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View Full Version : Warning - fake 20 pound notes.!!!!!!

01-17-2014, 03:44 AM
i was at my TS friends place tonight in Birmingham city centre when a client called for a booking.
she let him in and both went into the bedroom.
she then came into the living room, where i am, and put the money on the side.
i checked the amount so i could see if the guy was staying half an hour, or an hour.
there was 4 twenty notes, and they were fake.
Brilliant fakes i might add, i thought i was seeing things.
it was the feel that gave it away,
The paper felt slightly flat on the queens face, but all the silver stiff was on them. water mark was there, the lot.
so i checked them against one of my twentys.
then it was obvious, the water mark is there, but not as clear.
also the queens face is slightly darker.
i went into the bedroom and confronted the client, he was just getting started , lying there naked waiting for his good time.
he was given back his fakes and was told to leave.
he played a big story how he didnt know, blah blah blah.....

now, youve got to get up early to catch me out, the guy knew exactly what he was doing.

so two things -
1-To all the working girls out there, check all notes you are given. for sure, there are hundreds in circulation.
2- To the slimy bastards trying to pass these notes onto working girls, dont be so fucking low ripping off people and using their bodies you filthy bastards.
if you want to try a tgirl without your wife knowing, pay her properly.
They dont exactly enjoy it.

sukumvit boy
01-17-2014, 04:34 AM
Oh ,shit. Do they look like this? Oh well.

01-17-2014, 05:00 AM
Thanks for the info.
Here in London sometimes the girls are complain from the same.

They try to check the money, but sometimes the fake is so good that it is almost impossible to tell the difference.

May be with this money marker pen ?

01-17-2014, 05:03 AM
A £20 note in Brum - no wonder you were suspicious.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

01-17-2014, 05:23 AM
Police Issue Fake £20 Note Warning In Shrewsbury

Police have issued a warning to Shrewsbury shopkeepers to be watchful for fake £20 notes after three counterfeit notes were found.
Sergeant Keith Steele said shops and businesses should be aware that fake notes were circulating.
A man used fake “Clydesdale” £20 notes with the same serial number to buy goods from Iceland Foods on Brixton Way on two occasions, yesterday and on Sunday. A similar note was used at the Village Chippy on Monkmoor Road.
Sergeant Steele said: “Local shops and businesses should be alert to the fact that forged £20 notes are in circulation and to take appropriate precautions.”

Issued: Tuesday, 07 January 2014


Ben in LA
01-17-2014, 06:01 AM
I hope these don't pop up when I get my winnings in Las Vegas this weekend! Oh, wait...

01-17-2014, 06:20 AM
Police Issue Fake £20 Note Warning In Shrewsbury

Police have issued a warning to Shrewsbury shopkeepers to be watchful for fake £20 notes after three counterfeit notes were found.
Sergeant Keith Steele said shops and businesses should be aware that fake notes were circulating.
A man used fake “Clydesdale” £20 notes with the same serial number to buy goods from Iceland Foods on Brixton Way on two occasions, yesterday and on Sunday. A similar note was used at the Village Chippy on Monkmoor Road.
Sergeant Steele said: “Local shops and businesses should be alert to the fact that forged £20 notes are in circulation and to take appropriate precautions.”

Issued: Tuesday, 07 January 2014


If they're Scottish notes over £5 you're not obliged to accept them, but forging Scottish notes is otherwise a smart move for distribution south of the border.

01-17-2014, 07:48 AM
Damn, I was going to ask if I could have one to put with my $5000 Cumberland Farms money order that I got in the mail from Benin, Africa. Because, you know, Cumberland Farms has so many stores in Benin.

01-17-2014, 11:49 AM
@ dark rose . Held up to the light the queens head watermark is not great and the £20 white water mark above her head is not there.

01-17-2014, 12:05 PM
I had that situation once ,when i was in london to a shop the guy tould me the money are fake,i was so embarrased front of people.i tould to the guy i dint know and that i am an escort so the guy showed me how to recognise fake nots from real ones.Yes we have to be so carefully .My opinion is when we have fake notes to call the police straight away they will gonna get in big shit.thats why i always take money up front and check them first if they are real or not.

01-17-2014, 09:04 PM
An update for all working girls.
The guy passing the fake notes was Asian , about 6ft and the last six numbers of the mobile he used was 355920.
Anyone needing the first 5 numbers can send me a PM.
Be careful .

01-17-2014, 11:27 PM
If they're Scottish notes over £5 you're not obliged to accept them, but forging Scottish notes is otherwise a smart move for distribution south of the border.

That is true. Most places will accept them if they are Royal Bank of Scotland or Bank of Scotland notes. If they are Clydesdale most places will refuse to take them, due to copies of them.

For Scottish Notes myself, I've never had a issue with using them in England or Wales, same people might get fussy (Due to not being able to give as change)