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View Full Version : Idiot steals Cell Phone, the whole world watches.

06-22-2006, 05:21 AM
"""When my friend realized that she had left the Sidekick in the taxi she asked me to immediately send a message to the phone saying that we would give a reward for the phone. There was no response. After a day of waiting, she had to go to the store and spend over $300 on a new Sidekick. When she put her SIM card in, she saw that the person(s) that had taken the phone had not only signed on to AOL leaving their name and password in the phone, but they had taken pictures of themselves."


And lets not forget this classic line destined for internet folklore:

"Sashacristal8905: i got ball this is my adress 108 20 37 av corona come n do it iam give u the sidekick so I can hit you wit it"

I've seen better spelling in a craigslist ad.

06-22-2006, 08:07 AM
that is coo coo...kinda like when seinfeld got his car stolen and called his cell phone and the robbers answered and fulfilled their requests...

06-23-2006, 04:52 AM
I actually read that whole damned thing. :shock:


Shame the internet wasn't around when I was wrestling crooked cops and clerks of court in Brookline in 1977. :x

06-23-2006, 05:56 AM
LOL u know i read it 2.... But what Attracted me was How they was able 2 get all that info the person who found the phone. you know i have found many cell phones but I return them if there willing 2 pick them up. :-)

06-23-2006, 08:58 AM

06-23-2006, 09:50 AM
Evan, the page owner is a shemale fan himself, check his personal site http://www.evanwashere.com, he got some pictures

Heh, he has a nice set of Claudia in his models section. :D

06-28-2006, 08:54 PM
An update:

Arrest made, Sidekick recovered.

See the auction:

http://cgi.ebay.com/StolenSidekick-from-EvanWasHere-com-StolenSidekick_W0QQitemZ330001992063QQihZ014QQcate goryZ64355QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

Bid is up to $1k at this writing and T-Mobile has stated that they will match the bid, up to $5k, with a donation to a charity of Evan's choice.

07-14-2006, 02:14 AM
Enter: Me.

Well, arrests made, suits filed, the world watches and comments.

In the middle of the second auction (The first was scragged by eBay due to insufficient documentation that it was, indeed, a charity auction), I placed a bid. I wrestled with the concept of paying ten times the retail value for an electronic device that I probably would never use and determined that the world-wide publicity alone was worth the investment (Which, BTW, could be knocked off my taxes in at least two different, and legal, ways).

Then comes the auction end. I am outbid, by three seperate bidders. One wins the auction. Days pass. I bid on, and win, other auctions (It's how I do business).

Meanwhile, in Sidekickland, the top bidder bags on Evan. Turns out to be some snot-nosed, 14 YO dweeb in the UK with irresponsible 'rents that thinks it's cool to post fake bids in charity auctions. Personally, I hope Evan fries the bastard and that he loses eBay priveleges and gets hung by his balls in the town square.

Ordinary fucking people, I hate 'em. :x

So, he goes to the second highest bidder. *BUZZ!* Oh, sorry, Johnny, what's behind door number three?

*BUZZ!* Another bidder caves.

And so it comes to number four: Moi. :shock:

In a perfect world (Which this one most certainly never will be), it would be last year, when I was flush with cash, overrun with credit, and could easily have said "Cash, check or charge?" without batting an eyelash.

Unfortunately, it is =this= year where I am strapped for cash, leaning on tight credit, and waiting for stale investments (No loss, but no gain) to break loose and the money I had last week (When I bid on the Sidekick) has gone elsewhere this week. :roll:

I am so...fucking...embarrassed. And it's not even my fault. :x

I'm making calls, calling in favors, leaning on clients that owe me (Who are having their own fiscal woes), and hoping PayPal will boost my credit limit, but it doesn't look good at the mo'. Though I am not =required= to accept the offer and make the purchase (The eBay "Second Chance Offer" allows a seller to ping under-bidders if they have another item that is similar or if the initial top-bidder fails to complete the deal, however, it is not a "Won" auction, per se, and doesn't affect the seller or buyer's Feedback/reputation), it appears that, out of 79 (Seventy-nine) bids, mine may have been the only one that was legit.

People suck. Have I said that before? And they don't swallow. :evil:

Yet, there's a principle thing, which is what the whole Sidekick scenario was about. I pushed the button, made the bid (A significant portion of which, plus a match of the total bid from T-Mobile, is going to a children's/family charity) and while I didn't get the (Initial) winning bid, I feeel obligated to complete.

Let us not forget the valuable "Fifteen minutes of fame" included with the purchase.

Not to mention the fact that Evan will most likely blog on my ass =AND= badmouth me to Claudia. I don't give a rat's patoot about my public image (See Delawhere gubenatorial race of 2000), but I'd have my panties torqued up a bit if one of the gurls was pissed at me for reasons beyond my control. :frustrated

Feh. :angry







Hot T-gurl picture posts? (Hey, I can dream)

07-14-2006, 02:31 AM
Damn, B1, sorry to hear you have had such a shitty experience. As a general rule, I stay away from Ebay. Talk about a den of iniquity.


07-14-2006, 02:40 AM
Damn, B1, sorry to hear you have had such a shitty experience. As a general rule, I stay away from Ebay. Talk about a den of iniquity.


Heh. Tell me about it. Their "Threats of Bodily Harm" link was inspired by my own experience of having been threatened by a biider that wasn't satisfied when I didn't =instantly= reply to his email at 3 AM.

People suck.

Oops, I already said that, didn't I? :P

Not really a 'shitty experience' though, just...an embarrassment of riches? I dunno, it's just bad timing, overall. I want to make good on this thing (The bid was sincere - At the time) and it's just bad form to shortchange the charity.

I'll be emailing Evan over the weekend to hash out some sort of arrangement (As I'm sure the phalanx of other bidders hasn't the cajones to step to the fore on this).

People suck.

Oops. Said that again, didn't I?