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View Full Version : Need Advice But Don't Want to Be Judged

08-11-2013, 05:27 PM
So I am attached to a GG in Las Vegas. I am happy with the situation and don't want it to change. I have led a closet TS LOVING life for 15 years. I thoroughly enjoy that part of my life and don't want it to change either.

The only problem is that I get very concerned with the search and safety aspect of dating TS escorts here in Las Vegas. I worry about "Pimp" issues, disease, law, etc. I found one that seemed reliable for a while, then she got really weird and flaky.

I would like to find a consistent, reliable, clean, steady thing. Ideally I would love to find a FWB TS but I can't really go out and search for one. So I am relegated to Backpage and Eros which are shaky propositions at best.

So my questions are, do any members know any TS that might fit this bill? I have no problems figuring out an arrangement with them. I just want it to be steady and reliable.

Another question, is there a TS dating site that could be recommended that is actually a TS dating site and not an escort site?

Final question, how would I approach a TS escort regarding getting tested for disease or is that something that would be out of line to ask?

I am a good looking, in shape, safe, clean, well kept guy here in Vegas and just need some advice. Hope you guys can help.

08-11-2013, 05:38 PM
Good luck... seems like you are asking a lot from someone. I'd say your best bet is to find a "name" provider, someone who works in the industry (and there are quite a few living in Vegas) and is therefore tested regularly. Can't see you swinging a FWB situation based on your needs but stranger things have happened I guess.

08-11-2013, 05:59 PM
So I am attached to a GG in Las Vegas. I am happy with the situation and don't want it to change. I have led a closet TS LOVING life for 15 years. I thoroughly enjoy that part of my life and don't want it to change either.

The only problem is that I get very concerned with the search and safety aspect of dating TS escorts here in Las Vegas. I worry about "Pimp" issues, disease, law, etc. I found one that seemed reliable for a while, then she got really weird and flaky.

I would like to find a consistent, reliable, clean, steady thing. Ideally I would love to find a FWB TS but I can't really go out and search for one. So I am relegated to Backpage and Eros which are shaky propositions at best.

So my questions are, do any members know any TS that might fit this bill? I have no problems figuring out an arrangement with them. I just want it to be steady and reliable.

Another question, is there a TS dating site that could be recommended that is actually a TS dating site and not an escort site?

Final question, how would I approach a TS escort regarding getting tested for disease or is that something that would be out of line to ask?

I am a good looking, in shape, safe, clean, well kept guy here in Vegas and just need some advice. Hope you guys can help.

So, you want us to help you cheat on two people, your gf and a trans girl from a dating site, who may actually be looking for a regular bf...wow, that's amazing someone has the balls to ask for help with this.

My judgement is that you're an asshole.

08-11-2013, 06:02 PM
I'm a girl with balls and I wouldn't help out with that. LMAO

08-11-2013, 06:30 PM
There goes that judgment! No, the ideal situation would be to find a reliable TS escort. Obviously there is compensation there. Another option would be to meet a TS that is not an escort, but I would not enter into a relationship with her nor present anything along those lines. This too I would expect to have some type of compensation.

I am sure we can all agree that navigating the TS world is still a little tricky. I applaud everyone that has the confidence to be out and present what they are to the world, but not all of us are there yet. I would think many people on this site would understand that.

08-11-2013, 06:36 PM
This forum is for those who enjoy my people, "trannies". No judgement on this...Because I am a tranny. Who escorts. Who has also been dating a tranny for 1 year, who also escorts.

But to condone "cheating"? No sir. Judgement on this, yes.

08-11-2013, 06:38 PM
Judgement... ha ha ha.... who ARE you?

08-11-2013, 06:43 PM
So to confirm, as an escort before you take money from someone you confirm that they are not in a committed relationship nor married??? I find it hard to believe that only single people solicit your services.

08-11-2013, 06:48 PM
So to confirm, as an escort before you take money from someone you confirm that they are not in a committed relationship nor married??? I find it hard to believe that only singles people solicit your services.

OK, so you started this thread for trolling purposes, huh?

08-11-2013, 06:48 PM
Personally we, Jamie and myself, turn down Married men ( most Married men, who inquire about our ad, say they are married because they think its fun that "We" should know that, and that we are their "sexy side show". 99.999% of the time Guys in relationships say this, HONEST! They get a thrill making this known.

But you just came on here telling that you want to cheat...openly, to everyone who opens this thread. So its just like if you inquired about our ad, and told us you are seeing someone, but "I don't know, it is my first time, but Im seeing someone...Blah Blah Blah"

Jamie French
08-11-2013, 06:49 PM
Oh yeah? Read my backpage ad motherfucker:


People are only too quick to tell me that they are married because they want to be the special one I make an exception for. It never happens. Ever. If I've been lied to, then the onus is completely on them. I am never willingly complicit in any act of actual harm against another human being.

You have absolutely no ground to come in here, tell the world about some despicable thing you're up to and then ask to be told only things you want to hear.

Go fuck yourself. The judgment has only just begun.

So to confirm, as an escort before you take money from someone you confirm that they are not in a committed relationship nor married??? I find it hard to believe that only single people solicit your services.

08-11-2013, 06:53 PM
You want a friends with benefits relationship while keeping your girlfriend in the dark about what you are doing. It is also likely that you would string along the ts girl by not giving her the full story and pretending the relationship is more than fwb.

Of course you are going to be judged. In addition to lying to your girlfriend, the relationship you planned on engaging in with a ts sounds exploitative.

If you really wanted the advice you would have omitted all of the stuff about your 15 year relationship. You wanted validation of what you plan on doing and you're just not getting it.

08-11-2013, 06:58 PM
Edit: If you want advice. It's take the reaction you've gotten here and reconsider why you feel the need to blatantly lie to people in your life.

08-11-2013, 07:08 PM
Yep, you're a douchebag <3

08-11-2013, 07:17 PM
Well I did not start this post for trolling purposes. In fact I was not even sure what that meant until I just looked it up.

For that reason I am going to back away from this post.

The reaction in not what I expected, I was looking for genuine, honest advice from the escort aspect. I should have not even included the other part as it was more of just a thought in my head. I am just surprised at how vicious the replies were. I figured there would be more tolerance
even if someone didn't agree with me. My bad for thinking that I guess.

Jamie and Eva, if you two in fact don't engage with people in relationships, then I guess I understand your reaction. Still thought there would be some tolerance here too I guess.

So with that I will say sorry for causing drama, it was not my intention.

08-11-2013, 07:22 PM
AS an escort...I gave you real, proper, good advice. As did Jamie.

Tolerance? Tolerance for what? Cheating?

LMAO you don't see it do you?

Jamie French
08-11-2013, 07:23 PM
Tolerance for infidelity? Do you smoke all your crack the very moment you buy it? Juheezeaus-fuck-buckets. You're a goddamn sociopath and you need to be removed from our streets.

08-11-2013, 07:26 PM
I agree with Eva. Tolerance denotes being open to other ways of looking at things. It doesn't mean being understanding when someone wants to engage in a pattern of active deception.

08-11-2013, 07:32 PM
A tolerant response: I understand that you wanted to lie to your companion of 15 years and in the meantime string along another innocent party. A lot of people are tempted to two-time their girlfriends and though I disagree with it, I understand where you're coming from. Jeffrey Dahmer liked to drill holes in people's heads. I can understand how someone with emotional and developmental problems might see that as interesting.

Unreasonable expectations?

08-11-2013, 07:33 PM
A tolerant response: I understand that you wanted to lie to your companion of 15 years and in the meantime string along another innocent party. A lot of people are tempted to two-time their girlfriends and though I disagree with it, I understand where you're coming from. Jeffrey Dahmer liked to drill holes in people's heads. I can understand how someone with emotional and developmental problems might see that as interesting.

Unreasonable expectations?

To be fair he said that he has had a closet TS admiration for 15 years not that he has been in a relationship for that long...

08-11-2013, 07:37 PM
To be fair he said that he has had a closet TS admiration for 15 years not that he has been in a relationship for that long...
Yeah I see I was wrong. Thanks for correcting me and sorry for misstating this (twice). I shouldn't have hooked onto the time element except it made it seem all the more egregious. If he's been interested in TS for that long but he hasn't been dating his current girl for that same period, why didn't he pursue it before becoming attached? That's a question for him, not for you:).

08-11-2013, 09:03 PM
So I am attached to a GG in Las Vegas. I am happy with the situation and don't want it to change. I have led a closet TS LOVING life for 15 years. I thoroughly enjoy that part of my life and don't want it to change either.

The only problem is that I get very concerned with the search and safety aspect of dating TS escorts here in Las Vegas. I worry about "Pimp" issues, disease, law, etc. I found one that seemed reliable for a while, then she got really weird and flaky.

I would like to find a consistent, reliable, clean, steady thing. Ideally I would love to find a FWB TS but I can't really go out and search for one. So I am relegated to Backpage and Eros which are shaky propositions at best.

So my questions are, do any members know any TS that might fit this bill? I have no problems figuring out an arrangement with them. I just want it to be steady and reliable.

Another question, is there a TS dating site that could be recommended that is actually a TS dating site and not an escort site?

Final question, how would I approach a TS escort regarding getting tested for disease or is that something that would be out of line to ask?

I am a good looking, in shape, safe, clean, well kept guy here in Vegas and just need some advice. Hope you guys can help.

Good luck... seems like you are asking a lot from someone. I'd say your best bet is to find a "name" provider, someone who works in the industry (and there are quite a few living in Vegas) and is therefore tested regularly. Can't see you swinging a FWB situation based on your needs but stranger things have happened I guess.

You make a blatant troll post and then ask not to be judged? HA!!

08-11-2013, 10:12 PM
I am a good looking, in shape, safe, clean, well kept guy here in Vegas and just need some advice. Hope you guys can help.

if you're good looking, in shape, safe and clean (i'm guessing sane, charismatic and a catch as well) you shouldn't be having problems finding a FWB hookup.

08-11-2013, 10:35 PM
This forum is fucking ridiculous sometimes and it's always the same couple idiots who go from 0 to 60 in their attacks and in your face opinions, i think we know the couple.

Anyways, my advice without judgement is one of two things

1 - if you think your girl can handle it, maybe you can talk to her about your attraction to ts girls and go from there.

2 - if option 1 is not an option, then it's not really that complicated. Use sites like TER to find reviewed escorts, use common sense until you find someone you click with and just go from there. Make sure to play safe, stay away from unreviewed girls, those who seem to good to be true and anyone talking about PNP or "Partying".

As a sidenote there are a lot of ts' & cd's usually looking on craigslist, but it's a very flaky proposition and it may just be in your interest to find a nice escort.

08-11-2013, 10:59 PM
I am a good looking, in shape, safe, clean, well kept guy here in Vegas and just need some advice. Hope you guys can help.

I'm sure the advice here has been disappointing, but look on the bright side, you're a good looking dude. You got that going for you.

08-11-2013, 11:44 PM
This forum is fucking ridiculous sometimes and it's always the same couple idiots who go from 0 to 60 in their attacks and in your face opinions, i think we know the couple.

Anyways, my advice without judgement is one of two things

1 - if you think your girl can handle it, maybe you can talk to her about your attraction to ts girls and go from there.

2 - if option 1 is not an option, then it's not really that complicated. Use sites like TER to find reviewed escorts, use common sense until you find someone you click with and just go from there. Make sure to play safe, stay away from unreviewed girls, those who seem to good to be true and anyone talking about PNP or "Partying".

As a sidenote there are a lot of ts' & cd's usually looking on craigslist, but it's a very flaky proposition and it may just be in your interest to find a nice escort.


08-12-2013, 12:54 AM
Well I did not start this post for trolling purposes. In fact I was not even sure what that meant until I just looked it up.

For that reason I am going to back away from this post.

The reaction in not what I expected, I was looking for genuine, honest advice from the escort aspect. I should have not even included the other part as it was more of just a thought in my head. I am just surprised at how vicious the replies were. I figured there would be more tolerance
even if someone didn't agree with me. My bad for thinking that I guess.

Jamie and Eva, if you two in fact don't engage with people in relationships, then I guess I understand your reaction. Still thought there would be some tolerance here too I guess.

So with that I will say sorry for causing drama, it was not my intention.

Dude you don't have to apologize. There are folks on here who boast loudly they are in monogomous relationships..but they allow other sexual partners as long as they are being compensated (escorts, prostitutes, sugar daddies porn, etc)...
And most of the guys here slobber and drool over any position the girls take. Makes you wonder.. if they are not married or having any relationships with gg's at all anymore..what is their lives like away from the screen. Because in actuality..they are spending a great deal of time on a sight with shemale ESCORTS and PORNSTARS. Not even girls who are openly looking for healthy normal relationships. It's easy for these folks to be judgemental so that they can feel better about thier own miserable situations.
I would bet any amount of money that the girls screaming in this thread are the most miserable unhappy people who need to falsely publicize thier business. How many people you know personally who do that on facebook and you know they are miserable?
Bottom line..wrong forum for your question

08-12-2013, 01:17 AM
So ...let me get this straight.....Jamie and I are miserable and have miserable lives???

08-12-2013, 02:10 AM
So ...let me get this straight.....Jamie and I are miserable and have miserable lives???
Lol..I don't know you but you project the persona of someone who boast a charmed life of porn and relationship, but you spend allot of time commenting in every thread and putting people down for their opinions every chance you get.
That would lead anyone who's been around the block a few times to know that your life is probably a mess,,and the internet (along with who knows what else) is the escapism.
The thing you have in your favor as it relates to this forum is you are a trans and the guys drool and feed your ego through your words and pics. Otherwise....

08-12-2013, 02:14 AM
I live in Vegas but hun you would prob never find a tgirl that would date you in secret without finacial needs. You gotta pay... Good luck!!! If you looking for a legit girl in town to hire I am your girl. I have a discreet private place. But I would never do it with out financial gain, no reason. Your asking a lot in the wrong place! On test... find a girl in the porn business, a lot of us have to be tested regularly! I even tweet my results anytime I get them!

I see married and men in relationships all the time. I have no issue with that. If your paying me for my time I could care less if your taken or not. 9 times out of ten married men are lonely and want attention. Its not my issue that your cheating, that is something you have to deal with. But I never say no to married men, its stupid move on my money. I am not the one who has to deal with it. But I would never go out or date a married man, or have FWB. FWB comes as a session with me and a donation. If I turned down married men I would have very little clients.

08-12-2013, 02:48 AM
I live in Vegas but hun you would prob never find a tgirl that would date you in secret without finacial needs. You gotta pay... Good luck!!! If you looking for a legit girl in town to hire I am your girl. I have a discreet private place. But I would never do it with out financial gain, no reason. Your asking a lot in the wrong place! On test... find a girl in the porn business, a lot of us have to be tested regularly! I even tweet my results anytime I get them!

I see married and men in relationships all the time. I have no issue with that. If your paying me for my time I could care less if your taken or not. 9 times out of ten married men are lonely and want attention. Its not my issue that your cheating, that is something you have to deal with. But I never say no to married men, its stupid move on my money. I am not the one who has to deal with it. But I would never go out or date a married man, or have FWB. FWB comes as a session with me and a donation. If I turned down married men I would have very little clients.
That is the most sensible and candid response I've heard from a girl yet!!

08-12-2013, 03:10 AM
I'm sure the advice here has been disappointing, but look on the bright side, you're a good looking dude. You got that going for you.

he's also in shape, well put together and has a gg girlfriend. i'm going to go on a limb here and guess she's hot too (hot people tend to date each other)

Lol..I don't know you but you project the persona of someone who boast a charmed life of porn and relationship, but you spend allot of time commenting in every thread and putting people down for their opinions every chance you get.
That would lead anyone who's been around the block a few times to know that your life is probably a mess,,and the internet (along with who knows what else) is the escapism.
The thing you have in your favor as it relates to this forum is you are a trans and the guys drool and feed your ego through your words and pics. Otherwise....

ouch. this was like a shot gun blast at point blank range.


08-12-2013, 03:51 AM
Many escorts do see married men (to be honest - almost all I've ever known)...if they didn't they'd lose some of their most lucrative clients.
..also - there are tons of guys on these sites who are married or in relationships but don't ever admit it openly in the forum area...lying about that is almost as popular as lying about ones age.
That being said - I don't condone cheating on someone. Just stating a fact.

Jamie French
08-12-2013, 06:26 AM
Really? A shotgun blast? Looked to me like some dude typed some letters into a text field on a porn forum.

It's very, very simple people. Cheating is bad. If it weren't, the cock bucket in question wouldn't have prefaced his original post, nay, the title of his thread with "Don't judge". A guilty conscience is a guilty conscience forever and always.

Those of you with girlfriends and wives... invite them to this board, on this very thread and let them weigh in.

Any takers?

Also, those of you who question my business practices of not taking married clients... it's pretty fuckin' easy to understand coming from a person that took up escorting after countless, (32) living wage jobs working for soulless corporations. I am my own boss and I get to work by an actual code of ethics that I am accountable for. I've never had that kind of opportunity in any other job I've ever held. You're damn skippy I don't do shitting things like fuck with people's relationships. I'm the boss... no one can ever make me do a morally questionable thing ever again. I treat my business and it's responsibilities as serious as a President's funeral so FUCK OFF & eat shit stained AIDS dick.

he's also in shape, well put together and has a gg girlfriend. i'm going to go on a limb here and guess she's hot too (hot people tend to date each other)

ouch. this was like a shot gun blast at point blank range.


08-12-2013, 06:38 AM
I agree with Jamie. I know it sounds self-righteous when one of the guys says it but it's not something to be taken lightly however common it is.

I remember when I was in college, we had an HIV spokesman who told us that he had given his wife HIV by sleeping around. She had died a couple years earlier but he thought it was his responsibility to tell people about safe sex. Even though he was trying to do a good thing, everything about him came across as odious and creepy.

Cheating on a spouse is the ultimate betrayal. Infecting her with an std because of what you did behind her back, real scumbag material.

Quiet Reflections
08-12-2013, 06:52 AM
I agree with Jamie. I know it sounds self-righteous when one of the guys says it but it's not something to be taken lightly however common it is.

I remember when I was in college, we had an HIV spokesman who told us that he had given his wife HIV by sleeping around. She had died a couple years earlier but he thought it was his responsibility to tell people about safe sex. Even though he was trying to do a good thing, everything about him came across as odious and creepy.

Cheating on a spouse is the ultimate betrayal. Infecting her with an std because of what you did behind her back, real scumbag material.
You and Jamie are right and even without STD's in the mix betraying someones trust is a fucked up thing to do. A real man would get out of one relationship before starting another.

08-12-2013, 06:53 AM
Really? A shotgun blast? Looked to me like some dude typed some letters into a text field on a porn forum.

nah- it wasn't just "some letters into a text field". it was straight up murder. and he didn't even bring up the holes in your apartment

08-12-2013, 07:11 AM
nah- it wasn't just "some letters into a text field". it was straight up murder. and he didn't even bring up the holes in your apartment

haha nice

Jamie French
08-12-2013, 07:20 AM
My violence preceeds me.

Also, I didn't mention AIDS or anything like that as an addendum to my point. I just want to see choads like this wind up with anything that causes slow, desperate, family destroying suffering. You know, something the kids can get on as well... Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Secret Touches... you know, the whole clan.

nah- it wasn't just "some letters into a text field". it was straight up murder. and he didn't even bring up the holes in your apartment

08-12-2013, 07:41 AM

08-12-2013, 07:55 AM
Although I would agree that if a partner expects you to be monogamous, you ought to be monogamous, my day job work over the past few years has taught me never to make judgements. Some people are just cretins, some people have unbelievable shit going on in their lives that you would crumple under the weight of. But the thing is you never really know a person's full story, and you certainly never know if you would do any better if you had the same set of circumstances.

People ought to strive towards virtue, but we shouldn't blame and censure them when they fall short, because, hey, we all fall short in the scheme of things.

08-12-2013, 08:03 AM
Although I would agree that if a partner expects you to be monogamous, you ought to be monogamous, my day job work over the past few years has taught me never to make judgements. Some people are just cretins, some people have unbelievable shit going on in their lives that you would crumple under the weight of. But the thing is you never really know a person's full story, and you certainly never know if you would do any better if you had the same set of circumstances.

People ought to strive towards virtue, but we shouldn't blame and censure them when they fall short, because, hey, we all fall short in the scheme of things.

Lol...you're so California, Miranda...don't ever lose that.

08-12-2013, 08:14 AM
Lol...you're so California, Miranda...don't ever lose that.

:D Well my day job has been in social services for the past few years, and the shit you see in that field forces you not to judge, otherwise you would just get so consumed with anger at people that ought to have done better for their children that you wouldn't be able to function. And I am pretty California, too. :P

08-12-2013, 08:51 AM
Jamie I am not knocking you or Eva view on things... That's your business and you can do what you need to do. I personally dont care if your married or not. I really could care less what the persons life is. I know many guys who see us lie about name, age, etc. But I have also met many men who were married and for one reason or another its not a good marriage. Either they are together for the kids, or due to the way they were raised its the life they are to live. Most guys I have seen that open up, never have sex with their wives, even knew a few who live in separate rooms. But I comend you guys on your beliefs... I personally think its none of my business what their life is outside of my four walls when seeing me. They are paying for my services, just like they would getting their hair cut, etc. So, I guess I look at it totally different.

08-12-2013, 12:28 PM
you dont want to be judged ??!!

afraid youve come to the wrong place then :hide-1: