View Full Version : off place to ask but shit...can't think of a better place to ask...

08-09-2013, 11:10 PM
So ever been in a position in your life due to circumstances out of your own control...that you are so down that when you see pictures of attractive women you actually get more depressed.
And i'm a guy talking here.....

08-09-2013, 11:30 PM
i don't believe i've been in such a position personally, but i can tell you: when i'm feeling blue (not related to my name), i'll usually hang out with some friends and vent.

being part of the human species means one cannot be isolated too much as humans require the collective mass for companionship (platonic) and communication

08-10-2013, 06:50 AM
Yeah. I remember going to a strip club once when I was in my 20's and my friend talking about how he hoped to have a girlfriend one day that looked like this one stripper (redhead, big tits). I thought to myself that there was no way I'd ever have a girl that hot--I couldn't get any girl at the time--and it got me depressed.

I've gotten girls since, but to be honest, I still haven't had a gf in the league of that stripper. Now if your talking about paying for it, that's a different matter.

08-12-2013, 04:13 AM
Thanks mate....yeah...ever since about two months ago when i was with that woman who's skin looked 4 sizes too big.....just was a total brain fuck.
i've done ok though i fucked up and am stuck in the burbs....and know i would do better if i lived in the city.
I guess it's just situational depression.....but sure as shit it feels very very......like standing in quick sand...

08-12-2013, 04:30 AM
Yeah I've been there. Depression can be a slippery slope if you let it get that way. Almost failed out of university in my final year because I was so depressed that I had trouble focusing. I tried meditating but it didn't help that much. Jogging has been realllly effective lately. I just ran 6k the other day and I never thought I would be able to do that. Now little things don't bother me much at all because I can feel myself getting leaner and stronger everyday. On the weekend I was out with a few friends and they were joking about how I love TS and ladyboys. Didn't bother me at all and I actually dished out some pretty funny jokes as well. Three years ago I would have let that bother me for a really long time, now it's no problem. This has been a great change in my life because depression had been kicking my head in for a long time.

http://lifehacker.com/ten-things-you-can-do-to-be-happier-backed-by-science-1065356587?utm_campaign=socialflow_lifehacker_face book&utm_source=lifehacker_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow

08-12-2013, 04:42 AM
Yeah the gym has helped greatly...well as long as i keep my head down....the view at my local gym in the burbs....throw up in your mouth level of fat middle aged women.....bat arms, doubble chins pushing all of 15lbs and sucking down a muscle milk....
But as long as i keep my head down and just push...i come out ok on the other side...but holy shit...takes an amazing amount of energy to push up to push out and to climb out when you fall in.....

But thanks mates,,,good to know....

08-12-2013, 04:44 AM
also...the next time a woman in her mid 40's takes off her shirt and her skin looks like melted wax....I need to zip up and say thank you and walk out....it really affected me....

08-12-2013, 04:46 AM
you're still tooting that bullshit story?

08-12-2013, 04:48 AM
Omg don't get me started on the bat wings.

08-12-2013, 04:50 AM
Yeah the gym has helped greatly...well as long as i keep my head down....the view at my local gym in the burbs....throw up in your mouth level of fat middle aged women.....bat arms, doubble chins pushing all of 15lbs and sucking down a muscle milk....
But as long as i keep my head down and just push...i come out ok on the other side...but holy shit...takes an amazing amount of energy to push up to push out and to climb out when you fall in.....

But thanks mates,,,good to know....

One of the perks of jogging is that a lot of young and beautiful girls in tight shorts are out there doing it too. Just head to the park on a sunny day and wear your sunglasses. Stealth perving is a victimless crime.

08-12-2013, 05:10 AM
Fuck no...look....they look good and you should look.

As for my Planet Fitness....oh it sucks...it's adjacent to a weight watchers and well...guess where the land whales go after their weekly weigh ins.

And i've noticed that the worse the view at the gym the worse i feel as well...hence why i just look down and focus on working out.

It's truly amazing.....you see beautiful people you feel better...you find your self surrounded by those that have given up or just abuse their body with food......you start to question your own self worth.

I guess you are right...it's situational depression......have to figure out a way out of the burbs and thus away from the situation which is the root cause of the depression.

08-12-2013, 06:11 AM
I do tend to get annoyed or whatever when I see a real hot girl (TS or GG) with an asshole or someone less deserving to be with them. I'll forever be amazed at how some girls and even some guys, can be with someone who treats them bad. Or doesn't respect them, spend quality time with them, or pretty much treats them as an object or piece of meat so to say. That sort of thing just eats at me...
Then again, maybe I've read your post wrong and this is just about seeing good looking people in general and feeling down. If that was the case, I'd get depressed every time I looked in the mirror - lol :joke:

08-12-2013, 07:34 AM
Well as a tranny I can say that I've looked at attractive women, both natal and trans, and have been left feeling devastated, horribly inadequate, and angry at the universe for not letting me be born a girl, but I'm sure that's a very different experience from what you're experiencing now.

And I second the notion of avoiding gyms when possible. Gyms have definite benefits, but most of the members at gyms have no clue what they're doing, and are there for their biweekly "well I guess I ought to work out or something" session. I'm not judging here, the people in question just need help to learn more about fitness, but I find gyms to be unpleasant places to work out because they are filled with unfit, desperate people, who are unhappy with their body image. That's not a place I want to be. Plus, consistency is the key to fitness success, so you want to reduce the barriers to exercise where ever possible. If your exercise routine can be done anywhere, rather than just in a gym, you're much more likely to actually do it.

08-12-2013, 07:53 AM
I do tend to get annoyed or whatever when I see a real hot girl (TS or GG) with an asshole or someone less deserving to be with them.

when you say you "see a real hot girl with an asshole" do you mean you can tell someone's an asshole just by looking at them?

and don't you think the assholes deserve to have someone as well? i mean, if the hot girls don't date them, who will? the ugly ones?

here's a douchebag that clearly needs no dating advice


08-12-2013, 01:59 PM
Well as a tranny I can say that I've looked at attractive women, both natal and trans, and have been left feeling devastated, horribly inadequate, and angry at the universe for not letting me be born a girl, but I'm sure that's a very different experience from what you're experiencing now.

And I second the notion of avoiding gyms when possible. Gyms have definite benefits, but most of the members at gyms have no clue what they're doing, and are there for their biweekly "well I guess I ought to work out or something" session. I'm not judging here, the people in question just need help to learn more about fitness, but I find gyms to be unpleasant places to work out because they are filled with unfit, desperate people, who are unhappy with their body image. That's not a place I want to be. Plus, consistency is the key to fitness success, so you want to reduce the barriers to exercise where ever possible. If your exercise routine can be done anywhere, rather than just in a gym, you're much more likely to actually do it.

Jogging when it's warm and sunny.

Jogging when it's cold and snowy
