View Full Version : What bathroom do you shemales use? Gentllemen or women?

07-16-2013, 09:06 PM
Im curious

07-16-2013, 09:25 PM
ummmmm which exit do you use, remind me?

07-16-2013, 09:46 PM
Your face.

07-16-2013, 10:36 PM
Here's a few funny ones... Public toilet signs...

07-16-2013, 10:43 PM
And a few more delightful ones...
http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQXXPXoHA4m27erCEiTrzmH0mVOlTT5V jFAoXaH24wJ02MU4NqEXA

07-16-2013, 10:51 PM
Uh...."you shemales?"....ok, bud

07-16-2013, 11:07 PM
uh...."you shemales?"....ok, bud

07-16-2013, 11:08 PM

07-16-2013, 11:27 PM
Why do you care?

07-16-2013, 11:28 PM
Im curious

I'm just gonna say it. I think this guy/girl is a total dumb ass. Is that okay to say? :fu:

07-16-2013, 11:47 PM
I'm just gonna say it. I think this guy/girl is a total dumb ass. Is that okay to say? :fu:

I would say troll would be the proper terminology.

07-17-2013, 12:16 AM
Dumb ass faggots getting all upset! 'Man' up!
I didn't get upset at all. I just think you can tell a lot about a persons intelligence or lack there of by the questions they ask.

07-17-2013, 02:02 AM
Yet another moron to add to this forum <3 Yay

sukumvit boy
07-17-2013, 02:25 AM
Hey ,Bitches ,welcome to the forum !See what can happen when you ask a seemingly
simple honest question around here. Before you know what has happened ,you're nuts deep in alligators.lol
Enjoy ,but be verrrrry careful.

07-17-2013, 02:30 AM
Uh...."you shemales?"....ok, bud

Took the words right out of my mouth

07-17-2013, 02:40 AM
You're a fucking idiot. Or troll. Probably both.


07-17-2013, 02:47 AM
use the restroom that does not have the $2500.00 fine for using the wrong one.

Show Me Your Papers Before You Pee? It Could Happen in Arizona

Only in Arizona ... To thwart transgender people from using the ‘wrong’ bathroom, a Republican has crafted a bill to make it a misdemeanor. Tricia Romano on the brewing backlash.

If a Republican legislator has his way, you’ll need papers to pee in Arizona.

Thanks to the state’s infamous immigration legislation, residents are already subject to searches to prove their citizenship status. Now transgender people will have to prove they are in the “correct” bathroom. A new bill introduced this week by Republican state Rep. John Kavanagh (http://www.azleg.gov/MembersPage.asp?Member_ID=54&Legislature=50&Session_ID=102#bills) would make it a Class 1 misdemeanor to use a public restroom that does not correspond to the gender on one’s birth certificate. If a person is reported to be using the bathroom without the proper paperwork and matching genitals, it would be defined as “disorderly conduct,” (http://www.azleg.gov/legtext/51leg/1r/proposed/h.1432-se-kavanagh.doc.htm) and the person could be fined $2,500 and spend six months in jail.

The new bill comes on the heels of anti-discriminatory legislation passed in Phoenix last month that extended basic protections to transgender people in housing, the workplace, and places of public accommodation.

It’s the last bit regarding “public accommodation” that inspired Kavanagh to introduce his own bill. He told 12 News Phoenix (http://thinkprogress.org/lgbt/2013/03/20/1748851/arizona-lawmaker-introduces-bill-to-prosecute-transgender-people-who-use-the-wrong-bathroom/): “The city of Phoenix has crafted a bill that allows people to define their sex by what they think in their head. If you’re a male, you don’t go into a female shower or locker room, or vice versa.”

He added that the Phoenix ordinance could also protect “weird” people (http://bcove.me/lqe02j4g) who use the wrong bathroom on purpose: “It also raises the specter of people who want to go into those opposite-sex facilities not because they’re transgender, but because they are weird.”

In another interview, this one with CBS 5 in Arizona (http://www.kpho.com/story/21726637/amended-bill-could-reverse-phoenix-anti-bias-laws), Kavanagh said his bill “is designed to protect young children from being exposed to the other gender in their fullness in inappropriate situations. I'm just restoring sanity, because the Phoenix bill turned gender upside down.”

Kavanagh did not return a request for comment for this article.

The bathroom bill has the transgender community up in arms. “What this lawmaker is proposing is nothing short of a witch hunt with unimaginably dangerous consequences,” said Herndon Graddick, the president of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. “Transgender Americans continue to face staggering rates of violence, and this ridiculous notion that they are a somehow threat will only exacerbate the problem. Legislators have a responsibility to protect their constituents, not put them in harm’s way.”

Buck Angel (http://buckangel.com/index.html), a female-to-male porn star and sex educator, wrote via email: “So, which one is the ‘wrong’ one? If a transsexual man as bearded, muscled, and tattooed as I am went into the ladies room, the women would all scream! That is definitely the "wrong" bathroom for me (even though I have a vagina).”

Going to the bathroom in a public venue can be a huge source of anxiety for transgender people, particularly those who are just transitioning and don’t yet “pass” as their true gender. According to a recent study conducted by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, (http://www.thetaskforce.org/issues/transgender) 53 percent of transpeople report being ”harassed or disrespected in a place of public accommodation.”

“The bottom line is that we are all going into the bathroom for the same thing: to relieve ourselves.”
And it’s not just adult transgender people who have to navigate the public-restroom issue. A 6-year old transgender girl in Colorado, Coy Mathis (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/18/us/in-colorado-a-legal-dispute-over-transgender-rights.html), filed a filed a complaint with the Colorado Civil Rights Division after her school switched course and barred Mathis from using the girls’ restroom after allowing her to do so for a year.

“I think that it is extreme and dangerous it criminalizes trans people simply for being who they are,” said Michael D. Silverman, executive director of Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund, Inc., who is working on Mathis’s case. “Any time that the government takes action motivated by bias towards one particular group, that action is unconstitutional.”

And in some cases, the birth certificate doesn’t necessarily accurately reflect the new gender of the individual. In Arizona, in order to have one’s gender changed on a birth certificate, one must have completed gender-reassignment surgery. Increasingly, though, many trans people are choosing to forgo surgery, for both personal and financial reasons. (The surgeries are expensive and not always covered by health insurance.) And some trans people don’t want to define themselves in binary or “cisgendered” terms.

As Stephen Ira, the transgender son of Warren Beatty and Annette Bening (http://www.evilbeetgossip.com/2012/07/19/7-questions-with-annette-benings-trans-son/) who has been vocal on trans issues, explained via email: “There are lots of different surgeries out there that can help different kinds of trans and gender non-conforming people feel more comfortable in their bodies, from a bilateral mastectomy to an oopherectomy to a bilareral orchiectomy to facial feminization surgery to breast implants to a phalloplasty to a metoidoplasty to a vaginoplasty—and more.” Ira continued: “Not all of us need or want all of those surgeries, not even those of us who do identify as men or women. Some of us get one. Some get two. Some get more. Some get none. That's part of why a law like this is so ridiculous! Often, laws like these require proof of genital surgery, which plenty of trans folks don't want or need, in order to change a birth certificate.”

Kavanagh, say the trans activists, is making much ado about nothing and trying to deny people a basic right.

“The bottom line is that we are all going into the bathroom for the same thing: to relieve ourselves,” said Angel. “It is a human function. Unfortunately, with all this drama, I think the best thing to do at this point is have gender-neutral restrooms. People need to understand that it is difficult for trans people to go through their transitions, so the last thing we need is people giving us a hard time about where we can go pee.”


‘Extremist Legislation’? Transgender Bathroom Proposal in Ariz. Sparks Controversy

There’s an epic battle brewing over transgender rights and whether or not these individuals should be allowed to use bathrooms that correspond with genders other than those they were born with.
While some lawmakers across the country have long argued that such allowances make members of the public uncomfortable, human rights activists have posited that transgendered Americans should have this right.
In Arizona, the debate is heating up, with some lawmakers pushing to prohibit anyone not associated with their birth gender from using public restrooms, showers and dressing rooms in the nation’s latest tussle over equal rights for transgender people.


07-17-2013, 03:45 AM

07-17-2013, 04:04 AM

07-17-2013, 08:03 AM
My answer should have been the end of the thread.

07-17-2013, 08:14 AM
Let's then repost it and see what happens! :)

What bathroom do you shemales use? Gentllemen or women?

Your face.

07-17-2013, 08:15 AM
Your face.
Your wish.... Ms Stepford. (He has been removed.)

07-17-2013, 08:19 AM
See? It's perfect. There's all this pontification, and the answer is right there.

07-17-2013, 08:52 AM
I use the Ladies room. I don't see anything wrong with unisex restrooms.

Amy Gray
07-17-2013, 08:55 AM
Psssh, we don't use bathrooms of course! It's a well known fact that we pee rainbows. That's why, for centuries, chasers have been desperately trying to get to the end of rainbows. They're after our lucky charms!

They also probably want to do things to our pots of gold too... :(

07-17-2013, 09:01 AM
Amy "Finnegan's Rainbow' Gray hath spoken... or to judge by her gravitas, maybe it should be "Gravity's Rainbow"

Amy Gray
07-17-2013, 09:08 AM
Amy "Finnegan's Rainbow' Gray hath spoken... or to judge by her gravitas, maybe it should be "Gravity's Rainbow"

Hey! I will not have you spreading specious rumors about my gravitas! I have it on expert authority that they're perfectly normal sized and quite lovely. :mad:

07-18-2013, 05:54 AM
Psssh, we don't use bathrooms of course! It's a well known fact that we pee rainbows. That's why, for centuries, chasers have been desperately trying to get to the end of rainbows. They're after our lucky charms!

They also probably want to do things to our pots of gold too... :(

I'm pretty sure that unicorns get involved somewhere as well.....

07-18-2013, 09:54 AM
don't use the rest room in arizona if you spook anyone or you are not passable you will get a $2500.00 ticket and jail time.


07-18-2013, 10:24 AM

07-18-2013, 10:40 AM
GOD! that is lovely!! You would be taking a risk with me there, Alyssa: I'd definitely wind up behind you, caressing and kissing, with a big bump under the belt line lifting that lovely dress...

07-18-2013, 11:13 AM
Is this question serious! Clearly he has never seen the magic door that is positioned directly in between male/female doors! only visible to those with open minds!

Only yesterday I shared the ladies room with Jessica at Thai Rice in South Ken

Only someone who does not recognise a shemale/transsexual as a woman would ask that surely!?!? or have I missed some under lying joke here somewhere?

Allot of ignorant people on this planet... a few months back I spent a messy night out in London with Ginger and Karn... chatting, standing in the ladies whilst washing hands/fixing makeup (As girls do on a night out, toilets are a great place to gossip!!) a very drunk and ignorant woman made it known that she was not comfortable with them being in there!.. To say that i wiped the floor with her is an understatement!!!

xx Bella

07-18-2013, 12:11 PM
Is this question serious! Clearly he has never seen the magic door that is positioned directly in between male/female doors! only visible to those with open minds!
Only yesterday I shared the ladies room with Jessica at Thai Rice in South Ken
Only someone who does not recognise a shemale/transsexual as a woman would ask that surely!?!? or have I missed some under lying joke here somewhere?
Allot of ignorant people on this planet... a few months back I spent a messy night out in London with Ginger and Karn... chatting, standing in the ladies whilst washing hands/fixing makeup (As girls do on a night out, toilets are a great place to gossip!!) a very drunk and ignorant woman made it known that she was not comfortable with them being in there!.. To say that i wiped the floor with her is an understatement!!!

xx Bella
No, Bella, I think that the OP is genuinly a moron! The question was "serious" in his poor mind...
Personaly, I'd love to see lovely females in the guy's bathrooms; but I'd find it a bit risky for them: we guys are not always exactly delicate in such situations, and in there, politeness tend to take a leave of absence. Guy's public bathrooms are in no way places for ladies.

07-18-2013, 12:35 PM
I did wonder Dan...

Unfortunately this planet is over populated with morons or as I like to refer to them 'village idiots'

We have a mission it seems, unlock the closed minds and introduce them to the wonderful world of beauty and acceptance!

HaHa maybe thats an idea for my new photo shoot, mens public toilets!! (not!)
If I even suggested it I think the girls would stage a walk out. I think I shall just stick to natural non photoshopped pictures... Maybe just for you I could take a leaf out of a book and drop a girl on a fake location just for you xxxx

No, Bella, I think that the OP is genuinly a moron! The question was "serious" in his poor mind...
Personaly, I'd love to see lovely females in the guy's bathrooms; but I'd find it a bit risky for them: we guys are not always exactly delicate in such situations, and in there, politeness tend to take a leave of absence. Guy's public bathrooms are in no way places for ladies.