View Full Version : Unable to watch porn if there a religious symbol in the scene?

03-04-2014, 10:26 PM
Now I'm not a religious person, actually far from it. However, I do consider myself a catholic, not a good catholic, but a catholic nonetheless. For some reason if in a porn scene there a religious symbol, it an automatic turn off and move on for me. Anyone have such religious view when it come to watching porn?

03-04-2014, 10:47 PM
i too consider myself a catholic but whenever i've stumbled across something that's meant to be offensive (religiously) i find it done in such an over-the-top manner it ends up not offending me.

a few examples were the italian porn that was filmed entirely inside a church. i see how this was meant to be blasphemous but if they made the story a little more subtle it probably have worked- instead they centered the whole thing around a priest fucking nuns inside the church so it just ended up being overkill.

belladonna also did a porn (i think it was called my ass is haunted) where she and others masturbated with crucifixes. imo, this didn't work either because nobody is going to watch a porn to be offended. people are watching porn to jerk off. so anyone that would be offended would just forward that scene to find something to jerk off to, and anyone not offended- well they'd do the same, because crucifixes aren't exactly a turn on...

03-05-2014, 12:42 AM
I was once baptized as catholic but then i gained common sense and self-awareness so religious imagery does not turn me off.

in fact, as someone that attended catholic school for the first 10 years of my academic life, i have certain fetishes related to nuns, fucking in a confessional booth, etc. There was a young nun that taught me math in 6th grade and i remember wanting to fuck her while she wore her habit and use her coif to wipe the cum from my dick.

now, more specifically to our genre, Chelsea Marie has that rosary tattooed on her chest and that's one hell of a turn on for me. i just want to tit fuck her and cum all over her chest.

here is an idea that probably would never come to fruition but i would love to see a "72 virgins" type scene where some "american infidel" fucked lots of tgirls in a turkish bazaar backdrop...ya know lifting their beekeeper suit up to find they are naked and erect, servicing them orally and anally. We could call it 1001 Cocks and every time the dude penetrated a new girl's butt, he would say open sesame and the girls could scream "sim sim sala bim" when they cum. it could work!!!

03-05-2014, 01:04 AM
It's funny you bring this up because last night I was watching a video with 3 T-Girls dressed up as nuns raping the hell out of some poor guy. I liked the video but I can't see why they had to dress up as nuns?

03-05-2014, 01:10 AM
but I can't see why they had to dress up as nuns?

my point exactly.

btw: i've never seen a porn where the buddha statue or hari krishna garments were used as part of the props or costume. and what would be the point? some iconography just does nothing to add to eroticism so it only servers to piss off a certain group of people. and to what end?

03-05-2014, 01:26 AM
my point exactly.

btw: i've never seen a porn where the buddha statue or hari krishna garments were used as part of the props or costume. and what would be the point? some iconography just does nothing to add to eroticism so it only servers to piss off a certain group of people. and to what end?

i think you are wrong because of people like me that are actually interested in such set ups.

one of the main ideas of porn is to fulfill fantasy..to show you what you can't or don't do in your normal every day life. i've never fucked a nun nor have i been fucked by a nun. i can tell you that i have had plenty of nun-related fantasies because they are a subset of women that i can't fuck. the russian curling team from the sochi olympics...they were some hot chicks...i had fantasies of fucking them too...its just fantasy.

if porn companies thought that there were enough dudes out there wanting to see a girl in a hari krishna uniform, they would film it.

the fact is that rule 34 applies and there are many many men that find christian imagery to be "forbidden fruit" therefore they will accept porn with it as a substitute.

03-05-2014, 02:05 AM
i think you are wrong because of people like me that are actually interested in such set ups.

i think you missed my point. i never said there aren't those whom are turned on, but they're are far more who will be turned off or pissed off.

there was actually a company called extreme associates that i supported even though their entire business model was to make this type of "taboo" themed porn, but they ended up folding because the number of people turned on was far outweighed by those that just didn't care or were offended by the stuff

03-05-2014, 02:09 AM
Can't say thought about it! :shrug

03-05-2014, 02:26 AM
I find religious imagery in porn a distraction. I am not really a religious person. (Not an organized religion anyway) It just brings up thoughts that take away from the porn experience I am seeking.

Ben in LA
03-05-2014, 03:12 AM
I was once baptized as catholic but then i gained common sense and self-awareness so religious imagery does not turn me off.

in fact, as someone that attended catholic school for the first 10 years of my academic life, i have certain fetishes related to nuns, fucking in a confessional booth, etc. There was a young nun that taught me math in 6th grade and i remember wanting to fuck her while she wore her habit and use her coif to wipe the cum from my dick.

Spot on. As one who attended a catholic school from K to 12, I know where you're coming from. I had one teacher - she had to be only 22 or 23 - who had just become a nun...and she was SMOKING hot. Later on in life I had dirty thoughts about her...and in them she never took off the habit.

Porn where a priest fucks a nun? No big deal.

Dino Velvet
03-05-2014, 03:16 AM
So voyeuristic in Bad Lieutenant.

03-05-2014, 06:03 AM
i think you missed my point. i never said there aren't those whom are turned on, but they're are far more who will be turned off or pissed off.

there was actually a company called extreme associates that i supported even though their entire business model was to make this type of "taboo" themed porn, but they ended up folding because the number of people turned on was far outweighed by those that just didn't care or were offended by the stuff

well the fact is that most porn is not taboo...most porn is really quite standard fair now since in 2014, people are more accepting of what was once taboo. so...that most porn does NOT include offensive material means that the market isn't that strong...so what little there is, is just fine by me.

03-05-2014, 01:30 PM
Yuck religion .

03-05-2014, 03:13 PM
Couldn't agree with you more, Liberty