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View Full Version : Do looks drive transsexual acceptance... or competenecy

Wendy Summers
09-23-2013, 12:00 PM
I recently had a fan who is transsexual comment that if every TS "looked as great as you no one would ever consider us unwelcome"

It hit me: while being attractive has certainly made my life easier, it's not what's driven my mainstream, daily life acceptance. What's done more for me in terms of acceptance by others is high levels of competency. The better we are at what we do, drives folks to view us more as people and less as freaks.

So what do you think? What's the path transpeople need to journey on for acceptance in society? Beauty? Competency? Both? Something else?

09-23-2013, 12:12 PM
I think there can be an over emphasis on looks. Competency could mean a lot of things, but if it means 'appropriate to the situation', I'd say that is more important.

09-23-2013, 01:06 PM
Competent in what? Sucking cock or piloting a jet plane?

Wendy Summers
09-23-2013, 01:15 PM
Competent in what? Sucking cock or piloting a jet plane?

Competency in whatever it is we do... if you're a working girl then sucking cocks; if you're a marketing person how you market your product; if you're a financial planner, how rich you make your clients, if you're an inventor, how world-altering your creations are.

09-23-2013, 01:21 PM
Yup, I think how you look greatly affects how well accepted you are.

Being able to simple pass is the big one (if you can generally pass, then you really don't face unwanted attention unless you "out" yourself...but just popping off in the grocery store? No looks or people judging you... you can just go about your day).

Beyond passing, if you look really good, then you will have guys "looking past" the trans bit (so dating becomes easier).

Competency helps, but it isn't the main factor. I would say passing is more important than competency even in just finding a job.

09-23-2013, 01:22 PM
Competency in whatever it is we do... if you're a working girl then sucking cocks; if you're a marketing person how you market your product; if you're a financial planner, how rich you make your clients, if you're an inventor, how world-altering your creations are.

Have you been to bed yet?

09-23-2013, 01:22 PM
Looks drive acceptance in nearly every facet of western society...not that this is news or anything like that...

09-23-2013, 03:29 PM
It is all about looks for men, women, and transsexuals. When it comes to being accepted as women for transsexual it helps to look hot and like a woman. Especially since society at large only believe in two ideals of genders.

09-23-2013, 03:47 PM
I believe the premise of the original question is flawed since "acceptance" is a state of being and "competency" is a state of action. That being said...

The question, rephrased, is basically, "Do your friends like you because they like YOU or do they like you because YOU DO something for them?" Which would you prefer...?

I would make the argument that those who are accepting of Transgendered individuals in general, do so because that is within the nature of who they are as people (either by birth or learned through experience). People who do not, do so because they have a level of bigotry within them that no amount of "competency" will change, either based in religious beliefs or personal subjectivity.

When you're talking about acceptance of Transgendered individuals, I would throw out there that the question really is, "Can acceptance be taught and learned; and if so, what is the best way to do so?" To argue acceptance based upon merit or beauty, in any course of life, is an argument that is, in itself, bigoted.

09-23-2013, 04:40 PM
As much as I love seeing a beautiful transsexual, to me it all comes down to competence. This of course is based on my personality- I think intelligence is the most attractive asset.

I'm glad this post was started because I just watched a CNN clip of the transsexual who won the high school homecoming contest. This is a historical and important event and I was excited to hear her talk,. However, while watching the clip I quickly became unimpressed due to her statements, which I thought were really lacking. Before anyone jumps on my case, I know she's just a kid and most people facing international media would probably freeze up too. I get it. But still, I can't help but think more could have been done with this opportunity, and that a better prepared and more "professional" attitude would have really helped not only legitimate her, but the greater cause of TG acceptance she was speaking about. In everyday life, competency will always triumph over looks, and this is especially important in the TG community, which shouldn't be pigeon holed as a fetish or a curiosity, but a group of people who need to be taken seriously and are so much more than their physical appearance. Again, I applaud the homecoming queen for her success, it's an important, if not crucial, milestone. I just wish she could have been coached into a stronger statement that reflected the event's significance.

09-23-2013, 04:51 PM
Only recognizing or respecting someone as a person because of his or her competency is bigotry. Krissy is right. It is no different from how racists will concede that there are some good token representatives of the minorities they despise or look down on. I don't see someone as respecting transgender individuals if they only respect them IF they are highly intelligent, highly skilled, have a high paying job, etc.

09-23-2013, 04:57 PM
Ts' (and all people) should be accepted regardless of competency I agree. But that doesn't mean it's unreasonable for people to be respected for developing a competency in an area that contributes to the betterment of society. If it's competency for the sake of accumulating money or seeming respectable then it serves only the purpose of vanity. But a competent doctor deserves to be respected no matter what his/her gender, as does a competent social worker.

While all people should be accepted and respected as human beings, the development of useful skills also contributes to other people's respect for you. The amount that people value it, like appearance, is subject to debate but never really irrelevant.

09-23-2013, 05:02 PM
So what do you think? What's the path transpeople need to journey on for acceptance in society? Beauty? Competency? Both? Something else?

I cannot say for sure but I think the path is lessening ignorance about transgender and gender issues by the general public and more and more everyday people meeting, knowing and caring about transgender individual(s) in their day-to-day life.

09-23-2013, 05:10 PM
Ts' (and all people) should be accepted regardless of competency I agree. But that doesn't mean it's unreasonable for people to be respected for developing a competency in an area that contributes to the betterment of society. If it's competency for the sake of accumulating money or seeming respectable then it serves only the purpose of vanity. But a competent doctor deserves to be respected no matter what his/her gender, as does a competent social worker.

I think what Wendy is getting at is that maybe for ts', factors other than appearance are being unfairly discounted. If appearance is the be all end all of someone's esteem for another person then they're being superficial.

I understand Wendy's original point, and knowing Wendy somewhat, I would state that I believe she doesn't have a bigoted bone in her attractive body. I just wanted to further the conversation.

Here is another point that I believe is being mistakenly debated. Let's not conflate "acceptance" with "popularity". While the two are related, they are vastly different terms with entirely different meanings. Again, I would submit that you can become "popular" by being "competent" but you cannot gain "acceptance" without teaching, learning, and experience.

09-23-2013, 05:11 PM
I cannot say for sure but I think the path is lessening ignorance about transgender and gender issues by the general public and more and more everyday people meeting, knowing and caring about transgender individual(s) in their day-to-day life.


09-23-2013, 05:14 PM
I suppose as long as the word is acceptance and not esteem, then competency should be irrelevant. If someone is only willing to view someone else as human because they have an elite set of skills or hold a profession that is well-respected, it is bigotry.

On the other hand, I don't think there's anything wrong with trying to better yourself so that people know more about you and can relate to you better. It is unfortunately their problem though if their acceptance of you depends on it.

But I think the more access people have to transgender individuals the more likely they will be willing to let go of their prejudices. This is because bigotry can be an abstract thing...it's much more difficult to carry around prejudices when you interact with the people you harbor animosity against. Some people manage it, but I think familiarity helps breed tolerance.

09-23-2013, 05:18 PM
Again, I would submit that you can become "popular" by being "competent" but you cannot gain "acceptance" without teaching, learning, and experience.
I agree with your post. I was conflating acceptance and respect.

I think in this conversation it's also easy to mix up what drives acceptance and what should drive acceptance. Acceptance should never be dependent on competence, but as a descriptive matter it might. In which case, you might then ask how people should respond to unfortunate realities.

Wendy Summers
09-23-2013, 05:23 PM
Have you been to bed yet?

Bed? No I haven't been fucked in over a week.

09-23-2013, 05:24 PM
I agree with your post. I was conflating acceptance and respect.

I think in this conversation it's also easy to mix up what drives acceptance and what should drive acceptance. Acceptance should never be dependent on competence, but as a descriptive matter it might. In which case, you might then ask how people should respond to unfortunate realities.

Yeah, I was going to point that out but you just never know how one is going to react here to making waves and such :). Glad you recognized that though :).

I agree... Ideals VS Reality is always difficult to discern. It is easy to speak in terms of "ideally..." but often enough, you've got to lower your expectations based upon reality. Acceptance is certainly one of those terms with plenty of gray area where the two can meet.

09-23-2013, 05:42 PM

Bed? No I haven't been fucked in over a week.

Since when is a bed necessary for being fucked? :dancing::dancing:

AS for the acceptance question - I'll let you know when I feel accepted.

09-23-2013, 05:46 PM
Looks drive all things in life when it comes to acceptance. Guys dressed in drag walking down the street are not accepted Girls that are to tall have a hard time being accepted. Girls who hands are to big and don't have nails are not accepted. What it comes down to is two things. One there are no famous T:girls out there that have there own show where it be talk show or sit com or anything at all that can get there word out there. Most famous girls are in the industry and that is the only way that there known. Not meaning to stereotype any of them but its just reality. Two: This entire community has to move past the drag shows and the preformers need to be so much more in appearance and applying makeup to look feminine. Acceptance here in America is so far behind Europe. I honestly think it will be another 10 yrs or so before there really excepted in our society. Which to me is 10 yrs to long.

09-23-2013, 05:48 PM
What do you mean by acceptance, Wendy? Serious question.

The ability to suck cocks, if you are a working girl, might make you a commercial hit but won't breed respect. The ability to run a financial consultancy might make you a financial wiz. The wit and skill to write a best selling novel or direct a great film or compose a symphony might gain you acceptance and respect in those fields. But in terms of "acceptance' for who you are in terms of gender identity I suspect these are irrelevant. In the end it is about many high profile transgendered people being seen in a wide ranges of walks of life to be nice, good, interesting, beautiful etc etc... in fact to be ordinary folk like the rest of the population with qualities and flaws etc. The fact of being born a male or a female and moving to a true realisation of your inner gender identity may, one day, become something everyone sees as just part of the full and rich range of humanity. Roll on that day.

09-23-2013, 05:53 PM
Yeah, I was going to point that out but you just never know how one is going to react here to making waves and such :).
You also didn't want to bruise my fragile ego, right?:tongue:

09-23-2013, 05:56 PM
You also didn't want to bruise my fragile ego, right?:tongue:

Yes, of course Hon. I competently accept all levels of ego.

09-23-2013, 06:20 PM

i think beauty is the last think transsexuals should strive for because what one persons finds beautiful, another person won't. intelligence is the only constant.

during the documentary 'paris is burning' the filmmaker concluded that one transsexual was hard to take seriously because her needs were so shallow. her dreams were to become "a rich spoilt girl in suburbia". instead, she died in a motel room in new york.

what do you tell someone who already thinks you're beautiful? sorry, but i gotta be more beautiful for the people that don't think i'm already beautiful?


Rusty Eldora
09-23-2013, 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by Jackal View Post
I cannot say for sure but I think the path is lessening ignorance about transgender and gender issues by the general public and more and more everyday people meeting, knowing and caring about transgender individual(s) in their day-to-day life.Perfect.

'Passing' is where the majority of those that observe her think she is a woman. 'Sorta Passing' is where those that observe her think 'Wow, she has some male features. 'Not passing' is where the majority think 'what's that guy doing dressed as a woman.'

Attractive is a different parameter, a key one for acceptance by others. A person that is attractive has a much easier time befriending others. Someone with a visible deformity or disability has a difficult time befriending others. Personality and character are next checked on the road to becoming friends.

Competency is a measure at how good someone does at the task in question. Competency is admired and can build friendships and respect.

The handlers of our society (media, clergy, leaders, politicians) put out scripts about how we should classify persons. For a century Blacks were the target of scripts targeted to isolate and degrade them, only in the past few decades has the scripts change to being more accepting, but are still poorly written to get where they are 'just like us'.

Those same handlers scripted that MTF CD's and TV's are the lowest of the gay culture. The only possible reason they dress as woman is to Trap unsuspecting straight guys for a gay encounter. They didn't consider TG's because they think everyone should want to be male, what normal person would want to be female unless they had to. They have generally accepted girls behaving as guys or asexual, 'Oh, she's a Tomboy' as neither males or females feel threatened.

Guys feel threatened by Tgirls as being attracted to or associating with them might brand the guy as gay, in what is still a gay phobic society. Girls feel threatened by Tgirls because they often do fem very well and could steal their perspective mate.

It is only changing one person at a time, when someone meets a TG and finds them sincere. Only then do they realise that TG can be 'normal', although still rare, and should be considered a woman in all respects.

09-23-2013, 06:32 PM
Competency in whatever it is we do... if you're a working girl then sucking cocks; if you're a marketing person how you market your product; if you're a financial planner, how rich you make your clients, if you're an inventor, how world-altering your creations are.


hoping this wasn't a serious answer

09-24-2013, 02:32 AM
I'm pretty sure my family only accepts me because I'm 'passable.' That said, we all still pretty much hate each other anyway.


09-24-2013, 02:48 AM
In the US at least, its about looks.
If you look good, THEN your competency will be assessed. If you don't look good, you have to be exceptionally competent (aka more competent than anyone else) AND have an influential supporter.

Wendy Summers
09-24-2013, 03:52 AM

Yes the sucking cocks thing was a tongue in cheek answer, but the rest wasn't. Maybe competency wasn't the right word to choose - to be fair, as seanchai correctly guessed I hadn't really slept when I typed that... still haven't... maybe I shouldn't be typing this...

Anyway: let's assume competency was a bad choice of words. Maybe if I show examples of what I meant, this will make more sense.

A little over a week ago, RadioLab talked a bit about Martine Rothblatt - they mentiond, in passing that she was trans... I hadn't heard of her before so I went to do some research. When you look at her accomplishments, she's the kind of genius you write competency porn science fiction about. What fascinated me is almost any place you find information about her, her status as a transperson is often omitted entirely. I openly wondered if that was a function of her not fitting the narrative that transfolks are unstable, disenfranchised members of society.

This got me thinking to my own situation. I've a solid job in corporate America. They've done a lot to keep me comfortable in my job -- I'm good at what I do and my employers know it. If I wasn't as essential as I am, I wonder if I would have continued to be accepted in the company. I wonder if they would have put so much effort into educating the employees of the company if I was less essential.

Which lead me to the looks issue.

So often the trans community looks to, and worships, looks. Our heroes tend to be the pretty ones of us. Many of us get surgery after surgery to become pretty. I get emails from transwomen all the time telling me they wished they were as pretty as me.

It's made me think that maybe we, as a community, tend to chase after the wrong thing. That we'd be better off showcasing our worth to the world rather than our beauty. Of idolizing the genius among us rather than the models.

Or maybe I should just go the fuck to sleep.

09-24-2013, 04:10 AM
In general appearances are perhaps rated too high on the evaluation process people make of strangers.

And perhaps no place this fosters itself more than in the US. No matter how much a person exerts their inner beauty, intellectual prowess and expertise in matters, people often won't look further than skin deep.

And for the transgendered I am sure this judgmental world looking overtly male if you are a trans-woman is a conduit for rejection in one form or another.

And as for the business of porn, nobody is looking for girls (GG or TS) with hatchet faces anymore than they are looking for homely, skinny guys with tiny cocks.

09-24-2013, 11:21 AM
I must add that if people take the time to be the best they can and look the best they can (without the Joan Rivers look) then their acceptance should be widespread and those who have some issue still is shallow. And by missing the point that people who strive be the best they can every day are interesting and make our lives richer.

09-24-2013, 08:33 PM
I think looks can make it easier on transwomen but there are other things like deportment and voice that really make a difference in public settings. You can look like a million bucks but if you walk like a lumberjack and sound like Barry White you are going to have a lot of trouble blending in with "the cisgendereds" and gaining their acceptance.

Simple things like a good sense of humor and a warm smile can also take you far.

We all have strengths and weaknesses. I think it's important to be real about what those are and try to do what we can to improve on the weaknesses. Transitioning, especially later in life, can be a long hard process. It takes a crazy amount of effort for a lot of us. My philosophy is that if you put in the effort it will pay off but those results take time and don't happen overnight.

It took a lot of time and effort to get to where I am today and I still have things that I need to work on. My confidence has grown quite a bit but I still feel a little shaky at times in public. If a guy is staring at me I still wonder if it's because he thinks I look hot or that he is totally reading me.

I'm self employed and a sex worker so I never had to deal with acceptance in the work place. But I think I am fairly competent at what I do ;)

Rusty Eldora
09-25-2013, 01:32 AM
I think looks can make it easier on transwomen but there are other things like deportment and voice that really make a difference in public settings. You can look like a million bucks but if you walk like a lumberjack and sound like Barry White you are going to have a lot of trouble blending in with "the cisgendereds" and gaining their acceptance.

Simple things like a good sense of humor and a warm smile can also take you far. ...

My confidence has grown quite a bit but I still feel a little shaky at times in public. If a guy is staring at me I still wonder if it's because he thinks I look hot or that he is totally reading me.

Besides for the walk and sound of the voice, there is that unique girl talk (also guy talk) about thoughts, phrases, approach, manners, et al that girls use when talking among themselves. It is really a foreign language, kudos to all TG's that master it - it is essential to be accepted by women.

Having a good sense of humor, the warm smile, and being happy really helps carry the day. Guys nearly forget everything if they are with a happy woman.

I am 99% certain the guy staring thinks you are smoking hot, unless there is a panty bulge. For those of us that know Tgirls we might notice something that makes us think "is she", but without knowing and watching Tgirls the thought "is she" wouldn't exist, they might think that you may have been a tomboy growing up (a really good thing).

You've gone for the classy social circuit woman look, besides for being stunning there is nary a thought you are around the industry. Instead you are the woman men wish to have on their arm at the important business party.

09-25-2013, 04:41 PM
Passing: have yet to see a tg who cannot be outed by a gg, even a very famous tg was not able to pass with my ggfs. Even with all the make up and photoshop And in real life, a sober cat or gg can spot a tg anytime. But finding a competant cocksucker is very difficult. Cocksucking should be an easy task, invovless actions learn as a child, a female can have endless practice and numerous cats to volunteer, plenty of how - to videoes videos avalible, yet woman still cant be skilled in the art of cocksuking. How does this happen?

09-25-2013, 04:43 PM
Passing: have yet to see a tg who cannot be outed by a gg, even a very famous tg was not able to pass with my ggfs. Even with all the make up and photoshop And in real life, a sober cat or gg can spot a tg anytime. But finding a competant cocksucker is very difficult. Cocksucking should be an easy task, invovless actions learn as a child, a female can have endless practice and numerous cats to volunteer, plenty of how - to videoes videos avalible, yet woman still cant be skilled in the art of cocksuking. How does this happen?

Very simple...if someone likes sucking cock they will be good at it...and vice versa.

09-25-2013, 04:59 PM
I worked in a very public job with a girl who was transitioning, i have published her difficulties here before so wont re-publish. I used to think I could relate to tgs public acceptance issues, because I am often mistaken as being gay, but since knowing tgs in real life and being a member of this forum I found that perception sadly mistaken. I think I would pay for a good blowjob. Another ? Can a perso spot a great cocksucker by loks and/ or convo alone?

09-25-2013, 05:14 PM
I worked in a very public job with a girl who was transitioning, i have published her difficulties here before so wont re-publish. I used to think I could relate to tgs public acceptance issues, because I am often mistaken as being gay, but since knowing tgs in real life and being a member of this forum I found that perception sadly mistaken. I think I would pay for a good blowjob. Another ? Can a perso spot a great cocksucker by loks and/ or convo alone?

Well, I think that if someone I find attractive is having a convo with me re how good their skills are I'd be apt to give them a go at it...

09-25-2013, 05:27 PM
In general I beleive how trans are portrayed in media is what will always ultimately effect acceptance. Masses of our society(fair to say western civilisation anyway) are reliant on being told or erm shepherded on whats cool, whats acceptable. If trans where shown as heros, comedians, cool, funny, intellgigent, in our dramas, films and reality bollacks shows and any other shit we like to dwindile our lives away watching......................... then except a lot more acceptance from your average peon.

Thats gone a bit off topic rom the question ish. Regardles of gender, race etc the key to being accepted on a personal IRL situation, our daily lives.... is to simply not be a wanker. You can be good at your job and be a wanker, your still a wanker, you can be trans, male female and be a grade A Wanker, your skin can be any colour to be a wanker. Just dont be a wanker and the rest all falls in line - and if you happen to be gorgeous, convincing, or less so ... that really shouldnt be factor, for me it is all about the wanker factor.

How good you are at your job, how good you look, means nothing for my money in comparison to the type of person you are in your heart.

09-25-2013, 10:12 PM
In general I beleive how trans are portrayed in media is what will always ultimately effect acceptance. Masses of our society(fair to say western civilisation anyway) are reliant on being told or erm shepherded on whats cool, whats acceptable. If trans where shown as heros, comedians, cool, funny, intellgigent, in our dramas, films and reality bollacks shows and any other shit we like to dwindile our lives away watching......................... then except a lot more acceptance from your average peon.

Thats gone a bit off topic rom the question ish. Regardles of gender, race etc the key to being accepted on a personal IRL situation, our daily lives.... is to simply not be a wanker. You can be good at your job and be a wanker, your still a wanker, you can be trans, male female and be a grade A Wanker, your skin can be any colour to be a wanker. Just dont be a wanker and the rest all falls in line - and if you happen to be gorgeous, convincing, or less so ... that really shouldnt be factor, for me it is all about the wanker factor.

How good you are at your job, how good you look, means nothing for my money in comparison to the type of person you are in your heart.

Say 'wanker' again. :dancing:


09-25-2013, 10:51 PM
Passing: have yet to see a tg who cannot be outed by a gg, even a very famous tg was not able to pass with my ggfs. Even with all the make up and photoshop And in real life, a sober cat or gg can spot a tg anytime. But finding a competant cocksucker is very difficult. Cocksucking should be an easy task, invovless actions learn as a child, a female can have endless practice and numerous cats to volunteer, plenty of how - to videoes videos avalible, yet woman still cant be skilled in the art of cocksuking. How does this happen?

What do you mean? There is tons of butch gg's out there... If you're talking on a high class model scale like a 5'10 gg with all the works vs a TG, of course not. I don't think you can classify all gg's in general though. Hell there's tons of gg's out there that don't wear make up that need it.

I think if everyone would stop thinking in their minds "pass pass pass" every damn second of their life they would be a lot calmer. No one gives a damn in the real world and people aren't on "tranny patrol" 24/7 trying to figure out if a questionable lady is TG or not.

09-26-2013, 01:33 AM
Besides for the walk and sound of the voice, there is that unique girl talk (also guy talk) about thoughts, phrases, approach, manners, et al that girls use when talking among themselves. It is really a foreign language, kudos to all TG's that master it - it is essential to be accepted by women.

Having a good sense of humor, the warm smile, and being happy really helps carry the day. Guys nearly forget everything if they are with a happy woman.

I am 99% certain the guy staring thinks you are smoking hot, unless there is a panty bulge. For those of us that know Tgirls we might notice something that makes us think "is she", but without knowing and watching Tgirls the thought "is she" wouldn't exist, they might think that you may have been a tomboy growing up (a really good thing).

You've gone for the classy social circuit woman look, besides for being stunning there is nary a thought you are around the industry. Instead you are the woman men wish to have on their arm at the important business party.

That was very sweet of you to write.

09-26-2013, 03:12 AM
Right or wrong, women, transgendered and GG, are judged primarily by their looks in our society. Men, by contrast, are judged primarily by their education and financial status.

09-26-2013, 03:51 AM
Competency in whatever it is we do... if you're a working girl then sucking cocks; if you're a marketing person how you market your product; if you're a financial planner, how rich you make your clients, if you're an inventor, how world-altering your creations are.
but that is only in the civilized north east.....

09-26-2013, 03:53 AM
How good you are at your job, how good you look, means nothing for my money in comparison to the type of person you are in your heart.

That just about sums it up. If only society in general wasn't so shallow in its judgements.

Oh, and don't be a wanker.... :jerkoff

Rusty Eldora
09-26-2013, 04:27 AM
What do you mean? There is tons of butch gg's out there... If you're talking on a high class model scale like a 5'10 gg with all the works vs a TG, of course not. I don't think you can classify all gg's in general though. Hell there's tons of gg's out there that don't wear make up that need it.

I think if everyone would stop thinking in their minds "pass pass pass" every damn second of their life they would be a lot calmer. No one gives a damn in the real world and people aren't on "tranny patrol" 24/7 trying to figure out if a questionable lady is TG or not.

OK I'm not from LA, London, or NY but I've been into porn and checked out my first tranny porn a decade ago. I've watched (probably too blatant at it in the past) women my whole life, but Tgirl didn't register in my thoughts as I checked out. Only after I started seeing them did I, yet very few that I see make the "could she" point, yes I note lezzies pretty often. I would venture that outside of big cities over 80% of guys and 90% of woman it is outside of their concepts.

If her way of dress and makeup are more "normal girl" vs "stripper" or "wild", her voice is at least neutral, and her actions aren't male (no peeing on the fire hydrant now) she will probably pass with at least the 90%. The 10% that clock her are probably cool about it.

Not sure what the exact British definition of Wanker is, but I take it as being an asshole. If someone acts friendly, nice, and non-threatening it should be easy to have friends and impress people.

09-26-2013, 04:36 AM
OK I'm not from LA, London, or NY but I've been into porn and checked out my first tranny porn a decade ago. I've watched (probably too blatant at it in the past) women my whole life, but Tgirl didn't register in my thoughts as I checked out. Only after I started seeing them did I, yet very few that I see make the "could she" point, yes I note lezzies pretty often. I would venture that outside of big cities over 80% of guys and 90% of woman it is outside of their concepts.

If her way of dress and makeup are more "normal girl" vs "stripper" or "wild", her voice is at least neutral, and her actions aren't male (no peeing on the fire hydrant now) she will probably pass with at least the 90%. The 10% that clock her are probably cool about it.

Not sure what the exact British definition of Wanker is, but I take it as being an asshole. If someone acts friendly, nice, and non-threatening it should be easy to have friends and impress people.

That's the problem, most TS's dress like sluts 24/7. I mean it's so obvious. If you really want to pass cut the crap and be a girl.

09-26-2013, 07:34 AM
That's the problem, most TS's dress like sluts 24/7. I mean it's so obvious. If you really want to pass cut the crap and be a girl.

LMFAO! How true! :lol: :Bowdown:


09-26-2013, 07:45 AM
Lily rox I agree with you a 100%. Wish tgs would quit trying to pass so much. Hell I get mistaken for being gay all the time, because I am neat clean, fresh in my apperance, particular about what I eat, wear clothes that fit, take care of my body, read alot, listen to all types of music etc...when I was younger I was offended, but now take as compliment. Most tgs will never look like a gg. They should concetrate on solving any inner conflict. And like most ggs, that is a daily struggle. I just re-read what I wrote above. I am gay.

09-26-2013, 07:46 AM
Get some sleep Wendy!

Lovely thought Sammi....

09-26-2013, 10:35 AM
That's the problem, most TS's dress like sluts 24/7. I mean it's so obvious. If you really want to pass cut the crap and be a girl.

Thats not the problem in Britain ;)

09-26-2013, 11:32 AM
Say 'wanker' again. :dancing:


hehe i needed a universally accepted descriptive word ... I lent towards either wanker or bellend. I swayed against the latter. Lets hear it for wanker!!! yippppeeeeeeeee! :)

09-26-2013, 12:07 PM
hehe i needed a universally accepted descriptive word ... I lent towards either wanker or bellend. I swayed against the latter. Lets hear it for wanker!!! yippppeeeeeeeee! :)

I'd love to see you sway against my bellend, Sammi. :dancing:

09-26-2013, 05:16 PM
That's the problem, most TS's dress like sluts 24/7. I mean it's so obvious. If you really want to pass cut the crap and be a girl.

Really? Who you been hanging out with? and where? Most of the TS women i know dress appropriately. Sexy/slutty on set. Office attire in offices. Club wear for a night dancing, casual for a cookout. etc. etc.

Just Sayin.

09-27-2013, 06:11 PM
It's been scientifically proven that good looking people are favored over ugly people and even trusted more. Most people will trust people based on their appearance. It's just the way people are wired.

09-28-2013, 01:36 AM
In the end people who minds expand past the parallel handicaps of homophobia and judging people on everything BUT the content of their character and quality of their work.

But livepersona's observation is true. In American football invariably the QB is a tall and handsome person that demands respect just based on presence.

If the trans community is to gain true acceptance it will be by the quality of the work they produce and the honesty in their hearts.

It will take time but it is coming!

09-28-2013, 03:49 AM
Of course it does. Looks are everything even that it should not be that way.