View Full Version : I think that I am going to breakup with my Tgirlfriend

Bruce Wayne
06-18-2013, 01:51 AM
I have been dating this transgender girl for about a year now. The first 6 months were great but my feelings are changing. I have not introduced her to my friends or family due to redicule. We go out alot but I live in a very big city Dallas and never run into people. There is this cute genetic woman at work that i am thinking about asking out but need to end this relationship so that I want cheat. It is just easier with a gg and I do want a kid in the next two years.

06-18-2013, 01:55 AM
And your point is...?

06-18-2013, 01:55 AM
Lol at OP hes been sucking dick and fucking boys ass' and now he wants a girl


Bruce Wayne
06-18-2013, 01:58 AM
U think I care what you think troll. Your bitchass is on this website you must be gay partner.

06-18-2013, 02:00 AM
You think I care what you think troll. Your bitchass is on this website you must be gay partner.

Nah im on a load of threads and i find it funny being on here cause im probably the only straight nigga on here

any way post pics of bitch!!

06-18-2013, 02:02 AM
Why would you announce something so personal on a forum?

06-18-2013, 02:06 AM
Don't date people you work with.

Bruce Wayne
06-18-2013, 02:06 AM
I just wanted to get other opinions. I do still care for her but if I told my family my girlfriend is TS they would not have much to do with me anymore and would try to preach too me. My family is super religious.

Quiet Reflections
06-18-2013, 02:14 AM
Bruce do what you feel is right. If you want kids and don't want to adopt then you are right to leave before you cheat. Good man. Pantic, hang on tight to that idea of being totally straight, some people need little things to help them sleep at night.

06-18-2013, 02:16 AM
I just wanted to get other opinions. I do still care for her but if I told my family my girlfriend is TS they would not have much to do with me anymore and would try to preach too me. My family is super religious.

Ahhh... OK... just didn't really see a question in there.

I wish you the best. No real advice unfortunately. Tough position to be in for you. I get the super religious angle... it's a tough one.

06-18-2013, 02:37 AM
You can't please everybody , who's to say that your family and friends will approve of the next girl you date.
In the end do what you think is the right thing for you but for the current gf too. But kudos for wanting to end the current relationship before trying to start anything with this new girl.
But office romances seldom end well and it's frowned upon by employers.

06-18-2013, 02:52 AM
Lol at OP hes been sucking dick and fucking boys ass' and now he wants a girl


LOL I love it! :dead:

06-18-2013, 02:55 AM
u realize pantic is an ugly troll right? check out his threads that he recently made, no laughing there.

06-18-2013, 02:59 AM
u realize pantic is an ugly troll right? check out his threads that he recently made, no laughing there.

you aint even seen me and your calling me ugly thats how i know i got to you !

06-18-2013, 03:02 AM
Sounds like you intend to harm girls, especially me and that will not be tolerated. Your "boom" post could be taken as a big threat. I, along with everyone else here and the owner of this site do NOT take kindly to threats, idle or not. You will be punished.

06-18-2013, 03:04 AM
Sounds like you intend to harm girls, especially me and that will not be tolerated. Your "boom" post could be taken as a big threat. I, along with everyone else here and the owner of this site do NOT take kindly to threats, idle or not. You will be punished.

Your not a girl though....

06-18-2013, 03:08 AM
I hope this girl follows this guy around after he breaks up with her and tells everyone he knows that shes a tranny and he likes getting fucked in his ass and sucking cock.

Why the fuck would you get in a relationship with a TG and give someone false hope in a relationship if you are embarassd and scared of ridicule about them being transgender.

06-18-2013, 03:11 AM
2 wrongs don't make a right , It only means that the one she's meant to be with is still out there and this was just a step to finding the "one" for her.

06-18-2013, 03:36 AM
I have been dating this transgender girl for about a year now. The first 6 months were great but my feelings are changing. I have not introduced her to my friends or family due to redicule. We go out alot but I live in a very big city Dallas and never run into people. There is this cute genetic woman at work that i am thinking about asking out but need to end this relationship so that I want cheat. It is just easier with a gg and I do want a kid in the next two years.

So...you want to end a good relationship that you are enjoying and go back into the dating world (yay?) because you too afraid to be honest with your friends / family (living your life through peer pressure always seems to end in happiness ....LOL). Basically, you don't care about her that much and would throw her away because you want a shot with some girl you work with.

I only have one question for you....

Have you already told her you are batman? Because that could complicate things.

06-18-2013, 03:45 AM
I have been dating this transgender girl for about a year now. The first 6 months were great but my feelings are changing. I have not introduced her to my friends or family due to redicule. We go out alot but I live in a very big city Dallas and never run into people. There is this cute genetic woman at work that i am thinking about asking out but need to end this relationship so that I want cheat. It is just easier with a gg and I do want a kid in the next two years.

i went through this with my second boyfriend and i can tell you its extremely painful to find out someone you love is ashamed of you.it really wreaked my self esteem and im still recovering from the damage done years later.
i really urge guys to think twice before getting involved with a ts girl on any social level if you think this might be an issue for you.
if you know your not ready to be open about her than just stick to escorts that way no one gets hurt.
funny thing is if shes passable enough you dont have to tell your friends and family anything other than this is my girl but thats a courage you have to find.
i want to with you luck but the hurt girl in me just thinks your an asshole *shrugs*

06-18-2013, 04:05 AM
If you feel you can't been seen in public, introduce her to your friends and family, then don't get emotionally involved, better yet, don't even start any kind of relationship with a girl. It's not just your emotions and feelings to be considered, but hers very much as well.

Mr. Sinister
06-18-2013, 04:06 AM
I think the original poster is a troll. Over the years, I have scene many fake posts like this on Hungangels.

06-18-2013, 04:09 AM
i share something personal and someone thumbs it down??!!!
okay yall think im an asshole than ill give you a reason to think im a dick.tired of trying to be logical and real.
FUCK YOU TRANNY CHASING FAGGOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(brought to you by captain morgan)

06-18-2013, 04:13 AM
I just wanted to get other opinions. I do still care for her but if I told my family my girlfriend is TS they would not have much to do with me anymore and would try to preach too me. My family is super religious.

I wouldn't call this scientific, but the highest ratio of TS escorts on BP/population is in super-conservative Dallas and Houston...it wouldn't surprise me at all if your so-called religious relatives have had a few experiences.

Bruce Wayne
06-18-2013, 04:34 AM
I am no troll like Pantic. I still have feelings for this person but I am 31 and see my buds getting married and having kids and feel left out. I am very attracted to tgirls but feel I have to conform to society. The girl I like at work is very cute also and is a person I can bring home to mom church going girl next door type

06-18-2013, 05:01 AM
I really have to get with the times. I've only created one ID on this forum in 7 years. I could be creating new ID's and telling fictional crazy ass stories that bring people in to respond, as if they were true.

BTW, if the Mod's really want to entertain us, they should post not only this guy's earlier account names so we can see what a dweeb he was in the past, but maybe also the IP addresses that he's posting from. Then with some searching we might be able to get his real identity, including who his super-religious momma is who seemingly still feeds him dogma, straight from the tit.

Bruce Wayne
06-18-2013, 05:16 AM
@Odelay I just joined this website. I am no troll or deweeb that is Pantic. I am telling a real story no fakeness here man.

06-18-2013, 06:03 AM
I am no troll like Pantic. I still have feelings for this person but I am 31 and see my buds getting married and having kids and feel left out. I am very attracted to tgirls but feel I have to conform to society. The girl I like at work is very cute also and is a person I can bring home to mom church going girl next door type

You realize you can marry tgirls right?....

And you know you can still have kids? (surrogate mothers, or even adoption).

Yup, tgirls can actually do a wide range of things! They are like meat multi-tools (not in a perverted way! )

Basically, your problem is you are just ashamed of her. You like her :) Just, not as a person :)

06-18-2013, 06:05 AM
You realize you can marry tgirls right?....

And you know you can still have kids? (surrogate mothers, or even adoption).

Yup, tgirls can actually do a wide range of things! They are like meat multi-tools (not in a perverted way! )

Basically, your problem is you are just ashamed of her. You like her :) Just, not as a person :)

:iagree: Well said, Rabbit Eyes, and your restraint is commendable.

The truth hurts, Bruce.

06-18-2013, 06:13 AM
Your family are bigots and they are a large part of what is wrong with the world. You should break contact, do what you want, and just adopt. There are too many people in the world already.

06-18-2013, 12:43 PM
I am no troll like Pantic. I still have feelings for this person but I am 31 and see my buds getting married and having kids and feel left out. I am very attracted to tgirls but feel I have to conform to society. The girl I like at work is very cute also and is a person I can bring home to mom church going girl next door type
You know it's not like this hasn't happened before. Guy wants some hot taboo action on the d/l, gets some girl's hopes up (and after a year, her hopes are up), but then decides he needs to be a good boy for momma and dumps her for an ordinary girl.

Guys like you should just stay away from transwomen. In fact ANY woman you wouldn't take home to meet the rents and the buds within a month. Just don't go there. Pay for some illicit sex.

Transwomen are women and have hearts and feelings that are just as easily damaged--maybe more so--than ordinary women. The only person I have sympathy for here is the girl.

But to the OP, obviously you should break it off, immediately. You're not being honest with her and you will break her heart.

BTW, this is one good reason why I suggest to transwomen that they should look for older partners--who have this stuff behind them.

06-18-2013, 01:08 PM
You know it's not like this hasn't happened before. Guy wants some hot taboo action on the d/l, gets some girl's hopes up (and after a year, her hopes are up), but then decides he needs to be a good boy for momma and dumps her for an ordinary girl.

Guys like you should just stay away from transwomen. In fact ANY woman you wouldn't take home to meet the rents and the buds within a month. Just don't go there. Pay for some illicit sex.

Transwomen are women and have hearts and feelings that are just as easily damaged--maybe more so--than ordinary women. The only person I have sympathy for here is the girl.

But to the OP, obviously you should break it off, immediately. You're not being honest with her and you will break her heart.

BTW, this is one good reason why I suggest to transwomen that they should look for older partners--who have this stuff behind them.:iagree::iagree::iagree:

06-18-2013, 01:26 PM
BTW, this is one good reason why I suggest to transwomen that they should look for older partners--who have this stuff behind them.

Who want this older guy...lol

06-18-2013, 01:34 PM
You know how the song goes, young girl, get an older guy, older girl, get a young guy. Good approach

06-18-2013, 02:10 PM
I am very attracted to tgirls but feel I have to conform to society.

Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol, and dental insurance. Choose fixed interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisurewear and matching luggage. Choose a three-piece suit on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pissing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourselves. Choose your future.


Yup, tgirls can actually do a wide range of things! They are like meat multi-tools (not in a perverted way! )

Hmmmmmmm, Meat Multi-Tool....Perverted way? Never even crossed my mind! :whistle:

06-18-2013, 02:18 PM
If you are thinking this way get out of that relationship. Leave her now as you obviously are looking elsewhere for a multitude of reasons. It's not fair to her to play games but I would say this with one caveat. If you are doing this because you want to conform to society or you are afraid of ridicule, then you being with this GG will never work as you will ultimately cheat on her. This will happen as you have an attraction to TG and you wanting kids or someone you can introduce to mom and dad will not change that.

06-18-2013, 02:46 PM
Don't date people you work with.

or as I say never shit in your own backyard

06-18-2013, 04:26 PM
You know it's not like this hasn't happened before. Guy wants some hot taboo action on the d/l, gets some girl's hopes up (and after a year, her hopes are up), but then decides he needs to be a good boy for momma and dumps her for an ordinary girl.

Guys like you should just stay away from transwomen. In fact ANY woman you wouldn't take home to meet the rents and the buds within a month. Just don't go there. Pay for some illicit sex.

Transwomen are women and have hearts and feelings that are just as easily damaged--maybe more so--than ordinary women. The only person I have sympathy for here is the girl.

But to the OP, obviously you should break it off, immediately. You're not being honest with her and you will break her heart.

BTW, this is one good reason why I suggest to transwomen that they should look for older partners--who have this stuff behind them.

I was with you until the older man part.i find that older men have just as many hang ups if not more because they came up in an era where just being gay was extremely socially stigmatizing.I find that younger guys 20-23 are a bit more open due to coming up in a more liberated era.

06-18-2013, 06:39 PM
I was with you until the older man part.i find that older men have just as many hang ups if not more because they came up in an era where just being gay was extremely socially stigmatizing.I find that younger guys 20-23 are a bit more open due to coming up in a more liberated era.
That might depend on the guy, you know.

Also, OK so it varies from place to place, but I have not lived anywhere where being gay was 'extremely socially stigmatizing' for my entire adult life. I would actually say that it doesn't really raise an eyebrow.

I think being recognisably TS is well behind that curve, but I'll be damned if I'll hide my GF from the world just in case some smartarse spooks her.

06-18-2013, 07:24 PM
I was with you until the older man part.i find that older men have just as many hang ups if not more because they came up in an era where just being gay was extremely socially stigmatizing.I find that younger guys 20-23 are a bit more open due to coming up in a more liberated era.

Is that so?

06-18-2013, 08:16 PM
I wouldn't of said it other wise

06-18-2013, 08:29 PM
I have been dating this transgender girl for about a year now. The first 6 months were great but my feelings are changing. I have not introduced her to my friends or family due to redicule. We go out alot but I live in a very big city Dallas and never run into people. There is this cute genetic woman at work that i am thinking about asking out but need to end this relationship so that I want cheat. It is just easier with a gg and I do want a kid in the next two years.

There is an African proverb that goes, "Only a fool tests the depth of the water with both feet" well you should have thought about all the consequences of being in a relationship with a transgender girl. Such as friends, family, and children and I can understand relationships do not work, however those three you mention are constant variables you needed to address. Have you met her parents? Her friends? Does she want to adopt?

Here is another phrase for you to remember, "You do not shit where you eat!" Office romances are difficult, and when there is a breakup it is even worse. Been there and done that....things will go great in the beginning, but when you hit that major snag in the relationship then it becomes polarizing either you will be the asshole or the nice guy...and more than likely it will be the asshole tag, when she starts yapping about this and that. And think about this when you date this chick, and if your current girlfriend happens to show up at your place...will you admit to this girl you used to date a transgender girl? Good luck, because you let the secret out and she will tell all the co-workers if you piss her off.

Which brings us to the last and final proverb for you to know and love..."Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned" Genetic girl or Transgendered girl, does not matter you piss a woman off expect some payback....

06-18-2013, 08:32 PM
People make mistakes in life. Sometimes you just need to reflect on your experiences, learn a thing or two and then move on.

I just broke up with my ladyboy gf as well. And I keep thinking about "what if?" and all that. Sometimes you just got to move on.

06-18-2013, 08:38 PM
I wouldn't of said it other wise


06-18-2013, 08:38 PM
That might depend on the guy, you know.

Also, OK so it varies from place to place, but I have not lived anywhere where being gay was 'extremely socially stigmatizing' for my entire adult life. I would actually say that it doesn't really raise an eyebrow.

I think being recognisably TS is well behind that curve, but I'll be damned if I'll hide my GF from the world just in case some smartarse spooks her.

That pretty much echoes my experience too, Mac. I've worked in organisations and environments which fully accepted gay guys and lesbians since the 80s onwards, so I've socialised, had, and have friendships with gay, lesbian, and, since my friend Claire transitioned, trans people too, some of the warmest and most cherished friendships I have.

But I also suspect that for a lot of people influences like family, faith (spit!) and social circles still carry too much weight. It's a great shame that with all the advances that have been made towards full gender equality people still feel constrained by essentially outdated and largely irrelevant social norms.

I still feel sorry for Bruce, but I also think that he needs to grow a pair or he will forever be beholden to his narrow-minded family. If he doesn't do it now, he'll have to do it later.

06-18-2013, 08:40 PM
People make mistakes in life. Sometimes you just need to reflect on your experiences, learn a thing or two and then move on.

I just broke up with my ladyboy gf as well. And I keep thinking about "what if?" and all that. Sometimes you just got to move on.

I wondered about that Derek, with your move from Thailand and all, but didn't want to pry. Sorry for both of you, hope you're ok.

06-18-2013, 08:45 PM
I wondered about that Derek, with your move from Thailand and all, but didn't want to pry. Sorry for both of you, hope you're ok.

Thanks man. We made a go of the whole long distance thing. It has been really tough lately. My perspective on the future has been turned on its head as well.

06-18-2013, 08:49 PM
Thanks man. We made a go of the whole long distance thing. It has been really tough lately. My perspective on the future has been turned on its head as well.

Hang in buddy, if you want to talk via PM, please feel free.

06-18-2013, 10:02 PM
That pretty much echoes my experience too, Mac. I've worked in organisations and environments which fully accepted gay guys and lesbians since the 80s onwards, so I've socialised, had, and have friendships with gay, lesbian, and, since my friend Claire transitioned, trans people too, some of the warmest and most cherished friendships I have.

But I also suspect that for a lot of people influences like family, faith (spit!) and social circles still carry too much weight. It's a great shame that with all the advances that have been made towards full gender equality people still feel constrained by essentially outdated and largely irrelevant social norms.

I still feel sorry for Bruce, but I also think that he needs to grow a pair or he will forever be beholden to his narrow-minded family. If he doesn't do it now, he'll have to do it later.

You feel bad for him?!?

06-18-2013, 10:10 PM
You feel bad for him?!?

Yes, he's weak and lacks courage, but his social conditioning is holding him back from making the right decision. As I said at the end of my previous post, he needs to grow a pair and soon, or he'll never break the vicious circle of his bigoted family and their outmoded values.

But I feel sorrier for the girl, of course. On the other hand, for her it's likely to be a lucky escape and a blessing in disguise, although it almost certainly won't feel like that at first.

Life sometimes deals everyone a shitty hand. Nobody wins.

06-18-2013, 11:01 PM
Yes, he's weak and lacks courage, but his social conditioning is holding him back from making the right decision. As I said at the end of my previous post, he needs to grow a pair and soon, or he'll never break the vicious circle of his bigoted family and their outmoded values.

But I feel sorrier for the girl, of course. On the other hand, for her it's likely to be a lucky escape and a blessing in disguise, although it almost certainly won't feel like that at first.

Life sometimes deals everyone a shitty hand. Nobody wins.

three years later and i still don't feel it was a blessing, that's not how love works.it hurts with every "hey how are you" phone call or every stupid song we shared.

06-18-2013, 11:19 PM
three years later and i still don't feel it was a blessing, that's not how love works.it hurts with every "hey how are you" phone call or every stupid song we shared.

I'm sincerely sorry to hear that Amber. Hoping that it will get better. Take care.

06-18-2013, 11:23 PM
I should resist posting another silly video. nah


I can relate to this in a symbolic sort of way.

06-18-2013, 11:24 PM
People make mistakes in life. Sometimes you just need to reflect on your experiences, learn a thing or two and then move on.

I just broke up with my ladyboy gf as well. And I keep thinking about "what if?" and all that. Sometimes you just got to move on.
I'm sorry to hear that dderek. They can surely stake a claim on your heart.

06-18-2013, 11:29 PM
You feel bad for him?!?
I don't. I feel bad for her. A year in isn't a casual affair, it's a commitment, and to be dumped not because of who you are--I mean we all have to accept that people change and we might not be so attractive to them as we once were--but because of what you are...must be horrible.

06-18-2013, 11:37 PM
three years later and i still don't feel it was a blessing, that's not how love works

Oh, look at that, a young guy who didn't know what he wanted...imagine...

06-19-2013, 12:48 AM
Oh, look at that, a young guy who didn't know what he wanted...imagine...

Yea but my boyfriend after him was the one who took me home for Christmas, also a young guy.
Of course there are exceptions to the rule but the majority of older guys i talk to ask me really weird questions thinking i have this horrible life of abuse and bullying.like every time i go out my front door I'm being tormented by people lol.i really think it comes from growing up during a time when being gay or gender nonconforming was dangerous and ostracizing.

06-19-2013, 01:01 AM
I think any person cuts themselves off from deeper experiences if they make decisions on generalities, i.e. younger, older, glam, natural, etc. There are good dudes who are 20 and some who are 60. Same goes for the dolls.

Amber, you continue to amaze me with your no nonsense, down to earth approach to life.

06-19-2013, 01:11 AM
If you're thinking about it, mentally you've already done it. Sorry that you weren't strong enough to stand up for your woman but she'll hopefully find someone proud to be with her

06-19-2013, 01:18 AM
I think any person cuts themselves off from deeper experiences if they make decisions on generalities, i.e. younger, older, glam, natural, etc. There are good dudes who are 20 and some who are 60. Same goes for the dolls.

Amber, you continue to amaze me with your no nonsense, down to earth approach to life.

Everyone looked to think that age isn't a factor but someone in their 20s is going to be in a completely different stage of life than someone in their 60s.in a serious relationship that's something working against them.I've been there and done that.

06-19-2013, 01:33 AM
Everyone looked to think that age isn't a factor but someone in their 20s is going to be in a completely different stage of life than someone in their 60s.in a serious relationship that's something working against them.I've been there and done that.
Honey even I think 20s<>60s is pushing it.

But not because a man that age couldn't love so young a woman well. Just because with the best will in the world, his health will not stand the test of time.

06-19-2013, 01:43 AM
Honey even I think 20s<>60s is pushing it.

But not because a man that age couldn't love so young a woman well. Just because with the best will in the world, his health will not stand the test of time.

I'm only willing to go 10 years my senior depending on the guys lifestyle, personality and looks

06-19-2013, 01:46 AM
There's not much to add that hasn't already been said because it also sounds like you really don't love her all that much anyway. Not enough to consider staying with her...when you notice a "cute' girl at the office. When you really are in love with someone,it would tear you up inside. If you are leaving her only because she's a transsexual,..then that's fucked up...but it's also fucked up to stay with someone just to prove a point. If you are going to break up with her...and you will, and probably should...do it as soon as possible so that she can move on.
At least it only lasted 6 mos...don't stretch it out to make the pain worse later on.
Give her a chance to find "real love".

06-19-2013, 01:46 AM
Yea but my boyfriend after him was the one who took me home for Christmas, also a young guy.
Of course there are exceptions to the rule but the majority of older guys i talk to ask me really weird questions thinking i have this horrible life of abuse and bullying.like every time i go out my front door I'm being tormented by people lol.i really think it comes from growing up during a time when being gay or gender nonconforming was dangerous and ostracizing.

Yeah, I meant to ask you about that...lol

I'm only willing to go 10 years my senior depending on the guys lifestyle, personality and looks

Hear that, because I'll only date a woman who's within 10 years of my age under the same circumstances.

06-19-2013, 01:51 AM
Yeah, I meant to ask you about that...lol

As far as....

06-19-2013, 01:56 AM
As far as....


Bruce Wayne
06-19-2013, 02:08 AM
The social issues are a factor but there are other issues. I always give her money and buy her dinner. She never wants to cook or never buys me anything. I added her to my cell phone plan and always go over and of course I pay the bill.

06-19-2013, 02:13 AM
<> I'll only date a woman who's within 10 years of my age under the same circumstances.

Double that and change. It's magic.

06-19-2013, 02:13 AM
The social issues are a factor but there are other issues. I always give her money and buy her dinner. She never wants to cook or never buys me anything. I added her to my cell phone plan and always go over and of course I pay the bill.
So this is about money now?

06-27-2013, 01:52 PM
I totally understand the money issue but as far as breaking up because you embarrassed of her? shame on you. I'm 30 yo and dated nothing but gg all my life I never even met a transexual woman before I net my ex. I didn't even know till she told me even though it did take a change and an open mind on my part I was far from being embarrassed by someone being who they are. I live in around a lot of small community's in the country and some people did find out my family found out and people at my work found out and I couldn't care less. I loved her. if they had a problem with it that was THIER problem and if someone said something I would've beat thier fucking face in for disrespecting her. there are some issues to get through and sounds to me like the money is just a copout. I haven't had a relationship with another transexual girl since because I find it hard to find one who SINCERELY wants a real relationship. and if you have found one and are pissing it away for what other people may think good. let a GOOD man have her! she's a person and I think you've had your fantasy and are ready to move on, and the only thing your afraid of is the fact that you don't want people to realize you like a little ass play and they might call you out on it. your lame. you knew what you were getting into and you just used her and FYI if your looking for validation on here it ain't gonna happen your story is ALL TO TYPICAL. it's all a shame really. good day to you.