View Full Version : LA Helicopter Reporter is Transitioning

Rusty Eldora
06-13-2013, 11:44 PM
I saw this linked on the Drudgereport today


Does the HA crowd think that articles like the Seal Team 6 and this guy announcing their transition help Tgirls go mainstream. I do.

TS Evelyn Summers
06-13-2013, 11:47 PM
I thought the whole freakin point of transition was to become whom you want....freakin blend in..and fa get about it!!!!!

whats the point of announcing it to the world!?! Doesn't that defeat the purpose ?????

UNLESS you are in porn.....

Somebody chime in please....

06-13-2013, 11:55 PM
Does the HA crowd think that articles like the Seal Team 6 and this guy announcing their transition help Tgirls go mainstream. I do.

i don't see how. most people don't care about things that don't affect them. and i agree with evelyn.

06-14-2013, 06:37 AM
i don't see how. most people don't care about things that don't affect them. and i agree with evelyn.

Yes and no. Look, back in the 80's when I was growing up, being gay was nowhere near as mainstream as it is now. People who were, denied it and hid. Slowly people who were gay started coming out. There were things that kind of made it more mainstream, like Will Smith played a gay character, and it started to be less of a joke and more of a "we're just like you" kind of thing. I hate Ellen DeGeneris. I hate that unfunny hack as much as I hate Hitler. But hell if her coming out did do a lot to change minds. Mine included. Now? Well, its still not complete acceptance, and full recognition of rights, but its changing.

It's got to start somewhere though, and each step like this, whether you care about them or not, makes it more mainstream. It's no longer some weird fetish thing guys do in dark rooms on weekends, it's actual people who are this third gender now. The more it happens that these brave people come forward publicly, especially those who have some fame, like this woman or a Lana Wachowski, the more the rest of the world starts to notice they're out there, starts to see that it's not a sex thing, but a gender identity thing, and begins to learn and accept.

Congrats to her, it's a much harder road to transition in public when you are famous. I hops she gets a lot of support, and recognition from the people later on who will be accepted because her being her true self changed their minds.

06-14-2013, 06:44 AM
And just for the record, as much as I love and miss Sharon Tay, she's no Leyna Nguyen. (I miss LA news anchors.)

06-14-2013, 02:19 PM
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-fNpwlsTZ3H8/Ubr4zk7oL0I/AAAAAAABDRM/RdEKFbT8lus/s1600/Carrie+Fisher's+ex+bob+tur+becomes+a+woman.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-n4-VKApDQzU/Ubr66yB9hTI/AAAAAAABDR0/mO-iXzgdsxQ/s320/carrie-fisher-bob-tur-woman.jpg

06-14-2013, 02:40 PM
I thought the whole freakin point of transition was to become whom you want....freakin blend in..and fa get about it!!!!!

whats the point of announcing it to the world!?! Doesn't that defeat the purpose ?????

UNLESS you are in porn.....

Somebody chime in please....

In all likelihood she was probably about to be exposed by another part of the media. They are pretty nasty when they get hold of a story like this and she probably decided that it was better to reveal it herself.

06-14-2013, 02:45 PM
if this person does not have the $$$$$$ for FFS surgery and other treatments its going to be a long hard road

06-14-2013, 10:29 PM
Did anyone actually read the article? There were a few odd quotes in there like "The brain is plastic, so it's gotten smaller and feminized."

06-14-2013, 10:51 PM
I thought the whole freakin point of transition was to become whom you want....freakin blend in..and fa get about it!!!!!

whats the point of announcing it to the world!?! Doesn't that defeat the purpose ?????

UNLESS you are in porn.....

Somebody chime in please....

No...very no....

Being openly trans is definitely more difficult... but it is EXTREMELY important in actually addressing the issue of discrimination.

I completely understand why people go stealth, but it is basically the same as a Jew hiding they are jewish in order to avoid stigma. Yea, for that person, life is easier as they hide from abuse....but nothing gets solved, nothing gets better, and society keeps on hating trans people in general.

It is the same with the gay movement. Gay people have been around a LOOONGGG time. They just were "stealth" and kept it hidden (like trans people do now). Once people started "coming out" and showing society that they were brothers...fathers...co-workers...respectable citizens... the idea of what gay was shifted away from PEDOPHILE to just a guy who liked guys (well, and more fashionable).

Not only that, but having people open gives new transitioners something to look up to. Something that they can see and realize they aren't alone....that being trans is "ok".

So....no.... being open and announcing it is EXTREMELY important. People who are open are fighting not just for themselves....but for EVERY trans person in our society. That is why I'm so publicly open, because I am in such a stronger life position where discrimination can't really effect me too much (and I have family support, so even just that is far more than a lot of other trans people have).

You shouldn't be bemoaning this person coming out...you should be celebrating her for choosing to try and make a difference and making herself a target for bigotry (so that some day, trans people won't have to be so afraid).

06-14-2013, 11:46 PM
Another ugly man becomes another ugly woman, but hey, it's a free country. More power to her.

Will it help the collective image of transpeople? Does she speak for me? Absolutely not.
