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06-12-2006, 03:34 AM
Deadwood is back...and I'm loving it!!!

Let the killing, whoring, drinking, gambling, and all the other fun stuff in the frontier days begin again!

"my snatch is clean..."

06-12-2006, 03:53 AM
I, too, am definitely a huge fan. This show has great writing, great casting, and some of the best dialogue of any program on television today.

"I, too, can imagine bleeding if first I have been made to understand."


06-12-2006, 03:53 AM
LMFAO..."I will profane your fucking remains, E.B.....Gabriel's trumpet will produce you from the ass of a pig..."

06-12-2006, 04:00 AM
"Custer was a cunt...the end..."

06-12-2006, 04:05 AM
Great episode! Swearengen has the best lines.


06-12-2006, 04:08 AM
I, too, am definitely a huge fan. This show has great writing, great casting, and some of the best dialogue of any program on television today.

"I, too, can imagine bleeding if first I have been made to understand."


No doubt, some of the dialogue is akin to "Wild West" Shakespeare...

06-12-2006, 04:22 AM
No doubt, some of the dialogue is akin to "Wild West" Shakespeare...

LOL... The wife and I were talking in terms of the same comparison no less than ten minutes ago.


07-04-2006, 08:04 AM
I just caught the latest episode...that show just keeps on gettin' better...

07-04-2006, 09:27 AM
One thing I love about the show is the depth of each fucking character.I'm kind of surprised that I can even understand the iambic of those cocksuckers.

07-04-2006, 04:35 PM
One thing I love about the show is the depth of each fucking character.I'm kind of surprised that I can even understand the iambic of those cocksuckers.


My favorite episode in the first season was the one featuring the conversation between 'Swinjin' and 'The Celestial' where they keep drawing stick figures and pointing at them while yelling "Cocksucker" back and forth. :lol:

I have only seen one of the later episodes, having no teevee (I watch by immersion when the DVDs are released) and being at the mercy of whatever's on the idiotbox at the hotels I stay at.

On my 7500 mile, cross-country, 21 cities in 21 states in 21 days tour last year I made a brief sidetrip through Deadwood, just to say I'd seen it. Quite the place. If SD ever climbs out of the political crapper I might even go and spend some tourist dollars there.

Cocksuckers. :x

07-06-2006, 03:14 AM
I'm hoping Hostetler and The General stay around but I think Steve the drunk is gonna do everything in his power to get them lenched.I've never seen a foaming at the mouth rascist like him before:)

Why doesn't Cy drop the bible act nobody is buying it.

Calamity Jane and Joanie are in a prelesbian phase imo.

Trixie being a ex pro has problems accepting Sol's kind treatment.

I thing Alma Garret(bank of deadwood owner)is getting Hi with Leon.He is hanging around the bank for something?

Seth Bullock(sheriff) looks at Alma Garret like he wants to get that agian.His temper is going to kill somebody soon i think.

Ellsworth should leave Alma Garret.She doesn't listen to reason.He tried to tell her stupid ass that Hearst is a killer that you don't fuck with.

I wonder how long Sweregen can go before he takes revenge on Hearst.

The woman(lost her name) that Con Stapleton fucked had the loveliest tig-o- bitties.mmmm :D

07-06-2006, 03:54 AM
I'm hoping Hostetler and The General stay around but I think Steve the drunk is gonna do everything in his power to get them lenched.I've never seen a foaming at the mouth rascist like him before:)

Why doesn't Cy drop the bible act nobody is buying it.

Calamity Jane and Joanie are in a prelesbian phase imo.

Trixie being a ex pro has problems accepting Sol's kind treatment.

I thing Alma Garret(bank of deadwood owner)is getting Hi with Leon.He is hanging around the bank for something?

Seth Bullock(sheriff) looks at Alma Garret like he wants to get that agian.His temper is going to kill somebody soon i think.

Ellsworth should leave Alma Garret.She doesn't listen to reason.He tried to tell her stupid ass that Hearst is a killer that you don't fuck with.

I wonder how long Sweregen can go before he takes revenge on Hearst.

The woman(lost her name) that Con Stapleton fucked had the loveliest tig-o- bitties.mmmm :D

I can't argue with any of that...

And I think that it's a given that Alma is back on the opiate du jour...in addition to the hints in the preview for next week, don't forget that she went out to "take the air", after looking out of the window and getting the nod from Leon...

I do regret that we haven't seen more of Wu, and the "Celestials" this season...

And I don't go for big girls, but the woman that Con fucked definitely had a very nice pair of funbags...

07-06-2006, 04:02 AM
BTW...I thought that the last scene, where Swerengen pretty much bared his soul to his favorite hooker, was fucking incredible...

07-06-2006, 04:07 AM
BTW...I thought that the last scene, where Swerengen pretty much bared his soul to his favorite hooker, was fucking incredible...

He tends to do that alot when getting his prick sucked.Hell of a way to get therapy huh?Next week looks like it's going to be even better.One thing I love is every plot is important.Where as it seemed like all the attention went to Tony on the Sopranos.

07-06-2006, 04:23 AM
I'm hoping Hostetler and The General stay around but I think Steve the drunk is gonna do everything in his power to get them lenched.I've never seen a foaming at the mouth rascist like him before:)

Why doesn't Cy drop the bible act nobody is buying it.

Calamity Jane and Joanie are in a prelesbian phase imo.

Trixie being a ex pro has problems accepting Sol's kind treatment.

I thing Alma Garret(bank of deadwood owner)is getting Hi with Leon.He is hanging around the bank for something?

Seth Bullock(sheriff) looks at Alma Garret like he wants to get that agian.His temper is going to kill somebody soon i think.

Ellsworth should leave Alma Garret.She doesn't listen to reason.He tried to tell her stupid ass that Hearst is a killer that you don't fuck with.

I wonder how long Sweregen can go before he takes revenge on Hearst.

The woman(lost her name) that Con Stapleton fucked had the loveliest tig-o- bitties.mmmm :D

I can't argue with any of that...

And I think that it's a given that Alma is back on the opiate du jour...in addition to the hints in the preview for next week, don't forget that she went out to "take the air", after looking out of the window and getting the nod from Leon...

I do regret that we haven't seen more of Wu, and the "Celestials" this season...

And I don't go for big girls, but the woman that Con fucked definitely had a very nice pair of funbags...

Damn, I have to stop answering my wife's twenty million questions per episode and start paying better attention. I totally missed the Leon/Alma connection, even with the previews for next week displaying her addicted behavior.

As for when Swearengen will take on Hearst, I think I know what's being planned (which means that I am probably wrong). Hearst has been having problems with the Cornish attempting to unionize, which is why his men keep killing them. Wu, in a previous meeting with Swearengen, mentioned that he had come back from meeting with Hearst's people in San Francisco. I bet Hearst is planning to replace the Cornish miners with Celestials because, historically speaking, they worked for less money, didn't unionize, and tended to defer to authority. It's a trap. They're going to be Wu's people, which means that they will be Swearengen's people. What does Hearst care about more than money or anything else? Gold, that's what. Swearengen doesn't want to just hurt him physically; he wants to break him emotionally by taking away his access to the one thing that he really cares about: gold. Break the will and the flesh will follow.

At least that's how I read it. Cocksuckers!


07-06-2006, 04:26 AM
I think your fuckin right.Swearegen did say "don't you fuckin touch him I want mine served cold!"

07-10-2006, 03:39 AM
Tonight's episode. Holy shit!!!


07-10-2006, 04:03 AM
Hostetler...........:(no,no,no!!!! I knew it was a mistake to get attached to him....FUCK! I knew his days where numbered but didn't expect it to down like that.

07-10-2006, 04:39 AM
No doubt. Hostetler's "departure" sucked.


07-12-2006, 06:10 AM
Sweet Fancy Moses!!! I didn't look at this thread because I just now got the chance to watch the latest episode....no holds barred this season...cocksuckers...

07-12-2006, 11:23 PM
Looks like this might be last season of deadwood. :(


Add Rome to that as well.


If they gid rid of The Wire, whats left?

07-18-2006, 05:22 AM
It's amazing how Mr. Hearst has Deadwood under his foot yet the ever increasing amount of enemies hasn't killed him yet.It seems better for everyone if he's dead?Well.....maybe better for the people he hasn't bought.

I wonder if the'General' has any ideas for revenge toward Steve or just getting the hell outta there with the $1200 asap?

Why in the hell didn't Ellsworth fuck Alma's high ass?wtf?

Dino Velvet
07-18-2006, 07:30 AM
Just caught the July 9th episode that I had saved on my TiVo. Sorry, this is my first season of viewing so I am not familiar with most of the names but was that or was that not the damndest fistfight ever? I came out of my seat cheering when Swearegen's boy ripped Hearst's bodyguard's eye out. I yelled, "Kill 'em! Kill 'em!" Then he picked up that piece of wood and bashed the back of his head in. Good times.

07-20-2006, 03:50 AM
Just caught the July 9th episode that I had saved on my TiVo. Sorry, this is my first season of viewing so I am not familiar with most of the names but was that or was that not the damndest fistfight ever? I came out of my seat cheering when Swearegen's boy ripped Hearst's bodyguard's eye out. I yelled, "Kill 'em! Kill 'em!" Then he picked up that piece of wood and bashed the back of his head in. Good times.

Yeah, it was an incredible brawl...reminds me of the the Titus Pullus gladiator throwdown on the Rome series...

But IMO neither compares with the epic match between Jimmy Braddock and Max Baer in Cinderella Man...

07-20-2006, 03:59 AM
So Donko aka donkeyboy has snuck back in to the forum...whats up with that, NYCe?

Now he? calls himself Shram...


07-20-2006, 04:00 AM
nice work mods..

07-22-2006, 04:13 AM
What if Holester was murdured and it was made to look like a suicide?Well maybe I'm grasping for straws...... but you gotta admit his exit was strange

07-23-2006, 02:52 AM
Whoa the fistfight between dan - dave (cant remember what his name was exactly) and the captain was crazy, i know what you're saying about getting off your seat and yelling kill him because i did the exact same thing, i wanted him to cuss out mr. hearst in front of everybody to :(.

Swearengen is the best character in a series ever.

Bullock needs to seek anger management but hes cool.

Francis Walcott is a lunatic.

Deadwood is the best show iv seen in a while i watched season 1-3 (to where its stopped atleast) in 2 days and now im so sad because i have to wait to watch more :(.

From what i hear this will be Deadwood's last season and at the end they will be making a pair of 2 hour movies to finish it off.

Ok those are my thoughts!

07-24-2006, 04:06 AM

"you've already fucked a horse..."

And it looks as though high noon is very close...

07-24-2006, 04:20 AM

"you've already fucked a horse..."

And it looks as though high noon is very close...

'Steve the drunk' seemed more tolerant when 'the little nigger general' reminded him about that bestiality incident.It's amazing how he went from wanting to tar and feather a man to" I wouldn't mind if you wanted to stay on"wtf

Where's the preacher cause he's gonna be real busy?

08-07-2006, 03:33 AM
Every scene, and line of dialogue in this series is pure gold...or the color as Hearst would put it...

08-07-2006, 03:48 AM
My favorite scene tonight was when Charlie http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j288/jasadin0/charlieutter.jpg

punched Hearst's guy in the jaw while locked up.That was worth a little color :lol:

08-07-2006, 04:01 AM
brilliant show...so profane and yet so eloquant...

08-07-2006, 04:14 AM
Great episode! Watching Charlie Udder punch that guy was hysterical. I literally couldn't stop laughing.


08-14-2006, 03:59 AM
Best episode of the season. Possibly the best shown thus far, period.


08-14-2006, 04:45 AM
a little girl on girl action might be just what jane needs.

08-14-2006, 04:50 AM
a little girl on girl action might be just what jane needs.

Totally... Her passive-aggressive approach to getting said action tonight had me laughing.


08-16-2006, 04:49 AM
Another superb episode...but in regards to last week's episode, do you guys and gals think that the robber-baron Hearst had Aunt Lou's son Odell killed? And if so, will she seek revenge?

I visited the HBO Deadwood forum for the first time yesterday, and found an interesting post regarding the song that Al was singing last week...haunting lyrics...

It's called "The Unfortunate Rake". Appropriate, given who's singing it, it's about a young man dying of mercury poisoning as a result of being treated for syphilis:

As I was a-walking down by St. James' Hospital,
I was a-walking down by there one day,
What should I spy but one of my comrades
All wrapped up in flannel though warm was the day.

I asked him what ailed him, I asked him what failed him,
I asked him the cause of all his complaint.
"It's all on account of some handsome young woman,
'Tis she that has caused me to weep and lament.

"And had she but told me before she disordered me,
Had she but told me of it in time,
I might have got pills and salts of white mercury,
But now I'm cut down in the height of my prime.

"Get six young soldiers to carry my coffin,
Six young girls to sing me a song,
And each of them carry a bunch of green laurel
So they don't smell me as they bear me along.

"Don't muffle your drums and play your fifes merrily,
Play a quick march as you carry me along,
And fire your bright muskets all over my coffin,
Saying: There goes an unfortunate lad to his home."

The banjo tune being played over the closing credits is "Garry Owen".

Garry Owen is the song of Custer's 7th Cavalry.
GARRY OWEN was known to have been used by Irish regiments as a drinking song. Supposedly, one of the Irish "melting pot" troopers of the 7th Cavalry, under the influence of "spirits", was singing the song. By chance Custer heard the melody, liked the cadence, and soon began to hum the tune himself. The tune has a lively beat, that accentuates the cadence of marching horses, and for that reason was adopted as the regimental song soon after Custer arrived at Fort Riley, Kansas to take over command of the 7th Cavalry Regiment. It was the last song played for Custer's men as they left General Terry's column at the Powder River and rode into history.

Lyrics of the song are:

[1] Let Bacchus's sons be not dismayed,
But join with me each jovial blade.
Come booze and sing and lend your aid
To help me with the chorus:

CHORUS: Instead of spa we'll drink down ale
And pay the reckoning on the nail,
For debt no man shall go to jail
From Garry Owen in glory.

[2] We are the boys who take delight
In smashing Limerick lamps at night,
And through the street like sportsters fight,
Tearing all before us. CHORUS

[3] We'll break windows; we'll break doors,
The watch knock down by threes and fours,
Then let the doctors work their cures,
And tinker up our bruises. CHORUS

[4] We'll beat the bailiffs out of fun.
We'll make the mayor and sheriffs run.
We are the boys no man dare dun,
If he regards a whole skin. CHORUS

[5] Our hearts so stout have got us fame,
For soon 'tis known from whence we came.
Where'er we go they dread the name,
Of Garry Owen in glory. CHORUS

08-16-2006, 05:44 AM
Another superb episode...but in regards to last week's episode, do you guys and gals think that the robber-baron Hearst had Aunt Lou's son Odell killed? And if so, will she seek revenge?

I absolutely think Hearst had Odell Killed. Think about it. Odell tried to cheat him, and we have already seen how brutally serious Hearst regards any matter pertaining to "the color." This would also explain why Aunt Lou was so very worried about Odell's meeting with Hearst -- an event that, under normal circumstances, should not have not been such a big deal.

I don't have any theory as to her response. It's just too hard to judge.


08-16-2006, 06:18 AM
What the hell happened to Hearst, historically? When did Wyatt Earp die? And where historically? I got to research this.

08-16-2006, 06:56 AM
Ezed asks,
What the hell happened to Hearst, historically?

correct me if i'm wrong, but i think that's the very same george hearst who bequeathes his mining fortune to his son, william randolph hearst who in turn buys out a gaggle of newspapers and becomes a publishing tycoon and father of patricia hearst, infamous for her part in the 60's symbionese liberation army.

08-16-2006, 06:41 PM
This website has some great historical notes about the characters portrayed in Deadwood.


It seemed that everything Hearst touched literally turned to gold. Though he didn’t fit the mold of a millionaire industrialist very well, there was no doubt that he was well on his way to becoming an even more powerful and successful man. Remembered as “almost illiterate” and having a taste for poker, bourbon and tobacco, these traits obviously didn’t hold him back. His manner and dress were often described as rough, disheveled, and crude, as he appeared in dirty and wrinkled clothes at board and miners’ meetings alike. In addition to his many mining activities, Hearst had been continuously acquiring land in the west, especially in California, and also substantial ranching and livestock interests.

As his career was peaking, Hearst received word that his mother was ill and returned to Missouri in June, 1860. Spending most of his time with her until she died in early, 1861, he met a young neighbor and school teacher named Phoebe Elizabeth Apperson. Enchanted with the 19 year-old girl, her parents were not so happy, believing that he was much too old for her. However, the two eloped on June 15, 1862 and the two soon headed to California, where they lived at the Lick House in San Francisco, a famous hotel of the time. A year later, the couple had a son on April 29, 1863 – William Randolph Hearst. As George continued to deal with his various mining interests, Phoebe remained in San Francisco.

Though Hearst had no political experience, he was nominated to the State Assembly and won a seat representing San Francisco as a Democrat in 1865. During his two years in office, he acquired the 48,000 acre Piedra Blanca Ranch at San Simeon, California and later bought several adjoining ranches that would later become the site of the famed Hearst Castle.

Two years later the prosperous Ophir Mine began to decline and it was thought by some that the Comstock Load had finally been exhausted. Hearst returned to San Francisco to look after his real estate investments and began to apply his mining expertise to assisting the value of prospective mining ventures. Traveling all over the American West, he received high fees for his services and sometimes invested his money if the prospects looked bright enough. Hearst frequently invested with a man named James B. Haggin and eventually the pair formed a mining partnership.

Their first well-off mine that they partnered on was the Ontario in Utah in 1872. Though extremely expensive to develop and operate in the beginning, it would later make them millions of dollars.

When gold was discovered in the Black Hills in 1875, Hearst began to take note and when the Manuel brothers discovered a large outcrop of gold in what would quickly become the gold camp of Lead, Hearst sent people to investigate. In 1877, Hearst himself arrived in Deadwood and along with Haggin, bought the mine from the Manuel brothers and named it the Homestake Mine. Buying up additional claims in the Deadwood area, the Homestake Mining Operation soon was the largest in the Black Hills and the leading producer of gold in the United States.

Hearst continued to invest in other mines, including the San Luis Mine in Mexico that proved to be extremely profitable.

In 1878 Hearst began developing the Piedra Blanca Ranch in southern California which he had purchased in 1865. His son, William, would later develop the site even further into the palatial retreat known as San Simeon.

In 1880, George acquired the small San Francisco Examiner as repayment for a gambling debt. Though he had little interest in the publishing business, he kept it because he felt the Democratic Party needed a friendly newspaper in San Francisco. Though he tried to make it profitable, he was unsuccessful until his son volunteered to take it over. Though George tried hard to get William interested in mining, his son was more interested in the journalism business and in 1887 he gave him control. Just three years later, William had built up the newspaper to a value of a million dollars. The Examiner, would later become the foundation of the Hearst Publishing Empire.

In the meantime, Hearst was still avidly pursuing his mining interest. In 1881, Marcus Daly contacted Hearst, asking his help in developing silver mine that he had located on Anaconda Hill near Butte, Montana. Trusting Daly explicitly, Hearst bought a quarter interest in the Anaconda without even seeing it. Though its opportunity appeared to be silver and gold, the Anaconda wound up being developed into one of the world’s largest and most profitable copper mines.

The next year, Hearst's name was submitted for the Governor of California. Though he lost the election, his political days were not yet over. In 1885, he ran for Senator, but again he lost. However, in early 1886, when Senator John F. Miller died in office, Hearst was appointed to fill the vacancy. Hearst was elected by the popular vote to the senate in November, 1886 and for the next six years he and Phoebe lived in Washington D.C.

While still in office, Hearst died in Washington D.C. on February 28, 1891. He is buried at Cypress Lawn Memorial Park in Colma, California. His wife, Phoebe, and his son, William Randolph Hearst, were also buried there later.

08-16-2006, 07:17 PM
Ezed asks,
What the hell happened to Hearst, historically?

correct me if i'm wrong, but i think that's the very same george hearst who bequeathes his mining fortune to his son, william randolph hearst who in turn buys out a gaggle of newspapers and becomes a publishing tycoon and father of patricia hearst, infamous for her part in the 60's symbionese liberation army.

The classic movie 'Citizen Cane' portrayed William Randolph Hearst, but 'RKO 281'(1999), which shows the difficulty that Orson Welles had making the movie, also shows the power and influence that Hearst had at the time. And the movie 'Cat's Meow'(2001) concerns a murder that Hearst committed and then allegedly had covered up.

08-17-2006, 06:20 AM
Thanks for the info on Hearst, guys. So that means Swegan doesn't best him (maybe at best a draw) and Elma is in jeaopordy. What about Wyatt, does he factor in the history of Deadwood?

08-18-2006, 01:58 AM
Thanks for the info on Hearst, guys. So that means Swegan doesn't best him (maybe at best a draw) and Elma is in jeaopordy. What about Wyatt, does he factor in the history of Deadwood?


08-18-2006, 06:13 AM
Thanks for the info on Hearst, guys. So that means Swegan doesn't best him (maybe at best a draw) and Elma is in jeaopordy. What about Wyatt, does he factor in the history of Deadwood?


So it was between stints in Dodge city but before Tombstone, so his future appearences in the show could be something or nothing. Thanks for the info chefmike.

08-22-2006, 04:31 AM
"My meetings, I provide refreshments"

LMFAO...ah, the infamous canned peaches...and another superb episode!!!