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View Full Version : What you got planned for New Years Eve Then .

12-28-2013, 12:40 PM
So now Christmas is finished and done for another year , what is everyone gearing up for this new years eve then ?

Anyone going to a party, dinner night in , game of cards with the family , playing with the banjo string etc ?

12-28-2013, 12:44 PM
Im going to a small party with some friends ...What about you Libby?:mad: x

Ben in LA
12-28-2013, 12:45 PM
There's a 90% chance I'll be at work, but I know of about three parties in my area I can hit up if I don't...if you count San Diego a part of my area haha.

12-28-2013, 12:53 PM
I am having a nice night with my GF , have a couple of drinks indoors , filthy sex in bed then crash out. then work the next day :) Actually starting shooting Porn scenes on 1st January lol start off the new year in the correct mindset .. been a dead year this year for me with shooting , i took a break from porn pretty much this year myself as a model .. been doing camera work/webcam and working out a new strategum for 2014 for new site etc exciting times ahead :)

Was invited to a family party but i didnt want to go as just spend a week nearly at family home .

12-28-2013, 02:53 PM
Heading to Amsterdam. It's my first time there, I heard it's a blast on New Years.

12-28-2013, 03:20 PM
Too early to be making plans yet! :shrug

12-28-2013, 07:14 PM
I don't know yet...I usually hate going out that day. The only time I go out on New Years Eve is if someone drags me out...like if a girl I'm dating insists we go to a party and it's too early in the relationship to say "no"...or..
if I have concert tickets for that night - this year I don't
if I have tickets to a game - this year I don't

I don't know...I drink enough as is for most of the year, I don't need a special holiday for it...but I'll wait and see what pops up.

However, I will never, never,never,never..ever...go and stand in the cold with with an annoying crowd, wearing 2014 glitter glasses, and holding in my pee, to see the ball drop in Times Square.

12-28-2013, 08:21 PM
I'm working Jan 1st so a quiet night in :(

12-28-2013, 08:42 PM
oh, just a nice,quiet, countdown-the- seconds night .....in a local titty-strip club!!:)

12-28-2013, 09:30 PM
I'm going to a quiet house party. I'll probably get way too drunk, embarrass myself and then stumble home alone. Good times!

12-29-2013, 01:29 AM
Swimming, tennis, relax in sun, party....

12-29-2013, 03:42 AM
I hate you prospero, im working new years eve and new years day at 8am!!
my time will come! just not soon enough!!!!

12-29-2013, 03:48 AM
Most likely, enjoy a glass of wine with my love, by the fire, with They Might Be Giants playing in the background. :)

12-29-2013, 04:50 AM
Nuttin' honey, but I may have found you a new local fan. :)

Ben in LA
12-29-2013, 05:03 AM
This is the party to be at in LA...

12-29-2013, 06:16 AM
Swimming, tennis, relax in sun, party....

Enjoy old friend, and we'll catch up in 2014.

I'll be having a curry with friends in York then going to the Minster for the bells at midnight, probably with a few Bells already inside me. :dancing:

And Liberty, here's hoping that all your plans come to fruition in 2014 and that you have a great year.

12-29-2013, 06:38 AM
I'm working Jan 1st so a quiet night in :(

Yeah, that was my excuse last year: worked New Year's Eve and New Year's Day... and Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Easter, my birthday, which fell on a Sunday, and 4th of July.

This year I won't be celebrating New Year's as I will be getting ready to move to LA on the 2nd. My energies will be directed towards actually making this a better year than the ones that have come before, rather than towards getting shitfaced. Although there will be plenty of the latter I'm sure once I'm established down south. :)

12-29-2013, 07:00 AM
Well, working, partying, chill in', planning, sleeping, drunk, sober or high... I hope 2014 is a damn good year for everyone here

12-29-2013, 01:37 PM
Getting humped while staying in a suite at a 5 Star hotel*,
after getting very well paid for the experience!
Least, that's what happened last year, so fingers crossed for a repeat.

Thinking back, it was spooky walking through this hotels main reception
at 6am and not seeing a soul. No staff, no one on the desk.
I kept expecting zombies to appear. But maybe that's just me.

Have a good-um Libby. http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-basic/smile.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)

*The same hotel where are the world leaders held their ultra secret
Bilderberg Group meetings, though the gig I went to was a different one, obviously! http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-basic/tongue.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)

12-29-2013, 01:45 PM
Yeah, that was my excuse last year: worked New Year's Eve and New Year's Day... and Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Easter, my birthday, which fell on a Sunday, and 4th of July.

This year I won't be celebrating New Year's as I will be getting ready to move to LA on the 2nd. My energies will be directed towards actually making this a better year than the ones that have come before, rather than towards getting shitfaced. Although there will be plenty of the latter I'm sure once I'm established down south. :)

Best of luck with the move Miranda and here's hoping that 2014 brings all the positive changes you're hoping for.

12-29-2013, 05:20 PM
*The same hotel where are the world leaders held their ultra secret
Bilderberg Group meetings, though the gig I went to was a different one, obviously! http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-basic/tongue.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)

Could not be worse than having a walk-on/sit-down part in Downton Abbey...


12-29-2013, 07:12 PM
Just gonna chill this year... no nonsense is the theme for 2014...

12-29-2013, 08:54 PM
going to London to find these girls and their mothers:)

12-29-2013, 09:08 PM
[QUOTE=maaarc;1432679]going to London to find these girls and their mothers:)

You'll do fine as long as you avoid him, or maybe he is auditioning for a role in a Coen brothers movie...?

12-31-2013, 07:42 PM
Hope to see all my Cali folks here tonight!

12-31-2013, 09:13 PM
Been to the gym and tennis. Off to swim now.. Tonight a small party on a friends boat

12-31-2013, 09:39 PM
i'm old and boring so i ain't doing shit. my misanthropy precludes going out to any parties and being around drunk people isn't my cup of tea. i'll probably be reading a book and listening to my catalog of black metal.

12-31-2013, 10:11 PM
Anyone know if wayout is open tonight? If not what other London venues might an HA member (haha) enjoy?...

01-01-2014, 02:29 AM
Sacrifice to the Gods of Chaos for a prosperous 2014! Skulls for the Skull Throne. LOL! That and drink alot!

01-01-2014, 04:33 AM
Been to the gym and tennis. Off to swim now.. Tonight a small party on a friends boat

All this healthy lifestyle won't last!

Seriously, enjoy while you can and catch up in 2014.

01-01-2014, 05:45 AM
My goal is to suck off at least one TS tonight.

01-01-2014, 06:49 AM
It's all over here in the UK.

Me? I'm nursing a mild hangover.

01-01-2014, 06:56 AM
It's all over here in the UK.

Me? I'm nursing a mild hangover.

And here's the cure of choice......