View Full Version : Korea

08-16-2013, 03:04 PM
Just started a new contract in Dongtan and just want to know if anyone has any experience of meeting ladyboys in Korea. Any info appreciated.

08-17-2013, 07:53 AM
I met a few in Seoul, but never got down to Dongtan. Bigger city as opposed to an outskirts area... You might want to see if any advertise online, usual internet search I guess. But Seoul was where I met them, in Itaewan.

If you get there, Itaewan and the little back alleyway off "Hooker Hill" is where you want to go. If you are walking down the main street in Itaewan (on the side with the Burger King), take a right at the main intersection that goes up the hill (if you've hit the police/fire station you've gone too far), and then immediately take a right into the alley. If you take a left and start to go up the hill just past the bar with the balcony patio, you're going the wrong way. You need to go right, and look for a club on the left hand side with an entrance that goes down to a basement. It will look really shady from the outside, but it isn't too bad. And if you go at the right time of night one of the ladies will be outside looking to get guys inside.

The ladies I met usually wanted about $100 US, not sure what that is in Won right now. Bring condoms, most of the ladies didn't supply their own. Some had no problems with that, which should be a warning sign to stop and go elsewhere, others wouldn't proceed unless you had one on you. The typical method is like most of the Itaewon "bars" where you start by buying a drink for the girl and talking, she flirts a little, and then you make the move. Don't spend a lot of time there, or multiple drinks will start to run up on your tab. Negotiate quick. Like I said $100 was usually the price to be settled on (not including the drink). This bar didn't have a cover, the other one further down the alley did, they also had a towel fee, and the girl and the handler had seperate fees. So stick with the one I mentioned, if you go.

If you are staying at a hotel, sometimes they don't like you bringing these ladies back (You should know Korean culture by now, it's ok as long as it's in private.) I still would recommend trying it. Maybe not the Tower Hotel, but the others nearby are better with it. It's a little more expensive to take them with you, but the alternative is a walk through the back neighborhoods (which can be a little scary with all the black market and mob guys roaming around) to an apartment or a garage with a matress. I did this once, and made it out ok, but am pretty sure I was videotaped by the locals who thought I was military. So definately agree to go back to your hotel!!! It's a little bit more, but the piece of mind is worth it. Or if you can find an internet escort, even better.

While I didn't have much luck with the other method, I have to admit that I didn't put a lot of time into it. There are clubs in Seoul, and I'm sure in the bigger cities elsewhere in Korea too. When I was there, I found one on Google and saw times, shows, etc.

Best of luck...

By the way, are they still building a Universal Studios park out there in Dongtan? They announced it when I was leaving Korea.

08-17-2013, 02:48 PM
there are a few on craigslist in seoul. there are a few clubs in itaewon, half of them are offlimits to the military. i havent been to any so i cant say as to the quality of the clubs. try the yongsan army garrison webpage for a map with a list of all the bars in itaewon and whats off limits. places are usually offlimits for drugs, prostitution, or human trafficking.

08-19-2013, 01:09 AM
Any interest to meet someone from Philippines to go there and be your companion???


08-19-2013, 05:46 PM
For your information, Korean's on average have the smallest cocks in the world, averaging slightly less than 4 inches.

08-19-2013, 06:30 PM
In Korea, Incheon would be nice, look for the little bars, but beware of the "buy me drink" girls. Around Seoul, I would look for the "Barber Shops". This is where you'll find "girls for hire" but also beware they are "gang related".

If you do decide to make a swing down to the Philippines, make sure you go to Burgos St. in Manilla. That's the "bar district" and where you'll most likely find trannies. But beware of the "buy me drink" girls and do NOT give out any "gifts" and/or money to children ( even a penny or a paper clip ). Because they will literally follow you with their gang of about 20-30 friends constantly begging for more ( really hard to lose them ) and it really does suck and it's sad but that's how they work. Even really young girls holding a baby in their arms begging, stay keen because most likely it is NOT her baby. Sadly enough, it is her "prop" to win you over to give her anything.

When I was there, we were told the same thing I told you. Hanging out with a couple friends walking down Burgos, one of my buddies felt bad and sorry for the kids following us, so he chose to give them a handful of change. Even when we went into the bars they still followed us, waited outside the bars, and consistently begged for more even after we left that bar to go to the next.

08-19-2013, 07:40 PM
For your information, Korean's on average have the smallest cocks in the world, averaging slightly less than 4 inches.
