View Full Version : Marvel vs DC

04-28-2013, 03:56 AM
With Ironman 3 starting Friday May 3rd and Superman June 14th. i started to wonder what everybody thought of the two companys movies. what i mean is who do you think will win out in the comic book movie wars Marvel or DC

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/7p7rocHEecE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/T6DJcgm3wNY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

do ya'll think Marvel has made the better movies or has DC

04-28-2013, 04:01 AM
Movie wise I'm sorry to say (because I love DC) Marvel is way ahead. All DC has are the Batman movies and a lackluster Green Lantern and Superman (Returns) movie. Marvel has hit with Avengers, Iron Man, Hulk, Amazing Spider-Man, Captain America and Thor. They've all been good. Green Lantern and Superman Returns..not so much.
DC needs to step it up.

04-28-2013, 04:07 AM
sorry just relized i posted thor 2 trailer heres the ironman 3

Iron Man 3 -- Official Trailer UK Marvel | HD - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ke1Y3P9D0Bc)

04-28-2013, 04:14 AM
By far, Marvel has dished out way better movies! DC's flops of Supermans and Green Lantern are only...ONLY held up by Dark Knight! With the tenaciousness of Marvel characters and the intensity of it's stories...nothing that DC vomits out could surpass Marvel, especially since Marvel IS dishing out Ironman 3, The Wolverine, and Thor 2 this year. Capt America 2, Gardians of the Galaxy, X-Men: Days of Future Past, Amazing Spider-Man 2 in 2014. 2015....Avengers 2 and Ant-Man...and very possible Fantastic Four reboot. 2016 and on.....Hehehehe.....Hard talks about Thor 3, Avengers 3, Dr. Strange, Black Panther, Iron-Fist, Luke Cage, Deadpool, Hulk reboot (w/Rufallo), and continuing sequels. No...I doubt very much that Marvel's competition, DC, is going to make a dent.

Don't get me wrong, they can try...but it is going to be insanely hard. LMAO

04-28-2013, 04:18 AM
Eva, I get all those movies..looking foward to most of them..but..


A movie about Hank Pym? Seriously? I don't get it.

04-28-2013, 04:19 AM
by the way......if you haven't noticed.....I am a giant fan of Marvel! :) here an example of my love! A fan drawing of me as Iron Eva Cassini and when I went to LA in Feb...i had to take a pic of the man I love RDJ!!! :)

04-28-2013, 04:21 AM
Eva, I get all those movies..looking foward to most of them..but..


A movie about Hank Pym? Seriously? I don't get it.

lol....hey he was one of the founding member of the Avengers in the comics....so i think it may be good...toh not sure how they can pull it off....plus they need a way to introduce Janet Van Dyne ( Wasp ) too :)

04-28-2013, 04:21 AM
Im so tired of the "Superman Origin" retreads - I have no idea why Hollywood cant get it through their head that there's a ton of other great storylines waiting to be made around Superman - Im dying for somebody to do a whole "Doomsday" Death of Superman trilogy of films but they wont do it because they are too chicken shit to kill off the man of steel even for a little while.

Marvel has done slightly better but if I never see another Spiderman origin film again as long as I live I wont have felt I missed anything.

I also like how Marvel has interwoven the current story arcs to create the Avengers and create the Marvel Universe where the characters actually exist in all the films and you never know when someone is going to pop up for a cameo - just like the comics. That never happens in the DC films - each one is a island and you have to forget that there might be other hero's, villains or even world events outside the scope of the film.

One thing I know

We need a LOBO film with Frank Miller (sin city) directing and Mikey Rourke needs the lead :)



04-28-2013, 04:25 AM
Tempepst....very well said. I totally agree with everything! Bring on LOBO!!!!!!!

04-28-2013, 04:26 AM
lol....hey he was one of the founding member of the Avengers in the comics....so i think it may be good...toh not sure how they can pull it off....plus they need a way to introduce Janet Van Dyne ( Wasp ) too :)

I'd like to see Jane in the movies. The only way I can see this working is if he creates Ultron in it, setting up another Avengers movie. Maybe 3.

04-28-2013, 04:27 AM

04-28-2013, 04:27 AM
i think DC to at least compet w/ Marvel but the only way they have a shot is if they start by copying what Marvel did. Have i guy in charge of all the products. but they need to learn that line between making a movie that feels real and staying true the Comic.
to me the best best ex. is Nolans Batman movies and the Ironman movies.
Nolans batman to me was just a water down verison from the comics and the villians done badly.
Where as the in ironman itwas dead on. Marvel keep the feel of the comics gave it a little ground reality. and batman was to much reality

04-28-2013, 04:27 AM
Ditto for Lobo. Pass on Frank Miller. Did you see the Spirit?

04-28-2013, 04:42 AM
Ditto for Lobo. Pass on Frank Miller. Did you see the Spirit?

The Spirit was cheese ball - so was the original comic / zine all in all I think they stayed pretty close to being true to form with the film.

300 was Epic so was Sin City -

Miller was also the writer on Dark Knight Returns and Batman Year 1 - both great graphic novels and animated films that took the characters in gritty hard directions rather than sticking with formula but with a touch of dark humor which is the treatment Lobo needs. Rourke would be perfect in the lead role, hard as nails and bricks with a rough charisma and dry humor.

There's been talks of a Lobo film for years - I actually submitted a song for the sound track back in the 90's when the Lobo Comic was booming and they started talking major film - couldnt be made at that time - no major studio would take the risk of a comic book character that wasnt kid friendly - we had to wait for BLADE to do that (the film that saved Marvel from bankruptcy)

04-28-2013, 04:53 AM
Marvel Rules b/c this guy is the best.....Long Live GROO!


04-28-2013, 06:25 AM
Movie wise I'm sorry to say (because I love DC) Marvel is way ahead. All DC has are the Batman movies and a lackluster Green Lantern and Superman (Returns) movie. Marvel has hit with Avengers, Iron Man, Hulk, Amazing Spider-Man, Captain America and Thor. They've all been good. Green Lantern and Superman Returns..not so much.
DC needs to step it up.

The animated films that DC puts out are great though and way better then their Marvel counterpart's..

04-28-2013, 06:34 AM
Recently Marvel has been able to better adapt their properties, but the DC comics that have been adapted properly are awesome.

The Dark Knight Rises trumps them all. It is the best comic book movie ever made.

Marvel has some great romps - the first and second Spiderman movies, Ironman and The Avengers are all stellar. Marvel is also a victim of its own success though. For every great one they have there are two shitty ones - The X Men movies (not including X-Men First Class - loved it, despite a piss poor Xavier) Dare Devil, Electra, Wolverine, fantastic four, ghost rider, etc. they were just vomit inducing fare.

It seems DC just trips over their own feet in development. They lack a vision, a consistency in their universe that marvel has been able to achieve. Green Lantern being the most obvious. Poor script, poor acting, terribad effects etc. But when they get it right their movies are awesome - V for Vendetta, the aforementioned Dark Knight, and even the 1980 Superman II movie. Watchmen I loved, although I understand the criticism of the movie. I remember reading those books - just wow to see it on the screen.

Is there a "winner"? When done properly the only winner is us, the comic book geeks.

04-28-2013, 06:35 AM
The animated films that DC puts out are great though and way better then their Marvel counterpart's..

The Dark Knight films and Batman Year One and Under the Hood were really good. I want that translated to live action tho. I want a DC movie that hits with the same impact as the first Supermman movie. I guess the big question is: Can they do it? Not if Green Lantern is any indication.

And again Ms. Monroe, I say :Bowdown:

04-28-2013, 06:36 AM
The animated films that DC puts out are great though and way better then their Marvel counterpart's..

1000% agree

04-28-2013, 07:03 AM
1000% agree RE DC animated films better than marvel.

Exception would be

Thor & Loki - Blood Brothers

Freaking Awesome - like watching a Frank Frazetta painting come to life.

Thor & Loki: Blood Brothers Trailer - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjXO_rNblA4)

Quiet Reflections
04-28-2013, 08:03 AM
I think Marvel crushes DC for movies and Comics but that's not to say that DC doesn't have some great stuff.

04-28-2013, 09:29 AM
I think part of the reason for the big difference in success is that the character of the two universes seem quite different. IMHO the popular characters of the Marvel universe (the ones that are the subject of big movies) seem more human. So for movie producers they see potential for making an action flick with some bits of romance and comedy mixed in. That's stuff that most people enjoy and so big $$$$$ for everyone involved.

And for the popular characters from the DC universe they seem more epic. Their powers and abilities are so otherworldly it's like they could be gods. Except for the whole secret identity thing, this makes the DC heroes more difficult to to relate to while they are in costume. I always found the romantic parts of the Batman movies to be pretty awkward. So for DC movies the writers probably would find it more tricky to write those characters in to stories that would be the next summer blockbuster. I think it's unfortunate, I really liked the Watchmen and the Dark Knight.

04-28-2013, 09:32 AM
Marvel. Way ahead.

04-28-2013, 06:19 PM
For decades, literally, DC totally crushed Marvel on TV and in the movies, from the 40s Superman cartoons to 50s Superman to 60 Batman (camp but classic) to the first and second Superman movies to the first Batman movie. During this time and up to about 2000, all Marvel managed of quality was the Hulk TV show. Then things shifted, and with the exception of the Dark Knight trilogy (and V for Vendetta and Watchmen, which were quite outside the DC universe), Marvel has crushed DC.

The poor Marvel movies (Daredevil, FF 1/2, X-Men 2/3, Spider-Man 3, etc.), while inferior, were still superior to most DC fare, and the great Marvel flicks (Avengers, IM 1/2, Thor, etc.) have towered over DC (again, excepting the Dark Knight). Interesting shift.

DC, however, has fared better on TV, especially with Smallville and Arrow, as well as the animated shows.

lol....hey he was one of the founding member of the Avengers in the comics....so i think it may be good...toh not sure how they can pull it off....plus they need a way to introduce Janet Van Dyne ( Wasp ) too :)

Also I think from a cinematic viewpoint, Ant-Man would be brilliant to film; especially with the quality of CGI today, an insect-sized human interacting with armies of ants and with a (surely dazzlingly beautiful Janet van Dyne), I think this would have huge, if unexpected, potential.

So why not an Atom movie from DC? The Atom pre-dates Ant-Man, and goes sub-microscopic in size, so the potential would be awesome (but then again, the potential for Green Lantern was awesome, and fell way, way short).

Im so tired of the "Superman Origin" retreads - I have no idea why Hollywood cant get it through their head that there's a ton of other great storylines waiting to be made around Superman - Im dying for somebody to do a whole "Doomsday" Death of Superman trilogy of films but they wont do it because they are too chicken shit to kill off the man of steel even for a little while.

Marvel has done slightly better but if I never see another Spiderman origin film again as long as I live I wont have felt I missed anything. [\QUOTE]

Couldn't agree more. There is so much that could be done with Superman, some of which was touched on in Smallville (an uneven, but occasionally brilliant TV show which dragged on too long). Doomsday, Brainiac, Darkseid, the list goes on. Forget origins, Luthor, Lois/Clark relationship, and move on to new ground.

[QUOTE=TempestTS;1314990]I also like how Marvel has interwoven the current story arcs to create the Avengers and create the Marvel Universe where the characters actually exist in all the films and you never know when someone is going to pop up for a cameo - just like the comics. That never happens in the DC films - each one is a island and you have to forget that there might be other hero's, villains or even world events outside the scope of the film.

So it was in the Silver Age comics, excepting the occasional Flash/GL crossover or Brave and Bold team ups. Each character existed apart from all others. Hardly logical, but Marvel--to perhaps a lesser degree--also falls into this trap.

One thing I know

We need a LOBO film with Frank Miller (sin city) directing and Mikey Rourke needs the lead :)

Frag that! This would be incredible, and Rourke is the perfect actor to cast in the role.

04-28-2013, 07:10 PM
Couldn't agree more. There is so much that could be done with Superman, some of which was touched on in Smallville (an uneven, but occasionally brilliant TV show which dragged on too long). Doomsday, Brainiac, Darkseid, the list goes on. Forget origins, Luthor, Lois/Clark relationship, and move on to new ground.

You mentioned Darkseid... I think I just came....

04-28-2013, 07:33 PM
Once DC gets their act together and puts out a Justice League movie, I think they will be on par with Marvel... if it is done well, which means they will have to develop individual characters as Marvel has already done.

I just don't get why DC hasn't already rebooted Wonder Woman, MM, Green Arrow and some of the others in order to keep up. Seems like they're just handing Marvel the throne without even putting up a decent fight.

04-28-2013, 11:04 PM
I dont think dc should do a justice league movie, it will only be compared to the avengers. they should continue with their animated universe which is 8 kinds of awesome

04-29-2013, 12:29 AM
Once DC gets their act together and puts out a Justice League movie, I think they will be on par with Marvel... if it is done well, which means they will have to develop individual characters as Marvel has already done.

I just don't get why DC hasn't already rebooted Wonder Woman, MM, Green Arrow and some of the others in order to keep up. Seems like they're just handing Marvel the throne without even putting up a decent fight.

Well they have rebooted GA twice, on TV, with the current Ollie darker than ever, actually killing what, a couple dozen criminals already? He's much further into the dark side than even the Dark Knight at this point.

But you're right, WW languishes (for Hera knows what reason), Martian Manhunter was obliquely introduced on Smallville but barely qualifies, Flash has been hung out to dry since the early 90s TV show, GL was a bellyflop...the list goes on. So much material, so little fulfillment.

IF they can provide strong solo ventures for the big guns, then JLA would work. With Darkseid as the the prime enemy, the movie could stand up to Avengers (though the Avengers did have the benefit of Josh Whedon writing and directing). Remember, Avengers were originally Marvel's imitation of the JLA.

04-29-2013, 12:31 AM
You mentioned Darkseid... I think I just came....

Lobo and Darkseid, I see the shadows cast by your black light mind....

04-29-2013, 05:06 AM
I love Marvel but first bought Batman and DC comics as a kid because of the Batman TV show which I loved [and never thought it was camp. I saw it through a kid's eyes]

DC has made the greatest super hero movie all time and that's:

The Dark Knight Rises-this movie ranks up there with Citizen Kane, Gone With The Wind, The Wizard Of Oz, The Godfather. I remember Heath Ledger from that goofy Knight's Tale movie and really was totally blown away by his performance as the Joker

DC also made the second greatest movie:

Batman Returns with and unbelievable performance by Michelle Pfeiffer and Michael Keaton

While I think Tobey Maguire was mis-cast in Spider-Man, Sam Raimi did such a great job in the first 2 films you forgot about the mis-cast because his execution was so brilliant. Has there ever been a better J. Jonah Jameson than JK Simmons? No he is the greatest.

I really liked the Spider-Man reboot. Cast the right guy for Spidey.

I liked Iron Man 2 better than Iron Man 1. I thought the ending was bad in IR 1.

Green Lantern was also a pretty decent film but I did not like Thor. Thor had too much Asgard and not enough "fish out of water" on earth.

I have a fondness for the first Batman movie with Adam West.

The Avengers was a great roller coaster ride and Josh Whedon did not disappoint.

Big thumbs up for Captain America. So glad they kept it in the past then brought if forward just like the comic book did in the 60s.

A lot of people hated the Halle Barry in Catwoman but boy she sure looked good in that movie.

Big fan of the Wonder Woman TV show and loved it when Emily Deschanel dressed up as WW on Bones. Dead ringer for Lynda Carter. Pudgy [but cute] Debra Winger was also on the show.

04-29-2013, 05:08 AM
I love DC even though they kill my favorite characters.
Marvel has good stuff but I grew up on the super friends

04-29-2013, 05:48 AM
Remember, Avengers were originally Marvel's imitation of the JLA.

it was the Fantasic Four that marvel did to compete with the JLA

04-29-2013, 05:55 AM
Yup, Stan Lee was playing golf with Julius Schwartz and Julius mentioned that JLA was DC's best selling book at the time. Stan and Jack Kirby came up with the Fantastic Four as a result of that conversation.

04-29-2013, 06:19 AM
Marvel has some great romps - the first and second Spiderman movies, Ironman and The Avengers are all stellar. Marvel is also a victim of its own success though. For every great one they have there are two shitty ones - The X Men movies (not including X-Men First Class - loved it, despite a piss poor Xavier) Dare Devil, Electra, Wolverine, fantastic four, ghost rider, etc. they were just vomit inducing fare.

Just to be clear Marvel Studies does not have the rights to the crappy films you just mentioned.

X-men, Fantastic Four, Elektra and Daredevil are or were under FOX's Umbrella. (Daredevil was just recently reverted back to Marvel due to FOX not meeting the deadline to make another film)

Spider-man and Ghost Rider are both under Sony.

And quite Frankly FOX couldn't care less about those franchises...that is until they saw what Studio could do when the take characters seriously. Now they wanna hire Millar to play as Whedon and carry on about a X-men/Fantastic Four MCU. FOH!

For the record Marvel Studios is currently 6 for 6 with their films with Iron man 3 already making close to $200 Million overseas and hasn't even released here in the US yet.

In a perfect world Marvel would have all of their rights back and we'd see these franchises done right from the start.

04-29-2013, 05:33 PM
it was the Fantasic Four that marvel did to compete with the JLA

Yup, Stan Lee was playing golf with Julius Schwartz and Julius mentioned that JLA was DC's best selling book at the time. Stan and Jack Kirby came up with the Fantastic Four as a result of that conversation.

I didn't say the Avengers were created to compete with the JLA (though of course they were), I said that they were an imitation: the same formula redone with Marvel heroes in place of DC heroes. That Lee and Kirby came up with the FF because JLA was DCs best selling book at the time does not in any way mean that FF is an imitation of JLA. It isn't. FF was a wholly original concept, never before seen in comics. (True, the super family concept has precursors with both Superman/Supergirl and Captain Marvel/Marvel Boy/Marvel Girl, but the FF handled the concept in entirely novel ways, banding together a man, his best friend, his girlfriend, and her brother as a family of adventurers.)

JLA was a gathering of the most powerful and popular heroes of the DC world at the time, and this is what the Avengers imitated: for Superman, they had Thor. For Green Lantern, they had Iron Man. For Martian Manhunter (the original green hero, lol), they had the Hulk. For the Atom, they had Ant-Man. As a concept, the Avengers was derivative of the JLA, whereas the FF was a depature in comics.

For that matter, the JLA was derivative of the JSA from the 1940s.

04-29-2013, 06:13 PM
Marvel has the better films - though I liked the new darker batman ones. The only older batman film which I can watch is the one with J Nicholson. I think RD Jr makes the Iron Man character what it is. Avengers would have been a lot more boring without him.

Comic wise Marvel MAX is good. Most the traditional Marvel superheroes are one dimensional. I tend to stick to the Marvel MAX series... anything written by Garth Ennis like Punisher or Nick Fury. Shame the Punisher film was a let down.

DC has much better comics though - most in the Vertigo imprint. Again, personally I hate their 'superhero' comics. There are a few good batman runs (Year One, Return....). The best series haven't been made into films (Preacher, Y, Sandman, DMZ, Scalped, etc)

Other good comic book films I liked - Scott Pilgrim, Watchmen, V for Vendetta, Kick Ass (awesome film!, better comic), League of Extraordinary, Hellboy, Sin City (very true to the original). Everyone hates Tank Girl but I loved that when I was a kid.

04-29-2013, 06:19 PM
Eva, I get all those movies..looking foward to most of them..but..


A movie about Hank Pym? Seriously? I don't get it.

The only reason why I could see this is the introduction of himself as either Ant-man or Giant-man (or Goliath or Yellowjacket), the background betwen him and Janet (Wasp) and the fact he does create one of the Avenger biggest foes...Ultron.

04-29-2013, 06:32 PM
Hard talks about Thor 3, Avengers 3, Dr. Strange, Black Panther, Iron-Fist, Luke Cage, Deadpool, Hulk reboot (w/Rufallo), and continuing sequels. No...I doubt very much that Marvel's competition, DC, is going to make a dent.

Don't get me wrong, they can try...but it is going to be insanely hard. LMAO

This does make me nervous as the marvel Universe is huge, and that is one of the reasons for their downsizing back in the 90s. Too many characters, too many comics, and too many confusing points. The just need to make Iron Fist and Luke Cage into one movie. The Hulk sequel probably won't happen until after the Avengers 2. For the longest I thought the best person to play Doc Strange would have been Bruce Campbell...hell no worse than having Nick Cage (who got his last name from Luke Cage) playing Ghost Rider.

Wendy Summers
04-29-2013, 06:49 PM
The only reason why I could see this is the introduction of himself as either Ant-man or Giant-man (or Goliath or Yellowjacket), the background betwen him and Janet (Wasp) and the fact he does create one of the Avenger biggest foes...Ultron.

It isn't intended to be the Hank Pym version -- more based off Kirkman's Irredeemable Ant-Man (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ant-Man_(Eric_O'Grady))

04-29-2013, 08:16 PM
It isn't intended to be the Hank Pym version -- more based off Kirkman's Irredeemable Ant-Man (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ant-Man_(Eric_O'Grady))

Damn, gonna need to read more...<sigh> I used to know everything about the Marvel Universe...until I got lost with the whole Spider-man/Scarlett Spider storyline (again too many titles and too many storylines).

Wendy Summers
04-29-2013, 08:42 PM
Damn, gonna need to read more...<sigh> I used to know everything about the Marvel Universe...until I got lost with the whole Spider-man/Scarlett Spider storyline (again too many titles and too many storylines).

Here's one to shock you - Otto Octavius is now Spider-Man

04-29-2013, 08:47 PM
Here's one to shock you - Otto Octavius is now Spider-Man

The last comic I read with Doc Ock, he was close to dying..now he's Spidey? I have to get to the comic shop.

Wendy Summers
04-29-2013, 08:49 PM
The last comic I read with Doc Ock, he was close to dying..now he's Spidey? I have to get to the comic shop.

Yep - This plotline began in Amazing Spider-man 698-700 and then rolled into the current title, Superior Spider-man.

04-29-2013, 08:51 PM
First the new 52 (ugh) and now this. :banghead

04-29-2013, 10:01 PM
Here's one to shock you - Otto Octavius is now Spider-Man


uhm...uh...ok...I take it this is more than when Kraven became Spiderman for a bit then commits suicide? jeez...then I had seen Venom was attached to the guy who used to be the Scorpion, and then somehow it wound up on Flash Thompson...

Tiffany Anne
04-30-2013, 09:29 AM
And quite Frankly FOX couldn't care less about those franchises...

The success of the X-Men (the 7th is filming now) and FF films (regardless of fanboy whining) say different.

Millar's actual involvement is questionable.

04-30-2013, 07:08 PM
Just don't get your hopes up for Ironman 3, I saw it Sunday, has some funny bits, but overall not that good. They should have gone with Jon Favreau to direct, he did a much better job.

04-30-2013, 09:39 PM
Just don't get your hopes up for Ironman 3, I saw it Sunday, has some funny bits, but overall not that good. They should have gone with Jon Favreau to direct, he did a much better job.

they should have kept the original black guy. he was a good actor, the new one sucks...

05-01-2013, 03:07 AM
they should have kept the original black guy. he was a good actor, the new one sucks...
Sorry but Don Cheadle makes a much better Rhodey, his height not withstanding, than Terrence Howard. Both are great actors but Cheadle really has the demeanor of the Rhodey character down.
They have taken a few liberties with his history, as per usual, in that Rhodey was a Marine pilot, not a Air Force officer and he had already seperated from service before going to work for Stark as his private pilot. But of course we need to update things so our hero can remain current.

05-01-2013, 03:30 AM
What they should have done is cast Bruce Willis as Nick Fury. Unless they have made a deliberate decision to make the movies based on the Ultimate Universe, they should have gone with the classic Nick Fury. The Ultimate Universe Nick Fury character design was based on Samuel Jackson's appearance, not on his being cast as Fury.

05-01-2013, 07:48 PM
I'd watch the shit out of this movie.


05-01-2013, 07:53 PM
What they should have done is cast Bruce Willis as Nick Fury. Unless they have made a deliberate decision to make the movies based on the Ultimate Universe, they should have gone with the classic Nick Fury. The Ultimate Universe Nick Fury character design was based on Samuel Jackson's appearance, not on his being cast as Fury.

I think after David Hasselhoffs performance as Nick Fury he ruined it for any white guy to play Fury.

05-01-2013, 08:29 PM
I think after David Hasselhoffs performance as Nick Fury he ruined it for any white guy to play Fury.

That made me laugh so hard I snorted my drink out through my nose.

05-05-2013, 01:10 AM
I'm coming in a lil late ... but as the thread shows - Marvel kills it. Its funny how no one mentioned Blade as a comic movie that did well (or the Punisher which didn't do well but at least had the character down pretty well).

05-05-2013, 01:13 AM
I'm coming in a lil late ... but as the thread shows - Marvel kills it. Its funny how no one mentioned Blade as a comic movie that did well (or the Punisher which didn't do well but at least had the character down pretty well).

Love the Blade films...Snipes was hammy enough to be perfect for the role.

05-05-2013, 01:23 AM
Oh, and I generally prefer Marvel, but I liked Man Thing and Swamp Thing equally.(in the comics...not on screen)

05-05-2013, 02:28 AM
I'd watch the shit out of this movie.


lol yes! someone make this. take my money!

05-05-2013, 02:35 AM
I'd watch the shit out of this movie.


Love the Blade films...Snipes was hammy enough to be perfect for the role.

the first one was def one of the best marvel flicks ever.. the second one was great too.. the third was one of the worst superhero movies ive ever seen or can imagine even being made lol.

05-05-2013, 02:54 AM
.. the third was one of the worst superhero movies ive ever seen or can imagine even being made lol.

You might enjoy reading this then...it has Patton Oswalt's description about what it was like to make that movie...


05-05-2013, 03:06 AM
You might enjoy reading this then...it has Patton Oswalt's description about what it was like to make that movie...


wow. i did enjoy reading that! i forgot that he was in that movie. he hit the nail right on the head..

05-05-2013, 03:14 AM
You might enjoy reading this then...it has Patton Oswalt's description about what it was like to make that movie...


That's really interesting. Yep and that movie was so disappointing. When everyone complained about Xmen 3 i just kept thinking "well it's not that bad".

05-05-2013, 03:22 AM
lol yes! someone make this. take my money!

Glad you like it. One day I would like to filibuster but I think I would end up talking about TS porn the whole time!

05-05-2013, 06:04 AM
If we are talking about 'iconic' superheros (the one's most people readily identify with) then i'd have to say DC because of Superman & Batman.

Green Lantern has always been my favorite personally, so take that with all the bias it probably has.

In terms of $$ potential, its really a toss up. Disney has done some pretty good things with Marvel. I'm still waiting for a extremely good DC movie.