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View Full Version : Reduced admission to Tonights Goddess Pageant!!! July 10th!

06-12-2006, 06:28 PM
Breaking News!
Mention the “Allanah Starr” List at the ticket booth tonight and pay only $30 for tonights Finale of the Miss International Goddess Pageant!! That’s half of what you’d normally pay to see the beauty, the talent, and the Goddess get crowned!

Also hold on to your ticket because it will entitle you to a reduced admission at the Official Miss International Goddess Afterparty at Club Vapor (143 Madison Ave. @ 32nd St)!

G'day folks!

I' m posting this for my friend Sunny Dee-Lite who is organizing the first national beauty pageant to be held in NYC for transsexual entertainters.

It's going to be a fabulous evening with the best girls int he field around the country competing and entertaining.

Check out her website


for more details!

Oh and I will be making an special apperance as a judge!


06-12-2006, 09:27 PM
The fact that one of the 4 categories of competition is "superhero" is sheer genius. :)

06-13-2006, 04:10 AM
i think i should also be a judge...

TS Photographer
06-14-2006, 06:19 AM
Good Luck with the Pageant, I wish I could come and take photos,But it is kind of short notice, I hope it is a FAIR pageant,

06-14-2006, 03:57 PM
Hey, that's great news Allanah! I'm sure the pagent will go great and be a good time. I'm kinda surprised that NYC hadn't had a national level pagent until now, good work.

They can be pretty fun. I don't really have too much to do with our local ones anymore, myself. The last one we had I hung two disco balls on the main stage, did a sound check, handed out some extension cords, and bolted out of work early. I'm still not sure who won.

Still, like I said, they can be pretty cool and I've seen some really impressive numbers performed.

Nice job!

06-15-2006, 09:38 PM
Hmmm....sounds interesting. I have never done a TS contest of any kind, although I have done my share of modeling, as a female having nothing to do with tranny stuff. Maybe I should enter it does sound interesting what does someone have to to to enter?


Sunny Dee-lite
06-16-2006, 12:27 AM
Hi all,
Just responding about what you need to compete in the pageant.You can register thru email for a fee of $200. The earlier you register the better. And final registrations will be done on the morning of July 9th at 11am for the $200 fee @Webster Hall located at 125 east 11st (between 3rd ave and 4th).Thank you and hope this answers all of your questions. since this is the first year of the pageant open entries are welcome.

06-26-2006, 07:08 AM
not to stray off topic... but do a lot of ts's go to webster hall normally? ive been there quite a few times and would love to know if im missing out on some beautiful women when Im there...

07-10-2006, 09:08 AM
Any reviews??? :D

07-10-2006, 06:53 PM
sooo a discounted ticket price, and it gives you a discount into vapor??

and when we get home, will it work like the magical ticket in "last action hero" movie .. so we can walk into our TV's and join in on the porn?