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06-06-2013, 08:16 PM
I've been conversing with a transgendered person and due to my natural charm and sense of humour we have decided to meet up.

We share loads in common, we get on pretty well. Thing is...

Now, I'm not exactly a male supermodel, in fact I'm neither super or model I'm just a big bloke. Nowt special about me, will never win any competition..

however, I was checking this girl out and accidentally found her man pic.. several months on from that shes still finding her way with her look and isnt quite there yet, but I really want to hang out with her, because we get on.


how much will hormones change and soften the features? How different were you when you started to when you finished or to where you are now..

i accept that I probably sound like a total wanker, but I'm honest.

06-06-2013, 08:21 PM
hormones work different for everyone. Everyone is different. So, for me, i was on hormones for 3 years, i already had feminine features prior to hormones, so the mones just really enhanced them. Even though I was on them for 3 yrs, I only attained an A cup, hence why in Jan I got a boobie job :). Other than that, what do you mean when you said "shes still finding her look and isn't quite there yet"? Just curious as to what extant is her feminization.

Btw, albeit I was fairly femme prior to hormones, if you were to look at a pic of me prior to transition, you wouldn't recognize me. lol

06-06-2013, 08:26 PM
Other than that, what do you mean when you said "shes still finding her look and isn't quite there yet"? Just curious as to what extant is her feminization.

She's quite open about it, she wants to learn her own way, find whats right. Only started transitioning around the start of the year. She was showing me some facebook pics of what she called "clothing and make up disasters". Shes on hormones, no surgery or anything yet, thankfully shes not into wigs and has natural long hair.. something she's made fun of is her jawline, its a little on the masculine line.

06-06-2013, 10:41 PM
Hormones are very dangerous thing ! Before accepting them should be examined by an Endocrinologist and check your hormones . Then the doctor will adjust the course and duration of admission . You only need to register a psychiatrist to confirm officially transsexualism , then you will be given an official document authorizing do change operation . Edit documents with M f . This whole procedure takes not less than 5 years and an average of 7 years .
You should think well before making such a serious step . I met many Transgender after surgery who regretted what he had done and the dream of return everything back but there is no way back.
Very difficult to live in society and feel the sting of the views of people, misunderstanding, and grins . You will encounter a mass of problems .Think very well what you are doing and why

06-06-2013, 10:52 PM
Humm, hormones work differently for different people (some have bigger effects than others)...it is really pretty random what they do :P

With facial features, there is always the option of facial feminization surgery for those that aren't happy with the result of hormones (if you have the money and are willing to get cut up ~_~).

To give you an idea of the effects of hormones, this is my 2 year vid from a few months ago.

MTF 2 year Transition Video :) - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfRqgwpF858)

06-06-2013, 11:30 PM
Wow. Its funny how when you started wearing a shirt and tie around 20months, you looked like a girl in drag. Amazing. Thanks for sharing that.

Katherine... Im not taking hormones, a lady i know is. Shes full on with the NHS and doing okay. Shes happy.

06-07-2013, 02:33 AM
Humm, hormones work differently for different people (some have bigger effects than others)...it is really pretty random what they do :P

With facial features, there is always the option of facial feminization surgery for those that aren't happy with the result of hormones (if you have the money and are willing to get cut up ~_~).

To give you an idea of the effects of hormones, this is my 2 year vid from a few months ago.

MTF 2 year Transition Video :) - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfRqgwpF858)

Generous and brave of you to share that video. And you're looking very good indeed.

Best of luck with your ongoing transition.