View Full Version : Transexual Performer Jennifer Tests HIV Positive

Johnny Cocksville
05-05-2004, 02:26 AM
Atranssexual named Jennifer tested positive for HIV 4/30/04, and was confirmed by AIM Healthcare by PCR DNA today. According to Sharon Mitchell, last negative test was on 02/24/04, and it is believed that she did not work a great deal since then. It is believed that Jennifer worked a few jobs after her last negative test results came in, then went to New York. Sharon Mitchell is currently working on a new quarantine list with Jennifer’s agent, a man named Antonio, and believes she will have an accurate list by this afternoon.

The current HIV crisis has brought a wave of people into AIM to be tested that we don’t see very often and are not part of the regular, working industry. The fear still remains that some performers who don’t usually come in might begin to turn up HIV positive, people who do not work direct with the porn community, as evidenced by this current detection.

“ If it turns out that we have turned up an unrelated case not arising out of the original circumstances that motivated the quarantine it is not necessarily evidence of wide spread infection or exposure in the talent pool or a cause for panic,” said Chairman of the Board of AIM, Ira Levine. “ It is more likely a result that the current wave of publicity has generated a great deal of testing activity among people who are not regular players in the industry.”

At that point new Q Lists might need to be created and critics of AIM, whose distorted understanding of the industries testing policies, will probably begin to howl about the failure of the system, even as it continues to do what it was designed to do, head off further infections and continue containment.

05-05-2004, 02:28 AM
wow. I saw that in the other post, but there wasn't a picture. Isn't that the same Jennifer from Transsexual Prostitutes 25?

Johnny Cocksville
05-05-2004, 02:52 AM
yep, she was on shemalestrokers.com too. All her on screen scenes were with condoms so I imagine she got it off camera

05-05-2004, 02:54 AM
She's also on Joanna Jet's newest Jet Set 5. Without a condom it appears! :o

05-05-2004, 03:23 AM
Actually she shot for anabolic with 2 males WITHOUT condoms and that was her last shoot in February and she tested Negative this past week. And the two males she shot with both have tested twice since and they are both NEGATIVE so its looking like it came from "outside" the industry, whatever that is worth.


NOTE: JOanna Jet is one of VERY few transsexual directors that REQUIRE a test to work for her, Jet Set 5 was shot last year I think around September or October therefore she would have had to be negative at that time to shoot for JOanna,,again Joanna proves why she is one of the BEST

05-05-2004, 04:08 AM
ok guys, lemme ask a real dumb question. Why the fuck is anyone making porn, particularly tranny porn, without condoms? How can anyone be turned on by watching people have uncovered sex? There's even a topic on this site that brags about Vikie having sex without a condom.

05-05-2004, 05:34 AM
I'm with you Flabby. There just is no need for it - and it gives the wrong impression to impressionables.

Vicki Richter
05-05-2004, 05:34 AM
Sigh... I guess it is because some people like it. I have always had a current test for my shoots.

What you fail to realize is while this totally sucks, every indication is she got it off camera. Again, you are attacking the porn industry when it wasn't at fault here. I would blame the escorting industry for almost all HIV cases among transsexuals. I don't know Jennifer, and I don't know that she was an escort. The point is you can't go blaming tranny porn on what happened. That is guilt by association.

Anabolic, who shoots without condoms, requires both performers to test within ~ 2-3 days of the shoot. That is about the safest sex 2 non-committed total strangers will ever have. Both the other performers have subsequently tested negative.

People are excitable by this right now because it is bringing HIV public and making people realize it is out there still...

I respect where you are coming from. But you can also ask, why does porn shoot facial cum shots or bare-back bj's. Those things can expose someone to HIV as well. Does that turn you off also? Maybe all pop shots shouldn't be on the girls skin because she might have an open pimple. Condoms or whatever, you are always playing the odds.

Yes anal sex is much riskier... but if you review the story, the testing process did exactly what it was supposed to have here. It caught an issue before it caused more of an issue and it has done that consistently for many years.


05-05-2004, 06:07 AM
I'm with Vicky. People cause this, not the porn industry. If I fall in love and make a committment, we get tested and then have sex without condoms, there's no problem. but if I start screwing around behind her back without precaution, I put us both at risk.

People are lead to believe that porn people are sleazy, but the testing policy can technically be 100% effective. It's the very small fractional percentage of people that ruin it.

There are currently clubs popping up that operate like dating services that use testing. Each time you sign on for another date you are tested. Not perfect but it makes safer than going general public.

I don't see why Tranny porn is any different than other porn. Unless someone is making the assumption that Transgender persons are of less character than non-transgenders. But I'll leave that one to Mega.

05-05-2004, 06:17 AM
Come on Vicky, the chances of catching HIV from oral or facial "bukkake" style shots are minimal and only if you have an open cut/sore. That's not really a good enough argument.
I know you're far more educated than I am on the window periods and such for testing and catching but I still don't think enough is known - or enough trust can be placed in individuals before or during the shoot.
My argument isn't for tranny porn to be condomed - it's for all porn to be that way for penatrative sex, it cuts the risks massively and gives the right message out to everyone fucking around for fun.

05-05-2004, 07:21 AM
Seanchi is right.

There has never been one documented case of HIV transmission through oral sex. That is a fact. Even if you believe so, the risk are extremely mininal.

I have to diasagree and blame escorting for the tranmission of HIV and other STD's. All girls who I know who escort are extremely careful with condom use. I have been an escort for years and I have always used condoms. I always use condoms on shoots, test or no test. Why? Because a condom further reduces any risk. There are multiple stds besides HIV which are much easier transmitted.

Question? Does AIM test for the HPV virus (commonly known as genital warts) for adult performers? It is believed that one in 5 people have the HPV virus and though it is not fatal, or extremely dangerous it is very easily transmitted. Some people are carriers but show no warts. What about Hepatitis C? Hepatitis C is 1000 times easier to transmit than HIV.

The point is the industry has to size up with the reality that no medicine or test is abosolute. Condoms are a MUST. Yes product might sell better without condoms, but I have never heard anyone complain about my shoots with condoms. The fact is, this is the world we live in.

I will bet you a good dollar that these people have contracted these infections through their own personal sexual experiences and not while filming. Hello!!! People contract HIV all the time who are not in the porn, escorting, or adult business. People are out in nightclubs all over the world meeting people and fucking casually without condoms folks.
ESPECIALLY YOUNGER PEOPLE. People get drunk, get high and do things they don't remember or with impaired judgement.

I have even seen these bareback websites were people place ads on there to have unprotected sex with others. Even trannies have ads on there. In fact, I would mention names but I respect others privacy.

The fact is these things will happen. People will get STD's. Anyone who has sex is at risk. If you don't want to risk anything then abstain. Simple as that.
The no condom industry was living in a bubble. They had been very lucky until now. They thought they were all "clean" (as I ave heard it reffered to) because they were tested. Hmm, did you know there are people who are HIV positive and can then test negative if their viral load is low enough? I think people in the industry have to be responsible to give out the right messages and promote the same safer sexual practices that everyone preaches.

05-05-2004, 01:34 PM
8) hmm ive sat out & read what other people have wrote on these hiv/aids subjects recently. Im no medical expert or porn performer so i wont argue with anyone on viral loads etc... but ive seen first through distant (ie not blood related to me) family members what this terrible disease & related illnesses can do ...from a slow painful death over a number of years to a one minute your fine, next your dead within a couple of months.

To me it all comes down to self-respect or lack of it.... if your willing either through your work or your personal life to take such risks ... your playing russian roulette with your health & its only a matter of time before it catches up with you.

I ain't labelling this at any gender male, female, straight, gay, bi, trans whatever & its thru' all bullshit ignorance from way back in the 80's (the gay disease etc), thats it rocketing up...... South Africa especially is having a horrendeous time with hiv/aids at the moment.... but its so easy to lay blame at the porn/escorting industries.

Like Allanah said in a nutshell its thru' sheer stupidty that people are going out getting drunk/drugged up & not remembering what they've done (cant speak for the us..... being in the uk..... but i see it all time when im out) kids of 16-21 in the pubs/clubs not necessarily going out with the sole intention .... but we all lose our inhabitions or we get caught up in the moment... then it could be too late.

Im now 28 & currently enjoying being single right now, currently going thru' job changes etc... but i can honestly say i aint never had unprotected sex, even when in long-term relationships all gg's, mainly because of the pregnancy apsect i dont want a family yet... nothing to do with being promiscuous on either side. When i meet someone new the, sex history of both parties takes over, so its my health. These are very obvious things but it seems to me, these are the things people are forgetting.

Now I know some of you will think I'm one of the biggest wimps on this board now, ... & to that I'll say I'm healthy & I will always be

Vicki Richter
05-05-2004, 05:15 PM
You are saying I have no self respect because I will work with other performers without a condom in the same manner that straight performers work without condoms? That is lame. I've already shown that testing has resulted in a 99.997% effectiveness rate in transmission of HIV within the adult entertainment industry (performer to performer).

Allanah and Senchai have some good points as did the last guy. You all have your opinions and I respect that. I'm not a risky person in my personal life, but I belive in equality in my work. If I work with a GG, why do I have to use a condom while Tom/Dick/Harry porno stud does not - when I have the same test as they do? It's because to mainstream society sees us as homosexual men. Fuck that. Wow I can have a sex change and a little more face work and have condomless gang bangs with 30 guys and everyone in the straight world thinks that's OK... even sexy! Am I saying we should be doing that? No... but I am setting expectations that we are treated fairly and like other performers.

The transsexual adult industry either does or doesn't want to rise above the homosexual male industry. This is about equality for me. Nothing more, nothing less. If the straight industry goes all condoms, although I do believe in their testing practices, I will be the first to step off this soap box.


05-05-2004, 05:30 PM
You know.. I think the buttom line is these are our bodies and we should be able to do what we want with them.

I never consider anyone who does not use condoms dirty , its just a personal choice. But, I do think if people choose not to use condoms they have to accept the possibe, even if mininal risks. That is what is really madening about alot of the adult press. I think alot of people in the industry are undecucated when it comes to their sexual health. They assume that because there is a negative test this stuff cant happen. Again, the way to be 100t safe is not have sex. This unfortunately can be an occupation haphzard for us.

There are condom only st8 comapnies, so I don't know if it means that they think of us as homosexuals but I guess that is bound to happen.

05-05-2004, 05:53 PM
Vicki I adore you and your views on YOUR life and how you always are intelligent and NOT vain when you try to voice them. I totally agree that society looks upon our lifestyle with a magnifying glass when it comes to such issues therefore people either conform or do what they feel is right for their life. I personally havent done a bareback scene but if it was offered and the person had the same papers as I would do it.

We are at risk whether its TONS of surgery, escorting, porn industry or just being a transsexual today but I will NOT let fear run and or dictate how I conduct my life.

I am in NO way saying we should sweep the issue under the rug but we should remember how it could affect his or her life.

Who knows what is going to happen, we can only sit back and hope that these few cases wont cause some mass hysteria about the industry.


05-05-2004, 08:17 PM
Your point "it's our bodies and we should do what we want with them" is agreeable Alannah. However, when working in an industry where the producers rule, it becomes "it's our bodies and the producers do what they want with them".
The main thing most people are overlooking here, not on this board but on this whole topic is the producers who are demanding this work. A lot of the responsibility lies with the producer who had asked a US performer to go bareback in Brazil for a scene? The last porn industry HIV scare was started here when John "Buttman" Stagliano got HIV from unprotected sex in Brazil.

Vicki I more than respect yours and Joanna's views on getting the TS porn industry on the same level as the "straight" industry but I think relying on testing and other peoples integrity is still putting yourselves at a higher risk for little gain. I don't many people are buying your tapes based on "no condom" scenes - they're buying it based on you as performers.

05-05-2004, 10:33 PM
Another positive will be announced today by AIM.


It's rumored to be Miss Arroyo. She is on the 1st generation quarantine list. Meaning she worked with Darren James in the 2-3 week period between his last negative test and his subsequent positive test.
Unfortunately there will probably be more to come, there are something like 8-10 girls on that list, 3 now have tested +.
I can only imagine what the other 6 or 7 girls on that list are thinking right now and how they are dealing with it.

Vicki Richter
05-05-2004, 11:02 PM
After reading Wendy's and Allanah's comments, I am convinced that we have the most articulate and intelligent shemales in the world right here in this little community. I am not vain in saying that, but everyone is rational here and really this is a debate, not a mindless rant. There's more to these girls than tits and bootie. :P

As always I have appreciation for everyone's views as long as they aren't personally insulting to me or my gender.



Vicki Richter
05-05-2004, 11:10 PM
Another positive will be announced today by AIM.


It's rumored to be Miss Arroyo. She is on the 1st generation quarantine list. Meaning she worked with Darren James in the 2-3 week period between his last negative test and his subsequent positive test.
Unfortunately there will probably be more to come, there are something like 8-10 girls on that list, 3 now have tested +.
I can only imagine what the other 6 or 7 girls on that list are thinking right now and how they are dealing with it.

That is incredibly sad and extremely scarey. Putting that into context, it does make one realize that the testing system has flaws. It has been extremely successful in the past, and I think that can continue, but part of my argument all along has been that a lot of the genetic females are doing bareback anal or double anal. It is just as risky for them as for a transsexual. <begin broken record> I want equality and to feel like I am treated like genetic girls in the industry and not some dirty creature just because I was born different. </end broken record>

Maybe shemale porn could rise above and have testing and condom use. I feel less comfortable having condom only sex with someone who I had no knowledge of their status than I do with someone tested clean. That may be backwards, but it's just how I think. Someone bitched at me for not taking facials in my gang bang vid... While many did, some of those guys didn't have tests. It may be safe to have HIV squirt in your mouth and on your face, but I wasn't going to take that chance either. A shot to the eye is supposedly just as infectious as anything.


05-05-2004, 11:46 PM
Miss Arroyo's + status is now official:


Of the 3 genetic girls that have tested positive, Miss Arroyo and Lara Coxx both did anal, double anal, anal cream pies, or a combination of all three in their scenes. Jessica Dee I'm not sure of, I'm pretty sure anal was involved.
There is a girl by the name of Kayla Marie that is on the 1st generation list, she worked with Darren James TWICE on different dates about a week apart in that same extremely high risk period as these other 3 girls did and she has so far escaped unscathed. However, she did an anal creampie in her scene with Darren and she's due to be re-tested May 8, hopefully her luck continues but the odds look like they are against her.
Skylar Banks is another girl that did a cream pie in her scene with Darren (hers was a pussy cream pie), she's also due to be re-tested on the 8th.

I'm somewhat conflicted on the whole condom issue.
I refuse to watch "straight" porn that has condoms, I just can't watch it, ruins it for me.
But I don't mind watching t-girl movies that use condoms. I prefer to watch those that are non-condom like the latest volumes of the Shemale Samba Mania series and Red Light District's My Girlfriend's Cock series, those are automatic buys for me, but a t-girl movie that has condoms doesn't bother me as long as all the girls can get good wood and keep it.
Maybe it's because back in the 80's-early 90's even the non-condom t-girl movies sucked pretty bad. Then Joey over at Evil Angel started shooting his shemale series and it was a whole new ballgame. The girls all had HARD cocks thorughout the entire scene, in every scene. He still shoots the best stuff out there.
What I'm saying is that when the t-girl genre of movies got good, condom use in them was already established. It's not like that in straight porn and that's why a lot of people are against mandatory condoms in straight porn, the viewers because they aren't used to seeing it, and the companies because they are afraid they won't sell as much product anymore, and they are probably right.

05-06-2004, 01:45 AM
Hi all,

I am late coming in to this discussion but was glad that it allowed me to read so many compelling and thoughtful posts on this thread.

First up, I shot Jennifer with Lena Ramone for Shemale Jet-Set 5 last October. At the time, Jennifer did not have the required tests and whenever this situation arises, I not only demand the tests but, unusally for the industry, pay for them too.
Once both performers were on set, the paperwork was put out on a table for both to see. In addition, contrary to the post made earlier, condoms were used in that scene.

Second, I do scenes both with and without condoms. The decision to go without or not is solely my own and is based on who I am working with, who I am working for and on the type of activities to be performed in the scene.

Next, I do not believe porn should be forced into condom-only as this will drive a large chunk of the industry underground and will then no longer be able to benefit from the substantial risk reduction that comes from regular standardised centralised testing with early detection and containement.

Finally, I have been in regular contact with AVN over Jennifer's unfortunate life changing circumstances and the one piece of good news that has come of this is that having been an AIM tested performer, she unequivocaly qualified for the recently formed Jenna Jameson trust.
At least one part of the industry has accepted transsexuals as equals but it is heartwrenching that it had to be on these terms.

Yours, thoughtfully,

Joanna Jet

Vicki Richter
05-06-2004, 02:57 AM
See what I mean about the most intelligent shemales posting here? Of course I am jaded ;-)

Joanna - I hope all is well with you in Europe!



05-06-2004, 03:22 AM
I just saw a movie, I think the names transexual prostitutes 23 or something close to that name! its a gia darling movie.
The first scene is with alanah starr and a bald headed guy,but the second scene is with a brazilian ts and a male companion, they were doing
penetration and oral without a condom.
The other scenes with a.starr and the others ts they had safe sex(condoms)
I was very surprise to see the actors not using protection at all.
No wonder the porn industry has problems!

05-08-2004, 03:37 AM
I stand corrected on the Jet Set 5 condomless shoot. I should have said IIRC, but alas Joanna knows much better than I. Sorry :(
This has to be one of the best forums out here. To have all of these viewpoints expressed so intellignetly. Thanks to all.

05-08-2004, 04:15 AM
This fucker should be blacklisted and banned from ever performing in movies again. And Sin City should be fuckin' ashamed of themselves for letting this prick loose in the Czech Republic. One of the girls that was infected by Darren James is from there (Jessica Dee).
Here's the link:


05-08-2004, 12:11 PM
Hi all,

What really gets me fired up is when broad sweeping statements or personal attacks are made without the author having taken the time to consider their words.

In the last few posts, I have seen instances of this.

For example the comment "No wonder the porn industry has problems!" Why does the industry have problems? Because there is reference to a scene that includes a transsexual? a Brazilian? a man? no condoms? or all of the above?
Regardless, to suggest a problem exists because of a category is narrow-minded and just goes to fuel stereotypes and prejudice. Even under current events, there is such a person as a Brazilian transsexual (or man or woman for that matter) who does not suffer from HIV or other STDs.

And when quoting the source of discussion, it helps if it is accurate. As Gia Darling does not shoot for any other label but her own for more than 3 years, the product title could not have been Transsexual Prostitutes from Devil's films.

Next up is Sin City and the blame they have received in a recent post for sending Darren James to the Czech Republic. This was definitely not the case. While Jessica Dee is most certainly Czech, it does not immediately infer that she was working in her home country. When she was infected, as currently believed, by Darren James, she was on a LA porn set where she has been working for the last 2 years.

And whilst Darren James could certainly be called foolish, naive or inconsiderate, the use of the word "fucker" is nothing more than derogatory and serves no other purpose. There are plenty of other meaningful terms that can be used for someone that has to live the remainder of their life with a conscience to remind them of the suffering they have imparted on others.

Please do not fuel flames with inaccuracies. It helps no-one but often harms many.


Joanna Jet

05-08-2004, 02:07 PM
i mean are the risks really worth the rewards....all considering a girl might get between$1500 and 2000 for a shoot, combined with the fact that most people have very short careers in porn...the producers are the ones that are making all the money....the companies are the ones asking for unprotected sex(not the performers), cause that is what the public really wants to see or is in demand for....the directors and companies are the ones getting rich..i dont know why people think porn is sooo glamourous..its not gonna be your big break into mainstream hollywood or anything...i mean if it took the porn industry crisis for you to start thinking about hiv, then thats a very scary thought..... just respect yourself,and your partners.because sex is just a small part of what we do in our everyday lives, on a grand scale...ok im starting to ramble so im done , lol

05-08-2004, 06:15 PM
I think you're the one that should check their facts.
Did you read the AVN link that I supplied in my post? It had nothing to do with Darren James. I feel bad for Darren, once he found out had HIV he acted responsibly and stopped doing scenes.
Jay Ashley (not Darren James) is the one that's over in the Czech Republic and was sent there by Sin City.
This asshole (Jay Ashley) is on the quarantine list of performers that should NOT be working because they may have been exposed to the virus in this latest outbreak. He's now in the Czech Republic shooting scenes and quite possible infecting people, that to me makes him a piece of shit, and anyone that defends him.
Try READING a post before you decide it isn't based on facts.

05-08-2004, 11:21 PM

I stand corrected as yes I did not read the relevant link, this being based on the rather poor assumption that the post alone would be clear enough in it's message to offer a reply.

One last point, I take a great effort at giving replies that challenge the message, not the author. I would therefore suggest in the future when replying to my posts that you do the same please.
As a example, "Try READING a post before you decide it isn't based on facts." comes across much better as something along the lines of "It is also a good idea for a post to be fully read before deciding it is not based on facts".

After all, how do YOU like it when sometime tells YOU in CAPS that YOU are incorrect. Not very conducive to creating a healthy debate is how I see it.

With respect if not regards,

Joanna Jet

ps, please feel free to lay into me personally some more if you wish as I am now going to be offline for a few days and will not be in a position to be offended by it.

05-09-2004, 02:13 AM
I didn't mean to jump on you like I did.
I just get upset when I hear about people like Jay Ashley who possibly put other peoples lives at risk just for a few bucks.

Vicki Richter
05-10-2004, 09:36 AM
This fucker should be blacklisted and banned from ever performing in movies again. And Sin City should be fuckin' ashamed of themselves for letting this prick loose in the Czech Republic. One of the girls that was infected by Darren James is from there (Jessica Dee).
Here's the link:


Yay! I get to do more enlightening... The actor who went overseas apparently had a written clearance from the head of AIM to begin performing again. Per my source, Sin City isn't at fault... AIM jumped the gun on the approval for the individual to start working. The performers were planning a big press release when they return to the states showing the documentation from AIM giving him the go ahead to work.

Vicki Richter
05-10-2004, 10:10 AM
i mean are the risks really worth the rewards....all considering a girl might get between$1500 and 2000 for a shoot, combined with the fact that most people have very short careers in porn...the producers are the ones that are making all the money....the companies are the ones asking for unprotected sex(not the performers), cause that is what the public really wants to see or is in demand for....the directors and companies are the ones getting rich..i dont know why people think porn is sooo glamourous..its not gonna be your big break into mainstream hollywood or anything...i mean if it took the porn industry crisis for you to start thinking about hiv, then thats a very scary thought..... just respect yourself,and your partners.because sex is just a small part of what we do in our everyday lives, on a grand scale...ok im starting to ramble so im done , lol

Think of the tens of thousands of porn performers who have gotten through their career unscathed by any terminal diseases... What you are saying is sensationalism just like what we are hearing from the media. How many people have gotten HIV through blood transfusions? A lot more than in the porn industry. I mean I have printed REAL statistics... unrefutable statistics... and I keep hearing about this terrible risk that has never manifested itself as a terrible problem in the adult film business. It is an issue. Yes. Some safety items should be instituted yes. Requiring condoms is not the answer.

Our society is so fucked up... 40 people have tied in incidents involving Tasers. (you know those new fancy stun guns)... Basically, there is no proof that the people died from the Taser, but they all happened to be alive and kicking shortly before they got zapped... That is 40 innocent til proven guilty people zapped by law enforcement who died shortly thereafter... maybe just for protesting animal rights... And we have 4 or 5 people in the adult industry get infected with HIV (which is terrible mind you), but are living, and everyone is (even peolpe who like porn) up in arms about it. Doesn't this sound like people being human sheep who eat, breathe, and sleep what the media tell them to? Porn... bad/evil/wrong ... Law enforcement.... good/safe/happy. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

Oh and don't act like many of the female/male talent aren't doing great. I worked with a genetic girl today who drives a 2004 Mercedes SL 500 - $89,000 car - and lives in a $700k house... I know another genetic girl making average $20-$30k/yr from her web site.... and another girl making between $200-300k/yr from films. And the female pornstar feature dancers??? Forget it... $10k/week for dancing on the road with a solid resume and a good agent.

You have many male talent guys making $10k/mo from fucking... This may be a rich industry for the people at the top, but don't tell me it doesn't get passed down to the talent and production staff. The performers aren't victims of the machine, they are part of the machine.


Vicki Richter
05-10-2004, 10:11 AM
I think you're the one that should check their facts.
Did you read the AVN link that I supplied in my post? It had nothing to do with Darren James. I feel bad for Darren, once he found out had HIV he acted responsibly and stopped doing scenes.
Jay Ashley (not Darren James) is the one that's over in the Czech Republic and was sent there by Sin City.
This asshole (Jay Ashley) is on the quarantine list of performers that should NOT be working because they may have been exposed to the virus in this latest outbreak. He's now in the Czech Republic shooting scenes and quite possible infecting people, that to me makes him a piece of shit, and anyone that defends him.
Try READING a post before you decide it isn't based on facts.

Well... Your post wasn't actually based on "facts" either... Just the assumptions of the authors. :P

05-10-2004, 06:34 PM
AVN and AIM have some sort of close relationship, I don't know why that is, but they do and that's a fact. They are like two peas in a pod. If AVN reports on something concerning AIM you can bet that it's going to be accurate. Jay Ashey is on the sceond generation quarntine list, that means he's not supposed to have sex with ANYONE for up to 60 days, he obviously isn't following the quarantine. Who cares if he's got a current test that shows he's negative, it could take two months for it to show up in his blood, that's why they have a quarantine.
But I truly don't think that matters anymore anyway, AIM's paperwork don't mean shit anywhere other than LA after this fiasco.
People don't trust them abroad, they have made major mistakes throughout this mess. Leaving people off the list that should be on it, putting people on it that shouldn't.
But what do you expect when you have a former heroin junkie ex-whore that isn't even a real doctor parading around as one going on CNN and making a fool of herself.
Sharon Mitchell isn't even a medical doctor, she got her "human sexuality degree" in a strip mall in 48 hours, what a joke.
No wonder the Europeans are scared shitless to touch an American now.
I know without AIM the industry would be in a bad place, they are needed. But they need someone qualified running that place, they ought to get their house in order and find a real medical doctor to run it, not some heroin junkie new age tantric sex expert.

05-10-2004, 07:30 PM
well as far as the money aspect for a paid performance i was only talking about transsexual porn not normal str8 porn. and those figures are accurate 4 i have 1st hand knowledge of this(and i know neive girls get paid even less, lol).im not judging anyone since i would be a biggot cause my gf is in the adult entertainment industry.what u do with your body is your buisness.personally i could care less what happens in the porn industry.i just watch the tapes, lol... its not my life . i wouldnt do it raw in a movie or with my girlfriend, regardless ,but hey its just me. i look out for myslef first and its what anyone should do regardless of their decisions.

Vicki Richter
05-10-2004, 09:56 PM
AVN and AIM have some sort of close relationship, I don't know why that is, but they do and that's a fact. They are like two peas in a pod. If AVN reports on something concerning AIM you can bet that it's going to be accurate. Jay Ashey is on the sceond generation quarntine list, that means he's not supposed to have sex with ANYONE for up to 60 days, he obviously isn't following the quarantine. Who cares if he's got a current test that shows he's negative, it could take two months for it to show up in his blood, that's why they have a quarantine.
But I truly don't think that matters anymore anyway, AIM's paperwork don't mean shit anywhere other than LA after this fiasco.
People don't trust them abroad, they have made major mistakes throughout this mess. Leaving people off the list that should be on it, putting people on it that shouldn't.
But what do you expect when you have a former heroin junkie ex-whore that isn't even a real doctor parading around as one going on CNN and making a fool of herself.
Sharon Mitchell isn't even a medical doctor, she got her "human sexuality degree" in a strip mall in 48 hours, what a joke.
No wonder the Europeans are scared shitless to touch an American now.
I know without AIM the industry would be in a bad place, they are needed. But they need someone qualified running that place, they ought to get their house in order and find a real medical doctor to run it, not some heroin junkie new age tantric sex expert.

Well actually your statement isn't true again. It doesn't take two months. If it did, the testing in the industry just wouldn't work. The PCR DNA detects within two weeks. The 60 days was not originally a mandate, it was a suggestion, and was not being enforced by AIM until recently. They have been critisized for that. From what I understand, the paperwork the performer will show should have some approval from Sharon Mitchell at AIM for him to go ahead and work.

Again, more information on the testing.


"The PCR (polymearase chain reaction) test tests for the HIV inhibitor itself (the disease) and through an amplification process, HIV can be detected just after about 2 weeks (give or take a day or two). We screen the Adult Industry by this test every month. It has become the standard used in the adult entertainment industry in the USA and you can thank AIM for that."

As far as your comments on Sharon, well, everyone has skeletons in the closet yes? If she is an "ex-{insert here}" that doesn't mean anything. Haven't we had one President recently who "didn't inhale" and another one who "experimented" with cola? Who cares if she used to be a performer? Do you really think half the politicians in office are truly qualified to be there? Arnold Gov of California? Jesse "the body" Gov of some other state that I can't remember? Ronald President of the USA?
When you break it down, what makes someone more qualified than someone else? When I have a masters degree, will I suddenly be more qualified in terms of managing a business than everyone who just has a bachelors? Of course not... It's a piece of paper saying I did my time in school learning about business. Well... Sharon's been running at a 99.997% efficiency for quite awhile now. This outbreak doesn't mean AIM wasn't doing their job. Like anything, they are a service provider. They have never been required to police the adult industry, just provide testing and results.

The reason AVN and AIM are so intertwined is because from a managing body for the adult industry, they come the closest. However, neither company makes rules or guidelines per se. That may have to change, but historically, neither has owned this particular problem.


05-11-2004, 01:01 AM
Sharon Mitchell was a prostitute (I'm not talking performer) and heroin junkie, I don't know about you, but I wouldn't trust my life with someone that has that kind of resume, maybe you would and that's fine.
This is the same Sharon Mitchell that covered for that scumbag Marc Wallace and kept her mouth shut back when he was KNOWINGLY working and infecting girls, she knew he had it and did nothing.
Leaving her in charge doesn't look good on AIM or the industry in general.
She was on CNN late Saturday night, around 1:30 am she did an interview and had the biggest smile on her face through the whole thing, like she was enjoying all the publicity she's getting from this sorry situation.
Most of the shemale and gay porn doesn't even bother with tests. Just because you use rubbers doesn't mean it's safe. Condoms break and they aren't 100% protection against HIV anyway even if they don't break.
Not too long ago I saw a list of all the performers that died from this disease, it was LONG and 99% of them were gay porn stars.
Why are they dying off from it, most use condoms?
There must be a reason for the 60 day quarantine called for, that must mean that HIV can (not necessarily will) take up to 60 days to show up.
I'm no doctor nor am I an expert on this subject, but why would there be a call for a quarantine of 60 days if it doesn't mean anything medically?
And if it doesn't, why does a porn magazine of all things have a say in how a medical testing facility is run? It's mind boggling, AVN reports on porn for fuck sakes, they aren't even a medical publication, it's an embarassment to the industry and an injustice to the performers.
If I'm going to see a doctor because I might be sick, I'm going to a medical doctor, not some yoga expert. These are medical situations we're talking about here. It takes at least 8 years of schooling to get your medical degree, what she has is a mail order catalog bullshit diploma.
I don't know her personally, she's probably a nice person and I'm sure she means well, but that doesn't matter. People aren't in charge of things because they're nice people, they get there because they are qualified (something she's definitely not).
The longer this thing goes on and with all the stories I've heard of people shooting movies without tests, using quarantined performers. I get the impression the performers just don't give a fuck, almost like getting tested is only done so that they can shoot a scene and not because they care about their health.
With recent events that's the impression that I've been left with.

Vicki Richter
05-11-2004, 03:26 AM
But why isn't she qualified. She isn't drawing the blood or inspecting the results. Those are all sent off to a professional medical lab. She isn't stating the qualities of the PCR DNA, that was done by an actual medical staff. She also isn't engineering the next great HIV test. What exactly isn't she qualified to do (that she is currently doing) that requires a true doctor? I've known very smart people who have escorted and done drugs. That doesn't make them any less qualified to do other things in life. Shit there is a NASA rocket scientist who now is a porn star (not kidding).

When I goto AIM, I am trusting the service to do it's job and suck my blood, keep it fresh, send it off, and give me the results in a quick, efficient manner. They are a service business. Some people don't understand that and only now are asking them to take accountability. Is Sharon the right person to run all of porn from a policy and policing perspective? No. However, that hasn't historically been what AIM has been about.

The 60 days is a self-imposed quarantine to make people see that the adult industry can be responsible on their own. It's a precaution. The PCR-DNA does what they state it does and that is a medical fact you can find on other web sites as well.

My only complaint about AIM would be that the guy who took my blood this last time gave me a nasty bruise on my arm. They usually use this little tiny needle on me. They used a huge one this time. When I asked why I didn't get the little one, he said, scoff, "those are for babies".

05-11-2004, 04:11 AM
Vicki if you're comfortable with her being in the position she is, that's great, after all it's you that has to rely on the service they provide and that's what counts.
But having Sharon Mitchell in charge of AIM and acting as it's spokesperson is like having the local manager of Burger King running a hospital and speaking on it's behalf. She even walks around in a lab coat, what a joke.
She's nothing more than a glorified guidance councilor passing herself off as a doctor. She even refers to herself as a Dr. Sharon Mitchell :roll:

Vicki Richter
05-11-2004, 04:54 AM
Vicki if you're comfortable with her being in the position she is, that's great, after all it's you that has to rely on the service they provide and that's what counts.
But having Sharon Mitchell in charge of AIM and acting as it's spokesperson is like having the local manager of Burger King running a hospital and speaking on it's behalf. She even walks around in a lab coat, what a joke.
She's nothing more than a glorified guidance councilor passing herself off as a doctor. She even refers to herself as a Dr. Sharon Mitchell :roll:

Actually I am just arguing at this point because I like to debate. It's my weakness. Now stop it! LOL

Yeah calling herself a doctor with no cred is pretty funny. I would have more respect if she just said that AIM is the testing facility, and didn't try to push herself off as an expert. It does make us look pretty stupid as an industry I guess.

05-11-2004, 02:46 PM
Vicki, I like to argue, uhh I mean debate too :wink:
I hate when someone else gets the last word in :x

Here's an interesting thread over at adultdvdtalk.com that has a lot of industry folks discussing the moratorium or lack thereof etc:


Lots of performers and directors post there, Jewel De'Nyle, Ariana Jollee (I saw your scene with here in TP #26 :D ), Tricia Devereaux, folks from Anabolic, Devils Films, Evil Angel, DVSX, way too many performers, directors, and companies to list, but to my knowledge a t-girl has never posted on that board even though there have been quite a few discussions on t-girl movies/subjects, why don't you "pop their cherry" so to speak. I'm sure a t-girls perspective would be welcomed once in a while.

Here's a thread discussing your scene with Ariana:


One of the girls also asked what fans thought of a GG performer that does scenes with t-girls, but for the life of me I can't find the thread.
I'm M.B. over at ADT, Lobo was already taken :evil:

Vicki Richter
05-11-2004, 04:29 PM
Thanks! That is awesome. Mike R posts there too which is very very cool.

I just worked with Ariana and Danielle Foxxx for Joey on Sunday. That will be a great scene too.

Ariana is a wild wild girl. Her, Christie, and Ava have given me a new perspective on female performers. Oh... Ariana is the one I was talking about earlier who drives a $90k Mercedes. I am jealous!


Last -----> word

05-11-2004, 04:36 PM
That should be a hot scene. I just saw her squirt about 4 times in a dp scene she did in Double Parked #8 (DVSX), she's a firecracker.
I see you did a movie for William H as well, he posts once in a while there too, but sparingly.
Thank god for Joey Silvera, he totally changed the t-girl porn scene, it used to suck something awful, but he took it to a new level. Every one of his t-girl movies rock, I'm sure the next one will be the same. Every girl in his movies gets hard and stays that way, which is very difficult to find in these movies. I wonder what his secret is?
His movies are an automatic purchase for me, I can't say that about any other director's flicks.
He's the best, and I hear he's a great guy.

05-11-2004, 10:48 PM
A Doctor client of mine just broguht me an issue of the New England Journal of Medicine- you guys are going to be very, very surprised in a few years about the new research that is going on with HIV.

Everyone is going to be.

05-13-2004, 06:37 AM



Lemme guess... who would this 'Lucky" girl be??? hmmmm

I'm gunna stick my neck out here and say I bet this girl would have 3 BMers if she could cut out the loser hoodrats.

Am I right?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

05-22-2004, 12:18 AM
Dont do it Mega.

05-25-2004, 03:59 PM
Hi members.

I've found this link to Center for Disease Control and Prevention



Always use condom when making love (!) - protect your partner, protect yourself.
Besides, condoms give protection from other sexually transmitted diseases too.

Take care

11-03-2006, 05:28 AM
http://www.erostranssexuals.com/los_angeles-files/lv-kaya5-kaya1.htm HIV positive and still working

11-03-2006, 05:49 AM
http://www.erostranssexuals.com/los_angeles-files/lv-kaya5-kaya1.htm HIV positive and still working


11-03-2006, 06:33 AM
http://www.erostranssexuals.com/los_angeles-files/lv-kaya5-kaya1.htm HIV positive and still working

How do you know?

11-03-2006, 06:44 AM
Uh, that does not look like the same person to me. Or are my eyes going bad?

11-03-2006, 06:50 AM
No it DOES not look even close to her and thats sad that her business could possibly be ruined due to mistaken idenity.

05-20-2007, 08:22 PM
Sex is a messy business and it is possible to get HIV even with consistent use of condoms.

If you ask me to take one bullet wearing a bullet proof vest, no problem. Ask me to take 1000? I think I might be in trouble.

I am speaking from hard experience here.

05-21-2007, 12:49 AM
I've taken my chances, goodness knows, but with the number of people a porn star working steadily is interacting with, the risk is certainly exponential compared to what the person occasionally getting some strange is facing. Still, as it only takes one infected partner to wind up being infected yourself, condoms must be used, each and every time. As I've said, I gambled once, but fortunately was spared and continue to enjoy my health. As there are thousands, possibly millions of examples of people who haven't been so lucky, I would hope that everyone makes the decision not to take a lackadaisical approach to protecting themselves from infection, as STDs are no laughing matter. I trust this is all obvious to most, but there are of course some with hard heads and an "it won't happen to me" attitude, who need the risks they're taking to be pounded into their heads more vigorously than others. Sorry for the lecture, but this is one of those things that one cannot be lectured about enough. If people weren't dying, I wouldn't be so preachy, but they are and so my feelings on this issue are particularly strong. Apologies to anyone who is annoyed by this post, but I had to say this. I'd also just like to say that it is threads like this that make HA worth visiting. Thanks to everybody who worked to bring it into being, and kept it going.

05-21-2007, 09:27 AM

05-21-2007, 09:31 AM

05-21-2007, 09:51 AM
... aids.jpg: 20 Time(s) Viewed, 138.83 KB

I wonder who will the first to come along and ask, "Do you know if that scorpion is also a top?"

05-21-2007, 09:55 AM

I found those pictures pretty disturbing. Looking at the lower right, it seemed the images were from an AIDS ad campaign, so I did a Google advanced search for "AIDS ad woman spider" and got a hit on this link explaining the French ad campaign form apparently 2005:


05-21-2007, 10:10 AM
I wonder who will the first to come along and ask, "Do you know if that scorpion is also a top?"

And even worse, he's not wearing a condom on his stinger...

It was pointed out on another discussion board that the scorpion might actually be about unprotected rear entry sex...

The spider one, other than being equally didturbing seems kind of silly to me, considering the lower possibility of getting AIDS from receiving oral sex.

Just had a thought - How did the people get in the mood for that photo shoot? It would creep me out too much...

Well, gotta go to bed... And now I'm going to have nightmares...

05-22-2007, 02:25 AM
Well, gotta go to bed... And now I'm going to have nightmares...

Don't worry. As long as you don't do anything like take acid and drink a gallon of orange juice before going to bed, you should be just fine. :wink:

05-22-2007, 02:29 AM
Well, gotta go to bed... And now I'm going to have nightmares...

Have nightmares, darlin'.

You should.

We all should.

I've buried too many lovers/friends to take this shit lightly.

05-22-2007, 04:39 AM
Well, gotta go to bed... And now I'm going to have nightmares...

Have nightmares, darlin'.

You should.

We all should.

I've buried too many lovers/friends to take this shit lightly.


I was talking with some people this weekend who are HIV activists. We all agreed that the American AIDS awareness campaigns are spineless. Not to mention, all the pharma ads that promote lies about living with HIV/AIDS with those fucking happy, smiley people..."Oh gee, isn't life grand with HIV?" No, it's fuckin' not. I have enough friends living with the disease to know that all too well.

05-22-2007, 06:46 AM
Well, gotta go to bed... And now I'm going to have nightmares...

Have nightmares, darlin'.

You should.

We all should.

I've buried too many lovers/friends to take this shit lightly.


I was talking with some people this weekend who are HIV activists. We all agreed that the American AIDS awareness campaigns are spineless. Not to mention, all the pharma ads that promote lies about living with HIV/AIDS with those fucking happy, smiley people..."Oh gee, isn't life grand with HIV?" No, it's fuckin' not. I have enough friends living with the disease to know that all too well.

First of all, I think the reason that American HIV/AIDS campaigns are weak is because a lot of people are still too prudish about discussing anyhting that's related to sexuality openly like rational adults, especially for fear of offending the Right (religious and otherwise), who next thing you know, will start railing on TV and talk radio about how Americans' tax dollars are being spent on promoting promiscuity and--GASP!--homosexuality.

Although I understand that the main thrust of those ads is to give hope to those who have been diagnosed with HIV, they can become a bit misleading and promote the illusion that HIV is no longer a big deal the way it was back in the '80s. True, there are people like Magic Johnson who are living with HIV and leading otherwise healthy lives, but I think people forget that because Magic made millions of dollars as a pro basketball player and is today a successful businessman, he can afford to purchase all of the drugs he has to take each day in order to stay healthy and he has easy access to the best available health care. And people forget that most people who have this virus cannot afford to buy massive quantities of the latest state-of-the-art medications that will at least delay the time when the virus becomes a disease, and a very ugly one at that.

05-22-2007, 06:49 AM
[First of all, I think the reason that American HIV/AIDS campaigns are weak is because a lot of people are still too prudish about discussing anyhting that's related to sexuality openly like rational adults, especially for fear of offending the Right (religious and otherwise), who next thing you know, will start railing on TV and talk radio about how Americans' tax dollars are being spent on promoting promiscuity and--GASP!--homosexuality.

Although I understand that the main thrust of those ads is to give hope to those who have been diagnosed with HIV, they can become a bit misleading and promote the illusion that HIV is no longer a big deal the way it was back in the '80s. True, there are people like Magic Johnson who are living with HIV and leading otherwise healthy lives, but I think people forget that because Magic made millions of dollars as a pro basketball player and is today a successful businessman, he can afford to purchase all of the drugs he has to take each day in order to stay healthy and he has easy access to the best available health care. And people forget that most people who have this virus cannot afford to buy massive quantities of the latest state-of-the-art medications that will at least delay the time when the virus becomes a disease, and a very ugly one at that.

Another amen.

05-22-2007, 03:35 PM
I think it is very niave to think that HIV risk from facials etc is low. Dental flossing, shaving cuts, chapped lips, even recently brushed teeth are all risk raising factors. I believe people like "Seanchai" are keen to promote the clean image of the business in order to boost sales and $$$. Porn capitalists will always seek to play down any industry dangers. The same people who sell you porn and escorts will probably have shares in and/or sell you HIV medication, viagra, cialis etc. Do not trust any web site owners with vested interests.

05-23-2007, 01:03 AM
True, there are people like Magic Johnson who are living with HIV and leading otherwise healthy lives, but I think people forget that because Magic made millions of dollars as a pro basketball player and is today a successful businessman, he can afford to purchase all of the drugs he has to take each day in order to stay healthy and he has easy access to the best available health care. And people forget that most people who have this virus cannot afford to buy massive quantities of the latest state-of-the-art medications that will at least delay the time when the virus becomes a disease, and a very ugly one at that.

very good point, cosign this shit

09-16-2008, 06:40 PM
TS jeenifer with HIV is very sexy , is there any way to contact her?

09-17-2008, 06:27 AM
Its so funny to me, how some people on this board, act so Holier than thou, regarding topics like this. When in all reality, everyone has unportected sex, now and again. Staright, Gay, TS sex, you never know what your getting, and you never know what the other person is doing on their time.

There are so many girls that are sick in this industry, porn/escort w/e, Why call out one girl!? What about the many, who are sick who still escort, or the porn girls who pay people to take their tests for them, or for those who have not tested for it, but they are carriers. How many guys really ask providers, to see their recent results?!

09-27-2008, 04:22 AM
Its so funny to me, how some people on this board, act so Holier than thou, regarding topics like this. When in all reality, everyone has unportected sex, now and again. Staright, Gay, TS sex, you never know what your getting, and you never know what the other person is doing on their time.

There are so many girls that are sick in this industry, porn/escort w/e, Why call out one girl!? What about the many, who are sick who still escort, or the porn girls who pay people to take their tests for them, or for those who have not tested for it, but they are carriers. How many guys really ask providers, to see their recent results?!

Shit, sometimes it happens

09-27-2008, 10:55 AM
with porn why have ANY scenes without condoms, the only reason i can think of to not wear a condom is that it supposedly feels better

11-08-2008, 04:00 AM
Your a pretty smart chick celeste, if you ever want to grab a latte, I'm in Oceanside CA LOL

11-08-2008, 05:12 AM
I don't care how she got it. I just hope she can get all the medical care and support she needs to keep her alive as long as possible and can find some peace.
Hopefully she hasn't spread it and can trace where she got it from.
Best Wishes to her!

11-08-2008, 05:32 AM
ok guys, lemme ask a real dumb question. Why the fuck is anyone making porn, particularly tranny porn, without condoms? How can anyone be turned on by watching people have uncovered sex? There's even a topic on this site that brags about Vikie having sex without a condom.

Great statement. Great question. I am with you.

Everyone, please, use a condom.

11-30-2008, 04:05 AM
NOOOOOOO! Not her.

11-30-2008, 04:16 AM
Its so funny to me, how some people on this board, act so Holier than thou, regarding topics like this. When in all reality, everyone has unportected sex, now and again. Staright, Gay, TS sex, you never know what your getting, and you never know what the other person is doing on their time.

There are so many girls that are sick in this industry, porn/escort w/e, Why call out one girl!? What about the many, who are sick who still escort, or the porn girls who pay people to take their tests for them, or for those who have not tested for it, but they are carriers. How many guys really ask providers, to see their recent results?!

I think its just a wake up call, slap in the face to the admirers of some of the girls who think the industry is all fun and games...then reality hits and a familiar face like this girl brings the dangers of unprotected sex to the forefront. Porn essentially glamorizes sex...so much so that some guys take their obsessions to a professional and want to engage in what they've seen in some porn without condoms and live out the fantasy. You're larger point isn't lost Celeste, there are a ton of sick people out there without a concience to test themselves or even care about what nasty thing they spread to others as long as they are surviving for the moment.

05-25-2009, 07:39 AM
Yes, I know this is an old thread.

Just saw an old documentary called "The Dark Side of Porn" which discussed this topic, the role of AIM and changing demands within the porn industry.

One message that came through loud and clear was that kink needs to get kinkier otherwise it becomes mundane. I don't have much knowledge of the adult entertainment industry but the Gonzo company in the documentary seemed to be continuously pushing boundaries.

Sharon Mitchell commented that the number of rectal tears and other physical injuries exposing performers to risk of HIV was increasing.

Are you finding that demands of customers and producers is cranking up the level of kink in the transsexual video area? Are performers exposed to increased risk levels, through non-use of condoms?

05-25-2009, 07:46 AM
the title of this thread and its contents are 100% illegal wow you must have balls of steal

Danielle Foxx
05-25-2009, 07:46 AM
Yes, I know this is an old thread.

Just saw an old documentary called "The Dark Side of Porn" which discussed this topic, the role of AIM and changing demands within the porn industry.

One message that came through loud and clear was that kink needs to get kinkier otherwise it becomes mundane. I don't have much knowledge of the adult entertainment industry but the Gonzo company in the documentary seemed to be continuously pushing boundaries.

Sharon Mitchell commented that the number of rectal tears and other physical injuries exposing performers to risk of HIV was increasing.

Are you finding that demands of customers and producers is cranking up the level of kink in the transsexual video area? Are performers exposed to increased risk levels, through non-use of condoms?

Could you post a link to the documentary please? I would like to see it.

Thanks for the article

05-25-2009, 08:10 AM
I am very sorry to hear about her becoming HIV Positive. I have read through the posts in this thread and see that everyone has many interesting points. It looks as if she got became positive outside of the adult entertainment industry. This can happen to any one of us, sad but true. I think it is up to the individual to choose to wear protection on camera or off. I do not think we should knock anyone for the choices that they make. I just hope everyone can stay safe and healthy. I also think that the testing standards in place now allow for the people who are positive not to place others in danger without their knowledge.

05-25-2009, 08:21 AM
the title of this thread and its contents are 100% illegal wow you must have balls of steal

If the thread is completely wrong then it should be removed. I'm not up to speed with what the current situation with thread title and content are.

Mimi, if this is incorrect then please let the moderators know and we'll get it removed.

05-25-2009, 08:26 AM
Could you post a link to the documentary please? I would like to see it.

Thanks for the article

Danielle, this was shown on TV in New Zealand yesterday. I've checked on the original documentary, which seems to be 4 years old. Which is pretty much normal for documentaries reaching us!

I've undertaken a quick google search.

Here's a link to a review of the documentary


Here's a link if you want to download the documentary - which is entitled "Porn Shutdown"


05-25-2009, 08:43 AM
outing girls for being HIV + is best left to backstabbing best friends :roll:

05-25-2009, 09:18 AM
the title of this thread and its contents are 100% illegal wow you must have balls of steal

If the thread is completely wrong then it should be removed. I'm not up to speed with what the current situation with thread title and content are.

Mimi, if this is incorrect then please let the moderators know and we'll get it removed.

outing girls for being HIV + is best left to backstabbing best friends :roll:

A few things:

1- Did any of you bother to read the first page of this thread?

2- You are like a HALF DECADE late on this one. The thread is from 2004.


05-26-2009, 01:53 AM

I stand corrected as yes I did not read the relevant link, this being based on the rather poor assumption that the post alone would be clear enough in it's message to offer a reply.

One last point, I take a great effort at giving replies that challenge the message, not the author. I would therefore suggest in the future when replying to my posts that you do the same please.
As a example, "Try READING a post before you decide it isn't based on facts." comes across much better as something along the lines of "It is also a good idea for a post to be fully read before deciding it is not based on facts".

After all, how do YOU like it when sometime tells YOU in CAPS that YOU are incorrect. Not very conducive to creating a healthy debate is how I see it.

With respect if not regards,

Joanna Jet

ps, please feel free to lay into me personally some more if you wish as I am now going to be offline for a few days and will not be in a position to be offended by it.

Joanna Are you in need of a new employee?? :) I'd like work for you!! :)

05-26-2009, 03:29 AM
Yeah hasn't she be in movies since then?

05-26-2009, 03:36 AM
Self Delete

05-26-2009, 04:05 AM
i hear there are porno's where one HIV- person gets gangbanged by a group of HIV+ males knowingly.... I also wouldn't be surprised if some companies worked with only HIV+ models

05-26-2009, 04:09 AM
well, theres gotta be SOMETHING for the HIV crowd. how about a whole series of HIV positive porn stars fucking? why the hell not. if i tested positive, after a few weeks of crying, i'd be all over the net looking for fellow HIV positive folks to fuck.

05-26-2009, 04:14 AM
u could still contract a different strain of the virus, or your strain could develop into a more powerful one that medications would have no effect on.... but on the bright side you could get free rent!

05-26-2009, 04:20 AM
damn, i didn't realize that. i just figured once you have it you could go nuts. not that i ever plan on getting it (i keep my shit clean). but there goes the whole 'silver lining' theory i was thinking of

05-26-2009, 04:43 AM

05-26-2009, 04:53 AM
u could still contract a different strain of the virus, or your strain could develop into a more powerful one that medications would have no effect on.... but on the bright side you could get free rent!

Or the cash to pay for exceedingly expensive aids medications.

05-28-2009, 01:21 AM
Fits the subject....

05-28-2009, 01:34 AM
outing girls for being HIV + is best left to backstabbing best friends :roll:
There are laws and if this Jennifer person saw this thread and could prove that it was about her, this site could be in a shitload of trouble.
It is a crime to out somebodys HIV status.

05-28-2009, 01:36 AM
I don't care how she got it. I just hope she can get all the medical care and support she needs to keep her alive as long as possible and can find some peace.
Hopefully she hasn't spread it and can trace where she got it from.
Best Wishes to her!
There is no way to rrace where she got it from or when she got it.

sp fan
05-28-2009, 04:07 AM
is this true

05-28-2009, 04:14 AM
How the hell did this old ass thread get revived? The shit is over 5 years old!!!

05-28-2009, 06:56 PM
ok guys, lemme ask a real dumb question. Why the fuck is anyone making porn, particularly tranny porn, without condoms? How can anyone be turned on by watching people have uncovered sex? There's even a topic on this site that brags about Vikie having sex without a condom.

Because porn is all about FANTASY...
I never dream about wrapping my rod before sex.
It's the fantasy that sells.
It's the industry's' responsibility to ensure safety , and in doing so ,its own existence

05-28-2009, 07:12 PM
ok guys, lemme ask a real dumb question. Why the fuck is anyone making porn, particularly tranny porn, without condoms? How can anyone be turned on by watching people have uncovered sex? There's even a topic on this site that brags about Vikie having sex without a condom.

Because porn is all about FANTASY...
I never dream about wrapping my rod before sex.
It's the fantasy that sells.
It's the industry's' responsibility to ensure safety , and in doing so ,its own existence

It's the performers responsibility to ensure safety for themselves. Just doing bareback sex scenes is just retarded.

05-29-2009, 12:21 AM
Because porn is all about FANTASY...

I never dream about wrapping my rod before sex.
It's the fantasy that sells.
Right there with you on this. When i watch porn it's to indulge fantasies that i can't necessarily indulge in real life, and none of my fantasies would ever involve condoms. If i come across porn with rubbers, whether it's straight or ts, i usually turn it right off and look for something else.

05-29-2009, 12:26 AM

10-05-2009, 06:09 PM
Whoever outed Jennifer broke the law

10-05-2009, 06:14 PM
TY for reviving this topic lol.

10-05-2009, 06:53 PM
Sorry for the reviving, but I had to, for personal reasons.