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07-14-2013, 12:31 AM
something on your mind? got a question? need to get something off your shoulder? do it here. i'm listening. and i care.

question and grievance: why do people in los angeles drive so slowly? and sit in their car? seriously i fucking hate seeing people just sitting in their car.

okay am done. i feel better already

07-14-2013, 01:47 AM
God damn assholes going to the 8 items cash at the grocery store with 25!...

Fu**ing tv shows that starts late on tv when you're recording them!...

My sport is boxing. Why is it that any other, football or baseball or even golf and stock car racing can push the show to later or even have it cancelled just because the damn event is still going on? We boxing fans are as important as any others!!

Car parkings under trees! ...

Dino Velvet
07-14-2013, 01:55 AM
something on your mind? got a question? need to get something off your shoulder? do it here. i'm listening. and i care.

question and grievance: why do people in los angeles drive so slowly? and sit in their car? seriously i fucking hate seeing people just sitting in their car.

okay am done. i feel better already

I drive slow because the guy ahead of me also is. What bugs me is when someone walks to their car in the lot and sees you follow them then puts something back in their car and leaves without letting you know they were staying put. The passive-agressiveness of LA drivers is what I don't like. The shittiness and dissociative behavior too. Everyone is their own reality star. I prefer road rage because, at least, it's honest communication.

07-14-2013, 02:05 AM
God damn assholes going to the 8 items cash at the grocery store with 25!...

Fu**ing tv shows that starts late on tv when you're recording them!...

My sport is boxing. Why is it that any other, football or baseball or even golf and stock car racing can push the show to later or even have it cancelled just because the damn event is still going on? We boxing fans are as important as any others!!

Car parkings under trees! ...

What do you think of Mayweathers upcoming fight?

07-14-2013, 02:06 AM
those are some valid questions and interesting annoyances. let it out man-

observation: i've never made love to a romanian woman

07-14-2013, 02:11 AM
I drive slow because the guy ahead of me also is. What bugs me is when someone walks to their car in the lot and sees you follow them then puts something back in their car and leaves without letting you know they were staying put. The passive-agressiveness of LA drivers is what I don't like. The shittiness and dissociative behavior too. Everyone is their own reality star. I prefer road rage because, at least, it's honest communication.

i've seen people driving slowly (like 20mph) on the freeway. i've seen people hitting their brakes when there is nobody in front of them, nobody crossing- no sign of danger or justified cause. i don't get it. it's like people wake up, get in their car, then drive around waiting to run into something.

07-14-2013, 02:37 AM
those are some valid questions and interesting annoyances. let it out man-

observation: i've never made love to a romanian woman

I have - and it was fucking awesome!

Dino Velvet
07-14-2013, 02:45 AM
i've seen people driving slowly (like 20mph) on the freeway. i've seen people hitting their brakes when there is nobody in front of them, nobody crossing- no sign of danger or justified cause. i don't get it. it's like people wake up, get in their car, then drive around waiting to run into something.

The worst part of LA to drive is in Beverly Hills on Beverly Drive between Wishire and Olympic. Those inconsiderate motherfuckers stop anywhere just waiting for a spot.

I dealt with a serious drama queen when trying to switch lanes once. I didn't have my signal on but the dude was way far back. He roared up and said, "You thould turn on your turn thignal!" I replied, "Hey Strahan, what day is your sit-com on now?" Was cancelled for some time already. Canon Drive.

07-14-2013, 02:56 AM
I have - and it was fucking awesome!

She's still waiting for you to call back....

07-14-2013, 03:05 AM
She's still waiting for you to call back....

ahhhh....that one looks about 45. My girl was 37 at the time......still had a few good years left ;)

07-14-2013, 04:02 AM
My driving gripe is people in the UK who insist on driving in the middle lane on a motorway. Apart from being illegal, it's lazy and potentially dangerous.

And it makes me irrationally angry too. Another good reason to have tight firearms restrictions.....

07-14-2013, 08:02 AM
What do you think of Mayweathers upcoming fight?
He's way too fast and savvy for Canello Alvarez. Alvarez is strong, powerful, but highly hittable; his defense is pretty porous. Mayweather is lightning fast and has such great ring generalships and such a good defence, I just can't see Alvarez winning this. I'd say: Mayweather by a relatively easy decision.
I have started a boxing thread in the sport section, Derek. If you feel like it, come and join me there, sometimes. It's been pretty lonely so far. Only Broncofan has paid attention. In the mean time, I won't highjack this interresting thread. I want to see guys erupt in rage, here...

07-14-2013, 11:55 PM
Cashiers people treating you like shit in stores where you spend your money...

Breaking shoe laces when you're late.

The rain starting pouring just when you want to go out and breath some air.

Tv shows that you follow but are canceled after two or three episodes... Grrrrr!

Golf or baseball all afternoon on the sport channel.

People who invariably either know better or have seen worst!

Pen that suddenly loose all their ink in your shirt or jacket (that's the worst -a $400 jacket) pocket...

Headaches in women at night time...

Two weeks or more of continual rain.

Ignorance and stupidity.

Pc problems.


07-15-2013, 12:12 AM
I have - and it was fucking awesome!


Ben in LA
07-15-2013, 01:48 AM
My pet peeve about driving? When you're going 65, someone speeds up, gets in front of you, then does 55. And this happened quite often on the way to Las Vegas...where the speed limit is 70 AND I was going downhill.

When I used to drive for the LACMTA, I drove Line 28 (W. Olympic Blvd). As soon as I entered the Beverly Hills City limits (i.e., crossing Robertson Blvd) that's when all of the drama started. THEY DRIVE LIKE SHIT!

I can't explain it. Since I drive most often in the Long Beach/Paramount/Compton area, the drivers are a LOT better. Hmm...

Dino Velvet
07-15-2013, 02:00 AM
When I used to drive for the LACMTA, I drove Line 28 (W. Olympic Blvd). As soon as I entered the Beverly Hills City limits (i.e., crossing Robertson Blvd) that's when all of the drama started. THEY DRIVE LIKE SHIT!

Fuck those Beverly Hills motherfuckers! People in Westwood are less inconsiderate and sociopathic.

Ben in LA
07-15-2013, 04:34 AM
Fuck those Beverly Hills motherfuckers! People in Westwood are less inconsiderate and sociopathic.
Wilshire and Westwood. That is all.

07-15-2013, 05:21 AM
Benjamin and Dino, have you ever got into a pedestrian passage in a middle of a boulevard, and see a car from afar accelerate like crazy just to try to nail you before you're on the other side, or at least to make you believe that it does?
I just can't understand how one can offend someone else just by crossing the street... :confused:

07-15-2013, 05:26 AM
Annoyance: men at parties, dinner, cocktail whatever - and it's only men - who spend hours intricately describing the route they took to get to the venue and then listen while some other twat suggests an alternative route. "No, no. I'd start with the A43 and then..."

Is this exclusive to the UK, especially the London area, or does it happen elsewhere?

07-15-2013, 05:27 AM
On the other hand, how about when pedestrians wander into the street like zombie walkers, not even looking to see what's coming, almost daring you to run them over.

07-15-2013, 05:30 AM
On the other hand, how about when pedestrians wander into the street like zombie walkers, not even looking to see what's coming, almost daring you to run them over.

Shit! Have you been to Glasgow then? It's a recognised sport there.

07-15-2013, 05:35 AM
Shit! Have you been to Glasgow then? It's a recognised sport there.

Lol...do they get angry when you honk at them?

07-15-2013, 06:00 AM
Lol...do they get angry when you honk at them?

So you haven't been then.......

07-15-2013, 06:24 AM

07-15-2013, 06:36 AM
Here: I found a few more here and there. They're all real and happening daily...

Doesn't It Annoy You When...

...there's a car alarm nearby that goes on for hours and the owner is nowhere to be found?
...you buy an answering machine so you won't miss any calls, and then everyone hangs up when they hear the machine answer?
...there's a cop car in sight and everyone thinks they have to drive 10-15 mph slower than the speed limit?
...you're reading a magazine and all those annoying little subscription cards keep falling out?
...you tell someone that a door is locked and they try to open it anyway, like it'll magically open for them and not you.
...someone says, "well, to make a long story short" and then they go on telling it for another 15 minutes.
...a friend or family member says "Yuck! This is awful!!" and then tells you to try some.

...you have to inform five different sales people in the same store that you're just looking around.
...you rub on hand cream and can't turn the bathroom doorknob to get out.
...a waiter or waitress is not around at any time other than right after you put food in your mouth.
...your tire gauge lets half the air in your tire when all you want is a pressure reading.
...there's a dog in your neighborhood that barks at EVERYTHING.
...the power goes out, and you discover every flashlight you have has dead batteries.
...someone gets in the express lane at the supermarket and writes a check or uses a credit card.
...the elevator stops at every floor and nobody gets on.
...you almost ALWAYS back up your computer files but the week you don't, your hard drive crashes and you lose everything.

And also:

You have to try on a pair of sunglasses with that stupid little plastic thing in the middle of them.
The person behind you in the supermarket runs his cart into the back of your ankle.
The elevator stops on every floor and nobody gets on.
There's always a car riding your tail when you're slowing down to find an address.
You open a can of soup and the lid falls in.
It's bad enough that you step in dog poop, but you don't realize it till you walk across your living room rug.
The tiny red string on the Band-Aid wrapper never works for you.
There's a dog in the neighborhood that barks at everything.
You can never put anything back in a box the way it came.
Three hours and three meetings after lunch you look in the mirror and discover a piece of parsley stuck to your front tooth.
You drink from a soda can into which someone has extinguished a cigarette.
You slice your tongue licking an envelope.
Your tire gauge lets out half the air while you're trying to get a reading.
A station comes in brilliantly when you're standing near the radio but buzzes, drifts and spits every time you move away.
There are always one or two ice cubes that won't pop out of the tray.
You wash a garment with a kleenex in the pocket and your entire laundry comes out covered with lint.
The car behind you blasts its horn because you let a pedestrian finish crossing.
A piece of foil candy wrapper makes electrical contact with your filling.
You set the alarm on your digital clock for 7pm instead of 7am.
The radio station doesn't tell you who sang that song.
You rub on hand cream and can't turn the bathroom doorknob to get out.
People behind you on a supermarket line dash ahead of you to a counter just opening up.
Your glasses slide off your ears when you perspire.
You can't look up the correct spelling of a word in the dictionary because you don't know how to spell it.
You have to inform five different sales people in the same store that you're just browsing.
You had that pen in your hand only a second ago and now you can't find it.
You reach under the table to pick something off the floor and smash your head on the way up.
The remote is on top of the TV.
The seat at the bus shelter is wet after rain. hello- shelter??
People who stick up for the person you're bitching to them about.
You fill up the kettle then forget to turn it on.
When you are waiting and waiting for your food at the restraunt the moment you light up your cigarette your food comes

07-15-2013, 07:22 AM
" You know what really grinds my gears ? "

When i say thank you to someone and they say " No , Thank you. "
I mean do i say you're welcome or just smile and nod?

07-15-2013, 07:29 AM
Have you seen My Blue Heaven, with Steve Martin, Rockabilly? It's a mafioso from NY trying to adjust to life in a little country town, under the witness protection program. "Please" and "Thank you" are stuff he hasn't benn accustum to. I just love that movie!!

My Blue Heaven "Fuck you" - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXTrnWAG3Ws)

07-15-2013, 07:33 AM
The airing of greivences? I didn't think Festivus was until December?

Festivus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Festivus)

07-15-2013, 07:38 AM

I'm annoyed when Liverpool lose or Draw too!

(Although more so when it happens to the Mancs or the shite Blues, than Arsenal. Hating Arsenal is like hating the special needs kid in class who doesn't talk but laughs everytime someone says the word poo.)

07-15-2013, 07:41 AM
My pet peeve about driving? When you're going 65, someone speeds up, gets in front of you, then does 55. And this happened quite often on the way to Las Vegas...where the speed limit is 70 AND I was going downhill.

When I used to drive for the LACMTA, I drove Line 28 (W. Olympic Blvd). As soon as I entered the Beverly Hills City limits (i.e., crossing Robertson Blvd) that's when all of the drama started. THEY DRIVE LIKE SHIT!

I can't explain it. Since I drive most often in the Long Beach/Paramount/Compton area, the drivers are a LOT better. Hmm...

I lived in K-Town off Wilshire. The closer I got to Beverly Hills, the worse the driving. I think it's because us lower income folks have to work for a living, and have got places to be.

07-15-2013, 07:58 AM
What does annoy me is people using unnecessary sayings in their sentences:
"at the end of the day"
"to be honest"
" to tell you the truth" ....as if normally they don't.
"it's like...."
"I'm telling you".....yes, I know you are.
"you know what I mean" when they don't know how to express themsleves
use of "absolutely, perfectly, totally" when there is no need for it.

07-15-2013, 08:03 AM
...there's a car alarm nearby that goes on for hours and the owner is nowhere to be found?

this reminds me of something-

my girlfriend and i were walking around little italy in san diego when suddenly these really REALLY loud motorcycles passed by, revving their engines and setting off the car alarms. eventually, the alarms stopped, all but one which was parked right opposite a restaurant where people were seated outside. they were doing their best to try and ignore the alarm which was really going off-

until i passed them by, smiling and gave them all a thumbs up.

07-15-2013, 08:12 AM
Whingers! :shrug

Ben in LA
07-15-2013, 10:31 AM
Benjamin and Dino, have you ever got into a pedestrian passage in a middle of a boulevard, and see a car from afar accelerate like crazy just to try to nail you before you're on the other side, or at least to make you believe that it does?
I just can't understand how one can offend someone else just by crossing the street... :confused:

On the other hand, how about when pedestrians wander into the street like zombie walkers, not even looking to see what's coming, almost daring you to run them over.
I hate that shit...like when you're at the supermarket and everyone is crossing the street. As soon as you're about to go, someone else just steps down...

Also this...

07-15-2013, 05:43 PM
What bothers me? When you say Hi to a person And they don't respond!:mad:

07-15-2013, 06:27 PM
those are some valid questions and interesting annoyances. let it out man-

observation: i've never made love to a romanian woman

I have made love to someone with a Romanian passport... but that was part of a complex arrangement (the passport not the sex). She wasn't from Romania.

Dino Velvet
07-15-2013, 06:47 PM
Benjamin and Dino, have you ever got into a pedestrian passage in a middle of a boulevard, and see a car from afar accelerate like crazy just to try to nail you before you're on the other side, or at least to make you believe that it does?
I just can't understand how one can offend someone else just by crossing the street... :confused:

I'm too stupid and not fearful enough. When a car does that I walk directly toward it right between the headlights.

07-15-2013, 07:08 PM
prospero: sounds like you and i are both in the same boat of not having made love to a romanian woman.

observation: steven spielberg has the largest gun collection in amerika. now that's what a call loving freedom

Dino Velvet
07-15-2013, 07:16 PM
observation: steven spielberg has the largest gun collection in amerika. now that's what a call loving freedom

I bet he shoots those guns as well as Howard Cosell used to throw a football.


07-15-2013, 10:27 PM
I'm too stupid and not fearful enough. When a car does that I walk directly toward it right between the headlights.
I do the same. Sometimes I shout at them like a raving maniac. Most of the cars then stops and usually, the driver just looks at me with a disconcerted face... :)

07-15-2013, 10:29 PM
I bet he shoots those guns as well as Howard Cosell used to throw a football.

The very worst for me was how he would call a fight: he was always a few seconds late! In an action pack fight, it was sometimes sooo confusing!
You just wanted the guy to go drink a couple hundred coffees before getting to it...

07-15-2013, 10:40 PM
I am annoyed when pedestrians press the traffic light button even when there is no traffic. And then, they don't even wait for the light to turn green for them and cross when still red. Result: cars are waiting for nothing!

07-15-2013, 11:14 PM
I hate when you hold a door for someone and they don't thank you or even acknowledge you.

07-16-2013, 04:28 AM
Annoyance: People who still write checks at checkout lines in stores. The check-writers are invariably 70+ years old and feel the need to record the amount in their checkbook and do all the math BEFORE even writing the check out. Then they take for fucking EVER to do that. Seriously? It's 2013, granny. Get a goddamned debit card already.

07-16-2013, 04:33 AM
Annoyance: People who still write checks at checkout lines in stores. The check-writers are invariably 70+ years old and feel the need to record the amount in their checkbook and do all the math BEFORE even writing the check out. Then they take for fucking EVER to do that. Seriously? It's 2013, granny. Get a goddamned debit card already.
Here, they don't take checks anymore in grocery stores. I must admit it must put you people in murderous moods, sometimes. I just can't imagine how annoying that must be ...

Then again, you have people who just need 4 or 5 tries to get their secret numbers on their plastic cards... But it's not as bad by far...

07-16-2013, 07:30 AM
Annoyance: People who still write checks at checkout lines in stores. The check-writers are invariably 70+ years old and feel the need to record the amount in their checkbook and do all the math BEFORE even writing the check out. Then they take for fucking EVER to do that. Seriously? It's 2013, granny. Get a goddamned debit card already.
Yes, I know it is really annoying. However I do have a bit of sympathy for the elderly who must have a hard time to keep up with modern technology. e.g. smartphones, computers, navigation devices etc... etc...(Saying that a debit card is not rocket science to use)

07-16-2013, 07:40 AM
People who make me brake when I'm in cruise control driving long distance.

Birds shitting on my car after I get it washed.

Companies that let you sign up for service really easily and then make it a pain in the ass to cancel. You can sign up online, but then to cancel you have to print out a form, get it notarized, send it by snail mail, and then when they claim they never received it make a futile threat to sue. Then when you speak to the manager, he finds it under a stack of papers and is ever so apologetic.

07-16-2013, 07:51 AM
Annoyance: People who still write checks at checkout lines in stores. The check-writers are invariably 70+ years old and feel the need to record the amount in their checkbook and do all the math BEFORE even writing the check out. Then they take for fucking EVER to do that. Seriously? It's 2013, granny. Get a goddamned debit card already.
A woman in front of me in the express line at a grocery store (she was in her 40's so I wasn't picking on granny) called me a fucking asshole for saying something when she wrote a check for a few items. Nobody expects anyone to say anything. I sighed really loudly, then when she left after saying goodbye to the checkout clerk who she apparently knew I said, "bye, next time leave the checkbook at home." Pretty sure I deserved to be called an asshole there.

07-16-2013, 05:31 PM
An eighty year old lady in front of you at the market check stand with a fist full of discount coupons.

07-16-2013, 06:27 PM
Junk phonecalls and texts. Every day. The worst of all are recorded messages which even once you've hung up continue to play if you try to use the phone. This is on land lines. But you get them on mobiles too. And so often they are from people somewhere overseas who cannot even pronounce your name.

Dino Velvet
07-16-2013, 06:33 PM
The very worst for me was how he would call a fight: he was always a few seconds late! In an action pack fight, it was sometimes sooo confusing!
You just wanted the guy to go drink a couple hundred coffees before getting to it...

I remember watching the Larry Holmes vs Randall "Tex" Cobb match live on TV. Cobb was a psychopath that just ate punches and smiled.



07-16-2013, 06:48 PM
question: could stabbing someone for farting in your face (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2324494/Deborah-Ann-Burns-stabs-boyfriend-farted-face.html) be considered standing your ground?

Dino Velvet
07-16-2013, 06:52 PM
question: could stabbing someone for farting in your face (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2324494/Deborah-Ann-Burns-stabs-boyfriend-farted-face.html) be considered standing your ground?

If I was the farter the media wouldn't care.

07-16-2013, 06:57 PM
If I was the farter the media wouldn't care.

but what if the media were the recipients of your fart?

Dino Velvet
07-16-2013, 07:06 PM
but what if the media were the recipients of your fart?

Is the media killing me or just trying to get me lynched?

07-16-2013, 07:47 PM
Junk phonecalls and texts. Every day. The worst of all are recorded messages which even once you've hung up continue to play if you try to use the phone. This is on land lines. But you get them on mobiles too. And so often they are from people somewhere overseas who cannot even pronounce your name.
Even worse, for those who have a fax machine, getting junk faxes , using YOUR paper and YOUR ink for THEIR rubbish. Aaaargh!

07-16-2013, 08:25 PM
Had to get plates for my car, and it amazes me how people drive or park at the DMV. Besides a police station don't you think this is not the place to show how bad you drive or even how to park (really gonna take up two parking spots?)?

07-16-2013, 09:01 PM
I remember watching the Larry Holmes vs Randall "Tex" Cobb match live on TV. Cobb was a psychopath that just ate punches and smiled.

I remember perfectly that infamous night. Cobb was taking everything Holmes was giving to him, and Holmes was catching him just as will. I think the only thing restraining Holmes was the possibility of hand injury. Cobb was as solid as granite. From the 7th or 8th round on, Cossell started screaming for the fight to be stopped. "It's a disgrace!" was he shouting, surely loud enough for the refferee to understand. At some point, he said: "That's it, I won't say one more word." It was the 11th or 12th round. And that was it. Things remained silent for the 2-3 last rounds, and Cossell never called a fight ever again. I always felt, like most hardcore boxing fans, that he had planned this, somehow, planed his exit, one way or another. It was 1982, Ali had retired for good, boxing was in a relative decline (not like today, of course) before Tyson would revive it; Cossell just wanted out. I felt it was bullshit on his part... This was a shame, to me.
By the way, Dino, have you seen Shavers-Cobb; one of the biggest punchers in heavyweight history vs one of the best chins... Crazy!
Randall 'Tex' Cobb vs Earnie Shavers - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1RajNtxZNg)

Dino Velvet
07-17-2013, 01:43 AM
I remember perfectly that infamous night. Cobb was taking everything Holmes was giving to him, and Holmes was catching him just as will. I think the only thing restraining Holmes was the possibility of hand injury. Cobb was as solid as granite. From the 7th or 8th round on, Cossell started screaming for the fight to be stopped. "It's a disgrace!" was he shouting, surely loud enough for the refferee to understand. At some point, he said: "That's it, I won't say one more word." It was the 11th or 12th round. And that was it. Things remained silent for the 2-3 last rounds, and Cossell never called a fight ever again. I always felt, like most hardcore boxing fans, that he had planned this, somehow, planed his exit, one way or another. It was 1982, Ali had retired for good, boxing was in a relative decline (not like today, of course) before Tyson would revive it; Cossell just wanted out. I felt it was bullshit on his part... This was a shame, to me.
By the way, Dino, have you seen Shavers-Cobb; one of the biggest punchers in heavyweight history vs one of the best chins... Crazy!
Randall 'Tex' Cobb vs Earnie Shavers - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1RajNtxZNg)

Thanks. Haven't seen that one in years. Shavers was a fun character too.

sukumvit boy
07-17-2013, 02:43 AM
Nice clip ,thanks.

07-17-2013, 07:13 PM
observation: when i was young, i had a huge crush on the character of bobby simpson from the aussie soapy 'home & away'. later in highschool, i dated a girl that reminded me a lot of bobby simpson (except she was strawberry blonde and scottish). i then realized i was not attracted to girls that reminded me of bobby simpson.


07-28-2013, 10:14 PM
observation: fox news has a lot of attractive women