View Full Version : Non op Trannys

09-29-2013, 05:23 AM
I'm sick of seeing beautiful pre ops turn into post ops.

I am wondering who are the Non ops. What I mean by that is a tranny that is happy with her cock and wants to live as a women with a cock for the rest of her life.

So who are the non ops?

09-29-2013, 05:39 AM
I'm sick of seeing beautiful pre ops turn into post ops.

I am wondering who are the Non ops. What I mean by that is a tranny that is happy with her cock and wants to live as a women with a cock for the rest of her life.

So who are the non ops?

There are plenty of them, but it's the kind of thing that they prefer to keep private. Some prefer themselves with the cock and still feel feminine. Others are afraid that if they have srs they will lose sensation. Very few retain them just to make cockhounds happy. It's a very personal thing.

09-29-2013, 05:43 AM
I am a non-op... I have no desire to go post. I have been pre/non for over 12 years. I feel that a pussy doesnt change who you are. At least for me, being a woman is from within, so no surgery can fix that. Plus I am content and happy with who I am and my life.

09-29-2013, 05:54 AM
Michelle, I totally respect -- and and frankly enjoy your decision -- but I am curious how other women (GG and TS) respond to non-op tgirls? Not to say you should care.

09-29-2013, 06:42 AM
Michelle, I totally respect -- and and frankly enjoy your decision -- but I am curious how other women (GG and TS) respond to non-op tgirls? Not to say you should care.

I guess my response would be to shrug my shoulders. While it doesn't quite apply to those of us in porn, the simple reality is that you never see the genitals of the overwhelming majority of the people whom you meet as you go through life, and yet you are still able to make assumptions about gender and respond to the person accordingly without a genital inspection. What this means is that one's genitals have very, very, very little to do with social recognition and acceptance of a given gender role. Whatever is between Michelle's, or any other non-op's, legs has very little to do with her being female, because ultimately genitals are really a tertiary factor in what makes a woman a woman.

As for me, I intend to get SRS eventually, although I'm in no rush. I may be versatile, but ultimately I'm a bottom at heart and would like the additional hole, to put it crassly. Likewise, tucking is uncomfortable and often painful, and having a penis precludes certain outfits and using a public locker room, so for convenience's sake, I'd rather just have a vagina. No worries though guys, this is a number of years out, so you'll get plenty of opportunity to enjoy me with a penis. :D

09-30-2013, 04:17 AM

Wendy Summers
09-30-2013, 05:08 AM
I'm a non-op. Outside of porn what's in my pants hasn't affected my life in any way.

Merkurie, in my experience most don't care but there are a small minority who will claim I'm not really "trans"

09-30-2013, 06:34 AM
I'm sick of seeing beautiful pre ops turn into post ops.

That is a really selfish statement. porn is just a means to an end for some models. only if a model stays active in porn would you know her op status. should she retire from the front of the camera, would knowing if she had a cock be of any importance to you?

despite your desire for 'in tact' models, i contest that if your interest wanes after GRS, find someone else to lust after just as if the model retired from porn. she isn't modeling for your benefit.

Michelle Firestone
09-30-2013, 07:57 AM
It'd be sooooooooo tight to be able to wear a bikini.

09-30-2013, 08:45 AM
It'd be sooooooooo tight to be able to wear a bikini.

Seriously. I don't dislike having a penis, but when you're a girl it kinda gets in the way sometimes.

09-30-2013, 09:45 AM
Well to the OP - tough. It is up to the girls to make these choices and the guys should just shut up. I resect girls who go for the final transformation and also those who decide to step back from this. It's personal choice. It is their lives - which are challenging enough before stupid remarks like yours.

09-30-2013, 02:26 PM
Non ops are out here, more than you'd think.
There are also girls who desire SRS down the road, but may hold off on it indefinitely if they're in a LTR and their current genitalia isn't a problem with their significant other.

I respect whatever decision a woman makes, but 99% of guys don't end up on boards like this because they suddenly found themselves attracted to postop TGs.

It's your life. Live it.

09-30-2013, 08:38 PM
the simple reality is that you never see the genitals of the overwhelming majority of the people whom you meet as you go through life, and yet you are still able to make assumptions about gender and respond to the person accordingly without a genital inspection. What this means is that one's genitals have very, very, very little to do with social recognition and acceptance of a given gender role.

Miranda, this is one of the best-stated comments I've read in a long time on this subject. Well said, indeed.

03-27-2015, 01:36 PM
Hey all,

I know this thread hasn't been updated in a while but I was curious to get a list of additional non ops as well. I believe TS Madison is a non op. If anyone has additional names or anyone on the board who is one, please post here. Thanks

03-28-2015, 06:21 AM

TS Evelyn Summers
03-28-2015, 07:45 AM
I have ZERO Plans To Get SRS.....Non-OP and QUITE Happy ;)

Vladimir Putin
03-28-2015, 08:32 AM
No worries though guys, this is a number of years out, so you'll get plenty of opportunity to enjoy me with a penis. :D

Yeah! :claps

03-28-2015, 02:52 PM
Seriously. I don't dislike having a penis, but when you're a girl it kinda gets in the way sometimes.

I could hold it for you...

03-28-2015, 03:08 PM
I am non-op, and will stay that way for personal reasons. On the whole bikini/tight jeans issue I don't have a problem. But then i had an orchi done 7 years ago so things sit quite flat down there normally.

I did use to think that SRS was a must, but 9 years living full time and well it's not something that is any where near the top of my priority list. In fact its probably quite low down near the bottom. Yes it does limit some relationship opportunities, but if they can't accept you for who you are then they are probably not the right person for you in the first place.

Vladimir Putin
03-28-2015, 10:49 PM
It'd be sooooooooo tight to be able to wear a bikini.

Don't tuck it in, proudly show your bulge. You'll get more guys than GGs. I know I would make googoo eyes on a TS showing her bulge than on a GG.

03-29-2015, 11:38 AM
It'd be sooooooooo tight to be able to wear a bikini.

You in a bikini with a bulge in bottom would be extremely hot.