View Full Version : Farewell

Vicki Richter
05-26-2006, 07:46 PM
Arianna thought I should post a farewell so I will...

Hung Angels used to be a really cool place. It still has some great members, but there are some real jackass TS haters here. People can laugh about my conspiracy theory all they want, but it is no big secret that Oneworld, the outted drag queen, disappeared at the same time Chef Mike, the mad Burger King graduate of the Harvard of bakeries appeared. Also, certain members of the site who used to rant about politics incesantly(sp), stopped ranting allowing this guy to do it for them. Then he went so far as to threaten the life of, and harass Monica Fox in email, another girl he drove out, and nothing was done here. Too bad.

It is also no secret that Onyx appeared at the same time Dannielle did and did nothing but harass and berate her and a few other girls since joining. The moderators appear to have no time to do IP lookups for dupes and even if they did I doubt they would publicize it. Too bad because most of the moderators are good guys.

The site also used to post banners of various TS sites including mine. That went away and it became a huge homepage for Allanah (not starting shit with you girlie just saying it like it is) and her web site. It obviously didn't used to be that way 100%. Now it is. Yes the site gives autonomy for girls to advertise their sites themselves but the simple fact is if the community still existed like it used to, we wouldn't have to.

It may be true... Maybe everyone comes back... but having girls leave your site makes it less interesting. If you look back to when I started posting, these forums were shit. Nobody posted here, and definitely nothing meaningful. So now with Danielle, Yasmine, Arriana, Felicia, and myself leaving, it's too bad.

At some point you'll wonder why the girls leave so often and realize it must not just be them... maybe it's something people in this community are enabling and allowing to happen. This isn't really a community site anymore... It's unfortunately morphed into something else. I guess I liked it because of the diversity from my 30,000 member Yahoo Group / fan club and 1000 member forums. But some of the latent homosexuals here would rather see the girls leave so they have more time with their buddies. Ironic that another forum site was singled out for it's hostility when you should be asking yourself why the girls would leave this one. Mega knows what I'm talking about.

So... Once again farewell.

- The most censorred TS on HA

05-26-2006, 07:51 PM
Please Vicki, don't go. There are a-holes all over the world, but some of us really do like the fact that we are actually talking to a bonafide star. and, plus it keeps up the fantasy that some day I'll get to go to bed with a STAR!

05-26-2006, 08:10 PM
I too wish you wouldn't leave, Vicki. Your contributions to this board, as that of the other girls you listed, are inmeasurable. You'e not just the wonderful, heavenly body (fantasy also) displayed in your avatar, but you actually have something to contribute and SAY, even when, say, you and I have disagreed in the past. We fans of you women would literally be lost if it weren't for all the information and insight you bring to the board. I've learned a lot from many of your postings, believe it or not. I'm also willing to bet all the tea of China that for every one guy that gives you a hard time, there are at least -- at least -- 100 in here who are immediately drawn to a thread simply by the power your name draws as its latest poster. Those are your fans; your base. I wish you and all the girls you listed would stay. There are many out here like myself who respect, and look forward for what you have to say.

I hope you reconsider.


05-26-2006, 08:20 PM
Dear Vickie
leaving is letting those jackass TS haters win.
there are also many others which are the majority here that come here because they LOVE you and your TS friends.

for me it will be sad to see you leave.

please stay 8)

05-26-2006, 08:25 PM
More baseless allegations against anyone who dares to disagree with her...

here's a quote from a moderator, Johnny Cocksville, regarding yet another baseless allegation that she referenced in her umpteenth farewell thread today....from this thread:


Chefmike never sent that e-mail. We checked.

05-26-2006, 11:15 PM
Well, that sucks.

05-26-2006, 11:27 PM
Some of my favorite threads from the Eva Braun of the TS community-

JWBL and Allanah are the same person

NYCE and Allanah are the same person

Chefmike and Allanah are the same person

A public apology to Allanah

Satanchai (seanchai) of ShemaleYum

Aahhh, Eva.... we hardly knew ye... :roll:

05-26-2006, 11:31 PM
Some of my favorite threads from the Eva Braun of the TS community-

JWBL and Allanah are the same person

NYCE and Allanah are the same person

Chefmike and Allanah are the same person

A public apology to Allanah

Satanchai (seanchai) of ShemaleYum

Aahhh, Eva.... we hardly knew ye... :roll:

Chef,Is it me or is this place starting to sound like the X Files..... :?

05-26-2006, 11:42 PM
Some of my favorite threads from the Eva Braun of the TS community-

JWBL and Allanah are the same person

NYCE and Allanah are the same person

Chefmike and Allanah are the same person

A public apology to Allanah

Satanchai (seanchai) of ShemaleYum

Aahhh, Eva.... we hardly knew ye... :roll:

Chef,Is it me or is this place starting to sound like the X Files..... :?

That's just the tip of the iceberg. And BTW latrix67... Happy Memorial Day weekend to you, myself and all the other vets on this forum, amigo...

And let's hope that everyone who has lost their life in whatever war, for whatever country will RIP...

05-26-2006, 11:55 PM
It`s like having Babe Ruth`s record eclipsed by a guy who used

drugs to gain 50 pounds.

Why let the Beetle Bailey potato peelers enjoy a phyrric victory.

05-26-2006, 11:55 PM
please dont go :(

05-27-2006, 12:17 AM
aww vicki dont go :cry:

05-27-2006, 12:24 AM
Vicki Vicki Vicki - you know I'm more than willing to have a go at you when you're posting some religious or political crap or spouting off on another model but don't just go because some of these idiots needs to satiate themselves. There are far more members and lurkers here, that appreciate you being here and enjoy your pics and interaction than what, maybe 3 or 4 arses?
The moderators here are pretty poor in general and I agree it should be moderated better. The fact whether it's an Allanah marketing machine or not is irrelevant as you can post what images you like and promote yourself, including in every message you write with the signature option.

So Vicki - take back this forum, take it off the little pricks who will eventually find something else to play with and tell the other girls, they should just ignore any personal attacks unless justified by their own writings.

05-27-2006, 12:29 AM
Sad to hear you go and right around the time I actually was around a computer to post... You certainly are one of my favorites. so, Take care, Vicki, sorry to see you go.

waldo pepper
05-27-2006, 12:41 AM
I hope you reconsider and take seanchai's advice to "take back the board", Vicki. One of the great things about this board is that TG's contribute and share their perspective. Dunno the story about Chef Mike and the others you mention, and good ridance to any sorry fucking trolls who inject their venom on any board about any subject, but I do know it'll be our loss if you go.

05-27-2006, 01:05 AM
I get sorry about to hear you gonna leave Vicky.
This is the first time four 12 days i am possible to use internet..And this is the first to hit mee. Bad news.
Okey I realy hope the next time I have possiblity to visit here..some weeks later I hope this is history then.. and youre back Vicky. Think it over ther is many here who love you... PLEASE.
Hugs scorpion

05-27-2006, 01:08 AM
Vicki, dont leave, i thought you were stronger than this.

05-27-2006, 01:09 AM
Danielle, Yasmine, Arriana, Felicia, you also have to stay

05-27-2006, 02:02 AM
She may be upset about the fact that she just broke up with her boyfriend. In a recent post, Vicki advised board members to check out the blog on her site. I don't generally check it out anymore (although I had the longest running blog on there for awhile, until I deleted it, several times. . .), or her forums or yahoo site, but I figured "what the hell?". She mentions that she had been secretly dating a mystery person in L.A. for six years, and they just ended the relationship. I feel bad for her and hope she's doing well.

I know she want's a nice, attentive boyfriend someday, someone who will treat her like a princess and be a Real Man. I'm sure she'll find one, she's got more going for her then any other girl I've ever met.

Anyways, I've always thought she was a great person and I hope she is always happy. I think she and the other girls will come back to HA some day, and I think everyone will welcome them and respect them. She's a sweatheart, and I don't know if our paths will ever cross again in the future, but if they do I'd greet her as a friend and hope the sentiment would be returned.

We've known each other online for quit some time now, have hung out and partied in the Real World, talked on the phone, and I'll miss seeing her, being a part of her web sites, talking to her, everything. If she ever wanted to talk, I'd respond to an email, of course, but I don't think she really wants to talk to me anymore.

Take care and be well, Vicki Richter. Sorry about the times I was a jerk and a lunatic, and I'll always miss ya.

(anyone with negative comments, please relent from posting in this thread. In a strange, sad, personal way, the world just changed a little, at least for me)

05-27-2006, 02:47 AM
So sorry to interrupt this touching eulogy....but since we are having a wake for Vicki of Nazareth...




05-27-2006, 02:51 AM
Look the dipshit can't stop. What happened you get fird from denny's?

05-27-2006, 03:11 AM
I'm sorry, I warned ya Chef. You honestly did strike me as a good guy in many of your posts in the past. But you fucked up this thread.

I'm going to fucking destroy you. Memorial Day Weekend (admittedly not a veteran myself, but I have the highest respect), and a sense of honor, gives you 24 hours to prepare.

I'll win, and it's going to be brutal.

05-27-2006, 03:18 AM
So sorry to interrupt this touching eulogy....but since we are having a wake for Vicki of Nazareth...

This mental midget just can`t stop picking on women. 1 `ll get ya 10 he kicks his dog too.

"Chefmike" aka Beetle Bailey, has so much spare time on his hands to enter over 2,500 posts because :

A His cooking sucks ?

B His anger empties any greasy dive he works in ?

C Both A and B ?

D He`s not the soup nazi but a little Eichmann ?


05-27-2006, 03:27 AM
I'm sorry, I warned ya Chef. You honestly did strike me as a good guy in many of your posts in the past. But you fucked up this thread.

I'm going to fucking destroy you. Memorial Day Weekend (admittedly not a veteran myself, but I have the highest respect), and a sense of honor, gives you 24 hours to prepare.

I'll win, and it's going to be brutal.

Honda...you have never destroyed anyone here but yourself, and what shred of self-esteem you might still posess....

And when you and eva richter leave...take white male pinhead with you...

05-27-2006, 03:27 AM
GO WHITE MAN GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-27-2006, 03:33 AM
I'm sorry, I warned ya Chef. You honestly did strike me as a good guy in many of your posts in the past. But you fucked up this thread.

I'm going to fucking destroy you. Memorial Day Weekend (admittedly not a veteran myself, but I have the highest respect), and a sense of honor, gives you 24 hours to prepare.

I'll win, and it's going to be brutal.

Honda...you have never destroyed anyone here but yourself, and what shred of self-esteem you might still posess....

And when you and eva richter leave...take white male pinhead with you...

Sucks to be you huh Beetle Bailey ? Now run off,chug that Thunderbird and be miserable.

05-27-2006, 03:37 AM
I'll stick by a truce if Mega can work things out.

And I have destroyed people on this board, not that I'm bragging, but it's not hard for me to do. The times I "humilated" myself were acts of removing other peoples ammunition.

I know how to play games, and I'm really, really good at it.

05-27-2006, 03:38 AM

I've been waiting for you to step up MEGA....you and I may have come to a meeting of the minds...but VR and I? I'm glad you two are tight, but that's all I'm gonna say on that, my fellow "trainee" lover.

And first J...now JWBL...

that's fucked up shit... but have a good weekend bro...and you too vicki...

05-27-2006, 03:46 AM
I'll stick by a truce if Mega can work things out.

And I have destroyed people on this board, not that I'm bragging, but it's not hard for me to do. The times I "humilated" myself were acts of removing other peoples ammunition.

I know how to play games, and I'm really, really good at it.

Honda...the respect that I have gained for MEGA...after an admittedly very rocky start between us, has nothing to do with the pathetic schoolyard boasts that you are making on behalf of vicki...now shut the fuck up already... before I shred you like that wave I plan on shredding tomorrow morning...

05-27-2006, 04:01 AM
Ok- how many times have people on this site have made long farewell statements only to lurk and return eventually?

This is not directed at anyone- but I think it's a rather silly way of being dramatic and deriving attention from others. And not only the girls have done this- guys have done so as well.
I am not sure if it is the thrill of 'please don't go' threads that follow or attention- or what have you.

Every girl who posts here knows she has fans here. By leaving, you are actually giving pleasure to the few people who wish u left and giving them happiness instead of satisfying your fans which highly outnumber your haters.

Just about everyone here has been involved in an argument or been put down by someone else. If someone chooses to make an exodus and be dramatic then stick to your guns. Quit the "I'm back" routines. Last I knew HA was not listed as a known addictive substance- though it seems to be because everyone who quits either lurks or comes back to it.

And no this now this is not a jab @ VR or a pinch, or to start argument. I long washed my life and hands of that subject (arguments with VR) and childish fights between the both of us. I am just expressing my ideas to everyone who has said farewell on here then returned, or wishes to leave.

This life is tough- this world is tough- and if this is a community- it's not a utopia and it will never be. People will dislike each other and people will disagree and people will fight; even in this community.

I believe I have been called old, fat, overrated, and who knows what else on here. That's just someone one's opinion of me and that is ok.
I'm not here to please the world.

I'm not even going to address 'the Allanah marketing machine aspect' of it or me being on the front page. Nothing to do with this and if it bothers someone then just skip the first page because I don't think it's going anywhere anytime soon.

If you give someone the pleasure of hurting you through name calling, words, or rumors- then you have let yourself be defeated by a very weak oponent and have 'fought' a poor 'battle'.

I'm sorry to see anyone leave- but we are all here on our free will and not forced to stay.

Good luck to everyone. Those who stay and those who go.

05-27-2006, 04:04 AM
I honestly just laughed my ass off reading that one.

Have fun "shredding that wave" tomarrow.

And I do appreciate all the times you've kissed mine and other peoples ass, just to be ignored for the most part, beyond being insulted.

23 hours or so now. I hope Mega works things out, because this is looking very bad for chef.

05-27-2006, 04:10 AM

05-27-2006, 04:26 AM
Regardless of a truce or whatever, I'm backing off.

We're heading towards fighting each other once again, and that's always bad. I dont want to do that.

But I will stand up and call bullshit if any of the girls are attacked. There is no excuse for that, ever, regardless if you think they are "talking shit" or whatever.

Girls are cute, guys should always be nice to them. That's a very good rule of order.

05-27-2006, 04:39 AM
No, I do believe that. Cute girls should always be respected.

Guys that don't believe that, have never had much contact with cute girls. I just hung out with three really cute Bacardi rep girls today at work, and they were kinda goofy, but I gave them the highest degree of respect.

They also had great tits. Sorry, but girls are special.

05-27-2006, 06:05 AM
Bill your the only person i've ever seen that has a double chin on his double chin.

05-27-2006, 06:05 AM
For fucks sake, not Ossumpie again. What the hell does that name mean, anyways?

You seem like an angry, bitter person to me, but I don't really care what your problems are.

Do you have anything positive to add to this forum? I'm not saying I'm in a position to demand what you do, but you just keep posting like a fucked up weirdo (I know I have, so don't feel bad).

Just be a nice guy. This could be a cool forum, but it never will be if people are bitter assholes.

Feel free to attack me, I really dont care, because I could beat your ass. But we all know this could be a cool place if everyone just calmed the fuck down. Might not ever happen. . .

but I keep trying. . . (not an ego issue, just trying to do the right thing)

05-27-2006, 08:46 AM
Some of my favorite threads from the Eva Braun of the TS community-

JWBL and Allanah are the same person

NYCE and Allanah are the same person

Chefmike and Allanah are the same person

A public apology to Allanah

Satanchai (seanchai) of ShemaleYum

Aahhh, Eva.... we hardly knew ye... :roll:

Chef,Is it me or is this place starting to sound like the X Files..... :?

That's just the tip of the iceberg. And BTW latrix67... Happy Memorial Day weekend to you, myself and all the other vets on this forum, amigo...

And let's hope that everyone who has lost their life in whatever war, for whatever country will RIP...

You too Chef,Have a cold one for me...(I'm working! :cry: )

05-27-2006, 03:43 PM
I gotta tell you guys, if i was a moderator here people would be kicked alot quicker then they are....Some of you posters, and you know who you are, contribute nothing positive to this board. =


05-27-2006, 07:44 PM
Well Black that would call for the mods to have some backbone.

05-27-2006, 08:32 PM

Unlike Ms. Plastik on this board who's too busy running to her next botox appointment to answer her PM's, Vicki always makes time for her fans.

We luv ya girl, plz don't go bye bye on us . . . :cry:


Buddy Wood
05-27-2006, 08:39 PM
You guys with your truces and warzones are really starting to sound a bit crazy. This is still just a message board right? I just may write a big thread about how I'm not coming here anymore because I'm scared of the other guys and the fact that we have similar interests. LISTEN TO MEGA and the prophet Seanchai!! This all started (I lurk) because Danielle Foxx is "leaving". Vicki is leaving because Danielle is leaving and that made Yasmin Lee leave and then a bunch of others followed and it just got silly and some guys made it worse by being shitheads. And now you're starting a warzone?? That oughtta help.

Get rid of the assholes that obviously antagonize, quit battling on a messagebord (or at least name it "stupid battle between tranny chasers" - so I can skip it) and PLEASE get these girls to stay on. Vicki - your posts really are some of the best to actually read. Danielle Foxx is hilarious. Girls...you gotta stay. It's really the coolest thing about the place. That and seeing my videos and trailers on posts. Just learn to skim over the shithead posts. I don't even know who they are because I just skim right over them and read the girls' posts. Just my thoughts - I should go now I'm having a tranny orgy tonight.


05-27-2006, 09:39 PM
see i just got attacked by some guy on here-ans what for?
im sorry i try to keep up with all the messages i get on my email, myspace, phone calls, and pms here and there is only one of me and i try to get to everyone. sometimes, i can't.

i do need some botox very soon- thank you for reminding me!

"life in plastic, it's fantastic!"- from 'I'm A Barbie Girl", by Aqua

05-27-2006, 10:02 PM
Regardless of a truce or whatever, I'm backing off.

We're heading towards fighting each other once again, and that's always bad. I dont want to do that.

But I will stand up and call bullshit if any of the girls are attacked. There is no excuse for that, ever, regardless if you think they are "talking shit" or whatever.

Girls are cute, guys should always be nice to them. That's a very good rule of order.

that has to be one of the most laughable comments made on this board!!!
Be nice to a girlbecuz girls are cute?!?! WTF is that about...gender assignment does not give one a free ride through life to do and say as you please with no regard for there consequenes.If you act like a bitch,regardless of how hot she maybe,then she loses my respect.some of the hottest girls I know are totally classless twats.

Back to the subject at hand,what Allanah said earlier is quite valid,by leaving this board Vicki pleases her haters and makes her fans suffer.I have no quarrel w/ Vicki,and some of her posts are funny,but if she chooses to follow D.foxxx out the door then sobeit...to be perfectly honest Felicia's posts are the ones I will miss.Regardless the sun will rise tomorrow.

DJ Asia

05-27-2006, 10:44 PM
I don't have the patience to write everything that comes to mind when I revisit this thread. And truthfully many of you hyper sensitive ones would catch feelings anyways. But I did wanna say that there were times when Vicki and Danielle have made me laugh with their wit and humor. There will be things about each that I won't miss. Felicia seems to be one of the most stable ones to contribute to this board. She also brought a sense of humor that I appreciated, and she also displayed a thick skin that only Allanah has come close to matching. Yasmin's stay was brief but memorable. Seemed like a total sweetheart and each day was becoming a more beautiful woman. I wish them all happiness.

Seacrest out.

05-28-2006, 12:56 AM
see i just got attacked by some guy on here-ans what for?
im sorry i try to keep up with all the messages i get on my email, myspace, phone calls, and pms here and there is only one of me and i try to get to everyone. sometimes, i can't.

i do need some botox very soon- thank you for reminding me!

"life in plastic, it's fantastic!"- from 'I'm A Barbie Girl", by Aqua

But rubber's soooooo much better!!
Alanah,we need more tasty shemales dressed in rubber & latex.......
Please....... :D

Oh go on....

You know you want to......


Pretty please......

05-28-2006, 11:35 PM
so, should ugly girls not be respected? what about average girls?

sorry, but a cute girl that is a raging cunt, a moneygrubbing scalawag, and just layed a haymaker to the right side of your jaw doesn't deserve respect...

respect begets respect, IMO...to quote Goodie Mob "You've got to respect yourself before I can"...

Very well said

05-29-2006, 07:22 AM
Alright, this is probably a mistake! But Fuck it! I'm chiming in on this farewell stuff, and responses thereto.

I am a guy! The girls on this forum were also guys once. Therefore, according to guy rules, we are here to enjoy ourselves. Not listen to bitch bitch bitch bicth bitch. If we wanted bitch bitch bitch, I'm sure you wouldn't be here unless you're bitched at in your real life and you have to lash out at others since you don't dare at home. And this is not addressed to the girls. This is directed to the fucking guys who come here and throw stones at the girls without having walked a mile in their shoes.

You pukes who throw stones at them have no fucking idea of what they face every fucking day. Chill out! You're posts are a spec in the infinity of the universe. I know this better than anyone, as most of my posts go without comment. But I love this forum and the people and it provides me with.....ENJOYMENT!

Stop being cunts and start acting like pricks who don't take this shit seriously. Have fun, be nice and enjoy yourself. Life is short. I know.

05-29-2006, 07:46 AM
Buddy made a great point, Vicki's posts are some of the the best to read on the board. It's too bad, Gia doesn't post on here anymore, Wendy not that much and and a lot more men then TGirls post on here.One of the reasons, as Arianna said is, there are a lot of scumbags here. Who wants to post here and get constantly degraded and insulted?
It's a Transexual message board, not a place for idiots who have never been with a TGirl to express their psychotic bullshit. If Allanah wants to get some more plastic surgery or a botox shot more power to her. She's a Babe. And in cause anyone didn't notice, if it wasn't for her this site wouldn't exist.
A lot of these pinheads should be banned. Let's get the board back to where it should be.
These people have nothing positive to contribute and I seriously doubt if some of them have even been with a TS.
They're vile and like Arianna said, scumbags.
Do everyone a favor and get fucking rid of them.

10-12-2006, 04:34 AM
Alright, this is probably a mistake! But Fuck it! I'm chiming in on this farewell stuff, and responses thereto.

I am a guy! The girls on this forum were also guys once. Therefore, according to guy rules, we are here to enjoy ourselves. Not listen to bitch bitch bitch bicth bitch. If we wanted bitch bitch bitch, I'm sure you wouldn't be here unless you're bitched at in your real life and you have to lash out at others since you don't dare at home. And this is not addressed to the girls. This is directed to the fucking guys who come here and throw stones at the girls without having walked a mile in their shoes.

You pukes who throw stones at them have no fucking idea of what they face every fucking day. Chill out! You're posts are a spec in the infinity of the universe. I know this better than anyone, as most of my posts go without comment. But I love this forum and the people and it provides me with.....ENJOYMENT!

Stop being cunts and start acting like pricks who don't take this shit seriously. Have fun, be nice and enjoy yourself. Life is short. I know.


10-12-2006, 03:37 PM
Ok, I just posted a comment on the Yasmine farewell topic, and I'm gonna repost it here with respect to Vicki and her departure, because the sentiment remains the same, even though the name changes:


I have not had the honor of any direct contact with you on this site. I have seem many posts related to you, and most of the posts I have seen were quite flattering to you (posted several positive posts about you myself). I'm relatively new here, been here maybe about a month or so, and am sad to see you go. Personally, I haven't seen the negative attacks towards you, but I can only imagine the crap people spewed to make you want to leave here, and I can't say I blame you for checking out.

This is supposed to be a friendly, harmless community where the members keep to themselves, praising and holding dear what means the most to them, and I think it is really sad that people have to enter this "sanctuary" and start spreading venom and disgust. If there are those of you here who don't like transsexual women, or TV, CD, gay, etc., thats your choice, but take your shit elsewhere--we don't want "your kind" here.

This is not a place for the discussion and debate on whether TS women are "ok" or not--take that shit to some other asshole forum and get on your soapboxes there. We are all here to praise the gurls we love, share stories and pictures, and interact with some of the women we have become enamoured with in a friendly, non-threatening environment.

It is true in all aspects of our society, and now it is true here as well--the few will find a way to ruin it for the many. and the "haters" have infiltrated this forum and ruined it for us admirers by chasing many of our friends away.

So I bid you a fond farewell Vicki. Please go with the knowledge that there are many, MANY of us here who love you and wish you nothing but the best for yourself. I'm sad I never got to interact with you here, but as long as you are happy wherever you are I'm glad for that.

Take care of yourself, and hopefully we'll see you here again in the future.


10-13-2006, 12:07 AM
to bad the lifeless jerkwater dickheads had to come on and do some girl bashing. grow up you fucking jackasses cant you find something beter to do with your pathetic little lives than harras the girls who made this forum a place where you could talk to the girls in your favorite movies without fear of being singled out as strange, well you certainly fucked that part of this forum over thank you very much mega and chef you fuckin loozers can go suck a plastic dick ive seen the way you act seriously are you that blind that you have to type in caps all the time no one probably almost all of the people here would like to see you go and not the girls. no wonder you have to higher escorts to get it on with. you will be missed vicki i loved hearing things from your point of view seeing as your one of the intelligent ones. im sorry to see you get harrased like people have been doing. it might not change but dont leave on account of the assholes, if you had given in to pissants like them would you be where you are today ? i realy dont think you should leave, i personaly think that having a ban on a few of these assholes might help out, but only senchai is an admin that ive ever seen do anything here and a huge forum having only one mod is maybe even to much for him to handle, no disrepect senchai you tell it like it is and thats kick ass of you but i dont think even i could admin over this whole thing myself and i was once a super nerd lol. could type at around 100 words a minute at the slowest and played video games all the time and did nothing else but go on forums which i was a mod of, but things change people grow up..... i just hope that some of you guys can also grow out of your obvious hate for yourselves or discontent for yourselves which you so angrily press upon the members of this forum. who the hell wants to read pages and pages of posts where one dickhead is insulting someone ? i certainly dont and only read one page to see wtf your problems wer. i think some of you must have been made fun of as children. the rest of you are fucking awesome people and i probably wont find a beter forum with as many cool guys and girls on it ever again unless the girls come back. its a shame on the last day of earth's creation god said " and let there be assholes and let them be pleantifull" just kiding
no crazy religous person am i lol. well thats what i think about this whole situation. :violin

10-13-2006, 12:09 AM
i know...its bullshit and we dont even get any ass out of this haha

10-13-2006, 12:45 AM
This is a 5-month old thread.....why dredge this up now? Besides, Vicki still posts here and there......


Vicki Richter
10-15-2006, 06:12 PM
Yasmin, Danielle, and I will battle for the most farewell messages on HA. They are now both on #2. I think my last one was #2 or #3.

I claim the title spot of the most dramatic farewell's.


10-15-2006, 06:44 PM
Yasmin, Danielle, and I will battle for the most farewell messages on HA. They are now both on #2. I think my last one was #2 or #3.

I claim the title spot of the most dramatic farewell's.


You may post it but please don't go!
I don't want to lose you, not for anything in the world ;-)
And bring us back Danielle & Yasmine, i beg you!

10-15-2006, 06:51 PM
Careful there, son, your drool is makin' the floor slippery. :lol:

10-15-2006, 07:07 PM
Careful there, son, your drool is makin' the floor slippery. :lol:

Yes, i'm totally dehydrated by now :-)