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05-19-2006, 11:24 PM
Well, you wanna incorporate at least these excercises:

( with light weights )
1: lat pull downs
2: lat rows
3: tricep pulldowns
4: shoulder presses
5: shoulder raises
6: leg extensions
7: hamstring curls
8: calf raises
9: bicep curls with some light dumbells

for legs, you wanna use light weights with some kinda squating motion, the aforementioned leg extensions and hamstring curls with some calf raises. also use the butterfly machine, which works the inner thighs.

Also, you would wanna do some cardivascular movements too, like treadmills, bikes, eliptical machines, stairclimbers, etc.

I also suggest you do some kinda abdominal work as well, just to keep your middle in good shape. Do some kinda lower back work too, to balance out the foundation of your waist overall.

Hope it helps :wink:

05-20-2006, 05:35 AM
I know nothing. I basically just run as much as I can (now that I have lots of free time) but was wondering what else would help me right now to acheive my main goal of leaner thighs as well as just an overall sexier, healthier body.

Does anybody have an certain kinda website, book, whatever that they feel would help me figure out which exercises would help me the most. Know I could just Google it (and I did) but wanted some other advice as well. Thank you for any advice given.


the bodybuilding.com website is mainly focused on building muscle (i know..DUH!) but it gives good insight on how to lean up your bod and burn fat.

05-20-2006, 06:00 PM
It is worthwhile to watch the fit TV channel if you have it. There are some great workouts on it. Surfing on the net and reading magazines will also help provide information. However, if you are serious about working out, finding a trainer, or a friend who is extremely knowledgeable, is a good idea. It is really important to weight train properly to get the most out of it and avoid injuries. Good luck. :D

05-20-2006, 11:44 PM

the bodybuilding.com website is mainly focused on building muscle (i know..DUH!) but it gives good insight on how to lean up your bod and burn fat.

damn, beat me to it. bodybuilding.com is the best website, IMO, for finding information about exercising and eating healthy. give it a try

05-20-2006, 11:52 PM
As one who is going back into body building ( got REAL sick 7 years ago ), the site is excellent.

Body builders are the ones to talk to about diet and excecise, they know what it's all about......NOT Richard Simmons, Dr. Phil or Operah :P

Felicia Katt
05-21-2006, 01:27 AM
Angela, take it for what its worth, but I got my body from biking and swimming. I try to either ride my mtn bike or do a swim then lifecycle combo at the gym 5-6 days a week.


05-21-2006, 01:05 PM
Recent studies have shown that doing a total body workout 3 times a week is better than breaking your workouts into working specific muscle groups. another thing to remember is that alot depends on your body type, genetics, and diet. Really just doing a combination of aerobic activities with a good, overall weight training program, should do just fine for you.

05-21-2006, 04:02 PM
DO NOT DO LEG EXTENSIONS. This is a useless exercise that ruins the knees. The rest of the suggestions are good. Also, when running to get the most benefit you need to do a routine that involves a change of pace building 3 or 4 levels and thn back to level.

If you are new to working out you might try www.bodyforlife.com

05-30-2006, 09:30 PM
being a former fat boy ...i must put in my 2 cents....its all bout spacing out your meals and eating 5-6 days a day... having one day set aside to eat whatever u want.....i hired a trainer who had me doing cardio 4-5 times a week ...running is great....also training upper and lower body twice a week...but what it all comes down to is that i adopted fitness as a lifestyle change and not something to do for a couple weeks....i take diet pills when i have busy nights at work , but not to lose weight....otherwise i just take a multi vitamin , calcium supplement , and L glutamine pills..

05-31-2006, 01:09 AM
I know nothing. I basically just run as much as I can (now that I have lots of free time) but was wondering what else would help me right now to acheive my main goal of leaner thighs as well as just an overall sexier, healthier body.

Does anybody have an certain kinda website, book, whatever that they feel would help me figure out which exercises would help me the most. Know I could just Google it (and I did) but wanted some other advice as well. Thank you for any advice given.

First I like to say hello :) also first post but been reading the forums for quiet a while though.. :oops:
Im a certifed personal trainer.also have a degree in Nutrition.P.M me if you like Ide be happy to help you :D
Long as you understand that nutrition is the key to all fitness and overall healthier goals . :wink: And if your good with that. I will be happy to get you set on a good eating and the proper exercises you need .....

05-31-2006, 01:37 AM
Being TS I dont want to build any muscule on the upper part of my body, but at the same time I want it tone, so I do cardio. Then I work mostly on my middle section...abs, back, butt and thighs. I belong to a gym here on Long Island and go with my sister about 3 times a week. I also love yoga and go to a yoga studio 2 times a week. Many people think it is just streaching but it is more then that. You will burn fat and tone-up greatly. You dont often see a lot of fat people who do a lot of yoga, they are all skinny and have great tone with out being over toned. If you do try yoga try the heat intense yoga, thats where they turn the heat up in the room. Make sure to streach before hand or you will be sore for 2 days after. Not only will yoga give you a great shape, but it will make you very limber and that always helps in bed and is a big turn on with most guys. Oh and eating healthing will work well.

05-31-2006, 01:39 AM
Я Люблю Вас Ulyana, я Люблю только Вас ... теперь и для остальной части моей жизни..

05-31-2006, 04:04 AM
as much as I hate cardio ( as if 7 years of running and carrying a rucksack in the army wasnt enough for a life time ) I now walk a mile to the gym and a mile home every day...

I am going to start training Holly Sweet next month, and as a master fitness trainer and squad leader in the 101st I really had some hard kids to work with, seems like they only had nintendo muscles, and these guys could drink a case of beer a night if you let them...

I think you are running enough, unless you are training for a marathon 2.5 miles a day is enough... in the gym use only free weights as they target a larger group of muscles including stabilizing muscles... machines are ok, but you get more bang for the buck with weights...

if you have any testosterone production I dont suggest using heavy weights, do enough reps to feel a burn and muscle exaustion but dont try to set world records unless you want the american gladiator look...

for legs, I suggest squats, lunges, and stiff legged dead lifts... I will go back on a few things with legs... smith machine squats are ok, and warming up with leg curls and leg extentions are ok...

do legs say monday and thursday...

for upper body I suggest bench or dumbell press ( dumbell press is a better boob picker upper I think )
then, curls barbell or dumbell is fine...
then overhead tricep press ( barbell ) or tricep kick backs ( dumbell )
for back since you want to keep it fairly narrow just try cable rows, or bent over rows with a barbell
and for shoulders... well you dont want them wide and bench press works the front delts... so bent over raises or standing side dumbell raises are good...

I wouldnt work traps because that muscle can creep up in you neck meat... LOL

remember light weights, lots of reps, and 3 sets per exercise, and do the last set until muscle failure... do upper body tuesday and friday...

this is just an example workout and anyone with any knowledge of training can give you one that will woprk fine, but I have gone to the gym with TS girls for years and tailored that workout so not to make for wide shoulers, back or a thick neck...

I love working out, hope I didnt ramble too much...

Pretty solid advice,but the one factor that nobody is mentioning here is a sound and solid weight lifting FORM.I spend 5 days a week in the gym,and the things people do when they lift weights is hilarious,and these are "experienced" lifters too.

My suggestion,get to a gym that you belong to,pay for a week worth of training sessions from a personal trainer,and learn the correct technique to lifting.
Poor form impedes growth and can cause a real bad injury too.
On top of that,a good balanced diet and cardio too.If you're running 2.5 miles on monday,try 3.0 on wednesday,and so on,and if you're already lean,but have unruly thighs try a low impact cardio like a LifeCycle or swimming.Good luck.

DJ Asia

05-31-2006, 11:15 PM
it is true.......the crazy things i see people do at the gym....form is so true.....usually at the gym u just see things swinging all over the place and forget benching.....u can fit a bottle of powerade between a guys back and the bench.....grrrrrr hate the treadmill , lmao

06-01-2006, 09:45 AM
The best item to use is the Smith machine, especially for beginners.

I am gonna be training back and biceps tomorrow.

And legs and shoulders friday.....gonna be taught how to do squats friday with the barbells.

One good way to get full use of free weights and machines.....wait till the 50+ year olds with the mid-life crisis and 2 week fitness stint show up......they NEVER touch them. :mrgreen:

06-01-2006, 06:17 PM
I have been a member of several gymis here on Long Island. I have actuall seen a few trnasgender girls in the clubs. You have to look hard, but they are there. I was wondering which you went to and if you know any other gyms frequented by TG.
I would love to help you with your workout. Let me know when your sister is unavilable.

06-01-2006, 10:40 PM
I'm one of those people who Need to go to the Gym. But Gyms are a pain in the ass. Not because its so far away but rather the people who attend them. I wnet to the gym for a whole week before I quit that place. The People around me were rude to me whether I was on the Bike or on a tredmill.

One lady came up to me to let me know I needed to lose some weight. I looked at her and said thanks(sarcasticly), and went finish my workout.
Then I got called to the office like a stupid High school student and I was reported for not wiping down the equitment. I told the I wiped everything I worked out on. He tried to kick me out, I asked him to look at the time I came in with those card slide devices. Still I was kicked out. Now If I were to go to the gym is to use the weights.

Weight lifing is really one of my favs. I love the feeling you get the next day after doing some bicep curls. My fav is dead lifting, who else could do 315lb on this board beside me.(Forgive me for braging this is the only thing I could brag about, I need to Feel all MAN right now)

Now I walk all around the city. The great thing of doing running or walking outside is really a goal you can see, rather be on a tredmill till the machine says you walked 5 miles.
I walk a few miles a day, and I deal with allot of Hill which helps. I do walking for about 3 to 5 hours a day.

06-01-2006, 10:59 PM

Here on Long Island people tend to be a bit more conservative and are not as open to the TS thing, so with that in mind I am sorry but I wont tell you what gym I belong to. People at my gym dont now I am a TS and I want to keep it that way. As far as if I know what gym other TS's belong to, well I have no clue.
