View Full Version : Can TS porn be funny?

06-05-2006, 06:46 PM
I'm sitting here, formulating the rough draft of a script for a TS porn movie. Not a vignette type fuck flick, but an actually movie that people might potentially watch all the way through, and still be full of sex scenes.

I don't know if that's ever been done with any success yet. I have further doubts if I'll be able to write an effective script myself, or what exactly will become of it, but I've bragged about it enough times I now need to try.

The thing is, the TS scene does generally take itself a bit too seriously most of the time. Could a somewhat comedic approach work as good entertainment, or would it be considered offensive by most TS girls? I'm certainly not trying to be negative, but does this seem amusing as a set-up:

A TS modeling school, where the girls have just landed a contract to promote a new line of ultra feminine condoms. They are packaged in japanese rice paper origami and availible in sizes petite, ravishing, buxom, and big boned. They are also lubricated with a new form of "just for girls" viagra, which unfortunately works far too well and turns the girls into lust crazed nymphos. The new chemical is called. . . Niagra.

Now that's just the basic premise so far, believe me it gets far more absurd, but never insulting, just kinda fun. At least I think it's funny so far.

Any TS girls find this offensive thus far? I think the TS porn scene could use a little more goofy fun, is all I'm saying.

And anybody steals my idea, I'll sue 'em. Hehe.

Alright, back to the Word Pad.

06-05-2006, 08:08 PM
Keep writing, Homer!
Sounds more like a manga comic to me but good luck.

06-05-2006, 09:02 PM
Ah! Screw Homer. Actually, I hated that story. The main character disguises himself as a sheep and pokes some poor cyclops in the eye with a burning stick, then shoves wax in his ears and lashes himself to the mast of his ship to avoid some sirens.

Who doesn't like sirens?

At least that's how I remember things going, haven't read it since I was a kid.

My script's going to be better then that.

Maybe. I'm still working on it. Might take awhile, but things are moving forward.

06-05-2006, 09:26 PM
Keep writing, Homer!
Sounds more like a manga comic to me but good luck.

Heh, I thought he meant Simpson. D'oh! :roll:

It's no more goofy than some of the manga I've seen. There are some pages from one in the Shemale Cartoons thread. Speaking as one who sold a =lot= of manga/anime over the years (The original material, in Japanese, to people who couldn't read or speak Japanese) it's worth a shot.

06-05-2006, 09:47 PM
Doh! I don't think he meant Simpsons.

I always have thought Seanchai was a good guy. But get the hell out of Ulster, you redcoat bastards!


And yeah B1, I am writing this script thingy as a manga (actually hentai) type script. I think it would be a cool story, but it's going to take some time. And it couldn't be shot as a conventional porn.

It's just a little project I'm working on right now.

I find it interesting.

06-06-2006, 08:19 AM
I think the problem could come down to the actors and actresses.

07-08-2006, 05:22 PM
i was thinking yesterday about how seriously we have to take porn and sex -- that laughing ruins it. I think for porn, this is esepcially true.

But I'm just one of those girls who likes her porn to get down and dirty and not be silly soft core with a "plot" :-)

07-08-2006, 05:24 PM
Oh, for the record, "Niagra" is already taken by an herbal Viagra-wannabe which is marketed as "Viagra for women". link (http://www.dreamdrink.com/)