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View Full Version : Doing Cams and movies, how do you tell a guy your interested in?

06-19-2013, 06:34 AM
So, I met a GG a bit ago, hung out a few times and she seems to want a something with me, Im up in the air about it. She told me over the weekend she models, has done a couple movies, cams for extra money, has a twitter ect... Im not entirely sure how I feel about the whole thing. I tend to be a pretty private person and she's already mentioned me a few times, not by name, but clearly me.

My question for the girls that have similiar lifestyles, how do guys tend to react and deal with the news? (Guys that didnt know before had, obviosouly) I have no problem with girls camming, doing movies ect, but I tend to not share well when Im in a relationship or spending time with a girl beyond friends.

Any thoughts or advice is appreciated.