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03-29-2004, 08:59 AM
who couldn't see this coming lol

Transsexual Miriam Rejected by Reality Show Winner

By Jennifer Sym, PA News

The pre-op transsexual wooed by six unsuspecting men in a controversial reality dating show is rejected by the winner in the final show tonight.

There’s Something About Miriam, broadcast on Sky One, showed six men competing for the affections of Miriam, who they thought was a women.

But the Mexican 22-year-old was born a man and, when her secret was revealed, she was called untrustworthy and deceitful by the winner, lifeguard Tom.

He initially agreed to go on the cruise, despite being mocked by the other contestants.

But he later changed his mind, saying: “I wouldn’t want to spend a week on a boat with someone I couldn’t trust, someone who’s deceived me and everybody else.”

In the final show tonight, to be broadcast at 9pm, viewers see Miriam choosing Tom over martial arts instructor Scott as the winner of £10,000 and a week together on a luxury cruise.

Scott said before being told “I do like surprises”, and added: “I’ve met someone that I do really like. I feel more for her every time I see her. I would love to spend the week with her”.

But after she was revealed as a pre-operative transsexual, he said: “Now I don’t respect her one bit.”

Earlier in the show, viewers had seen both Tom and Scott penning love poetry to the model in their attempts to court her.

A show spokesman described the declaration as “difficult” for Miriam, who had formed close bonds with the contestants, all of whom were stunned by the news.

She said she had enjoyed Tom’s company: “

He] always makes me happy, this has been a whole new experience for me. I’ve had such a great time and I would never forget this moment.”

The broadcasting of the show had initially been delayed after the six contestants threatened legal action.

They received payouts after deciding to take their case to the High Court in an attempt to ban Sky from screening the show after they only learned at the end that Miriam was not a woman.

The men received an undisclosed sum last month to drop their threat of court action.

Sky also apologised for “any upset caused” to the contestants, who made a number of allegations against Sky One and production company Brighter Pictures, including conspiracy to sexual assault, defamation, personal injury and breach of contract.

In return, Sky, which had shelved There’s Something About Miriam, pending possible legal action, was able to transmit the controversial reality show.


03-29-2004, 10:24 AM
This was honestly a really bad idea for a Television show. I'm really surprised the guy didn't punch "Miriam" in the face. I've been in clubs where a dude flirts with a Tgirl then she tells him and it's one of two outcomes:

#1( guy is horrified and starts screaming or hits the girl
#2( guy is a closet tranny chaser and goes with it.

03-29-2004, 01:56 PM
I saw the show in when I was in London and frankly it was very boring.

Regardless of the fact that the show was a really bad idea, poor Miriam )who is so beautiful and probably one of the "realest" girls out there, has no personality or stage prescence to carry the show. There was no challenge, just the pure pleasure of having those men ridiculed on TV by the adudience who was kissing and touching a "bloke" as they say.

Those producers had been wanting for a long time to do a tranny themed project were the it was later revealed to the public the true identity of the girls. It first started out with a reality UK version of making the band where the cd would be released and then the secret would be revealed. I had a good friend who was also on that project and shared alot of details with me but it was eventually shelved.

The big problem that I have with the show is the stuff they have made up about Miriam (or self done). I read that bio on her "Unofficial" (which look suspiciously official) which had so much crock in it I almost fell out laughing. Then I hear commentary from my friend who was told by the party in question that her song was a big hit in England and her video was directed by David Lacaphelle. Unbeknownst to her, my friend is one of David Lachapelle's best friends and when I was in England I never heard the song or saw her on the news except for the show and David Lachapelle had no knowledge of her. I just cant stand that lying shit. Maybe be a career as a publicist is in order.

I am proud thast she was able to get on TV and that perhaps she is working on song and maybe it will be a hit. She wont be the first as before her have come Dana International, Amanda Lear, and even Rupaul were a ground breakers. I wish her no ill, but the show itself was really misdirected and the view such mixed signals that I was confused. To alot of us on here it is different because we understand the life a little more, but to t he general public who often has no clue about our life, I think our image has been twisted even a little more. I will tell you something, EVERYONE, thinks that our agenda is to fool "straight" guys, take them home, and then reveal our true identity. I could tell you that from every interview I have done that is one of the first and always most sought out questions.

It will be very interesting to see where this all goes and I will tell you something- I think what the contestant winner is so right on track about he said. I have a friend who is a sex change and went out with a guy for 3 years before she had the nerve to tell him the truth. He ultimately left her not because she was a transsexual but because she had decieved him for so long.

I do wish her luck and success, but I hope she never tuns into one of those angry contestant unexpectedly who migh just give her more than she bargained more.

PS. On a little Lachapelle news, he just shot the book cover for Vanessa Del Rio's upcoming autobiography. I know fans of her would be happy to know.