View Full Version : Has anyone had their testicles removed

05-28-2006, 07:41 AM
I'm thinking of having that surgery. Has anyone had it done and what does it look/feel like. Was it the right decision

05-28-2006, 07:43 AM
Bill here has. A.K.A. Ossipussy

05-28-2006, 07:47 AM
What is your reason for wanting to do this?

05-28-2006, 10:32 AM
No balls................

but one mean drunk.

05-28-2006, 12:19 PM
For feminisation, but not wanting to go the full SRS

05-28-2006, 12:32 PM
Dont get ur balls removed! Look at those hot shemales out there, their so feminine and they still have balls

05-28-2006, 03:12 PM
Dont get ur balls removed! Look at those hot shemales out there, their so feminine and they still have balls

Lordy haven't we been here before.

Do a site and google search on "orchiectomy" or "orchidectomy" as it seems to go by both names.

Some TS do have this done, though some people say that if you think you might go for full SRS it's a bad idea as the scrotum may shrink afterwards, and the scrotum skin is used to form the new vagina (still with me here DF?)

There are also hormonal issues to consider, as a bilateral orchiectomy will mean some HRT in later life. So not something to go into without full professional advice and support.

Several SRS clinics have been mentioned here, search for those and then see if they have sites, even make an appointment for a preliminary consultation if you can.

05-28-2006, 04:08 PM
I had my balls removed once. I didnt like it, so I got a got a divorce.

05-28-2006, 04:15 PM
*shakes and hears bells ringing*

nope, still here.

05-28-2006, 05:14 PM
Lets see...REO Speedwagon,Jim Rome,Justine Timberlake,and any "guy" who drives a pearl Escalade.

05-28-2006, 11:17 PM
You will have your balls removed for feminisation although you dont want to have SRS.

Is that normal?

What about ALL the other not feminine ellements on you?

I mean, your voice, body hair, breasts or whatever...
What is so feminine in a man with no balls?

05-29-2006, 06:39 AM
Keep the balls, they'll come in handy down the road.

05-29-2006, 06:49 AM
I'm thinking of having that surgery. Has anyone had it done and what does it look/feel like. Was it the right decision


05-29-2006, 06:55 AM
from the research ive done,.. some men get them i dont know why something to do with lessening sex drive(some men do it to stop cheating on there wife or sometimes some men who are rapists or child molesters ive heard have the option of getting it)*dont quote me on that tho* but,. ive heard from a forum a year back i read that even in men with no desire to transition it makes them develop hips and breasts without hrt anda ts would need like waay less hormones,. also you lose the ability to cum . but that depends on the person if they are willing to lose that

about the srs part its actually still ok getting the orch if you plan on srs but the thing thats bad about it is it can really effect the depth drastically due to the shrinking of the scrotum ,so im sure a skin graph is majorly required

but all in all it has its good points but also its bad,. so its just something that takes a lot of researching and thinking about <3

05-29-2006, 06:59 AM
Thanks for the replies.

Why are some people so mean with their replies.

It was only a question

05-29-2006, 07:04 AM
Thanks for the replies.

Why are some people so mean with their replies.

It was only a question

The Internet is a haven for cynics :lol:
Don't take it to heart.
Hope you find what you're looking for.
As far as myself ...I don't thing so at this point.I would much rather take care of all the other stuff first.

05-29-2006, 07:25 AM

05-29-2006, 07:30 AM
i hope nothing i said?..

05-29-2006, 07:49 AM
I know a TS girl who had hers removed. She plans to have SRS in a few years and does not want the skin to shrink up, so she had protetic (cant spell lol) implants put in. They are the same thing they use on FTM's so if your thinking of SRS down the road this might be something to look into.


05-29-2006, 08:02 AM
oh thats actually a great idea i never thought about that,. cause ive been thinking a lot about that also orch, and the skin shrinking,cause i plan for srs

05-29-2006, 08:11 AM
if u are considering to have srs- DO NOT get your testes removed without puting implants in. why? because the tissue will shrink with time and that tissue is vital for SRS.

chemically speaking- castration and srs have the same effect on the body- the end of testosterone production.

so yes, it will feminze u in some ways and will decrease your need to take as many hormomes.

but there is a lot to consider and i would speak with a urologist or SRS surgeon FIRST.

05-29-2006, 08:25 AM
i didnt even realise they had implants avalable . thanx for enlightening us!

05-29-2006, 08:32 AM
I dated a girl who had hers removed. It had a lot more effect thant just taking hormones. She had a very developed body even before she had the surgery. She also had some silicone work done. She ended up having to have some of it removed as well as her implants because the natural ways her body began to develop even more.

Her sex drive did diminish but she also because multi orgasmic and her orgasms became a lot stronger. And she didn’t need to jack to come. Of course when she did come she really didn’t ejaculate. She could still become erect.

Of the few girls that I have known that have had it done, the results as far as body development, skin, hair, facial development, breast, etc. the results have been great. But I have heard the same warnings regarding vaginal depth.

The girl that I spoke of didn’t have that problem once she went through SRS but she had plenty for the doctors to work with.

05-29-2006, 08:36 AM
Look on the net for Dr. Murry Kimmbel he is in PA, I have spoken with him before. He is a bit odd but he is one of the first to do the operation. He also has a book but I am not sure of the title. I think he is retired now but his practice is run by someone else.


05-29-2006, 09:01 AM
Here is a link for some info:


05-29-2006, 11:11 AM
just wonder if there is any pictures to actually view.

05-29-2006, 01:41 PM
hi all

I know a girl in the U.K who recently had her testicles removed

this is her yahoo group I'm sure she would be happy for you to ask her about it



05-29-2006, 03:46 PM
Look on the net for Dr. Murry Kimmbel he is in PA, I have spoken with him before. He is a bit odd but he is one of the first to do the operation.

Ok, that could use a bit of elaboration. The last thing I'd want to hear on my way to having a major surgical operation, yelled from a nearby window as I was getting into the cab, would be:

"Oh! I forgot to tell you! The doctor I recommended is. . .well, he's a little. . .odd. Good luck now!"

I mean is he "Floyd The Barber odd", or more like "Joseph Mengele odd"? There is an important distinction.


05-29-2006, 03:51 PM
Thanks for the replies.

Why are some people so mean with their replies.

It was only a question

Ignore them, honey, and move on. A thick skin is good to have round here.

I PM'd you some other stuff

05-29-2006, 04:00 PM
My apologies to tranz_luv,I did not intend to be mean.(REO speedwagon..etc.comment) I was just trying to inject some humor that I now realize was poorly timed.

05-31-2006, 02:43 AM
Does anyone have any pictures of what it looks like afterwards.

05-31-2006, 06:30 AM
I had my balls removed once. I didnt like it, so I got a got a divorce.

Damn! You beat me. I was going to use that one. :D

05-31-2006, 03:21 PM
Is it true you can no longer shoot loads of cum after this??? If so, the I vote NO, don't EVER get your balls removed unless you're ademant about full SRS!!!

11-23-2006, 07:10 AM
I dated a girl who had hers removed. It had a lot more effect thant just taking hormones. She had a very developed body even before she had the surgery. She also had some silicone work done. She ended up having to have some of it removed as well as her implants because the natural ways her body began to develop even more.

Her sex drive did diminish but she also because multi orgasmic and her orgasms became a lot stronger. And she didn’t need to jack to come. Of course when she did come she really didn’t ejaculate. She could still become erect.

Of the few girls that I have known that have had it done, the results as far as body development, skin, hair, facial development, breast, etc. the results have been great. But I have heard the same warnings regarding vaginal depth.

The girl that I spoke of didn’t have that problem once she went through SRS but she had plenty for the doctors to work with.

I had an orchiectomy back in the day, and yes there were advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages:

1. I was able to decrease the dosages of Estrogen I was taking.

2. The masculinizing effects of Testosterone were halted, nipped in the bud as it were There was also a resultant feminizing effect, in the skin, hips, etc.

3. Tucking became so, so, much easier.

4. No more involuntary or early morning erections thus no "sword fights" with my boyfriends.

5. The ability to "have orgasms" multiple times, in a short period of time. How, physiologically, I still don't know. I did not ejaculate though.

6. A sense of accomplishment that I was getting to my goal.

The disadvantages:

1. When I did have my GRS a few years later, my srcotal and penile tissue, had atrophied somewhat, they had shrunk. I was faced with either the sigmoid colon, or penile inversion with grafting techniques for GRS.

For a variety of reasons I went with the penile inversion with grafting. As a result I have quite adequate depth. Now, I dont boink "Long John Holmes , but if I position myself correctly, everybody is happy, not that there are a lot of "everybodys".

What would I have done differently: I would have had the GRS sooner. And I would have played with myself more to keep the tissue from shrinking. :twisted:

11-23-2006, 08:53 AM
4. No more involuntary or early morning erections thus no "sword fights" with my boyfriends.

I love those! :)

11-23-2006, 11:40 AM
4. No more involuntary or early morning erections

I love those! :)

LOL, I read her post and that's what stuck out (No pun intended)

I wake up in the morning with a hard one and I know it's gonna be a good day. I shit you not, I get to work early, call my clients all enthusiastic, skip lunch and then go to the bar and check out tail.

It's the mornings when I had a bad meal the night before where I feel morning limp-dickedness lethargy. Then my day is shit.

11-23-2006, 11:56 AM
Natasha Dream has been casturated and has no problem getting hard

11-23-2006, 05:19 PM
I lost one to cancer! Not thrilled about it, but makes for great tension breaking jokes!

As in:

"Im sweating my ball off"

"Quit busting my nut"


I do miss my other buddy tho!

11-23-2006, 05:40 PM
it took some balls to tell us that :P

11-23-2006, 05:45 PM
or ball! :)

11-23-2006, 06:36 PM
or ball! :)

I am so using those jokes with a friend of mine in the same situation. Great sense of humor, bro'!

11-23-2006, 08:38 PM
Hey thanks! What are my options? He's not growing back. I might as well show some humor.