View Full Version : transexuals..the other side..

05-28-2006, 02:21 AM
the male to female transexuals are EVERWHERE throughout porn..
but where is the other side of transexuals..
the female to male ones..HMMMMMM????
you know they are everywhere
i see them everywhere
women lookin like overweight men
with a buzz hair cut
maybe its because im in texas or something
but here they are EVERYWHERE
how come there is no porn demand for them?

05-28-2006, 02:54 AM
the male to female transexuals are EVERWHERE throughout porn..
but where is the other side of transexuals..
the female to male ones..HMMMMMM????
you know they are everywhere
i see them everywhere
women lookin like overweight men
with a buzz hair cut
maybe its because im in texas or something
but here they are EVERYWHERE
how come there is no porn demand for them?

Not my cup of tea, but you've never heard of Buck Angel?

And you're from Texas? Because I've always had my suspicions about the chimp-in-chief's wife...

05-28-2006, 08:13 AM
*slowly backs out of thread*

05-28-2006, 12:56 PM
I s'pose it's just because they're not so high-profile. I used to know one from MI (Now moved south) and, of course, there's Buck Angel. Some years ago the lesbian mag, On Our Backs, featured some articles and at least one photo shoot on one or two that were from the the Bay Area.

06-30-2006, 03:41 AM
There's Buck Angel, of course but I keep planning on getting ahold of this (http://www.mortydiamond.com/) movie at some point.

For amateur stuff, the LiveJournal communities genderotica (http://genderotica.livejournal.com/) and, to a lesser extent, nekkidbirls (http://nekkidbirls.livejournal.com/) (which is for "masculine-identified female-bodied people" including everyone from tomboys to post-op transmen) have FTM porn. While we're at it, there's also mtf_undressed (http://mtf-undressed.livejournal.com/).

All three communities are friends-only and may require moderator approval.

06-30-2006, 07:14 AM
the male to female transexuals are EVERWHERE throughout porn..
but where is the other side of transexuals..
the female to male ones..HMMMMMM????
you know they are everywhere
i see them everywhere
women lookin like overweight men
with a buzz hair cut
maybe its because im in texas or something
but here they are EVERYWHERE
how come there is no porn demand for them?

ehhhh, If you want to create some demand, print some flyers and hand them out on any street corner in Manhatten....The see what happens.