View Full Version : Hey Everyone :)

07-14-2013, 07:01 AM
I made another post in the personals however I figured I'd say hello and make a thread.

White 24 year old guy from upstate NY. Have never been with a hung angel so to speak ha. Mostly straight (I say mostly because well.. look at where I am), i'm sure some men on here can agree that a male physique is not attractive, but theres something addicting about seeing a beautiful woman with a cock.

I'm usually a very dominate person. However Ive never really had the oppertunity to be submissive, and while I don't feel that its my place to be I would not mind being a bit on the submissive side..

I'm a pretty normal guy all things aside. Lead your average life, have a good job.. stable life at home etc.

I am also extremely sexual (what a suprise right?) but on a real note its an addiction. Not so much the sexual acts, but the attention, talking flirting , teasing etc.. I crave it constantly and I get quite crazy when I do get the attention I crave. Sexuality is a big part of me, a big part of my personality, call it perverted, call it creepy call it what you like but thats just me. I'm sure most feel as this is typical but its hard to explain. Its not just I think about sexy 24/7.. it runs me; however this does not mean I stick my cock in everything I'm actually quite reserved in the regards of acting on physical impulsiveness..

I don't know.. theres a bit of a summary about me. Not sure what I'm going to get out of this place but figured I'd talk a bit about myself and see what happens here..

07-14-2013, 07:22 AM
Welcome to Hung Angels. Enjoy

07-14-2013, 08:42 AM