View Full Version : a letter from an ex provider

03-26-2004, 12:24 AM
I don't really use SER that much but i thought this was an interesting post:

I'm an ex-provider. I'm using a friend's account. I check in from time to time to see what's going on in this world. I think this forum has the potential to be great. It could protect both client and provider from harm by way of stds, muggings, etc. But I've been reading a lot of the posts-particularly the one by Iconoclast who asks if "t-girls are unobtainable." I've also read some of the reviews. While some seem fair and well-written, others are mean and hurtful. (Mine were always good, so I'm not bitter about that!) So I'd like to offer a providers point of view here. I'm going to be pretty blunt, and I hope no-one takes offense. I certainly intend to hurt no-one's feelings.

First, I don't think you guys understand transsexual women at all. First, most of us see ourselves not as "shemales" "trannies" or anything of that sort. I think of myself as essentially a woman–period. Shemales and other terms are appropriate here (SER) because they are in the realm of fantasy. What I mean here is that a gg stripper friend of mine once told me that she worked in the lines of fantasy fulfillment. I think that certainly describes the so-called Shemale escort scene. Essentially we provide homosexual contact for men who want the veneer of heterosexuality. Let's face it, the vast majority of you guys are really into us because we have a dick. That's just about the only thing that separates us from other women. For whatever reason, many tranny chasers (sorry that's the main term for your community at this point) seem to deny that they desire homosexual contact. On the other hand, most of the posts here (and reviews) emphasize how big a "girl's" genitalia is, how well it functions or if she is good at fucking men in the ass. Of my clientele, 95% were bottoms.

The problem is that most of us women see ourselves as women. In other words, none us are hard-wired to do the kind of job that you guys want done. You guys want us primarily for the part of our body that we are least comfortable about. In real life, I don't want a blow job. I get no pleasure from it, and it really bores me. My dick feels like concrete from the hormones, but I don't really care about that it being numb because I pretty much hate the fact that I have a dick! Moreover, I have never desired to penetrate a man's ass & since I'm retired sincerely hope that I never will have to again in my life. That said, I did & do appreciate the business when I was working. Again, I tried to do my best, although it didn't always work out. Sometimes it was just difficult trying to get an errection to do something I didn't really want to do. Every time I did it I felt a measure of repulsion. But I realized I was in the business of fantasy fulfillment, so I did my best all the time, for each client. There were times (particularly when it was a hairy ass: especially not my thing!) I was so repulsed I had a hard time keeping an erection. But I did my best. Remember, because this is a business relationship you don't get to pick and choose men. You have to take what comes across your door step. I've had 350 pound guys on their knees egging me on to '**** me like bitch!" It was hard to keep an errection (and to keep from laughing!) but I always did my best regardless. I tried to do it with grace and some sense of class and friendliness.

My sexuality is bisexual. Most tgs are bisexual and if you think about it, that makes a lot of sense. However, I prefer men. But I prefer men who are men–straight men who have no interest in my penis. I plan to loose it when I get the 15k (it's not $100,000s of dollars as one post mentioned) and move into life as genetically (well as much as possible) indistinguishable from any other woman. Not all of my sisters will go this route, but many if not most do. Even the ones who keep their penis have been pretty adamant about not particularly likeing the ‘topping' aspect of the work. But we tell you what you want to hear. It's our job.

I also like women and probably could enter in a long-term relationship with a tolerant lesbian. (I know of at least three top TS escorts who in their personal lives identify as lesbians.) But again, I would promise not to use my penis and we could have a fun lesbian relationship in other ways. Once you get estrogen flowing in your veins sex becomes less a pure physical act and more of a mental thing. I get off on sex (not through my estrogen deadened penis) because my man desires me, the intimacy, and the feeling of love it creates. Fantasy fulfillment doesn't offer those advantages because it's a business meeting between two consenting adults. But I tried to make my clients happy & leave satisfied.

Because I'm active in transgender politics, I know a tremendous amount of trans women both escorts and non-escorts. I've never heard of one who desires men as "bottoms" in their personal life. In fact, the terminology "top" and "bottom" has its origins in gay male sexual contact. If a ts woman were essentially satisfied by being a sexual "top" why would she take medications to deaden her penis & eventually have it inverted into a vagina? Because you are the paying client of the relationship, it is conducted according to your wishes, with our veto power of course. Therefore, when we go out and are approached by men who are "into" transsexuals, we are less than likely to give you the time of day. The kind of sex you desire is not what we like. In fact, we may even be repulsed because we know what you want. Still, that gives us no reason to be impolite or rude as I've seen many sisters do to an admirer. On the other hand, a lot of tranny chasers approach you with this opening line: "I'm straight–BUTT." It's the line we all dread to hear and can see right through. You want to have homosexual contact with us and not feel your heterosexuality challenger. Moreover, because their heterosexuaity probably felt challenged I've been in gay bars and had chasers insult my gay male friends, while trying to reaffirm their 'straight' nature. That's appalling behavior often spurs rudeness on the part of the ts woman. On the other hand, some admirers do admit to being bisexual and I have to say I respect guys like that a lot more. But I would no longer date a bisexual man.

Many of the posts complain about the looks of some of the escorts. Many of you guys are middle-age, balding, hairy and in less than superb physical shape. Most guys claim "average looking." That's ok. In fact, a couple of my ex-clients I now consider personal friends have these very same physical attributes. Now that I'm out of the business I would never have sex with them again, but I enjoy their conversation, etc. So I'm not being shallow here. But remember if you are going to a club and trying to hit on a trans woman who is a "ten" she's most likely looking for someone in her category regarding looks. I've been hit on by professional sports figures and have picked up extremely hot, built guys who were not tranny chasers, but once they understood my gender status just thought I was a hottie. Sex with guys like this has never involved my penis, hence it was more satisfactory to me.

Also, remember few of you want a trans girl unless she's absolutely passable. The vast majority of us are clockable as non-genetic females. Like ggs most of us are not raving beauties and we come in all shapes, sizes and colors. You guys that want to date ts women don't want to date an average looking girl–you want the model type. You then complain because they want the same things out of life that a gg model-type would want or expect. There are a lot of average looking tranny women out there who are lonely, but you guys would never seriously date, so I feel a little less bitchy criticizing you about often being less than tens yourselves.

Would I date a tranny Chaser? No. Like the poster Dmoreass, many of you are high HIV risks. I know, I'm the ex-whore, but I always insisted on condoms for every activity. Believe me, it drove some customers away, but I didn't care about that. I've had clients offer me more money to perform unprotected, but always refused. Mark my words: If a girl is practicing unprotected sex in anyway, there's probably a reason. Protect yourself and the provider: insist upon condoms even if she doesn't! There was one local girl who was full-blown AIDs, but continued to advertise on her webpage as "drug & disease free." Dmoreass should be worried. Another girl I know "married" a former tranny chaser. Turns out he couldn't stop bottoming and ended up going to the gay baths each day for lunch. He parked his ass in the sling until he was loaded with the HIV, which he of course passed on to his innocent wife. He's now dead and she's in the final stages of AIDS. Many of you have never lost friends from AIDS. In fact, one of my gay male friends is close to the end even now. I have seen and lost friends–it's real to me. Many tranny chasers are risk takers. I am/was not. That's one reason why I wouldn't date a tranny chaser.

Reason number two is that you guys want dick. We've already been over this territory, but to further expand... I don't want to use my dick. See, it just doesn't work between a trans woman and a tranny chaser. Every relationship, straight or gay needs a yin/yang. I see myself as the yang and don't need to be paired up with another yang! That's why so few straight ts women are able to stay with their female wives if they transition late in life. Moreover, many of the women (particularly in clubs) are hostile toward you guys because when they first come out, they mistakenly think you want them because of their femininity. But once they realize that it's about the dick, they become disillusioned and hostile. Also, a lot of the guys who pursue us are simply about sex and most of us seek love like any other human being.

Another thing I'd like to mention is that we are not all materialistic. Well, not any more materialistic than any other woman.(smile) Sure, I'd like the nice things in life. I'd like bmw, a immaculate house and first-class ward-robe. However, the guy I love is an honest blue collar worker. Still, I wouldn't trade him in for a richer model. I have a Gucci purse, but it's fake. I drive an average car, work a decent job and am now quite content. We aren't even necessarily expensive to keep. My bottle of injectivle hormones costs about $35 and lasts close to a year. Premarin costs about $28 a month. These days most insurance companies even cover the meds if not the final surgery. For female to male ts however, it is very expensive. The phalloplasty surgery is upwards of 40k and doesn't always 'take.' But for most of my sisters, it's not necessarily expensive anymore. Some of my sisters are more into luxury, but that's how some ggs are too. Really, I think most ts women are hopeless romantics–like any other woman. We would like a strong man (read: not a bottom!) to be our partner–one who understands us and accepts us as simply women: not a chick with a dick. So maybe I wouldn't date one of you guys because we are sexually incompatible. But I would be your friend.

To sum-up, that's why we seem unobtainable. I don't think you "admirers have a very good grasp of our community. It's not your fault. Your exposure to us is through porn and sordid stories in news--or of course Springer. However, a relationship with one of us would move to the beat of a different drummer than an escort experience where we provide fantasy fulfillment. If we take your cash, I believe we owe you guys the best that we can give. On the other hand, you guys have to realize that we are only human. For most of you guys, trans contact is something best left in the realm of fantasy fulfillment. Of course, these are only my opinions. However, I do know escorts in non-escorts throughout the nation in way that clients perhaps never would. So I think I do speak for a large segment of my community.

Finally, some tips to having a good session. Be clean & freshly showered. I always tried to be out freshly out of the shower. Douche if you are a big time bottom: try a throw-away enema. You can get the disposable ones for $1 a wahlmart. It's not perfect, but it often prevents unwanted mess. Make sure you have fresh breath!!! Negotiate what kind of experience you want upfront. A lot of guys are disapointeed when the girl doesn't satisfy him, but then he's never told her what he wants. Try to emphasize her femininity (even if you are going to bottom) and she'll respond better. One of my personal turn-offs was when guys would pay to much attention to my dick or talk about it excessively. Be safe.

I hope this helps and doesn't piss you all off too much.

Retired Pro.

03-26-2004, 02:06 AM
While this girl made some good points, I do think it was much more of a
personal view point and not in general speaking with the entire community.

I myself am not a fan of generilazations but I have met transsexuals who are very feminine and who love their penises and enjoy being a top. So I dont think the "I hate my penis" line is applicable to everyone.

Also, I don't know if it is fair to say that getting fucked in the ass is "homosexual" contact. If a "stra8" man who does't like t girls or men gets fucked with a dildo by his girlfriend because he enjoys the feeling does that make him gay because he got fucked or str8 because it was done by a genetic woman?

As progressive as some transsexuals are I believe many as the the writer of this article, are bound by tranditional stereotypes and convictions.
I think the sooner we all start abandoning labels and stop worrying about that if something feels good that makes you something you should not be we would all begin to accept purselves much more. The first time I ever slept with a woman was for porn and I had an open mind to doing it and enjoying it.

I feel like a transsexual woman and at times yes I have wished I had a vagina but I have also had immeassureable pleasure from my penis. I do not hate my penis but I could also believe I could live without having it in turn for a surgically made vagina.

Life is all about making YOU happy and living for YOU. I refuse to live by traditional social sexual convictions and roles...don't you find that incredibly boring?

03-26-2004, 03:59 AM
I'd also vastly dis-agree with most transgenders being bi-sexual. I've met very few who are into girls and many find the thought sex with girls abhorrent. I think once a transgender has taken the decision to work in the sex industry as a model, escort or whatever - she needs to realise that she is going to be a "shemale" while working within that industry.

Do most men go with transgenders to have "homosexual contact for men who want the veneer of heterosexuality." I don't think so, they are looking for something different and I have many friends who aren't penis-orientated and who date post-op transgenders as well as non-op.

Overall I think she has made some valid points but is as misguided and as acute in her views as the rest of us are on this subject. Bottom line is, transgenders and the guys into them cannot be covered by one viewpoint.

03-26-2004, 04:22 AM
I still don't understand why a tranny doesn't like me because I like HER?? Also, these tranny girls tell me their boyfriends have sex with them and don't pay attention to their cocks. gimmie a fucking break. Deep down, these guys want she-dick just like us.

03-26-2004, 07:51 AM
Flabby they don't like you because of how you perceive them. They want you to like them believing they are girls. That's how they like to pick up straight guys (personally I believe most of the guys know already) and say "My boyfriend is straight, he's never been with a Tgirl, he just likes girls." It's an ego thing a lot of the time with them and an in-security. The girls who are more confident are the ones you see posting on here and secure with who they are, and who likes them.

I meet a lot of girls online and then meet them - many non-working girls from face-pic.com, adultfriendfinder.com, outpersonals.com, yahoo.com etc.
Here's my advice when writing them.
Never ever ever ever ever - bring up their penis in a first contact - or even anything to do with sex. Just be cool, fun and straightforward. Don't bullshit and send a photo - better still have a profile on the site with your photo.
Even if writing and chatting on the phone prior to a meet, don't bring it up, just chat to them as you would any girl. If you get to meeting - then see what happens - in the heat of the bed everything/anything might go but it's the way she has perceived who you are and what you are into.
Does this make sense? Pah - I'm off from a drink.

03-26-2004, 06:25 PM
For me meeting trans girl has been almost as easy as meeting regular girls online. And usually their penises were brought on early on. And we had sex early on too. Only once that wasn't the case. But hey I'm lucky, I'm pretty good looking. And I seem really "straight". Well that's what I was told and they really seemed to like that.

03-26-2004, 06:43 PM
There is a difference between a sexual encounter, a visit to an escort, and a real date, or a relationship.

Good looking and acting "str8" as you call it (what the hell does that mean anyway?????, I know several GAY men who look heterosexual and know many heterosexual men who are feminine/metrosexuals) has nothing to do with it.

It has to do with the fact that if you want a transsexual girlfriend you have see beyond the penis and see the whole person not just a fuck.

Alot of girls are online just for hook ups bet then again so are alot of other people. I refrain from that kind of activity-maybe when I was ignorant and younger but I value myself much more than that now.

03-26-2004, 08:10 PM
There is a difference between a sexual encounter, a visit to an escort, and a real date, or a relationship.

Good looking and acting "str8" as you call it (what the hell does that mean anyway?????, I know several GAY men who look heterosexual and know many heterosexual men who are feminine/metrosexuals) has nothing to do with it.

It has to do with the fact that if you want a transsexual girlfriend you have see beyond the penis and see the whole person not just a fuck.

Alot of girls are online just for hook ups bet then again so are alot of other people. I refrain from that kind of activity-maybe when I was ignorant and younger but I value myself much more than that now.

The seeming straight thing was their comments. Not mine. I was just repeating them. I kinda wonder what it meant myself.

03-26-2004, 11:38 PM
I have to agree with Alannah and Senchai on this one. I also have to add, it seems she has been deeply affected by her escort encounters. I mean let's face it, being an escort is kind of like being a cop, you see the worst of people alot of the time. I've sat a few of my TS's friend places and heard the calls that come in. Most are truely pathetic attempts to get attention.

In fact, sometimes when I go out to straight clubs and spot a transexual that's hot, I have to play a game that I dont really know what she's hiding. Then she plays the game back like I think she's a girl etc... to get to know her. Sometimes its fun, sometimes it's tiresome. Anyways, I could talk alot about this but she isn't here to respond. What I can do is leave you all with my famous quote that I tell all the transexuals I've had the pleasure to meet. Feel free to steal it, but give me credit. LOL.

"If having a dick doesn't make you a man, then losing ya dick wont make you a woman."


03-27-2004, 02:18 AM
KD, that's real clever. Question: When you meet a tgirl at a straight club and play the 'game', how do you know she's a he?

Vicki Richter
03-27-2004, 02:44 AM
In fact, sometimes when I go out to straight clubs and spot a transexual that's hot, I have to play a game that I dont really know what she's hiding. Then she plays the game back like I think she's a girl etc... to get to know her. Sometimes its fun, sometimes it's tiresome.

This was funny. I love that game.

Vicki Richter
03-27-2004, 02:51 AM
KD, that's real clever. Question: When you meet a tgirl at a straight club and play the 'game', how do you know she's a he?

Flabby... Come on now... I can clock a T *at least* 90% of the time no matter how good they look. To the average person who hasn't analyzed transsexuals, they are generally very clueless - and very easy to mislead, but for those of us who live it, we can tell. If this guy has been dating/seeing TS girls for any substantial length of time, he can just tell with a high degree of accuracy... He's probably also seen some in their ad's out and about. Ya know?


Vicki Richter
03-27-2004, 03:01 AM
OK - Final reply. The person who wrote this message was incredibly intelligent and articulate. I am very impressed. I wish I knew who she was. In fact, whoever you are, e-mail me vicki@vickirichter.com and I won't tell. I am interested in some of your insights and would like to debate outside of the forum.

I mean, regardless of whether or not you folks agree or disagree, you have to admit this person had a lot of interesting things to say.

The scarey thing is I don't use injectables... all pills... but I've noticed that when I go for about a 3 month spurt of mones, my shecock (patents pending) does start to get numb. After about 2 weeks without, I am fine again. It's a tripping feeling though. It is most worrysome to me... I always worry that I am going to go too far without holding back and it will stay like that.

I love to cum... Damn it.


03-27-2004, 04:35 AM
Vicki, are you turned off if a guy seeks you out cause you've gota dick? Can you say your real life boyfriend is totally into you as a girl and doesn't care about your xtra package?

Vicki Richter
03-27-2004, 06:30 AM
Vicki, are you turned off if a guy seeks you out cause you've gota dick? Can you say your real life boyfriend is totally into you as a girl and doesn't care about your xtra package?

Not at all! But I never said I agreed with everything that girl said silly. I only said basically that I thought she was intelligent and wrote well. I think almost all guys into shemales love the xxxtra.

03-27-2004, 10:14 AM
This is certainly an interesting thread...especially to see the different responses to the points made.

Most of what the poster argued on behalf of coincides with much of what I have studied in terms of transgenderism in my sociology classes.

Verrrry interesting...

Vicki Richter
03-27-2004, 07:44 PM
That last post by "J" was good too. I am really liking this thread. I use the web as a forum to augment my entertainment (obviously) and this thread ranks high from a personal entertainment perspective.

I, myself, from a personal morale perspective make a point not to mock people behind their backs... I slip up sometimes like anyone, but I am always mentally apologetic for it if that makes sense. While I'm not "over-the-top" from a religious standpoint, I do feel that I have a good relationship with God. This contributes significantly to my personal ethics. I try to treat people like I want to be treated... I also believe in Karma as a universal law of sorts. There you go, there's my philosophy.

Additionally, the guys I date in my personal life don't have to be super model good looking. I date men for #1 personality. #2 possibility of a healthy LTR existing. #3 financial stability. Everything else comes later. Things like culture, ability to cook, and good taste are all important, but I've never said, "I sacrifice to look like this, so you should look good too". Of course it is nice when guys take care of their bodies... I mean the "body beautiful" approach helps people love themselves. It's just not something that I worry too much about.

I do have a very different view of women. If I am going to be physical with a woman, she has to be attractive in an above average sort of way. I mostly only am with GG's in movies, so that works out great for me. I don't believe in BBW's. I just don't see it. I have spent a lot of money and made personal sacrifices to look the way I do and I see women throw away their natural beauty and get obese. They can tell themselves whatever they want to to justify it, but I am very hard on women from the standpoint of them maintaining their appearance to the best of their ability.

Some areas where I agree with the poster are: hairy butts. Sorry I just don't get turned on by that. If the poster was able to get hard and fuck guys with hairy asses, all the power to her. I can't. It's just not in my mental design for sexual turn on. Also I am a clean freak. If I let someone fuck me, it is because I have done the porn star thing prior to sex... I'm like super clean... I think guys should get educated on this for sure.

Oh I am bisexual in a healthy way and lots of the girls in the adult video industry tend to be that way. However, I would definitely say that the majority of shemales are NOT bisexual. Many that I have met are totally grossed out by women or other transsexuals from a sexual standpoint. I prefer it this way. I don't ever hit on transsexuals (if it happens, it happens) and I let women hit on me... I prefer men probably 80% to 20% so it just works better that way.

Oh and I do like my shecock a lot. I don't ever plan to have SRS. Never say never of course, but today it's not in my plans.

Finally, I think this is the first time I really agreed with everything Allanah had to say. Whether or not I agree with her she tends to be very insightful.


03-27-2004, 07:45 PM
I agree also the post did make some fine points but as Ms. Starr said she did generalize her opinion. I enjoy interacting with all of you on the board, & I do like many of the ts ladies we've posted here but for sure that doesn't make me gay. I have no desire to be a top, middle or bottom (lol) I don't put a label on sex or position (its sex no rules apply lol). It is helpful that if a person escorts & she wants to be a "top" or doesn't like a particular thing to say so in her ad, I'm glad more & more ads I see are starting to do just that.

I can understand why a ts lady would reject a guy who just wants a "dick". I guess Ts ladies in a way can be a hiding place for guys who are homosexual, but don't want to be seen with guys.
I don't think that's the case for most guys that like Tgirls. Speaking for myself I like ts ladies for what they are & shit lets be real here, a lot of them look 10 times better than ggs. The same feeling I see a pic of a perfect 10 gg is the same feeling I get when I see a photo of Ms Starr.

Just because I like ts ladies doesn't make me gay, these ladies have spent much money to look like the perfect woman....duh how can a guy not be attracted. I don't like dudes but I am a fan of anyone who looks good, a thick ass & nice tits are a must TS or GG if u look good u look good. extra equip & all.

Every guy is different & I'm not trying to knock anyone else cause to each his/her own.

03-28-2004, 05:32 AM
I am somewhat of the same thinking as longman. I dig the female form/body, tits ass face etc. whether "she" has a pussy, cock, or even manmade pussy, it makes no difference to me. It's the overall look that matters. I don't find guys attractive at all.
I think this a point that a lot of t-girls are missing.
It's the look of the girl that I'm first attracted to and catches my attention, the fact that she may have a cock is just a bonus if it ends up being that way.
But I'd also like to say that I'm into all sorts of different girls with different looks and bodies. She doesn't have to have the tightest body or prettiest face in the world. To me it's the attitude, sexuality and passion of a girl that's most important, not supermodel looks. You will run across the hottest looking girls (tg or gg) but some will be ugly on the inside.
Then you have the guys out there that are really into cock but not into guys or the way that they look. These dudes end up going for t-girls because they find girls and cocks attractive but not the guys that the cock is attached to, if that makes any sense.

03-28-2004, 01:34 PM
Bah, new here. Time to give a bit of the otherside of the story, Miss j. :roll:

I'm a 23 year old 155 5'10 Guy. I'm not being an egomaniac here or whatever, But I can get a girl quite easily. I'm not the typical 350 pound middleaged guy you'll see begging a Girl to nail him in the ass bareback.

Whenever I go to clubs, Soundfactory, Avalon, Kush or wherever. I see T-girls attracted to only the following guys:

#1 Eurotrash scenesters. These fucking guys are 5'5 weighing a buck, buck ten if they're lucky. With the knitted cap or Von Dutch hat.. These guys usually have a circle of Tgirls around them, not regular girls..just tgirls. I dunno why.

#2 Scrubby hoodrats. This leans alot more toward the spanish / asian tgirls around. I guess they're a sucker for a 5'8 mexican guy with a celtics jersey.

Now, I can flirt with a Tgirl, play the game where I have no idea she's packing "heat" or whatever you'd like to call it. It's tedious, it's not worth it. I could give two shits less if you have a dick or not, If you're good looking, thats all that matters. You don't have to instantly pass me off as a "Tranny Chaser" (which is one of the worst fucking terms since top and bottom). I'm curious to know, Thats it.

As for seeing 250+ pound guys coming to your door for an escort. You're selling yourself honey, you can't be picky when you're selling yourself. Suck it up and do it, or get out of the profession. It's a simple concept here. It's not like you're paying the guy.

OR. You could do the following: Be open with the guy, try not to be the typical Ego-fucking-maniac tgirl who thinks being passable makes her the Next Gisele Bundchen. This is the thing that honestly bothers me the most. If you're a 5'11 Girl with a face like John Madden, makeup, no tits and a voice that would rival Berry white: You're not passable.

Now I'm not being angsty about this. I know a few really, really nice tgirls. And I don't know who you're hanging out with, but I couldn't name you a single Tgirl who's bisexual. Almost all of them are strictly men.

And thats about it.

03-28-2004, 09:51 PM
Nice writing MBomb - good to see someone using the language!
Those are the tgirls you see at those clubs - who are going for those sorts of guys - that's part of that "club" scene. You'll find the girls who aren't into the club scene are generally into the guys with a bit more class.

03-28-2004, 10:40 PM
To respond about the clocking part. I can tell easily a TS from a GG. I have never met a girl who I thought to be a TS and was really a girl. First, I look at the feet. Since most ladies prefer open toed shoes nowadays, it makes this way a sure give away. Then when ya dance, check out the hands, another part which is a dead give away. Next check the Adams apple, it takes a shitload of hormones to make that smaller. Then you listen to her voice, if she sounds like Kathleen Turner, another dead give away. After all these things and I happen to take this girl I clocked home and she happens to be a real woman, so be it. Noone said because I like TS's, I dont fuck girls too. Too be honest, most the time, I dont care if it's a TS or a girl when I go out. I try to take home the finest girl or TS possible. If it's a tie, I'll go for the TS.

Another give away is what I call the Paris Hilton effect. Alot of TS girls dress like her. Same glasses, same dress types. You know, a little more slutty than what the average girl would wear. Vicki is right, I've been clocking TS's since I was 16. It also helped growing up down the street from what used to be the Queen Mary. Though, I rare went there because clocking there is way too easy and half the guys there would try to fuck me too if I gave them the chance. Not to mention the TV's who used to show up with goatee's and unshaven chests. Uhhggg.


Here in LA, the Euro trash and wanna thugs are replaced with Armenians, Persians etc with Mercedes Benz's. Too funny.

03-29-2004, 01:56 AM
Ok. IT IS SO CLEAR, some of you have have no CLUE about us and the life.

Darling where did you hear that hormones can reduce an adams apple?
That is made of cartilage. It can be shaved down by a procedure called a tracheal shave. Sometimes you need 2 if it is very prominent.

All I have to say is that women come ina ll different shapes and sizes and the reason so many of you can clock the girls is because you have a trained eye. If you are a seasoned chaser then you will no. no matter how small the feet, the hands, the voice- WHATEVER.

Hmm, is called intuition fellas.

03-29-2004, 04:12 AM
I don't really understand all the back and forth about trannychasers, top or bottom, hairy asses, Adam's apples etc etc etc......what I do know is that there are sexy and sexual people...most often women for me and occasionally (and kick me if I use the wrong term here cos' I'm not sure what is 'acceptable and what isn't) transsexuals. Ultimately most of the idiots that make make negative comments (let's say mine right now isn't negative :) but strictly objective) are merely tight-assed conservatives masquerading as intellectual liberals and I assure you intellectual and liberal are not mutually exclusive. These wannabes can most likely do with a good fuck IN the ass as it might loosen them up a little and make them think twice about making judgements - however nicely phrased - about others. People we are human beings, we bleed the same, we experience the same things in life though the medium may be different. Let's not try to complicate issues by pointing dirty fingers at each other and making prononcements which only serve to differentiate and alienate. Do we ALL love sex? YES! Then let's just enjoy it with whomever (or whatever) turns our crank without hurting anyone else. Read Tom Jons folks (not the motor-hipped guy from Wales either) and let's just free our minds.

I like Allanah's style.....she always manages to be patient with everyone on here. She has never made negative remarks about Megabody although he never tires of throwing barbs at girls who look like her......she never uses language to discriminate or alienate and by rights she probably could since she has become so darn successful. I don't profess to be a paragon of anything other than desire (my greatest weakness) but I do like to read what she writes because it seems so bloody logical and makes so much sense. At the end of the day it is about the inidvidual doing what they want to make themselves happy (speaking with regard to gender) and empowering themselves. Enough with the bigoted, sexually-driven negativity!

03-29-2004, 08:50 AM

You said a mouthful there, you goofy lookin fukk... lol

03-29-2004, 09:48 AM
And I don't know who you're hanging out with, but I couldn't name you a single Tgirl who's bisexual. Almost all of them are strictly men.

if you're in new york city and you don't know any bisexual tgirls you are sadly mistaken. I can think more than a few girls that either are bisexual or only see guys thru their ads. When they're not "working" they have a girlfriend/dyke wife at home. there's even a girl on black-tgirls who has a daughter with a lesbian from jersey.

03-29-2004, 10:11 AM
There are a few but it's certainly not the norm, it's a minority. A transsexual identifies with being a woman, a small pc of women are gay - so a small pc of transsexuals are gay also.
Mega - you're so mellow these days I don't know what's up?
No tight and tinys have came in for a while - will check out scene in Brazil next month.

03-29-2004, 10:22 AM
And I don't know who you're hanging out with, but I couldn't name you a single Tgirl who's bisexual. Almost all of them are strictly men.

if you're in new york city and you don't know any bisexual tgirls you are sadly mistaken. I can think more than a few girls that either are bisexual or only see guys thru their ads. When they're not "working" they have a girlfriend/dyke wife at home. there's even a girl on black-tgirls who has a daughter with a lesbian from jersey.

I guess we hangout with different groups eh? :roll:

03-29-2004, 10:25 AM
probably not, you know how some girls like to yap and yap and yap and tell everyone elses business lol, but some of their stories are just fucking incredible, hbo and showtime worthy.

03-29-2004, 05:58 PM
Don't go gettin yer panties in a bunch there. Yer the one that said it...I just agreed!!!

You know me... here, I'll give you a hint. I almost married your shadiest friend.

03-30-2004, 12:42 AM
ok.. so that clue might have been too vague. The shadey friend I'm talkin about IS married now. Nope, not from your hometown, that I know of. The only time I met you, we spent 3hrs in a 'tranny' bar watching her be 'shadey' and comparing notes on who we knew.

Oh.. that same night her shadey cousin dissed you. :lol:

03-30-2004, 02:08 AM
now you got it.

03-31-2004, 01:50 AM
While this girl made some good points, I do think it was much more of a
personal view point and not in general speaking with the entire community.

I myself am not a fan of generilazations but I have met transsexuals who are very feminine and who love their penises and enjoy being a top. So I dont think the "I hate my penis" line is applicable to everyone.


I feel like a transsexual woman and at times yes I have wished I had a vagina but I have also had immeassureable pleasure from my penis. I do not hate my penis but I could also believe I could live without having it in turn for a surgically made vagina.

Life is all about making YOU happy and living for YOU. I refuse to live by traditional social sexual convictions and roles...don't you find that incredibly boring?

I have been a very active participant in the original thread on SER on this subject, and the whole time I've been hoping that someone i highly respect like Allanah or Vicki would post a counterpoint to that expressed by ex-provider and a few other escorts (I won't give names here), but there was very little which was not negative (though thankfully Gia, who is very recently post-op, did post in a vein very similar to Allanah's, and Venus--one of my two favorite girls--did ask someone to post her opinion). So I finally came over to Hung Angels, and voila, the first response to the post is from none other than Allanah herself! I am so thankful to hear your comments, Allanah.

I have no problem with the general assessment that a majority--perhaps a very large majority--of mtf transsexuals do not like their penises and want to transition fully to women. But as in any human arena, the one thing I truly hate is when "most" becomes twisted into "all". Of course there are exceptions, and I know at least two fairly well (one for two years now). So Allanah, after over a week of the debate raging over in SER (their biggest thread ever, I think), it is a breath of fresh air to read your comments. You go, girl.

03-31-2004, 02:17 AM
OK - Final reply. The person who wrote this message was incredibly intelligent and articulate. I am very impressed.

I mean, regardless of whether or not you folks agree or disagree, you have to admit this person had a lot of interesting things to say.

Ah! And now I hear from Vicki! I guess the climate over at SER is just wrong for these responses, given the focus on escort reviews...so much a meat market mentality, which I don't like about it (but it's still a great resource for info about escorts and about ts/male sex and relations). Anyway, Vicki, I totally agree with you, which is why I posted quite actively in the SER thread. I couldn't agree with some of her assumptions, especially when she turned "most" into "all", which is a slam for any T who doesn't think the way she does (and maybe 90% of all T's, I don't know since I only know one at all well and a few in passing as it were--not all sexually or in escort mode, mind you). But I did appreciate the thought and the perspective she brought to the dialogue.

The scarey thing is I don't use injectables... all pills... but I've noticed that when I go for about a 3 month spurt of mones, my shecock (patents pending) does start to get numb. After about 2 weeks without, I am fine again. It's a tripping feeling though. It is most worrysome to me... I always worry that I am going to go too far without holding back and it will stay like that.

I love to cum... Damn it.


Vicki, I have one TS friend--an escort, yes, but someone I have known for two years and with whom I have developed a friendship outside the professional arena--who has shared similar experiences she's had with hormones with me. At one point, she did go "numb" and could not "perform" fully; actually, it got to the point where she would endanger her liver if she continued using hormones at that level. So she stopped taking them, and like you say, she was right back to her old self. She felt much better that way; she told me she felt like herself; she is a very horny lady and loves it, like you say you do. I can't keep up with her (I know, that's a big problem, huh).

Thing is, I love being with her all ways. Sometimes she wants to top me so many ways I can't believe it. Sometimes I top her, or we just do oral. We spend a lot of time cuddling and chatting. I see her totally as a woman (and the most beautiful I've ever been with, tg or gg, in over 30 years) and always give her little gifts. I'm happily married to a woman I've known and loved for almost 30 years, so I'm not looking to fall in love or have a gf or any of that, but I deeply value the GFE that this girl brings to my life, in every way (and my wife is cool with it, which makes me pretty damn lucky).


04-05-2004, 08:49 PM
So Mega ... how is Skylene ??? :o

04-05-2004, 11:02 PM
I have read all the comments in this posting. I don't usually respond but I felt I must.

Life is far too short and for many beautiful people with special situations and/or considerations far too unhappy in so many ways. I would like to think that all the ladies that responded to this posting can find what makes them happy (with or without a penis or whatever) and find happiness in their decision with the right person and/or people that they live with day to day. Again, whatever makes you happy is really what life is all about. I also hope that someway..somehow you can find others that would respect your decision and be sensitive to your decision and not condem you for it but provide support and understanding. The majority of ladies I have met (with a penis) just want to be respected as..first..a person...and second as a lady with or without a penis..and (3) as a special person with very special feelings they want people around them that are sensitive to their special situation and feelings.

Yes, I do pay for the company of special ladies with a penis when I can afford it but there are reasons. I love a penis but then to I love the sensitivity that many of the special ladies have for those of us that appreciate such ladies. Sorry, again I do love a penis but I love the sensitivity, appearance, and special consideration that these ladies provide to those of us that appreciate such ladies. I do NOT mean to demean anything about special ladies and I certainly do not mean to offend them in any way at all. I appreciate them as they are with all their special sensitivity.

It has been my experience that so many special ladies have gone without someone that really appreciates their decision to be a special lady with a penis that it has turned them sometimes very hard. I have found that it is very hard for these ladies to accept a man, such as myself, that really do appreciate them and thank god that they are out there to help us live out what we really want and desire. Sorry...do not want to sound crude...I just want to be honest about my enter most feelings and hope that some of you special ladies know that there are some of us out there that really love you being there to help us be happy.

In Summary: The special ladies out there are sensitive, many times very beautiful (inside and outside) and many of us really do appreciate you being there for us that love a beautiful lady with a functional penis.

Thank YOU and please be happy because we certainly are happy when we have the opportunity to be in your company and NOT just for sex!

Please stay with us and be strong and I hope you find people that you can surround yourself with that will really appreciate you as you!


04-06-2004, 06:35 AM
That "special lady" thing sounds silly.

04-12-2004, 11:17 PM
From a debate on "Tranny Chasers" in the "Archive" section at www.tgboards.com

are you not aware of the contradictions you're presenting here? let me make this plain... to all appearances, you do not see transwomen as women at all, but as modified men. you even make a sidestep to assure us that you "prefer women" but then return to the very specific nature of your desire, and your view of transwomen as somehow "other".

as kristi tried to point out, living with being "the other" is a condition that many of us face quite realistically... but we don't necessarily like it, and we don't necessarily like it being the sole motivation for attraction. it fetishizes a person, and reduces their status from fully human to object.

if you really want to understand... *listen*. really listen. don't project your own fantasies onto the group that you want to think embodies them. further, before you make any more bald assertions about what is and is not a male or a female, a man or a woman, please, *please* take some time to read some relevant literature on just what transexualism is, and how it is variously expressed and experienced. honoring a person's identity is the first, most important step to having anything like a real dialogue with them. understanding it, even though it is beyond your expectations, knowledge or experience, would be a next step.

04-12-2004, 11:27 PM
This is a good debate. Here's another post that neatly sums up the majority opinion of ts women:

"I'm a woman, want me for who I am," said one of the TS girls in our chatroom.

That appears to be a central point in the relationship dynamic in the transsexual community. The admirer focuses on the TS as an erotic fantasy, a feminine appearance that comes equipped with a penis. The penis is central to her appeal to the typical admirer, our TS girls say. As one pointed out, an admirer is definitely not someone looking for a girl who has had, or plans to have, sexual reassignment surgery.

"I believe that guys like being with a pre-op because they can explore what it's like with another penis, and justify it because she looks like a woman," said one TS. "And then they don't feel guilt or shame."

Another observed, "If I wanted to have sex as a man, I would have remained a man and saved myself a helluva lot of money and heartache."

Interestingly, one girl pointed out that costuming, makeup and wigs are an attraction for most admirers. She noted that admirers she's known have no interest at all in a transsexual woman who is visually indistinguishable from a natural female.

"Most guys think we are a TS for the sex and sensuality, but it has nothing to do with that, it's about the personality," complained one girl.

Fundamental to understanding the transsexual woman is to get past the idea that she enjoys being a sexual curiosity, a girl with a penis. Even those TS's who don't plan to have SRS regard that protruding object between their legs as a kind of foreign appendage. The TS has the soul of a WOMAN. If she is heterosexual, she typically wants a man who wants a woman. She is not looking for a man who wants to enjoy her penis.

"I can only speak for myself," observed one of our TS girls, "but I want the guy who wouldn't touch me there as a pre-op but who couldn't wait to touch me there as a post-op."

Confidence is mainly what separates the admirer from the regular guy. The willingness to treat the girl as a woman, not as a sexual curiosity to be played with only in a dark corner, out of view. The potential boyfriend is confident in his sexuality, is willing to show up for a date, is willing to be seen with her in public and around his friends and/or family.

In other words, he acts like any normal, regular guy would.

Which is precisely how a real TS woman wants a guy to behave.

01-10-2007, 06:12 AM
I am somewhat of the same thinking as longman. I dig the female form/body, tits ass face etc. whether "she" has a pussy, cock, or even manmade pussy, it makes no difference to me. It's the overall look that matters. I don't find guys attractive at all.
I think this a point that a lot of t-girls are missing.
It's the look of the girl that I'm first attracted to and catches my attention, the fact that she may have a cock is just a bonus if it ends up being that way.
But I'd also like to say that I'm into all sorts of different girls with different looks and bodies. She doesn't have to have the tightest body or prettiest face in the world. To me it's the attitude, sexuality and passion of a girl that's most important, not supermodel looks. You will run across the hottest looking girls (tg or gg) but some will be ugly on the inside.
Then you have the guys out there that are really into cock but not into guys or the way that they look. These dudes end up going for t-girls because they find girls and cocks attractive but not the guys that the cock is attached to, if that makes any sense.

That pretty much sums up my feelings on this subject.

01-10-2007, 06:38 AM

This could get interesting.

But for right now I have to
go to bed, we will revisit this
on the morrow......

