI sexual is that it only accounts for two types of sexuality, and its not that simple anymore.

Question, so if i start getting with FTM transsexuals am I bisexual then? Or still hetero because of there plumbing even though ever outward projection is male??

08-31-2007, 05:38 PM
The problem with BI sexual is that it only accounts for two types of sexuality, and its not that simple anymore.

Anymore? What is to say it ever was that simple?

Although notably less common than GID, true hermaphrodites have always existed. What do you suppose it would say about a straight guy if he fall in love with a girl whom in DNA and in genitalia, was neither male nor female?

Per the FtM reference, I agree completely with that point. I would kill to see some of these die hard "I am 100% gay if I like tgirls" guys try being in a relationship with a fully transitioned FtM. I think alot of these people haven't a clue what a transitioned FtM is and assume its "just a girl with short hair on, no boobs and guys clothes on" :roll:

08-31-2007, 07:08 PM
my two cents goes like this...if u have to ask then u are probably one...if u are trying to defend yourself to others then u are definitely one...

Hara_Juku Tgirl
08-31-2007, 07:11 PM
my two cents goes like this...if u have to ask then u are probably one...if u are trying to defend yourself to others then u are definitely one...

Haha :lol: Nicely put Pickles! ;)




09-01-2007, 02:08 AM
I think we are approaching the same point from different perspectives. Mine is that anyone can claim to be TS but words alone may not be enough, just like surgery alone may not. Its really a very subjective thing, trying to glean how someone else really feels inside.

Sorry I was not more clear: i did mean to indicate that I thought we were in agreement on the basic issues.

I think under any presently recognized defintions, its about how you feel or what you might desire to do, rather than what you say, or even actually do. Its a sliding scale and an imprecise one at best. Some might prefer to iuse the term transgender to differnentiate between those who have transitioned and those who have not, but it has become more of a catch all for all forms of alternative gender expression. But the terms CD and TV despite clear clincal definitions have become pejorative so they are commonly used as insults in this community. Under your example of racial terms, they actually used to have different ones for differing degrees of blackness ie mulatto, quadroon, octaroon etc. Thankfully, those have all fallen into disuse, most likley in recognition that persons of color, no matter the degree, have more in common than in opposition and are better served by being united. Maybe we will get there too within this community as well.

Defining can often just be dividing. Ultimately, i think you need to respect everyone regardless of labels, self applied or otherwise, and judge them on their conduct and their character.


Bolded areas are where I was trying to go.

09-02-2007, 11:48 AM
Come on man. Honestly....if your open to a relationship with a man that makes you gay (bi considering you talk to females). That's like saying I masturbate to gay porn but since I haven't been with a man yet I'm not gay. I'm not blasting you for it but it sounds like your in denial.
3. Biology. an animal or plant that has the reproductive organs of both sexes.
4. a person sexually responsive or attracted to both sexes; ambisexual.

1. sexually attracted to both sexes [ant: heterosexual, homosexual]
2. having an ambiguous sexual identity

You seem to have mis-read my post, i said that i am not attracted to men. Open to the prospect but as yet i don't find men attractive. Therefore by your definition i am not gay.

If wanting to be with (at some point just for the experience) a TS or a man makes be bisexual then fine you think of me that way. But until this event happens i will be straight.

09-02-2007, 04:18 PM
I love trannies (passable ones) and GGs. I chase them both. What does that make me?


09-03-2007, 07:03 PM
okay, so from your reasoning you regard transsexuals as men then huh??

I also dont label myself bi or curious or whatever because males dont hold any interest for me.

The problem with BI sexual is that it only accounts for two types of sexuality, and its not that simple anymore.

Question, so if i start getting with FTM transsexuals am I bisexual then? Or still hetero because of there plumbing even though ever outward projection is male??

No I don't regard transsexuals as men. Read my last 3 posts and you'd see that. I was trying to interpret what Felicia said. And IMO yes that makes you bi if you'd get with a FTM TS. I wouldn't fuck Buck and still claim to be str8.

09-03-2007, 07:08 PM
Come on man. Honestly....if your open to a relationship with a man that makes you gay (bi considering you talk to females). That's like saying I masturbate to gay porn but since I haven't been with a man yet I'm not gay. I'm not blasting you for it but it sounds like your in denial.
3. Biology. an animal or plant that has the reproductive organs of both sexes.
4. a person sexually responsive or attracted to both sexes; ambisexual.

1. sexually attracted to both sexes [ant: heterosexual, homosexual]
2. having an ambiguous sexual identity

You seem to have mis-read my post, i said that i am not attracted to men. Open to the prospect but as yet i don't find men attractive. Therefore by your definition i am not gay.

If wanting to be with (at some point just for the experience) a TS or a man makes be bisexual then fine you think of me that way. But until this event happens i will be straight.

LOL dude....I'm not criticizing you. All I'm saying is the attraction is all that has to be there for the same sex to make you bi. You don't have to commit any sexual acts. Every time you post you edit what you say to the point that it's a completely different statement so that's the reason I may have misunderstood what you meant to say.