View Full Version : Has watching porn affected you?

05-11-2013, 11:53 AM
When I had my last GG girlfriend, I was watching so much ts porn that when I met up with my girl sometimes I wasn't in the mood for sex because I came so much already. She wasn't liking that at all so I had to adapt my porn watching habits and it was a real struggle! What I ended up doing was not watching any porn at all for at least 3 days before seeing her. I was always at my libido peak after 5 days so I would go for that. Then I'd show the girlfriend the time of her life and after she goes home I would have a massive jerk off fest to ts porn and she was none the wiser :)

Funny thing though, when I stopped seeing her and started meeting tgirls for real I could control my porn habits much more easier. It got to the point where I would only watch porn and go on a binge if I knew that I wasn't going to see a tgirl for a while like two weeks or so.

And now that I have a tgirlfriend and I have feelings for her I feel like she is better than so many of these girls in ts porn that I don't even desire to watch it at all. I want her to get all of my cum, I don't feel like wasting it. I don't need to fantasize about it because now I have it.

So have your porn habits changed when with someone and when single? Has it affected you in any way?

05-11-2013, 11:59 AM
it has shrunk my bank account

05-11-2013, 03:44 PM
Fuck that, as a single gal porn is my salvation

05-11-2013, 04:11 PM
And now that I have a tgirlfriend and I have feelings for her I feel like she is better than so many of these girls in ts porn that I don't even desire to watch it at all. I want her to get all of my cum, I don't feel like wasting it. I don't need to fantasize about it because now I have it.

This won't last.

05-11-2013, 04:41 PM
This won't last.

Yes it will, you cynic...until about Tuesday! :shrug

05-11-2013, 05:29 PM
I think in some ways porn has opened my mind up to new possiblities...can't see that as a bad thing. My tastes have evolved but I can't say how much that is due to porn or experience in real...I mean sex is very reinforcing, but so is porn.

I used to wonder if it was porn made me not like to fuck my wife...subsequent research has established that it wasn't the porn, it was her.:shrug

05-11-2013, 11:56 PM
Yeah I can kinda relate. For me though it was with a special GG that I was seeing. So for like a whole month I did without any porn or coming on here...when we split, 1st night I was on here amongst other porn tabs running.

05-12-2013, 01:59 AM
I think the internet has changed everyone in a bit when it comes to masturbation, expectations and the like.

Do i jerk off more than before? Probably not, but then I always viewed jerking off as a time killer and still do.

Are there people out there that view pornography as another outlet for their compulsion? more than likely, but i don't think pornography is the cause and more just another enabler.

I think any relationship (at least the healthy ones) usually have both partners masturbating at one point. You can't expect your sexual rhythms to match perfectly. What you're describing sounded like unresolved preferences. You couldn't have what you really wanted, so you found the next best thing and over indulged.

In the end, pornography is like alcohol, cigarettes, and weed: best done in moderation, but can be habit forming in certain individuals.

Willie Escalade
05-12-2013, 06:35 AM
When I hang out with them (the guys AND the girls), in the back of my mind is one of their scenes being played. Hey...it happens!

Quiet Reflections
05-12-2013, 06:59 AM
Because of porn I don't enjoy porn as much anymore

05-12-2013, 07:02 AM
You'll never find the bodies...

05-12-2013, 07:59 AM
I think it has affected me, even when I go to a hospital I expect a blowjob...

05-12-2013, 09:16 AM
Judeo-Christian inheritance is the only reason why we don’t find sex being shown more often in visual media, and anywhere else for that matter. We’re still so amazingly constipated when it comes to sex! Porn is just frank. It’s simple, to the point, never cracks your head with life’s boloney and usually manages to leave you happy. It still is my favourite genre in “cinematic arts”. :)
Moreover, considering how many people are still paralyzed when it comes to talk about it even today, in the 21st century, it is very educational, as MacShreach alluded to. It opens horizons, stimulates your sexual life, adds some salt in your life and has to somehow amplify in some way your private imagination.
Difficult to precisely define how it has affected my personal life, but in all probability, everything considered, I'd say quite a lot.

I think it has affected me, even when I go to a hospital I expect a blowjob...
Love nurses too, Chilli…