View Full Version : Big Brother - UK

06-04-2006, 10:44 PM
Hello all,

Do any of the British members have any comments with regard to the inclusion of Sam, a pre-op TS, as housemate in the currently running Big Brother??


Joanna Jet

06-04-2006, 11:21 PM
Hello all,

Do any of the British members have any comments with regard to the inclusion of Sam, a pre-op TS, as housemate in the currently running Big Brother??


Joanna Jet

Joanna I have to admit I watch very little TV and have never watched Big Brother, but that sounds interesting....I might even tune in, thanks!

06-05-2006, 12:33 AM
Angela asked me to post this for her:

I haven't seen it but did some quick research and found this (dunno how accurate it is)...


If anyone wants to download the Big Brother UK episodes, they can be found here (need to know how to use BitTorrents)...


Apparently, she doesn't show up til the 12th episode, so if you only want to watch the ones with her in it, start there.

Hope this helps someone, lol.

06-05-2006, 12:36 AM
oops, this went through twice while on my end the page just sat and spun and I then got a 404 error. Sorry.

06-05-2006, 12:41 AM
Joanna, I wonder if Sam's inclusion is purely to stir up people's reactions, a method to get people talking (in a Maury, Jerry Springer way).

Or whether Sam is there like everyone else and the TS factor is by the way.

unfortunately it's the former rather than the latter, rarely are TS on television portrayed as normal people, especially not on big brother.

06-05-2006, 12:41 AM
Well a transsexual already won Big Brother before in the UK- I think from personally appearing on UK TV myself- Telivison there is much more open to transsexuals- i.e, Big Brother, There is Somethign About Miriam, plastic surgery shows- and of course Pet Burns on celibrity Big Brother.

I almost got casted to be on The Farm in the UK, but was dropped as they already had two adult performers on the show and I was opted for very last minute.

The US def. needs to catch up in this arena.

06-05-2006, 12:48 AM
Well a transsexual already won Big Brother before in the UK- I think from personally appearing on UK TV myself- Telivison there is much more open to transsexuals- i.e, Big Brother, There is Somethign About Miriam, plastic surgery shows- and of course Pet Burns on celibrity Big Brother.

I almost got casted to be on The Farm in the UK, but was dropped as they already had two adult performers on the show and I was opted for very last minute.

The US def. needs to catch up in this arena.

well sure, they SHOW transexuals, but they show them for the shock factor much like the US does. I have yet to see a show where they take TS seriously.

Harrys Boy
06-05-2006, 12:56 AM
. I have yet to see a show where they take TS seriously.
The Eurovision song contest?

06-05-2006, 01:15 AM
Phat- does reality TV show anyone in a serious light? My appearance on Cosmetic Surgery Live was very positive and respectiful in my opinion.
If a transsexual can win Big Brother- which is won by PUBLIC VOTE.
And everyone knew Nadia was a TS- that to me is clear sign that somethings are changing.

06-05-2006, 01:17 AM
Phat- does reality TV show anyone in a serious light? My appearance on Cosmetic Surgery Live was very positive and respectiful in my opinion.
If a transsexual can win Big Brother- which is won by PUBLIC VOTE.
And everyone knew Nadia was a TS- that to me is clear sign that somethings are changing.

sorry I'm not up to date on how that show works, I'm just used to seeing maury all like "yo.... is dis a girll..... OR NOT??!?!?"

06-05-2006, 01:19 AM
well that is maury povich dear- not big brother

06-05-2006, 02:50 AM
Hello all,

Do any of the British members have any comments with regard to the inclusion of Sam, a pre-op TS, as housemate in the currently running Big Brother??


Joanna Jet

Hey Joanna, I'm not one of the British members of course, and I don't have any info on this Sam person (I've never watched the show), but I do know a person who was in the final 50 for casting for Big Brother.

A guy named Robert, he's a general manager at the club I work at. Big dude, ex special forces, and he use to teach ballet and gymnastics. Cool guy, gay as the day is long, and he use to DJ in drag as "Patty Paul".

I think he should have got on the show, all of us at work did. He's a great guy, but he didn't get the slot.

Don't know about this Sam person, though.

06-05-2006, 03:23 AM
Hi and wow,

I did not expect so many responses in such a short time and I thank you all for contributing your thoughts and especially so to Allanah who has more experience than any other pre-op TS with regards to the mainstream media and therefore offers by far the most valid of comments.

I agree that the inclusion of Sam as a housemate is most certainly driven by Endemol (the production company) considering her inclusion as offering a subject of discussion that will increase viewer ratings which is, most certainly, a negative objective.
On the other hand, whilst most of the British media have shown no hesitation in making use of the masculine gender when referring to Sam for the sake of shock value and maintaining readership count, all Endemol productions have clearly and correctly represented Sam in the female gender.

I must admit that I did not expect this from Endemol and now find myself considering the presence of Sam in the house as a positive influence and not just an opportunity for a cheap shot.


06-05-2006, 04:03 AM
I still don't know the details on this show, but if Sam can hold her own, seems like a good thing to me. Maybe.

The bad thing is that TV producers do go for that pandering to Joe Lunchbox shock thing, and will probably fuck everything up in post production, regardless of what she does. They probably want to make Sam look like a goofball, because a normal well adjusted TS doesn't make for good television. It doesn't match the target audiences mind set.

I guess it's all on how Sam conducts herself. That's why I wish my friend Robert had got on Big Brother U.S. He would have kicked ass, but I worry they may have a criteria of picking easily manipulated people that help them tell a story they can cut and paste, not the persons own.

I don't like those Television Production people. Snakes and weasels.

06-05-2006, 11:34 PM
Hi Joanna! :D
I live in the u.k. and watch the show.
Sam is beautifull and she is very sweet,
however she is a dull character and is
not popular.So far i do not think her
inclusion on the show has been that positive. :roll:

06-09-2006, 10:55 PM
Sadly EVICTED by public vote. :oops:

06-10-2006, 12:46 AM
the whole cast of big brother are this year classified as freaks, as newspapers have often reported

they have a guy who suffers from tourettes, he is by far the best though
an ex porn star with m cup boobs
a gay canadian man who brands himself as a sexual terrorist
a transsexual, regarded as HE by newspapers and the website itself
a welsh student who only learned how to cook and clean while in the show
an ott as he said himself, "gay scottish paki"
and the rest seem more normal, bitchy but by far more normal

the girls keep complaining about the lack of fit blokes in there, and i agree fully with that!!

the first few series of bb were great, they put random people in there and it was fun, now they specially select them so bitching, backstabbing and everything happens, which isn't reality, it's more of a circus now.

i don't think sam was the perfect candidate there to be shown for the TS community though, and to me did seem to overact and stuff, constantly doing make up and massages and i don't think the public really want to see that, but 53% of the votes was quite a close call, especially for going up against nikki, who i hate since she moans all the time, but she's a popular girl in the house....

i did apply to go on last series but i arrived too late :( maybe ill try again soon haha

06-10-2006, 01:18 AM
sam was always saying how great the other housemates were yet he failed to realise they all slagged him behind his back and showed that they didnt want to talk to him

he acted to weird from the start should have calmed down

06-10-2006, 02:44 AM
sam was always saying how great the other housemates were yet he failed to realise they all slagged him behind his back and showed that they didnt want to talk to him

he acted to weird from the start should have calmed down

Confused about why you instinctively refer to Sam as 'he' ?

06-10-2006, 11:45 AM
sam was always saying how great the other housemates were yet he failed to realise they all slagged him behind his back and showed that they didnt want to talk to him

he acted to weird from the start should have calmed down

Confused about why you instinctively refer to Sam as 'he' ?

Read the sun, or the C4 website: http://www.channel4.com/bigbrother/news/newsstory.jsp?id=1527&articleMask=1

They regard sam as he also.

06-10-2006, 11:57 AM
even sams friends say HIM , fact is that its a man who wants to be a woman but is yet to do anything to change apart from make up and hair

06-10-2006, 07:49 PM
When Sam mentioned, during being interviewed by Davina, that some of her friends still call her Samuel I took it that she was refering to her 'old' friends that still call her by that name. She also did mention that the other half of her friends just refer to her as Sam as a female. Also, during her time in the house she was indentified by all the housemates a female. During the Davina interview she also content with her androgenous state, these weren't here exact words but the point she made was quite clear. When you initially saw her, did you distinquish her as a man? I bet you didn't, so in that sense she is perceived as a girl. I automatically assumed she was a girl by her appearance as I hadn't seen any references to her being a man. I think Joannajet would still probably refer to her as a pre-op transexual as she is definately not a trannie.

06-10-2006, 08:24 PM
mds, sorry but I'm not falling for that huge debate. My point was that I couldnt understand why some people refer to Sam as a he? Do you?

06-12-2006, 11:06 PM
If Sam had Aisleene's character she
would win. 8)