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04-22-2013, 11:57 PM
Seems to me that every time someone posts a thread extolling the beauty of a girl there are guys who have to piss on it with negative posts.

Seanchi puts up a thread with girls pics and bam, someone has to chime in and say some negative shit about how one of the girls looks.

Someone puts up a xyz is cute and bam someone has to put their negative 2 cents in saying that no she's not.

The girls sometimes come here and see that negative shit and then don't want to come back. Why? Because these nincompoops insist on putting their negative vibe out there and pissing on threads.

There are tens of thousands of members on this site but why is it that the same dudes keep up that trollish nonsense.

I have been fortunate to meet some of the girls in the industry in real life and when the subject of HA comes up its always the same thing....a few negative masturbators give the rest of us a bad name.

Before you hit that send key think that shit through. Why needlessly hurt someone for no reason.

04-23-2013, 12:08 AM
Nincompoops my mum used to say that :)
Look the WWW is a mirror of society ,warts n all. Idiots are necessary .so the rest of us know how perfect we are :dancing:

04-23-2013, 12:12 AM
Seems to me that every time someone posts a thread extolling the beauty of a girl there are guys who have to piss on it with negative posts.

Seanchi puts up a thread with girls pics and bam, someone has to chime in and say some negative shit about how one of the girls looks.

Someone puts up a xyz is cute and bam someone has to put their negative 2 cents in saying that no she's not.

The girls sometimes come here and see that negative shit and then don't want to come back. Why? Because these nincompoops insist on putting their negative vibe out there and pissing on threads.

There are tens of thousands of members on this site but why is it that the same dudes keep up that trollish nonsense.

I have been fortunate to meet some of the girls in the industry in real life and when the subject of HA comes up its always the same thing....a few negative masturbators give the rest of us a bad name.

Before you hit that send key think that shit through. Why needlessly hurt someone for no reason.

I wish I could give you 100 thumbs up for your post. I totally agree with you. I recently called someone out on that the other day on another thread. Mean people suck.

04-23-2013, 12:12 AM
Seems to me that every time someone posts a thread extolling the beauty of a girl there are guys who have to piss on it with negative posts.

Seanchi puts up a thread with girls pics and bam, someone has to chime in and say some negative shit about how one of the girls looks.

Someone puts up a xyz is cute and bam someone has to put their negative 2 cents in saying that no she's not.

The girls sometimes come here and see that negative shit and then don't want to come back. Why? Because these nincompoops insist on putting their negative vibe out there and pissing on threads.

There are tens of thousands of members on this site but why is it that the same dudes keep up that trollish nonsense.

I have been fortunate to meet some of the girls in the industry in real life and when the subject of HA comes up its always the same thing....a few negative masturbators give the rest of us a bad name.

Before you hit that send key think that shit through. Why needlessly hurt someone for no reason.

Well put sweetheart! :) If you are going to the Tranny Awards next Feb, I'd love to hug you and thank you personally! :) Much Luv XOXO

Willie Escalade
04-23-2013, 12:15 AM
Hence my signature.

04-23-2013, 12:48 AM
negative masturbators

I'm stealing that! :shrug

04-23-2013, 01:06 AM
Well put Ed. No point in spreading negativity.

04-23-2013, 10:58 AM
I agree wholeheartedly with Ed's sentiments here. Bad mouthing pics of the girls does no one any service. And it is a big disservice to the ladies themselves.

Interestingly I came across these remarks about HA on another forum (of which I' not a member)
They were posted in 2011.....
! "Sooo, recently 've been on the Hung Angels forum, and wow, I've never seen such a huge concentration of racists, homophobes, misogynists and transphobic hypocrites. Then there's the one's who are just mentally deranged.

I dunno if they actaully have any moderators on there, but it seems that anything goes, they just let the hatemongers run riot through all the threads.

Seeing all that disgusting rabble makes me appreciate all you lovely boys on here a whole lot more. "

2. "Yeah, I stumbled across that site a long time ago. I saw how horrible the community was and never went back. This place is FAR better."

3. "I belong over at Hung Angels. It's ok. I don't get into the conversations much because of the trolls and bashing. It's a shame that they left it go and people post anything they want with no consequences."

4. "I agree, I frequent that site. I don't let it bother me, because I don't really have to worry about all the homophobic, transphobic, selfphobic cowards. After all, unlike in real life, if I don't like what they're saying, I can just either ignore them completely or just go to another site."

5. "Dont even want to see that site...if you dont like shemales or ladyboys thats your choice...but dont hate !"

6. "Personally, I scan the site as quickly as possible for any new material which interests me and then get the hell out. Frankly, I don't care if someone is racist, misogynistic of transphobic - all of them are equally obnoxious, while most seem to be semi-literate. Most of the content I have read over there I would not bother with during daily life, therefore I am certainly not going to sit on it for hours in private.

There is heavy traffic over there - which just goes to illustrate how many loathsome people there are - but as long as they all stay together we know where to find them."

Two of our regular posters here Liberty harkness and Bella Belluci also posted there - defedning Hung Angels.

I think this site has improved a lot in recent months. There are fewer of the haters and trolls, but it is worth noting what a negative impression a stupid and thoughtless handful of posters here create in the wider community of girls and admirers.

04-23-2013, 12:26 PM
Two of our regular posters here Liberty harkness and Bella Belluci also posted there - defedning Hung Angels.

Wait. Over where?

I think this site has improved a lot in recent months. There are fewer of the haters and trolls, but it is worth noting what a negative impression a stupid and thoughtless handful of posters here create in the wider community of girls and admirers.

I'd have to agree with that. People aren't always going to get along, but things have been relatively tame around here lately IMO.


04-23-2013, 12:38 PM
Its Trans ladyboy forum

Your post from June 23 2011
"I'm sad to hear that you guys feel the way you do about HA. I spend most of my time there, mostly battling trolls and haters, but I find it amusing, and the senior most members do have a camaraderie with each other and with the members who actually contribute to the site. I understand that there isn't much moderation, and why that might be a problem for some people, but for a girl like me, the freedom of speech is all for the better. I'm a bit of a Libertarian and a Darwinist myself and I think HA helps provide our community with the benefits of open discussion of ideas and of the natural selection that takes place as a consequence."


and Liberty's the next day:"HA is great for one simple thing bsically well from my perspective and those like me .... promotion of our content/sites etc ... i get signups from my posts...

As to the posts well they are all just amusing there is nothing on HA that i deem as serious its just a bit of fun and games ,,, if people can get their head to think like that ...HA is an ok place .."

04-23-2013, 12:41 PM
We've tried to keep a tighter reign on things and I think there is far less abusive posts than there used to be (and more people have been kicked) but it's a fine line between allowing people to have their say and someone just being an asshole, so individuals are usually judged on their overall records here.

As far as name calling girls ... I've been saying this for years, well before we took over. If you've nothing positive to say, then move on. I think it's only fair game when a girl puts up her own thread and ASKS how do I look but even then, be constructive. I answer every single model application I get in personally and try to be constructive even though many of them live in daydream thinking they could be TS models, I at least try and give them a dose of reality and point them in another direction.

We will be keeping a closer eye on people who consistently attack girls on their looks.

Willie Escalade
04-23-2013, 02:19 PM
This is EXACTLY what this thread is about. :smh

04-23-2013, 02:26 PM
Report it when you see it, the mods will act:

http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/images/ca_serenity/statusicon/post_old.gif 2 Hours Ago SpoogeMonkey (http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/member.php?u=14917) This message has been deleted by Prospero (http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/member.php?u=9232). Reason: Totally abusive post

04-23-2013, 02:26 PM
The truth hurts.

04-23-2013, 02:41 PM
The truth hurts.

It's not the truth, it's an opinion - and if you've nothing better to say, then keep it to yourself.

04-23-2013, 02:50 PM
:iagree: :dancing: ....one thing I have been noticing..most of the rude, crude, and lude remarks are coming from quite a lot of the new joiners or very low post count....odd.

04-23-2013, 02:57 PM
:iagree: :dancing: ....one thing I have been noticing..most of the rude, crude, and lude remarks are coming from quite a lot of the new joiners or very low post count....odd.

As you've probably already guessed many of these are previously banned or slighted members sneaking back in - it doesn't take them long to give themselves away as the intelligence level is usually set low on them.

Also (conspiracy theorists!) I tend to see a number of people coming in every so often and taking issue with escorts, STD's and morals in different ways - I suspect these to be co-ordinated.

04-23-2013, 03:01 PM
hahaha well said hun ;)

04-23-2013, 03:07 PM
I was going to write something directed at people who throw negative shit but then I realized I'd be addressing people who have their own issues...

I've seen a couple of threads where younger girls have kind of thrown themselves out there...almost painful to watch.

Willie Escalade
04-23-2013, 03:08 PM
It's not the truth, it's an opinion - and if you've nothing better to say, then keep it to yourself.
I learned that the hard way. Hence staying out of other people's squabbles AND biting my tongue. :ignore:

04-23-2013, 03:14 PM
....one thing I have been noticing..most of the rude, crude, and lude remarks are coming from quite a lot of the new joiners or very low post count....odd.

Not me. I love conversing with hotties like you Eva and who am I to be harsh to someone who puts themselves out there for all to see?

04-23-2013, 03:18 PM
i said quite a alot...not ALL....i love conversing with with fans and other models and such...but when someone usually says something nasty, i always check the amount of posts, and they happen to be very low...its just a scientific observation that doesn't include everyone :)

04-23-2013, 03:21 PM
i said quite a alot...not ALL....i love conversing with with fans and other models and such...but when someone usually says something nasty, i always check the amount of posts, and they happen to be very low...its just a scientific observation that doesn't include everyone :)

I know, just a way for me to through a hottie comment your way is all :D.

04-23-2013, 03:28 PM
haha well play sir ;) thx

04-23-2013, 03:49 PM
This is a great thread. It's hard to balance the freedom of being able to speak one's mind against the douchebagness that stems from anonymity. The sad part is, it's really a shame that a few idiots can create such a widespread negative picture of this site. I'm a huge fan of free speech, but, whilst playing in this sandbox, I don't have a problem with banning first and asking questions later. Perhaps after a few deleted posts and a PM from the mods asking for an explanation, the haters will wake up.

Dino Velvet
04-23-2013, 05:55 PM
The intent of these fellas is not to give advice or constructive criticism but to berate and tear down. The most common offenders come across as a bunch of overly-persnickety divas some seeming insecure about their own masculinity.

04-23-2013, 06:09 PM
I agree with everyone above. But at least it has been getting better recently.

04-23-2013, 06:12 PM
In honesty, this board has more of family touch than any other board I have been on, and that is including one I used to use for work(for a professional board that place was like a troll lair). When a troll or hater comes around you folks do a great job taking care of the problem, and while there is in-fighting between people, you all come together to take care of the dumbass...and at times when you call the person out and it was a misunderstanding you give them a pretty good education of what this board is about.

And while I am happy posting stupid shit to be the joker you people have treated me pretty cool, and I am honored to be a member here. Well gotta go and pretend I am working...

04-23-2013, 06:39 PM
The first site I fell in love with was a site where hackers would post paysites with passwords and usernames, so I guess you could say it was a place where trolls competed with each other to gain cred, like potlach. The highpoint for me was a japanese site calld "Women getting out of Cars"...it was a site completely devoted to the well turned heel stepping on the curb, getting out of the car. Ecstacy.
I didn't post, I don't even think I knew how back then.

My most intoxicating experience was a site dedicated to the top internet teen model of all time, Sandra. The trolls there were actual pedophiles, and they got the boot real quick. I used to get banned every week, and I'd come back as a new identity until the moderators figured out it was me, then they'd ban me again. My thing was irritating the mods, to the joy of many of the members. It was a tad like here, you had only a dozen or so hard-core posters, and lots of lurkers. I would do photoshop pictures, and I was in love with an artist from the Netherlands, she was fantastic.

I don't get too upset by negative posts, as long as they're done well.

04-23-2013, 08:08 PM
There used to be fun sparing matches between posters that kept things interesting and lead to 100 page threads but for the most part those girls who participated in those threads are long gone, run off by the violent musings of keyboard warlords.

The guys who irritate me to no end are the nattering nabobs of negativity who have to offer their negative opinion on every babe they don't like. The guys who throw in the "eh...not my type" post as though the rest of us are sitting breathless by our screen waiting for Pootbutt McDumbass to weigh in as to his take on said girl.

Why read through an entire thread and then post about a girl who you aren't attracted to? Shit makes no sense to me.

04-23-2013, 08:29 PM
It really seems to be a recent phenomenon.usually it's the girls who say catty things to each other but now the guys are acting like bitches too.there are some girls i really don't find attractive but i think it's best for me to not say anything instead of criticizing someone on something they can't do much about.
contrary to what people think we models don't expect every man to be attracted to us (our egos aren't that big lol) but we do expect to be treated with respect while we put ourselves out there for y'all enjoyment.

04-23-2013, 09:08 PM
It really seems to be a recent phenomenon.usually it's the girls who say catty things to each other but now the guys are acting like bitches too.there are some girls i really don't find attractive but i think it's best for me to not say anything instead of criticizing someone on something they can't do much about.

No it's nothing new. It's always went on.

04-23-2013, 09:13 PM
Big reason I only really post my stuff in my own thread so I don't have hundred threads for guys to tell me I'm not their type. The guys I am there type know where to find me!!!!

And amber I think ur one of the hot girls here with a personality to match!!!!

04-23-2013, 09:25 PM
Big reason I only really post my stuff in my own thread so I don't have hundred threads for guys to tell me I'm not their type. The guys I am there type know where to find me!!!!

And amber I think ur one of the hot girls here with a personality to match!!!!

Thanks boo...you already know i think your the cats meow ;)

04-23-2013, 10:01 PM
I think some of the trolls are the people who have been around a long time with a high post count and say abusive stuff because they can get away with it.
I think most of the newer people who get mistaken as trolls are realists who are not yet caught up by the politics of the forum.
I think some of the girls who get praise get way too much of it and it makes them get huge egos when really they don't look as amazing as others are making out that they do. When someone comes along and bursts their bubble they can't take it.
Then along come the sympathisers who want to defend or gain favour.
Last of all you have the softies who believe nothing that might make someone feel bad should ever be said under any circumstance. Funny though, these are the same people who will gladly join the mob hurling abuse at someone else if their friends start getting the knives out.
Let's be honest, this whole place is really just a massive circle jerk off for the popular posters.
Because the rules are only enforced on the new guys. The known members are pretty much untouchable because they hold sway with those in power.

04-23-2013, 10:24 PM
I think some of the trolls are the people who have been around a long time with a high post count and say abusive stuff because they can get away with it.
I think most of the newer people who get mistaken as trolls are realists who are not yet caught up by the politics of the forum.
I think some of the girls who get praise get way too much of it and it makes them get huge egos when really they don't look as amazing as others are making out that they do. When someone comes along and bursts their bubble they can't take it.
Then along come the sympathisers who want to defend or gain favour.
Last of all you have the softies who believe nothing that might make someone feel bad should ever be said under any circumstance. Funny though, these are the same people who will gladly join the mob hurling abuse at someone else if their friends start getting the knives out.
Let's be honest, this whole place is really just a massive circle jerk off for the popular posters.
Because the rules are only enforced on the new guys. The known members are pretty much untouchable because they hold sway with those in power.

04-23-2013, 11:16 PM
Because the rules are only enforced on the new guys. The known members are pretty much untouchable because they hold sway with those in power.

Nice idea ... but wrong. I've kicked off people recently who've been around 5+ yrs for being abusive yet left people like this comedian above me, whom I've had heated disagreements with (and who holds no power over me).

Certainly if you've been on this forum longer you might be given the benefit of the doubt or a second change before getting a ban than someone who walks in and doesn't wipe their feet.

It's nice to see a conspiracy everywhere, it makes it feel like things aren't necessarily your fault when usually Occam's razor is more likely answer.

04-23-2013, 11:28 PM
It really seems to be a recent phenomenon.usually it's the girls who say catty things to each other but now the guys are acting like bitches too.there are some girls i really don't find attractive but i think it's best for me to not say anything instead of criticizing someone on something they can't do much about.
contrary to what people think we models don't expect every man to be attracted to us (our egos aren't that big lol) but we do expect to be treated with respect while we put ourselves out there for y'all enjoyment.
I think the level of assholeness has been fairly consistent since day 1.
it seems there are more because the site is so much bigger now with hundreds of daily eyeballs. we didn't have so many in the early days

04-23-2013, 11:28 PM
My most intoxicating experience was a site dedicated to the top internet teen model of all time, Sandra. The trolls there were actual pedophiles, and they got the boot real quick. I used to get banned every week, and I'd come back as a new identity until the moderators figured out it was me, then they'd ban me again. My thing was irritating the mods, to the joy of many of the members.

On this site I did some detective work and found out the owner's real name and address!!! Good times......

I have never had one problem with management here.

04-23-2013, 11:33 PM
I think some of the trolls are the people who have been around a long time with a high post count and say abusive stuff because they can get away with it.
I think most of the newer people who get mistaken as trolls are realists who are not yet caught up by the politics of the forum.
I think some of the girls who get praise get way too much of it and it makes them get huge egos when really they don't look as amazing as others are making out that they do. When someone comes along and bursts their bubble they can't take it.
Then along come the sympathisers who want to defend or gain favour.
Last of all you have the softies who believe nothing that might make someone feel bad should ever be said under any circumstance. Funny though, these are the same people who will gladly join the mob hurling abuse at someone else if their friends start getting the knives out.
Let's be honest, this whole place is really just a massive circle jerk off for the popular posters.
Because the rules are only enforced on the new guys. The known members are pretty much untouchable because they hold sway with those in power.

What arrant piffle. I'm one of the moderator here and post a lot but I do not and have never abused the girls (and the only guys who get any abuse from me are racists, bigots etc) and do not have any kind of cosy relationship with the owner. He has slapped me down (in my view unjustly...lol) a few times. We all get kicked in the balls on occasions. We live and learn. So you are really wrong about favourites.

04-23-2013, 11:40 PM
There are a lot of guys who have been banned here that while I disagreed with their posts I still enjoyed their being here. OMK and Daryl come to mind and they were here for years.

I have hung with a few of the people who have posted in this thread and it has always been a good time. Thank you to those individuals.

I cannot fathom that there would be some who would meet someone in real life and would blurt out "Your not all that" or "you're not my type" upon just meeting them.

If you would not do it in real life, why do it on here?

To Willie, Steven and Bella come to Chicago. To Michelle, great seeing you Saturday and I love your really wild vids.

And I will hang with Jericho, Prospero, Amber and especially Dino soon.

04-23-2013, 11:41 PM
i don't even post in threads of chicks i don't find attractive.

04-23-2013, 11:42 PM
Nice idea ... but wrong. I've kicked off people recently who've been around 5+ yrs for being abusive yet left people like this comedian above me, whom I've had heated disagreements with (and who holds no power over me).

Certainly if you've been on this forum longer you might be given the benefit of the doubt or a second change before getting a ban than someone who walks in and doesn't wipe their feet.

It's nice to see a conspiracy everywhere, it makes it feel like things aren't necessarily your fault when usually Occam's razor is more likely answer.
Seanchai..you've got a "small man's" complex bad dude. It's like you orgasm for wielding some sense of tranny forum power.
I've only expressed opinions. I've never ever been disrespectful or said derrogatory things to girls etc. That's not my personality. I've pointed out things I felt were double standards..and always articulated it respectfully. Just because you dont agree or because I'm not in your "in" crew doesn't give you the right to call me names. I'm a grown ass man. This thread was about negative post and dudes constantly degrading the girls. I do not fit in that category.
BTW..Freddy and Franklin have in the past responded and stated more "negative" oriented threads than anybody..yet you and the girls always respond to them making their threads long running.

04-23-2013, 11:46 PM
Seanchai..you've got a "small man's" complex bad dude. It's like you orgasm for wielding some sense of tranny forum power.
I've only expressed opinions. I've never ever been disrespectful or said derrogatory things to girls etc. That's not my personality. I've pointed out things I felt were double standards..and always articulated it respectfully. Just because you dont agree or because I'm not in your "in" crew doesn't give you the right to call me names. I'm a grown ass man. This thread was about negative post and dudes constantly degrading the girls. I do not fit in that category.
BTW..Freddy and Franklin have in the past responded and stated more "negative" oriented threads than anybody..yet you and the girls always respond to them making their threads long running.

IN the past i might have talked shit about a TS that I have met or what have you, but I'VE NEVER DIRECTED A THREAD TOWARDS ANY PARTICULAR TS especially on this forum IN A HATEFUL WAY!

I'm more mature than i was when if first joined this site.

Willie Escalade
04-23-2013, 11:54 PM
i don't even post in threads of chicks i don't find attractive.
Same here...

04-24-2013, 12:26 AM
IN the past i might have talked shit about a TS that I have met or what have you, but I'VE NEVER DIRECTED A THREAD TOWARDS ANY PARTICULAR TS especially on this forum IN A HATEFUL WAY!

I'm more mature than i was when if first joined this site.
True brother..wasnt throwing shade. Just making a point. You part of the fam here they love you..lol

04-24-2013, 12:35 AM
TBH..there's a lot of suckerism shit going on in here. Everybody doesn't live or care to live their whoremongering or chasing ways in a fishbowl. Some are a lot more smoother modest and/or low key than that. And the fact that people are putting out a list of name drops shows just how suckerish and small minded this shit is.

04-24-2013, 01:22 AM
I think some of the trolls are the people who have been around a long time with a high post count and say abusive stuff because they can get away with it.
I think most of the newer people who get mistaken as trolls are realists who are not yet caught up by the politics of the forum.
I think some of the girls who get praise get way too much of it and it makes them get huge egos when really they don't look as amazing as others are making out that they do. When someone comes along and bursts their bubble they can't take it.
Then along come the sympathisers who want to defend or gain favour.
Last of all you have the softies who believe nothing that might make someone feel bad should ever be said under any circumstance. Funny though, these are the same people who will gladly join the mob hurling abuse at someone else if their friends start getting the knives out.
Let's be honest, this whole place is really just a massive circle jerk off for the popular posters.
Because the rules are only enforced on the new guys. The known members are pretty much untouchable because they hold sway with those in power.

This one made me laugh. I think just about every sentence is incorrect or specious in it's logic. Anyway, hello new guy/girl. Hang around. Maybe you'll learn a thing or two about the forum after awhile. My advice, don't read too much into a recent join date as meaning it's a new guy/girl with the genius of communication as you describe above, because there's probably a decent chance it's an old troll joining under a new name.

04-24-2013, 01:22 AM
I think some of the trolls are the people who have been around a long time with a high post count and say abusive stuff because they can get away with it.
I think most of the newer people who get mistaken as trolls are realists who are not yet caught up by the politics of the forum.
I think some of the girls who get praise get way too much of it and it makes them get huge egos when really they don't look as amazing as others are making out that they do. When someone comes along and bursts their bubble they can't take it.
Then along come the sympathisers who want to defend or gain favour.
Last of all you have the softies who believe nothing that might make someone feel bad should ever be said under any circumstance. Funny though, these are the same people who will gladly join the mob hurling abuse at someone else if their friends start getting the knives out.
Let's be honest, this whole place is really just a massive circle jerk off for the popular posters.
Because the rules are only enforced on the new guys. The known members are pretty much untouchable because they hold sway with those in power.

one of the guys i was talking about...hey gurl lol

04-24-2013, 02:32 AM
Good post Ed. That's half the reason I post so little, because there's so many BS posts and nonsense not worth responding too. Plus half the threads at any given time are retreads of ones from years ago... "am I gay?" "Bottoms vs Tops" "Identify this girl" "I'm coming to Vegas, how is the Lounge?!?" over and over and over....

Willie Escalade
04-24-2013, 02:57 AM
Good post Ed. That's half the reason I post so little, because there's so many BS posts and nonsense not worth responding too. Plus half the threads at any given time are retreads of ones from years ago... "am I gay?" "Bottoms vs Tops" "Identify this girl" "I'm coming to Vegas, how is the Lounge?!?" over and over and over....
How IS the Lounge? I've never been there and I'll be in town in a few weeks...

04-24-2013, 03:06 AM
I cannot fathom that there would be some who would meet someone in real life and would blurt out "Your not all that" or "you're not my type" upon just meeting them.

If you would not do it in real life, why do it on here?


This x 100. Absolutely right Ed. The internet does weird things to people's thought processes. Unfortunately it can lead to upset, distress and worse.

Think before you send, people.

04-24-2013, 03:13 AM
:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:

04-24-2013, 06:04 AM

This x 100. Absolutely right Ed. The internet does weird things to people's thought processes. Unfortunately it can lead to upset, distress and worse.

Think before you send, people.

These are good reasons to not take things too seriously while on the internet as well.

04-24-2013, 10:49 AM
IN the past i might have talked shit about a TS that I have met or what have you, but I'VE NEVER DIRECTED A THREAD TOWARDS ANY PARTICULAR TS especially on this forum IN A HATEFUL WAY!

I'm more mature than i was when if first joined this site.

Actually you've done it on many occassions, I'm just not going to go and dig them out.

04-24-2013, 11:00 AM
Seanchai..you've got a "small man's" complex bad dude. It's like you orgasm for wielding some sense of tranny forum power.
I've only expressed opinions. I've never ever been disrespectful or said derrogatory things to girls etc. That's not my personality. I've pointed out things I felt were double standards..and always articulated it respectfully. Just because you dont agree or because I'm not in your "in" crew doesn't give you the right to call me names. I'm a grown ass man. This thread was about negative post and dudes constantly degrading the girls. I do not fit in that category.
BTW..Freddy and Franklin have in the past responded and stated more "negative" oriented threads than anybody..yet you and the girls always respond to them making their threads long running.

Hahahaha - "small man's complex" - that's probably the last thing I have on any level.
Why do you insist on multiple posts of stating "I'm a grown ass man"? Talk about "small man complex"? I don't have a "crew" by the way.

Anyway, the point is, in response to ShesGottheD (or whomever, who I still believe is a troll) we've had disagreements here (and you've been rude to a number of people) it's contextual and not about the models or attacking their on appearance, so his/her points (which you agreed with) are in the wrong.

04-24-2013, 02:37 PM
What arrant piffle. I'm one of the moderator here and post a lot but I do not and have never abused the girls (and the only guys who get any abuse from me are racists, bigots etc) and do not have any kind of cosy relationship with the owner. He has slapped me down (in my view unjustly...lol) a few times. We all get kicked in the balls on occasions. We live and learn. So you are really wrong about favourites.
I never said anything about you. I didn't even know you were a mod. If you feel like what I said means you then maybe you are one of these people I was talking about.

one of the guys i was talking about...hey gurl lol
You are definitely one of the people I was talking about.

ShesGottheD (or whomever, who I still believe is a troll) we've had disagreements here (and you've been rude to a number of people)
I have only ever defended myself. I don't post troll pictures or make parody topics like some others.
Being honest and being rude are not the same.
For example, if someone posts up a shoot and they haven't removed the hair from their balls how can they expect all the comments to be of praise and worship? And how can mods and owners stand and do nothing when the person with the hairy sack hurls a barrage of verbal diarrhoea at the person who pointed out that they are not all smooth (as most people would expect from a girl).
And if a girl is overweight how can she expect everyone to agree that she is perfection?
Its not that the person criticising has nothing good to say, its just that they want to help and/or are a little disgusted by what they see and how over the top the positive comments are on the pictures/person.
Sure the critic doesn't have to say anything but then the person receiving only positive comments becomes deluded.
Its all about perspective, and what people like is subjective. The person being criticised should be ladylike in how they deal with comments made towards them.
Have you guys ever seen shows like America's top model or X-Factor? Do you see the judges giving only postive feedback? No.
They are honest, even though its their own point of view and not everyone agrees with them.
The girls put themselves out there, so do some of the guys when they ask for advise on a situation or show off their cock or whatever. If you put yourself out there, you will be judged. People need to be able to deal with that.

04-24-2013, 02:40 PM
And if a girl is overweight how can she expect everyone to agree that she is perfection?
Its not that the person criticising has nothing good to say, its just that they want to help and/or are a little disgusted by what they see and how over the top the positive comments are on the pictures/person.
Sure the critic doesn't have to say anything but then the person receiving only positive comments becomes deluded.
Its all about perspective, and what people like is subjective. If you put yourself out there, you will be judged. People need to be able to deal with that.

Exactly, it's subjective so perfection to one, may not be to another.
This is a place for people to put themselves out there and they shouldn't need to be "judged" or have to "deal with" anything.

It's not open for debate.

04-24-2013, 03:25 PM
I think the level of assholeness has been fairly consistent since day 1.
it seems there are more because the site is so much bigger now with hundreds of daily eyeballs. we didn't have so many in the early days

more eyeballs but less posters?? Seems to be less posts now than say even a year ago let alone 2008/2009 etc.

04-24-2013, 03:36 PM
Judging by this thread. It seems like differences in opinion turn into conspiracies on the internet.

04-24-2013, 03:45 PM
Hahahaha - "small man's complex" - that's probably the last thing I have on any level.
Why do you insist on multiple posts of stating "I'm a grown ass man"? Talk about "small man complex"? I don't have a "crew" by the way.

Anyway, the point is, in response to ShesGottheD (or whomever, who I still believe is a troll) we've had disagreements here (and you've been rude to a number of people) it's contextual and not about the models or attacking their on appearance, so his/her points (which you agreed with) are in the wrong.
Ok..I get you. But my point is..You should be celebrating and embracing diversity and differences in opinion. (In my case)..Again..I've never attacked a girl or anyone. I've expressed an opinion based on something they may have posted..but never just stated negative things. I've said this before and I'll say it again. ONE of the great things about this forum is that it literally gives you a REAL sense of the mindset of some of the girls we might adore and fantasize about. The downside is...some..actually many of these girls have HORRENDOUS personalities. The Liberty's and the Wendy Summers, Joanna J and a few of the more seemingly balanced girls are few and far between.
It's almost a "catch 22". Do you just watch thier scenes and keep it to fantasy..or do you try to engage in meaningful everyday stuff that they post and put out on a daily basis. Usually (not all) the latter kills the fantasy

04-24-2013, 04:08 PM
I never said anything about you. I didn't even know you were a mod. If you feel like what I said means you then maybe you are one of these people I was talking about....

Nope i didn't take it to mean me particularly. But as one of the biggest posters here and a member for years your broad brush stroke attack could mean me and a few other stalwarts here. When i said arrant piffile I meant your claim that it is mostly the "old guard' who are insulting and that the site owners give them a pass to do it. Not true. There have been a few long term posters who get booted when they descend to insults on a regular basis. But the evidence very clearly shows that most of most aggressive insults come from newcomers. There are a huge numbers of newbies who arrive here and seem to find it their duty or whatever to start just being rude about the girls. Maybe you don't notice them because if they come on and their first posts are just outright insults the site owner usually bans them - or kicks them out. Quite rightly.

And when it comes to criticism... well if it's an escort and you are writing a review, then that is fine. If a girl comes on here and asks for an assessment of whether she ooks good or not - then it is okay to respond to that (though to tell her she looks like an ugly old crone or whatever is just unnecessarily hurtfrl) But when the girls take the trouble to post their pictures here for everyone else to enjoy - well that's a gift to us.They're not canvassing your judgement simply showing us some images.If the girls are not to your taste - and there are some regular posters here i don't find the least bit attractive - then look away - don't offer your judgement of their looks. if the guys here all posted pictures of themselves, I wonder how many of us would measure up. It is pretty simple.

04-24-2013, 04:12 PM
I never said anything about you. I didn't even know you were a mod. If you feel like what I said means you then maybe you are one of these people I was talking about.

You are definitely one of the people I was talking about.

I have only ever defended myself. I don't post troll pictures or make parody topics like some others.
Being honest and being rude are not the same.
For example, if someone posts up a shoot and they haven't removed the hair from their balls how can they expect all the comments to be of praise and worship? And how can mods and owners stand and do nothing when the person with the hairy sack hurls a barrage of verbal diarrhoea at the person who pointed out that they are not all smooth (as most people would expect from a girl).
And if a girl is overweight how can she expect everyone to agree that she is perfection?
Its not that the person criticising has nothing good to say, its just that they want to help and/or are a little disgusted by what they see and how over the top the positive comments are on the pictures/person.
Sure the critic doesn't have to say anything but then the person receiving only positive comments becomes deluded.
Its all about perspective, and what people like is subjective. The person being criticised should be ladylike in how they deal with comments made towards them.
Have you guys ever seen shows like America's top model or X-Factor? Do you see the judges giving only postive feedback? No.
They are honest, even though its their own point of view and not everyone agrees with them.
The girls put themselves out there, so do some of the guys when they ask for advise on a situation or show off their cock or whatever. If you put yourself out there, you will be judged. People need to be able to deal with that.

This is the type that gets turned down by a girl and all of a sudden she's all types of ugly and bitches lmao
And smooth all over like a girl should be? Guess you don't see much snatch :P

04-24-2013, 04:21 PM
This is the type that gets turned down by a girl and all of a sudden she's all types of ugly and bitches lmao
And smooth all over like a girl should be? Guess you don't see much snatch :P

Ouch! :ignore:

04-24-2013, 04:40 PM
Ouch! :ignore:

What lol.I'm just saying the majority of women don't have bald pussies

04-24-2013, 04:45 PM
I have three pussies and they are totally covered in fur.

04-24-2013, 04:46 PM
What lol.I'm just saying the majority of women don't have bald pussies

I read it as a dig at the poster, but I forgot that you're never ever snarky..... ;-);-);-)

04-24-2013, 04:48 PM
What lol.I'm just saying the majority of women don't have bald pussies

Not like one of these, then. :dancing:

04-24-2013, 04:52 PM
I read it as a dig at the poster, but I forgot that you're never ever snarky..... ;-);-);-)

It was both...one can talk sit and be right

04-24-2013, 04:55 PM
It was both...one can talk sit and be right

Did you miss the "h" in "shit" or are you showing us that you can multi-task? :dancing:

04-24-2013, 06:43 PM
Judging by this thread. It seems like differences in opinion turn into conspiracies on the internet.

or maybe...

Wendy Summers
04-24-2013, 09:32 PM
The downside is...some..actually many of these girls have HORRENDOUS personalities. The Liberty's and the Wendy Summers, Joanna J and a few of the more seemingly balanced girls are few and far between.

I proud to have a horrendous personality which is seemingly unbalanced. Please do not lump me in with the good people... k? Thx!

04-25-2013, 12:58 AM
The word thats been knocking around my head for a while is community.

For what its worth HA is a community with people who actually do give a shit about each other. Its not that large and the members actually do interact both IRL and online. Just because its not live does not mean its not real.

There is drama here but there is a sense of actually wanting to get along as well.

There are some communities that I belong to that try to focus on the better side of people and I prefer to go that route. The artistic, humanistic sides that help deal with the bullshit and nonsense that general society thrusts upon us.

Of the communities that I belong to I am pissed I will not be able to get to Burning Man nor Lakes of Fire this year as they sold out before I could get my ticket. I would love to see this community do something during the summer to hang out together. I enjoy seeing my friends at the AVN's and Awards show and it would be cool to do something else during the year.

To those who don't get it, oh well.

04-25-2013, 01:10 AM
I proud to have a horrendous personality which is seemingly unbalanced. Please do not lump me in with the good people... k? Thx!
Lol..Good?? Where'd the hell you get good from? I've never thought of you as being good. Naughty nerdy and quirky maybe..but not good!!

04-25-2013, 01:41 AM
The word thats been knocking around my head for a while is community.

For what its worth HA is a community with people who actually do give a shit about each other. Its not that large and the members actually do interact both IRL and online. Just because its not live does not mean its not real.

There is drama here but there is a sense of actually wanting to get along as well.

There are some communities that I belong to that try to focus on the better side of people and I prefer to go that route. The artistic, humanistic sides that help deal with the bullshit and nonsense that general society thrusts upon us.

Of the communities that I belong to I am pissed I will not be able to get to Burning Man nor Lakes of Fire this year as they sold out before I could get my ticket. I would love to see this community do something during the summer to hang out together. I enjoy seeing my friends at the AVN's and Awards show and it would be cool to do something else during the year.

To those who don't get it, oh well.

Come to the UK, Ed. There's more than a few here who would like to share a beer or six with you. :cheers::cheers::cheers:

04-25-2013, 01:42 AM
I proud to have a horrendous personality which is seemingly unbalanced. Please do not lump me in with the good people... k? Thx!

Methinks she doth protest too much. You're really just a Goody-Two-Dicks when it gets down to the nitty gritty, Ms Summers. :kiss:

04-25-2013, 01:44 AM
I never said anything about you. I didn't even know you were a mod. If you feel like what I said means you then maybe you are one of these people I was talking about.

You are definitely one of the people I was talking about.

I have only ever defended myself. I don't post troll pictures or make parody topics like some others.
Being honest and being rude are not the same.
For example, if someone posts up a shoot and they haven't removed the hair from their balls how can they expect all the comments to be of praise and worship? And how can mods and owners stand and do nothing when the person with the hairy sack hurls a barrage of verbal diarrhoea at the person who pointed out that they are not all smooth (as most people would expect from a girl).
And if a girl is overweight how can she expect everyone to agree that she is perfection?

I personally find meatier girls attractive and don't mind flossing when I'm going down. Hairy can be hot. Who nominated you as the last word on what's hot or not?

04-25-2013, 03:21 AM
Come to the UK, Ed. There's more than a few here who would like to share a beer or six with you. :cheers::cheers::cheers:

RL one day I am going to get back over and check out one of your sets. That would be outstanding.

04-25-2013, 03:45 AM
Think before you send, people.

Shit, if i did that I'd only have 3 posts! :hide-1:

04-25-2013, 06:28 AM
The world just loves to hate, unfortuately.

04-25-2013, 08:32 AM
if the guys here all posted pictures of themselves, I wonder how many of us would measure up. It is pretty simple.
They would probably shower us with compliments as we shower them. They will also start wondering what we'd look like if we transitioned like them, but they won't want us to of course.
I've seen it before. I get enough attention as it is on the tranny dating sites. I'd prefer people not give me the same attention here.

This is the type that gets turned down by a girl and all of a sudden she's all types of ugly and bitches lmao
And smooth all over like a girl should be? Guess you don't see much snatch :P
Genetic girls are all smooth in my part of the world. And if not I tell them I want it smooth or thats it. Tgirls, the real tgirls not the crossdressers are also smooth. If not I don't fuck them.
Yeah I've been turned down by alot of gg in the real world. I don't get nasty to the girl for letting me down, its her call. But I'm not the sort of person who is shy to approach a girl in the first place. I don't get a girls number everytime I ask or a dance at the club everytime I ask but I get more than alot of other guys who NEVER ask for whatever reasons lol. So I've seen a few snatches.

Who nominated you as the last word on what's hot or not?
I volunteered for the duty.

04-25-2013, 08:56 AM
hahaha this is quite entertaining as i sit at the computer in my new latex catsuit! ;) before i shoot some porns :)

04-25-2013, 03:47 PM
RL one day I am going to get back over and check out one of your sets. That would be outstanding.

You'd be more than welcome, Ed. But bring some prozac. My songs are as miserable as all get out.

I've just signed an incentive deal with the Dignitas clinic in Switzerland.....

04-26-2013, 01:43 AM
!. Would love to hear RobertLouis throw down on HA. Maybe with a sleazy porno vibe......

2. Not a fan of Gwyneth Paltrow, J-Lo, or Julia "pretty Woman" Roberts.

Color me NEGATIVE.

04-26-2013, 01:36 PM
This is a very insightful thread.