View Full Version : When the hell did fat shaming become such a NO NO!

12-31-2013, 06:42 AM
Now i'm saying fat.
So all of you brothers from Spanish Harlem can just sit down!
I'm not talking about thick....i'm talking tank ass double sheet cake top women who demand that I look at them as if they are in anyway a sexual being.
I'm talking about women who are no joke one cupcake away from diabetes!

When did being morbidly obese become....the norm?

I have to agree..

and the video in the end......i lost my lunch!

12-31-2013, 06:44 AM

Yeah ok...if a guy is fat he's just a fat fuck....but if a girl is 40 lbs over weight ... i have to be ok with it?

Bitch! WTF! Why do you think i go to the gym three fucking days a week and am not stuffing my face with food!

Not only do i want to look good but fuck...i want to live a long happy life! WTF!

12-31-2013, 08:14 AM
So, you're saying you like the big girls?

That's cool.

12-31-2013, 08:18 AM
Saying 40 lbs overweight is not really a good way to say it. You could be 40 lbs over in lean body mass.

12-31-2013, 08:46 AM
I think bigger people have a lot to offer, but it's only 'just a number' if it's not a reflection of how lazy or unhealthy a person is. Health is more important than size. There's a reason they sometimes call it 'morbid' obesity. And as has been alluded, some people really are just genetically predisposed to being overweight.


12-31-2013, 09:04 AM
I don't mind someone being overweight. I do mind constant bitching about it, behavior which suggests it is an incurable condition out of their control, or attempts to rationalize it. Yes, some people do have legit medical conditions which predispose them to obesity. No, most overweight people don't have said conditions. If being fit is sufficiently important to you, you will find the time to exercise -- 30 minutes, 4-5 times per week is sufficient for most adults -- and you will keep track of what you eat and always ask yourself whether eating that cookie or extra helping of dinner is worth the extra calories. I'm not gonna judge UNTIL you start acting like this isn't a straightforward thing to fix.

Ben in LA
12-31-2013, 09:17 AM
Considering how I look, I'm in no position to judge ANYONE on their looks. For folks seriously overweight, I DO worry about their health...but I'm to nice to say their overweight to their face.

I do love a bit of thickness though. See the three young ladies below. None of them are a size 2, but goddammit they're still very attractive to me.

12-31-2013, 09:17 AM
In fairness, being overweight is usually a result of a complex pattern of learned behaviors, and thus getting back to a healthy weight means disentangling those behaviors and modifying them. In that respect, it's not an easy task. That said, the fundamentals of weight loss/gain are VERY straightforward, and the principle steps of exercising regularly and eating fewer calories are not particularly hard.

12-31-2013, 09:43 AM
Just how big is she? If you dont fit in a seat, you need to rethink some choices.

12-31-2013, 10:38 AM
The question "when did fat shaming become such a NO NO" is the topic. It should always have been a NO NO. Why shame someone for who they are? Does it make you feel better about your own inadequacies?

This is where school bullying starts and it continues through their lives. You may as well ask why does "race", "hair colour", "height" or "disability" shaming become a NO NO.

It's more about you - then it is about them.

12-31-2013, 04:19 PM
In fairness, being overweight is usually a result of a complex pattern of learned behaviors, and thus getting back to a healthy weight means disentangling those behaviors and modifying them. In that respect, it's not an easy task. That said, the fundamentals of weight loss/gain are VERY straightforward, and the principle steps of exercising regularly and eating fewer calories are not particularly hard.

Actually not really, there are many factors at play, including genetics. Straightforward methods work for some people but sometimes the body has a set bf % ratio to lbm that it will maintain and ultimately hormone levels will make it impossible to use the straightforward method.

12-31-2013, 04:37 PM
I actually hate looking fat T-Girls, Girls and Guys... and even fit when they have those ass implants what seems to be like half a football inserted under skin... it look just ugly :why

My favourite thread in here is Hardbodied T-Girls (http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/showthread.php?t=29446) :Bowdown: :Bowdown:

It's understandable that some t-girls have more work than usual guy when she's in hormones and testosterone level's are 0. It's not easy but if U' want to stay in shape it's not impossible..

12-31-2013, 05:03 PM
She's big boned...Got those big fat bones in her arse! :hide-1:

12-31-2013, 09:22 PM
Actually not really, there are many factors at play, including genetics. Straightforward methods work for some people but sometimes the body has a set bf % ratio to lbm that it will maintain and ultimately hormone levels will make it impossible to use the straightforward method.

Yes and no. I don't discount that some people have certain factors, such as genetics or disease, which make it difficult to lose weight. But the simple reality is that sedentary work environments and lifestyles, coupled with abundance of high calorie, addicting foods is to blame for most people's weight problems, not hormones or something of that nature. Even if one does have a condition which makes it harder to lose weight or keep it off, the fundamental arithmetic doesn't change: your body stores excess kCal consumption as body fat, at a rate of about 1lb of fat for every 3500 surplus kCals.

Losing weight is simply a matter of creating a kCal deficit, no more no less. Again, some people have conditions which reduce the number of kCals their bodies need to function, which in turn makes achieving that kCal deficit harder and stumbling into a kCal surplus easier. Likewise, the more body mass you have, the more kCals your body needs to sustain it, and conversely the less mass, the less calories, so past certain points it becomes more difficult to create a sufficient kCal deficit or surplus for continued weight loss or gain. BUT, it's still the kCal surplus which causes weight gain, not glandular magic or hormones -- certain endocrine profiles just reduce your baseline caloric needs, that's all.

The point of this is that weight gain/loss is a function of calorie intake versus calorie needs. Both of those input variables are subject to adjustment through behavior modification. Ultimately then, the largest barrier to weight loss/gain for most people isn't their physiology, which admittedly can make loss/gain more difficult, but the psychology of changing their behavior. Behavior change is a terribly difficult process, and THAT is the impediment, where as having an endocrine profile which reduces your baseline kCal needs by 150 kCals/day can be overcome by simply no longer having the can of Coke you like to drink with your lunch each day. Such a change is simple, except when it means changing a habitual behavior -- that's the hard part.

01-01-2014, 12:13 AM
Considering how I look, I'm in no position to judge ANYONE on their looks. For folks seriously overweight, I DO worry about their health...but I'm to nice to say their overweight to their face.

I do love a bit of thickness though. See the three young ladies below. None of them are a size 2, but goddammit they're still very attractive to me.

Ditto. I've yet to read a post from a guy who claims to prefer only thin ladies because they like feeling her bones in her ribcage and arms whenever holding them close. I'm far more particular about a woman's height because I like tall, full-figured ladies with some heft so I'll had someone warm and soft to cuddle up with. Now that's the way to spend a cool evening.

01-01-2014, 12:30 AM
As long as youre healthy thats all that should matter.

Ben in LA
01-01-2014, 03:17 AM
As long as youre healthy thats all that should matter.

As long as they're healthy AND happy. :)

01-01-2014, 03:26 AM
in a society that preaches acceptance, fat girls are just feeling empowered and not going to let anyone make them feel bad about themselves, which is why they are full of themselves. also, that said, there is someone for everyone so that they can attract a mate that likes more cushion means that they don't really need about being shamed for being fat. the bitchy attitude a fat girl may have is really no different to me than a bitchy attitude a hot skinny girl may have. neither is deserved or warranted and neither girl will have my attention or respect.

01-01-2014, 06:00 AM
As always Miranda speaks the truth in her clear scientific analysis. We can't change our race or height or various congenital deformities. But we can reduce or grow our soft tissues - fat and muscle. Neural physiologists have even shown we can change our brain tissue through long hours of meditation practice. Our food culture is still based on a midwestern farm diet - dairy, fatty meats, grains - without the farm work to burn it off. If we're going to sit in front of computer terminals all day we've got to cut back on the sugar and carbos and fatty meats and most dairy or we're going to work our way back to the fattest nation in the world. We slipped to #2 this year behind Mexico. If there wasn't a certain amount of societal shame in being fat how much more obese would we be as a nation.

01-01-2014, 08:07 AM
The problem is of course that being thin is a relatively new fad and the actual evidence indicates that it may not be the healthy thing it has been portrayed as.

Traditionally through history being slightly heavier has been healthier. The average life span is higher than countries where people are thinner.

It's not that long ago Marilyn Monroe was a sex symbol and she was a size 16. Look at the women up to the mid 60's and they were curvier.

Obviously being morbidly obese isn't good but what is described as fat by some people really isn't.

01-01-2014, 08:21 AM
Don't forget that we live in a celebrity-obsessed society where the media pounce on a woman for putting on two pounds, rising to above a size 10 or losing it and being judged as anorexic. All this crap has a terrible impact on young girls, their self-image and therefore their self-esteem. And yes, family environmental and economic factors have a lot to do with it too, but body fascism is something we could control if the media were prepared to act responsibly.

And Seanchai is absolutely right. It starts in the playground and goes on all life long.

01-01-2014, 09:00 AM
People come in all shapes and sizes. I don't care if somebody is chubby but if somebody is morbidly obese and they get upset about being called fat than they should start going to the gym and implementing nutritional changes. If you can't be bothered doing that then you shouldn't be bothered being called fat.

01-01-2014, 09:18 AM
Anybody who is cowardly enough to "shame" somebody for something they probley dont allready feel good about, deserves to get there fucking ass beat, im suprised to you people are so insensitive, maybe you should be shamed into dressing as the sex you where born? or shamed not to be a tranny chasing cock loving faggot? come on now, offcourse i agree people should live healthy life styles.

01-01-2014, 05:13 PM
Lord we know what we are but not what we may be... say hi to Carbiedoll

http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/ UYHCggGBwlHBoWITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GxAQGywkICQ4LzUvNDQvLCwsLzQvLCw1LDQsLCwsLCwsLCwyNC wsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLP/AABEIAQMAwwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAEAAgMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAABQYDBAcBAgj/xABGEAABAwEFBAYGBwcDAwUAAAABAAIRAwQFEiExBkFRYRMicY GRoQcyUrHB0RQjQmJygrIkkqKzwuHwMzTxFVPSFkNjc5P/xAAaAQACAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAIDBQEG/8QALREAAgIBBAEDAwMEAwAAAAAAAAECEQMEEiExQRMiUQVhcTK BwRShsfAzkeH/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AO4oiIAIiIAIvCVXL22jLXYKIDjxPwChOairZ1JvosiKmONrcJ fU6PhLgzykLDXuq0BuM2pzTriD3GQAXDQwQYjPz0VXr/CZLZ9y8ooC4b76QNbUIJyAdpJ4OAyk8oCn1dGSkrRFqgiIpHAi IgAoq9b8p0MjLneyPidyz3ra+jZl6xyHxKqlmDC8vqwQNS4w1u 8k+9UZcm3hdk4Rs3f/AFHXf/p0gBzBPjmsD7yvAguYxuvquaMPHkR2ysVa3vrkmk806I9WAW4h xAyMcz4b1mstocHMZUqY2yB1stcszPnKX9SV9su9PjonLmvgVg A4Br40GbSd+EnPuPmpZUZtAU6r2skQ6W56QfKFcLvtPSMa7ede RGR80xhy7uH2UzjRsoiK8gEREAEREAEREAEREARN/wBqwtwg5nXs/uqxZ7yZQBqv0mBAlzzoGt7Tl/bNZdpbbNUMH2nQfwjL4FU29r1Y20ddzQ2k3qhxI67hJ0BzDY3b +azsuRufHgZxwVclrM1nGpWmTozFOEbgXDU9kDt1WWx1mUXtdJ 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7Fyy97udZqhpvz3tduc3cR8RuKR1GOnuQ7gyWtrPLN/pt7B7l9grHQPUb2D3L6KXZejyo5e2Ky9LVp0/bcAfw6uPc0E9y1nvVp2BsOKo+sdGDA38Ts3HuED8ysxx3SSOZJ bYtl6AXqBFpGYEREAFB7Y2HpbM8j1qf1g/L638M+SnF44SIK5JWqOp07OP0ndZvY74LYBS22PobRUp+xij8J gt/hIXw45LLap0aad8lr2AoSa9Tm1g7hiPvb4K4qC2Ms+CyUzvfLz +YmP4cKnVo4lUEjPyu5sIiKwrCIiACIiAAREQAREQAUVtHdItN EtgYxmw8HcJ4HQ/2Uqi41apnU6do47QcQ0NIgtkEbwRkR5LLKktqbF0dqqwMnxUH5 hB/iDlGsCzJqpUaMHcbNeo1dS2bu/oLPTYR1oxO/G7Mju07lzhzw2HRMEGOMEGF1ejVDmtc0yHAEHiCJBTOmS5ZRqW 6SPtERNigREQAREQBRdvLJhrUqo0exzD+JsEeIJ/dVZqu6pPIq/bc0MVnB9io0+Ms/qVEY3IjikNQqmPad3E6rYKIZSpsGjWNaPytAWwo3Z629NZ6T9+ GD+JvVPmJ71JJ5dCT7CIi6cCIiACIiACIiACIiACIiAKHtzWBr gezTb4lxPujxVeBUntg/9rq/k/lsUL0izcrubNHEqgj6tVTqroGwlr6SygHWm5zO71m+TgO5cxt1 ogTwV29F1eWV2HWWO8QQf0hWad1IjqFcLL0iInhAIiIAIiIAh9 rT+y1fyfzGrnTXroW2Z/ZKnaz+Y1czfUgJHU/qQ7pv0svPo6rzSrN9mpPc5oH9JVuVB9FtbF9KHOn5F4V+TWJ+x C+ZVNhERWFQREQAREQAREQAREQAREQBzbbhkWpx4tYfKPgq65y tG3/+5H/1t/U9VR7HOc1jBLnuDWji5xgeaz8i97NHF+hEPeFXG9rBxxHsGnnn 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MKhaGi1jCMgDScYGmnSxpwXY10xb6flxY3J5HV18/x+xafR4B/0+zYdMLvHpHT5yrGtO6LuZZqNOjSEMptDQPeTzJkntW4oiOSW6 bkvLCIiCAXhXq0r6tvQUK1WJ6NjnRzA3zuQdSbdI53t7fL/AKRUpn1aYAbALonCXOMb8wN/qjmvj0b2osqW+qXdSnRY5zZzxA1HT4B2fPkq7b7xJfUqVSC5+Z Jggg7+qYiQNFePRhdbXXdVyj6Q+rJiThA6EDnGEnvPFd2rtLvy beeEcOm213Sv/P8AJQLwtLahrvGEdI7F1Tk0uLjkd4zI7l2PY2PoFjw6dBS/QJ85VNrei+o6GutYLQMMdG7JukCapAyA8Aui2KytpMZTpgNYxo a1o0DQIAXXQtr9RiyRisbv/v4ryZ0RFEzAiIgAiIgAiIgAiIgDHUd7lUfSq39hc7ex7XNPB2F wmN+RORRF1dluFtZItHNtmLEy0Wmz06zcbHv6zZInqud9kg6gL vLBARFPJ2PfVW/VS+x9IiKszAiIgAiIgAo3aOmHWWuDp0bt5GgnUIiESjxJHAbO8 vb1s5Md2KN3JfoW67DToUmUqTcLGCGtzMb9TmcydURW5PBq/VJNqHJtoiKoyAiIgAiIgAiIgD//2Q==

Dino Velvet
01-01-2014, 07:36 PM
I'd probably still be a fatass if no one called me fatso. Now they just call me dumbass. Progress. Evolution.

01-01-2014, 07:38 PM
Now i'm saying fat.
So all of you brothers from Spanish Harlem can just sit down!
I'm not talking about thick....i'm talking tank ass double sheet cake top women who demand that I look at them as if they are in anyway a sexual being.
I'm talking about women who are no joke one cupcake away from diabetes!

When did being morbidly obese become....the norm?

I have to agree..

and the video in the end......i lost my lunch!

You do realize that nearly half of the united states is obese right?

01-02-2014, 04:11 AM
Ditto. I've yet to read a post from a guy who claims to prefer only thin ladies because they like feeling her bones in her ribcage and arms whenever holding them close. I'm far more particular about a woman's height because I like tall, full-figured ladies with some heft so I'll had someone warm and soft to cuddle up with. Now that's the way to spend a cool evening.

heeyyyyy ;) lol

01-02-2014, 04:21 AM
This came from about two months ago like this guy this rhino offended there i was after god 7 days away from home and working on a saturday all i wanted was my own bed. I grabbed the early morning flight back home....and like this hung of chunk this fat midwestern woman gets to the door just as it's about to close. It's me and this other guy with a seat open in between both of us and all i can think if...fuck why does god hate me.
sure as shit that's where she sat uffing and puffing and reeking of what ever the hell low end perfume she had bought from the discount bucket of vickies....
and if that's all she did then ok. But this woman was so big that well she was eating up half of my seat and half the seat of the guy in the isle.
I looked over at him and the look was the same...WTF!
It looked like this
\0/ and well i'm a dick so I looked over at her and stated that could she adjust herself such that she were better seated....
You would have thought i walked into a church in harlem and screamed at the top of my lungs....nigger
sweet baby jesus this bitch flipped her lid telling me what right i have to my seat....don't think about this too long it will hurt your fucking head...what right do i have to sit in the seat that was assigned to me when i purchased the ticket......
she threw enough of a shit fit that the 60yo stew came over....speaking of which when the fuck did american airlines start hiring it's stews from the AARP catalog?.....
And guess who got lectured? me.....
So i did what any guy with a cock would do, took names and while in flight drafted a letter to the company stating WTF is going on here!

Now here is the really fucked up bit.....I tell this story to people....and thus far it's been the same thing....i can complain about the woman's attitude but i should not talk about her size.....
You know...and that really fucks with my brain...i can complain about her attitude but don't dare touch her weight?
And before you go down the line of "Oh she had medical issue"
please take this moment to shut the fuck up!
50% of all the women in the us are fat...and of the 50% another half of them are down right obese. Now how the fuck can 25% of the female population be "sick"
Really? FUCK NO!
Just like the woman who was stuffed in that airline seat they are just fat and lazy!
She was sweating just sitting there! It was a 3 hour flight from Chicago to NJ
On that 3 hour flight she consumed three cans of diet soda and one foot long sandwich..
This was an 8am flight.
Maybe some shaming would convince her she has a problem and she may have just eaten some fruit and some water and a few handfuls of nuts.

Now i don't mean to be a dick, i get it...if you broke your back or you have a very serious issue...ok ok i get it.. But this new breed of fat fucks makes me want to drop kick kittens int wood chippers. Not only are they annoying.....and self in powered....but now that we have universal health care....they are costing YOU AND I MONEY!


01-02-2014, 04:26 AM
This came from about two months ago like this guy this rhino offended there i was after god 7 days away from home and working on a saturday all i wanted was my own bed. I grabbed the early morning flight back home....and like this hung of chunk this fat midwestern woman gets to the door just as it's about to close. It's me and this other guy with a seat open in between both of us and all i can think if...fuck why does god hate me.
sure as shit that's where she sat uffing and puffing and reeking of what ever the hell low end perfume she had bought from the discount bucket of vickies....
and if that's all she did then ok. But this woman was so big that well she was eating up half of my seat and half the seat of the guy in the isle.
I looked over at him and the look was the same...WTF!
It looked like this
\0/ and well i'm a dick so I looked over at her and stated that could she adjust herself such that she were better seated....
You would have thought i walked into a church in harlem and screamed at the top of my lungs....nigger
sweet baby jesus this bitch flipped her lid telling me what right i have to my seat....don't think about this too long it will hurt your fucking head...what right do i have to sit in the seat that was assigned to me when i purchased the ticket......
she threw enough of a shit fit that the 60yo stew came over....speaking of which when the fuck did american airlines start hiring it's stews from the AARP catalog?.....
And guess who got lectured? me.....
So i did what any guy with a cock would do, took names and while in flight drafted a letter to the company stating WTF is going on here!

Now here is the really fucked up bit.....I tell this story to people....and thus far it's been the same thing....i can complain about the woman's attitude but i should not talk about her size.....
You know...and that really fucks with my brain...i can complain about her attitude but don't dare touch her weight?
And before you go down the line of "Oh she had medical issue"
please take this moment to shut the fuck up!
50% of all the women in the us are fat...and of the 50% another half of them are down right obese. Now how the fuck can 25% of the female population be "sick"
Really? FUCK NO!
Just like the woman who was stuffed in that airline seat they are just fat and lazy!
She was sweating just sitting there! It was a 3 hour flight from Chicago to NJ
On that 3 hour flight she consumed three cans of diet soda and one foot long sandwich..
This was an 8am flight.
Maybe some shaming would convince her she has a problem and she may have just eaten some fruit and some water and a few handfuls of nuts.

Now i don't mean to be a dick, i get it...if you broke your back or you have a very serious issue...ok ok i get it.. But this new breed of fat fucks makes me want to drop kick kittens int wood chippers. Not only are they annoying.....and self in powered....but now that we have universal health care....they are costing YOU AND I MONEY!


Man if only fat people just ate less...why the hell didn't they think of that? Fucking Sherlock here...

01-02-2014, 04:32 AM
Simple.....please study a bit of anthropology.
You are designed to EAT EAT EAT and pack on fat.
Loosing weight actually hurts! Not only physically but also mentally!
But we are human, we have free will and we can over power our basic animal urges in order to live long happy lives!
This woman was in her i would say mid 20's but looked like she was in her mid 30's and i'll be amazed if she sees her mid 40's without any major medical issues!

01-02-2014, 04:38 AM
Simple.....please study a bit of anthropology.
You are designed to EAT EAT EAT and pack on fat.
Loosing weight actually hurts! Not only physically but also mentally!
But we are human, we have free will and we can over power our basic animal urges in order to live long happy lives!
This woman was in her i would say mid 20's but looked like she was in her mid 30's and i'll be amazed if she sees her mid 40's without any major medical issues!

I'm afraid you have no idea what you're talking about, but nice try bullshitting. Whenever you want some actual science on the biochemistry behind obese people, please feel free to ask.

01-02-2014, 04:42 AM
uh huh....really....all these years we had the plethora of calories that we have today at our disposal?
Ever been to a third world country and seen the limit of how little we use to eat back when were were substance farmers and gatherers?

Either way this woman needed to have been fat shamed from the moment she started gaining weight! Maybe if she had she would live to see her 60th birthday with all her limbs attached!

01-02-2014, 04:53 AM
I remember when I used to be fat. Now I can run marathons and only need like 4 hours of sleep without getting wore out. There are a lot of people out there with medical conditions that can't help being over weight (but most aren't). I really feel sorry for ones eating excess amounts of food without exercising enough to become a healthy weight. It's really not rocket science, they just need to burn more calories than they consume. The problem is people are just plain lazy and look for shortcuts like magic pills or videos to buy when they should be doing it their self.

Fuck, you could eat 1 full meal of McDonalds everyday and be a healthy weight. That Supersize Me movie is full of shit. Consuming 3 huge calorie meals a day of ANYTHING and sitting on your ass will make anyone become obese (duh). I only eat 1 good sized meal a day after my exercise routine and do fine (obviously you should eat a lot more if you're building fat content to shape into muscle). 3 portions a day is ridiculous, do you really think if you lived in the wild you could get 3 full meals a day? I doubt it. You would probably be lucky if you got 1 good sized meal every other day and cavemen then were probably burning 10 times the calories we are today.

So let's do the math, the average person burns A LOT less calories than 100 years ago (because of technology), yet a lot of them are still eating 2-3 meals a day, meals are 2-3 times bigger portion, and they tend to eat more junk food causing more fat. No wonder so many people are over weight. I don't know what's worse, how unhealthy the average person is today or the fact that so many people can't figure out why the population is so obese.

01-02-2014, 04:53 AM
uh huh....really....all these years we had the plethora of calories that we have today at our disposal?
Ever been to a third world country and seen the limit of how little we use to eat back when were were substance farmers and gatherers?

Either way this woman needed to have been fat shamed from the moment she started gaining weight! Maybe if she had she would live to see her 60th birthday with all her limbs attached!

I really don't think you understand why fat people are fat, and yes I have been to a third world country. A third world country is not a representation of what was being eaten by the average person back when we were "substance farmers and gatherers". Which by the way are two very different periods in time just so you know.

01-02-2014, 05:01 AM
I remember when I used to be fat. Now I can run marathons and only need like 4 hours of sleep without getting wore out. There are a lot of people out there with medical conditions that can't help being over weight (but most aren't). I really feel sorry for ones eating excess amounts of food without exercising enough to become a healthy weight. It's really not rocket science, they just need to burn more calories than they consume. The problem is people are just plain lazy and look for shortcuts like magic pills or videos to buy when they should be doing it their self.

Fuck, you could eat 1 full meal of McDonalds everyday and be a healthy weight. That Supersize Me movie is full of shit. Consuming 3 huge calorie meals a day of ANYTHING and sitting on your ass will make anyone become obese (duh). I only eat 1 good sized meal a day after my exercise routine and do fine (obviously you should eat a lot more if you're building fat content to shape into muscle). 3 portions a day is ridiculous, do you really think if you lived in the wild you could get 3 full meals a day? I doubt it. You would probably be lucky if you got 1 good sized meal every other day and cavemen then were probably burning 10 times the calories we are today.

So let's do the math, the average person burns A LOT less calories than 100 years ago (because of technology), yet a lot of them are still eating 2-3 meals a day, meals are 2-3 times bigger portion, and they tend to eat more junk food causing more fat. No wonder so many people are over weight. I don't know what's worse, how unhealthy the average person is today or the fact why so many people can't use simple logic to figure out why so many people are overweight.

Sleep is so very vital to the healing of the human body. You really should be sleeping 8 hours a day, and if you are working out catching a one or two hour nap plus your regular 8 hours of sleep is extremely beneficial. No, people aren't lazy, that is just a very unfair statement. You don't realize that these people are literally addicted to food. Do you tell a heroin addict they are lazy because they can't kick the habit? A fat person has more will power than the normal individual. A fat person needs more will power to get out of bed in the morning than a normal person even exerts throughout their entire morning routine. I don't think you were ever really fat, I don't think you understand what happens when you hit 100+ lbs. overweight. It isn't as simple as "eating less calories". We are talking about the nutritional content of the food you intake. I challenge you, I seriously challenge you to become obese on fruits and vegetables.

There is nothing wrong with eating throughout the day. No, most of the hunter gatherers and even the human beings in agriculture ate throughout the day. Do you know how Sumo wrestlers add fat to their bodies? They workout in the morning until noon, they eat a huge meal, then they go to sleep. That is how they add all that fat to their body, now why don't you tell me again how you love eating one meal a day. There is a lot of misinformation about nutrition, it isn't as easy as you're making it out to be, especially if you are addicted to sugar and the processed food you've been eating since you were 3.

01-02-2014, 05:05 AM
Sleep is so very vital to the healing of the human body. You really should be sleeping 8 hours a day, and if you are working out catching a one or two hour nap plus your regular 8 hours of sleep is extremely beneficial. No, people aren't lazy, that is just a very unfair statement. You don't realize that these people are literally addicted to food. Do you tell a heroin addict they are lazy because they can't kick the habit? A fat person has more will power than the normal individual. A fat person needs more will power to get out of bed in the morning than a normal person even exerts throughout their entire morning routine. I don't think you were ever really fat, I don't think you understand what happens when you hit 100+ lbs. overweight. It isn't as simple as "eating less calories". We are talking about the nutritional content of the food you intake. I challenge you, I seriously challenge you to become obese on fruits and vegetables.

There is nothing wrong with eating throughout the day. No, most of the hunter gatherers and even the human beings in agriculture ate throughout the day. Do you know how Sumo wrestlers add fat to their bodies? They workout in the morning until noon, they eat a huge meal, then they go to sleep. That is how they add all that fat to their body, now why don't you tell me again how you love eating one meal a day? There is a lot of misinformation about nutrition, it isn't as easy as you're making it out to be, especially if you are addicted to sugar and the processed food you've been eating since you were 3.

I lost 72 lbs in about a year and a half, most of it was in a year. I think I know what it's like to work towards something.

01-02-2014, 05:20 AM
I lost 72 lbs in about a year and a half, most of it was in a year. I think I know what it's like to work towards something.

I am not trying to knock your achievement. I know it was hard work, and I congratulate you on your weight loss. However knowing what it is like to work has no bearing on your knowledge of nutrition. I mean you literally just suggested someone eat McDonald's once a day and they could lose weight. Why do you think that? Do they have the same genetics as you? The same biochemistry? No, they don't, your anecdotal evidence isn't helpful in the overall picture of why 50% of America is obese.

01-02-2014, 05:23 AM
I am not trying to knock your achievement. I know it was hard work, and I congratulate you on your weight loss. However knowing what it is like to work has no bearing on your knowledge of nutrition. I mean you literally just suggested someone eat McDonald's once a day and they could lose weight. Why do you think that? Do they have the same genetics as you? The same biochemistry? No, they don't, your anecdotal evidence isn't helpful in the overall picture of why 50% of America is obese.

Anyone can eat 1 McDonalds meal a day with exercising enough to either stay the same weight or lose a little. I'm sticking by my statement. I would even be willing to do a 30 day challenge to prove it to you. The problem is people get that whole exercising thing lost in translation.

Dino Velvet
01-02-2014, 05:27 AM
Anyone can eat 1 McDonalds meal a day with exercising enough to either stay the same weight or lose a little. I'm sticking by my statement. I would even be willing to do a 30 day challenge to prove it to you. The problem is people get that whole exercising thing lost in translation.

I think shooting a Super Size Me parody is an excellent idea.

01-02-2014, 05:38 AM
Yeah well the Supersize Me thing was rigged from the start. He was eating like 4,500 calories a day and literally sitting on his ass. You can't blame McDonald's for that. He was eating McDonald's 3 times a day for like 30 days that's like 90 full meals, no one does that. McDonald's is horrible crappy food, but basically the idea is with the right portions and exercise you can pretty much eat anything, though it may not give you the energy you need. Soda is the main thing to stay away from.

01-02-2014, 05:43 AM
Anyone can eat 1 McDonalds meal a day with exercising enough to either stay the same weight or lose a little. I'm sticking by my statement. I would even be willing to do a 30 day challenge to prove it to you. The problem is people get that whole exercising thing lost in translation.

It isn't about exercise, it is about nutritional content. I am sorry but McDonald's will never be equal to fish and vegetables. 2,000 calories of snickers is not equal to 2,000 calories of stir-fry. You might lose weight, and that is fine and all, but your body is going to be running on really shitty fuel. That is the point, getting off processed food. There is a girl in England who literally ate nothing but chicken nuggets for 18 years. She looks "skinny", but I guarantee she is the most unhealthy example of a human being imaginable.

01-02-2014, 05:45 AM
Yeah well the Supersize Me thing was rigged from the start. He was eating like 4,500 calories a day and literally sitting on his ass. You can't blame McDonald's for that. He was eating McDonald's 3 times a day for like 30 days that's like 90 full meals, no one does that. McDonald's is horrible crappy food, but basically the idea is with the right portions and exercise you can pretty much eat anything, though it may not give you the energy you need. Soda is the main thing to stay away from.

It isn't how much you eat, it is what you eat. Lots of people eat 3 times a day, most body builders eat 6 times a day for 9 months on end. McDonald's will never be acceptable no matter how few times you eat it. Not even once a year, not even once every 10 years, you should NEVER eat McDonald's, ever.

01-02-2014, 05:49 AM
I never said anything about McDonald's being nutritional lol. I was purely talking about loss of "weight". I think you're getting everything tied around. If you want to know how I personally lost my weight. I can certainly say it wasn't McDonald's.

01-02-2014, 05:54 AM
I never said anything about McDonald's being nutritional lol. I was purely talking about loss of "weight". I think you're getting everything tied around.

It seems we might be agreeing on the overall concept, but emphasizing different portions of weight loss. I tend to emphasize nutrition over exercise and it seems your philosophy is to emphasize exercise over nutrition. Both are options, and oddly enough there was a documentary done by a guy who ate McDonald's and got in shape. Which might be to what you're referring, so at the end of the day we can both say, if we were to have dinner I wouldn't be taking you to McDonald's. :)

01-02-2014, 06:11 AM
I'm just saying it can be done. By the way you do know muscle weighs more than fat don't you? There's a reason body builders have to consume so many calories. I can say that portion IS everything. You aren't going to find a runway model that digests 6 times day. Unless you're looking to build muscle I don't see a reason to eat 3 times a day. I keep my weight steady at 140 lbs eating 1 meal a day. Every person adapts too. If you're trying to lose weight and finding it hard to stop you can slow edge off food portions little by little until you're eating 1-2 good sized meals a day. These were things I did to lose my weight a long time ago, in this order I believe:

-Stop drinking coke
-Drinking as much water as possible
-Start doing stretch workouts
-Started to run a lot
-Stop eating meat for about 9 months but ate a lot of fish
-Slowed down on my portions of food to 1 meal a day
-Began using weights in a backpack while running to build leg muscles

I might go back to not eating meat. That was when I was at my peak. I still don't really eat meat that much. I rarely eat chicken, I don't like steaks or the texture, but I do like ribs a lot.

01-02-2014, 07:19 AM
I'm just saying it can be done. By the way you do know muscle weighs more than fat don't you? There's a reason body builders have to consume so many calories. I can say that portion IS everything. You aren't going to find a runway model that digests 6 times day. Unless you're looking to build muscle I don't see a reason to eat 3 times a day. I keep my weight steady at 140 lbs eating 1 meal a day. Every person adapts too. If you're trying to lose weight and finding it hard to stop you can slow edge off food portions little by little until you're eating 1-2 good sized meals a day. These were things I did to lose my weight a long time ago, in this order I believe:

-Stop drinking coke
-Drinking as much water as possible
-Start doing stretch workouts
-Started to run a lot
-Stop eating meat for about 9 months but ate a lot of fish
-Slowed down on my portions of food to 1 meal a day
-Began using weights in a backpack while running to build leg muscles

I might go back to not eating meat. That was when I was at my peak. I still don't really eat meat that much. I rarely eat chicken, I don't like steaks or the texture, but I do like ribs a lot.

I have an extensive knowledge of biology, anatomy, biochemistry, and nutrition. You should never stop eating meat, meat is essential. Anyone who doesn't eat meat for reasons other than moral, unfortunately is doing themselves an injustice. Models can eat 6 times a day, again it is about what you eat, not how much you eat. You shouldn't run a lot on a low calorie diet, you will lose muscle and put on fat. When you say you eat once a day to maintain 140 lbs., let me ask you this, how much of that 140 lbs. is muscle? How about 5 years from now when you still weigh 140 lbs., how much is muscle? Do you think the amount of lean mass your body maintains changes? It does, especially when you don't lift weights.

SO even though 5 years from now you might still weigh 140 lbs., you are actually going to look worse physically because your body has been eating muscle and putting on fat. This is the consequence of a poor diet, and poor eating habits. Your idea of eating one meal a day is awful. Your idea of not eating meat is awful. I couldn't recommend anyone follow this advice if they were serious about changing their energy levels and physique.

01-02-2014, 08:52 AM
Everybody knows how others should live there lives, fucking hilarious.

01-02-2014, 06:09 PM
she threw enough of a shit fit that the 60yo stew came over....speaking of which when the fuck did american airlines start hiring it's stews from the AARP catalog?.....

So in addition to not liking people you claim are fat/obese, you don't like mature airline stewardesses? Even if women in their 60s may need a job and have years of experience at it anyway? Or are stewardesses supposed to look like partially clothed centrefolds? It won't stop you complaining, but people have a right to work. And you may or may not know that on long haul flights many airlines since 9/11 hire ex-military personnel, so at least some of the in-flight staff will be fit...

01-03-2014, 12:59 AM
A program on Channel 5 today, fat for cash.
Apparently, some of these porkers are making top dollar! :shrug

01-03-2014, 01:02 AM
The dude on the left in the cap deffo needs to go on a diet.

Dino Velvet
01-03-2014, 01:03 AM
A program on Channel 5 today, fat for cash.
Apparently, some of these porkers are making top dollar! :shrug

The Meaning of Life (10/11) Movie CLIP - Mr. Creosote Blows (1983) HD - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhbHTjMLN5c)

01-03-2014, 02:02 AM
A program on Channel 5 today, fat for cash.
Apparently, some of these porkers are making top dollar! :shrug
holy shit WTF!
Black guys really! REALLY! You do know there are some very attractive athletic black women out there right? I know i date LOTS OF THEM!
Why do you love your fat white women? Is Honey Bo Bo porn for you! WTF!

OK i'm done with this...I'm loud i'm proud and i'm a fat shammer!


01-03-2014, 02:14 AM
OK i'm done with this...I'm loud i'm proud and i'm a fat shammer!

What, you're an overweight fake?

01-03-2014, 02:28 AM
I can say that portion IS everything. You aren't going to find a runway model that digests 6 times day. Unless you're looking to build muscle I don't see a reason to eat 3 times a day.

This is true and false at the same time. You are correct, portion is everything. However eating 6 small meals instead of one larger meal is the goal. That's why you will see models, athletes, and bodybuilders eating a lot of meals. The meals are just much smaller than the average American meal.

A case in point, when I lost 70 lbs the biggest reduction came in intake. The average portion size of pasta should be no bigger than your fist, but mine was more like a 10" circumference plate. Just by reducing the portion size I started melting off pounds. I still ate 3 times a day, I just reduced the size of the portion, not the number of portions.

Dino Velvet
01-03-2014, 02:43 AM
I lost 100 lbs by denying food until my stomach growled and walked mile after mile until my feet bled. I'm pretty dumb but strong-willed so I kept it simple only caring about the results. I've stayed at 6'1'' right around 225 lbs for over 2 years. My metabolism seems to operate well now. Hardly lost any strength in the gym either. I was always eating protein.

If I get hungry at night now I leave beef or chicken on the back of the stove and scavenge as needed. I try to stay away from bread but sometimes I make a sandwich.

01-03-2014, 04:41 AM
The dude on the left in the cap deffo needs to go on a diet.

I know you're trying to be down with the kids but, there's something unsettling about you using deffo!
You'll be using txt spk next!:hide-1:

01-03-2014, 04:55 AM

Yeah ok...if a guy is fat he's just a fat fuck....but if a girl is 40 lbs over weight ... i have to be ok with it?

Bitch! WTF! Why do you think i go to the gym three fucking days a week and am not stuffing my face with food!

Not only do i want to look good but fuck...i want to live a long happy life! WTF!

There's this whole new BBW thing--a way to make overweight women feel good about themselves. It goes beyond weight though. Female 'empowerment' has become this vast tool used to make women feel good about whatever they do. You often here things like "all women are beautiful" or "all women deserve to be treated well". When you truly analyze it, it's no wonder that men are more likely to commit suicide in just about every country in the world.

01-03-2014, 05:08 AM
Considering how I look, I'm in no position to judge ANYONE on their looks. For folks seriously overweight, I DO worry about their health...but I'm to nice to say their overweight to their face.

I do love a bit of thickness though. See the three young ladies below. None of them are a size 2, but goddammit they're still very attractive to me.

I've seen the redhead before. Apparently she's from Minnesota and smoking hot.

01-03-2014, 11:02 AM
This thread reminds me of a TEDx talk that I couldn't watch all the way through.


from reddit:
Some things are hard for some people. This makes it seem like an impossibility, not just for themselves, but for everyone. Because then, they're "normal."

01-03-2014, 12:22 PM
I'm a fat fuck on the edges of diabetes, I needed the doctor to shame me into changing. I eat healthy meals, but snack shit. So I've cut out the sweets, crisps, fizzy drinks, booze, in a short time my eyesight has improved, I've dropped a couple of shirt sizes and feel a hell of a lot better.

I'm proud to have been shamed that I'm a fat cunt, my feelings needed to be hurt. Fat is bad... Every fat cunt like me needs to be reminded until we do something about it. Fat is disgusting..

01-03-2014, 12:53 PM
This thread reminds me of a TEDx talk that I couldn't watch all the way through.


from reddit:
Some things are hard for some people. This makes it seem like an impossibility, not just for themselves, but for everyone. Because then, they're "normal."

My response to that video. Look here Missy, you are fat. You are ugly. The fat face makes you look like you are becoming an orangutan. Its hideous, you have no feminine shape. Stop the faddish diets, the inventing of new conditions and stop making excuses. How about using some of that academic brain to realise stuffing another pastry into your cakehole will not be good for you. There's beautiful healthy food out there, why not try it. Ever heard of a carrot or a leek, or a banana. Or do you only come across these in books or TV. From the sounds of you panting after two minutes I reckon you cannot walk two mins without getting sweaty. Your foul and in denial. It is not okay to be a fatty. It might not be an issue until around 40 ish, so I hope you have good medical insurance. If I were an insurance company, I'd double you up cos you look like twins.

01-03-2014, 01:40 PM
Check out this site. It has some pretty cool bodyweight workout circuits.



And I've been doing these for a while now. It's too cold and icy out to go running.


My diet is horrible though especially around the holidays. Need to sort that out soon.

01-04-2014, 12:22 AM
I'm a fat fuck on the edges of diabetes, I needed the doctor to shame me into changing. I eat healthy meals, but snack shit. So I've cut out the sweets, crisps, fizzy drinks, booze, in a short time my eyesight has improved, I've dropped a couple of shirt sizes and feel a hell of a lot better.

I'm proud to have been shamed that I'm a fat cunt, my feelings needed to be hurt. Fat is bad... Every fat cunt like me needs to be reminded until we do something about it. Fat is disgusting..

I doubt your doctor shamed you into changing. Shame is you avoiding buying new clothes because you're fat. Shame is hiding the bags of food you bought that day because even though nobody cares how much you eat, you still worry about what people will think. That is shame. The doctor telling you you're going to go blind and die because you're so fat, are the facts. Perhaps nobody ever told you the facts? Perhaps you were so addicted, so satiated by the chemicals being released in your brain that you couldn't be bothered with facts. However now the facts can't be ignored any longer, don't be proud that it took a doctor to change your behavior, because it wasn't the doctor, it was the imminent threat of being blind. The thought of losing the one sense besides touch that human beings value over all others.

There is nothing wrong with being fat, and the doctor didn't hurt your feelings. Those feelings already existed for a long time, you just ignored them and perhaps having a doctor say what you felt out loud finally allowed you to accept what you've known all along? You're unhealthy, you're unhappy, and worst of all, you don't have a good enough reason to stop.

01-04-2014, 12:28 AM
My response to that video. Look here Missy, you are fat. You are ugly. The fat face makes you look like you are becoming an orangutan. Its hideous, you have no feminine shape. Stop the faddish diets, the inventing of new conditions and stop making excuses. How about using some of that academic brain to realise stuffing another pastry into your cakehole will not be good for you. There's beautiful healthy food out there, why not try it. Ever heard of a carrot or a leek, or a banana. Or do you only come across these in books or TV. From the sounds of you panting after two minutes I reckon you cannot walk two mins without getting sweaty. Your foul and in denial. It is not okay to be a fatty. It might not be an issue until around 40 ish, so I hope you have good medical insurance. If I were an insurance company, I'd double you up cos you look like twins.

I just don't understand, why do you care? You're obsessing over the physical appearance of another human being. A human being you admit doesn't interest you sexually. What do you feel when you are writing those words, and thinking about how disgusted you are by this woman? What thoughts are going through your mind?

01-04-2014, 03:01 AM
I know you're trying to be down with the kids but, there's something unsettling about you using deffo!
You'll be using txt spk next!:hide-1:

I am always in the zone. Dude.

01-04-2014, 06:39 AM
This thread reminds me of a TEDx talk that I couldn't watch all the way through.


from reddit:
Some things are hard for some people. This makes it seem like an impossibility, not just for themselves, but for everyone. Because then, they're "normal."

holy mother of god thats one ugly fucking woman!
ok...bets open....
1 how many gay guy friends she has? i'm thinking.....a dozen?
2 how much you want to bet she has a black boyfriend....if not not will have one in the next year...
black guys what is with you fucking fat white women! stop empowering them!
they need to lose some fucking weight! look around you there are some gorgeous hell down right stunning healthy and athletic black women....wait on the other hand...don't look keep fucking the fat white chicks...i like to keep all the sexy healthy athletic black women to myself! MINE! Hands off!

Sadly i'm an engineer....the second worst career for a heterosexual white man..the first being proctologist. And let me tell you this fat fuck....would be a trophy wife for all the chubby chasers i work with....why these albino skinny fucks love the fat women..i'll never know...why the lust after the fat angry bitchy ones.....fuck i'll never know.

But one thing is for sure....i hate them. Both the engineers and the fat chicks! And both need to be shamed back into the holes they came from!

01-04-2014, 01:23 PM
Sadly i'm an engineer....the second worst career for a heterosexual white man..the first being proctologist. And let me tell you this fat fuck....would be a trophy wife for all the chubby chasers i work with....why these albino skinny fucks love the fat women..i'll never know...why the lust after the fat angry bitchy ones.....fuck i'll never know.

But one thing is for sure....i hate them. Both the engineers and the fat chicks! And both need to be shamed back into the holes they came from!

So basically you are a sad person and un-happy at the failures at your own life, so you need to take it out on someone else?
This is just bullying and it doesn't help anyone, and you are a cunt's hair away from a ban.

While I don't agree with that woman, I fail to see why you find it necessary to harass and bully - and especially on a forum where so many have been bullied and harassed throughout their life (or into taking it).
Fuck it ... you're taking a ban after you read this.

01-04-2014, 02:44 PM
So basically you are a sad person and un-happy at the failures at your own life, so you need to take it out on someone else?
This is just bullying and it doesn't help anyone, and you are a cunt's hair away from a ban.

While I don't agree with that woman, I fail to see why you find it necessary to harass and bully - and especially on a forum where so many have been bullied and harassed throughout their life (or into taking it).
Fuck it ... you're taking a ban after you read this.


01-04-2014, 03:31 PM
I doubt your doctor shamed you into changing. Shame is you avoiding buying new clothes because you're fat. Shame is hiding the bags of food you bought that day because even though nobody cares how much you eat, you still worry about what people will think. That is shame. The doctor telling you you're going to go blind and die because you're so fat, are the facts. Perhaps nobody ever told you the facts? Perhaps you were so addicted, so satiated by the chemicals being released in your brain that you couldn't be bothered with facts. However now the facts can't be ignored any longer, don't be proud that it took a doctor to change your behavior, because it wasn't the doctor, it was the imminent threat of being blind. The thought of losing the one sense besides touch that human beings value over all others.

There is nothing wrong with being fat, and the doctor didn't hurt your feelings. Those feelings already existed for a long time, you just ignored them and perhaps having a doctor say what you felt out loud finally allowed you to accept what you've known all along? You're unhealthy, you're unhappy, and worst of all, you don't have a good enough reason to stop.

Earlier in the thread you compared being obese to having a heroin addiction, if that's the case, you are an enabler. I don't buy your entire premise tho, including the whopper that morbidly obese people have more will power than others. Sure there's nothing wrong with being fat, well, besides all the diabetes, hypertension & MIs. There's a reason you rarely, if ever, see super sized octogenarians ....

Getting back to original premise of the thread. People nowadays are always looking to be offended and have skins as thick as an amoeba.

01-04-2014, 06:43 PM
Earlier in the thread you compared being obese to having a heroin addiction, if that's the case, you are an enabler. I don't buy your entire premise tho, including the whopper that morbidly obese people have more will power than others. Sure there's nothing wrong with being fat, well, besides all the diabetes, hypertension & MIs. There's a reason you rarely, if ever, see super sized octogenarians ....

Getting back to original premise of the thread. People nowadays are always looking to be offended and have skins as thick as an amoeba.

Yes, food has the largest dopamine response in your brain. Yes, food is more addicting than heroin. Please refer to the number of heroin addicts in the world to the number of morbidly obese people in the world. More specifically, sugar. Mother nature was smart enough to reward us for finding high caloric food sources, because you know, food comes before procreation. I'm an enabler? You most likely don't know what that word means, so I'll abstain. I don't really care if you buy the premise, it is called science. Fat is not the same thing as being morbidly obese, please learn the distinction between the words. Yes, morbidly obese people have more willpower than those of a normal weight. You could never understand this because you have never considered how much effort it takes to tie your shoes when you are 200 lbs. over weight. Everything takes more effort, and on top of that society deems you lazy, and worthless. You statistically get paid less when you are fat. So don't be so quick to dismiss something you clearly have no formal connection with, or willingness to consider.