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06-14-2013, 01:15 PM
The Devolution of the Manhood Archetype

A reality program where they "tricked" a straight guy into falling for a transsexuals

06-14-2013, 01:59 PM
The Devolution of the Manhood Archetype

A reality program where they "tricked" a straight guy into falling for a transsexuals

Natina is misleading you or hasn't done any research. The documentary she cites is one of three produced by lenonhonor: The Devolution of the Sacred Feminine, in two parts (NOT Devaluation as the title is on the youtube page), and The Devolution of the Manhood Archetype. These films are an attack on what is presented as 'liberal' attitudes to women and transexualism -the programme, The Devolution of the Manhood Archetype consists of excerpts from ,There Is Something About Miriam interspersed with 'concerned' comments which argue this debases 'mating' and has a pernicious agenda. It is a plea from Conservative America which I doubt will find much resonance in HungAngels. If you like Transexuals, you have lost the sense of what it is to be a man...!!!

THE DEVALUATION OF THE SACRED FEMININE PART 1 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZV0c64-Vto)

THE DEVOLUTION OF THE SACRED FEMININE PART 2 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iV6UPWz-shk)

THE DEVOLUTION OF THE SACRED FEMININE PART 3 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=et4N0eClb0A)

Devolution of the Male Archetype 2 - Lenon Honor Films - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRDOoAFBp_Q)

Devolution of the Male Archetype - Lenon Honor Films - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXj5iIrC5q8)

06-14-2013, 06:54 PM
The Devolution of the Manhood Archetype

A reality program where they "tricked" a straight guy into falling for a transsexuals

Shame on you lol

06-14-2013, 07:08 PM
Natina is misleading you or hasn't done any research. The documentary she cites is one of three produced by lenonhonor: The Devolution of the Sacred Feminine, in two parts (NOT Devaluation as the title is on the youtube page), and The Devolution of the Manhood Archetype. These films are an attack on what is presented as 'liberal' attitudes to women and transexualism -the programme, The Devolution of the Manhood Archetype consists of excerpts from ,There Is Something About Miriam interspersed with 'concerned' comments which argue this debases 'mating' and has a pernicious agenda. It is a plea from Conservative America which I doubt will find much resonance in HungAngels. If you like Transexuals, you have lost the sense of what it is to be a man...!!!
Thanks, Stavros! Very interresting, and not surprising... I was just about to inquire on this show, There is Something about Miriam. I know it made quite a bit of controversy when it was broadcast, didn't it?
"The Sacred Feminine"! what a crock! The worst is that they've probably taken this from the silly Da Vinci Code. The author, knowing that women are the main buyer of actual litterature, made it all revolve around it. For us guys, I guess all what was left was the archetype position. :)
You know, I'm one to think that we're much more determine by biology than we think. Whatever we change culturally, there will always be a hard core beyond which we won't be able to go. What's natural in us can't be violated. It will simply reaffirm itself by its own natural virtue...

06-14-2013, 07:10 PM
um.. attraction is a subconcious and totaly physical and spiritual event.. it is NOT a conscious decision..

06-14-2013, 08:11 PM
Nice to see Miriam again, but this 'lenon honor' is a serious fucktard with not clue one about the subject. Maybe someone should introduce him to such delicate and loving forms of the Divine Feminine as Kali or Cybele, or Inanna, the kind of wanton sex-loving mother-of-all-whores we all just adore...or the Morrigan, who was whore, matron and deathbringer....what a mutt. Really.

06-14-2013, 08:11 PM
And what godawful muzack!

06-14-2013, 08:22 PM
Crap.... And pernicious crap... And yes even the Muzak is dreck

06-14-2013, 09:49 PM
Thanks, Stavros! Very interresting, and not surprising... I was just about to inquire on this show, There is Something about Miriam. I know it made quite a bit of controversy when it was broadcast, didn't it?
"The Sacred Feminine"! what a crock! The worst is that they've probably taken this from the silly Da Vinci Code. The author, knowing that women are the main buyer of actual litterature, made it all revolve around it. For us guys, I guess all what was left was the archetype position. :)
You know, I'm one to think that we're much more determine by biology than we think. Whatever we change culturally, there will always be a hard core beyond which we won't be able to go. What's natural in us can't be violated. It will simply reaffirm itself by its own natural virtue...

So, Dan, you don't think in evolutionary-biological terms that the human body is an unfinished project? What is natural? Is it fixed, or flexible, or temporary?

06-14-2013, 10:15 PM
So, Dan, you don't think in evolutionary-biological terms that the human body is an unfinished project? What is natural? Is it fixed, or flexible, or temporary?
That's a huge question, Stavros! Yes, I do think we are still subjected to the evolutive process. What is natural? I think that culture is always an expression of nature. The scission between nature and culture is not well defined and maybe even irrelevant -if not inexistent. Is it temporary? The evolutionary process is very slow. Of course there is flexibility, we evolved the way we did precisely because we needed a greater capacity of response to our environement, but that's precisely within our "program", our basic capacities. Besides, almost every animal with a certain complexity can learn by try an error, even arthropods and arachnids.
The most basic elements of our nature is of course our biology, the nature of our neurological system and of our endocrine system. But comparative ethology has shown that our behavior is also subjected to an important number of natural paterns.
The conventional difference between nature and culture lies in the need to complete the formation of our nervous system outside the womb, as our brain is only at around 30% of its full developement. With chimpanzees already, it's around 50% and the mother has to keep on transmitting informations to her child for about 8 years. This transmission is basically the essence of culture, to me.
And of course, in animal societies, there is a system of signs, understood by its members, which consolidate a hierarchy, which is also obviously at the basis of these exchanges we call culture. Etc. I don't want to get into a lecture, unless you want one... But I'm pretty sure you know what I'm talking about.

Cecil Rhodes
06-14-2013, 10:32 PM
Crap.... And pernicious crap... And yes even the Muzak is dreck

And those Brit Accents .......