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06-10-2006, 09:26 AM
I seem to be crawling in it lately, can't wait to get out of this area. Help me out!!

Which way did you come in? :lol:

Sorry, couldn't resist. :wink:

06-10-2006, 10:21 PM
Well since you asked..........practice guitar, catch fish in the pond in back yard, build more gardens, paint walls and ceilings in house, mow lawn, drink pinot and smoke cigars on deck while bird watching....and check in on HA to see what's new. If you drop in on me I'll put you to work...LOL

06-11-2006, 12:13 AM
well the mc hamer movie is on vh1....practice up on those dance moves,lmao

06-11-2006, 02:02 AM
well the mc hamer movie is on vh1....practice up on those dance moves,lmao

Zoiks! What an aaaaaVVV!, Hollywood. :lol:

Though I can relate to the boredom thing (Hell, I live in a town where the average spike in the excitement meter is caused by stray cats and chickens), but I've never been much for suggestions to cure it.

I collect stamps, ferchrissake. :roll: Oh, sure, there was the $25 one that quadrupled in value a half hour after it was released last week, but how often does that happen, really?

When I lived in Boston I would ride the subway when I had nothing better to do. Though, as the cars I was riding at the time were over fifty years old, it became a daily adventure. :D

If you're house-bound (As it sounds you may be - Late nite, after the clubs have closed), read, write, google odd things of interest. I googled the name of an acquaintence one night and the top ten hits were Department of Justice investigations (He's been rather bad of late). Fun things are where you find them. :lol:

06-11-2006, 03:55 AM
Thanks for suggestions, they gave me a little laugh at least. I woke up late today anyways, a lack of a Saturday and not feeling up to going anywhere by myself tonight. So, here are 3 pics I took a little while ago, which I apologize for looking all about the same (and once again no makeup). Only so much I can do holding the camera as far away from myself as possible. Let me know what you think (maybe I'll take some with my webcam)...

All lovely, as always, darlin'. Though you do look as though you could use a little more sleep (Speaking as one that resembles a racoon at the moment). :)

If it's sunny tomorrow, go for a drive around Enfield/Hazardville/Somers. Nice places.