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View Full Version : I knew a TGirl that escorts … should I date her??? With pics kkk

Martin C.
08-03-2013, 05:24 AM
You guys know that I’m a really Tlover, but I never was with a TGirl that escorts. I never did this for 2 mainly reasons: 1) I’m afraid to get a sexual disease like AIDS, ‘cause having a sexual relation with a TGirl that is a sex professional you have the more probability to take a disease; 2) I don’t think that a sex professional can handle their feelings the same way I do regarding, for me, loyalty for instance that is the basis of a relationship.

So, I always dated TGirls that doesn’t escort. The main TGirlfriend that I had is a hotel receptionist and last week I posted some pics when we were together. I wrote that she is my girlfriend, but we broke up some time ago. We are being together once a week for 1 month, but we are not having a serious relationship now.

2 days ago I posted a pic of a TGirl that I knew this week and she is a nurse. I don’t think we are going to be together … she is too young for me … only 22 and she just wanna party do you know what I mean???

But yesterday I knew a TGirl in a chat on internet and she was doing her job there, that is, trying to find clients. We started to talk and she is really a wonderful person. She is intelligent and interesting. She’s 26 and she is beautiful. Today we talked a lot and I’m feeling that I will fall in love. We were talking some minutes ago by phone and she had to finish the conversation ‘cause arrived a client to her.

So, Monday we will see each other for the first time and by the talking we had I think we will like each other.

So, should I date her ? I’m afraid to fall in love . . .

Oh, there is 3 pics of them.

The first one was my girlfriend for 3 years and we probably will get together again.

The second one is the TGirl that is a nurse.

The third one is the TGirl that escorts and that I’m afraid do fall in love and hurt my feelings ‘cause is not good to know that your girlfriend have sex with a lot of guys everyday. that's her blog:


Could you help me please ????

08-03-2013, 05:40 AM
I need to start dating nurses!

Ben in LA
08-03-2013, 06:00 AM
I need to start dating nurses!

There are a LOT of nurses and such that are Tgirls. Within my circle I can think of about six (that don't escort)...

08-03-2013, 06:05 AM
Which one has the biggest cock?

Just kidding...

I say you should try to make it work with #1 (the girl you dated for 3 years). You two were obviously compatible, she's the right age, plus she is hot as hell and not an escort.

The nurse is very hot, but as you said, too young.

Forget about the escort. Fuck her and suck her cock, but that's it.

08-03-2013, 08:10 AM
You are talking about loyalty and relationship.
At the same time you seem to be in for quite a few Tgirls at the same time (No 1, No 2, No3...)?
A bit contradictory?

Ben in LA
08-03-2013, 08:11 AM
And don't put KKK in your title haha

08-03-2013, 08:14 AM
Ok ok, I think it's time for some reality here. What are you trying to come off as? You are a very confusing person. And obviously are either full of BS or you have no idea what you want. One week ago you come on here posting pics of that first girl. Saying you and her just took those photos and you're in love and all that. Then a couple days later you post some pic of another girl, saying "I think I found a new tgirl girlfriend. And now just like 2 days later you post again saying you found this escort, should you date her? Dude really? Please. Some of the guys around here are very gullible - lol

08-03-2013, 08:23 AM
And don't put KKK in your title haha

unless, of course, you wanna talk about kkk

08-03-2013, 12:32 PM
Ok ok, I think it's time for some reality here. What are you trying to come off as? You are a very confusing person. And obviously are either full of BS or you have no idea what you want. One week ago you come on here posting pics of that first girl. Saying you and her just took those photos and you're in love and all that. Then a couple days later you post some pic of another girl, saying "I think I found a new tgirl girlfriend. And now just like 2 days later you post again saying you found this escort, should you date her? Dude really? Please. Some of the guys around here are very gullible - lol

This ^ http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/showthread.php?t=80033&highlight=girlfriend&page=2 posted 3 days ago. He said he was in love with her 4 days ago. I believe all these stories are just complete bullshit.

By the way, don't trust an escort as far as relationships go. If you really want to know if an escort is compatible for you. You move in with her, not the other way around. Keep her on lock and chain and don't buy her shit too. That's the only way to know if it's true love (which is laughable lol). She won't stick around long. I've heard dozens of guys that felt they are "in love" with a escort just because they think they contact them outside of business. Trust me, they are always on business even when they aren't on the clock.

08-03-2013, 02:11 PM
no problem dating an escort .. we do have feelings as well ... though myself i only date industry people . i would never date a civilan as it wouldnt work for the reasons above for myself personally , jealousy is a pain in the ass and I cant be dealing with other peoples issues on that front...

My gf is a model/escort same as me so its cool .. we just have our work shit then our personal time on weekends :)

For a non adult worker to date one long term is difficult but can be done , my close friend her boyfriend of 4years is not an adultworker and she is .

As to not buying shit, anyone shouldnt be buying any partner shit to start with anyway regardless if they are a nurse, teacher, whore, porn model etc .. relationships are built on mutual respect and friendships first, spoiling pampering is an equal thing that develops over time .. thats how i see it anyway ..

As to falling in love with someone you havnt even met sorry thats just LOL get a reality check please .. it takes long long time to really be inlove with someone, to love someone is to understand them fully in all aspects and appreciate that and have it reversed on yourself from them ... this always takes time , as they say rome wasnt built in a day ..

Lets rephrase the OP statement, Should i go out on a date or 2 with a TS Escort ? i would say yes why not you have nothing to lose , just enjoy the persons company .. if there is going to be chemistry it will happen , if there isnt then you wont see them again after a date or 2 .. or she will charge you :) thats your indicator :)

08-03-2013, 02:22 PM
Well it's a lot different if both partners are escorting or doing girl/guy scenes.

08-03-2013, 02:40 PM
Never dated an escort, I couldn't handle it, I would be just too worried all the time. Anything else I'm fine with, girls got to eat.

Bruce Wayne
08-03-2013, 05:15 PM
I smell bullshit from this thread.

08-03-2013, 10:02 PM
I do believe you just went to far with your stories. Your first one might have been believable. The one where you said you where in love with your girlfriend, and so on. Posted some pics. That was all fine. Then I think you maybe got greedy for attention and started saying stuff about this nurse, then that wasn't enough, so you then added in this escort...It's like enough wasn't enough. Sort of like a bad lie, you're trying to make better - lol. Sorry brotha. Better luck next time...

08-03-2013, 10:08 PM
Also, how old are you? Cause you sound like a teenager with their first crush. It was just a girl you talked with on the phone "So you say" for just a little bit and saw her on your computer screen. I mean honestly. Should you date her? Afraid to fall in love? No offense but Creepy is all I sense here...

08-03-2013, 10:40 PM
Also, how old are you? Cause you sound like a teenager with their first crush. It was just a girl you talked with on the phone "So you say" for just a little bit and saw her on your computer screen. I mean honestly. Should you date her? Afraid to fall in love? No offense but Creepy is all I sense here...

Are you new here? Shit like this happens often at HA.

PS most posters here are either chasing some erotic fantasy or they are providing one

08-03-2013, 10:42 PM
I do believe you just went to far with your stories. Your first one might have been believable. The one where you said you where in love with your girlfriend, and so on. Posted some pics. That was all fine. Then I think you maybe got greedy for attention and started saying stuff about this nurse, then that wasn't enough, so you then added in this escort...It's like enough wasn't enough. Sort of like a bad lie, you're trying to make better - lol. Sorry brotha. Better luck next time...

i agree with nybpro. next time you wish to tell us a lie- do what most of the other guys do here and just keep it to one lie about one girl.

Rusty Eldora
08-04-2013, 12:58 AM
no problem dating an escort .. we do have feelings as well ... though myself i only date industry people . i would never date a civilan as it wouldnt work for the reasons above for myself personally , jealousy is a pain in the ass and I cant be dealing with other peoples issues on that front...

Lets rephrase the OP statement, Should i go out on a date or 2 with a TS Escort ? i would say yes why not you have nothing to lose , just enjoy the persons company .. if there is going to be chemistry it will happen , if there isnt then you wont see them again after a date or 2 .. or she will charge you :) thats your indicator :)

Escorts are just doing a job with a lot of personal contact. They are still persons and feelings. Many are quite wonderful. But it does take extra work to make a relationship work.

I have a GG provider girlfriend / sugar baby on the side. It has worked for 4 years pretty well. I have put all jealousy in a strong box, realizing I am the one she chooses to spend time with. She also shares me with her friends, over 20 different duo partners with her over the years.

Is it perfect - No - do I regret it, not at all. I did a week trip with a Tgirl last spring, as the trip finished she noted I was the least jealous person she had been with. It made her all the happier to spend the week with me.

If you met her in the hobby you might want to do a transition period where you cover her for her time in the bedroom. That avoids the issue of where she feels you are just trying to get it for free.

08-04-2013, 01:25 AM
Lots of "stuff there". As Rusty points out good form would be to pay for play the first few times, but when do you stop?

Or you do a "50's" dating thing for awhile and then all the tension about payment for services disappears while you really get to know each other as human beings.

Otherwise IMO if you are paying, when your girl says she misses you is it you or your cash? From her perspective are you into her, or cock for free?

If you are for real, and think you might have something happening here try good old fashion dating. You learn about her, she will learn about you and all the "stuff" is off the table.

Courting can be fun, is very informative and if consummate makes for a hell of a orgasm too.

08-04-2013, 12:45 PM
I love how folks still pop in to give advice on the original story - lmao

08-04-2013, 05:28 PM
I love how folks still pop in to give advice on the original story - lmao
LOL.. I'm amazed at how many people engage in dialogue with these obvious liars and fantasy storytellers...including the girls with their in-depth descriptive responses. I think it goes to show overall just how dense and shallow this forum has become.

08-05-2013, 12:37 PM
I think this forum has a fantasy story section if not there are others that do. Lets keep the "stories" in the fiction section, and leave this for what it was meant to be "who is the gurl with the best....?" "Who is this ??" "Whatever happened to...?" and the ever popular,
"Am I gay?"

Martin C.
08-05-2013, 03:03 PM
I posted this thread friday and just now I'm reading all the posts you have done. I appreciate a lot everything you said to me and the most important for me are the severe critics some of you have done, specially " nybpro". I'm gonna think about everything and later I'll, at least, answer the critics.

I found some stupid answers as well, but I'm just trying to talk about what is about to have a serious relationship with a TGirl ... I apologize if I OFFENDED somebody with my stupid thread.

08-05-2013, 03:14 PM
I posted this thread friday and just now I'm reading all the posts you have done. I appreciate a lot everything you said to me and the most important for me are the severe critics some of you have done, specially " nybpro". I'm gonna think about everything and later I'll, at least, answer the critics.

I found some stupid answers as well, but I'm just trying to talk about what is about to have a serious relationship with a TGirl ... I apologize if I OFFENDED somebody with my stupid thread.

I'm not being a Critic of who you are as a person in general. I just tell it how I see it. If you're going to tell stories of such highly unbelievable things and post photos of these girls. Have a bit more info. You seem like someone who falls in love on a whim, if in fact what you say is true. Plus you've already confessed to making up that the first girl is your girlfriend. U didn't say "was your girlfriend" in your first post, you said "My girlfriend" and you where in love with her. Sorry bud, but if you're in love with someone, you don't 2 days later say you might have another girlfriend, and then after that say, you're talking to this escort and you're afraid to fall in love with her. Hence why I asked how old you where. Cause that's high school games in my opinion...

08-05-2013, 06:09 PM
I think this forum has a fantasy story section if not there are others that do. Lets keep the "stories" in the fiction section, and leave this for what it was meant to be "who is the gurl with the best....?" "Who is this ??" "Whatever happened to...?" and the ever popular,
"Am I gay?"


08-05-2013, 09:06 PM
I'm just trying to talk about what is about to have a serious relationship with a TGirl


Jimmy W
08-06-2013, 01:00 AM
I just got email from Nigeria that I can get some of part hidden moneys that are hidden from bad goverment authoritys but very rich if I only send them my bank account number so they can use it to get money out of country and I keep most of it. Should I send them my bank account numbers? I like to think of being rich.

08-06-2013, 01:53 AM
I don't understand 2 things here. 1. What does this have to do with the KKK? 2. Why do people lie on the internet? Can't see the point in it myself.

I just got email from Nigeria that I can get some of part hidden moneys that are hidden from bad goverment authoritys but very rich if I only send them my bank account number so they can use it to get money out of country and I keep most of it. Should I send them my bank account numbers? I like to think of being rich.

As someone who works in law I would advise you to give them everything they ask for as nothing could possibly go wrong ;)

08-06-2013, 02:14 AM
I don't understand 2 things here. 1. What does this have to do with the KKK? 2. Why do people lie on the internet? Can't see the point in it myself.

As someone who works in law I would advise you to give them everything they ask for as nothing could possibly go wrong ;)


08-06-2013, 06:24 AM
I just got email from Nigeria that I can get some of part hidden moneys that are hidden from bad goverment authoritys but very rich if I only send them my bank account number so they can use it to get money out of country and I keep most of it. Should I send them my bank account numbers? I like to think of being rich.

Funniest thing I've read in quite awhile - LMAO

08-06-2013, 12:16 PM
OK, I will give you a serious answer. I don't think anyone can tell you which lady to choose.

Just forget about the TG label and treat them as people and figure out who you most compatible with. Maybe I did not understand your post, but I understood you have a relationship and are still chasing other girls, rather immature. If I miss-understood, I apologize.

Even though the sex industry objectifies TG ladies, they are people with needs and feelings. Many of them have put up with all kinds of crap from family, "friends" school mates, customers, chasers and boyfriends. They are not just and not toys for our amusement

08-06-2013, 03:09 PM
if it means you don't have to pay her for sex anymore, go ahead.

08-06-2013, 04:47 PM
Do what ever makes you happiest. I just don't see why we need to see pics of her in order to drop advice, it almost seems as if her looks are supposed to be the deciding factor.

08-06-2013, 09:52 PM
Me viene una reflexion a la cabeza, VOS SOS UN TARADO ( al creador del post) nunca pague, salgo con ella, chupate una pija...no se que hacer......lavate el orto

08-07-2013, 01:58 AM

Which joke did you think I missed?