View Full Version : Hey, need a guitar player?
Jamie French
12-25-2013, 06:02 PM
Just kidding.
Your band sucks.
More to come...
12-25-2013, 07:44 PM
Super cool! Merry Christmas.
12-26-2013, 01:51 AM
Oooh Jackson <3
I have an Ibanez. Fucked up and got one with a floating tremolo for no reason, but it's still pretty sweet. :] I hear the 7's play naturally.
Jamie French
12-26-2013, 04:04 AM
Gotta have that locking trem... only take 87 hours to change the strings. Though they keep your ax in tune, I shake my fist at Floyd Rose every time I snap a string.
Oooh Jackson <3
I have an Ibanez. Fucked up and got one with a floating tremolo for no reason, but it's still pretty sweet. :] I hear the 7's play naturally.
12-26-2013, 04:26 AM
Very cool shot Ms. French. :rock2
12-26-2013, 03:11 PM
Listen to me, buy an old Flying V, an early '80 Marshall combo and go to play hard with that girl...
Jamie French
12-26-2013, 04:24 PM
Sorry, I need a faster neck than the older axes offer, and Marshall? Yuck... pure noise. Had a JCM 800 for years and couldn't stand it. I like my Jackson RRXMG, my Schector Damien FR and my Mesa Dual Rec Roadstar combo just fine. Also, my acoustic, banjo, accordion, and million other guitars and studio gear... I've been at this awhile. (My studio rates are pretty cheap by the way if anyone is interested.)
Listen to me, buy an old Flying V, an early '80 Marshall combo and go to play hard with that girl...
12-26-2013, 05:31 PM
Nice guitar collection - if a bit metal-oriented for my tastes - you have there, Jamie. I was hoping that Satan Claws would bring me a Telecaster, but no such luck unfortunately...
Jamie French
12-27-2013, 06:34 AM
My banjo is the most metal banjo ever made by a dude who makes banjos. My accordion on the other hand is just a straight up faggot. He's my main squeeze.
12-27-2013, 06:49 AM
This is my pride and joy - a 30 year old Lowden that I bought second hand. Hand made in Ireland and one of the first 50 that the esteemed luthier George Lowden ever made. It may not look much, but it's now worth £4K. Despite that, I gig with it two or three times a week. It's what's known in the trade as a jumbo - because of the big booty! - and it has a massive sound. I usually play it in DADGAD - it seems to belong there.
12-27-2013, 06:49 AM
You are such a silly faggot Jamie. That is why I love you and want to have your babies!!! :)
By babies, I mean adopting a cat lol.
12-27-2013, 06:56 AM
Mesa Boogie amps are alright, but when you need a stack you gotta go with Marshall.
12-27-2013, 06:57 AM
Apologies Jamie for that giant ego-shredding pic on your thread - never realised it would be so big lol. BTW, don't need a guitar player (obviously), but might be looking for an accordion player at some stage......
Jamie French
12-27-2013, 08:20 AM
Completely disagree... if you like zero headroom and maximum, (unmusical) gain then go ahead and make out with a Marshall all day long. I prefer sick rhythmic control and precision. Nothing beats the saturation and scooped mids of a Mesa... The sounds doesn't scream and whine like a Marshall, it crushes, it clobbers, it has character.
But, even better is that my Roadstar Dual Rectifier is a 4 gain stage amp... only a very small portion of my time is spent making kids music, (hardrock) so I have access to every tone imaginable all tube, all analog, all awesome for the rest of the time when I'm playing actual music.
Mesa Boogie amps are alright, but when you need a stack you gotta go with Marshall.
05-02-2014, 11:09 PM
Mesa Boogie amps are alright, but when you need a stack you gotta go with Marshall.
Mesa do not have any dynamics.
You can cherish your strings, or you can strike them as hell your Mesa will always sound the same.
05-04-2014, 12:02 PM
I'll roll with a Mesa over anything. But hey, everyone likes their tone to be their own.
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